Circa in Israel 2.JPG

Buy Nothing Day is an international day of protest against consumerism. In North America, the United Kingdom, Finland and Sweden, Buy Nothing Day is held the day after U.S. Thanksgiving, concurrent to Black Friday; elsewhere, it is held the following day, which is the last Saturday in November. Buy Nothing Day was founded in Vancouver by artist Ted Dave and subsequently promoted by Adbusters, based in Canada. Participation now includes more than 65 nations. W

When[edit | edit source]

Nov 24, 2023 (Fri)[1]

How to get involved[edit | edit source]

Activities W

Social media[edit | edit source]

##BuyNothingDay, ##BuyNothingXmas

Quotes[edit | edit source]

"Bake them a cake, write them a poem, give them a kiss, tell them a joke, but for god’s sake stop thrashing the planet to tell someone you care. All it shows is that you don’t." George Monbiot / Inspiring quotes UK#M

See also[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]


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Authors Phil Green
License CC-BY-SA-3.0
Language English (en)
Related 0 subpages, 3 pages link here
Impact 169 page views (more)
Created October 22, 2019 by Phil Green
Modified July 15, 2024 by Phil Green
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