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Food 3D printer - Pastruder

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Applications of 3D Printing in Food Processing[edit | edit source]


N. Nachal, J. A. Moses, P. Karthik, and C. Anandharamakrishnan, “Applications of 3D Printing in Food Processing,” Food Eng Rev, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 123–141, Sep. 2019, doi: 10.1007/s12393-019-09199-8. - https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12393-019-09199-8


3D printing is an innovation that promises to revolutionize food formulation and manufacturing processes. Preparing foods with customized sensory attributes from different ingredients and additives has always been a need. The competency that additive manufacturing offers has been among the key reasons for its success in food processing applications. In this work, an up-to-date review on insight into the properties of printing material supplies and its effect on printing processes is presented. A detailed note on the globalization of customized printed foods, personalized nutrition, and applications in food packaging to highlight the range of applications of 3D printing in the food industry is also given. Importantly, key challenges in 3D food printing, emphasizing the need for future research in this field are elaborated.

Key Takeaways:

  • Overview of Food 3D printing process and the various ways it is accomplished was very general in its explanation
  • Gives a general overview of the different macro nutrients that can be printed (Carbs, Proteins, Fats, Fiber)
  • Details the potential for food 3D printing being available around the globe - stl files can be shared around the globe linking chefs/ artists, recipe sharing
  • Details the vast potential of food printers and gives examples: Custom food designs, Personalized nutrition, Food packaging
  • Food on demand potential to get rid of preservatives when you can make the food yourself, reduce supply chain length
  • Custom food: designs, materials and taste
  • Personal nutrition: Make custom macro nutrition bars to meet specific goals

Applicability of protein and fiber-rich food materials in extrusion-based 3D printing[edit | edit source]


M. Lille, A. Nurmela, E. Nordlund, S. Metsä-Kortelainen, and N. Sozer, “Applicability of protein and fiber-rich food materials in extrusion-based 3D printing,” Journal of Food Engineering, vol. 220, pp. 20–27, Mar. 2018, doi: 10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2017.04.034.


In this study, the applicability of extrusion-based 3D printing technology for food pastes made of protein, starch and fiber-rich materials was assessed, as a starting point in the development of healthy, customized snack products. The printability of starch-, cellulose nanofiber-, milk powder-, oat- and faba bean protein-based materials and their mixtures was evaluated by examining the ease and uniformity of extrusion as well as the precision and stability of the printed pattern. The best printing precision and shape stability was obtained with a semi-skimmed milk powder-based paste. Rheological measurements revealed that the shape stability after printing was linked with the yield stress of the paste. Post-processing by oven drying was most successful at high initial solids contents (<50%) of the printed samples. Extrusion-based 3D printing is a promising tool for producing healthy, structured foods, but further research is needed for optimizing the mechanical properties of the printed materials.

Key Takeaways:

  • Discusses printing methods and post processing of printed samples (startch, milk powder, rye bran, oat and faba bean protein)
  • Syringe method was used to print small structure ( can only print small structures with this method)
  • Post process heating in oven
  • yield stresses for these specific materials after different post processing procedures

3D printing: Printing precision and application in food sector[edit | edit source]


Z. Liu, M. Zhang, B. Bhandari, and Y. Wang, “3D printing: Printing precision and application in food sector,” Trends in Food Science & Technology, vol. 69, pp. 83–94, Nov. 2017, doi: 10.1016/j.tifs.2017.08.018.


Background[edit | edit source]

Three dimensional (3D) food printing is being widely investigated in food sector recent years due to its multiple advantages such as customized food designs, personalized nutrition, simplifying supply chain, and broadening of the available food material.

Scope and approach[edit | edit source]

Currently, 3D printing is being applied in food areas such as military and space food, elderly food, sweets food. An accurate and precise printing is critical to a successful and smooth printing. In this paper, we collect and analyze the information on how to achieve a precise and accurate food printing, and review the application of 3D printing in several food areas, as well as give some proposals and provide a critical insight into the trends and challenges to 3D food printing.

Key findings and conclusions[edit | edit source]

To realize an accurate and precise printing, three main aspects should be investigated considerably: material properties, process parameters, and post-processing methods. We emphasize that the factors below should be given special attention to achieve a successful printing: rheological properties, binding mechanisms, thermodynamic properties, pre-treatment and post-processing methods. In addition, there are three challenges on 3D food printing: 1) printing precision and accuracy 2) process productivity and 3) production of colorful, multi-flavor, multi-structure products. A broad application of this technique is expected once these challenges are addressed.

Key Takeaways:

  • Discusses different methods of food printing and the challenges with each (Syringe, pressure and screw) (we went with a combination of both syringe and pressure)
  • Discusses the different variables to be taken into account during the printing process
  • Talks about large scale applications (Military, space, elderly, commercial)
  • Military: reduce food waste on campaign and reduce weight of food when it can be printed from a couple liquids
  • Space: customized food for astronauts in space
  • Elderly and commercial same as other papers

3D printing of food: pretreatment and post-treatment of materials[edit | edit source]


C. He, M. Zhang, and Z. Fang, “3D printing of food: pretreatment and post-treatment of materials,” Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, vol. 60, no. 14, pp. 2379–2392, Aug. 2020, doi: 10.1080/10408398.2019.1641065.


Background[edit | edit source]

Food 3 D printing is an emerging food processing technology. Due to the advantages of functionalization, customization, personalized nutrition design, simplified supply chain and broadening existing food materials, 3 D printing has been extensively studied in the food sector in the past decade. Many factors influence the accuracy and quality of food 3 D printing, which are also the challenges to researchers. Currently, most of the research focuses on the development of printable materials and control of printing parameters to improve the printing accuracy and product quality. However, the influence of material pretreatment methods and post-processing techniques on food 3 D printing have received less attention.

Main content[edit | edit source]

By collecting the available data and research, this paper analyzes the effect of pretreatment technologies (crushing, gelation, etc.) and post-treatment technologies (cooking, drying, fast cooling technology, 4 D printing, etc.) on the accuracy and shape fidelity of 3 D printed food products. It also summarizes the current challenges of food 3 D printing and proposes some thoughts on the future development of this technology.

Key Takeaways:

  • Talks about how materials are treated pre and post printing, post printing in particular is important for the paper
  • Post treatment can include heating or cooling in a oven or fridge/freezer. Both solidify the material much better almost essential for a successful print.

3D printing as novel tool for fruit-based functional food production[edit | edit source]


I. Tomašević et al., “3D printing as novel tool for fruit-based functional food production,” Current Opinion in Food Science, vol. 41, pp. 138–145, Oct. 2021, doi: 10.1016/j.cofs.2021.03.015.


Daily consumption of fruits/vegetables has a preventive effect against several chronic diseases, mainly because of their bioactive compounds (BACs) and potent antioxidant activity. As consumers demand more of the health-promoting products, it would be a great challenge to enrich these products with functional ingredients that they do not naturally possess, such as lipophilic BACs, probiotics, proteins/peptides, and so on. Currently, a great potential in the field of food innovation can be achieved through 3D food printing (3DP). This is a technique for producing three-dimensional food products of any shape and dimension, with preferred flavors, and desired nutritional compositions. 3DP could be a promising tool to incorporate sensitive and easily degradable BACs and other functional ingredients into functional 3DP food products, making a great contribution to healthy food production. Therefore, 3DP could contribute greatly to increasing the consumption of fruits and vegetables and promoting health. Other advantages of 3DP include time and energy savings, sustainability, and personalized, reproducible food production. However, the safety of 3DP foods has been less extensively addressed. Nevertheless, the use of innovative non-thermal technologies can extend the shelf-life and nutritional value of 3DP foods. In conclusion, the application of 3DP in food manufacturing could overcome major limitations of traditional manufacturing and provide solutions to the challenges of processing fruit-based functional foods.

Key Takeaways:

  • 4 modern ways of food printing (Extrusion, selective sintering, binder jetting and ink jetting) extrusion is the additive manufacturing of a typical 3D printer
  • Gives a list of large commercial food printers, details their pros, cons and key features
  • Gives examples of new materials to print with (vegetables and fruits)
Page data
Authors Sean McBride
License CC-BY-SA-4.0
Language English (en)
Translations Chinese
Related 1 subpages, 3 pages link here
Impact 30 page views (more)
Created July 12, 2023 by Sean McBride
Last modified July 18, 2023 by Sean McBride
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