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User page stuff

Brief Professional Bio


I am Blake Peters, a junior at Principia College, and I am loving the open source movement! I am a computer science major with familiarity with Java, JavaScript, C++, and Python. I have constructed and designed an intensive, 4-week coding course called "Graphics" and have posted the majority of my works on GitHub. I am currently looking for a summer internship and an intensive coding project relating to open source 3-D printing code!


Reach out to me at blake.peters@principia.edu

Reflective Paragraph

The open source movement is where people can publish work under certain licenses that other people can use to construct and build ideas off of by giving credit to the person(s) that they first based their project off of. I love the constructiveness of this idea! It allows for a community to prosper and thrive by allowing innovators to indirectly collaborate with strangers to produce something interesting or beneficial to society. Every piece from the Jellybox 2 build is open sourced and can be downloaded, modified, and improved by just giving credit under the correct licensing. My project was able to contribute to the movement by creating one more tool that will be using open source material to design certain projects for my 3-D printing class. I will definitely be contributing the the open source movement through code. I want to construct so many project that I have not seen on the major open source websites and want to dive deep into building at least one strong building block for others to take and upgrade!

  • [[category:242-2019 People]]

Demo stuff

Picture Topic Description
UseTheForce.jpg First Print I had fun with my first print! This is going to be mass produced for the bathrooms around Buck. I'm glad that every piece functions properly!

StarWars Use the Force - Darth Vader by yb__magiic is licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution license.

Picture Topic Description
BlenderExercise.jpg Blender Exercise Personally created it through Blender.
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Propeller.jpg Propeller Personally created it through FreeCad. The Propeller has a 45 degree rotation from the start of the fine to the back

and has smooth edges around the fins.

Picture Topic Description
DeskNamePlate.png Personal Desk Name I modified a remix of a Desk Name Plate by 3rdimensiongallery and recieved a decent amount of views and likes! If you want to check it out, here is the link!



jellybox print
Error in widget YouTube: Unable to load template 'wiki:YouTube'

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