About Me!

Katherine Wendt
Hello, my name is Katherine!
Enjoy my page and see me build a 3D printer!

Hello! I'm Katherine, I'm studying Material Science and Engineering and I graduate in Spring 2020. I've interned at two automobile suppliers and one foundry for the past three summers, working in Appleton Wisconsin and the Detroit-Metro area of Michigan. I have worked as a Process Control intern and Material Lab intern. During my internships I preformed studies on the residual stresses found in steel automobile parts, as well as rheology tests with vulcanized rubber. I'm interested in metallurgy and hope to work in manufacturing when I graduate.

Past Work Relevant to Appropedia

Class work from MSE 4777. Check out my Thingiverse page! https://www.thingiverse.com/MarieRobert/about

Open Source 3-D Printing Class

Proof of Print Build

MSE 4777 3-D Printing Video
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Katherine's Mini Projects

What I've made so far!

Katherine's Main Projects

What's uploaded for everyone to use!

MSE 4777 Big Money Project
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