TAG Climate Protest Future.jpg
This article focuses on information specific to United States. Please see our Climate action page for a topic overview.

There is an international interest in issues surrounding changes in climate in the United States and that nation's relationship to general global warming due to the high level of American greenhouse gas emissions per capita. W


Campus Climate Challenge

Mothers Out Front


Citizens data initiative

Fossil Free Funds - NOAA Climate.gov


What’s in Obama’s Climate Plan? TckTckTck


The Solutions Project, an organization first conceived in 2011 by prominent figures in science, business and the entertainment media with the goal of utilizing the combined efforts of individuals in the fields of science, business and culture to accelerate the transition to 100 percent renewable energy use in the United States. Based on the results of academic research, the organization maintains that America is capable of meeting its entire energy needs through renewal energy sources, and that this goal can be achieved by the year 2050.

The organization has proposed what it calls the "50 States 50 Plans" initiative. These are plans developed for each of the 50 United States specifying the precise mix of renewable energy types that, given factors such as geography and climate, would allow that particular state to receive all of its energy from renewable sources by 2050. The organization claims that, beyond the issue of environmental sustainability, a number of significant benefits to society would come about if the initiative were adopted, including consumer energy cost savings, health cost savings and millions of long-term (40 years or more) jobs. W


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News and comment


Red state rural America is acting on climate change – without calling it climate change, Feb 22 [1]


There’s Now A Way To Find Out How Much Of Your Retirement Is Invested In Fossil Fuels, September 17 [2]

Most Republicans Say They Back Climate Action, Poll Finds, January 30 [3]


Youths sue U.S. government over climate inaction, May 5 [4]

Obama Turns to Web to Illustrate the Effects of a Changing Climate, March 19 [5]

Is Your State Prepared For The Health Impacts Of Climate Change? March 5 [6]

See also

Interwiki links

Wikipedia: Climate change in the United States (category)

External links

References Template:Attrib sca ref

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