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MyFace.JPG Howdy Doody, Appropedia folks. My name is Samuel Keller, but you can call me Sammy. I am a Political Science and Global Studies major at Principia College. I am currently taking ENGR 242 (3D Printing Technologies). I'll be honest, I'm mainly taking the class because it fulfills a General Education requirement (my college is a liberal arts school). However, I have come to really enjoy 3D printing and I'm saying that after just finishing the build of my Jellybox 1.3. It was incredibly frustrating, but the first print did feel very satisfying. Our professor, Dr. Marie Farson, introduced us to the world of the Open Source movement. Open Source means that everybody has free access to the project. Everybody has free access to the product, but people can also make changes, improvements, and modifications to the source and make that available to the public as well. I think that's really cool. Something like 3D printing technologies is something that is maybe not as widely spoken about because it seems to fairly complicated. Well, it is, but anybody can learn it. I have no experience in Engineering, I study Politics and I was able to do it. My only prior experience is that I played with Legos growing up. By making the products publicly available for free, it incentives people to give it a try because the investments in this technology are fairly low. Just because it is Open Sources does not mean that you can't make money from it. One of the creators of Jellybox made money by selling 3D printed replacement parts for the printer. Since we use the Jellybox model, we thereby participated in the Open Source movement. Yeehaw! Like I said previously, I've come to enjoy 3D printing and I'm kind of fascinated with how the printer works. I'm still learning to understand more about it, but I think I can see myself keeping it up in the future as a hobby.

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