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3D Printed Adult Male Humeral Bone Models

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These 3D printed bone models feature a semi-engraved model number, gender symbol, and two drilling direction arrows on the base of each model to assist with model identification and proper orientation of the simulator.

Caption underneath

These 3D printed models accurately simulate bone length and diameter, external contour and cross-sectional shape, bicortical anatomy, cortical hardness, cancellous bone porosity, and microstructure, and far cortex thickness for adult males at right humeral shaft fracture pin drilling sites for modular external fixation.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14] Each model has a vise attachment to allow the user to secure the model inside a standard vise clamp to maximize safety during simulation training. When a model is placed inside a standard vise clamp, the bone model will be properly positioned to simulate a patient in the supine position. These open-source, locally reproducible, and high fidelity 3D printed bone models teach essential irrigation and debridement, powered and manual drilling, and modular external fixation skills that are transferable to the performance of other limb-saving and life-saving surgeries that require hardware stabilization and fixation.[15]

Find Local 3D Print On Demand Services[edit | edit source]

On-site access to a 3D printer is not required to reproduce these bone models. The open-source 3D files can be downloaded by any 3D printing organization anywhere.

Please click here to find and contact 3D print on demand services in your region.

3D Printing Software, Hardware, and Filament Specifications[edit | edit source]

All 6 requirements below must be met in order to 3D print bone models for orthopedic surgical simulation training.

  1. Slicing Program: Ultimaker Cura or Cura Lulzbot Edition only
  2. 3D Printer Type: Fused Filament Fabrication
  3. Nozzle Size: 0.4 mm
  4. Minimum Build Volume Z Height: 150 mm
  5. Print Speed on 3D Printer Control Screen: 100% or less
  6. Filament: Unexpired White PLA just fresh out of the sealed packaging

Ultimaker Cura, the world’s most popular 3D printing software with millions of users, already has profiles for many commercially available 3D printers, allows you to create a custom profile for other 3D printers, and is open-source and free to download.[16]

We have identified suitable white PLA filament brands for our open-source, high fidelity bone simulators which include but are not limited to:

  1. Filaments.ca Standard Milk White PLA 1.75 mm or Bone White PLA 1.75 mm Filament (Shore Hardness 84D) which can be shipped to any country;
  2. Filaments.ca 2.85 mm PLA Filament (requires minimum order of 48 spools) (Shore Hardness 84D) which can be shipped to any country;
  3. Prusament PLA 1.75 mm Filament (Shore Hardness 81D) which is available in 167 countries and territories;
  4. Ultimaker PLA 2.85 mm Filament (Shore Hardness 84D) which is available in at least 114 countries and territories through Ultimaker re-sellers (including all 69 countries in the Sub-Saharan, Middle East and North African regions through AIGE Limited); or
  5. Matterhackers PRO Series PLA 1.75 mm and 2.85 mm Filament (Shore Hardness 80D-88D) which is available in North America.

Any white PLA filament brand with a Technical Datasheet with Shore Hardness D values between 79D-93D is suitable for 3D printing the bone models for orthopedic surgical simulation training.

Download Ready-To-Print GCODE Files[edit | edit source]

If you have a Creality Ender 3 3D printer, please download the ready-to-print g-code files below.

Creality Ender 3 3D Printer[edit | edit source]

Adult Male Humeral Bone Model GCODE Files for Creality Ender 3 3D Printer
Model # Print Time White PLA Filament Weight Download G-CODE File Revision Date
1 17 hours, 26 minutes 150 grams Click here to download g-code or right-click this link and select "Save link as:" File name: Model 1 - Male - Creality Ender 3 - 18-Oct-2022 version and Save as type: .GCODE File October 18, 2022
2 16 hours, 56 minutes 144 grams Click here to download g-code or right-click this link and select "Save link as:" File name: Model 2 - Male - Creality Ender 3 - 18-Oct-2022 version and Save as type: .GCODE File October 18, 2022

You cannot print .GCODE files that are not prepared for your 3D printer.

Download 3D Model STL Files For Slicing[edit | edit source]

Download the two 3D files (.STL) in the table below to input the required print settings to create the print files (.GCODE) for other 3D printers.

Adult Male Humeral Bone Model 3D Files
Model # Download STL File Revision Date
1 Click on this link and click on "Model_1_-_Male_-18-Oct-2022_version.stl" to download the file. October 18, 2022
2 Click on this link and click on "Model_2_-_Male_-18-Oct-2022_version.STL" to download the file. October 18, 2022

Input Required Print Settings[edit | edit source]

Please pay attention to and input all the required settings below to ensure the bone models are printed properly and display the required visual, tactile, and acoustic fidelity for orthopedic surgical simulation training.

  1. Slicing Program: only use Ultimaker Cura or Cura Lulzbot Edition
  2. Filament Material: PLA at all original default settings (click here for image)
  3. Support: None (click here for image)
  4. Layer Height: 0.3 mm or less (click here for image)
  5. Wall Thickness: 5.5 mm (this changes the wall line count)
  6. Top Layers: 0 (click here for image)
  7. Bottom Layers: default value (not 0) (click here for image)
  8. Infill Density: 15% (click here for image)
  9. Infill Pattern: Tri-Hexagon (click here for image)
  10. Top/Bottom Speed: 15.0 mm/s (click here for image)
  11. Build Plate Adhesion Type: No Raft (click here for image)
  12. Print Speed on 3D Printer Control Screen: 100% or less (click here for image)

If you are not familiar with using Ultimaker Cura or Cura Lulzbot Edition slicing programs, please click here to follow step-by-step instructions to prepare the models for printing.

Inspect Printed Models[edit | edit source]

  1. Please review the quality assurance checklist below to verify that each model was properly printed.
  2. If you are a 3D print on demand service provider, please send photos of the base, top, sides and vise attachment of sample printed models to the consignee.

Any model that does not meet the standard for all the quality assurance checklist items must be reprinted in accordance with the instructions outlined below.

Quality Assurance Checklist for 3D Printed Adult Male Humeral Bone Models #1 and #2
# Action Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard Does Not Meet Standard Check most appropriate response Check most appropriate response
1 Inspect the base.
The base of each model should be smooth, clean, and display three semi-engraved model numbers, a gender symbol, and two drilling direction arrows to assist with model identification and proper orientation of the simulator.
If the semi-engraved features are not visible, the model should be reprinted with the proper settings with no raft (click here to view reference screenshot) and no support material (click here to view reference screenshot). If the base is not smooth or clean (click here to view closeup photo), clean the build plate before reprinting. For build plates that require glue for adhesion of the printed object, apply a thin, smooth, and even layer of glue to the cleaned build plate.
If the base is open, the model should be reprinted with the proper settings of Bottom Layers: set to default value and not set to "0" (click here to view reference screenshot).

Model #1 Meets Standard

Model #1 Does Not Meet Standard

Model #2 Meets Standard

Model #2 Does Not Meet Standard

2 Inspect the top.
The top of each model should display the outer cortex and inner cancellous bone porosity and microstructure because these features provide visual fidelity to the surgical simulator. Use a ruler or calipers (not shown) to verify that the cortex thickness is 5.5 mm. If the cortex thickness is not 5.5 mm, then the model should be reprinted with Wall Thickness set to "5.5 mm."
If the inner cancellous bone features are not visible, the model should be reprinted with the proper settings of Top Layers set to "0" (click here to view reference screenshot).
If there is no inner cancellous bone, the model should be reprinted with the proper Infill Density of "15%" (click here to view reference screenshott).

Model #1 Meets Standard

Model #1 Does Not Meet Standard

Model #2 Meets Standard

Model #2 Does Not Meet Standard

3 Inspect both sides.
The surface of the bone model should be smooth to provide visual and tactile fidelity of the surgical simulator.
If the bone model surface is uneven or missing material, the model should be reprinted (i) using brand new white PLA filament fresh out of the sealed package, and (ii) with the proper settings including changing print speed back to default values for the Generic PLA filament profile and reducing the layer height to 0.2 mm or less.
If the bone model surface is uneven or missing material, the model should be reprinted (i) using brand new white PLA filament fresh out of the sealed package, and (ii) with the proper settings including changing print speed back to default values for the Generic PLA filament profile and reducing the layer height to 0.2 mm or less.

Model #1 Meets Standard

Model #1 Does Not Meet Standard

Model #2 Meets Standard

Model #2 Does Not Meet Standard

4 Inspect the vise attachment.
The entire surface of the vise attachment should be smooth with no missing material and the angled surface of the vise attachment should have no filament drooping.
If the angled surface of the vise attachment is uneven or has drooping filament (click here to view closeup photo), the model should be reprinted (i) using brand new white PLA filament fresh out of the sealed package, (ii) with the proper settings including changing print and fan speeds back to default values for the Generic PLA filament profile, and (iii) while reducing the layer height to 0.2 mm or less.
If any surface of the vise attachment is uneven (click here to view closeup photo) or missing material (click here to view closeup photo), the model should be reprinted (i) using brand new white PLA filament fresh out of the sealed package, and (ii) with the proper settings including changing print speed back to default values for the Generic PLA filament profile and reducing the layer height to 0.2 mm or less.

Model #1 Meets Standard

Model #1 Does Not Meet Standard

Model #2 Meets Standard

Model #2 Does Not Meet Standard

Calculate Pricing[edit | edit source]

Once you have verified the models meet quality assurance standards, please click here to calculate the price of the models and generate an invoice.

All the 3D printed models print support-free and are designed to be made on any single or multi-extruder, fused filament fabrication 3D printer that can use g-code files sliced on Ultimaker Cura or Cura Lulzbot Edition and has a build volume Z height of 150 mm or more.

Inspect Models Before Delivery[edit | edit source]

  1. Click on this link to print the quality assurance checklist for each shipment of 3D printed models by clicking on the "Download PDF" button in the upper righthand corner of this screen and selecting "Layout: Landscape" option for printing.
  2. Review the quality assurance checklist to verify that each model was properly printed prior to delivery and click on the checkboxes to check the most appropriate response.
  3. Write the model production period, total number of Adult Male Humeral Bone Models #1 and #2 accepted, date of inspection, print and sign your name, and fill in the name, address, and phone number of the consignee at the bottom of the checklist.
  4. Attach the completed and signed checklist to the delivery invoice for the consignee.
  5. File and save a back-up copy of the completed and signed checklist for your production and inspection and distribution records.

Any model that does not meet the standard for all the quality assurance checklist items must be rejected and will not be delivered to the consignee.

Troubleshooting Guide[edit | edit source]

If you're having problems in properly printing these models, please click on this link and carefully follow the detailed step-by-step instructions.

Cost Savings and Production Efficiency[edit | edit source]

The benefits of 3D printing the Humeral Shaft Transverse Fracture Simulator (3D Printed Adult Humeral Bone Models #1 and #2) locally in Nigeria are that the purchase cost is over 10 times cheaper and the production time is over 163 times faster than purchasing a comparable artificial bone product that is imported from abroad, and the purchase cost is over 3 times cheaper than acquiring a human cadaveric humerus prepared by a local university anatomy lab.[17][18][19]

These data-driven, gender-specific, easy to print, labor-saving, eco-friendly, hygienic, and cruelty-free bone simulation models are not made with natural rubber latex, are designed with safety features to protect users, and can be locally reproduced to offer the highest fidelity, standardized orthopedic surgical simulation training at the lowest cost to medical officers and surgeons who are not orthopedic specialists.

The costs of the 3D Printed Adult Humeral Bone Models will vary depending on the region's 3D printing organizations, and locally available brands of filament. In Nigeria, one 750 gram roll of Ultimaker White PLA filament (Shore Hardness 83D) costs €33 Euros which is equal to about 5¢ USD per gram.[20][21]

In 2022, the 3D Printed Adult Male Humeral Bone Models #1 and #2 produced by a local 3D printing business in Nigeria at 100% scale is $10.25 and $9.90 USD (not including local taxes or shipping costs).[22] The estimated filament weight and printing times for the 3D Printed Adult Male Humeral Bone Models #1 and #2 at 100% scale are 153 grams and 147 grams and 6 hours and 43 minutes, and 6 hours and 32 minutes, respectively.

The Humeral Shaft Transverse Fracture Simulator is easy and quick to assemble and does not require any tools, specialized equipment, technical expertise, or time-consuming preparation to build, install, operate and maintain this simulator within the intended place of use. By purchasing locally made 3D printed bone models for modular external fixation skills training, the learner also supports the local economy while saving on customs dues, processing fees, and international shipping costs that would be incurred when using artificial bone products that are not made locally.

2022 Comparison of Humeral Shaft Transverse Fracture Simulator Locally Made in Nigeria to Human Cadaveric Bone and a Commercially Available Artificial Bone Product
Humeral Shaft Transverse Fracture Simulator

(3D Printed Adult Humeral Bone Models #1 and #2)

Human Cadaveric Humerus

(Prepared by an University Anatomy Lab in Nigeria)[19]

Sawbones Humerus, 4th Gen., Composite, 10 PCF Solid Foam Core, Large, Left


Bone Simulator Dimensions Humerus with an overall length of 33 cm. Varies.[1][2] Humerus with an overall length of 36.5 cm.[23]
Bone Simulator Features 3D printed anatomic bone models reproduce bicortical anatomy, cortical thickness, and cancellous bone to provide acoustic fidelity when drilling through the bone simulator.
  • Human cadaveric humeral bone specimen prepared by an anatomy lab.
  • Age of donor may not be known.
  • Requires wet storage (which incurs additional fees)
Humerus contains "short fiber filled epoxy as the simulated cortical bone material," "a 10 PCF density cancellous foam core, and a 9 mm diameter canal."[23]
Tactile Fidelity Made of biorenewable plastic with a hardness level that is very similar to human cortical bone to allow learners to develop the skills to prevent plunging through the far cortex. Human cadaveric humeral bone Sawbones Composite Bones are the only Sawbones products that "mimic the [biomechanical] properties of human bones," and "are used as alternative testing media to human cadaver bone."[23][24]
Visual Fidelity Yes. White colour Yes. White colour No. Gray/green colour[23]
Fracture Simulation Simulates a transverse mid-shaft fracture of the humerus for modular external fixation training. Requires additional preparation to simulate a fracture. Requires additional preparation by user to simulate a fracture.
Fracture Encapsulation Encapsulates transverse fracture with cellophane. No. This would incur additional preparation and storage fees. Does not encapsulate or re-attach fracture.
Vise Attachment Contains a vise attachment to safely secure the model inside a standard vise clamp. Does not contain a vise attachment. Does not contain a vise attachment which mandates the use of specialized vise clamps that cost up to $214 USD to properly secure the model to a table for safe simulation training for learners.
Production Time 13 hours 15 minutes (when Adult Male Humeral Bone Models #1 and #2 are printed consecutively). Depends on local availability of cadaver specimens which is difficult to predict. Ready to ship in 84 days or more.[23]
Unit Cost $20.15 USD[22] $75.00 USD[19] $229.75[23]

Noteː A product comparison was not made with the:

  • Sawbones Humerus, Solid Foam, Right, ($15.00 USD) because this model simulates a 9.5 mm diameter intramedullary canal and does not simulate cancellous bone or an accurate cortical thickness for the target patient population, and the foam material does not simulate the hardness of cortical bone, and thus, could foster anti-skills because this model does not provide the tactile fidelity necessary to develop the skills to prevent plunging through the far cortex;
  • Sawbones Humerus with Oblique Fracture, Foam Cortical ($41.50 USD) because this model's rigid foam shell cuts and drills easier than the plastic cortical shell models and thus, could foster anti-skills because this model does not provide the tactile fidelity necessary to develop the skills to prevent plunging through the far cortex, and this model contains natural rubber latex which can trigger latex sensitivities and potentially life-threatening allergic reactions in healthcare workers; and
  • Sawbones Humerus, Plastic Cortical Shell, Left ($42.00 USD) because these models do not provide the tactile fidelity necessary to develop the skills to prevent plunging through the far cortex.[18][25][26][27]

Acknowledgements[edit | edit source]

This work is funded by a grant from the Intuitive Foundation. Any research, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this work are those of the author(s), and not of the Intuitive Foundation.

References[edit | edit source]

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  22. 22.0 22.1 AIGE Ltd. Personal communication. July 29, 2022.
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 23.6 https://www.sawbones.com/humerus-large-left-4th-generation-composite-w-10-solid-foam-cancellous-core3404-4.html
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  25. https://www.sawbones.com/humerus-large-foam-cortical-shell-w-cancellous-w-oblique-mid-diaphyseal-fx-1028-22.html
  26. Recommendations For Labeling Medical Products To Inform Users That The Product Or Product Container Is Not Made with Natural Rubber Latex Guidance For Industry And Food and Drug Administration Staff [Internet]. United States Food and Drug Administration; 2014 [cited 2021 Nov 28]. Available from: https://www.fda.gov/media/85473/download.
  27. https://www.sawbones.com/humerus-large-left-white-plastic-cortical-shell-w-cancellous-length-36cm-9-5mm-canal1006.html
Page data
Part of Humeral Fracture Fixation
Keywords orthopedic surgery, surgical training, humeral fracture, bicortical drilling, modular external fixation, open humeral shaft fracture, 3d printing, artificial bones
SDG SDG03 Good health and well-being
Authors Medical Makers
License CC-BY-SA-4.0
Organizations Medical Makers
Language English (en)
Translations Spanish
Related 11 subpages, 24 pages link here
Impact 483 page views (more)
Created July 15, 2022 by Medical Makers
Last modified January 8, 2025 by Felipe Schenone
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