
Sustainability initiatives



Initiatives by topic

Arts, sport and culture - City Mine(d), international network of individuals and collectives involved with city and local action.


European Wildlife, Pan-European non-profit organization dedicated to nature preservation and environmental protection - Rewilding Europe

Climate action

Climate Action Network Europe - News, climate action, European Commission, A world you like, Success Stories - wikipedia:Climate change in the European Union

Community energy

Ace for Energy - - wikipedia:Wind power in the European Union

Community involvement

European Alternatives - Draft Declaration Co-creating an open declaration on public services 2.0 - Smarticipate

Cycling activism

European Cyclists' Federation, an umbrella federation for national cycling organizations (organizations that promote bike for urban mobility) throughout Europe.

ECF was founded in 1983 by 12 bicycle user associations. It has now[when?] 74 member organizations representing over half a million individual European citizens in 39 countries. ECF actively promotes and encourages cycling worldwide while trying to enforce cycling policy at European level. One of its goals is to promote cycle tourism as a sustainable economic factor and environment-friendly mobility. It also focuses on the security of cyclists and safety for vulnerable road users. It also runs the Velo-city Conference Series, the EuroVelo cycle route project and lobbies European and international institutions. W

EuroVelo bicycle routes are a network of (currently 14) long-distance cycling routes criss-crossing Europe in various stages of completion. As of May 2013 more than 45,000 km (27,962 mi) were in place.[1] It is envisaged that the network will be substantially complete by 2020 and when finished, the EuroVelo network's total length will exceed 70,000 km (43,496 mi). EuroVelo is a project of the European Cyclists' Federation (ECF).

EuroVelo routes can be used for bicycle touring across the continent, as well as by local people making short journeys. The routes are made of both existing national bike routes — such as the Dutch LF-Routes, the German D-Routes, and the British National Cycle Network — and existing general purpose roads, together with new stretches of cycle routes to connect them. W

Ethical consumerism

Electronics Watch

Food activism

The Food Assembly - GMO-free regions by country - GMOs Friends of the Earth Europe - Save our Seeds - Scandinavian Green Roof Institute


Health and Environment Alliance - Health Care Without Harm Europe - World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe

Reduce, reuse, repair and recycle

RREUSE (Reuse and Recycling Social Enterprises in the European Union) is a European non-governmental organisation (NGO) and the first European umbrella organisation of social enterprises with activities in the reuse, repair and recycling sector. The very specialised European network puts the three pillars of sustainability at an equal level: environmental protection, social equity, and economic viability. W

Road safety

fevr, European Federation of Road Traffic Victims


News and comment


“Territories of Commons” in Europe: pivotal for food production, nature stewardship, heritage maintenance and climate mitigation, Nov 11 [1]

Sustainable livelihood

European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions - The Other Market, platform, materialized in a meshwork of pushcarts and stalls, to trade products and services without money, using dialogue as a currency. - unMonastery

Sustainable transport activism

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Loco2, Europe by train made easy - Citizens’ Rail, EU project to develop local and regional railways by involving the community. Projects span the UK, France, Germany and the Netherlands.

Wikipedia: Rail transport in Europe, High-speed rail in Europe

Urban sustainability

City Mine(d) - Code for Europe - Commons4EU - European Sustainable Cities Platform - Urbact

Transformative Actions Database

News and comment


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The consideration of food as a commons rests upon its essentialness to human life and the revalorisation of the different food dimensions relevant to people, Feb 1 [2]


Could intercity cycle highways revolutionise the daily commute? Jun 30 [3]

EU smashes 2020 emissions target six years early, Jun 21 [4]


The Other Market! October 15

Last week I sat down with Pablo Calderon Salazar to talk about a great new project that bridges art with social design. In order to start a debat about ‘work’ in local communities initiator Calderon intervenes into daily life: he goes into dialogue with passers-by, challenging them to propose personal skills that would be usefull in a differently structured society and/or economy. Afterwards these conversations, opinions and proposals get documented with directly made posters, video’s, podcasts, drawings and photo’s. Let’s talk about The Other Market![5]

European Project Recruits Smartphone Users to Collect Pollution Data, September 1 [6]

New rules to dramatically reduce use of environment-damaging bags get all-clear, April 28 [7]

Three European countries have already hit their renewable energy goals, March 10 [8]

EU power emissions fell by more than 8% in 2014, January 14 [9]


Community energy deserves Europe-wide support, October 16 [10]

More than 3,300 clean-up actions implemented via European Clean-Up Day, May 12 [11]

Europe's young democracies learn to speak less and listen more. Amid volatility, governments in south-east Europe are starting to use technology to involve people in policymaking, April 29 [12]

European Parliament votes to slash plastic bag waste, April 17 [13]

Scandal of Europe's 11m empty homes, Febraury 23 [14]

EU to cut carbon emissions by 40% by 2030, January 22 [15]


Transition Europe

News sources

EUROPA, newsroom

Rss feeds, Presseurop, Ecology and Sustainable Development


viEUws - the EU Policy Broadcaster



May 10 European Clean-Up Day

June 23 - 27 EU Sustainable Energy Week

September 16 -22 European Mobility Week, “Our Streets, Our Choice”



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iSPEX-EU, 2015

Applications, Europe Commons

Citizens data initiative

Cooperatives Europe statistics, 2015

Hacking Democracy, hackathon, January 2014

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Statistical Database

Plastic bags

Average consumption of single-use plastic bags was found to be at 176 bags per person per year in 2010. The reduction targets agreed are set as follows: 90 bags by the end of 2019 (equivalent to a reduction of almost 50% as compared to 2010), 40 bags by the end of 2025 (equivalent to a reduction of almost 80%). [16]

Legal resources

wikipedia:ClientEarth, non-profit environmental law organisation


Digital Social Innovation


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Towards sustainable economies: New Economy, European Alternatives

European Commission: Environment


Green New Deal, from the The Greens/European Free Alliance (Greens/EFA), political group in the European Parliament containing green and regionalist political parties. (Wikipedia)

Interwiki links

Wikipedia: Europe, European Green Capital Award

External links


Non-government organisations

Friends of the Earth Europe - Green 10

Government sites

European Environment Agency

ICLEI in Europe, association of Local Governments dedicated to sustainable development

European Sustainable Development Network

References Template:Attrib sca ref

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