Oban harbour1.jpg

Sustainability initiatives


Findhorn Ecovillage, (Wikipedia)


Initiatives by topic


Scottish Wildlife Trust - Wikipedia: Fauna of Scotland, Nature conservation in Scotland

Climate action

Scottish action on climate change - Scottish Communities Climate Action Network - Climate change information from the Scottish government - Stop Climate Chaos Scotland

Community energy

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Aberdeen Community Energy - Callander Community Hydro Project - Community Energy Scotland - Diturbinengwall Wind Co-op - Microgen Scotland - Spirit of Lanarkshire, wind energy co-operative.

Wikipedia: Renewable energy in Scotland, Wind power in Scotland, Gigha, Wind turbines

Community involvement

Action for Planning Transparency, a group made up of members of the public, based in the Highlands of Scotland - Commission on Strengthening Local Democracy in Scotland - Scottish Community Alliance - The Scottish Parliament, e-Petitioner

Cycling activism

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Black Isle Bicycles - Cycling Scotland - The Bike Station, bicycle recycling and cycling promotion charity for Edinburgh, Glasgow and Perth - Stirling Cycle Hub

Education for sustainability

Earthship Fife: Sustainable Communities Initiatives - Eco-Schools Scotland

Food activism

Dundee Urban Orchard - Nourish Scotland - Slow Food Perth - Scottish Crofting Federation - Soil Association Scotland

Ethical consumerism

Plastic Bag Free Selkirk

Social inclusion

Scotland’s Outlook Scottish charities campaign to "shine a light on the scale and impact of the poverty crisis in our communities."

Sustainable transport activism

Paths for All - Transform Scotland, registered charity based in Edinburgh (charity number 041516). They campaign on issues regarding sustainable transport, encouraging improved transport policies and practice. The organisation is made up of 63 member groups, including those from the private, public and voluntary sectors. Transform Scotland works closely with their sister organisation in England and Wales, Campaign for Better Transport (CBT). - Traveline Scotland, plan any public transport journey within Scotland

Trees, woodland and forest

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Trees for Life, (Wikipedia): award-winning registered charity working to restore the Caledonian Forest and its unique wildlife to the Scottish Highlands. The charity was formed in 1989 by Alan Watson Featherstone. The Caledonian Forest once covered a large area of the Highlands of Scotland as extensive stands of majestic Scots pine, interspersed with birch, rowan, juniper and aspen trees, but is now reduced to less than 5% of its former extent. Through planting native species of trees, removing non-native species and fencing seedlings to protect them from overgrazing by deer and sheep, Trees for Life aim to help the natural regeneration of the forest. Their long-term goal is to create a fully restored, healthy ecosystem, which will include the reintroduction of missing species of wildlife, such as the European beaver, wild boar, Eurasian lynx and Eurasian wolf. The vast majority of their work is carried out by volunteers. By engaging people from diverse backgrounds, they aim to achieve a powerful and educational experience that will promote the work of restoration to wider audiences and lead to increased support for the return of the forest and its species.

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Woodland Trust Scotland



April 25 Pedal on Parliament


May 17 Warming up for the Commonwealth Games at Lang Craigs, plant a tree in the Commonwealth Grove at Lang Craigs

March 8 - 14 St Andrews Green Week

News and comment


Cumnock to become Scotland's first fully 'Green Town', Jan 29 [1]

Scotland named one of world’s top ‘circular economy’ nations, Jan 8 [2]

Universal basic income trials being considered in Scotland, Jan 1 [3]


Stirling communities to be in the driving seat of change, Dec 19 [4]

Scots must opt for electric cars if target for slashing emissions is to be met, Dec 5 [5]

Good sports ... wind boost for Skelmorlie! Wemyss Bay and Inverkip also to benefit, Dec 4 [6]

Beavers given native species status after reintroduction to Scotland, Nov 24 [7]

The community land rush spreading to urban Scotland, Oct 16 [8]

Scotland bans energy firms from setting fire to coal seams to produce gas, Oct 6 [9]

Scotland Has Put The Public At The Heart of Its Plans For Climate Change - And Just Look At The Results, Sep 20 [10]

Turning Scotland ‘green’, Sep 13 [11]

Scotland second to Sweden in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Western Europe, Jul 31 [12]

Scotland beats climate emissions reductions target six years early, Jun 14 [13]

Wind power provides electricity for 75 per cent of Scots homes, May 2 [14]

Scottish Parliament votes for total fracking ban, Jun 2 [15]


Plastic bag charge in Scotland sees usage cut by 80%, October 20 [16]

Why Scotland should create its own currency: the ScotPound, September 10 [17]

Why land reform must be urban too, August 26 [18]

Scotland’s Environment Secretary launches circular economy consultation, August 20 [19] Circular economy will help create jobs and protect environment, say Friends of the Earth Scotland [20]

Scottish land reform is on the agenda. And the rest of the UK should take note, June 25 [21]

UK’s first data service for towns and cities launches in Scotland, April 28 [22]

Scotland's plastic bag usage down 80% since 5p charge introduced, April 17 [23]

Scotland's path network extension plan unveiled, March 19 [24]


Local food revolution gathering pace, September 3 [25]

Community Energy Policy Statement sets out the Scottish Government’s record of support for community energy and new ambition for holistic local energy solutions, August 18 [26]

Scottish Government says no to UK fracking plans, August 15 [27]

Dunbar announced as Scotland’s first Zero Waste Town, August 6 [28]

30 new marine reserves for Scotland, July 25 [29]

Half of children in Scotland getting to School on foot, bike or scooter, May 30 [30]

“For the first time, anywhere in the world, a community-owned tidal turbine is generating electricity,” Scottish energy minister Fergus Ewing, May 21 [31]

Scottish universities given funding for low carbon projects, April 27 [32]

Trying out low carbon electric bikes, April 11 [33]

One tree at a time: restoring the forest of Caledon, February 3 [34]


Greener Together Blog, Greener Scotland


  • Community involvement: Summary of the Evaluation of the Impact of the National Standards for Community Engagement, July 2008, The Scottish Government
  • Environment, information from the Scottish Government
  • Greener Scotland one-stop website for greener living, provided by the Scottish Government
  • Scotland's Environment, website steered by a partnership chaired by the Scottish Government.

Citizens data initiative

Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics, the Scottish Government's programme of small area statistics in Scotland.

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Understanding Scottish Places


Scotland's greenspace map - Who owns Scotland


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Local communities in Scotland community action

Interwiki links

Wikipedia: Scotland, Sustainable development in Scotland

External links

  • Common Weal, 'think and do tank' campaigning for social and economic equality in Scotland

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