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* oct 31 namii
* Dec Ellen STTR
* Dec. 10, 9-11 am peace corp PV lecture
* Dec. 10, 9-11 am peace corp PV lecture
* research in engineering ed.
* research in engineering ed.
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'''To do'''
'''To do'''
* Calgary - W
* Calgary - W
* pv annuity - w
* trigger Queens PV -w
* trigger Queens PV -w
* thermal energy -w
* thermal energy -w
* albedo xu/liqiang -w
* albedo xu/liqiang -w
* glasses - w
* glasses - w
* fair trade filament - w
* PLA off gassing?
* Tyler Outdoor MTU - paddle printing+
* Tyler Outdoor MTU - paddle printing+

Revision as of 00:56, 5 December 2013

  • Please complete the task and either 1) hyperlink to the page in our Appropedia space or 2) email Dr. Pearce and cross off the result
  • Update task list every Wednesday by midnight.


  • project writing


  • syringe pump control -- Emily to document
    • linear actuator stage w/game control - microscope -Science
  • GNUPlot method: MOST
  • earth protection link
  • Document the new design of the recyclebot and its operation-- main page Recyclebot - new designs here Recyclebot_v3.0, put images, detailed instructions for build and operate.
  • Background research on PETE -- its melting point is a lot hotter than what we have worked with - will be a challenge
  • custom reprap with high T extruder
  • print awesome parts
  • print mech tests components
  • PLA fractions experiment
  • print weak elec. material
  • large bot build/bed level/automate
  • resurrect trinity



  • XRD rocking curve protocol
  • build BOM for stage with $
  • build stage and tripod
  • Nature pick 3x -- as a OS 3-D scientific platform: shaker, orbital shaker, mini shake table, particle size sorter, chem reactions, auto pippetter
  • finish MOST delta
  • email brennan - if not Bas for tensile

* new glass etch - print Dr. Frost - verify - make sure it works on our own for PLA on normal glass

- The best recipe we have is:
- 1. clean slide with ethanol (200 proof is what we used)
- 2. soak in neat  [3-92-aminoethylamino)propyl]trimethoxysilane for 15 min.
- 3. rinse with toluene
- 4. let dry under ambient conditions over night



  • start background on Automated microscope stage literature review - fill in spec sheet comparison chart with costs and do a lit. search on the instrumentation -- look for things like applications, etc.
  • Create Spec sheet for the line of MOST OS automated microscope stage
  • meet with Dr. Heiden's group, C404 noon


  • Build the commercial recyclebot and test with packet of pellets -write a short protocol on how to use it with links to its website -- example: [1]
  • Then test 100% PLA from the open bag
  • Look up properties of the PLA for all bags and post here with references PLA for 3-D printing:MOST
  • Mass a collection of 10 mech test strips let me know the value
  • Make 10 samples of filament of ~0.5kg each from 1 to 100% c-PLA
  • Learn 3D printing from Ben
  • Make 10 samples for each filament fraction mech test strips
  • Learn mech testing from Bas
  • Pull the 100 samples
  • Make one pretty graph - submit for prize


Fast little stuff

  • after getting Ti from Pat lay Ti metal by hand during a silicone print
  • talk to silabond see if they have anything useful

MAIN RepRap paper topic target

  • help Chenlong get stage printer going - for platform --then start clicking off sub projects with the stage

  • MOST 3D platform - write up BOM, instructions
    • low cost metal printing-2 papers - rapid prototyping (democratization of 3d metal) and the reprap journal (how to copied from appropedia - non wood bot)
    • All materials printer - 3 part turret PLOS One

    • Methods paper on evaluating 3D printer materials - Nature/ Nature Materials
    • antigravity printing - space fabrication - top space journal?
    • zero waste laser/LED curing - Journal of cleaner production - can also take LCA route with David S.
    • surface finish printing - need killer app for this - then target the app
    • orthotics - with scanner - medical journal w. Mark
    • Nature -- as a OS 3-D scientific platform: shaker, orbital shaker, mini shake table, particle size sorter, chem reactions, auto pippetter
    • Effect of environment on print quality with exotic media
    • Silabond experiments
  • linear actuator stage w/game control - microscope -Science
  • Printing for Paul
    • methods paper on distributed casting - RepRap Journal
    • metal printer/ metal parts for it and Ga printing [2] or this [3]
  • inkject conductivity --Sci/Nature
  • pushme pullyou servo
  • glass fiber, sugar
  • WQI
  • work with portage
  • metal welder printer
  • possible PV characterization with Barbara



  • T up every experimental apparatus and write protocol for experiments when Ankit is done with simulations
    • Finish silver dep tests/protocol
    • start ITO tests/protocol
    • start litho tests/protocol
    • fix FIB protocol
  • Do it.
  • 10/14 snow study kickoff - document the setup, controls, data collection, etc.


  • model eye glasses
  1. syringe stay+custom
  2. tube+ pump+ custom
  3. syringe clip/remove+custom
    • script customization

  • Labjack 2 -- determine looseness problem
    • Pat size
  • finish filter changer case
  • nip/pin flip stage
  • solar cell probe


  • forestry data logger
  • Forest service PV system design-- appropedia summary page so others can copy - BOM, wiring, how to access data etc.


Dr. Pearce

(W= waiting on reply) (add to bottom of list before waiting/triggers)

Meeting times Thurs

  • 9 - Ben
  • 10 - Chenlong
  • 11
  • 12 - Bas/Emily
  • 1 - Jephias
  • 2 - Joseph



To do

Pending Projects

open design

spectral pv

Open source hardware projects

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