First Day[edit | edit source]
- Put professional action shot picture on appropedia userpage
- Pick project and time scope
- Give Dr. Pearce emergency phone
- Get, UWO email, Add to group email list
- Add Dr. Pearce to LinkedIn and join group
- Fill out form for graduation and T shirt
- Fill out NSERC consent form and email it to Dr. Pearce
- Please complete (if you have not already) the required safety training
- Worker Health and Safety Awareness
- WHMIS (note this one expires)
- Western Safe Campus Community
- Building Inclusivity through Anti-Racism (Employee Version)
- Supporting Disclosures of Gender-Based & Sexual Violence at Western
- Lab Safety
- Cyber Safety Awareness
- When you are done save all your certificates -- you have been added to this OWL site to facilitate this process. Once you log into OWL, you will be able to view the site, ‘Graduate Student Health & Safety Training’. Each required training certification is listed in the Assignments tab, and you are required to upload your pdf certificate of completion for each training. When you are done email me and include your student number in the email. I can then use these to get you swipe access (Michelle/Courtney/Cherryl/Lynda Ding ) to the lab and if we are lucky the building.
- If work study please complete timesheets through Kuali,
- If they are Thompson Centre work study students, their timesheets will go to Madeleine Freedman. If they are ECE, they will go to Michelle Wagler, the department AO.
- To get swipe access send Cheryll:
- Name:
- Student ID:
- Status/Relationship with Western: Grad (PhD/MESc), UG, Staff, Post Doc, VGS, etc.
- Department: ECE, MME, CBE, BME, etc.
- Access End Date: Contract end date, PhD=12 terms, MESc=6 terms, All others Term by Term
- Obtain office space
- Tour Lab
- Cover basic safety - lab goggles, shoes, existing chemicals, and MSDS files - major risks and safety equipment
- Set Weekly Meeting Time
- Discuss IP
- Discuss open access policy of group
- Overview of use of Appropedia as a research tool
- Tshirt
Last Day[edit | edit source]
Housing[edit | edit source]
Check regularly. For on-campus housing options, please contact and visit for more information.
Websites to look for housing and roommates. They are all active and theres i usually always something available:
- Rental.Ca
- Realtor.Ca
- Kijiji.Ca
Some points that would help you a lot in finding a home:
- Pay attention to property information, some of them may include the utilities, and some may not. If not, you will pay for them extra.
- Try to find a room near bus stops going directly to the university. This is especially important in Winter. Routes 10,27,2,6,31,33 are good choices.
- Finding a room in person is so much easier, so you can find a sublet for your first month and then look for room.
- Find a permanent room before September, as after September it would be very challenging with the entire university being back in full swing.