Keep updated with, and share the latest news from, about and of interest to community agency networks (CANs) and community groups with a focus or interest in networks and networking.
- It’s not vehemence towards a system, but a sense that a better system is possible, that makes it shift (says Charlie Leadbeater), Daily Alternative (May 22, 2024)
- Launch of a new political project from the Alternative Global— SPRING, Alternative Editorial (Mar 01, 2024)
- How do you make a global citizens movement? Like bees to flowers, connect across profoundly different realities, says Jose Ramos, Daily Alternative (Feb 11, 2024)
2023[edit | edit source]
- If you want to transform a situation, note how ideas are diffused, how you overcome resistance and how networks work, The Daily Alternative (Nov 30, 2023)
- ‘We needed to get off the grid’: New Orleans’ community-driven response to blackouts, (Nov 16, 2023)
- This Global Tapestry Of Alternatives is building across all continents, a step-by-step “network of networks”, The Daily Alternative (Jul 14, 2023)
- Here Comes Everyone: XR's strategy for 2023-24 aims sees strengthening communities as the path to effective climate protest, The Daily Alternative (Jun 04, 2023)
2022[edit | edit source]
- Competing Long Term Strategies, Alternative Editorial (Jun 26, 2022)
- Social media can support environmental movements – but not in the way you might think, The Conversation (Mar 08, 2022)
- Settling on Planet A, Alternative Editorial (Mar 06, 2022)
2021[edit | edit source]
Making the case for global eco-villages at COP26, Nov 2[1]
- Eco-community in Vietnam Building the New Normal!, (Aug 11, 2021)
5 provocations from the What Next? Summit to help guide future practice in community led action: The What Next? Summit – Call to Action, Jun 7[2]
Our focus over the next 12 months, Apr 30[3]
We’re delighted to discover Cape Town’s CANs movement - “community action networks” that have been keeping a city together, under Covid, Feb 19[4]
It takes a village: An alternative social media platform seeks to end the epidemic of loneliness and isolation, Jan 28[5]
2020[edit | edit source]
- Ecovillages as Hubs for Social and Ecological Regeneration, Ecosystem Restoration Camps (Jul 29, 2020)
Coronavirus is compelling the rise of the "emergency" or "urgency" commons—free, vital and fun stuff, provided cosmo-locally[6] Mar 17 / Category:Corona Solidarity Initiatives
Citizens are acting to make networks of all kinds - humans plus tech - in response to the Coronavirus. Here's a few[7] Mar 14 / Coronavirus Tech Handbook
See also[edit | edit source]