Spain community resources
This article is an offshoot of Spain community action focusing on community resources and assets. Resources such as networks, events and community involvement (people and relationships) can be considered as primary resources. Also resources are the activism and physical assets (or what citizens value), such as green spaces, biodiversity, cycle lanes, etc, from the other Spain community pages.
Community energy[edit | edit source]
Som Energia, Catalunya renewable energy cooperative
Energías renovables: Existen numerosas subvenciones y ayudas para la instalación de tecnologías para energías renovables. Estas dependen del país y la región donde vivas. Puedes informarte en detalle usando webs especializadas en estos temas como Ayudas y Subvenciones & Soliclima o Subvenciones Energía
Port of Bilbao, Spain Wind Park
Wikipedia: El Hierro, Energy: According to the Ministry for Industry, Tourism and Commerce, El Hierro will become the first island in the world to be energy self-sufficient. This will be achieved through a €54 million project combining a greater than 11 megawatt wind farm and two hydroelectric projects. El Hierro is the smallest and farthest south and west of the Canary Islands (an Autonomous Community of Spain), in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Africa, with a population of 10,162 (2003).
Reduce, reuse, repair and recycle[edit | edit source]
Reciclaje: Tragamóvil tiene puntos de recogida de móviles por todo España. Visita su web para encontrar los puntos más cercanos a tu domicilio.
See also[edit | edit source]
- Topic overview: Community energy, Reduce, reuse, repair and recycle
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