(Part of Open Source Transport Informatics tools listing, for the OSSTIP project, especially OSSTIP/WP2- Transport Informatics tools review (See Relevant section.)
Intro[edit | edit source]
OpenTripPlanner describes itself as "the leading open source platform for multimodal trip itinerary planning and network analysis." - see http://opentripplanner.com. It was originally developed and released in 2009, and is hosted by the OpenPlans organisation.
OpenTripPlanner is actually in use as the official public transport journey planning website for several cities in both the U.S. and internationally.
An interesting new development in the project is extending it to be able to support transport system analysis, not just journey planning support, by generating analyses such as Travel Time Maps based on the same data used for journey planning. This has interesting applications for both transport agencies, but also transport researchers, and concerned citizens / transport activists. See: http://web.archive.org/web/20140102022501/http://opentripplanner.com/planners-researchers/.
Capabilities[edit | edit source]
- Intermodal trip planning, based on GTFS schedule data
- Including either walk/cycle trip start and trip end, using street network data, such as from OpenStreetMap.
See also[edit | edit source]
- Various network analysis functions, such as Travel Time Maps, that OTP can perform.
- Open Source GIS-T Public Transport Tools Review.
- Relevant sections within the OSSTIP project:
- OSSTIP/OpenTripPlanner Issues
- OSSTIP/WP2- Transport Informatics tools review#OpenTripPlanner
- OSSTIP/Project blog#First tests of OpenTripPlanner
- OSSTIP/Setup of OpenTripPlanner to display Melbourne PT network
- OSSTIP/Notes on getting OpenTripPlanner Analyst working
External Links[edit | edit source]
- Documentation pages:
- https://github.com/openplans/OpenTripPlanner/wiki/ProjectPlan - early description of project plan, inc. architecture diagram;
- https://github.com/openplans/OpenTripPlanner/wiki/Tutorials - good links to OTP tutorials
- Uses/examples:
- An interesting example of OpenTripPlanner being used to visualise changes in transit service quality in New York in the wake of Hurricane Sandy.