CASwiki news articles have a focus on news of community action for sustainability. This article is an offshoot from Commons and is for news and comment in that global or international context. Image: Carrots and other vegetables for sale at Ballard Sunday Farmers' Market, Ballard Avenue (historic district), Ballard, Seattle, Washington. July 2007. Attribution: Joe Mabel
  • News What might a parallel polis feel like? David Bollier’s idea of a “commonsverse” - a world in which commons are viable & valued - could tell us, Daily Alternative (May 24, 2024)
  • News The powerful municipalism operating in Naples and Barcelona has concrete lessons for community power in the UK, Daily Alternative (Mar 19, 2024)

2023[edit | edit source]

  • News Billions have been raised to restore forests, with little success. Here’s the missing ingredient, (Dec 07, 2023)

2021[edit | edit source]

  • Many things can be a commons - even an ageing commercial oldies radio station. How Radio Kingston (covering NY and the Hudson Valley) became its community's mirror, Jun 18, 2021...[1]

2020[edit | edit source]

They stopped a toxic relief road. So why not use that energy to establish a forest commons? An empowering tale from North Yorkshire, Jul 29[2]

Allotments - Sheffield.jpg

Universal Basic Everything by @TessyBritton, May 30[3]

From TINA (there is no alternative) to TAPAS (there are plenty of alternatives!). Commons, and commoning, just keeps on bubbling up, May 27[4]

Coronavirus is compelling the rise of the "emergency" or "urgency" commons—free, vital and fun stuff, provided cosmo-locally, Mar 17[5] ...Corona Solidarity Initiatives[6]

Wikipedia Is the Last Best Place on the Internet, Richard Cooke, Feb 17[7]

Returning Land Back to the Commons, Feb 10[8]

Launching the Civic Capital Movement by Dark Matter Labs, Jan 21[9]

2019[edit | edit source]

Plunder of the commons: compensate the commoners! Sep 13[10]

Building a fair art market in a sharing economy, Apr 29[11]

2018[edit | edit source]

Siena z01.JPG

What Italian cities can teach us about how to establish urban commons - and their value, Nov 19[12]

Shared Spaces: New Paper on Urban Commons, Nov 16[13]

Strengthening and protecting what matters most by @CassieRobinson, Nov 2[14]

Creating the everyday commons: The need to consider space in sharing initiatives, Nov 1[15]

City of Barcelona Kicks Out Microsoft in Favor of Linux and Open Source, Jan 12[16]

See also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

FA info icon.svg Angle down icon.svg Page data
Keywords caswiki topic news, commons
License CC-BY-SA-4.0
Language English (en)
Related 2 subpages, 6 pages link here
Impact 81 page views (more)
Created January 7, 2021 by Phil Green
Modified March 28, 2024 by Phil Green
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