Lonny Grafman

I am Lonny, the founder of Appropedia.org, feel free to ask me a question.

Campus Office Information

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University: Humboldt State University
Department: Environmental Resources Engineering
U.S. Phone: +1 (707) 826-3649 x1
School Email: lonnyAtsymbol.pnghumboldtDot.pngedu
Other Email: lonnyAtsymbol.pngappropediaDot.pngorg or just click (must be logged in) to email me.
Office Location: I am in Harry Griffith Hall 118B on the southwest corner of Harpst and B Streets - see marker on the interactive google map.
Feel free to leave comments at the discussion tab above

Office Schedule

Courses taught

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Humboldt State University and Partner Universities in Parras, Mexico; Chiapas, Mexico; and Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic:

University of Nevada Reno in partnership with the University of the Basque Country:

Humboldt County in partnership with College of the Redwoods and the California Conservation Corps:

Permaculture design course components and many other deep engagements:


Lonny Grafman is an Instructor of Environmental Resources Engineering and Appropriate Technology at Humboldt State University; the founder of the Practivistas summer abroad, full immersion, Spanish language and resilient community technology program in Dominican Republic; the Advisor for the epi-apocalyptic city art projects, Waterpod, Flock House, and WetLand; the Executive Editor of the International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering; the CEO of Propelsion, a design and creativity incubator in Humboldt County; and the Founder and President of the Appropedia Foundation, sharing knowledge to build rich, sustainable lives. He is also a board member of engaged community organizations such as Locally Delicious, Thrivable, and Ashevillage Institute.

Lonny has taught courses at universities in four countries and facilitated interactive workshops in dozens of locations. He has worked, and led teams, on hundreds of domestic and international projects across a broad spectrum of sustainability - from solar power to improved cookstoves, from micro-hydro power to rainwater catchment, from earthen construction to plastic bottle schoolrooms. Throughout all of these technology implementations, he has found the most vital component to be community.

Current Activities


International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering

Executive Editor


"a free peer-reviewed electronic journal. The Journal welcomes manuscripts based on original work of students and researchers with a specific focus or implication for service learning in engineering, engineering entrepreneurship in service, or related service learning pedagogy."

Appropedia Foundation



Promoting, facilitating and bolstering the sharing of knowledge to build rich, sustainable lives.

Design Your Future

Co-Creator with Prof. Beth Eschenbach


Teaching university, service learning based, sustainable engineering design in high school to engage students in the design process and encourage their entry into higher education. Developing sustainable design as context for curriculum.

Abroad Programs

Founder, director, teacher


A summer immersion program in Spanish and Appropriate Technology since 2005. Founded, directed and taught, as well as co-founded and co-directed, programs in Parras de la Fuente, Mexico; San Cristóbal de las Casas, Mexico; and Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

Campus Center for Appropriate Technology

Steering Committee member


"The mission of CCAT is to demonstrate appropriate technology in a residential setting, to provide hands-on experiential learning opportunities to Humboldt State University and the surrounding community, to collect and disseminate information about appropriate technology, to examine the ethical and social consequences of technology, and to dispel the myth that living lightly on the earth is difficult or burdensome. CCAT is dedicated to sustainability and seeks to help others live likewise."

Green Wheels

Advisory board member


"We're making the North Coast friendly for walking, biking and mass transit, to reduce carbon emissions, sprawl, and congestion, and make a stronger economy and improve health."

Humboldt Bay Center for Sustainable Living

Board of Directors


Constructing "a lodging facility, the Humboldt Bay Eco-Hostel, and Sustainable Living Center where visitors can experience the ease and beauty of environmentally sustainable living.

The Center will serve as a portal for visitors to access the natural and heritage assets of our region. The Project will be an inspiration to thousands of new visitors to the Northcoast. These visitors will include both those who stay at the Hostel and those who lodge at other establishments but visit the hostel site and grounds. Expenditures on lodging, meals and other goods and services will make a significant contribution to the well being of the local economy."

Full Belly Project

Board of Advisors


"The Full Belly Project, a non-profit dedicated to developing simple income generating devices to improve life for the world’s poorest, was today named a 2008 Tech Awards Laureate, The Full Belly Project is one of 25 global innovators recognized each year for applying technology to benefit humanity and spark global change. The Tech Awards, a signature program of The Tech Museum of Innovation, and presented by Applied Materials, Inc., selected The Full Belly Project from among hundreds of nominations representing 68 countries."


Sustainability and Appropriate Technology Advisor, Volunteer Coordinator


"Waterpod™ is a floating, sculptural, eco-habitat designed for the rising tides. It will depart May 2009, from the Newtown Creek between Brooklyn and Queens, navigate down the East River, explore the waters of New York Harbor, docking at several Manhattan piers on the Hudson River before continuing onward. The Waterpod™ demonstrates future pathways for water-based innovations. As a sustainable, navigable living space, the Waterpod™ showcases the critical importance of the environment and art, serving as a model for new living, d.i.y. technologies, art, and dialogue."

Flock House

Sustainability Advisor


"Part fantastic and part practical living, mobile Flock House living systems are interstertial, are both autonomous and dependent on their local community and human relationships to care for, share amongst, collaborate, and corroborate with. As living systems, they are bridges for informal cross-discipline, cross-boundary, and cross-border notions of perimeter, property, and polity. Flock House represents migratory structures as part of a city’s ecology."




"Thrivable is a solution-focused consulting and training network helping individuals and organizations to cultivate abundance by developing agility, resilience, and adaptability."

Locally Delicious

Board of Advisors


"Six women from the northern coast of California referring to themselves as "Heirloom Tomatoes" understand those changes and challenges and have put together a handbook for eating local with the intent of inspiring others to do the same." Now it is an organization doing even more. The second edition of the book is out and more projects are underway.

Select Projects

Other Recent, Active, Organizational Work

Select Recent Presentations

Select slide-shows can be seen at http://www.slideshare.net/lonny.

Select Interviews and Mentions




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  • InGenius: A Crash Course on Creativity by Tina Seelig ISBN 978-0062020703
  • Thrivability: A collaborative Sketch
  • The Myths of Creativity: The Truth About How Innovative Companies and People Generate Great Ideas ISBN 978-1118611142
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