242 OSH Science Project
- Identify scientific/engineering lab need on campus for a 3D printable substitute for existing or planned purchase
- Meet with users to determine exact needs/acquire funds/components for multipart equipment
- Design 3D printable components with OS CAD packages
- On your Appropedia page: post a picture, the STL file, directions, explanation of what it is and a price estimate for a commercial equivalent (may also post on your Appropedia page)
- Print component and bring to class
- Add picture to this page in gallery below with a link further description on your Appropedia page, "savings per replica" and a hyperlink a commercially available product with cost.
List of previous projects[edit | edit source]
- project name, ~~~~ to sign it
- Battery-powered fan mount for autonomous robot, Natstormm. Created for: Austin Webster
- Bug Catching Box RachaelOstheim. Created for: John Lovseth
- Gear for engineering transmission project, Bailey Peticolas. Created for: Robbie Robison
- Trawl for water sampling in the Mississippi User: AbigailDeWeese. Created for: Marie Farson
- cornerpieces for iPad stands User: NoahStewart. Created for: Heather Holmes
- Field camera water proof case, User: Estebanrojas27. Created for: Scott Eckert
- Laser blocker stand, Alex.weitman, Alex Weitman. Created for: Grant Larsen
- Field camera water proof case, Ian Armesy. Created for: Scott Eckert
- Test tube holder, Sofia Carrillo, created for: Chrissy McAllister
- WACOM tablet pen holder, Aaron.cranford, Aaron Cranford. Created for: Dan Kistler
- Camera to telescope stabilizer, Alan Freeman. Created for: Tom Fuller
- Data Radio Box, Skylyr Cieply. Created for John Broere
- Solar Car Battery Box, TimBassler. Created for: Brian Kamusinga
- Magnetic bearing, TimBassler. Created for: Steve Ward
- Test Tube Holder, Jonathan3DBean. Created for: Jeff Cornelius
- Homework and Supply Organizer, Jacob.huss. Created for:Gage Edgar
Gallery[edit | edit source]
Add your image and link the gallery below in a single line after the last one in the list
Terrain map of Elsah IL,[1],$unknown
Bug Catching Box,[4],$unknown
Dry/Wet Funnel, [5], Cost: $0.64, Savings: $6
Drinking Bird [7] Cost $5.99
Gallery[edit | edit source]
Add your image and link the gallery below in a single line after the last one in the list
Battery module holder for solar car,[9], This would cost $108.13 from a custom fabrication house, which is where it would need to come from. https://www.shapeways.com/model/upload-and-buy/5950678
Safety Switch Cover,Commercial Equiv., $17.48 w shipping, giving a savings of $17.44
Beam Blocker Stand, Beam Blocker Stand, $5.86
Longboard Footstop,Longboard Footstop, $20 [10]
Large Test Tube Holder,Holder, This was offered at $29.99 from Amazon making the savings being $23.60 plus time savings
Math Modeling Manipulative - Tower of Hanoi, [12], $19.50 on Amazon and about $1.20 of filament here
Maple Tree Tap,$3.80 per Spile with tubing and filter attached so not much cost savings here
LCD Screen Casing,[13], $11.90
Magnetic arc for laser lab,[14], $unknown
Terrain map of Elsah IL,[15],$unknown
Test Tube Holder,[16], 9 hours to print for a price of $2