Created By: Kaalessi (talk) 00:38, 12 December 2019 (UTC)


The goal of this project was to create a superior wine bottle chandelier for much less than the commercial counterpart. 3D printing was used to create a mount to sturdily hold the light bulb in place.

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Parts Needed to Create a Wine Bottle Chandelier

- 3D Printed Mounts ($2.50)

  - Since each wine bottle may be different, it may be required to modify the openSCAD parameters listed at the top of the file to create a secure fit.
  - I found that for most bottles, a neck parameter of 18mm works well. Some bottles have a smaller neck, where you will need to adjust the size to 16.5mm. A sample 18 mm  test piece is provided at the MyMiniFactory link listed below.

- Top Wood Box Body ($0)

  - There are no specific dimensions. Decide based on how many bottles your chandelier can hold.
  - With some asking around, you may find someone with wood scraps. I used birch plywood.

- Wine Bottles ($0)

  - The bottom of each bottle will need to be cut off with a diamond tile saw, or by etching the glass and breaking off the unwanted portion.
  - It is necessary to sand the bottom of each bottle thoroughly so that you will not get cut.

- Wire (20.69)

  -12 guage wire for wiring within box
  -Fancy Hemp wire (
  - Note: Each light should be wired in parallel. See image.

- Light Bulb Sockets (13.98)

  -Ended up ordering 2 sets of 4, so I now have leftovers for another chandelier.

- Light Bulbs (15.99)

  - I decided on LED Edison Bulbs for their aesthetic appeal

Access the Files!

Files on MyMiniFactory:


Cost Savings

  1. Cost to build: $53.16 (including additional materials to make another chandelier)

Comparable alternatives can go for as high as ~$820! That is a savings of about 94%.

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