The left side of each photo connects to the main sensor board. The right side either runs to Raspberry Pi or terminal block for I2C or 5V/GND.
We will be creating seven-wire harnesses for the various sensors.
This harness is the UART connector for the Odrive to Raspberry Pi. The connector is ~200mm long. The Odrive side has two terminal headers. Raspberry Pi side has a 1x2p DuPont connector.
This harness is for the ADC to power and I2C header. The connector is ~75mm long. ADC side has a 1x4p DuPont connector. The power/I2C header side has two a 1x2p DuPont connectors.
This harness is for the 9dof sensor to power and I2C header. The connector is ~185mm long. The 9dof side has a 1x5p DuPont connector. The power/I2C header side has two 1x2p DuPont connectors.
This harness is for the motor driver to Raspberry Pi. The connector is ~200mm long. The motor driver side has a 1x5p DuPont connector. The Raspberry Pi header side has a 2x3p DuPont connectors.
NOTE: The second side will vary with how you program the driver.
This harness is for the motor driver to power. The connector is ~120mm long. The motor driver side has a 1x2p DuPont connector. The power header side has a 1x2p DuPont connector.
This harness is for the soil sensor to power and I2C header. The connector is ~220mm long. Soil sensor side has a 1x4p DuPont connector. The power/I2C header side has two 1x2p DuPont connectors.
This harness is for the wire following sensor to power header and ADC. The connector is ~155mm long. Wire following sensor side has a 1x4p DuPont connector. The power header and ADC side has two 1x2p DuPont connectors.