Hi! I'm Kurtis, a 4th year Computer Engineering major from Harbor Springs, Michigan. I am always looking for adventure and enjoy biking, skateboarding, skiing, and hiking. After building my own Prusa i3 style 3D printer, I have become extremely interested in 3D-Printing.
Biography[edit | edit source]
Kurtis Alessi is a fourth year student studying Computer Engineering at Michigan Technological University. Born and raised in Harbor Springs, Michigan, a quaint town in the tip of the mitt, Kurtis became interested in computers in middle school. During high school, he built a personal computer and enjoyed studying robotics. Kurtis is currently interning at the Keweenaw Research Center and is interested in embedded systems and automating processes with Lidar.
Past Work Relevant to Appropedia[edit | edit source]
Visit my Thingiverse page: https://www.thingiverse.com/kalessi22/designs and YouMagine Page: https://www.youmagine.com/kalessi22/designs. Much of my work for MSE 4777 will be uploaded to these sites.
Open Source 3-D Printing Class[edit | edit source]
Proof of Print Build Online Students[edit | edit source]
Kurtis's Mini Projects[edit | edit source]
3D Printing Failure (filament broke from being too brittle while printing first layer)
Big Projects[edit | edit source]
Educational Project: Educational Analog and Digital Clock
Science Project: Burette Clamp
OSAT Project: Locking Forceps with Interchangeable Tips
Big Money Project: Wine Bottle Chandelier with 3D Printed Mounts