Appropedia is a wiki for all questions of renewable energy, including:

...and any other form of renewable energy. It also covers energy storage, both high tech solutions that may (or may not) be suited to commercial and wealthy community solutions, as well as what is commonly called appropriate technology for smaller applications.

However, Appropedia is a more general green wiki, on the basis of "wiki synergy," i.e. that sustainability, design and international development issues overlap extensively and so are best dealt with on a single wiki.

Other wikis

Other wikis exist on this subject; only one appears to be not active.

Many introductory resources can be also be found on Wikipedia, starting at Wikipedia:Renewable energy. This is restricted to Wikipedia's criteria, and does not include designs, how tos, or original analysis.

Template:Call to collaboration

== See also ==[Eolectropaedia - Overview of Conventional and Sustainable Electrical Energy Supplies ]

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