This is meant to identify articles that have not been assigned to an area category. The larger goal is to identify new area categories by see what natural categories are present in our pages. A side benefit is that some of these pages may simply need categorization under an existing area, and we can use this to find and fix those pages.

Articles without areas?[edit source]

A thru E[edit source]

Alternatives to hydroelectric energy checked
Alternatives to hydroelectric energy (original) checked
Appropriate technology advocates checked People?
Appropriate technology car checked
Appropriate technology for people with disabilities checked. Merged with Mobility and Rehab category 05/24/08 Steve.mccrosky 14:19, 24 May 2008 (UTC)
BD recycled (grey) water (original) checked
Batteries PATB checked
Biobutanol checked
Biodiesel checked
Biogas and liquid biofuels (original) checked
Blogs checked
Book reviews checked
Canning and preserving checked
Clown Army checked
Community cereal bank (original) checked
Community participation in development checked
Compost toilets (original) checked
Cook stove checked
Desalination plants (original) checked
EWB NSW - Coming events checkedEvents?
El Jardin Magico de las ninas Lesson Plan: Introduction checkedLesson?
El Jardín Mágico de las Niñas checkedProgram? Project?
El Tambor checkedSong? Poem?
Electricity basics checked
Employment and volunteering in international development checked

F thru O[edit source]

Global Supplies checked
Gtest checked's Wiki Ideas checked
Human power checked
In-river flood management (original) checked
Incentives for sustainability checked
Irrigation methods (original) checked
Lesson Plan: Wednesday, June 21st checked
Lesson Plan Wednesday, June 7th checked
Lesson Plan for Wednesday, May 31 checked
Lesson plan, Monday June 5th checked
Linux checked
Livestock checked
Los Caracoles checked Spanish poem?
Main Page tests checked
Measures to stop global warming checked
Microhydro power (original) checked
More joy per person checked
Online courses and materials checked

P thru Q[edit source]

Pallet home checked
Papermaking checkedHow to? Materials? Manufacturing?
Parras Assignments checked Coordination? Lesson?
Parras Community Education checked
Parras Invitation checkedProgram? Coordination?
Parras Handbook checkedResource?
Parras GMO presentation notes checked Coordination?
Parras Passive Solar Design checked
Parras Recycling and Reuse checked
Parras Solar checked
Parras What to Pack checked Coordination?
Parras Wind Power checked
Pato, Pato, Ganso checkedGame? Culture?
Pinwheel lesson plan checked Lesson plan
Planting tables checked Resource
Policy checked Wiki test??
Portal:Topic checked Wiki test??
Portal:Topic/box-footer checked Wiki test??
Portal:Topic/box-header checked Wiki test??
Power and energy basics checked
Power and energy hall of shame checked
Practical Action/Pages to port checked Maintenance, User page, Org page
Practice Page checked Help? Delete? (never used)
Quake Safe checked

R thru Z[edit source]

Rainwater management (original) checked
Reducing runoff (original) checked
Sandbox checked wiki test
Sanitation:CulturalPreferences checked (could be renamed or moved to Culture)
Separating the people and the threat (original) checked
Solar thermal energy (original) checked
Subsidies and grants in international development checked (Topic question here)
Summer of AT in Mexico, 2006 checked Narrative?
The Mussel checked
Tin Bicycle - The Design Contest Motivation checked
Urban planning checked
Useful sites checkedResource
Vegie oil conversion checked could be a "how to"?
Washing and drying clothes checked
Water conservation checked principles?
Water conservation strategies (original) checked principles?
Water diversion (original) checked
Water quality checked
Web-based water information resources checked Resource
Welcome to Appropedia checked
WikiNode checked Resource
Wikipedia articles, categories and WikiProjects checked Resource
Windpumps (original) checked
Worksheet of Plant Parts checked not sure what this is!

Humboldt Gallery pages without areas[edit source]

Humboldt alternative transportation gallery Humboldt bicycle power gallery Humboldt composting gallery Humboldt composting toilets gallery Humboldt greywater gallery Humboldt living roof gallery Humboldt microhydro gallery Humboldt natural building gallery Humboldt organic gardening gallery Humboldt photovoltaic gallery Humboldt recycling gallery Humboldt solar cooking gallery Humboldt solar hot water gallery Humboldt wind energy gallery

Supply (resource) pages without areas[edit source]

Humboldt CA supplies Parras Adobe Parras Agriculture Parras Alternative Materials Parras Animals Parras Biblioteca Parras Bike Shop Parras Carpenterias Parras Computers Parras Earthen Construction Parras Electrical Stores Parras Fabric Stores Parras Farm Stores Parras Garden Store Parras Glass Shop Parras Hardware Stores Parras Junkyards Parras Machine Shop Parras Maps Parras Natural Foods Parras Papelerias Parras Straw Sources Parras Transportation Parras Water Parras Wood Shops

Redirects[edit source]

A:BOLD A:LANG A:M A:NPOV A:P A:PD A:PORT A:RS A:S A:TD A:TW A:VP A:W AT About Alternative building Appropriate Infrastructure Development Group AEF Greywater About appropedia Adobe Agriculture in Parras de la Fuente Mexico Appropedia maintenance Appropediatodo Appropriate:Sandbox Appropriate Technology Appropriate technology Argentina Photovoltaics Australia BE BOLD! Bike powered washing machine Biofuel Blog Books Building Car C:M CCAT CCAT's Living Roof CLTS Campus Center for Appropriate Technology Climate Climate change Cob Cob oven Cobb Community led total sanitation Cradle to cradle Culture Culture and development Curt CurtB Demotech Demotech, design for self-reliance Engineers Without Borders Engineers Without Borders (NSW) Engineers Without Borders NSW EWB EWB Australia EWB NSW EWB NSW - Appropriate Technology Day 2006 Electricity Events Ewb nsw Gender Gender and development Graywater Greywater Guatemala H:MC HSU Help Home biogas system Homemade Herbal Tinctures Homemade herbal tinctures Hotel Perote Solar Pool Heating System, Parras How-to How to How to make and use a sawdust toilet Howto Human-powered device Human-powered technology Human powered device Human powered devices Humboldt CA Supplies ICT IJSLE Improved stove demonstration in Sydney In-river flood management Information and communication technology Internet resources Irrigation methods Job Jobs Knots: Bowline Knots: Butterfly or harness loop Knots: Clove Hitch Knots: Double Fisherman's Knots: How to put a rope on your back Knots: Truckers Hitch Knotting Knots FIgure Eight Learning from Poverty List of Projects List of Topics List of topics Low cost computer Main Page Mexico Microcredit Microfinance Mosquito Mosquitoes Mosquitos Notepad Occidental Greywater Open source Organizations PDF POTAWOT Parras Parras 2006 Parras Solar Hot Water Parras summer program Pedal-powered washing machine Photovoltaics Port Portable Document Format Porting Porting content Porting helper Porting helpers Power and energy Promotion Public health Rainwater Rainwater management Recycle Recycled (grey) water Recycling Recycling agricultural wastes to produce hot water Reducing runoff Research Information Ltd Rope Pump Sanitation Scratchpad Separating the people and the threat Solar Solar cooker Solar hot water Subsidies Subsidy Sustainability Sustainable Energy book Temporary wikitests The Appropriate Infrastructure Development Group Tire Shingles Transport Transportation Transwiki Transwikiing Turkmenistan U:CW U:cw Vermicomposting Toilet Village pump Volunteering Water Water supply Web-based Water Information Resources Wikinode Work Worldchanging submissions Worm farming Zaragoza Zaragoza Solar Hot Water System, Parras

How tos[edit source]

3rd world arm lamp How-to Bathroom Toilet Unit Bench for sitting and working Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamps DemoSticks displays Demo Camp Units Donkey plough (original) Double digging Ersson vermicomposting toilet (original) Hand stitching Harvesting sheet metal Home biogas system (original) How to make and use a sawdust toilet (original) Kitchen Unit Moonbased homemade herbal tinctures Night Reader Pulley Rope pump Tips for internet conferencing Weld wood

Knots[edit source]

((subcategory of howto...what's up with that?) Bowline knot Butterfly aka harness loop knot Clove hitch knot Double fisherman's knot Figure eight knot Figure eight knot on a bight Rope pump knots Putting rope on your back Truckers hitch knot

Thesis[edit source]

Water management and culture in Indonesian cities

Projects[edit source]

AEF greywater Aleiha's parabolic solar cooker Appropriate technology hand wash station, Thailand Arcata marsh Argentina photovoltaic Backpack frame bike trailer Bathing water project, Madura, Indonesia, 2000 Biomass Gasification Bloomfield Cobb Bench Briceland PV CCAT's Vermicomposting Bin CCAT's living roof CCAT yurt rainwater catchment Chris's ENGR305 Solar Food Dehydrator Community-led total sanitation Composting greenhouse provides hot water (original) DIF Adobe Senior Center Ersson rainwater harvest and purification (original) Garden house cob oven Gasification Greywater Ecuador: La lagrima purificadora Hotel Perote Solar Pool Heating System HSU Bike powered washing machine Kiva’s straw bale greenhouse Linux at UTC Parras Occidental greywater Photovoltaic vaccine refrigeration Projects with Bart Recycling agricultural wastes to produce hot water (original) Recycling and dengue fever in Sukunan, Indonesia Solar Charged Lawnmower Sunny Brae Yurt Sunnybrae Greywater Pond Sustainably built cottage (original) Tire shingles UTC Solar Distiller Zaragoza Solar Hot Water System

Organizations[edit source]

AIDG Alliance for a New Humanity American Rivers Appropriate Technology (magazine) Architecture for Humanity Eco-solutions EngineerAid Engineers for a Sustainable World Foundation for Sustainable Development INFORM, Inc. International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering International Rivers Network Inveneo Kleiwerks Organizations list Potawot Practical Action Regenerative Design Sequatchie Valley Institute cobb houses Students for Community Food Sydney Development Circle

Coordinations[edit source]

Campus Sustainability Day Car-Free Day Improved cook stove demonstration in Sydney J Point Donations Low cost computer guide Sustainable Energy booklet

Comments[edit source]

Question[edit source]

Are these articles without areas? Sorry if I am jumping the gun, just many of these have an area like project or how to. Also wanted to let you know that I will be in transit for the next day or two... I may not get to the Areas dialog until Tuesday. Have a great holiday. --Lonny 19:42, 23 December 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Yep, you're jumping the gun :-) When I'm done, I hope this list will be a correct census of area population, not just articles without areas... I had to leave quickly and didn't leave a good comment.
By the way, I notice several subcategories that are kind of head scratchers. Articles under Knots are not assigned areas, but they area all how-tos. Similar with some Parras stuff being under program. But that's point of this exercise, to learn how things are bucketed and decide if we like it that way, how to articulate it, etc.
Have a great holiday! --CurtB 20:28, 23 December 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Curt's early take[edit source]

By my count, there are 92 uncategorized pages, plus three groups of pages worth considering. The three groups are: 1) 14 Humboldt gallery pages. Not sure precisely what their purpose is 2) 25 Supply and other local pages, like "Machine Shop", "Wood shop". These seem more like "resources" than "Materials" 3) 9 Knots pages, all of which could be categorized as "How to", but which are in category Knots, a subcategory of How to. Hmm. "Knots" seems more of a "topic", perhaps subcategory of "Tool"?

The 92 other articles could largely fall under a few more areas.

  1. Concept(s)
    • This seems like the main "meat" of Appropedia outside of How-to and Project.
  2. Resource(s)
    • We currently have "User resources" as a Fundamental category. Perhaps it should be an Area category instead, and since there are several that are more for groups or organizations or villages, I would now advocate the area category "Resources" instead of "User resources". I feel (as suggested above) that local supplies and services are a better fit under this category than under "Materials", but since the Area categories and the Topic categories are orthogonal, some Materials supplies could be categorized both ways. Available services would simply fall under "Resource", perhaps "Resources/Local services".
  3. Lessons and Plans (or Curriculum)
    • Many articles seem to fit into this bucket. I'm not too fussy what the label is.
  4. Priciple(s) or Approach(es)
    • Many articles are more about something that is almost policy or philosophy than any technology. They could certainly fall under concept, but I would at least like to consider this separate categorization. For example: Water conservation, alternatives to hydro power, incentives for sustainability,

We could also create an "Appropedia test" or "Appropedia trial" category to mark experimental pages (the Portal pages, among others).

And there are also several articles that don't really need categorization, especially in a user's own space.

We could also revisit creation of a policy about what pages might not fit Appropedia. The poems in spanish are quaint, but I don't get the fit ?? At least for such content there should be a policy for proposing deletion. In the absence of process, good stuff may get deleted, while occasional useless pages may linger over long.

Yet another thought: I've found several articles that were categorized under the wrong form (plural, when we're using singular). The plural category exists as a redirect, which can fool editors into thinking they've got the right form, when in fact it's a deadend category. I suggest that it be a policy that we never use a category page as a redirect. Introducing that policy will require some legwork, but not too much. Redirects from non-category namespace to categories doesn't have the issues, and so it's fine. Alternatively, we need to create some recurring action item to look at all redirects that are categories, and check those to be sure they are empty. That seems like more work than necessary, but perhaps the need for the category redirects is stronger than I realize. --CurtB 21:06, 24 December 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

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