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OSHE Growbot Guidance System

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Procedure - Guidance System Electronics[edit | edit source]

The guidance system consists of a wire generating circuit and a sensor circuit. It can be connected to an ADC (ADS1115) and a Raspberry Pi to control two ODrive motors.
Wire Guidance Materials
Description Count
Generator PCB 1
Sensor PCB 1
ADS1115 ADC 1
3.3 kΩ Resistor 1
12 kΩ Resistor 1
47 Ω Resistor 1
10 kΩ Resistor 4
1 MΩ Resistor 4
4.7 kΩ Potentiometer 1
12 kΩ Resistor 1
100 nF Capacitor 2
1.2 nF Capacitor 1
1 uF Capacitor 1
22 nF Capacitor 2
1 mH Inductor 2
LM324N Amplifier 1
NE555 Timer 1
2.1x5.5mm barrel connector 1
2 positions terminal connector 3
3 positions right angle pin header 2
~1 meter 20AWG cable (for the inductors) 1
~100' 22 gauge multi-strand wire (for the following wire) 1
Soldering Iron

(Photos will be added when Growbot is accessible)

  1. Solder all components onto each of the PCBs.
  2. Wire the Sensor PCB, Generator PCB, ADC and Raspberry Pi.
  3. Run autoTest.py on the Raspberry Pi with 0 as command.
  4. Record MAX value (inductor closest to following wire) and MIN inductor (far away from following wire).
  5. Insert MAX and MIN values into autoTest.py.
  6. Ready to test with motors. See < > to install motors.

Procedure - Guidance System Antennas[edit | edit source]

The guidance system antennas are 3D printed and can be assembled with 3D printed pins or screws and bolts. It consists of 2 sets of three parts. The STL files can be accessed on the OSF page. <add link to OSF>
Wire Guidance Materials
Description Count
3M Screws 6
3M bolts 4
3M Bolt Slots (fits in aluminum extrusion) 2
Super glue
Small zip ties

(Photos will be added when Growbot is accessible)

  1. Mount both BotEnds onto aluminum extrusion with an M3 screw.
  2. Connect both WireHolders in each BotEnd with an M3 screw and bolt.
  3. Connect both SensorEnds in each WireHolder with an M3 screw and bolt.
  4. Place inductor wires in WireHolder slots and secure with a ziptie.
  5. Apply a dab of super glue to SensorEnd and set inductor in the circular slot.
  6. Adjust the width between sensors for your liking.
Page data
Authors Erica Umlor, Wilson Holmes
License CC-BY-SA-4.0
Language English (en)
Translations French
Related 1 subpages, 20 pages link here
Impact 71 page views (more)
Created April 16, 2020 by Erica Umlor
Last modified October 14, 2024 by StandardWikitext bot
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