Thames sunset.jpg
This article focuses on information specific to United Kingdom. Please see our Climate action page for a topic overview.


Campaign against Climate Change, UK-based pressure group that aims to raise public awareness of anthropogenic climate change through mobilizing mass demonstrations. W

Divestment Campaign, Move Your Money

Fossil Free UK

Fossil Free campaign, People and Planet

Rising Tide UK is the United Kingdom part of the International Rising Tide Network, both of which were created in 2000 to carry out direct action against the root causes of climate change, and to work towards a fossil fuel free future. RTUK takes a no-compromise position and believes that only the complete dismantling of the fossil fuel industry and a shift to low consumption lifestyles will be sufficient to halt climate change. Rising Tide UK is formed of regional and local groups in the UK, and supports networks of similar groups around the country. Actions carried out by Rising Tide UK groups range from protests and street-theatre style events, to mass occupations of petrol stations, and blockades of key fossil fuel industrial sites. W

Time To Act


  • 2050 Calculator, user-friendly model that lets you create your own UK emissions reduction pathway, and see the impact using real UK data
  • A guidebook to low carbon neighbourhood planning, Author: Centre for Sustainable Energy My Community
  • Adapting to climate change, policy information from
  • Can you hear me? Citizens, Climate Change & Open Local Governmen, Involve, June 2014
  • Climate Just, information tool designed to help with the delivery of equitable responses to climate change at the local level.
  • Do Nation, pledge platform helping people take action on climate change
  • UK Carbon Reporting Framework, acts as a matchmaker between carbon reduction projects, such as community owned renewable energy installations or the energy efficient refurbishment of social housing and organisations wishing to support such projects in the UK
  • UK climate projections, information on how the UK’s climate is likely to change in the 21st century, as it responds to rising levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere


Map, Climate Just

For the love of, Paris climate talks, what's happening in the UK

Personal options

An unapologetically rough guide to your carbon footprint, 1010


Milne, S., “Consuming Carbon: RESOLVE Scenarios to 2030 for UK Household Consumption”, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK, ISBN 978-1-84469-023-7, November 2011. Resolve

Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research is an organisation based in the United Kingdom that brings together scientists, economists, engineers and social scientists to 'research, assess and communicate from a distinct trans-disciplinary perspective, the options to mitigate, and the necessities to adapt to current climate change and continuing global Warming, and to integrate these into the global, UK and local contexts of sustainable development'. W

UK Climate Impacts Programme, established in 1997 to help co-ordinate scientific research into the impacts of climate change, and to help organisations adapt to those unavoidable impacts

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Zero Carbon Britain


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Thames sunset.jpg

November 29, 2015 People’s Climate March, London
For the love of

July 11 Fossil Fuel Divestment: Building the Movement, London
Fossil Free

March 7 Time to Act on Climate Change march, London

March 2 - 8 Climate Week

Fietspad naar campus Diepenbeek.JPG

February 9 - 15 Go Green Week
National week of action on climate change in schools, colleges and universities.
People & Planet

News and comment


UK's carbon footprint rises 3%, Aug 2 [1]

Power to the people? Populism, polarisation and public engagement, Jul 28 [2]

UK poorly prepared for climate change impacts, government advisers warn, Jul 12 [3]

UK sets ambitious new 2030s carbon target, Jun 30 [4]

UK lacks policies to meet more than half its carbon emissions cuts – report, Jun 30 [5]

We must close the loopholes in Britain's carbon budget, Damien Morris, April 12 [6]

Analysis of official government energy use figures: The UK's emissions fell by 4.3% in 2015 after largest recorded annual drop in coal use, Feb 25 [7]

Independent review of Local Enterprise Partnership climate change good practice published, January 18 [8]

"It would help if LEPs as publically funded bodies would produce annual reviews or reports... These reports should include the progress the LEPs and partners are making on managing the business risks and opportunities of climate change."

Climate change action needs widespread democratic change, Andrea Westall, Strategy and Policy Consultant and Trustee of the Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development, January 8 [9]


This map shows how prepared for climate change 30 UK cities are, September 8 [10]

Large fall in UK emissions in 2014, official figures confirm, March 26 [11]

UK carbon dioxide emissions fell by 9.7% in 2014 year-on-year, according to official figures from the Department for Energy and Climate Change.
The carbon dioxide reduction is the largest on record for a growing UK economy. The 9.7% carbon reduction leaves UK emissions 29% below 1990 levels, at 422 million tonnes. Estimated 2014 UK greenhouse gas emissions of 520.5 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent would be 36% below 1990 levels.
The UK is aiming to halve its emissions by 2025 and cut them by 80% by 2050, both against 1990 levels. Today's figures suggest the UK has met an interim target to cut emissions in 2020 by at least 34%, six years early. Transport emissions increased a small amount in 2014, with a 1% increase on 2013.
UK energy demand keeps falling, down 10% between 1990 and 2014. UK energy demand peaked in around 2005 and has been falling ever since. A similar picture is being repeated across the EU, where energy use has fallen back to 1990 levels despite a 6% increase in population and a 45% expansion of economic output. Official figures published last week suggest UK emissions have fallen since 1990 even if you include emissions embedded in imported goods.


UK greenhouse gas emissions fall by 2%, March 27 [12]

News sources, creative commons

Carbon Brief

See also

Interwiki links

Wikipedia: Climate change in the United Kingdom (category)

External links

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