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Developmental Need:

Uv water treatment

LED lighting

Papercrete vs. StrawBale

How to Practice Sustainable Agriculture

Vegetable oil as fuel

Conventional Discipline:

Mech425 AT Project

MicroHydro: Civil Engineering Aspects

Hydraulic ram pumps

Polymer environmental-friendly resin

Solar Charged Lawnmower

External Links

Developmental Need:

Engineers Against Poverty

Life and Water Development Group Cameroon, Africa

The Himalayan Light Foundation

Engineers Without Borders

The Foundation for Sustainable Technologies

Conventional Discipline:

National Center for Appropriate Technology

World Green Building Council

The South African Institution of Civil Engineering

Engineers for a Sustainable World

The National Industrial Symbiosis Programme

EngineerAid Official Website

Science for Humanity

Funding Opportunities



Rep Rap

One Laptop Per Child

Grameen Foundation


Engineers Without Borders

Job Opportunities

One Laptop Per Child is looking for software developers and managers.

The Canadian International Development Agency has employment, internship, and volunteer opportunities for Canadians.

Village Earth has volunteer opportunities in appropriate technology and other areas.

SustainableBusiness.com is a search engine for 'green dream jobs', including engineering.

SustainJobs.com is a search engine for climate change and renewable energy jobs.


Energy Policy

The International Journal of Sustainable Transportation

Renewable Energy

International NGO Journal

Journal of Sustainability

Journal of Sustainable Development

Journal of Solar Energy Engineering

Journal of green building

Work to be Done

Template:Get involved

Stubs that need to be expanded:

Life cycle analysis


Green building

See also: Suggested projects

Education for Engineering for Sustainable Development

Engineering for Sustainable Development is an Appropedia page with external links to education programs and courses.

Service learning is a great way to accomplish education while providing a useful service. Engineers learn well through practically applying their skills. See Service learning in engineering for more information.

The Engineering Subject Centre in the UK offers resources for Education for Sustainable Development.

The Applied Sustainabilty Research Group within the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada led by User: J.M.Pearce provides the opportunity for research and education on engineering for sustainable development.

The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education lists education programs in the United States.


Canadian and US Accreditation Standards for Sustainability

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