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Name Chriswaterguy/Content/Ideas
Registered 2024

Feedback on, addition to and even editing of material on the content ideas page is welcome. I am concentrating on helping to get the Appropedia working nicely and the existing content integrated, so I don't have time to add all of the enormous amount of new content that I would like to.

More extensive drafts, and draft postings for other sites, will be posted at my Sandbox.

Quotes[edit | edit source]

It would be so much easier if climate change hid in caves in Afghanistan and had a beard. It’s a shame that the thought of the impending chaos and destruction wrought by our own making doesn’t quite have the same affect as an 80 year old man with a walking stick. - Tom Taylor

Content[edit | edit source]

Dehumidifiers? The Sietch are at least aware of them. Try dehumidifierW

Templates[edit | edit source]


conditional arguments in templates. See http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Template:Fact&action=edit

Pages to go over[edit | edit source]

Merge these links at Category:Appropedia maintenance:

Cats to move:

+Move Category:Demotech/Learning from Poverty (have agreement with Demotech person...)

Cats to create:

Topic pages which are now articles, content to be moved to categories:

Sustainability[edit | edit source]


Urban planning[edit | edit source]

zoning issues, commercial activity: http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/06/20/1055828489719.html

Low cost computer[edit | edit source]

Low cost computer guide.

Have posted to http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=462379

Will ask Indo group at http://web.archive.org/web/20130521083408/http://lug.or.id/ & http://web.archive.org/web/20131005125848/http://www.gerbanglinux.com/ + See http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux

Userboxes[edit | edit source]

...with cats, for expertise/interest, e.g. water engineering. (expertise can be noted in text on userpage (e.g. I studied Public Health Engineering at UNSW, which is water & sanitation).

+for admins.

+for active wikipedia users

Indonesia[edit | edit source]

Have started a stub on AT at the Indonesian Wikipedia: Wikipedia:id:Teknologi tepat guna Indonesia. Division of the government science foundation, LIPI. Based in Subang, West Java. Holds Appropriate technology expos & competitions, e.g. an upcoming expo in Pontianak, West Kalimantan. Info:

(Indonesian description of appropriate technology: Teknologi Tepat Guna atau dengan kata lain teknologi yang sesuai kebutuhan sehingga bisa dimanfaatkan masyarakat. - Technology to suit the use, or in other words technology which conforms to the needs so that it can be used by society.)

Paste from personal notes[edit | edit source]

AT in other articles[edit | edit source]

in Wikipedia:water purification[edit | edit source]

Other water purification techniques & Portable water purification

  1. Appropriate technologies: Affordable and effective technologie

A type of Wikipedia:ceramic water filter was recently developed which can be made with clay, mixed with organic matter such as coffee grounds without a Wikipedia:kiln, and fired using an open Wikipedia:dung fire.

Academic[edit | edit source]

Public health: http://ocw.jhsph.edu/ Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health's OCW project - note the http://web.archive.org/web/20120610215650/http://ocw.jhsph.edu/Topics.cfm?topic_id=25 Global Health courses such as http://ocw.jhsph.edu/courses/watersanitation/ Water and Sanitation Needs in Complex Humanitarian Emergencies

   Some useful resources you might want to check out and put in your backpack of goodies:
      1. Check out the NEW People In Aid Website http://www.peopleinaid.org/
                                            Watch This Space
   2. Financial Management for Emergencies - A survival guide for humanitarian programme managers
   3. Managing People in Emergencies - A survival guide for humanitarian programme managers

   Priorities: Kar, contact Shan & WaterAid guy.
   jhbsph lecture1 - Lecture 2: Randomized Interventions - Three tales from Three Continents (15.1 MB)
       starting 19 minutes - improved bucket? - lid, spout, loop handle, handle at bottom for ease of use. to avoid hand contact. - 
       (35:00) lack of fecal coliforms confirms safe water. doesn't apply to parasites like giardia, cryptosporidium, liver flukes...?
   women rub hands around inside of bucket; rinse water reused for next bucket.
   bacteria settling after (4-6 hrs?). V-shaped ration buckets & square buckets flow differently when poured, so samples come out very differently. 
   chlorine, in open bucket, keeps safe for 4 hours. Closed container, even weeks. 
   bucket ->31% improvement in diarrea for under 5's.
   appeared to be protective: change of clothes, having a latrine, and having more buckets (14% per bucket) . 
   Increased diarrea: Visible feces on floor of latrine -> 3 times more likely; having animals -> more likely. 16% increase per duck. 
   (1:06:00) less than 10 L water per day -> less diarrea. covariate with number of buckets. Reasons not conclusive, but lecturer suspects: that these people have been through a tougher time, and are immunologically tougher; that among people with fewer buckets, kids are more likely to have died, so the ones left are stronger (i.e. Darwinian). Fewer little kids among the highest consumption category (harder to carry if you have kids). 
   (1:08:00) v-shaped ration buckets stack, better for transport; UNHCR made buckets with snap-on lid, that could be stacked. Then plastic bags which became rigid when filled; hourglass to prevent hand reaching in. CDC (?) & Oxfam made vessel with tap. 
   Policy effect: Most refugees today are given narrow-necked bucket because of a $12,000 study, and now many millions of people are benefiting. 
   $30,000 study in a town by the Aral Sea in 1996 stopped a $20 million reverse osmosis plant - instead a few hundred thousand dollars were spent fixing the distribution system to stop contamination, for a better outcome. 
   Relative benefits of cheap randomized studies compared to expensive technological solutions. Criticized Gates Foundation effort for a better measles vaccine (which can be given at 6 months instead of 9 months), when so many children are not vaccinated anyway, and when there are other needs like literacy where a profound impact could be achieved with modest funding. 

[[1]]Income to dwarf energy price rises] Sydney Morning Herald, November 21 2007 Respected economics columnist Ross Gittins talks about the costs of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, which he says are surprisingly small.

"There are cities in Argentina and South America that have really emphasized local food production, emphasized sustainability. There are pockets of real success." carbon footprint podcast - left question. http://agroinnovations.com/component/option,com_jd-wp/Itemid,173/p,28/

http://today.reuters.com/news/articlenews.aspx?type=oddlyEnoughNews&storyid=2007-12-20T114948Z_01_N19576243_RTRUKOC_0_US-TOILETS.xml 100 arrested for not having toilets, Reuters, Wed Dec 19, 2007 - coercion rather than education (warranted by cholera outbreak?)

dancing, schmoozing... completely green ways of adding to gross national happiness


Permeable Pavement (Peter Campbell: was this the wonderful soft pavement in St Kilda, Melbourne?)

Permeable surfaces reduce stormwater runoff and recharge groundwater. By encouraging greenery they may also improve air quality, add shade and enhance the appearance of the local environment.

Vancouver has tried a form of permeable pavement:

To test the effectiveness of new pavement technologies, the city incorporated the material into its Country Lanes project, a demonstration area in which the city redesigned a series of streets to be only partially asphalt—and partially covered by permeable surfaces, which provide a solid, durable surface, but allow grass and plants to grow through. - 194 WWW.WORLDCHANGING.COM/SHELTER

WC p195 Back in the 1960s, biologist John Todd began designing systems that used healthy, thriving ecosystems to clean sewage—gracefully coordinated tools he called Living Machines. (However) Some of the flora and fauna in the Living Machines could not handle the toxic witches’ brew that runs through sewers.

PARTIES IGNORE AFFORDABLE HOUSING STRATEGY The Greens have for years been calling for changes to planning laws to require a proportion of new multi-unit housing developments to be set aside for not-for-profit housing schemes so that key low to moderate income workers can afford to live in the areas where they work.

Unfortunately both the Liberal and Labor parties have failed to adopt a genuine strategy for providing affordable housing. The Greens proposal is based on similar successful strategies in many overseas cities but the objections of the developer lobby have scared the old parties away from adopting the Greens approach.

  • Choose different forms of travel once you are at your destination.
    • If you would normally hire a vehicle, consider using public transport when possible (and taxis when necessary).
    • Cycle. In some locations (e.g. Bangkok and Yogyakarta? Malang?) there are many narrow lanes which suit cyclists, as they are usually too narrow for cars and trucks. (Be careful of course - you share such lanes with people who live there, including small children and the elderly.) This can be a great way to see first-hand what real life is like for the majority of the people, and also to meet people outside of the tourist industry - often much friendlier and less money-oriented than those you meet on the tourist trail.

Safety: In many countries safety measures are not followed carefully. For cultural reasons (including a lack of the awareness campaigns and enforcement that have led to changed behavior in many Western countries {fact}) safety is not emphasized on a day-to-day basis. Locals may insist that something is safe (e.g. riding a motorcycle) in spite of a shockingly high accident rate.

Be careful to:

  • Always wear a helmet when on a bicycle or motorcycle.
  • Always use the strap on your helmet. Locals may wear a motorcycle helmet to avoid getting in trouble from police, but without the strap -
  • Check the safety record of the transport you're taking. If traveling by plane you can look up the airline on Wikipedia, and look for a section on "incidents" or "safety". If traveling by bus, the safety may depend on the roads being traveled, as well as the condition of the bus. Locals may give advice on which bus lines are more likely to drive carefully (the cheapest buses may be more poorly maintained and or driven recklessly to save time).

Think critically "disclaimer". Derrida manuals new scientist?

Stoves[edit | edit source]

http://journeytoforever.org/at_woodfire.html http://web.archive.org/web/20070412053503/http://www.efn.org:80/~apro/AT/stove96.html

Think critically "disclaimer".

AT[edit | edit source]

http://web.archive.org/web/20140621125627/http://wickone.myweb.uga.edu/Appropriate.html The U.S. Office of Technology Assessment has further refined these tenets by describing AT as (a) small scale, (b) energy efficient, (c) environmentally sound, (d) labor intensive, (e) controlled by the local community, and (f) sustained at the local level (Office of Technology Assessment, 1981).

Richard Critchfield (1977) stated, “Small is beautiful, but it’s still small.” (p. 5). -- Critchfield, R. (1977, September). Small is beautiful, but it’s small in RF Illustrated. New York: The Rockefeller Foundation.

make biogas digester article? see wp Talk:Anaerobic_digestion#Biogas_digesters - + see http://www.thepigsite.com/forums/showthread.php?t=33 for contacts

   The bag digester http://www.google.com/search?num=50&hs=uux&hl=en&lr=&safe=off&client=opera&rls=en&q=%22bag+digester%22&btnG=Search

International public health User:Chriswaterguy/Content/Ideas/ International Health,

Pumps[edit | edit source]

see VLOM and "Handpump failures" re EthiopiaHandpumps: a losing battle?

see also low-lift irrigation pumps], for Small-scale irrigation. Wikipedia:Chain pumps - examples are known in the nineteenth century for low-lift irrigation purposes.

see http://www.google.com.au/search?num=30&hl=en&q=%22Village+Level+Operation+and+Maintenance%22&meta= for more (esp check one with Kar in the url. Check cache.)

Testing Google calendar for web pages[edit | edit source]

<iframe src="http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=e25lhlt0cejefrvfbaq7ssjgi4%40group.calendar.google.com&title=Chris%20Watkins'%20-%20events%20I%20might%20go%20to&height=614" style=" border-width:0 " width="640" frameborder="0" height="614"></iframe>

Dean Kamen, effectiveness of aid...[edit | edit source]


Before Kamen met Quadir, he took his inventions to places like the United Nations and the World Bank, part of whose stated goals are to improve access to power and water in the world’s poorest nations. He says he met nothing but skepticism among the experts who told him there were much cheaper and better ways to make power and clean water. He describes these encounters as “the most chilling meetings I ever had in Washington.”

During one such encounter, Kamen lost his cool and blurted out: “Okay, you’ve had 60 years and spent $1 trillion on these two issues. Can you point to the places where you are proud of the success you’ve had?” The meeting didn’t get much farther than that.

Says Kamen, “If you are going to wait for governments or NGOs [non-governmental organizations] to change the world, it is going to take another 60 years.”

Jamal Saghir, the World Bank’s director of energy and water, says he is unaware of any meetings that might have taken place with Kamen. “We get a lot of requests from inventors to endorse their products,” says Saghir. “The World Bank does not support proprietary technology. We support developing country governments and empower them to make choices.”

Yet more to do... Yikes![edit | edit source]

A few thoughts on the Sustainapedia-Appropedia Launch Document[edit | edit source]

These are some bits I'm planning on putting in or changing, but waiting till morning, lest my edits conflict with the incorporating of Prof. Rod Ruoff's edits. --Chriswaterguy · talk 08:40, 27 March 2007 (PDT)

Note that the Appropedia site is already underway, with a year of work on content, presentation, technical issues, policy and partnerships - so we're launching a well-developed, ready-to-go resource and community.


  • Bring in Cameron & Kate?
  • What about name? Ignore in launch doc?
  • Founders:
    • How many founders will there be?
    • When is it too late to be a "founder"? (I would have thought before now, but I can be flexible). Should we tone this down?

What our partners contribute

  • we often ask for good-quality content, which is then searchable on the site, and is able to be incorporated into the main topic pages of the wiki. The material is also then more visible, being on a prominent site. In any case, we do give credit.
  • ask for links.

Appropedia:Partners #A history of collaboration. (It's very much from my point of view, reflecting my experience, at this stage.)

part of my concern is about the "list of founding individuals" and the way that's ordered. It's a little tricky picking an order, but when all else is roughly equal we could go for alphabetical. We certainly should give acknowledgment to people who sign up early, but I would play it more softly. The main recognition that people get should be earned respect within the community, I feel. I also like describing things in a narrative as it makes it possible to acknowledge people's unique contributions without ranking them.

The innovative approach to wikis is interesting and that functionality could be valuable, if only for providing a space where certain people are more comfortable with contributing. However the place of fully open wiki content (as with the Appropedia's current open editing policy) is still extremely important, I believe - central, in fact. How all this will work together is something that will evolve. Do we agree on the centrality of the open wiki? If so, we highlight this. If not, that's fine, but I'd like to know your thoughts.

I agree with your statement about the peer-reviewed content and open content, and yes, the open wiki editing policy is, and always will be, central to Sustainapedia. The peer-reviewed approach is purely for those who currently feel they need it to feel comfortable contributing, I also think it is an interesting avenue to publish one's work. Indeed it will evolve over time. It is my hope that in time (long term) we can effectively phase out the closed peer-review model and have a completely open space where all community members will be comfortable sharing content. At this point though, I feel like we need to create a space specifically for the academic community to feel comfortable sharing their original work, and this is one avenue to do so. Chris, if you think that the open model needs additional highlights in the document, please add or edit a section in. - Ryan

Focusing the Sustainapedia community on high priority content is something that the management team will pursue – in order to build the community as fast as possible. And add maximum value in the space.

I take it this is talking about creating high quality content?

Yes, we will try to focus the community on specific high-priority, high-quality content as fast as possible so as to add the most value to the community as quickly as possible.

two annual prizes – one for the greatest number of posts in a year, and one for the highest quality of posts

This will be won by a bot, unless bots are excluded; or someone using a semi-automated program like AWB (autowikibrowser) (less obvious); or a WikiGnome (someone who does routine tasks). Major content creators won't be in the running, and in any case their best way to improve their odds would be by the undesirable habit of saving very frequently while editing.

I've replaced this section with Curt's suggestion: "We will promote content development in several ways. We will recognize contributors (individuals and organizations) in an appropriate and inspirational way. Several ideas are currently under discussion."
I think this leaves the door open for some much needed discussion, and we can find a unique way to reward individuals and organizations for their contributions.

There is a method of measuring the amount of text contributed. I still don't think it's a great metric, but it's an improvement over number of edits. I recall a study done on the persistence of edits in Wikipedia, looking at anonymous editors vs registered editors.

(Interesting but tangential note: It turned out the anonymous editors contributed more actual content per edit than registered users; they measured "persistent content" or words to that effect, i.e. additions that weren't reverted by others. I think registered users are more likely to do minor edits, polishing, gnome work, compared to anons who are less likely to be wiki savvy and just contribute content.)

I like where you're going with this, if you find any of the reports detailing these studies, let me know, it's always good to have them on reference.

Goals: to be in the top 5 for Google ranking on search terms including (short term goals)

  • sustainability wiki
  • green living wiki
  • sustainable housing wiki
  • international development wiki
  • poverty wiki
  • appropriate technology wiki (we're there, woo--hoo! it's worth mentioning that, as a goal already achieved)
  • alternative technology wiki (VE wiki is there, so hopefully we will be soon, esp after requesting link updates from referring sites. Is it worth putting Google Analytics on the VE wiki - is it easy, or hard work? But I digress...)
  • water wiki
  • sanitation wiki
  • permaculture wiki

Long term - top 10, preferably top 5, without the wiki term:

  • sustainability
  • green living
  • sustainable housing
  • international development
  • poverty
  • appropriate technology (currently 18th - we're improving!)
  • alternative technology
  • water
  • sanitation
  • permaculture

Thesis[edit | edit source]

Testing word to wiki conversion at: User:Chriswaterguy/Thesis/

Happiness[edit | edit source]

Relevant to well-being, principles of development (the ultimate purpose of development), simple living...

  • Gittins wrote: Professor Martin Seligman [Authentic Happiness & The Optimistic Child], of the University of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia, is one of the top psychologists in the US, and before he turned to studying positive psychology and happiness, he devoted a lot of his research to depression. [2] (esp p2)
  • suburbia, poor at predicting... (who did this? happiness researchers who said "Why would I study anything else?")
  • Wikipedia:Daniel Kahneman; Wikipedia:Dalai lama

New notes[edit | edit source]

make a {{pd old}}?

''This page or section contains [[public domain]] content from {{{source}}}. It is public domain because it o(See the [{{{statement}}} public domain statement].)'' <noinclude> == See also == * {{tl|pd source}}

Notes[edit | edit source]

Climate solutions[edit | edit source]

A$15/tonne to offset emissions - Go Carbon Neutral Now Easy Being Green

-> ecotourism

Old Wikipedia sandboxes[edit | edit source]

See also Wikipedia:User:Chriswaterguy/to do.

Part 1: Moved from Wikipedia:User:Chriswaterguy/Appropriate technology

Intro[edit | edit source]

My notes for future edits in this topic area are after the intro.

About me: My focus is on water and Wikipedia:sanitation management, focusing on poorer or less-developed settings. (I have a Masters degree in Water Engineering from the University of New South Wales). When this category is looking a lot better, I plan to help translate some of these pages for the Wikipedia:http://id.wikipedia.org/ Indonesian Wikipedia. I have recently discovered the new organisation, Wikipedia:Engineers Without Borders (Australia) and will possibly work with them in future. (I've also spoken with them about promoting Wikipedia as the ideal place to develop an information source on this subject).

Where to start: There is also a need for a lot more articles on specific technologies. The articles created so far can be seen here: Wikipedia:Category:Appropriate technology. There are probably other suitable articles not yet linked to this category.

What you can do: Share your knowledge; Research using the links at the end of the Wikipedia:Appropriate technology page, or by Googling, or whatever, find some info on a relevant technology, and start (or edit) the article on it.

Housing[edit | edit source]

Two ideas worth some research: Wikipedia:Superadobe and Wikipedia:Grameen housing. More later... --Singkong2005 20:17, 30 November 2005 (UTC)

Organizations[edit | edit source]

useful links: some interesting stuff here?

One Sky - The Canadian Institute of Sustainable Living - One Sky furthers appropriate technology systems, such as strawbale constructions and pedal- powered technologies, and is focusing on renewable energy at the local, national and international levels.

The Salvadoran Centre for Appropriate Technology (CESTA) - is located in San Salvador, El Salvador under the leadership of Dr. Ricardo Navarro, the chair of Friends of the Earth International. Along with CESTA and the Sierra Club of B.C., we are promoting appropriate technology for landmines victims. (check spanish wikipedia).

Canada’s recent International Policy Statement includes an opening comment on development:

“Canadians cannot be safe in an unstable world, or healthy in a sick world; nor can we expect to remain prosperous in a poor world.”

Technologies[edit | edit source]


Wikipedia Sandbox Part 2: Moved from Wikipedia:User:Chriswaterguy/Sandbox

Intro[edit | edit source]

My notes for future edits in this topic area are after the intro.

About me: My focus is on water and sanitation management, focusing on poorer or less-developed settings. (I have a Masters degree in Water Engineering from the University of New South Wales). When this category is looking a lot better, I plan to help translate some of these pages for the [Indonesian Wikipedia]. I have recently discovered the new organisation, Engineers Without Borders (Australia) and will possibly work with them in future. (I've also spoken with them about promoting Wikipedia as the ideal place to develop an information source on this subject).

Where to start: There is also a need for a lot more articles on specific technologies. The articles created so far can be seen here: Category:Appropriate technology. There are probably other suitable articles not yet linked to this category.

What you can do: Share your knowledge; Research using the links at the end of the Appropriate technology page, or by Googling, or whatever, find some info on a relevant technology, and start (or edit) the article on it.

Housing[edit | edit source]

Two ideas worth some research: Superadobe and Grameen housing. More later... --Singkong2005 20:17, 30 November 2005 (UTC)

Organizations[edit | edit source]

useful links: some interesting stuff here?

One Sky - The Canadian Institute of Sustainable Living - One Sky furthers appropriate technology systems, such as strawbale constructions and pedal- powered technologies, and is focusing on renewable energy at the local, national and international levels.

The Salvadoran Centre for Appropriate Technology (CESTA) - is located in San Salvador, El Salvador under the leadership of Dr. Ricardo Navarro, the chair of Friends of the Earth International. Along with CESTA and the Sierra Club of B.C., we are promoting appropriate technology for landmines victims. (check spanish wikipedia).

Canada’s recent International Policy Statement includes an opening comment on development:

“Canadians cannot be safe in an unstable world, or healthy in a sick world; nor can we expect to remain prosperous in a poor world.”

Technologies[edit | edit source]


Wikipedia:Filters[edit | edit source]

Simple filtration can improve the water quality, even if the pore size is much larger than the pathogens or toxins to be removed, as the pathogens and toxins mostly adhere to particles rather than floating freely or being in solution; also, filters remove particles smaller than their pore size, through electrostatic attraction and adsorption.

roughing filter - both sanitation & water?

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