Create, Share, and Save Money Using Open-Source Projects

Live a more sustainable and economical life using open-source technology!
Designed for beginning hobbyists and makers, this engaging guide is filled with ways to save money by making use of free and open-source technologies on a wide and impressive range of products. Written by a leader in the field of open-source technology, the book reveals the potential of at-home manufacturing and recycling projects―and even how to score free big-ticket items, including housing and electricity. All the projects have big money saving in mind, but also big fun!
Create, Share, and Save Money Using Open-Source Projects written by Joshua Pearce, lays out the many ways in which you can employ these resources on a small scale to live a more economical and sustainable lifestyle. You'll find tons of DIY projects that demonstrate how to use open-source software and hardware to save money on:
- Digital photographs and videos
- Music, software, and instruments
- Scientific equipment
- Paper and audio books
- Maps and GIS data
- Patterns for clothing
- Security systems
- Cars
- Electricity and much more.
Get it at:
ISBN-10: 1260461769 ISBN-13: 978-1260461763 Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education TAB; 1st Edition (October 29, 2020) Also available Access Engineering Library
1. Introduction to the Open Source Philosophy and The Benefits of Sharing

Read Chapter 1 for free here.
- Pexels - free stock photos & videos shared by talented creators
- Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia
- Wikimedia Commons -media file repository making available public domain and freely-licensed educational media content
- Appropedia - developing knowledge to build rich, sustainable lives
- LibreOffice - free and powerful office suite
- Free Ebooks - Thousands Of Free Books
- Audacity - A free multi-track audio editor and recorder
- Librivox- Free public domain audiobooks
- Scribus - Open source desktop publishing
- Free Kids Books
- Krita - a professional FREE and open source painting program
- Deviant Art - The world's largest art community
- FREE MUSIC ARCHIVE - Free music and royalty-free music
- Blender - A free and open source 3D creation suite
- AliceVision - Photogrammetric Computer Vision Framework
- YouMagine - Free 3D designs.
- DLT1 - a Linux Tablet
- Makers - Free ebook
- FreeSewing - blog on making masks
- Helpful An international social impact community dedicated to solving global challenges
- A review of open source ventilators for COVID-19 and future pandemics
- Wired's Chris Anderson: Today's 'Maker Movement' Is The New Industrial Revolution (TCTV)
2. Making and Sharing Recipes, Life Hacks, and Household Tricks
- - Free recipes
- All Recipes - Free recipes
- Life Hack
- Reddits life hacks
- Instructables - A community for people who like to make things.
- uBlock Origin - An open source wide spectrum blocker
- Ad Block Plus - An open source ad blocker
- Privacy Badger Automatically learns to block invisible trackers.
- Guacamole My Way
- Open Source Solarpad Kit Solar USB Charger
- Energy Conservation with Open Source Ad Blockers
3. Making and Sharing Digital Photographs, Open Source Camera

- Pixabay - Free images & royalty free stock photos
- Pexels - Free stock photos & videos
- Public Domain Pictures
- digiCamControl - An innovative and easy to use solution for complex camera control
- GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP) Free and open source image editor
- Elphel A technology company doing research and development in the field of high-performance digital cameras, image processing, 3D imaging and machine learning
- GNU General Public License
- CERN Open Hardware Licence
- Meshroom A free, open-source 3D Reconstruction Software based on the AliceVision framework
- OpenMV - open source machine vision
- Arduino - An open-source electronics platform
- OpenCV Open source computer vision
- Colorized version of Great Depression photo "Migrant Mother" by Dorothea Lange.
- Open Source Photogrammetry with Meshroom
- Forum: Open Source Photogrammetry with Meshroom
- ---
- YouTube
- VK
- Tublr
- Google Plus (now Currents)
- Flickr
- Meetup
- Life Journal
- My Space
4. Making and Sharing Art, Krita

- Deviant Art - The world's largest art community
- Open Gaming Art
- CG Society
- Free SVG - SVG images with CC0 public domain license
- Blender - A free and open source 3D creation suite
- Sintel
- Tux Paint - Open source drawing software for children
- Krita - a professional free and open source painting program
- Krita interview with Jack the Vulture
- Pepper & Carrot - A free(libre) and open-source webcomic
- Synfig Studio -Open-source 2D Animation Software
- Morevna Project Open-source animation
- MonkeyJam A digital pencil test and sto pmotion animation program
- Inkscape - A free and open source vector graphics editor
- GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP) - Free and open source image editor
- David Revoy - Open source French Artist
5. Making and Sharing Music, Software and Instruments

- Free Music Archive - Free music and royalty-free music
- Tribe of Noise - A global community of tens of thousands of independent musician
- Funk Whale- Social platform to enjoy and share music
- Audacity - A free multi-track audio editor and recorder
- LMMS - A free, cross-platform tool for your computer
- Qtractor -An Audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer application
- Jack - Audio Connection Kit
- Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA - Audio and MIDI
- MuseScore - Create, play and print sheet music
- Rosegarden - A music composition and editing environment
- Sonerezh - A self-hosted, web-based audio streaming application allowing you to access your music from anywhere, using any web browser
- SparkPunk Sound Kit
- Hova Instruments - Open source, 3D printable acoustic instruments for all
- OpenFab PDX - Modular Fiddle is an open source and upgradeable 3D printed violin
- All 3DP's Best guitars
- Instructables - A community for people who like to make things
- Guitarix - is a virtual guitar amplifier
- Ardour - Software to record, edit, mix and master audio and MIDI projects
- Qsynth - a fluidsynth GUI front-end
- Ten Steps Used To Make Steel Pans (Steel Drums)
- ShapeShifter - Open source drum machine
- Hydrogen Music - Advanced drum machine
- 3D Printable Trumpet
- How to Make a Bamboo Didgeridoo
- How to Make a Flute Out of Wood
- Making simple PVC flutes
- How to Make a Piccolo Instrument
- Crafting Native American Flutes
- Native American Sparrow Hawk Flute
- Open source saxophone project
- Build your own real theremin
- EQ-1 Headphones (Formerly the Duli)
- HR Giger Guitar
- Making the Spielatron (Robotic Glockenspiel)
- Build your own real theremin
6. Scanning, Making Paper and Audio Books and Sharing Books

- Linux Mint - One of the most popular desktop Linux distributions
- LibreOffice - A free and powerful office suite
- Scribus - A page layout program for desktop publishing
- LaTeX – A document preparation system
- Audacity - A free multi-track audio editor and recorder
- LibriVox - Free public domain audiobooks
- Europeana - Discover inspiring cultural heritage from European museums, galleries, libraries and archives
- Digital Public Library of America
- The Internet Archive Freely downloadable books and texts.
- The Online Books Page at the U. of Pennsylvania
- Open Library
- Google Books
- DailyLit - Lets you read literary classics and great new fiction in short instalments that you can pick up and put down anytime
- Project Gutenberg A library of over 60,000 free eBooks
- Many Books Free ebooks
- Librivox - Free public domain audiobooks
- The Literature Network - Free ebooks
- Loyal Books - Free Public Domain Audiobooks & eBook Downloads
- Wolne Lektury Free ebooks
- Questia - Public domain, classic and rare books
- Feedbooks - free ebooks
- Open Culture - Books, movies, audiobooks, courses, etc.
- POnly Classic reader
- The Online Library of Liberty - focused on individual liberty and free markets
- Standard Ebooks
- Loud Lit
- Authorama
- Legamus
- Classic Literature Library
- Great Books and Classics
- Planet Publish - Free PDF eBooks Archive
- Classical Chinese Literature
- Christian Classics
- O'Reilly - Open Books
- Free E-Books
- Free Kids Books
- Makers
- Do Bad Things Happen When Works Enter the Public Domain?: Empirical Tests of Copyright Term Extension
- Why free ebooks should be part of the plot for writers
- Bargain-Price Book Scanner From a Cardboard Box
- Author Cory Doctorow Talks Tech, Trotsky, What He's Reading, and Why He's Giving Away His Books For Free
- Document Book Scanner for Cell Phone
- Center for the Public Domain
7. Making, Editing, and Sharing Videos

- Apertus - Axiom camera
- Open Cine
- Kdenlive - OS video editor
- OpenShot - Video Editor
- Blender - Free and open source 3D creation suite
- Blender Reference Manual
- LiVES - VJ and Video Editing system
- Shotcut - A free, open source, cross-platform video editor
- Flowblade - A multitrack non-linear video editor
- Avidemux - A free video editor
- NATRON - Open Source Compositing Software For VFX and Motion Graphics
- Internet Archive - Community Video
- Prelinger Archives
- Beachfront B-Roll
- Pixabay - Free stock video footage & clips
- Flickr - Commercial used allowed
- Free Stock Footage
- Videvo - Free Stock Video Footage
- ESO Images
- NASA Gallery
- Open Images
- Kremlin images
- YouTube
- Vimeo
- Vimeo Creative Commons
- AXIOM Beta Overview
- Spring - A poetic fantasy film
- American kids would much rather be YouTubers than astronauts
8. Making and Sharing Maps and GIS Data

- OpenStreetMap
- OpenDroneMap
- DIY Drones
- ArduPilot
- PixHawk - The open standards for drone hardware
- PX4- Open source autopilot designed for scale
- Drone Code
- Flone
- Arduino GPS projects
- Open Map Tiles
- Traccar - Modern GPS Tracking Platform
- Track It!
- Open GPS Tracking System
- Aweigh
- ArcGIS
- GeoNetwork
- Global Map data archives
- NASA Earth Observations
- NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (sedac)
- Natural Earth
- GIS Geography- OpenStreetMap Data: How to Download Crowd-Sourced OSM Data
- Copernicus Open Access Hub
- IPUMS Terra Integrates population and environmental data
- United Nations Environment Programme - environment for development
- USGS Earth Explorer
- Geographic Resources Analysis Support System (GRASS)GIS
- OS GEO - The Open Source Geospatial Foundation
- QGIS - A Free and Open Source Geographic Information System
- QGIS Screenshots
- Flone 1.0
- Pi in the sky: High altitude ballooning with Raspberry Pi
- Aweigh book
- An open source simulation of photovoltaic yield with r.sun over large regions
- Twelve Million Phones, One Dataset, Zero Privacy
9. Making and Sharing Clothing: Patterns for Sewing and Knitting

- FreeSewing - Sewing patterns
- Mood's collection of Basic Patterns
- All Free Sewing
- OpenWrt - Linux operating system targeting embedded devices
- Open Source Footwear
- Ink/Stitch -An open source machine embroidery design platform based on Inkscape
- Silver Seams - Free patterns
- Ink Stitch - Self-Made Embroidery Machine (Running on G-Code)
- Seamly OS pattern design software
- Valentina - open source pattern drafting software
- OpenKnit - Open source digital knitting
- Do Knit Yourself
- Knitic - Software for open hardware knitting machine
- Craft Passion - Face Mask Sewing Pattern
- Free Sewing Github page
- How to Sew the BurdaStyle Short Jumpsuit
- Burda Style Sewing Patterns
- Chaussures à talons - High heels shoes
- Wu Ying Shoes- Pentesting Platform Shoes
- Openknit -A Reprap-inspired open source knitting machine
- Open Source... Sewing?
- Burda Style Community
10. Making and Sharing Woodworking and Other Old School Skills

- Ikea Hacks
- 122 DIY Recycled Wooden Pallet Projects and Ideas for Furniture and Garden
- Sketch Chair
- Ponoko
- OpenDesk
- Open Source Wood Initiative
- Sweet Home 3D - A free interior design application
- Wall-mounted Work Desk/chalkboard
- KNUFF Transformable Coffee Table
- Open Desk Lift Standing Desk
- Atfab Silver Lining Bed
- Sponge
- Open CNC Furniture
- Opendesk — what is non-commercial use?
- Open-Source Woodworking
11. Making and Sharing Electronics: Open Source PCB Mills, Arduino & Security

- Arduino - OS electronics prototyping platform
- Arduino environment libraries
- LadyAda Arduino tutorial
- Arduino Shield List
- Open Circuit Institute
- Open Electronics
- Open Hardware Repository
- Hackster
- Hackaday
- Kitspace
- SparkFun
- Adafruit
- TinyCircuits
- Seeed Studio
- How to Solder
- KiCad EDA - A Cross Platform and Open Source Electronics Design Automation Suite
- Fritzing
- OSH Park
- Seeed Fusion PCB & PCB Assembly
- Fritzing Fab
- pcb2gcode
- Open Builds
- Arduino Laser Harp
- Wall-E and DIY Makers
- DIY Magic Mirror and Photobooth - Arduino Powered
- Arduino Segway
- Multi-material additive and subtractive prosumer digital fabrication with a free and open-source convertible delta RepRap 3-D printer
- Belt-Driven Open Source Circuit Mill Using Low-Cost 3-D Printer Components
- The Big Hack: How China Used a Tiny Chip to Infiltrate U.S. Companies
- Shows Linux the Top Operating System for Internet of Things Devices
- Why is open source software more secure?
- Supercomputers: All Linux, all the time
- Using Open Source Designs to Create More Specialized Chips
- Software security in open source development: A systematic literature review
12. Making and Sharing Digital At-Home Manufacturing

- Free Download Cut Files for cnc router, laser cut and 3d print
- How to Wax Skate Skis
- Yeggi - Search Engine for 3D printable Models
- Libre 3D - free 3D printable parts
- Thingiverse - free 3D printable parts
- G-Clamp fully printable
- OpenSCAD - Script based open source CAD
- Another round corner cube library
- Making PLA rivots
- Nordic skate skiing waxing rack
- Mjöllnir - Thor's Hammer
- Recyclebot - open source waste plastic extruder for 3D printing filament
- FreeCAD - Free and Open Source CAD
- Free DXF files for Laser Cutting
- axRap
- Open Builds
- Lasersaur Manual - an open source laser cutter machine
- LaserDuo - an open source laser cutter machine
- DIY Dremel CNC design and parts
- LowRider2 CNC - Full Sheet Capable CNC Router- 25mm
- MaslowCNC-- Maslow-Create
- Maslow Community Garden
- RepRap Printable part sources
- Free Vectors for Laser Cutting
- CNCgcode - Free DXF shape files for CNC cutting
- CNC Art Club
- FREE DXF Files
- Free CNC Patterns
- DXF Files
- Free Patterns Area
- Free SVG Cut Files
- Free DXF Files
- Obrary - Open Designs
- Free Laser Cut Files
- Scan2CAD Free DXF Downloads
- Free sample SignTorch - cnc dxf vector clip art file downloads
- Vision - Free Clipart Download
- RepRap Machines
- Athena II Laser Engraver mod
- Convert Any 3D Printer to Laser Engraver
- OpenBuilds MiniMill
- Mostly Printed CNC "MPCNC" BURLY C-23.5mm OD
- Maslow Cable CNC
- Impact of DIY Home Manufacturing with 3D Printing on the Toy and Game Market
- Elegant card with laser cut and gold detail Free Vector
- Wealth Without Money
- Economic Potential for Distributed Manufacturing of Adaptive Aids for Arthritis Patients in the U.S.
- Emergence of Home Manufacturing in the Developed World: Return on Investment for Open-Source 3-D Printers
- Free Vectors for Cnc Router and Laser Cutting
13. Making and Sharing Scientific Equipment

- Open-source Lab - How to Build Your Own Hardware and Reduce Research Costs
- NIH 3D Print Exchange
- Open Source Laser Polymer Welding System: Design and Characterization of Linear Low-Density Polyethylene Multilayer Welds
- Open-Source Automated Mapping Four-Point Probe
- Open-source 3-D Platform for Low-cost Scientific Instrument Ecosystem
- 96 well plate / 0.2 mL strip tube Magnet Rack
- Design Optimization of Polymer Heat Exchanger for Automated Household-Scale Solar Water Pasteurizer
- The Evolution of Teaching Science
- University of Cambridge - OpenLabTools
- National Center for Educational Statistics
14. Making and Sharing Data as a Citizen Scientist

- Project Soothe - What soothes you?
- Zooniverse - People powered research
- Citizen Science - US Government portal
- Butterflies and Moths of North America
- Invasive Mosquito Project
- Eyewire Game to map the brain
- NASA Solve
- Moon Mappers
- Aurora Saurus
- Osiris Rex
- NASA Landslide viewer
- Camera CATalogue
- Map of Power Reactor Sites
- Open-source colorimeter
- Open-Source Photometric System for Enzymatic Nitrate Quantification
- Turn Your Camera Phone Into A Geiger Counter
- Analytical Properties of Some Commercially Available Nitrate Reductase Enzymes Evaluated as Replacements for Cadmium in Automated, Semiautomated, and Manual Colorimetric Methods for Determination of Nitrate Plus Nitrite in Water
15. Making and Sharing Waste Recycling: RecycleBots

- Recyclebot- waste plastic extruder to make 3D printing filament
- Waste for Life
- Precious Plastic
- Open Source Ecology
- Plastic Recycling Chart
- RepRapable Recyclebot: Open source 3-D printable extruder for converting plastic to 3-D printing filament
- Fused Particle Fabrication 3-D Printing: Recycled Materials' Optimization and Mechanical Properties
- 3-D Printable Polymer Pelletizer Chopper for Fused Granular Fabrication-Based Additive Manufacturing
- Tightening the loop on the circular economy: Coupled distributed recycling and manufacturing with recyclebot and RepRap 3-D printing
- Green Fab Lab Applications of Large-Area Waste Polymer-based Additive Manufacturing
- Warren Buffett eats the same thing for breakfast every day — and it never costs more than $3.17
- EPA Advancing Sustainable Materials Management
- High-Efficiency Solar-Powered 3-D Printers for Sustainable Development
- Wood Furniture Waste–Based Recycled 3-D Printing Filament
- Open Source Waste Plastic Granulator
- RepRapable Recyclebot: Open source 3-D printable extruder for converting plastic to 3-D printing filament
- Energy Payback Time of a Solar Photovoltaic Powered Waste Plastic Recyclebot System
16. Making and Sharing Big Free Stuff: Open Source Cars, Free Electricity, Open Building Institute, & Open Source Ecology

- Local Motors
- OpenEVSE- Electric Vehicle Charging Solutions
- OpenXC
- System Advisor Model (SAM)
- NREL's PVWatts Calculator
- Open Building Institute
- Open Source Ecology- Open Source Blueprints for Civilization
- High-Efficiency Solar-Powered 3-D Printers for Sustainable Development
- Open Build Institute - How it Works
- Open Building Institute builds
- OSE Global Village Construction Set
- OSE LifeTrac
- DIY Mini Solar Car! (14kph Toy)
- Open-source development of solar photovoltaic technology
- High-Efficiency Solar-Powered 3-D Printers for Sustainable Development
- IRENA: Renewables now the lowest-cost power source in most of the world
- Elon Musk Clarifies That Tesla's Patents Really Are Free; Investor Absolutely Freaks Out
- Tesla - All Our Patent Are Belong To You
- SAM Open Source
- Open source low-cost power monitoring system
- Open source low tech - wind turbine
- Design of Post-Consumer Modification of Standard Solar Modules to Form Large-Area Building-Integrated Photovoltaic Roof Slates
- Tesla Legal
- The Open-Source Car - Toyota is joining the Linux Foundation
- Time to shine: Solar power is fastest-growing source of new energy
- Energy Payback Time of a Solar Photovoltaic Powered Waste Plastic Recyclebot System
17. How to Make a Million Dollars of Value

- OpenSCAD - Scriptsoftware for creating solid 3D CAD objects
- RepRap - The first general-purpose self-replicating manufacturing machine
- Open-source syringe pump
- raspberry Pi
- Open-source syringe pump
- Ystruder: Open source multifunction extruder with sensing and monitoring capabilities
- Deadlift Jack
- The value of an open source dividend
- Emergence of Home Manufacturing in the Developed World: Return on Investment for Open-Source 3-D Printers
- Impact of DIY Home Manufacturing with 3D Printing on the Toy and Game Market
18. Making the Future of Sharing

- Criminal Code of Finland in English
- Sponsored Libre Research Agreements to Create Free and Open Source Software and Hardware
- Richard Stallman -- On "Free Hardware"
- Free Hardware and Free Hardware Designs by RMS
Media mentions
- Joshua Pearce: 3D Printing Waste into Profit - MTU Blog 16.5k
- 29 Best Sites to Read Online or Download Free Books (Legally) in 2020 Up Journey 84.3k
- How to influence people to join open source- 6.3k
- Milly Space
- Make:cast – Make Anything with Open Source Projects43.2k (listen)
- Thanks for Sharing: Reusable Open Source Hardware Respirators- Machine Design 55.2k
- It's National STEAM Day And We Know How To Celebrate!- Mothering 132k
- Michigan Tech Open Sustainability Technology Sharing Award - MTU 16.5k
- Open-source Maker, Mover and Shaker Takes Share-everything Philosophy to the Mainstream- MTU News 16.9k
- com/stories/a-discussion-with-joshua-pearce-on-thriving-without-money-by-harnessing-open-source/ A Discussion With Joshua Pearce on Thriving Without Money by Harnessing Open Source Thrive Global 5756
- Book of the Week: Create, Share, and Save Money Using Open-Source Projects - Fabbaloo 113k
- 21 inspiring, must-read books for 2021 -Shareable 397k
- Sharing is Caring: Creating Wealth Through Collaboration FinTech Times 87k
- 分享是關懷:通過合作創造財富 0xzx 61.5k [1]
- Q&A with Joshua Pearce, Engineering Professor at Michigan Tech University Tech Inside Out
- Little Da Vinci's
- The Magic of Open Source - Rouges Magazine
- Daily STEM
- 2021 Research Magazine 18.7k
- Zero Waste Count Down podcast, Apple Podcasts, Player FM
- "This book is written from the maker’s point of view and for the makers. It brilliantly demonstrates that the maker’s culture is accessible to anyone and has a real value both from the entire society and for the individual. One should read this book with the laptop on its knees… I personally learnt tons of things, for example that adblockers can help the planet to save a significant amount of energy, that you can hack IKEA’s furniture or print your own high hill shoes…"-- Jean-François Boujut in Review in the Journal of Innovation Economics & Management Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023
- 3D With Us -
- " I wish I read this book in the beginning of my 3D printing and blogging journey, because a lot of the open source software listed and described was tried by me in one or the other way. As my budget didn't allow me to use paid versions of software, I spent a lot of time searching for appropriate solutions. That's how I found OBS, GIMP, Inkscape, not to mention all 3D design and 3D printing related software and communities." - Max Funkner (3D With Us)
- "Honestly speaking, before reading this book I was only partly convinced about the open-source "religion". Now I am 75% converted. I truly hope I can keep the open source mindset for as long as possible unless life fills up with cruel bills and expenses, which may drag me back into the "unsharring, world of the Apes"." - Max Funkner (3D With Us)
- Blender Nation
- "Joshua Pearce's book shows us that there are open source projects for anything you'd want to make, digital or physical. For anyone wanting to do something, open source makes it easier for you to get started, for creative ideas to flourish and for difficult problems to be solved by collaborating with others."- Dale Dougherty - Make Magazine
- "I wish I had this book when I was 15. However, a reader of any age and profession can find a lot of valuable information here. This work introduces us to the philosophy and methodology of the open-source movement through real examples covering all technical, legal, economic, and social aspects. A novice maker/creator/developer will receive professional advice, which in the future can help in organizing effective work processes and promoting built products. An experienced engineer will be able to take a fresh look at familiar things and contribute to the growth of the community. Have you ever heard of open-source cars or collective lunar cartography? The book examines a wide range of both everyday and unusual tasks, from life hacks and shared recipes to waste recycling and village construction sets, in terms of their potential, scalability, and orientation towards global collaboration. It provides a concentrated yet detailed overview in an accessible and easy-to-read form. Highly recommend."-- Aliaksei Petsiuk (
- "If you're doubtful of open source, perhaps Pearce's explanations will help persuade you to its benefits." Kerry Stevenson - Fabbaloo
- "The book is so easy to read and understand that Charlie and David have found several projects they want to tackle which we can use in Homeschooling." - Mommies Reviews Glenda C.
- "The author used a very simple yet catchy tone of language to explain his ideas and theories and as a result, I found it very easy to continue reading... This book will be very beneficial to the people who want to live a minimal lifestyle, as per author the book demonstrates how to use open-source software and hardware to save money." The Four Eyed Book Worm