Appropedia:Suggested projects
Appropedia contains project ideas or incomplete projects that you can use for your research, or as part of a course. The intention of this category is to give ideas for appropriate technology Research and Development projects.
These may be, for example:
- personal,
- academic (Ph.D./Senior projects)
- organizational,
- commercial (provided it is not simply for advertising purposes)
- joint, with other people or groups that you connect with on Appropedia.
They may be large or small, from a few hours work or less up to a Ph.D. topic. If you are an NGO or similar entity, you can post your specific design needs and someone might take up the project.
Adding pages in this category[edit | edit source]
The pages in this category use the {{suggested project}} template. To find the specific idea for the project, go to a page (linked at the bottom of this page), search the page for the text "suggested project" which will appear next to the question or proposal. Note there are sometimes several suggested projects on a single page. Additional ideas are listed under #Additional suggested projects below.
Please don't remove the {{suggested project}} template without very good reason. If a project is underway or complete, and has been written up and linked, change the template to the suggested project (partly done) template or the completed project template (to be created).
Suggestions[edit | edit source]
Note that for some projects, a literature review will be enough, while for other projects more research will be required.
A step at a time[edit | edit source]
You don't have to do everything. Just because you can't see a project through to completion, it doesn't mean you can't contribute. You may choose to do one or some of the first steps (e.g. a literature review, or some very simple experiments) and write them up on Appropedia. If so, please be sure to link the new page from where the suggested project is described.
Literature review[edit | edit source]
Check this article for a guide: Help:Types of content#Literature Reviews
A literature review is very valuable, either as a project in its own right or as the first step in a larger project. Important findings are often difficult to find or examine more deeply, especially for time-poor development professionals and those with limited English skills, so writing up the results of your review on Appropedia can provide a valuable resource for others.
Places to look:
- Wikipedia - is often a great starting point. A good Wikipedia article gives more than one side to arguments and lists very good internet resources for the topic.
- A good library (large community library, state library or university library).
- Google Scholar - some results are restricted access, but some are free.
- Google books
- Google search - with the right search terms, and you can often find very good sources. Experiment.
- CD3WD The CD for the 3RD world project is an excellent resource
Remember to view all sources critically, especially when claims are not sourced.
When writing up the literature review, use references, whether the name and page of a book or a link.
Research projects[edit | edit source]
If the literature review doesn't answer all of your questions or if you can think of a better way to approach the project - especially if only one or two have done it:
- Follow sound principles of scientific investigation, and your work may help to confirm important findings - or show where other studies were flawed. (Scientists often make mistakes!)
- You may discover additional results, refine the results further, or show where the results are or aren't applicable.
Practical project[edit | edit source]
To increase your chances of success, try networking with other users with similar interests - look at Category:Users by interest; also check who has contributed to articles in your area of interest (click the History tab). You can also leave a note on the Village pump (and give time for people to answer).
To propose a project[edit | edit source]
You may propose a project using one of these methods:
- mention the idea on a relevant page, followed by the {{suggested project}} template.
- create a new page, also using the {{suggested project}} template somewhere on the page. A separate project page is suitable for a very long project description.
- describe your idea briefly in the Additional suggested projects below (if it's not listed elsewhere and tagged as described)
Additional suggested projects[edit | edit source]
You may wish to sign and date your suggestion. This does not mean you are responsible for carrying out the project.
You may add comments below a suggestion, (using a double colon, :: at the beginning to double indent the line). For example please mention if you are doing the project, or have written it up (with a link to the page).
Specific Design Requests[edit | edit source]
If you are an NGO that has specific research or design need, you can add to this category.
- Low-cost medical incinerator for use in third world medical clinics to dispose of medical waste
- I plan to start this project next fall as part of my senior engineering project as part of the Appropedia Action Projectfor use in a medical clinic being built by Engineers Without Borders San Francisco Professional Chapter and you are invited to collaborate with me --David.reber 22:06, 28 March 2008 (PDT)
Monument design for the town of El Mozote, El Salvador to commemorate the victims of a massacre that took place there in 1981 by government forces wiping out the whole town. To be built in conjunction with a reconciliation centre and while our case is heard by the central american court of humas rights (nov 2010). Architectural design is complete and loads calculated. Now i need help on the design of the structure (i am a 26 year old Engineer, experienced mostly in civil and humanitarian projects - not structural design) as it is in an earthquake zone. our website is for the particular project. for the organisation. would be great to get any willing advice. will be remembered as a valued contributor to this very imp project. Thanks in advance ronan sharpley B.Eng
Water[edit | edit source]
- Water Desalinization Using Water/Wind/Solar Power
- Solar water distiller
- Solar powered dew collector
- Let's Clean Up the Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch
Energy Storage[edit | edit source]
Water Wick[edit | edit source]
This project is probably more of a curiosity as the amount of water produced would be minimal. Plants can live above the water table because the ground wicks up the water much like a towel dipped in water. The idea strikes me to create a device that can wick water out of the ground in a drinkable manner. I am reasonably sure that this idea has already been researched, and surface water might not be what you want to be drinking, but this sounds like something that would be really interesting to look into. Note to potential designers: placing your device underground would reduce losses to evaporation, and place it fairly deep as the top levels of dirt get dried out as well. Note also that sand and gravel don't wick well and that clay wicks slowly so try to find a silty soil. Silty is identified by being microscopically small but not sticky like clay.
Proposed by david.reber (talk · contribs)
Produce Biofuel[edit | edit source]
Grow several plant products, wheat, corn, alge and turn them into biofuel and weigh the relative merits of each.
Proposed by david.reber (talk · contribs)
Include also other plants that is fast growing : Hemp, Willow, Bamboo. Other plants and algae that can grow indoors in small surfaces like vertical farming, living walls ? And perhaps try same experiment in several different climate types from equator to scandinavia? added by --Yeahvle 21:43, 1 December 2010 (UTC)
Agricultural Processing[edit | edit source]
Drying and processing agricultural products can be a very difficult and time consuming. Techniques and technologies to reduce the effort involved are incredibly useful.
- Peanut Sheller the Full Belly Project has produced an easy to construct peanut sheller that has found worldwide use. And can serve as an inspirational example of what one of these projects can evolve into
- Sickle
- Drying mechanism for rice
- Machine for removal of grain from a seed stalk
Irrigation[edit | edit source]
Irrigation can greatly improve the output of the small farms on which many of the worlds poorest reside, these are ideas to reduce the cost of small farm irrigation
- Drilling tools
-Pumps[edit | edit source]
- Treadle pump
- Rrope and washer pumps
- Wind pumps
- pulser pump
Generators[edit | edit source]
- Building a Better Windmill
- Solar-water generator design a device that uses mirrors to boil water (similar to a solar cooker) and uses the steam expansion to drive a turbine.
- Heat powered LED lighting - More efficient stoves are enclosed devices which can remove light from the living area. This project proposes to create a high efficiency LED light run from the energy produced by the cook stove
- Vegetable oil engine research - find out which vegetable oils perform best in combustion engines
Medical Devices[edit | edit source]
- Hand held device for dispensing pharmaceutical powder
- Cerviscope, also known as Colposcope, used to screen for Cervical cancer
Misc Devices[edit | edit source]
- Inexpensive portable incubator
Construction[edit | edit source]
- Natural cooling methods
- Cold weather composting toilet
- Lightweight structural panels 3D print
Home Devices[edit | edit source]
- water filters
- Improved cook stove design
- Solar water heaters compare the cost effectiveness between different regions and between home-made versus cheep mass produced systems
Information[edit | edit source]
- serval
- A humanright
- The "Universal Nut Sheller" or Malian peanut shellerW is made with fiberglass molds costing $300. Is it possible to use cheap cardboard forms instead?[1] Check first whether this has already been done, and what the results were.
- What exactly is the environmental impact of plastic bags, and what are the effects of different strategies? E.g. "biodegradeable" or UV-degradeable petroleum based plastic; bioplastic; banning plastic bags as in Bangladesh; or mandating HDPE bags only[verification needed] as in South Africa. (Are there other options...?) How significantly do bags and plastic film contribute to landfill, and is newer technology, thinner film, helpful in reducing landfill?
See also[edit | edit source]
- Prizes and competitions - some of which pose specific problems which can be explored as projects.
- Appropedia Action Groups
Note regarding subcategories[edit | edit source]
All the entries below should be regarded simply as articles, not as subcategories of suggested projects. (Where a topic page appears under subcateories, this just means that the above template is used on that topic page, not that it is meant to be a subcateory of "Suggested projects.")