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Our current list of topic articles is in the far right hand column. An example of a fairly extensively developed CASwiki topic article is Food activism, but of course topic articles can be started off with just a few items of relevant information.

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Share information about Topics

Greenheart.jpg Share information about topics of community action for sustainability.

The information in the pages featured here is about topics from an international, global or generic perspective. The vast majority of the information about topics in CASwiki is location specific.

Share information about Topics by place

You can view or share location specific information about topics of community action for sustainability via any of CASwiki's location pages

Guidelines for topic articles or content

The main focus here is on what community groups can do, topics geared toward action - community action, and not for example inward looking concerns of local government or action only for specialists.

Community action for sustainability topic articles can include the following elements:

  • Action ideas - what community groups can do
  • Brief introductory summaries of action ideas
  • Why the topic matters
  • Introductions to major aspects, issues or concerns
  • Introductions to broad solutions (if you want to add in something more extensive this can be in a separate linked (forked) article)
  • Resources (specific to the topic), including links to more extensive information, video, maps, infographics, apps for sustainability, social media links, research, funding information, etc.
  • Events, but please bear in mind that these should be only those that are likely to be of interest to community groups or active citizens interested in community action for sustainability. Ordinarily they should only be free or low cost events.
  • News and comment, or timeline information. Brief or headline type summaries with links to sources.

There are many overlaps so some action ideas can appear in more than one article.

Joined-up solutions

Ordinary people and community groups are often better able to see the whole picture, especially at local level, than bureaucrats and politicians, ("the left-hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing" is a not unfamilar refrain).

The topics are various aspects of quality of life or well-being - environmental, social and economic. One of the advantages of bringing all the topics together in one place is that linkages between them can be brought out. Sustainability encourages us to see the bigger picture and how many quality of life concerns and challenges are in fact integrated. "Joined-up problems need joined-up solutions"


Edits to help us develop this article particularly welcome, especially from a majority world perspective


Rural sustainability


Share your stuff

Help out with what interests you most. As and when you can, and always at your own pace. Help by linking things up, checking for updates, checking external links, spelling and punctuation.

Experiment, test things out. Most of all - Enjoy, have fun !!

Genesis of the topic list

Most of the topics reflect issues of concern and importance common to community groups that were involved in drawing up Local Agenda 21 action plans across the UK, (mostly this happened during the late 1990's). Sharing has been added to the list reflecting the growing interest in this topic amongst currently active sustainability groups, initiatives and projects.


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"For while knowledge defines all we currently know and understand, imagination points to all we might yet discover and create." Albert Einstein

...more quotes

See also

References Template:Attrib sca ref

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