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(11 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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|Image:Athena_top.JPG | A picture of your operational 3-D printer
|Image:Athena_top.JPG | Printer non-operational
|Image:Visual_markers_failed_print_slip_base_ap.jpg|[[3D_Printing_Failure_Database]] example (make sure to email documents to Alex - at least 1 but can submit more than 1 for additional chances at filament)
|Image:Visual_markers_failed_print_slip_base_ap.jpg|[[3D_Printing_Failure_Database]] no failed prints to submit
|Image:Rockwallhold_jpw.png |[ Link to my rockwall hold on Thingiverse]
|Image:Rockwallhold_jpw.png |[ Link to my rockwall hold on Thingiverse]
|Image:ccp_jpw.png |[ Link to my customizer on Thingiverse]
|Image:ccp_jpw.png |[ Link to my customizer on Thingiverse]
|Image:Smiley_sc.png|[ Link to my screen cover project on Youmagine]
|Image:Smiley_sc.png|[ Link to my screen cover project on Youmagine]
|Image:Mjolnir_Handle.jpg |[ Link to my Viking mini project on Youmagine in progress]
|Image:Caeltic_knife.png |[ Link to my Viking mini project on Youmagine]

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|Image:Save-the-world-game2.jpg| [[Title of your Educational project here]]
|Image:jpwales21_educational_aid.jpg| [[ Chemistry Molecular Modeling Kit]], Runs $20 or more
|Image:Probes.jpg| [[Title of your science project here]]
|Image:automatedmonochromator.jpg| [[ Automated Monochromator]], Savings on average: $7000+ from [[ this]] website
|Image:3dpdeer.jpg| [[Title of your OSAT project here]]
|Image:3dpdeer.jpg| [[Title of your OSAT project here]]
|Image:Skiset.jpg| [[Title of your Big Money project here]]
|Image:Skiset.jpg| [[Title of your Big Money project here]]

Revision as of 14:46, 7 November 2019


Jeremy Wales
Internship headshot.jpg
My name is Jeremy Wales, and I am a fourth-year biomedical engineering student at Michigan Tech. I like to hike, go on long drives and adventures, and I enjoy cooking and work part-time as a chef. I am originally from Minnesota
  • Fourth year, Biomedical Engineering (Ba), Michigan Technological University
  • Summer 2019 Intern, Earl E. Bakken Medical Devices Center, University if Minnesota, Twin Cities

Technical Skills:

  • CAD
  • MATLab
  • Machining
  • 3D modeling and imaging
  • Lab Techniques

Past Work Relevant to Appropedia

Open Source 3-D Printing Class

Everyone's Mini Projects

Big Projects

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