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Executive Director of Appropedia Foundation

Hi! I am an industrial engineer from El Salvador. I have dedicated ten years to organizations focused on social development and volunteer mobilization. My previous experience comes from Habitat for Humanity El Salvador, where I worked for eight years prior to Appropedia Foundation. I also led Reacción, a project to enable low-tech communication in rural areas, for which I became an Innovator Under 35 in 2015.

Over the past few years, I have also collaborated with different organizations such as the Latin American Fab Lab Network, Reacción and Fundación Insitu in the design and execution of technological projects and initiatives by using participation as a medium for collaboration with non-technical communities to solve social and environmental problems.

I am also an adjunct professor at ESEN (Introduction to Innovation and Digital Fabrication) and the Digital Media for Development Seminar at at Brandeis University (2020, 2021), a board member of Internet Society El Salvadorand chapter lead of Creative Commons El Salvador.

My work at Appropedia

Since 2019 I serve as the Executive Director of The Appropedia Foundation. Some of the activities that I am currently involved in are fundraising, site development and community building. Sometimes, I'm editing help pages or fighting spam; some other times I'm helping facilitate work with professors who are running classes on Appropedia and organizations documenting hardware and international development projects.

Editing tasks


Personal pages and projects

This is a list of personal projects I've documented on Appropedia

My subpages

This is a list of my subpages (mostly dev stuff and notes).

Maintenance pages

These are some of the pages I'm slowly building.

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