WPPTUA4- Integrating all proposed network changes into a multimodal OpenTripPlanner instance and generating analysis reports
This is a Work Package as part of the OSSTIP project.
- All GTFS timetables of proposed modified networks for Melbourne train, tram and bus (See OSSTIP/WPPTUA1, OSSTIP/WPPTUA2, and OSSTIP/WPPTUA3).
- OpenTripPlanner based batch routing capabilities, to calculate the change in travel times and plot Isochrones between two different networks (Originally tested and developed in OSSTIP/WPBZE2).
- GIS shapefiles containing travel-analysis zone locations of interest for Melbourne.
Outputs: Analysis results in the form of:
- Origin-Destination travel time matrices calculated in the modified PTUA network;
- Spreadsheets which summarise the difference in travel time between the current PTV network, and the modified network.
- Maps showing Isochrones to/from several key locations around Melbourne, under the current PTV network+timetable and the modified PTUA network+timetable.
Estimated Time: Medium.
Requirements Summary[edit | edit source]
As per specified outputs, this WP will require setting up an OpenTripPlanner graph which integrates the modified PTUA timetables developed for each mode. Then, running analysis on this graph and saving results, using the tools in the https://github.com/PatSunter/OTP-Routing-Tools package.
Results[edit | edit source]
Notes on extensions, links[edit | edit source]
A possible extension is to upload some of these results to the www.melbptfutures.net web-server.