• Please complete the task and either 1) hyperlink to the page in our Appropedia space or 2) email Dr. Pearce and cross off the result
  • Update task list every Wednesday by midnight.


Group meetings 10 am tues


Appropedia Pages


  • check spot sizes for each and error
  • Data plotted, Dr. P - Bandgap, waiting for external response
  • Write paragraph on what was done


  • write TS report - ellipsometery
  • screenshots of testing conditions
  • Figure out what is wrong w/epsilon 2

LCA of Silane

  • Finish silane recycling LCA paper draft (PRIORITY #2)


  • LCA & Fix up for Meredith's Paper (PRIORITY #1)


  • Get Office Reprap working
    • Figure out why it is stopping at around 98%
  • Get other lab Reprap working
  • coordinate mech team (Jerry, Megan, Paulo, Eric, me)
    • Assign printing
    • Assign testing
    • Look at literature review to determine how many variables we should test
    • ABS/PLA
    • 3 layer heights - .2, .3, .4
    • orientations 45, 90
    • 12 testing conditions
    • 10X each
    • 120 total tests.....


* print this while you are testing - http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:20733


  • discuss order
  • environmental chamber
  • filter wheel
  • chopper wheel
  • pin/nip flip
  • electrode
  • TiO2 test cell
  • multiangle cell holder
  • dremel fuge2
  • dremel spincoater
  • labjack





  • write tutorial with links here MOST Arduino Use
  • coordinate with Ravi - add in software for Laser welding protocol: MOST, put together electronics, controls for laser welder - ask Jerry for help - with me get Allen Niemi permission after all laser safety protocols have been worked out...document everything in detail. Next step is to finish this Open source laser system for polymeric welding
  • coordinate with Jerry about mechanical design of filter wheel - work on controls code
  • review pronterface codes and add serial communication with the laser






  • resend order form new format
  • download 3d printer software and begin to learn
  • meet with biz people
  • create how to for biz start up
  • learn an open source CAD package of your choice see list here -- see what you think of the web ones - https://tinkercad.com/
  • when parts are in build printer - keep careful notes of time, difficulty, any variations from guide.

Dr. Pearce

(W= waiting on reply) (add to bottom of list before waiting/triggers)


  • IEEE end of may

To do

  • j1s
  • finish/submit open source research (w on code)
  • OS nano
  • collab ed grant
  • order mbe
    • press PVT trigger
  • rewrite PL/ellip
  • PVT dispatch
  • outline open science

  • finish/submit lca distribute recycling - w
  • polish/submit silane - w
  • pv off grid - w
  • pv annuity - w
  • arctic policy - trigger

Pending Projects

open design

spectral pv

Laser welding


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