Place Royale et le Funiculaire (au fond), Québec, QC, Canada.jpg

Sustainability initiatives



Initiatives by topic


Naturewatch: A Canadian Phenology project

Climate action

Energy Action Coalition, coalition of 50 youth-led environmental and social justice groups coordinating on state, regional, and national levels in the United States and Canada. Wikipedia category: Climate change in Canada

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Canada People’s Climate Plan

Cycling activism

Canada Bikes, the national voice for commuter, touring and recreational cycling - Critical Mass bicycle rides in Canada

Environment quality

FixMyStreet Canada

Ethical consumerism

The Buy Nothing Day site through the Adbusters Media Foundation - Fairtrade settlements in Canada

Food activism

Face Your Farmer on pinterest - Open Food Network, Canada - Solar cooking resources in Canada - Wikipedia category: Food markets in Canada

Hunters' and Trappers' Committee in Aklavik, Northwest Territories

For thousands of years, Inuit communities in far northern Canada lived seminomadically, surviving off of whatever wild game they could hunt. But starting in the mid-20th century, climate change, colonialism, and economic changes had a devastating impact on people in places like Aklavik. Caribou herds shrank and migration patterns changed. The Inuit were forcibly resettled in prefabricated towns and their sled dogs culled by authorities. As demand for seal and fox furs fell and resettlement accelerated, hunters were forced into employment or into nine-to-five jobs, reducing both time and money for hunting.

With fewer hunters, food had to be flown in at exorbitant prices — as much as $38 for a bag of grapes that would cost only a few dollars in the south. As a result, the Aklavik Hunters' and Trappers' Committee and several other groups across the Arctic have established community fridges, where hunters or people who have been fishing drop off surplus meat. The hunters are reimbursed for certain fees and the food is distributed to people in need, following a centuries-old Inuit tradition of delivering one's surplus catch to the elderly and isolated. Canada's largest Inuit advocacy group, the Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, has launched a food security mapping project to track similar initiatives across the Arctic. [1] Aklavik Hunters and Trappers Committee – Community Harvesters,

Reduce, reuse, repair and recycle



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Canadian Cohousing Network - Canadian Senior Cohousing

Urban sustainability

8-80 Cities, Canadian based non-profit organization with an international outlook, promote walking and bicycling as activities and urban parks, trails and other public spaces as great places for ALL.

Depave Paradise

RAIN, urban stormwater program designed by Green Communities Canada to maximize community engagement and action.

News and comment


A Toolkit for Establishing a Great Lakes Commons, Sep 18 [2]

7 Inspiring Ways Canadians Are Sharing to Tackle Food Insecurity, Jun 28 [3]

This beer kills pipelines, Jun 7 [4]

Meet the First Nation Above the Arctic Circle That Just Went Solar, Mar 28 [5]

A How-To Manual For Growing A Community, Mar 20 [6]


Health Canada proposes ban on pesticide linked to bee deaths, Nov 24 [7]

Plastic microbeads will be banned in Canada, effective mid-2018, Nov 4 [8]

Canada's National Parks will be free to all visitors in 2017, January 11 [9]


Canada shocks COP21 with big new climate goal, December 7 [10]

The Leap Manifesto: A Call for Caring for the Earth and One Another, September 15 [11]


High-volume fracking to be banned in Nova Scotia, September 3 [12]

Canada should be doing more to fight income inequality, March 17 [13]



June 7 100in1day, transform your city (Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, Halifax)

May 26 Bike Day in Canada is about bringing together the public, cycling organizations and members of all three levels of government across Canada, to ride on the same day. The day is dedicated to highlighting the importance of cycling in Canada as a healthy, affordable and environmentally friendly form of physical activity, transportation and tourism. [14]



Apps for Climate Action Contest winners, September 16, 2010

Legal resources

Ecojustice Canada, Canadian non-profit environmental law organization that provides funding to lawyers to use litigation to defend and protect the environment. W


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Local communities in Canada community action

Interwiki links

Wikipedia: Canada, Environment of Canada, Poverty in Canada

Wikipedia categories: Environment of Canada, Environmental issues in Canada‎

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