Project Introduction


The objective for this project is to build a small local pharmacy (Botica Popular) for the people of Las Malvinas, which will provide basic medical supplies and medications to the community at a much lower cost. The pharmacy will be built over a cistern that is currently being finished. The goal is to design and construct a sound structure that utilizes local and readily available materials and implements the use of plastic waste. The end product must be cost efficient and must satisfy the communities wants and needs.


The site location of our project is in the heart of a community called Las Malvinas. Las Malvinas is located in Santo Domingo Norte, across from Rio Isabela, and is home to more than 150 families. A number of community leaders gathered at a meeting with members from ColectivoRevark and Practivistas Dominicana on June 2, 2013 to discuss the needs of the community. It was settled that the top priority of the community was to build a structure for a local pharmacy. The goal of this construction project was to construct a building that contains less embeded energy than a traditional concrete structure, and utilized local and affordable materials. The project was divided into two alternative construction student groups. Three walls of the pharmacy will be built using concrete blocks built with alternative materials. The interior wall separating the storage room and service room will be built using an ecoladrillo technique. The exterior walls were reserved for block construction to avoid the issue of compromising security concerns of building with plastic bottles. The ecoladrillo team consists of Mabel, Cesar, and Hammerly (UNIBE students) and Brandon, Adrienne, and Justine (Humboldt State University students). With the help of numerous community members, a number of prototypes were tested to find a satisfactory ecoladrillo model for the wall. Our goal is to finish the pharmacy by July 6th, 2013.

Literature Review

See Las Malvinas Botica Popular Ecoladrillo 2013/Literature Review for relevant research completed for this project.


Criteria and constraints are needed to determine the success of a solution. Criteria are weighted with 10 being most important and 0 being least important.
Criteria Constraints Weight (0-10)
Safety Building components and methods are safe for employees and customers 10
Security The wall could withstand basic burglary attempts 9
Affordability The building is within program budget 8
Materials Appropriate and locally sourced materials, easily obtained by community 8
Longevity The structure is built with the future in mind; something that will last 8
Replicability The building is built using methods that can be replicated by community members 7
Climate/Environmental The structure is weather resistant and environmentally appropriate 7
Educational The methods and the structure act as an educational piece 6
Aesthetics No visual impacts according to community preference 5


Date Activity Photos Members
June 5th Work on cistern and meet with the community of Las Malvinas
June 6th Begin collecting plastic bottles in la Zona Colonial upload photo Adrienne, Brandon, Cesar, Justine, Mabel
June 10th Make signs to collect plastic bottles and raise awareness of community project on UNIBE campus
June 15 Develop prototypes. Using a wooded frame (2' x 4') and chicken wire, the group experimented with a mortar and plastic bottle wall. In addition, a similar technique was used to develop a block type prototype. On this day more progress was made on the cistern as well. Also, many valuable community concerns were presented. Most notably from Gregory and Julio who expressed their concerns with security, stating that a ecoladrillo on a pharmacy that carries valuable medicine would need to be able to withstand burglary. At the end of the day, Domingo, a valuable asset in previous projects was contacted and it was agreed that we would meet the following morning to further discuss ecoladrillo. upload pictures Adrienne, Brandon, Justine, Mabel
June 16 Meet with Domingo. Clay prototype. Cistern upload pictures Adrienne, Brandon, Cesar, Justine, Mabel

Tentative Timeline

Date Activity
June 17th Continue Research, develop new prototypes
June 18th Complete 1 prototype
June 19th Collect more plastic bottles, complete second prototype
June 20th Collect more plastic bottles
June 21st Making columns with community
June 22, 23, 24 Build walls
June 25th First layer of plaster
June 26th Second layer of plaster
June 27th Final layer of plaster
June 28th Floor, roof...??
June 29th Finishes on walls
June 30th Wrap up project
July 1st Finish Documentation
July 4 Presentation

Final Design





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