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By Lonny Grafman
By Lonny Grafman
Catching rainwater around the world
Get a paperback from Amazon or free digitally at tocatchtherain.org
  • Oct 15 Urban sustainability news: It looks like the pandemic is helping us to move our business into the streets - and killing the urban car along the way [1]
  • Sep 30 Climate news: Has the world started to take climate change fight seriously? [2]
  • Sep 25 California news: Global warming driving California wildfire trends say scientists [3]
  • Sep 22 China news: Climate change: China aims for 'carbon neutrality by 2060' [4]
  • Sep 21 Climate news: World's richest 1% cause double CO2 emissions of poorest 50%, says Oxfam [5]

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The new and improved Marsh.

For our final project we rebuilt a greywater system at the CSA, Arcata Educational Farm. Greywater consists of all used water produced at a particular site, except for water coming from the toilet, which is known as blackwater. When building a greywater system you first separate the greywater from the blackwater and send the greywater through a separate treatment system. Ideally, after the greywater passes through the purification process it will then be able to be reused. Greywater systems are an appropriate use of technology for many reasons. Some of them being: they reduce the use of fresh water, there is less stress on existing more conventional septic tanks, it is a highly effective purification process, and there is less chemical and energy use required. In our case the majority of water used on the farm is to water vegetables, herbs, flowers and fruits, and the source of greywater comes from the outdoor kitchen, used by the farmers and volunteers to cook and wash vegetables or dishes.

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Albert Einstein
Out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.
— Albert Einstein
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