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Top page Daycare rainwater catchment system (392)

Who we are[edit | edit source]


See the Parras Invitation for initial information on this Parras summer program. In addition, please browse the user pages, project pages and other working pages below to see more about us and what we are doing.

For current students in the Parras 2008 Program[edit | edit source]


Combined Criteria[edit | edit source]

Here is our table of six criteria that define an appropriate technology for our group. Competing solutions can be rated on how well they meet each of the following criteria. Then those rating can be multiplied by the criterion weights. The solution with the highest score is the most appropriate.

Criteria Weight (0-10 highest)
Leverages existing knowledge (doesn't reinvent the wheel) 10
  • Utilizes local resources, materials and labor
  • Locally usable, maintainable, and replicable
Culturally Sensitive
  • Locally desired
  • Community involvement
  • Considers local politics
  • Considers local norms and customs
  • Fits into local aesthetics
Economically Appropriate
  • Financial cost fits with local income
  • Keeps money local
  • Considers local economic structures
Responsible Design
  • Safe
  • Site Appropriate
  • Practical
  • Energy Efficient
  • Appropriate Scale
Ecologically Sound
  • Cradle to cradle design
  • Positive Environmental Impact

General Schedule[edit | edit source]

In general our schedule is Monday through Friday, 9am to noon and 4pm to 6pm. Some days (usually Fridays) will be field trips during which we will not have an at home lunch break (so bring a lunch). In addition, a lot of time will be spent on your projects (and homework). Please let me know if you need me to meet with your team at any other times. Below is a more current calender as well (removed as the summer 08 semester is over).

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