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Authors Koami Soulemane Hayibo
Uzair Jamil
Location London, ON
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Background[edit | edit source]

Floating PV[edit | edit source]

Determination of the Optimum Angle of the Floating Solar Panels to Reduce Evaporation and Energy Production by the Ansys Fluent Model (Case Study: Chahnimeh No. 4 Sistan)[1][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Evaporation is a process that changes fluid from liquid to gas. Evaporation rates from free surfaces depend on factors such as temperature, wind speed, water depth and vapor pressure. A detailed study of the information received from the Meteorological Office of Zahak concluded that the factors of temperature and wind speed in this region were the most influential factors, and interestingly, the main factor was the high wind speed. There are several methods to deal with the phenomenon of evaporation, which include the use of physical covering and wind speed. According to previous research, the best attraction of sunlight is to produce the highest Efficiency power in the northern hemisphere to the south. The use of solar panels is considered simultaneously as a physical covering to reducing evaporation and high-energy production. In this paper, priority is given to reducing evaporation and energy production equally. The use of modeling the flow rate effected by horizontal and vertical positioning angles of solar panels was used to obtain the best evaporation reduction using the ANSYS FLUENT 16 model and determining the best horizontal and vertical angle for obtaining the best output efficiency power. The results shows that in this case of designing solar panels measuring 2.5 × 2.5 meters by the angles of, the horizontal angle of 0° (Northwest towards the wind direction) and the angle of inclination of 60° with the evaporative reduction of 90.25 Percentage will be achieved. Also, the highest energy efficiency is achieved under the horizontal angle of 30 degrees (northwest towards the wind direction) and the angle of inclination is 30 degrees to 99.45 percent. Therefore, according to the available data, the optimal possible condition is the horizontal angle of 30 degrees (northwest direction, wind direction) and the angle of inclination of 30 degrees, with a reduction of evaporation of 71.36 percent and energy efficiency of 99.45 percent, Relative to the ideal state.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
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    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
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  3. Results and Discussion
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  4. Conclusions
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Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • No English version of the article
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Abstract of Advantages of using , IJSR, Call for Papers, Online Journal[2][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The limited fossil fuel resources and higher energy demand concentrates on solar energy, which is free of cost and, IJSR, Call for Papers, Online Journal

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
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  3. Results and Discussion
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  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Article page not found
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Deploying effectively dispatchable PV on reservoirs: Comparing floating PV to other renewable technologies[3][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

In this article, we present a detailed simulation of floating photovoltaic's (PV) energy yield and associated evaporation reduction potential for the largest 128 US hydropower reservoirs. A recent article by Cavusoglu et al., published in the journal Nature Communications, outlined a hypothetical evaporation engine that could harness the energy of lake water evaporation while simultaneously conserving the water resource. Its authors suggest that evaporation engines deployed across all US lakes and reservoirs could, collectively, yield up to 70% of the total U.S. electricity production. We show that floating PV technology could: (1) deliver considerably more electrical energy than evaporation engines, amounting to 100% of the US production with only a fraction of the lakes; (2) deliver this energy on a firm, effectively dispatchable basis; and (3) conserve as much water as the evaporation engines.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Goal:
      • Systematic quantification of FPV power production and water conservation potential in largest US reservoirs
      • Comparison to evaporation engines and hydropower
  2. Methods
    • Detailed information on assumptions and methodology used
    • 128 largest US reservoirs considered (1km³ of volume and above) -> provided physical specs of the reservoirs
      • Great Lakes excluded
    • PV assumptions
      • c-Si PV modules
      • 24% efficiency
      • Tilt angle -> 10°
      • Azimuth -> South
      • Energy density -> 200W/m²
    • Used oversizing of PV to meet load demand
      • Introduced a new metric called firm PV production density
    • Simulated power output of each of 128 reservoirs
      • simulation period -> 10 years (2006 - 2015)
      • Software -> SolarAnywhere
      • SUNY model for long-term irradiation forecast
    • Simulated evaporation at each lake
      • Used FLake model
      • HTESSEL and ECMWF for snowpack modeling
      • Penman-Monteith evaporation model -> discarded nighttime values
      • Compared FLake model vs Penman Monteith
    • Compared FPV vs Evaporation Engine vs Hydro
  3. Results and Discussion
    • mean PV generation density -> 28W/m² - 48W/m²
    • Total PV capacity for all 128 reservoirs -> 1.05TW and 9250TWh/year
      • Firm capacity-> 525GW and 4620TWh/year
    • Hydropower -> 32GW and 112TWh/year
    • 1.2% coverage of lake with FPV <=> Current Hydropower capacity
    • Sized PV able to cover US electricty consumption in 2016 -> 4100 TWh
    • At same coverage FPV 10% > evaporation engines
    • Water conservation density of FPV
      • 680mm/year (Strawberry Reservoir, Utah) - 1850mm/year (Falcon Lake, Texas)
      • 667 m³/year (New Mexico) - 5673 m³/year (Minnesota)
      • Total amount 28km³ -> timeframe not specified
    • Hydropower generation improvement
      • 565MW extra capacity
  4. Conclusions
    • FPV space efficiency > evaporation engine
    • FPV space efficiency > Hydro

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • Water conservation (evaporation reduction) -> indirectly increase hydropower capacity
    • Algae growth reduction
    • Wave-induced erosion reduction
  • Water saving potential
    • Simulated
    • 680mm/year - 1850mm/year
    • 667m³/year - 5673 m³/year
    • 28km³
  • Hydropower improvement
    • Estimated form simulation
    • 565MW extra capacity
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
1.05TW crustalline Silicon USA 9250TWh 24%

Overview and Feasibility of Floating Solar Photovoltaic System in Nepal[4][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

As a next generation technology, Floating Solar Photovoltaic (FSPV) System has had a remarkable growth in the field of Renewable Energy since 2014 with an installed capacity of more than 200 MWp as of 2017. Interest in FSPV system is on the rise compared to its land-based counterpart due to significant benefits like an increased efficiency of the panel, omission of land-related cost and cost of the mounting structure along with environmental benefits like water conservation of the reservoir through a reduced rate of evaporation and containment of algae boom. In this paper, the overall benefit of exploiting FSPV system in case of Nepal has been explored and the techno-economic feasibility of such system in Nepalese scenario has been analyzed. Improvement in efficiency of the panel has been calculated mathematically which also seems to support results from previous works. After analyzing the techno-economic benefits, it was found that FSPVs, even though having a marginal financial profit at current PPA rate of Rs. 7.3/kWh, can still prove beneficial if used concomitantly with storage type hydropower plants.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Conference proceedings
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Feasibility of Floating Photovoltaics in the City of Bengaluru[5][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Floating Photovoltaics (FPV) is one of a kind technology which is said to be more beneficial than the conventional Solar Photovoltaics (SPV). There is also a growing need for potable water in metropolitan cities due to constant increase in population and also depleting water reserves due to various reasons. Henceforth, this paper deals with the feasibility of FPV in the city of Bengaluru. The main aspects for consideration here is a prediction model of the potential energy that can be produced for a 1 MW FPV plant on the Hesaraghatta lake in Bengaluru. An approximate of the amount of water that can be saved from the putting up of the FPV on the Hesaraghatta lake is also made in this report as part of the pilot project. The final statistical data of energy obtained are verified in connection with the PVsyst® and PVWatts® software for substantiation. A total energy of 1586 MWh of energy is obtained from the FPV as against 1539 MWh from SPV annually. Also PR is about 73.63% for FPV while SPV has a PR of about 71.48%. The CUF of FPV is 18.12% as against 17.59% of the SPV plant on for the Bengaluru city, over the water surface of Hesaraghatta lake. An estimated 81.586 million liters of water is saved by stationing FPV on the Hesaraghatta lake. Also to be mentioned is the estimated cost of stationing a FPV at Hesaraghatta lake is found to be around 7 crore Indian rupees and a payback period of about 5 years with an energy cost of around 8 Indian rupees per KWh

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Described temperture effect on PV modules
    • Stats on Bengaluru lakes since 1960:
      • Water bodies reduction in Bengaluru -> 35%
      • Water surface area reduction-> 8.6%
    • Goal:
      • Prediction model for a 1MW FPV on Hesaraghatta Lake: energy and evaporation modeling
  2. Methods
    • Description of FPV systems
    • Description of the city of Bengaluru (Bengalore)
    • Solar Irradiation modeling / losses / and energy calculations provided
    • Metrics considered ->
      • Performance Ratio (PR)
      • Capacity Utilization Factor (CUF)
    • Evaporation calculation -> simplified equation
    • PV Specs
      • Capcacity -> 1MW
      • Modules -> poly-cSi / 320W / 16.47% efficiency
    • Data source -> PVGIS, 2017
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Irradiation results provided
    • Energy generation
      • FPV -> 1674.23MWh/year
      • GPV -> 1625.25MWh/year
    • FPV has lower temp
      • FPV -> 23.11°C
      • GPV -> 28.11°C
    • Water savings FPV -> 81.586 millions liters/year
  4. Conclusions
    • Results compared to PVSyst

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Water evaporation reduction
    • Calculated
    • 81 millions liters/year
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
1MW poly-cSi Bengalore, India 1625.25MWh/year 16.47%

Power Generation, Evaporation Mitigation, and Thermal Insulation of Semitransparent Polymer Solar Cells: A Potential for Floating Photovoltaic Applications[6][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

To explore the advantages of emerging semitransparent polymer solar cells (ST-PSCs), growing efforts have been devoted to developing multifunctional ST-PSCs for power-generation and heat-insulation applications. In this work, three groups of ST-PSCs are fabricated on the basis of fullerene and nonfullerene systems. We perform a systematic characterization of the power generation, transparency, and color perception of the ST-PSCs. The evaporation mitigation and heat-insulation properties of ST-PSCs are here evaluated for the first time. Gratifyingly, power conversion efficiencies of around 5.6–6.7% with average visible transmittances between 22 and 30% are obtained from the ST-PSCs under a large active area of 0.1 cm2. These ST-PSCs can serve as an efficient thermal barrier, which significantly lowers the surface temperature of water bodies, reduces the water evaporation rate, and suppresses the photothermal conversion efficiency of solar transpiration. This work discovers a new function for ST-PSCs and paves an intriguing prospect of floating the third-generation photovoltaic cells in the near future.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Densely populated area -> PV conflicts with agriculture and residential sector
    • Define FPV and describe its advantages
    • Described semitransparent polymer solar cells (ST-PSCs) and advantages
    • Goal:
      • Manufacture an testing parameters of 3 typical ST-PSC
      • Parameters tested: water evaporation + thermal insulation
  2. Methods
    • Fabrication, efficiency measurement, and water evaporation measurement processes decribed
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Provided device-level characterization and performance at molecular level
    • Water evaporation reduction
      • Experimental measurement and calculation method provided
      • Base case scenario open seawater evaporation rate -> 0.69 kg/(m².h)
      • Base case scenario open freshwater evaporation rate -> 0.45 kg/(m².h)
      • Glass coverring water ->0.44 kg/(m².h) (freshwater) and 0.41 kg/(m².h) (seawater)
      • ST-PSC covering both surfaces: 0.3 kg/(m².h)
      • Quantified evaporation reduction using ST-PSC: 33.33% - 56.52%
    • Heat transmission reduction -> 30.31%
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • cutting down habitable land usage
    • prevent water evaporation
    • algae bloom reduction
  • Water evaporation reduction
    • Experimental -> microscale (use of scale to measure water weight)
    • 33.33 - 56.52%
  • Heat transmisison reduction
    • Experimental (Thermal camera)
    • 30.31%
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
ST-PSC Lab 5.6% 6.7%

The Land Sparing, Water Surface Use Efficiency, and Water Surface Transformation of Floating Photovoltaic Solar Energy Installations[7][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Floating photovoltaic solar energy installations (FPVs) represent a new type of water surface use, potentially sparing land needed for agriculture and conservation. However, standardized metrics for the land sparing and resource use efficiencies of FPVs are absent. These metrics are critical to understanding the environmental and ecological impacts that FPVs may potentially exhibit. Here, we compared techno-hydrological and spatial attributes of four FPVs spanning different climatic regimes. Next, we defined and quantified the land sparing and water surface use efficiency (WSUE) of each FPV. Lastly, we coined and calculated the water surface transformation (WST) using generation data at the world’s first FPV (Far Niente Winery, California). The four FPVs spare 59,555 m2 of land and have a mean land sparing ratio of 2.7:1 m2 compared to ground-mounted PVs. Mean direct and total capacity-based WSUE is 94.5 ± 20.1 SD Wm−2 and 35.2 ± 27.4 SD Wm−2, respectively. Direct and total generation-based WST at Far Niente is 9.3 and 13.4 m2 MWh−1 yr−1, respectively; 2.3 times less area than ground-mounted utility-scale PVs. Our results reveal diverse techno-hydrological and spatial attributes of FPVs, the capacity of FPVs to spare land, and the utility of WSUE and WST metrics.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • 2.2GW of FPV installed globally (2020)
    • Annual growth rate -> 22% over next 5 years
    • Highlighgted lack of research on the technical, hydrological, and spatial attributed of FPV
    • Humidity documented to decrease PV efficiency -> study effect of humidity on FPV production
    • FPV set to reduce water evaporation => increased packing factor / low wind loading
    • Optimal angle in FPV might be different compared to GPV
    • Highlighted the need to study the impact opf FPV on the hydrology parameters of the water body
    • Mentioned land sparing and its possible quantification in FPV
    • Difficult to compare data accross studies because no existence of standard metrics
    • Goal:
      • Develop a standardized framework to quantify land sparing and resource use efficiencies of FPVs
      • Comparison of techno-hydrological attributes of 4 FPVs in the US
      • Define and quantify land sparing in FPVs
      • Develop water surface use efficiency metrics
  2. Methods
    • 4 FPV sites selected -> all human-made
      • Far Niente Winery -> Oakville, CA
      • Ciel et Terre -> Windsor, CA
      • City of Walden -> Walden, CO
      • Orlando Utilities Commission -> Orlando, FL
    • Data collected from PRISM climate group
    • Spatial attributes of water bodies calculated using Google Earth Pro (equations provided)
      • Compactness
      • Roundness
      • Eccentricity
    • Defined Land Sparing Ratio - Water Surface Use Efficiency - Water Surface Transformation
      • Calculation methods (equation provided)
      • assumptions made
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Climate attributes and technohudrological attributes given -> Tables 1 to 4
    • Details given on all proposed metrics
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Land Occupation Reduction
    • Quantify trhough collected data
    • developed new metric called land sparing ratio -> we used land sparing ratio and power to find out the land occupation reduction
    • 16.27 - 28.48 m²/kWp
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
206 Sharp ND-208U2 Oakville, CA 12.8%
1780 Risen Energy RSM72-6-360M Windsor, CA 18.6%
74 Jinko 355W Walden, CO 18.3%
31.5 Renesola JC315M-315W Orlando, FL 16.2%

Water Conservation Potential of Self-Funded Foam-Based Flexible Surface-Mounted Floatovoltaics[8][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

A potential solution to the coupled water–energy–food challenges in land use is the concept of floating photovoltaics or floatovoltaics (FPV). In this study, a new approach to FPV is investigated using a flexible crystalline silicon-based photovoltaic (PV) module backed with foam, which is less expensive than conventional pontoon-based FPV. This novel form of FPV is tested experimentally for operating temperature and performance and is analyzed for water-savings using an evaporation calculation adapted from the Penman–Monteith model. The results show that the foam-backed FPV had a lower operating temperature than conventional pontoon-based FPV, and thus a 3.5% higher energy output per unit power. Therefore, foam-based FPV provides a potentially profitable means of reducing water evaporation in the world’s at-risk bodies of fresh water. The case study of Lake Mead found that if 10% of the lake was covered with foam-backed FPV, there would be enough water conserved and electricity generated to service Las Vegas and Reno combined. At 50% coverage, the foam-backed FPV would provide over 127 TWh of clean solar electricity and 633.22 million m3 of water savings, which would provide enough electricity to retire 11% of the polluting coal-fired plants in the U.S. and provide water for over five million Americans, annually.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Explained PV benefits and limitations regarding land occupation
    • FPV to grow 20% over next 5 years (2020)
    • Goal:
      • Proposed new approach to FPV using foam as racks
      • Evaporation and energy generation analysis using Lake Mead as a sample case
  2. Methods
    • Data collection procedure described
    • Experimental setup and data collection of FPV described
    • Water evaporation modeling described (detailed equations provided)
      • Penman-Monteith model
    • Energy produciton, and temperature models described
    • Temperature model based on Kamuyu's model
    • Water savings estimated based on past studies percentage values
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Water evaporation and energy produciton values given
      • lake surface coverage -> 10 - 50%
    • FPV temperature cooler with proposed model
    • Water saving potential -> 4.95 m²/kWh
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • Water evaporation reduction
  • Water evaporation reduction
    • Estimated through simulation rfesults and data found in literature
    • 4.95m²/kWh
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
mono-cSi Lake Mead, Nevada, US annual study -1 year 25.59TWh/year 127.93TWh/year 23%

Complementing hydroelectric power with floating solar PV for daytime peak electricity demand[9][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Renewable energy is the cornerstone of our future energy needs. In particular, solar energy is being utilized at a faster pace than ever. Floating Solar Photovoltaics (FSPV) has recently gained traction as a suitable alternative of land-based large scale PV installation. It is a promising technology to utilize water surfaces for placing solar plants. Not only it utilizes the water as real estate but it has several other advantages as well. For example, FSPV can use the existing transmission and distribution infrastructure that is the part of hydroelectric power plants. In this paper, we evaluate an FSPV plant and its integration with the existing hydroelectric power station of a small reservoir in Pakistan. We have investigated the 500 kV, 132 kV and 11 kV voltage levels for the integration of FSPV plant. Moreover, we have devised a hydro-solar optimization model for the efficient utilization of energy. The combined system consisting of hydroelectric and 200 MWp FSPV produces more than 3.5% additional power overall when compared with production of only hydroelectric power. More importantly the FSPV generation coincides with the daily mid-day peak load thus works as a peaker plant for the national grid.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • Water evaporation reduction
    • algae growth reduction => water quality improvement
  • Water evaporation reduction
    • Not quantified /mentioned in results
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
200MWp Ghazi Barotha, Pakistan 911kWh/day 15% 20%

Using Floating Photovoltaics, Electrolyser and Fuel Cell to Decrease the Peak Load and Reduce Water Surface Evaporation[10][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Fossil fuel consumption problems and water crisis are serious dangers. Using renewable energy is a solution to reduce fossil fuel consumption. Photovoltaic is a renewable energy generation method which is abundantly used all over the world. By installation of solar panels on the surface of water, the efficiency of panels increases and in addition, the surface evaporation of water will be reduced. Dams are one of the main sources of water. In the present study, installation of solar panel on surface of the Tanguie dam is studied from technical point of view. The generation PV power is used to produce hydrogen by electrolysis process and consume it in PEM Fuel cell to decreases the peak load. Results show 2.6% increase in panel efficiency when they are installed on water. And this increase in efficiency causes that 360780 installed panels generate 4 million kWh additional electricity power in the year. As well as, covering 678628 m2 of dam with these panels prevent from 1.97 million m3 water evaporation in the year. Also, the generated PV power could supply about 99% of load which is above 90MW.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Review of past PV studies
    • Described severity of water crisis in the world and in Iran
    • Review of FPV
    • Review of fuel ceel technologies in PV
    • Goal:
      • advantages of installing PV on dam -> technical and environmental point of view
      • Investigate power generation, efficiency, and water conservation
      • Hydrogen storage from electrolysis usign proton exchange membrane
  2. Methods
    • Temperature distribution analyzed with equations -> provided specs of different PV layers
    • Power generation using single diode, 5-parameters with equations
    • Software used for irradiance -> TRNSYS
    • Description of FPV, Fuell cell, and electrolyzer -> equations provided
    • Description of the Tanguie dam
      • Location -> Sirjan, Iran
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Water evaporation prevention
      • 2903mm/year
      • 1.97 millions m³/year
    • Energy generation -> 135 GWh
    • CO2 emissions reduction
      • 63.25 ktons CO2/year -> compared to natural gas in thermal plant
      • 82.5 ktons CO2/yeat -> compared to natural gas in combined cycle thermal plant
    • Efficiency
      • 19.7%
      • 2.6% higher than ground-based PV
    • Reduction of loss of power probability decrease in hydro -> 1%
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Water evaporation reduction
    • calculated from estimation
    • 1.97 millions m³/year
  • CO2 emisions reduction
    • estimated
    • 62.25 - 82.5 ktons/year
  • Reduction of loss of power probability decrease in hydro
    • calculated by inference
    • 1%
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
72.15MW KC200GT Sirjan, Iran 135GWh/year 19.7%

High-performance semitransparent polymer solar cells floating on water: Rational analysis of power generation, water evaporation and algal growth[11][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Compared to conventional ground-mounted photovoltaic (PV) cells, floating photovoltaic (FPV) cells open new opportunities for scaling-up solar power generation, especially in highly populated countries that may have competing uses for the available land. Large-scale FPV projects normally deploy old-fashioned crystalline silicon panels that are brittle and difficult to integrate. Polymer solar cells (PSCs) are regarded as a newer and more versatile concept that make quite a splash today. High absorption coefficients, thin active layers and tunable absorption spectra through a synergy of molecular and device engineering promote extensive research on the integration of semitransparent polymer solar cells (ST-PSCs) with smart architecture to deliver both practical and aesthetic benefits. In this work, we propose a new concept of extending ST-PSCs to the field of FPV cells and explore the potential of regulating aquatic environments and organisms. Three groups of high-performance ST-PSCs are fabricated. Maximum efficiency of 13% and average visible transmittance over 20% deliver an optimum trade-off between power generation and transparency among the best-performing ST-PSCs. We develop new experimental approaches and propose a feasibility study on the water evaporation and algal growth by placing the large-area ST-PSCs on bodies of water. To the best of our knowledge, we demonstrate for the first time that the specific transmittance windows with controlled light intensities generated by the ST-PSCs are capable of regulating water evaporation and algal growth, which provides insight into responsible scale-up of FPVs instead of simply blocking the sunlight. The new functions of ST-PSCs pave an intriguing prospect of developing ST-PSCs for practical FPV applications in the near future.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • PV -> 2% global electricity production
    • GPV constrained by space limitation => FPV potential solution
    • FPV growth -> more than 100times in last 5 years
    • Description of FPV
    • Need to explore how preventing algae bloom impacts aquatic life
    • Polymer solar cells (PSCs) -> good alternative to crystalline PV
    • PSCs advantages for FPV
      • evaporation mitigation
      • heat insulation
    • Goal:
      • Evaluationg ST-PSCs use in FPV
      • Fabrication method
      • Investigation of water evaporation and algae bloom prevention
  2. Methods
    • Experimental methods described at the end of paper
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Physical and chemical specs of the ST-PSC provided
      • Power conversion efficiency: 9.2 - 13%
      • Visible light transmittance -> 18 - 21.5%
    • Water evaporation measurement setup described -> use of high precision scale
      • Provided evaporation rate equation and photothermal conversion efficiency equation
      • Evaporation reduction from 0.77kg to 0.6kg -> 22% reduction
    • Regulation of algae growth by sunlight modulation
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • Algae bloom reduction
  • Water evaporation reduction
    • Experimental and calculation
    • 22%
  • Algae growth regulation
    • Experimental
    • Visual observation / no number provided
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
0.97cm² Polymer 9.2% 13%

Save water and energy: A techno-economic analysis of a floating solar photovoltaic system to power a water integration project in the Brazilian semiarid[12][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

This paper proposes the use of a floating solar photovoltaic (FSPV) power plant as an alternative renewable energy resource for the San Francisco River Integration Project (SFIP), which aims to deliver water to 12 million people in the Brazilian semiarid. The SFIP requires considerable amounts of energy in a region that has had increasing electricity costs and consumption of water in the past decade. By simulating an FSPV power plant at the System Advisor Model (SAM) using techniques and parameters of real FSPV projects, the results demonstrated the techno-economic feasibility of this technology linked to the SFIP. The economic outcomes are positive net present value (NPV), \2.8 million, and a payback varying from 10.5 to 11.7 years. The levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) of \32.17/MWh is smaller than the current energy rates paid by the SFIP administrator, and the water costs to final consumers could be reduced by 40%. In addition, the FSPV's capacity factor was 21.1%, and the system could minimize water evaporation from one of the SFIP's reservoirs by 16.7%. The system can also create revenues for the San Francisco and Parnaiba Valleys Development Company (CODEVASF) by trading the excess of electricity with the grid. This paper also analyses the FSPV's environmental impacts and its relevance under the water–energy nexus in the Brazilian Northeast. The FSPV could minimize the SFIP's operational costs, avoid environmental impacts, and improve the efficiency of water and energy management. Such components are crucial when analyzing the water–energy nexus in such a region, marked by strong competition for water access and long periods of drought.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Simulation and experimental performance analysis of partially floating PV system in windy conditions[13][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The floating solar photovoltaic system (FPVT) is a new concept for solar energy harvesting that contributes to growing energy demand but with higher performance compared to the land-based system (LBPV). The working temperature of an FPVT system is lower and the efficiency is better than that of an LBPV system. The current experimental study aims to further enhance the superiority of floating PV technology through an innovative partially floating (FPVWS) system for more energy harvest. The underwater portion allows reliable temperature management for the PV system via mutual heat transfer with the ambient water and consequently enhances the electricity production. Then an experimental floating set up has been constructed to examine the performance of the new FPVWS system under real windy conditions and the reason for such dominance was explained. The acquired data demonstrated that the working temperature of the FPVWS reduced by11.60%, the output power rose by about 20.28%, and the electrical efficiency rose by 32.82% at a 49% increment in wind speed. The performance of the FPVT module is improved with the submerging technique and the favorable northerly-westerly wind flow direction, which provided the most gain to its performance. The levelized cost of energy decreased by 17% along with a reduction in global average CO2 emissions of 69.51 kg CO2/summer season at a 49% increment in wind speed.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Increase in global energy demand -> 50% by 2040
    • Reviewed temperature impact on PV and cooling methods
      • Water cooling -> FPV
    • FPV -> 2GWp FPV in 2020 -> expected 1.8TW by 2050
    • Compared FPV to GPV
    • Goal:
      • Propose and investigate performance of new design of FPV -> partially floating FPV
  2. Methods
    • Experimental setup described with data collection equipment
    • PV System
      • Location -> Egypt
      • Tilt angle -> 30°
      • Tech -> poly-cSi
      • power -> 80W
    • Data collected and analyzed
      • Irradiance
      • Infrared images
      • Termperature
      • Wind speed
      • Electrical output
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Analyzed effect of wind on the PV temperature distribution and power production
    • Water saving potential of FPV ->0.563m­³/year
    • CO2 emissions reduction -> 211kg CO2/year
    • Economisc analysus performed
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Water savings
    • Estimated
    • 0.563 m³/year
  • CO2 emission reduction
    • Estimated
    • 211 kgCO2/year
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
80W poly-cSi Port Said, Egypt 25 year 214kWh/year 8.5% 17%

Study of Massive Floating Solar Panels over Lake Nasser[14][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Recently, the technology of floating photovoltaic panels has demonstrated several advantages over land installations, including faster deployment, less maintenance cost, and higher efficiency. Lake Nasser is the second largest man-made freshwater lake in the world with a surface area of almost 5000 square km. Being in one of the hottest areas in the world, evaporation of water causes loss of very precious and scarce resources: freshwater. Fortunately, the lake is also located in a very rich area in solar energy. This paper presents a study to utilize Lake Nasser’s surface for massive production of solar energy, while significantly reducing the loss of water by evaporation from the lake surface. The project has the potential to be one of the largest producers of low-cost clean electric energy in the world for Europe and the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, especially with the ongoing efforts to connect the North African countries with the European super power grid. The study shows that the first phase of the project is expected to deliver about 16% of European need of electricity and save about 3 billion m3 of freshwater. The subsequent phases will provide low-cost green energy to replace the combustible fuels in Europe by 2045, while saving up to 10-12 billion m3 of freshwater lost by evaporation from Lake Nasser.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • EU RenErgy directive 2018/2001/EU -> meet or exceed 32% renewables by 2030
    • Stats of energy in EU
    • Electricity demand in Europe and North Africa -> 5850TWh in 2050
    • Review of PV projects in Egypt
    • Description of Lake Nasser
      • Covering lake surface -> 12-16billions m³/year saved
    • Goal:
      • provide comprehensive account of key factors to develop terawatt scale FPV on Lake Nasser
      • Economic, environmental, social, engineering viewpoints
  2. Methods
    • Full description on Lake Nasser specs
      • Hydrology + management
      • Climate
      • Water temp
    • Analysis of water evaporation on the lake
      • annual losses by evap -> 12-16 biliom m³
      • Evap estimated by Bowen ratio energy budget -> equations provided
      • Reviewed other studies that analyzed evap
    • Reviewed techniques to limit evaporation
      • Physical -> suspended covers
      • Biological -> floating plants palm fronds
      • chemical
    • Past studies -> FPV could reduce evap: 25 - 50%
    • Review of solar energy potential in the lake area
    • Market and economic analysis
    • Review of floating polatforms technology
    • Review of energy storage solutions
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Water evaporation reduction
    • Estimated
    • 12-16 billions m³/year
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
1000km² Lake Nasser, Egypt 25 years 8.23TWh/year

Floating Solar Power Plants: A Way to Improve Environmental and Operational Flexibility[15][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The Photovoltaic modules installed on the surface of the water are naturally cooled, reducing the loss of thermal power generation. Floating photovoltaic systems (FPVS) combine existing photovoltaic systems with a floating structure to generate clean energy. To meet the growing electricity demand, FPV systems will be integrated alongside existing dams to enhance existing power sources. The results indicate that the investment toward installing FPV systems over the dams’ reservoirs leads to a significant improvement in the overall system reliability minimizes load curtailment, and could potentially add more flexibility to the operator to dispatch power generated by hydropower plants during peak demands. The execution of the Karun-4 FPV power plant with an annual production of 16758969 kWh of energy has reduced the water evaporation of the dam's reservoir water and after eight years and four months, the investment cost was returned and its nominal performance is 81.7 percent. Adding a floating solar power plant with 10% of the lake reservoir cover of six dams saves 70.7 million cubic meters of water per year. This amount of fresh water is enough to meet the annual needs of one million people.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Only 200MW in Iran -> renewables
    • Iran evaporation rate -> 2100 mm/year -> 3 times > worlwide average (700mm/year)
    • Energy-related CO2 emissions -> 2/3 global GHG
    • Review of past PV and FPV studies
    • Goal:
      • presents roadmap to built folating hydropower and FPV
      • technical, economic, and environmental perspective
  2. Methods
    • Location -> on Karun river
    • Software
      • AutoCAD
      • PVSyst
      • CPMFAR 3
      • Minitab
    • Hydropower specs provided
    • Evaporation in lakes and dams affected by (equations provided):
      • water temp
      • air temp
      • humidity
      • windspeed above water
    • Economic analysis
      • NPV
      • IRR
      • ROI
  3. Results and Discussion
    • FPV size -> 100,000m² / 11MW
    • PV modules -> Yingli YL365D-36b
    • Power analysis provided
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • Water evap reduction
    • GHG emissions reduction
  • Water Evaporation reduction
    • Calculated
    • 80% reduction
  • CO2 emisisons reduction
    • estimated
    • 1502072 metric tons/year
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
11MW Yingli YL365D-36b Karun, Iran 16.76GWh/year

Assessment of floating solar photovoltaics potential in existing hydropower reservoirs in Africa[16][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Africa is characterised by a very high solar potential, with a yearly sum of solar irradiation exceeding 2000 kWh/m2. Many African countries are heavily dependent on hydropower, however, increasingly frequent droughts have been severely affecting hydropower generation in the last few decades. The installation of floating photovoltaics (FPV) in existing hydropower reservoirs, would provide solar electricity to help compensate hydropower production during dry periods and reduce evaporation losses while helping to sustainably satisfy the current and future energy needs of the fast-growing African population. This study provides a comprehensive analysis of the potential of FPV installation in Africa, by using highly accurate water surface data of the largest 146 hydropower reservoirs in the continent. In addition to the electricity production, evaporation savings and the potential extra hydroelectricity generated by these water savings are also estimated at reservoir level for four different cases and two types of floating structures. The results indicate that with a total coverage of less than 1%, the installed power capacity of existing hydropower plants can double and electricity output grow by 58%, producing an additional 46.04 TWh annually. In this case, the water savings could reach 743 million m3/year, increasing the annual hydroelectricity generation by 170.64 GWh.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Africa -> lowest electricity access rate -> 54%
    • Large untapped hydropower potential in Africa -> only 11% of available resource used
      • 37 GW in 2019
      • 138 TWh generation
      • extra 15GW by 2025
      • Hydroplant in jeopardy due to evaporation
    • PV in Africa
      • 5GW with 6TWh in 2018
      • estimate of 15GW/year -> 320GW by 2040 estimated by IEA
    • Review of past FPV studies
    • Goal:
      • comprehensive assessment of installation of FPV in African hydropower reservoirs
      • evaporation and extra hydropower generation potential investigated
  2. Methods
    • Data used
      • satellite image
      • hydropower reservoirs data
        • 146 largest reservoirs -> total of 29,222km²
        • Installed capacity > 5MW
    • PV energy calculation and specs provided
      • area factor -> 0.16kWp/m²
      • PErformance ratio -> 0.8
      • Inverter load ration -> 1.25
    • Water savings
      • calculated using previous data (Botempo et al.)
      • 2 types of floaters analyzed
    • Extra hydropower potential evaluated -> equation provided
    • 4 cases
      • 100% coverage
      • 10% coverage
      • 1% coverage
      • PV power = hydropower
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Installed Power -> 29.22 GWp - 292.22 GWp
    • Electricity production -> 52.94TWh - 529.349 TWh
    • Evaporation reduction
      • 304.58 - 9353 mcm/year
    • Added hydro capacity
      • 56.6 GWh/year - 1737 GWh/year
    • Cost analysis results detailed and explained
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • Hydro generation improvement -> Peak load support
    • water evaporation reduction
    • water quality improvement (algae growth reduction)
  • Evaporation reduction
    • estimated form past studies
    • 304.58 - 9353 mcm/year
  • Added hydro capacity
    • Estimated
    • 56.6GWh/year - 1737 GWh/year
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
29.22 GWp 292.22GWp Various Locations, Africa 52.94 TWh/year 529.349 TWh/year

Recent technical advancements, economics and environmental impacts of floating photovoltaic solar energy conversion systems[17][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Floating Photovoltaic (FPV) is an emerging technology that has experienced significant growth in the renewable energy market since 2016. It is estimated that technical improvements along with governmental initiatives will promote the growth rate of this technology over 31% in 2024. This study comprehensively reviews the floating photovoltaic (FPV) solar energy conversion technology by deep investigating the technical advancements and presenting a deliberate discussion on the comparison between floating and ground-mounted photovoltaic (PV) systems. Also, the economics and environmental impacts of FPV plants are presented by introducing the main challenges and prospects. The FPV plants can be conventionally installed on water bodies/dam reservoirs or be implemented as multipurpose systems to produce simultaneous food and power. Installing FPV modules over water reservoirs can prevent evaporation but penetration of solar radiation still remains an issue that can be eliminated by employing bifacial PV modules. The salt deposition in off-shore plants and algae-bloom growth are other important issues that can degrade modules over time and adversely affect the aquatic ecosystem. The capital expenditure (CAPEX) for FPV systems is about 25% higher than ground-mounted plants, mainly due to the existence of floats, moorings, and anchors. It has been stated that the capacity increase of FPV plants (ranges from 52 kW to 2 MW) can intensely decrease the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) up to 85%. It is estimated that FPV technology can become more affordable in the future by further research, developments, and progress in both technology and materials.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Feasibility study of floating solar panels over lakes in Bengaluru City, India[18][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Sustainable energy production has become an issue of prime concern for regions across the globe. With all the global bodies urging nations to explore and adopt clean sources of energy, India’s enormous solar potential provides a sustainable source of energy, replacing conventional sources that are both polluting and rapidly depleting. To produce large amounts of solar energy, solar parks spanning across large areas are required, making it impossible to serve in highly populated cities like Bengaluru, where spacious lands are not available. The rooftop solutions contribute very minimally towards the city’s energy demand because of the dense urban cover and congested planning. But the city has a large number of water bodies including tanks, large lakes and reservoirs. This paper studies the floating solar photovoltaic (FSPV) technology to provide an alternative solar route to harness sustainable energy. In this study, 32 lakes within the city limits were considered spanning across 3294 ac of lake area and analysed for the climatic suitability of FSPV systems, solar output assessment and estimation of evaporation losses. The study found that the FSPV systems adopted on lakes with a coverage ratio of 0.5–0.6 could meet an average of 26% of the city’s annual power demand.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Review of India energy goals
    • Reviewd thypes of PV in Bengaluru
      • rooftop PV not convenient
      • FPV potential for large-scale utility level PV
    • Reviewed past studies
      • FPV performance
      • FPV technologies -> floating systems
      • FPV energy estimation methods
      • FPV impact on evaporation
      • Environmental impact of FPVs
    • Description of the city of Bengaluru
    • Goal:
      • Investigate the scope of FSPV in providing sustainable energy in densely populated areas
  2. Methods
    • Water bodies not considered
      • lakes restricted only to swimming, fishing, or recreational activities
      • water bodies used for religious and navigation purposes are not considered
    • 2 set of parameters
      • climatic parameters -> wind, iradiation, and temperature
      • water evaporation -> Mayer's model -> equation provided
      • 22.87 millions m³ saved per year
    • Description of the FPV system and data collected provided
      • Total installed capacity -> 459MW / 3924acres
    • Water bodies considered -> size > 20acres (32 water bodies in total)
    • Efficiency of modules -> 15%
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • Water evaporation reduction
    • CO2 emisisons reduction
    • Algal growth reduction -> water quality improvement
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
459MW Hydrelio ASM-7-PERC-AAA Bengaluru,


4.089 TWh/year 15%

Semitransparent polymer solar cells floating on water: selected transmission windows and active control of algal growth[19][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Floating photovoltaic (FPV) systems are gaining attention across the world, which make an important contribution to the green energy revolution and diffuse the heated debate on use of land worldwide. Large-scale FPV systems generally deploy crystalline silicon panels that are brittle, heavy and difficult to integrate. Polymer solar cells (PSCs) are one of the emerging PV technologies to date. The potential deployment of PSCs on bodies of water can combine the unique advantages of organic electronics, which allow them to become semitransparent and simultaneously provide controlled shading and green electricity. So far, little attention has been paid to the impacts of FPV technologies on water bodies and their ecosystems. In this study, we propose a new concept of extending semitransparent PSCs (ST-PSCs) to the field of FPV and focus on exploring the environmental impacts and benefits of placing high-performance ST-PSCs on bodies of water. We demonstrate for the first time that the specific transmittance windows with controlled light intensities provided by ST-PSCs can scale up solar energy generation and regulate the growth of four representative microalgae that are widely distributed in diverse aquatic habitats. This work provides insight into environmentally responsible FPV systems for sustainable management of the important primary production in the aquatic ecosystem, instead of simply blocking the sunlight with conventional opaque solar panels.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Highlighted land-occupation challenges of GPV
    • Reviewed FPV around the world
    • Reviewed previous achievements in ST-PSCs + their extra functionalities
      • light tuning
    • Goal:
      • feasibility study fo ST-PSCs as algae bloon control
      • PCE 16.6% opaque / 11.2% with 20% transparency
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Chemical structure results + optical an energy performance presented
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Algae growth control
    • Show by experimentation with light control ability of ST-PS
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
0.07cm² 0.97 cm² ST-PSC Lab environement 11.2% 16.6%

Analysis of the potential for use of floating solar panels on Naghlo hydropower dam[20][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The water and energy challenges have become a big concern in Afghanistan that need to be addressed cooperatively. One of the challenges in the country is electricity generation, and a small part of it is produced in the country, so there are a huge burden and cost to meet the remaining electricity need. Over years and without sustainable management almost all of the dams in Afghanistan lost their effective life due to reservoir sedimentation that led to the reduced reliability of water and power supply. On the other hand, Global warming and high temperature have a direct impact on the number of water sources. Since Afghanistan is located in an Arid to a semi-arid climate that is characterized by the high value of annual evaporation where the precipitation is less than annual evaporation, besides other forms of losses, its surface water is lost through evaporation. On the other hand, one of the challenges in the country is electricity generation, and a small part of it is produced in the country, so there are a huge burden and cost to meet the remaining electricity needs. One of the approaches that can meet both challenges simultaneously is the use of floating solar panels. It has significant advantages over the ground-based type of solar panels. These benefits include reducing water evaporation, improving water quality by reducing the growth of algae, and high solar panel performance. This paper aims at illustrating the potential for use of floating solar panels to generate power and the impact of floating solar panels installation on preventing surface water evaporation on Naghlo Dam.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Provided stats on Afghanistan water resources and evaporation
    • Provided stats on Afghanistan energy needs
    • Describe Afghanistan solar resources
    • Brief review of FPV
    • Goal:
      • Study evaporation reduction and power produciton potential of FPVon Naghlo Dam to overcome evaporation and energy needs
  2. Methods
    • Info on Naghlo dam
      • 100 MWh
    • Simplified Penman-Monteith for evaporation calculation used -> equations provided
    • Dam coverage: 0.25% - 10%
    • Evaporation reduciton efficiency -> 30% [ref provided]
    • Used data from Kabul <=> data from Surobi not available
    • Explained PV generation using equations
    • PV modules
      • Mono-cSi
      • Efficiency -> 17%
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Evaporation rate results shown -> daily and monthly
      • 2839 mm/year => 34.5 millions m³/year
    • Water conservation potential
      • between 93,618 m³ to 1.872 millions m³
      • depends on coverage
    • Energy Production
      • 11.6MWh/year - 465.7MWh/year
      • depends on coverage
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Water evaporation reduction
    • Calculated -> Penman-Monteith method
    • 93,618 m³ - 1.872 millions m³
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
mono-cSi Surobi, Afghanistan 11.6MWh/year 465.7MWh/year 17%

Assessment of floating solar PV (FSPV) potential and water conservation: Case study on Rajghat Dam in Uttar Pradesh, India[21][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Widely acceptable Photovoltaic (PV) technology faces the challenge of substantial land requirement. However, emerging PV technology over water bodies through floating solar panels can resolve this challenge and additionally leads to operation of the panels at low temperature, improving the energy generation efficiency and insulating water bodies to account for reduction in evaporation loss. In this work, simulation tasks are performed to assess the technical potential of floating photovoltaic power generation and discusses the sustainable system of floating solar PV technology in terms of prospective PV potential, conservation of water and potential to conserve agriculture land bank. The study estimates, power potential of 6513 MWp for 25% coverage of total submergence area at Rajghat dam located in the Southern part of Uttar Pradesh, India, and annual power generation of 10,623,501 MWh. The study also reports annual evaporation loss reduction of 1395 cubic meter per MWp (or 0.9 l per kWh) as an additional benefit. In terms of economic assessment, the Levelized cost of energy (LCOE) is reported as $ 0.036/kWh (INR 2.61/kWh) with 8.55% internal rate of return (IRR), a very encouraging parameter for large scale deployment of FSPV plants. Based on the findings, the study recommends FSPV installation in water reservoirs, justified by considerable savings in water evaporation losses and avoiding use of cultivable land for solar PV Installation purpose.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Stats on India's renewable power obligation (RPO) program
    • Land requirement for GPV -> 2ha/MW
    • In India, GPV faces high transmission and distribution cost => affordable land far from demand
    • Reviewed past FPV and water evaporation studies
    • Goal:
      • add into FPV knowledge bank
      • provide platform to quantify additional benefits of FPV
      • estimate PV potential , economic easibility, and water loss reduction using FPV
  2. Methods
    • Provided a description of FPV components
    • FPV potential assessed through pilot case study
    • Water surface coverage -> 14.25%
    • Software
      • PVSyst
      • AutoCAD + Google Earth-> surface modelling
    • Described the Rajghat dam specs
    • PV system
      • mono-cSi
      • Efficiency -> 17.7%
      • Power -> 350Wp
      • Total power -> 6513 MWp
      • Surface area -> 3450 ha
    • Described specs of existing hydrodam -> 45MW
    • Mentioned studies that reviewed water evaporation prevention methods
    • Evaporation reducaiton estimation -> 9.084 million m­³
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Same as methodology numbers
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • Water evaporation reduction
    • Water quality improvement
    • Land occupation reduction
  • Water evaporation reduction
    • estimated
    • 9.084 millioms m³
  • Transmisison and distribution losses reduction
    • not quantified
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
6.513 GWp mono-cSi Utttar Pradesh, India 10.623TWh/year 17.7%

Analysis of Biological, Chemical, and Physical Parameters to Evaluate the Effect of Floating Solar PV in Mahoni Lake, Depok, Indonesia: Mesocosm Experiment Study[22][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Waters provide essential needs both for human societies as well as natural ecosystems. Floating solar PV (FPV) applications on water bodies are currently in strong demand worldwide. Floating solar PV system is a new concept in renewable energy with the solar plants by harnessing available water surface, such in dams, lakes, and other water bodies. Although the floating solar PV industry is becoming more and more popular, the study on the biological, chemical, and physical properties effects of using FPV cover on natural water coverage—especially in tropical countries—has not been widely carried out yet. This paper aimed to evaluate the effect of floating solar PV on temperature, DO (dissolved oxygen), TDS (total dissolved solids), total phosphorus concentration, and chlorophyll-a concentration using mesocosm experiments to understand the biological, chemical, and physical process under closed environment. The experiment was conducted in a natural water body, Mahoni Lake, in which a total amount of 7 water samples were collected from each mesocosms. The results show that the floating solar PV reduces the average temperature, DO, conductivity, TDS, and chlorophyll-a concentration changes (p-value < 0,05); and the floating solar PV does not directly reduce the average total phosphorus concentration due to high probability of thermal stratification (p-value > 0,05).

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Revie[edit | edit source]

Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Green cottage power supply and floating solar power plant: A Techno-Economic analysis[23][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Iran's energy sector, which includes power generation, transportation, industry, buildings, and homes, is a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions. Plans for efficient design and development of maximum power control systems aim to increase the share of renewable energy in electricity usage. Floating photovoltaic systems combine existing photovoltaic systems with a floating structure to generate clean energy and integrate existing dams to enhance power sources. The results indicate that installing a hybrid floating solar power plant at a level of more than 1 km2 over the dam reservoir's surface provides 194 GWh to 257 GWh of electricity per year. Installation floating photovoltaic plant would supply electricity for 2260 green cottages while also improving the environment and reducing water evaporation. Adding a floating solar power plant with 10% of the lake reservoir cover of six dams saves 70.7 million cubic meters of water per year which is enough to meet the annual needs of one million people. This study fills a research gap in the energy sector by studying the economics of hybrid renewable energy systems in Net-zero energy buildings.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • 2019 in Iran -> 96% electricity from fossil fuel
    • Evaporation in Iran -> 700mm/year
    • Reviewed past PV and FPV studies
    • Goal:
      • maximize use of local energy resources
      • design integrated FPV-hydro to supply green cottages on energy, minimize water evaporation, and keep a reliable
  2. Methods
    • Description of the Karun 4 dam
    • Meterological data from dam for 2000-2020 used
    • Software
      • PVSyst
      • AutoCAD
      • COMFAR + Minitab
    • Hydrodam at Karun 4
      • Power 250MW x 4
    • Economic analysis performed
    • Evaporation equation given -> method name not specified
    • System lifetime -> 25years
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Weather data discussion provided
    • PV size -> 11MW
    • Modules -> yingli 365W / yl365d-36b
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • water evaporation reduction
    • land occupation reduction
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
11mw yingli 365W / yl365d-36b Karun 4 Dam, Iran 25 years 194 GWh/year 257 GWh/year

Floating solar PV to reduce water evaporation in water stressed regions and powering water pumping: Case study Jordan[24][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Water resources are essential for human consumption and food production. The extraction and delivery of water resources are highly dependent on energy. Hence water, energy and food security are inextricably linked, and this nexus constitutes a major global societal challenge. Furthermore, globally, irrigation constitutes around 70% of our freshwater resources, rising to 90% in developing countries. There are over 300 million drinking water and irrigation ponds globally where 90% of the world’s standing irrigation water resides. There is a need to conserve such resources, considering more than two thirds of the world’s population are currently experiencing water stress. Hence, this work tackles the conservation of such resources addressing two important issues related to energy and water, thereby addressing elements of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Its considered approach is the use of floating solar photovoltaic (FPV) technology implemented on irrigation reservoirs to conserve water by reducing evaporation losses whilst providing sustainable electricity at enhanced yield that can be utilised locally. For the study, we selected an arid and water stressed region of Jordan where real-world water and energy consumption data were available. Various floating PV (FPV) system configurations were modelled for installation on an irrigation reservoir where currently no FPV exists. A fixed tilt 300 kWp FPV system was found to be the optimum design in terms of water savings, energy yield, economics, and reductions in CO2 emissions. Standard floating PV was deemed the preferred option compared to ground-mounted PV and FPV with tracking and/or active cooling. System payback period for the recommended design was 8.4 years with an annual greenhouse gas emission reduction of ∼ 141TCO2. For the considered site, around 12,700 m3 of water can be saved annually or 42% savings when compared to the uncovered reservoir. This research has wider applicability to other arid regions such as Africa, Middle East, and the Indian Subcontinent.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Irrigation is largest water consumer
      • 70% water resources globally
      • 90% in developping countries
      • 60% in developed countries
    • Stats on water pond, globally
    • FPV as a soluition to water-energy-food
    • Reviewed past studies
      • FPV
      • FPV and water evaporation
      • Cost of FPV
    • Goal:
      • model FPV for irregation reservoir in arid climate conditions
      • compare fixed tilt FPV to GPV with tracking or active cooling
      • quantify evaporation reduction, CO2 emissions reduction, economics in a reservoir in Jordan
  2. Methods
    • Described Jordan water resources and energy production schemes
    • Software
      • Homer Pro -> system with best NPC
    • 4 case scenarios
      • reservoir with no PV
      • Small Footprint FPV
      • Large footprint FPV
      • Ground-mounted PV
    • System load -> 121.6 kWh/day
    • Investigated impact of tracking anf active cooling on GPV and FPV
    • Evaporation calculation -> Penman Monteith - different consideration for small footprint and large footprint FPV
    • GHG emissions - > equations provided
  3. Results and Discussion
    • PV size -> 300kWp
    • Presented evaporation result for each case scenario
    • CO2 emissions reduction
      • FPV compared to no FPV on lake (235.8 tCO2eq/year) - difference between FPV and no FPV given below
      • large footprint FPV -> 141 tCO2eq/year
      • small footprint FPV -> 133 tCO2eq/year
    • Energy production
      • small footprint FPV -> 467 MWh/year
      • large footprint FPV -> 463 MWh/year
    • Water savings
      • small footprint -> 7,500 m³/MWp or 3.2 m³/MWh
      • large footprint -> 42,000 m³/MWp or 27.5 m³/MWh
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • Water evaporation savings
  • Water evaporation reduction
    • calculated -> Penman Monteith
    • 3.2 - 27.5m­³/MWh
  • CO2 emissions reduction
    • calculated
    • 133 - 141 tCO2eq/year
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency Comments
300 kWp mono-cSi Jordan 20years 463 MWh/year 467MWh/year 17.1% Efficiency is product of PV efficiency and inverter efficiency

Potential Assessment and Performance Evaluation of a Floating Solar Photovoltaic on the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam[25][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The demand for electricity has increased rapidly in Ethiopia. Renewable energy sources such as solar PV are being used to respond to the power demand and cover a small percentage of the country’s energy need. However, in Ethiopia, where the majority of the land is utilized for agriculture, the land required to generate solar PV power in a large scale is a significant barrier. Big dams, such as Great Ethiopia’s Renaissance Dam, can be used for a solar floating system to eliminate the need for land and transmission infrastructure. Due to its wider area covered by the reservoir, which is about 1,874,000,000 m2, the potential of the renaissance dam needs to be investigated for solar PV floating installation to meet the electricity demand in residential, commercial, and industrial sectors in Ethiopia. In addition, the cooling action of the water on the PV floating allows it to keep its efficiency and increase the power output from the panels. In this study, the performance of grid-connected floating PV systems was evaluated in terms of power generation potential, performance ratio, capacity utilization factor, greenhouse gas emissions, and water conservation. The power consumption of peoples living in the GERD generation site is nearly 1 MW. Though they get electricity through the grid, this study considers performance assessment of a 1 MW solar FPV with the intention of covering the energy need of the hydropower station itself and near rural communities. Modeling and simulation of the proposed FPV plant is done with the help of PVsyst software tool. Finally, the analysis reveals that the GERD has the FPV capability to generate 18,740 MW of maximum power, and its performance was assessed for a 1 MW grid-connected FPV system. The benefits of employing FPV in energy production, water conservation, CO2 emission reduction, and economic benefit are demonstrated in this study. Furthermore, the installation of 1 MW FPV saves 54.4 million liters of GERD water from evaporation per year, which benefits the Blue Nile’s downstream countries to conserve their share of water.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • High soiling potential => increase in PV land demand => solution: FPV
    • Highlighted benefits of water on PV
    • Description of major components of FPV
    • Description of FPV state of art in Africa, and Ethiopia
      • No significant FPV plant despite huge potential
    • Performed a review of past FPV studies resumed in a table
    • Compared a potential FPV system to a cmmisioned GPV system in Ethiopia
    • Goal:
      • design and analysis of grid-connected FPV
      • 10% coverage of water surface
  2. Methods
    • Location -> Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD)
    • PV system
      • size -> 1MW
      • Module: 400W / SR-M672400HL / 19.89%
      • Inverter: 98.9%
    • Software: PVSyst
    • PV design procedure explained
    • Ptovided equaitons for irradiation and performance factors calculation -> Performance Ratio; Capacity Utilization Factor
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Annual energy -> 9.549 MWh
    • Investment cost -> 425,245 USD/MW
    • CO2 emisisons reduction -> 7.81tCO2/MW for 20 years
    • Water saving -> 54.4 million liters of water /year
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • water evaporation reduction
    • CO2 emisions reduction
    • transmission and distribution loss and cost reduction
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency Comment
1MW SR-M672400HL Ethiopia 20 9.549 MWh/year 19.67 Efficiency is the product of inverter and module efficiency

Techno-economic perspective of a floating solar PV deployment over urban lakes: A case study of NUST lake Islamabad[26][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Water bodies like small lakes, canals, and rivers in urban areas serve to be a way forward to deploy photovoltaic technology with no constraints to involve land procurement. This article aims to estimate the potential deployment of a floating photovoltaic system on an urban lake site to assess its scope and compare it with a similar specification on-ground photovoltaic system. System Advisor Model (SAM) has been used for techno-economic analysis of a site in Pakistan. The technical analysis involves observing the effect of real time temperature drop and calculation of water reduction efficiency for FPV systems. The economic parameters like net present value (NPV) and payback period are used to judge the economic feasibility of the floating photovoltaic deployment project. The floating photovoltaic deployment in an urban area is subject to soiling as the water reservoir being used exists in an area close to or within the city boundaries. The required cleaning water costs a one-time extraction rate of $1435, while for a floating photovoltaic system, the extraction cost is estimated to be $1.35. Under standard temperature conditions (STC) one-year capacity factor turns out to be 0.70% more, producing an additional energy yield of 64 kWh/kW for lake scenarios when a 10 °C temperature drop is considered. The total power potential for the entire NUST Lake turns out to be 4.47 MW. A 1 MW FPV system in NUST lake would result in a water reduction efficiency of 11.6%/year. Under standard temperature conditions, the net present value for the on-ground system becomes negative while it remains optimistic for the floating photovoltaic system as no land costs are required. Similarly, once the land cost is included in the feasibility analysis, the payback period for the on-ground system goes beyond 15 years which is only 5.37 years for a floating photovoltaic system signifying the economic feasibility of the floating photovoltaic project.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • 2.6 GW total capacity FPV in construction during 2020
    • FPV cost tnd to be > GPV
    • FPV cost can be reduced through addiitonal services:
      • water saving
      • land saving
      • combination with hydro
    • Review of FPV systems around the world
    • Economic parameters for FPV feasibility
      • LCOE
      • Payback period
      • NPV
    • Description of the energy production resources in Pakistan -> 5% from renewables
    • Goal:
      • perform techno-economic analysis of FPV on NUST lake
      • 100kW FPV compared to 100kW GPV, including cleaning
  2. Methods
    • Description of the case study site
      • NUST lake -> classified as non-utilizable
      • 100kW GPV exists already
    • PV system
      • Modules: poly-cSi / 385W / 19.66%
      • System Efficiency -> 16.87% (included all losses from SAM)
      • Lifetime -> 25years
    • Software-> SAM
    • Description of the system design in SAM
    • Description of cleaning schedule and water requirement -> equation provided for water pump power requirement
    • Financial comparison methods explained
  3. Results and Discussion
    • System designed capacity -> 102.5kWp
    • Power generation potential of entire lake (area1 + area2) -> 4.47MW (not analyzed)
    • Water evaporation calculation explained -> equation provided
      • 1.17% evaporation reduction efficiency -> 35,100 litres
    • data of the power consumption of pumping system provided
    • Compared FPV and GPV performance -> data provided (not useful for the review)
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • water savings
    • land savings
  • Water evaporation prevention
    • calculated -> unnamed method
    • 35,100 litres (periodicity unspecified)
  • Environemtal impacts reduction
    • Not quantified
  • Land savings
    • Not quantified
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency Comments
100 kW poly-cSi Islamabad, Pakistan 25years 6.167 MWh/year 7.995 MWh/year 16.87%
  • energy difference comes from sensitivity in temperature profiles
  • efficiency was calculated considering PV efficiency and various losses

The greenest solar power? Life cycle assessment of foam-based flexible floatovoltaics[27][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

This study presents a life cycle analysis (LCA) of a 10 MW foam-based floatovoltaics (FPV) plant installed on Lake Mead, Nevada, U.S. A material inventory of the flexible crystalline silicon (c-Si)-based module involved massing and determination of material composition of the module's encapsulation layers with ATR/FTR spectroscopy and electron microscopy. The LCA was performed using SimaPro and the results were interpreted in terms of cumulative energy demands, energy payback time, global warming potential, GHG emissions, and water footprint including negative values for reduced evaporation. A sensitivity analysis was performed on the lifetime of the modules and the foam-based racking. The results show that the 30 year lifetime foam-based FPV system has one of the lowest energy payback times (1.3 years) and the lowest GHG emissions to energy ratio (11 kg CO2 eq per MW h) in c-Si solar PV technologies reported to date. In addition, the foam-based FPV system also had 5 times less water footprint (21.5 m3 per MW h) as compared to a conventional pontoon-based FPV (110 m3 per MW h). The lifetime of the foam-based racking does not affect the result, while the lifetime of the modules has a significant effect on the lifecycle impacts of the foam-based FPV plant. Foam-based FPV has a net positive impact on the environment for CO2 emissions and energy consumption if its lifetime is above 7.4 years and the technology has the potential to become the greenest c-Si-based solar PV technology if the lifetime of the modules can be guaranteed for at least 26.6 years. Future work is needed to determine the lifetimes of these systems and expand them.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Reviewed past PV LCA studies
    • PV better than cola for CO2 emisison, but land use still high => solution: FPV
    • Not much literature on FPV LCA
    • PV racking not decreasing as other PV components
      • 8% total PV cost in utility-scale
      • 8-23% totla cost in small GPV
    • Goal:
      • determine environmental impact of foam-based FPV
      • cradle-to-grave analysis of 10MW FPV
      • Analysis of EBPT, CO2PBT, waterfootprint
  2. Methods
    • Provided full description of LCA process
      • Goal and scope
      • Life cycle inventory (LCI)
      • impact assesments methods
    • Goal and scope
      • FU -> 650GWh delivered to the grid
      • Lifetime -> 30 years
    • LCI
      • Full material inventory provided
      • Material analysis using electron microscopy and FTIR
    • Impact assessment methods
      • EPBT -> Cumulative energy demand
      • CO2PBT -> Global Warming Potential
      • Water consumption -> Water Scarecity Index
    • Sensitivity on PV and foam lifetime
    • Software -> Simapro
  3. Results and Discussion
    • EPBT -> 1.3years
    • CO2PBT ->0.82 years
    • Water savings -> 3.4 millions m³
    • CO2 emissions reducitons -> 266.51 ktons CO2eq
    • Sensitivity analysis performed with results
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Water evaporation savings
    • Simulated -> Simapro
    • 3.4 millions m³ in 30years
  • CO2 emisisons reducitons
    • Simulated Simapro
    • 266.51 ktons CO2eq
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
10MW mono-cSi Lake Mead, Nevada, USA 30 650.3 GWh/30years 20.9%

Foam-based floatovoltaics: A potential solution to disappearing terminal natural lakes[28][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Terminal lakes are disappearing worldwide because of direct and indirect human activities. Floating photovoltaics (FPV) are a synergistic system with increased energy output because of water cooling, while the FPV reduces water evaporation. This study explores how low-cost foam-based floatovoltaic systems can mitigate the disappearance of natural lakes. A case study is performed on 10%–50% FPV coverage of terminal and disappearing Walker Lake. Water conservation is investigated with a modified Penman-Monteith evapotranspiration method and energy generation is calculated with an operating temperature model experimentally determined from foam-based FPV. Results show FPV saves 52,000,000 m3/year of water and US$6,000,000 at 50% FPV coverage. The FPV generates 20 TWh/year of renewable energy, which is enough to offset all coal-fired power plants in Nevada thus reducing carbon-emission based climate forcing partially responsible for a greater rate of disappearance of the lake. The results of this study, which is the first of its kind, indicate foam-based FPV has potential to play a crucial role in mitigation efforts to prevent the disappearing of natural lakes worldwide.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • FPV system description + advantages
    • Reviewed past PV and FPV studies
    • Described a terminal lake and their economical importance
    • Goal:
      • explores how foam-based FPVcan be used in lake evaporation mitigation
      • Example case of Walker Lake
      • Estimated evaporation and energy generation
      • Economic implications
  2. Methods
    • Data collection and cleaning from Walker Lake
    • Water evaporation model description -> Penmane Monteith with equations
    • PV System
      • Module: mono-cSi / SPR-E-Flex /23%
      • Temperature model -> adpated from Kamuyu
      • Energy calculaiton equations provided and explained
    • Economic implication evaluation explained using local cost of water and energy
    • Lake coverage varied between 10 - 50%
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Annual water evaporation rate -> 1156 mm
    • Energy production
      • 10% coverage -> 4TWh
      • 50% coverage -> 20TWh
    • Water savings
      • 10% coverage -> 10 millions m³
      • 50% coverage -> 52 millions m³
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • CO2 emisisons offset
  • Water evaporation savings
    • Calculated -> Penman Monteith
    • 10 - 52 millions m³/year
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency Comments
10km² 50km² mono-cSi Walker Lake, Nevada, USA 1 year analysis 4TWh/year 20TWh/year 20.34% Efficiency is the product of PV efficiency and various losses

Optimal Power Scheduling of Hydropower with Co-Located Floating Solar and Wind Generation Using Stochastic Weight Tradeoff Chaotic Particle Swarm Optimization[29][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The increased use of solar and wind power generation worldwide has elevated the frequency and voltage regulation concerns due to their intermittent nature. Installing floating solar PV panels (FPV) and wind (WT) farms, at the same location as hydroelectric power plants (HPPs), should present a much cheaper option than using a battery storage. However, the operating strategy for the new co-located power plant needs to be revised from the conventional HPP operation. Hence, a novel optimal power scheduling strategy for co-located FPV-WT-HPP power plant using stochastic weight tradeoff chaotic particle swarm optimization (SWTC-PSO) is proposed in this paper. The objective is to either maximize the upper reservoir water or minimize the spill water. Test results obtained on the system with five major HPPs, two thermal, and one combined-cycle power plants ascertain that the proposed method can generate a significant amount of reservoir water saving up to 30%, which can later be used in the high demand period. The solar and wind energy penetration can be increased by up to 28% without disturbing frequency and voltage regulation using the co-located approach. Finally, the proposed modified HPP controller that uses the feedback signals from FPV and WT, can smooth out the combined co-located plant power output, leading to a dispatchable and firm power generation solution.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Present hydropower plants (hpp) as alternative for battery stroage in PV and wintd turbines (WT)
    • Mentioned advantages of combining PV, WT, and HPP
    • Reviewed studies in optimiation of HPP-PV and HPP-PV-WT systems
    • Goal:
      • analysis of HPP-PV-WT system in Thailand
      • Use of Stochastic Weight Tradeoff Chaotic Particle Swarm Optimization (SWTC-PSO) for dispatch
      • Proposed a revised HPP controller design
  2. Methods
    • Optimization problem formulation -> equations provided
      • reservoir water maximization
      • spill water minimization
    • Description of SWTC-PSO -> equation provided for the current problem
    • Step-by-step procedure provided
    • Gave a table with different types of systems at different locations
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Provided performance results of optimizaiton using different optimizers
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Metioned in Intro
    • Water evaporation reduction
    • land occupation reduction
  • Does not clearly estimate any additional benefits
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Assessment of the potential of floating solar photovoltaic panels in bodies of water in mainland Spain[30][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

This article presents the potential of floating photovoltaic solar energy in Spain, a country with a high solar energy resource and a large water surface area for its deployment, for the first time. Geodata for natural, artificial, and highly modified bodies of freshwater, along with environmental geospatial datasets, were used to calculate electricity generation, taking into account the positive water-cooling effect. The results revealed that Spain could meet about 31% of its electricity demand by covering only 10% of the available water surface area. Deployment of the country's full floating photovoltaic potential could reduce non-renewable electricity generation by 81% and greenhouse gas emissions by 6%, thereby helping to meet the European Union 2030 target. Spanish regions could benefit from this renewable energy, not only by reducing their dependence on non-renewable resources, but also by balancing their electricity generation and demand. The potential of this renewable energy technology is higher in southern regions and particularly in Extremadura, where the electricity generation potential is three times the electricity demand. A detailed analysis of the floating photovoltaic potential in three dam reservoirs, the Borbollón, La Pedrera and Guadalcacín, is also presented for four coverage scenarios. The results highlight the importance of including water depth restrictions on floating photovoltaic module operation and variations in reservoir water level in future assessments, rather than simply applying a fixed percentage of coverage.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Provided stats on European renewable energy goals -> emphasis on Spain
    • Describe FPV -> highlighted inconvenience of when the water body is dry
    • Advantages of FPV
      • water evaporation reduction
      • algae growth reduction
    • Reviewed synergies b/w FPV and other activities:
      • pumped storage
      • compressed air storage
      • wave energy
      • water heating systems
    • LCOE FPV > GPV -> (50.3 - 96.2) VS (35 - 40) €/MWh
    • Offshore FPV still limited
    • Review of past FPV studies
    • Goal:
      • Assessment of national and regional FPV electricity in Spain
      • Varied coverage ration and tilt angle
  2. Methods
    • Geographical description of Spain and iots water bodies
    • Water bodies selection process -> 3 dam reservoirs human-made
    • Described the specs of a suitable reservoir for FPV deployment
      • Coerage ratio highly influenced by water level
    • Electricity generation calculation equations provided
      • Used Kamuyu model for cell temperature
    • PV Specs
      • mono-cSI
      • Efficiency: 19.3%
      • P: 375W
    • Performace metrics: CF, LCOE, Energy yield, GHG reduction
    • Description of data sources
  3. Results and Discussion
    • 10% coverage of water bodies (unclear if it's all or the selected 3)
      • 80TWh/year
      • 6% GHG emisisons reduction
    • Provided detailed on CF, LCOE, and energy yield for different scenarios
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • Water evaporation reduction
    • algae growth reduciton
  • CO2 emisison reduction
    • estimation method -> unknown
    • 6%
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
419.4km² mono-cSi Spain (Various locations) 80TWh/year 19.3%

Assessment of floating solar photovoltaic potential in India’s existing hydropower reservoirs[31][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The hydropower share of the Indian electrical sector has declined significantly over time, and a greater reliance on the complementation of thermoelectric power plants to meet energy demand. This issue has led to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions, which has exacerbated climate change and altered rainfall regimes in numerous sections of the country, as well as increased potential evapotranspiration. Installing floating solar photovoltaic (FSPV) plants in existing hydropower reservoirs would increase the hydropower share and reduce evaporation losses. FSPV is also assisting the country in meeting the net-zero carbon emission target and India's rapidly rising population's current and future energy needs. Using very accurate water surface data from the country's 117 hydroelectric reservoirs, this study presents a comprehensive analysis of the potential of FSPV installations in Indian hydropower reservoirs. In addition to electricity generation, CO2 savings and evaporation savings are calculated. The additional hydropower generated, as well as the number of people who could be able to benefit due to these water savings, are also estimated at reservoir level for four different scenarios considering pontoon type of floating structure. The results show that with total coverage of less than 4% area of hydroelectric reservoirs, existing hydropower plants can double their installed power capacity and increase their electricity output by 52%, producing an additional 66.56 TWh per year. In this case, water savings could total 837 million m3/year, resulting in a 1.566 TWh of additional annual hydroelectricity generation.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Stats on India energy productionresources
      • Descrease of hyfro share in India: 46% -> 12% b/w 1966 - 2022
    • description of water cycles and water resources in India
    • Increase demand of energy due to population => conflict b/w PV deployment agriculture land, and shelter
    • Description of FPV and benefits associated -> synergy with hydro plants
    • Reviewed past FPV studies
    • Goal:
      • FPV development with integration to hydro
  2. Methods
    • Selection criteria -> hydro > 25MW => 117 hydroplants selected (total of 11,1221.97 km²)
    • FPV design
      • poly-cSi
      • 330Wp/module
      • 10° tilt angle
    • Metrics -> equations provided:
      • energy generation
      • PR
      • CO2 reducction -> ue of life cycle emisisons for carbon balance calculation
      • water savings -> Penman-Monteith formula
    • Evaluated additional hydro power production
    • Four scenarios
      • 1% coverage
      • 5% coverage
      • 10% coverage
      • PV_cap = Hydro_cap
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Power: 10.9GW - 109.93GW
    • Energy: 17.458 TWh/year - 174.59 TWh/year
    • Evaporation savings: 237.30 mcm - 2324.55mcm
    • CO2 emissions avoided: 13.68 millions tons/year - 137.14 millions tons /year
    • Additional hydro Capacity: 248.13 GWh - 2432.43 GWh -
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • avoid land conflict
    • water evaporaton reduciton
    • algae growth redcution -> water quality improvement
  • Evaporation savings
    • Calculation -> Penman Monteith
    • 237.30 - 2324.55 mcm/year
  • CO2 emisisons avoided
    • Calculated -> carbon balance
    • 13.68 - 137.14 millions tons/year
  • Additional Hydro Capacity
    • Calculated
    • 248.13 - 2432.43 GWh
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
10.9GW 109.93GW poly-cSi India (various locations) 17.458 TWh/year 174.59TWh/year

Thermal and electrical performance of solar floating PV system compared to on-ground PV system-an experimental investigation[32][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Floating Photovoltaic (FPV) is a relatively new concept for producing clean green energy. This study presents the results of an experimental investigation of a small-scale FPV system. The goal is to evaluate and compare the thermal and electrical performances of mono and polycrystalline photovoltaic modules used in FPV with those of On Ground PV (OPV) systems with a similar nominal capacity. To accomplish this, a test bench consisting of an FPV and an OPV system has been established. The results show that when the water body is partially covered with a Floating PV system, water evaporation is reduced by 17%. And it is reduced by around 28% when fully covered. It was also found that water bodies provide an adequate cooling effect. Lowering the front temperature of Floating PV modules by 2–4% and the back temperature by 5–11% compared to similar On-ground PV modules. Thermal imaging revealed that at 0 degrees of tilt, the front temperatures of the modules are uniform. Still, as the tilt increases, a temperature gradient is observed between the bottom and middle parts of the modules. In addition, an experimental test was performed to compare the power generation of Floating PV at varying tilt angles. The test results show that the Floating PV system produces the most energy when installed at the annual optimal tilt angle. As a result, for FPV, adjusting the Photovoltaic panels to their optimized tilt angle is also recommended. While Floating PV system produces 20–28% more energy than the on-ground PV system at 0°as compared to the optimal tilt angle.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • PV systems -> high land to energy ratio -> 10,000 m²/MW
    • Reviewed FPV studies + benefits
      • algae growth reduction -> water quality improvement
      • water evaporation reduction
      • higher efficiency
      • low contribution to global warming
    • Compared FPV to GPV
    • Evaporation redcution depends on water surface coverage
    • Hghlights challenges of FPV systems
    • Goal:
      • Propose a test-bench for FPV
      • Evaporation, gunidity, and thermal analysis
      • mono and poly - cSi
  2. Methods
    • Arduino logger for data collection on pond simulator
    • Test bench and targets described
    • mono and poly PV used
    • Data collected: metrological parameters (ambient temperature, relative humidity, water temperature), electrical parameters (current, voltage, and power), PV module temperature, solar radiation, wind speed, ambient temperature, and relative humidity
    • Different tilt angles tested; Different pond coverage tested
    • PVC water basin used as pond simulator
    • Measuring station components lists provided
    • Thermal imaging for hotspots
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Evaporation reduction
      • Initial water qty -> 2605.754 litres
      • Evaporation no cover -> 199.1 litres (base case)
      • evaporation partial coverage: 168 litres (17% savings)
      • evaporation full coverage: 150 litres (28% savings)
    • Reported weather data
    • Provided data on PV temperature and thermal behaviour
      • heat loss coefficient of FPV -> 22W/m²K
    • Power conversion evaluated
      • 8% - 35.9% more enegry compared to GPV depending on tilt angle
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • CO2 emisisons reduction
    • algae growth reduction -> water quality improvement
    • water evaporation reduction
  • Water evaporation reduction
    • Measured experimentally
    • 17 - 28% reduction
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
80W mono/poly - cSi Pakistan

Floating solar photovoltaic as virtual battery for reservoir based hydroelectric dams: A solar-hydro nexus for technological transition[33][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

This paper presents a policy approach for the technological transition from hydropower to green energy in developing countries. Conventional electricity generation technologies have proven to be a burden on the economy of a country, as they have to depend on fossil fuels to meet their energy needs, such as diesel and gasoline. Pakistan has been taken as a case study to show the growing electricity demand of a developing country that implores major technological initiation. This serves as the assessment of suitability and resource regarding the installation of floating solar photovoltaic (FSPV) on reservoirs of hydroelectric dams, thus acting as a virtual battery. Generation from FSPV can complement the hydropower generation in the dry period, consequently meeting the peak demand. In real-time, by employing both technologies at the same substation, hydropower covers the intermittency issues of floating PV technology by improving power quality. Seven dams selected for this study have been analyzed based on their percentage surface area of the reservoir for electricity generation, water conservation, and emission reduction. Tarbela dam has been further analyzed for demonstrating the virtual battery effect by improving the electricity generation profile. The proposed approach meets the electricity needs of about 15.5% of the total population and serves the water need of 2.3 million people in the country.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Review Paper
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Adoption of floating solar photovoltaics on waste water management system: a unique nexus of water-energy utilization, low-cost clean energy generation and water conservation[34][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Scarcity of land coupled with rising land price is detrimental in developing large-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) power plants. A practical alternative is to develop floating solar photovoltaic (FSPV) systems, where the PV modules are floated on water. Technical assessment and feasibility study of FSPV systems are not well addressed. This paper presents the adoption of FSPV system on waste water treatment systems as large water surfaces are available. An experiment was performed to determine the performance of FSPV system in outdoor conditions, and it revealed that the FSPV module performed with 9.84% higher efficiency than land-based PV (LBPV) module. A feasibility study and techno-economic analysis of 15 MW FSPV system are presented and compared with a similar LBPV system. Results show that the FSPV plant will supply 26,465.7 MWh of energy annually to the grid and operate with performance ratio (PR) of 86.7%. The FSPV system will also save 7,884,000 m3 of water by reducing evaporation and the reduction in CO2 emission will be 518,943.4 tCO2. Financial analysis of the FSPV system reveals that the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) is 0.047 $/kWh which is 7.84% lower than LBPV system. Comparison of the FSPV system and a similar LBPV system reveals that the social and economic performance of the FSPV system is better than the LBPV system. The results will help the policymakers in making conversant decisions toward developing FSPV projects and also help wastewater plants to shift toward sustainable practices.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Reviewed GPV studies and ideal installation conditions -> highlighted limitations
      • high land prices hinders PV deployment
    • Highlights FPV adavantages
      • performance improvement
      • evaporation reduction
      • algae bloom control
    • Reviewed waste water treatments
    • Discusses energy policy in India
    • Goal:
      • Compare FPV performance to GPV
      • Case study -> 15MW FPV on Kolkata wetlands
  2. Methods
    • Explained PV energy modeling + performance metrics
    • Environmental performance with equation provided
    • water evaporation -> Penman-Monteith
    • Economic performance -> LCOE
    • Explained power scenario in India
    • Used small-scale experimental data
      • PV power -> 100W
      • Efficiency -> 14.72%
    • Sites election explained
    • Explained load calculations and electrical design procedure
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Provided data on both FPV and GPV
      • Size 15MW
      • Lifetime -> 25 years
      • Energy FPV -> 26.47 TWh/year
      • Energy GPV -> 14.12 TWh/year
    • Water saving FPV -> 315,360 m³/year
    • Co2 emisisons reduciton
      • FPV -> 24,772 tCO2/year
      • GPV -> 22,665 tCO2/year
    • Economic analysis results explained
    • Policy recommenrs
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentione in Intro
    • evaporation reduction
    • algae bloom control
  • Water evaporation reduction
    • calculated -> Penman Monteith
    • 315,360 m³/year
  • CO2 emissions reduction
    • calculated
    • 24,722 tCO2eq/year
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
15MW poly-cSi Kolkata 25 26.47 TWh/year 14.72%

Energy production and water savings from floating solar photovoltaics on global reservoirs[35][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Growing global energy use and the adoption of sustainability goals to limit carbon emissions from fossil fuel burning are increasing the demand for clean energy, including solar. Floating photovoltaic (FPV) systems on reservoirs are advantageous over traditional ground-mounted solar systems in terms of land conservation, efficiency improvement and water loss reduction. Here, based on multiple reservoir databases and a realistic climate-driven photovoltaic system simulation, we estimate the practical potential electricity generation for FPV systems with a 30% coverage on 114,555 global reservoirs is 9,434 ± 29 TWh yr−1. Considering the proximity of most reservoirs to population centres and the potential to develop dedicated local power systems, we find that 6,256 communities and/or cities in 124 countries, including 154 metropolises, could be self-sufficient with local FPV plants. Also beneficial to FPV worldwide is that the reduced annual evaporation could conserve 106 ± 1 km3 of water. Our analysis points to the huge potential of FPV systems on reservoirs, but additional studies are needed to assess the potential long-term consequences of large systems.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Emphasized the need of renewables to curb global warming
    • Highlighted the drawbacks of GPV
      • Large area rewuirement => land conflict
      • routine cleaning => high water requirement
      • heat-induced voltage losses in warmer climates
    • FPV advantages
      • close to dwellings
      • no land use
      • cooling effect
      • evaporation reduction
    • Provided stats on FPV; 1.3GWp in 2018; 4.8 GW expected 2016
    • Reviewed pass location-based FPV studies => no study looked at FPV globally
    • Goal:
      • assess potential of FPV globally under realistic climate conditions
      • energy generation perspective + water conservation perspective
  2. Methods
    • FPV coverage -> 30%
    • Number of water bodies -> 114,555 -> total area: 556,111 km²
    • Water bodies > 0.01 km²
    • Data base used for water bodies
      • GRanD
      • GeoDar
      • OSM
    • PV systems <= 30 km²
    • Environemental database:
      • SYN1deg
      • ERA5-Land
      • data from 2001 - 2020
    • PV performance model -> PV_LIB, Sandia National Lab
    • Evaporation model -> Penma Monteith
  3. Results and Discussion
    • FPV Potential globally:
      • Range: 4,300 - 11,000 TWh/year
      • Mean values -> 9,434 ± 29TWh
    • Some developing countries -> FPV Potential > current electricity demands
    • Evaporation reduction:
      • 46 ± 3% per reservoir
      • qty worldwide -> 106 ± 1 km³/year
    • Hydropower generation improvement -> 3,992 ± 13 TWh/year
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ..

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • land use reduction
    • evaporation reducion
  • Evaporation reduction
    • calculated -> Penman Monteith
    • 105 - 107 km³/year (43 - 49% /reservoir)
  • Hydropower generation improvement
    • Quantification method -> unknown
    • 3,992 ± 13 TWh/year
  • Land occupation reduction
    • not quantified
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
556,111 km² Panasonic VBHN 235SA06B Worldwide 4,300 TWh/year 11,000 TWh/year

Benefits of pairing floating solar photovoltaics with hydropower reservoirs in Europe[36][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Achieving carbon-neutrality is increasing the demand of renewable electricity which is raising the competition for land and associated acquisition costs. Installation of floating photovoltaic (FPV) on existing hydropower reservoirs offers one solution to limited land availability while providing solar electricity, leveraging water bodies, and reducing water evaporation losses. This work assesses the potential electricity output of FPVs at regional and national levels on 337 hydropower reservoirs in the EU27 considering four scenarios and two types of floaters. Evaporation, water losses and water savings due to FPVs installation are also estimated using climatic parameters for the year 2018. The reservoirs' total water losses are estimated at 9380 mcm. The installation of FPVs of equal installed capacity as the hydropower plants, has the potential to generate 42.31 TWh covering 2.3% of the total reservoir area. In this case, up to 557 mcm could be saved by installing FPV. The FPVs' multiple benefits and the potential offered by existing hydropower reservoirs are compatible with the EU's goals for net zero emissions and more autonomy from imported fossil fuels and energy transformation.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Reviewed international stats on climate change goals and location-based FPV studies
    • FPV advantages
      • cooling effect
      • land occupation reduction + reduction of associated costs
      • hydropower generation improvement
    • Described FPV potential in Europe
    • Goal:
      • estimate electricity outputfrom FPV in EU 27 hydropower reservoirs + water savings
      • Use of 2 different type of floating structure
      • Regional and national scale
  2. Methods
    • Databases:
      • JRC Database for hydro. Criteria >= 5MW -> 1433 plants
      • Reservoirs -> GRanD. Criteria: outside Natura 2000; mus have Hydro => 337
      • Global surface Water Dataset (GSW)
      • EMO-5
    • Scenarios
      • coverage: 1%, 10%, and 100%
      • capacity PV = Capacity Hydro
    • Software:
      • PVGIS
      • LISVAP + LISFLOOD model -> water evap
    • PV
      • cSi
      • efficiency -> 20%
    • Config
      • horizontal modules
      • Optimal tilt, south facing
      • 10° tilt, south facing
  3. Results and Discussion
    • FPV potential -> 13.5TWh - 1629.3TWh
    • FPV power: 30 - 16087 GW
    • Water savings -> 457 mcm - 9381 mcm
    • Cost comparison performed
    • Highlights limitation of FPVS
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • FPV advantages
    • land occupation reduction + reduction of associated costs
    • hydropower generation improvement
  • Water evaporation reduciton
    • estimated
    • 457 mcm - 9381 mcm/year
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
30 GW 16,087 GW cSi Eu27 13.5TWh/year 1629.3 Twh/year 20%

Benefits of pairing floating solar photovoltaics with hydropower reservoirs in Europe[37][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Achieving carbon-neutrality is increasing the demand of renewable electricity which is raising the competition for land and associated acquisition costs. Installation of floating photovoltaic (FPV) on existing hydropower reservoirs offers one solution to limited land availability while providing solar electricity, leveraging water bodies, and reducing water evaporation losses. This work assesses the potential electricity output of FPVs at regional and national levels on 337 hydropower reservoirs in the EU27 considering four scenarios and two types of floaters. Evaporation, water losses and water savings due to FPVs installation are also estimated using climatic parameters for the year 2018. The reservoirs' total water losses are estimated at 9380 mcm. The installation of FPVs of equal installed capacity as the hydropower plants, has the potential to generate 42.31 TWh covering 2.3% of the total reservoir area. In this case, up to 557 mcm could be saved by installing FPV. The FPVs' multiple benefits and the potential offered by existing hydropower reservoirs are compatible with the EU's goals for net zero emissions and more autonomy from imported fossil fuels and energy transformation.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

A sound potential against energy dependency and climate change challenges: Floating photovoltaics on water reservoirs of Turkey[38][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Energy security and climate change are among the top priority challenges for Turkey. High dependency on imported resources jeopardizes the economy, especially with high currency rate and conflicts in neighboring countries from where Turkey imports its energy. Besides, Turkey has already started to experience the impacts of climate change such as increasing temperature along with drought. Floating photovoltaics have proven themselves to be quite efficient in energy production, with evaporation reduction as a positive externality. The purpose of this article is to reveal the possible capacity of floating photovoltaics on constructed water reservoirs of Turkey and draw policy perspectives against existing or anticipated challenges. A total of 4,003 reservoirs were analyzed based on different water surface coverage scenarios. The results of the study proposed 125 TWh electricity generation, slightly above 40% of the nation-wide electricity demand, when 10% of suitable reservoirs were covered. This generation would be highly instrumental in reducing energy dependency and substituting renewables for conventional resource uses. Avoided CO2, thanks to this substitution, was calculated to be 77.1 Mton equivalent. This would obviously be favorable in light of the carbon emission reduction policy of the country and Paris Agreement requirements. Moreover, 1,242.1 hm3 freshwater was assessed to save resources from evaporation loss, which would help to mitigate the climate change pressure on water resources.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • FPV growth rate -> 140% annually worldwide / 2.2GW total in 2019
    • FPV advantages
      • CO2 emisisons reduction
      • water evaporation reduction
      • higher energy efficiency
      • algae growth reduction
      • quick installation
      • synergy with hydro infrastructures
      • possibl erosion prevention
      • transmisison and distribution cost curbing
    • Reviewed studies mentioning each benefit
    • Overviwe of location-based FPV studies => no universally accepted method or regulation for determining country-wide FPV potential
    • Goal:
      • propose model of a functional FPV country-wide
      • Case study -> Turkey
  2. Methods
    • Description of Turkey's geography + energy resources
    • DEscription of legislation and technicla aspects of FPV in Turkey
    • Reservoirs selection criteria explained => 2,755 reservoirs ->
    • Energy generation calculation equations provided
    • Water cooling effect considered -> 15% more power generation
    • Evaporation calculation equation provided
    • CO2 emissions calculation equation shown
    • 6 Scnerarios: 5% - 30% coverage in 5% increment
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Results summarized in Table 3
    • Power -> 34.2 GW - 209.6 GW
    • Energy -> 61,522.5 GWh - 377,239.1 GWh
    • Water Savings -> 621.1 hm³ - 3,591.8 hm³
    • Co2 emissions avoided -> 38.1 Mton - 233.8 Mton
    • Periodicity not specified -> annual considered
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • CO2 emisisons reduction
    • water evaporation reduction
    • algae growth reduction
    • synergy with hydro infrastructures
    • possibl erosion prevention
    • transmisison and distribution cost curbing
  • Co2 emissions reduction
    • calculated
    • 38.1Mton/year - 233.8Mton/yesr
  • Water savings
    • calculated
    • 621.1 hm³ - 3,591.8 hm³/year
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
34.2 GW 209.6 GW Turkey - countrywide 62,522 GWh/year 377,239.1 GWh

Reliability of Emergency Water Supply for a Reservoir and Enhancement through Floating Photovoltaics in a Long-Distance Water Diversion Project[39][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

An emergency water supply is occasionally necessary for a reservoir; its reliability should be investigated. The operation schemes of reservoirs mainly consider the long-term normal water supply; the emergency water supply has been less studied. Floating photovoltaics (FPVs) can be set on the open canals of water diversion projects (WDPs) to decrease evaporation loss and save water for the emergency water supply for connected reservoirs, the effects of which must be quantified. Thus, a framework of reliability for the emergency water supply of a reservoir (REWS) is proposed in this study, including stochastic simulation of reservoir operation schemes, a set of objectives for an emergency water supply, and quantification of the REWS. The Danjiangkou reservoir (DR) is considered as a case study; it is the water source of the Han River and middle route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project (MRSNWDP). The effects of FPV coverage above the MRSNWDP on water evaporation and the REWS have been reported. The results show that the REWSs are 37.6%, 45.5%, and 56.5%, respectively, for the average, 75% probability, and 95% probability water diversion schemes of the MRSNWDP. After setting the FPV system, the annual evaporation of the MRSNWDP was reduced to 1.15×10^7m³ (−74.7%), increasing the REWS to 49.6% (+12.0%), 53.4% (+7.9%), and 61.3% (+4.8%) for the average, 75% probability, and 95% probability water diversion schemes of the MRSNWDP, respectively. The REWS framework is useful for reservoir operation and water resource planning. FPV coverage is suggested for WDPs with open canals.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Benefits of reservoirs on rivers
      • power generation
      • flood control
      • navigation
      • waters supply
    • Review of optimization method for optimal reservoir operations
    • Increase need of emergy water supply in large reservoirs -> specific case of Danjiangkou
    • Definition of reliability of emergency water supply (REWS) of a reservoir
    • Water diverison projects decrease REWS of a reservoir
    • Review of FPV studies
    • Goal:
      • Use of FPV system for evaporation reduction
  2. Methods
    • Description of REWS framework
    • Method for evaporation calculation -> Penman-Monteith
      • open canal
      • FPV-covered
    • Danjiangkou reservoirs specs provided
    • Description of optimizaiton objectives
  3. Results and Discussion
    • FPV provided evaporation reduction of 74.7% -> 45.74 millions m³ saved annualy
    • water surface coverage unknown
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Used FPV as a dedicated water evaporation prevention tool
  • Water evaporation reduction
    • calculated -> Penman-Monteith
    • 74.7% (45.74 million m³/year)
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Floating photovoltaics systems on water irrigation ponds: Technical potential and multi-benefits analysis[40][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Floating photovoltaic systems (FPV) can be a more sustainable alternative for the energy transition than ground-mounted photovoltaic systems, as they avoid occupying useable land and the power generation is more distributed. This paper presents the first study that calculates the FPV technical potential at the province/municipality level, focusing on water irrigation ponds, which it is a novelty in the literature that usually focuses on large water infrastructures in a national approach. In the province of Jaén (Spain), more than 3000 ponds dedicated to agricultural irrigation have been identified and their surface area and location was obtained. The results, calculated for each pond, reveal that, in a conservative scenario, in which only 25% of their surface area is covered, a minimum of 490 MWp can be installed, which can provide 251% of the province agricultural electricity consumption and 27% of the total electricity needs. This analysis has also been performed at the municipal level, where all possible FPV plants have been aggregated and compared with consumption that would be covered at this scale. Furthermore, this technology brings additional benefits, as it avoids the occupation of 12 km2 of useable land, 8.8·106 m3/year of water evaporated, while creating more than 7000 jobs.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Mentioned the necessity other aspects in energy planning other than techno-econo
    • Land-use conflicts hinders GPV deployment -> specifoc case of Spain
    • Possible solution -> FPV
    • FPV advantages
      • cost-sompetitive
      • absenc eof land aquisition cost
      • watyer evaporation reduciton
      • algae growth reduciton
      • higher yield VS GPV
      • climate change and stratification mitigation for waterbodies
    • Reviewed past studies in FPV
    • Goal:
      • Focused on FPV on irrigation ponds
      • multi-benefit estimation -> land occupation - electrcity demand matching - CO2 emissions reductions - evaporation reducitons - job creation
      • Province of Jaén - Spain
  2. Methods
    • Context of the Jaén province
      • Energy resources and usage
      • Irrigation ponds data
      • Artificial water bodies considered <=> avoding conflict with wildlife and fishing
    • Electrical performance simulation
      • tilt 5°
      • metric -> energy yield
      • Software -> SAM
    • Scenarios: 100% coverage; 50%, and 25%
    • CO2, land, jobs, and evaporation -> calculated by estimation
  3. Results and Discussion
    • 3177 ponds identified -> 16km² total
    • PV Size: 490MWp - 2.1 GWp
    • Energy -. 729GWh/year - 3142 GWh/year
    • FPV energy > (27.16% - 116.11%) of energy needs in the province
    • Land savings -> 12.13 km² - 54.48 km²
    • Avoided CO2 -> 0.29 - 1.14 MtCO2eq/year
    • Evaporation reduciton -> 8.81 - 35.23 m³/year
    • Joobs created -> 370 - 1480 (only jobs in O&M considered)
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned Intro
    • absence of land aquisition cost
    • water evaporation reduciton
    • algae growth reduciton
    • climate change and stratification mitigation for waterbodies
  • Land Savings
    • estimated
    • 12.13 km² - 54.48 km²
  • Avoided CO2
    • estimated
    • 0.29 - 1.14 MtCO2eq/year
  • Evaporation reduction
    • estimated
    • 0.29 - 1.14 MtCO2eq/year
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
0.49 GWp 2.1 GWp Jaén - Spain 729 GWh/year 3142 GWh/year

System dynamics characterisation and synthesis of floating photovoltaics in terms of energy, environmental and economic parameters with WELF nexus sustainability features[41][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The invention of floatovoltaic technologies brought new meaning to the theoretical framing of sustainability as the technology delivers extended natural resource conservation benefits. However, planning assessments for this novel sustainable energy technology exposed knowledge gaps jeopardising global financial investments and regulatory approvals. Knowledge and methodological gaps cause inaccurate performance predictions in current geospatial-engineering modelling tools and fail to adequately quantify the diverse range of layered performance qualities and impacts of floating photovoltaics. This paper advances a geo-sensitive system dynamics framework to systemically integrate the energy, environmental and economic domain object functions in characterising the behaviour and sustainability of floating photovoltaic systems theoretically. The framework serves as computer logic in a geospatial digital twin to synthesise floatovoltaic operations to predict the technology’s sustainability impact and offset attributes in balanced scorecard metrics and water–energy–land–food nexus indicators. Experimental evaluations with the proposed framework in a real-world setting demonstrate the value of the holistically integrated framework in analytical floatovoltaic project appraisal and planning support. The results highlight significant advantages when comparing a 1000 m2 floatovoltaic system with a similar-sized conventional photovoltaic alternative, including a 19.3% lifetime energy gain, a carbon emission displacement of CO2e=5168t and a freshwater evaporation benefit of 983 kL. Predictive energy, environmental and economic modelling also offers water–energy–land–food–resource analysis parameters, thus delivering multi-attribute performance profiles that solve many of the current problems with the “technology unknowns” of floatovoltaics that impede energy project commissioning and licensing approvals.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • FPV advantages VS GPV
      • more CO2 savings
      • higher efficiency
      • land conservation
      • resource preservation -> water evaporation mitigation
    • No tool exisitng to design FPV and quantify benefits => confusion in stakeholders
    • need to develop such tools
    • Review of past studies -> design are site specific
    • Goal:
      • introduce new experimental theory and computer logic to quantify and profile FPV sustainability, eprformance and benefits in water-food-energy nexus
  2. Methods
    • Proposed new framework with technical - economical - environmental design
    • Case Study - South Africa
  3. Results and Discussion
    • FPV energy 246.37 GWh over 20 years
    • FPV generated 19.3% > energy than FPV
    • CO2 savings => Carbon tax income ZAR 969,000 / 5.1 ktons CO2 / 2.55tCO2/year
    • farmland preserved -> 1283 m²
    • Water preservation -> 1,320,000 litres -> 66,000 litres/year
    • Energy generation -> 116 MWh/year
    • Food preservation -> 2.1 tons/year
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • CO2 savings
    • estimated using framework
    • 2.55tCO2/year
  • Farland preserved
    • estimated using framework
    • 1283 m²
  • water preservation
    • estimated using framework
    • 66,000 litres/year
  • food preservation
    • estimated using framework
    • 2.1 tons/year
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
South Africa 20 years 116MWh/year

Energy economics and environmental assessment of hybrid hydel-floating solar photovoltaic systems for cost-effective low-carbon clean energy generation[42][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The simultaneous escalation in energy consumption and greenhouse gases in the environment drives power generation to pursue a more sustainable path. Solar photovoltaic is one of the technologies identified as a possible source of clean, green, and affordable energy in the future. The vast land area occupied by solar photovoltaics to generate electricity suggests that large photovoltaic facilities be built on the water surface, serving the dual purpose of saving land, increasing efficiency and power output. Despite the remarkable geophysical conditions of India, the evaluation of floating solar photovoltaic power plants revealed little involvement in this technology. This research aims to offer a comprehensive technical and sustainable goal-based analysis to provide an efficient hybrid hydel-floating solar photovoltaic system. In this paper, an assessment of a 96 megawatt power plant is done to show the economic and ecological benefits of a floating solar photovoltaic system. A comparison of land-based photovoltaic, floating solar photovoltaic, and hybrid hydel-floating solar photovoltaic is done to check the cost-efficiency and sustainability. The result indicates that the floating solar photovoltaics system produces 81.39 gigawatt-hour excess generation with 2.4% more energy yield compared to the land-based photovoltaic system. The total water saved is 69.4 mcm. The equivalent carbon reduction is 123,454.53 tons of CO2. The levelized cost of energy generation is 3.23 $/W, which is 2.3% less than the current price of electricity. The floating solar photovoltaic help in achieving sustainable development goals along with the protection of the ecological system.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fossil fuels -> 80% global energy sources, 2019
    • China and India -> major CO2 emissions contributors, 2022
      • 10,668 metric tons -> China
      • 2,442 metric tons -> India
    • Stats on glabal energy consumption
    • Describe solar PV resource in India
    • Reviewed past PV studies => highlighted PV Vs Land conflict
    • Reviewed FPV / FPV + Hydro studies
    • Described India SDG commitment and goals
    • Goal:
      • discusses economic, environmental aspects of installing hydel-FPV hybrid plant in India
      • Performance / economic ferasibility / water savings / CO2 savings / water qualiy
  2. Methods
    • Theory on solar cell PV conversion -> PV energy yield calculation
    • Hydropower generation calculation
    • Explained coordination b/w PV and hydel
    • Economic analysis method explained
      • LCOE used as metric
      • Lifetime -> 25 years
    • Evaporation modeling -> Penman-Monteith
    • Carbon reduction calculation method -> equation provided
    • India power sector overview
    • Site selection
      • Maithon dam reservoir
      • Total area 65 km²
      • Hydel power: 63.5MW -> 2x20 + 23.5
    • FPV
      • Power -> 96 MW
      • coverage -> 1.14%
      • Software -> SAM
      • Module Tech -> Vikram Solar SOMERA VSMH7540005 (maybe mono-cSi)
      • Module efficiency -> 20.01%
      • Inverter efficiency -> 98.4%
    • Ecocomics
      • cost of pontoons ->$0.14/W ->ref provided
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Annual energy -> 150.64 GWh
    • LCOE -> 3.23¢/kWh
    • Water savings -> 1650 litres/m²
    • CO2 savings -> 4938.18 tCO2/year
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • water evaporation prevention
  • Water savings
    • calculated -> Penman-Monteith
    • 1650 litres/m²/year
  • CO2 savings
    • calculated
    • 4938.18 tCo2/year
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency Comments
0.741 km² mono-cSi Jharkhand, India 25 year 150.64GWh/year 19.69% Efficiency is product of PV and invertr efficiencies

Assessment of the Potential of Installing Floating Photovoltaic Systems in Existing Water Reservoirs in Greece[43][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Floating photovoltaics consists of a new and fast-growing technology worldwide. Installations of these novel green energy systems have not been developed so far in Greece. The aim of the current work is to investigate the potential of installing floating photovoltaic systems in Greek water bodies. The existing water reservoirs in Greece have been identified while their water surface that allows the installation of solar panels, the nominal power of the floating photovoltaics and the generated solar electricity have been estimated. The nominal power of floating photovoltaics which can be installed in the existing 128 water reservoirs in Greece covering 10% to 30% of their surface varies between 4.77 GWp to 14.31 GWp while the annual generated electricity at 6,435.2 GWh to 19,305.6 GWh corresponding at 12.40% to 37.20% of the total annual electricity consumption in the country. The annual water evaporation savings, due to installation of floating photovoltaics, have been calculated at 71.55 mil. M3 to 214.65 mil. M3 while the increased annual electricity gain at 321.76 GWh to 1,930.56 GWh. The results indicate that significant amounts of electricity can be generated with floating photovoltaics installed in water reservoirs in Greece. They could be useful to policy makers who are developing policies to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050 in Greece and to energy companies who are willing to invest in these novel green energy technologies.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Overview of FPV systems
      • More expensive than GPV
    • Reviewed past FPV studies
    • FPV benefits
      • reduce land conflicts
      • water savings
      • higher yield
      • Additional hydro generation
    • Goal:
      • estimaton of FPV potential estimation in Greece
  2. Methods
    • Description of Greek water reservoirs
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Energy generation: 6.435 - 19.305 TWh/year
    • Land savings -> 57.19 - 171.58 km²
    • evaporation savings -> 71.55 - 214.65 millions m³/year
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • reduce land conflicts
    • water savings
    • Additional hydro generation
  • Land savings
    • Estimation methods -> unknown
    • 57.19 - 171.58 km²
  • evaporation savings
    • estimation method unknown
    • 71.55 - 214.65 millions m³/year
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
4.77 GWp 14.31GWp Greece 6,435.2 GWh/year 19,305.6 GWh/year

Integration of Floating Solar Photovoltaic Systems with Hydropower Plants in Greece[44][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Floating solar photovoltaics in water bodies is a novel clean energy technology which has been developed rapidly during the last decade. The current work investigates the possibility and the potential of installing floating photovoltaic systems in the existing hydropower plants in Greece. Studies related with the use of floating photovoltaics in water reservoirs in Greece are limited so far. The characteristics of the existing 24 hydropower plants in Greece have been used for the estimation of the solar photovoltaic systems which can be installed in their water reservoirs. It has been found that the nominal power of these solar energy systems which can be installed in their water reservoirs, covering 10% of their water surface, is at 3,861 MWp while the annual generated electricity at 5,212.35 GWh corresponding at 10.04 % of the annual electricity demand in the country. The capacity factor of the integrated solar and hydro power systems is increased by more than 20%. The research indicates that the existing hydropower plants in Greece can host, in their water dams, floating photovoltaic systems generating significant amounts of green electricity while they also result in many environmental benefits. These novel solar energy systems can contribute, together with other benign energy technologies, in the achievement of the national and EU target for net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Not much study on FPV in Greece
    • Reviewed Hydel-FPV studies
    • FPV benefits
      • land and water conservation
      • Energy imbalance reduction
      • Additinal hydro generation
    • Reviewed FPV and climate change in Greece
    • Goal:
      • estimate FPV potential on Greek hydel plant
  2. Methods
    • Description of eisiting hydel plant in Greece
      • qty -> 24
      • Power: b/w 1MW and 400 MW -> Total: 3.365 GW
      • Total volume -> 386.19 km²
    • FPV
      • Coverage -> 10%
      • Power -> 3.861 GWp
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Energy generation -> 5.212 TWh/year
    • Land savings -> 46.34 km²
    • Water savings -> 57.91 millions m³/year
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentined in Intro
    • land conservation
    • water conservation
    • Energy imbalance reduction
    • Additinal hydro generation
  • Land savings
    • Estimation methods -> unknown
    • 46.34 km²
  • evaporation savings
    • estimation method unknown
    • 57.91 millions m³/year
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
3.861 GWp Greece 5,212.35 GWh/year

Analysis and Prioritization of the Floating Photovoltaic System Potential for Reservoirs in Korea[45][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Photovoltaic (PV) energy is one of the most promising renewable energies in the world due to its ubiquity and sustainability. However, installation of solar panels on the ground can cause some problems, especially in countries where there is not enough space for installation. As an alternative, floating PV, with advantages in terms of efficiency and environment, has attracted attention, particularly with regard to installing large-scale floating PV for dam lakes and reservoirs in Korea. In this study, the potentiality of floating PV is evaluated, and the power production is estimated for 3401 reservoirs. To select a suitable reservoir for floating PV installation, we constructed and analyzed the water depth database using OpenAPI. We also used the typical meteorological year (TMY) data and topographical information to predict the irradiance distribution. As a result, the annual power production by all possible reservoirs was estimated to be 2932 GWh, and the annual GHG reduction amount was approximately 1,294,450 tons. In particular, Jeollanam-do has many reservoirs and was evaluated as suitable for floating PV installation because of its high solar irradiance. The results can be used to estimate priorities and potentiality as a preliminary analysis for floating PV installation.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Described Korea's renewable enrgy goals
    • EXcessive installation of PV => damages:
      • landacape
      • reflected light in residential area
      • increase in ambient temp
      • safety accidents dueing landslide
    • Korea -> land scarcity => FPV as potential solution
    • FPV can use reflected lights from water
    • Benefits
      • evaporation reduciton
      • algae prevention
    • Statistics on FPV
    • Reviewed past studies
    • Goal:
      • Evaluate applicability and potential of FPV for 3400 reservoirs
  2. Methods
    • Description of data used in the study
    • Evaluation
      • power produciton
      • GHG emisisons
      • Economic feasibility
    • PV System
      • Module -> SPR-210-BLK (210W/unit ; 16.9%)
      • c-Si module
    • GHG emissions calc -> GHG reference value used
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Reservoirs selected -> Power >= 100kW
      • 1134 reservoirs
    • 10% coverage:
      • Total PV capacity => 2.103 GW
      • Energy Production annual => 2.932 TWh
    • GHG reduciton annual => 1,294,450 tons
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • evaporation reduciton
    • algae prevention
  • GHG Emissions reduction
    • estimated from tabulated data
    • 1,294,450 tons/year
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
2.103GW c-Si Various Locations, Korea 2.932 TWh/year 16.9%

Evaluating the benefits of Integrating Floating Photovoltaic and Pumped Storage Power System[46][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Floating Photovoltaic systems have developed very fast in recent years. Compared to individual Floating Photovoltaic systems, further advantages, such as grid connectivity and energy storage, can be obtained when Floating Photovoltaic operates collaboratively with Pumped Storage Power Systems. This paper proposed an Integrated Floating Photovoltaic-Pumped Storage Power System and quantitatively assessed the potential of the integrated system in electricity generation and conservation of water and land resource. The study developed a coordinated operation model for the Integrated Floating Photovoltaic-Pumped Storage Power System, which employed a dual-objective optimization, namely to maximize the benefits of electricity generation and to minimize the energy imbalance at the same time. The dual-objective optimization was solved using the genetic algorithm method. Other benefits of the Integrated Floating Photovoltaic-Pumped Storage Power System, namely conservation of water and land resource, were also assessed. The proposed methodology was applied to a 2 GW Floating Photovoltaic farm and a 1 GW Pumped Storage Power System. Results indicated that the Integrated Floating Photovoltaic-Pumped Storage Power System has a great potential for gaining the benefits of electricity generation (9112.74 MWh in a typical sunny day averagely) and reducing energy imbalance (23.06 MW aggregately in one day). The coordinated operation provides the possibility to achieve a higher generation benefits without affecting the reliability of the grid, while the optimization method plays a key role of efficient coordination. In addition, the system would help to save 20.16 km2 land and 19.06 million m3 water a year due to the reduction in evaporation loss. The synthetic benefits greatly improve the economic and environmental feasibility of photovoltaic systems in reality.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Stats on water surfaces in China
    • Water shortage => hydro alone cannot fulfill enegry demand
    • China aims at 20% non-fossils energy by 2030
    • Land shortage => diffuclty in installing P
    • Reviewed FPV studoies + Pumped Storage
    • Goal:
      • Quantitative assessment of IFPV-PSPS potential
      • Simulated operation
      • Coordinated Operation simulation model
      • Optimize (Power genertaion; energy imbalance)
      • Water conservation + land savings
  2. Methods
    • Optimization methods-> mathematical model
      • Multivariate NLR
      • CO modeling
      • Water conservation + land saving
    • Power parameters:
      • PV -> 2 GW
    • Land saving effect
      • Technical genertaion potential
      • Technicla capacity
    • Water saving effect -> Penman-Monteith
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Result son enegry blance b/w FPV and PSPS
    • Total produciton FPV -> 14.488 GWh/day
    • Land saving -> 20.16km²
    • Water savings -> 19.06 MCM/y
    • Indirect water saving -> water not used by the hydro (not really saved)
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Water saving
    • Quantified -> Penman-Monteith
    • 19.06 MCM/year
  • Land saving
    • Evaluated from PV size
    • 20.16 km²
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
2 GW mono-c Si Shandong, China 14.488 GWh/day

Floating Photovoltaic Systems: Assessing the Technical Potential of Photovoltaic Systems on Man-Made Water Bodies in the Continental United States[47][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Floating photovoltaic (FPV) systems, also called floatovoltaics, are a rapidly growing emerging technology application in which solar photovoltaic (PV) systems are sited directly on water. The water-based configuration of FPV systems can be mutually beneficial: Along with providing such benefits as reduced evaporation and algae growth, it can lower PV operating temperatures and potentially reduce the costs of solar energy generation. Although there is growing interest in FPV, to date there has been no systematic assessment of technical potential in the continental United States. We provide the first national-level estimate of FPV technical potential using a combination of filtered, large-scale datasets, site-specific PV generation models, and geospatial analytical tools. We quantify FPV co-benefits and siting considerations, such as land conservation, coincidence with high electricity prices, and evaporation rates. Our results demonstrate the potential of FPV to contribute significantly to the U.S. electric sector, even using conservative assumptions. A total of 24 419 man-made water bodies, representing 27% of the number and 12% of the area of man-made water bodies in the contiguous United States, were identified as being suitable for FPV generation. FPV systems covering just 27% of the identified suitable water bodies could produce almost 10% of current national generation. Many of these eligible bodies of water are in water-stressed areas with high land acquisition costs and high electricity prices, suggesting multiple benefits of FPV technologies.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • FPV adapts traditional ground-mounted PV -> flat; tilted or tracking
    • Water has a cooling effect on PV
    • Goal:
      • Characterization of FPV projects in the US
      • National and state-level
      • Benefits
  2. Methods
    • Open-source geoprocessign tools: PostgreSQL/PostGIS/Python/QGIS
    • Scope
      • Man-made water bodies only
      • Water depth -7ft (2m)
      • surface area - 1acre (4000m²)
      • Location to transmission line -> < 80km
      • Purpose
    • SAM -> energy simuilation
    • Tilt angle -> 11°
    • Penma-Monteith for evaporation
  3. Results and Discussion
    • 24,419 water bodies eligible
    • Total Power -> 1,116 GW -> 786TWh/year
    • Additional Benerfits
      • Algae bloom reudction
      • Land saving -< 2,141,000 ha -> calculated from land PV
      • Evaporation losses -> 90cm/year - 245cm/year
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • Land conflict avoidance
  • Land saving potential
    • Calculatyed from PV land occupation
    • 2,141,000 ha
  • Evaporation losses prevention
    • Penman-Monteith
    • 90cm/year - 245cm/year
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
1,116GW Unspecified Various locations, United States 786 TWh/year

Using remote sensing to calculate floating photovoltaic technical potential of a dam’s surface[48][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

A dam with a hydroelectric power plant (HEPP) prevents flooding while generating electricity and providing controlled irrigation of agricultural land. An open dam surface causes a substantial loss in water resources over the course of a year due to evaporation. In this paper, the authors propose to occupy the idle dam area with a floating photovoltaic (FPV) solar power plant (SPP) to generate electrical energy and to conserve water by minimizing evaporation. Since the shoreline of a dam used for agricultural irrigation continually changes, the most critical challenge in installing a SPP is to determine the suitable area to be covered with FPV panels. In this study, the shoreline changes of the Demirköprü Dam in Manisa, Turkey, were monitored over 20 years from Landsat and Sentinel satellite images using the supervised classification in the Google Earth Engine. The minimum surface area of the dam was found to be 1,562.45 ha. Installing a 2.03 GWp FPV SPP horizontally on this surface and obtaining 3,328.33 GWh annual energy is feasible. Moreover, the FPV panels can prevent 28,231,026.90 m3 of water from evaporating. Approximately 7.82% of the water used for electricity production in 2019 can be recovered with the installation of this SPP.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Water improves FPV efficiency
    • Hydro generation can be > with FPV
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • Water evaporation prevention
  • Water evaporation reduciton
    • calculated form historical data
    • 28,596,875 m³/year
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
2.03 GWp mono-cSi Manisa, Turkey 3,328.33 GWh/year 18.16%

Floating photovoltaic plants: Ecological impacts versus hydropower operation flexibility[49][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Floating photovoltaic power plants are a quickly growing technology in which the solar modules float on water bodies instead of being mounted on the ground. This provides an advantage, especially in regions with limited space. Floating modules have other benefits when compared to conventional solar power plants, such as reducing the evaporation losses of the water body and operating at a higher efficiency because the water reduces the temperature (of the modules). So far, the literature has focused on these aspects as well as the optimal design of such solar power plants. This study contributes to the body of knowledge by i) assessing the impact of floating solar photovoltaic modules on the water quality of a hydropower reservoir, more specifically on the development of algal blooms, and by ii) studying the impact that these modules have on the hydropower production. For the first part, a three-dimensional numerical-hydrodynamic water-quality model is used. The current case (without solar modules) is compared to scenarios in which the solar modules increasingly cover the lake, thus reducing the incident sunlight from 0% to finally 100%. The focus is on microalgal growth by monitoring total chlorophyll-a as a proxy for biomass. For the second part, as the massive installation of solar modules on a reservoir may constrain the minimum water level (to avoid the stranding of the structures), the impact on hydropower revenues is examined. Here, a tool for optimal hydropower scheduling is employed, considering both different water and power price scenarios. The Rapel reservoir in central Chile serves as a case study. The response of the system strongly depends on the percentage that the modules cover the lake: for fractions below 40%, the modules have little or no effect on both microalgal growth and hydropower revenue. For moderate covers (40–60%), algal blooms are avoided because of the reduction of light in the reservoir (which controls algal growth), without major economic hydropower losses. Finally, a large solar module cover can eradicate algal blooms entirely (which might have other impacts on the ecosystem health) and results in severe economic hydropower losses. Altogether, an optimum range of solar module covers is identified, presenting a convenient trade-off between ecology health and costs. However, a massive deployment of these floating modules may affect the development of touristic activities in the reservoir, which should be examined more closely. In general, the findings herein are relevant for decision-makers from both the energy sector and water management.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Discuss benefits but does not focus on PV modeling rather on hydrology modeling
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Potential of floating photovoltaic plant in a tropical reservoir in Brazil[50][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The increasing global demand for electricity has led to a significant increase in the search for low-impact alternative sources, with solar photovoltaic being identified as one of the most feasible options. However, photovoltaic power plants require large ground areas, which represent a major constraint. If the panels are installed on water bodies, this restriction may be avoided. In this work, a simulation was performed to assess the potential of floating photovoltaic power generation in the tropical Gavião reservoir, located in the Northeast of Brazil. A payback analysis indicated that the investment in construction of the system is fully recovered in eight years, and that water losses due to evaporation can be reduced by approximately 2.6 × 106 m³/year, sufficient to supply roughly 50,000 people.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Annual decrease of PV cost in Brazil -> 3.3 - 6.5%
    • Traditional PV conflicts => land use with othe rsectors
    • PV loss -> 0.4 - 0.65 % per ° after optimum temperatrure
    • Water -> provides cooling to PV
    • PV prevents evaporation
    • Evaporation in Brazil -> 2000mm/year
    • Description Review of FPV systems
      • pontoon
      • mooring
      • PV
      • wiring
      • converter
      • transmission
    • Goal:
      • Simulation -> assess FPV potential in Gaviao reservoir
      • Economic feasibility
      • Water loss reduction
  2. Methods
    • Gaviao reservoir
      • Location -> Federal State of Ceara
      • Storage capacity -> 2.7 x 10^7 m³
    • Power simulation
      • PVSyst
      • Analysis of reservoir dynamics for useful space
      • Specified losses
      • Improvement applied to FPV system -> gain from 8.1% - 14.5%
    • Evaporation
      • Penman Method describned but not used
      • Used approximation from literature 30% evaporation reduciton
    • Economic analysis -> Sun-Eart tools
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Power installed -> 492 MW
    • Energy -> 835,820 MWh/year - 860,560 MWh/year (increased power due to water estimaiton)
    • Evaporation prevention -> 2,595,000 m³/year
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • Water evaporation prevcention
  • Water Evaporation prevention
    • approximated using past studies
    • 2,595,000 m³/year
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
492MW Kyocer 245Wp KD245GX-LPB Gaviao, Brazil 21years 835.82GWh/year 860.56GWh/year

Design and analysis of a combined floating photovoltaic system for electricity and hydrogen production[51][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The current study deals with a potential solution for the replacement of fossil fuel based energy resources with a sustainable solar energy resource. Electrical energy demand of a small community is investigated where a floating photovoltaic system and integrated hydrogen production unit are employed. Data are taken from Mumcular Dam located in Aegean Region of Turkey. PvSyst software is used for the simulation purposes. Furthermore, the obtained results are analyzed in the HOMER Pro Software. Photovoltaic (PV) electricity provides the required load and excess electricity to be used in the electrolyzer and to produce hydrogen. Saving lands by preventing their usage in conventional PV farms, saving the water due to reducing evaporation, and compensating the intermittent availability of solar energy are among the obtained results of the study for the considered scenario. Stored hydrogen is used to compensate the electric load through generating electricity by fuel cell. Floating PV (FPV) system decreases the water evaporation of water resources due to 3010 m2 shading area. FPV and Hydrogen Systems provides %99.43 of the electricity demand without any grid connection or fossil fuel usage, where 60.30 MWh/year of 211.94 MWh/year produced electricity is consumed by electric load at $0.6124/kWh levelized cost of electricity (LCOE).

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Specified benefits of hydrogen as energy resource
    • Review of PV-hydrogen studies
    • Goal:
      • Analysis of FPV system
      • Hydrogen storage integration
  2. Methods
    • Description of system operation principle
    • System
      • Location ->Mumcular Dam, Aegean Region, Turkey
      • Energy analysis -< PVSyst + HOMER Pro
      • Total PV size- > 21 kWp
      • Efficiency -> 16.97% * 56.5% -> 9.6%
      • Lifetime 25 years
  3. Results and Discussion
    • 36.44 MWh/year
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • MEntioned in Intro
    • Evap reduction
    • Water wuality improvement -> algal reduction
  • Unclear analysis
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Reservoir Management by Reducing Evaporation Using Floating Photovoltaic System: A Case Study of Lake Nasser, Egypt[52][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The shortage of water is a major obstruction to the social and economic development of many countries, including Egypt. Therefore, there is an urgent need to properly manage water resources to achieve optimum water use. One way of saving available water resources is to reduce evaporation that leads to the loss of a large amount of water from reservoirs and open lakes. This paper aims to use a floating photovoltaic system (FPVS) to cover a lake’s water surface to reduce evaporation and also for energy production. This methodology was applied to Lake Nasser as one of the largest lakes in the world where much evaporation happens due to its large area, arid environments, and the shallow depths of some parts of the lake. The estimated evaporation from the lake was 12.0 × 109 m3/year. The results show that covering 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of the lake can save about 2.1, 4.2, 6.3, 7.0, and 8.4 × 109 m3/year and produce energy of 2.85 × 109, 5.67 × 109, 8.54 × 109, and 11.38 × 109 MWh/year, respectively. Covering areas of shallow water depth was more efficient and economical. The results show that covering 15% of the lake’s area (depths from 0.0 to 3.0 m) can save 2.66 × 109 m3/year and produce 1.7 MWh/year. Covering 25% of the lake’s area (depths from 0.0 to 7.0) can save 3.5 × 109 m3/year and produce 2.854 MWh/year. Using an FPVS to cover parts of Lake Nasser could help manage water resources and energy production for Egypt to overcome the likely shortage of water resources due to population growth. This system could be applied in different locations of the world which could help in increasing water resources and energy production, especially in arid and semi-arid regions.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • One of main reasons for water shortage in arid -> water evap
    • Review of evaporationquantification methods
    • Lake Nasser annual losses -> 12e9 to 16e9 m³/year
    • Water evaporation methods studies reviewed
      • use of circular pontons -> 0.5km² coverage => 1e9 m³ savings per year
      • alternative -> FPV
    • Goal:
      • Investigate FPV as water evap reduction mechanism
      • LAke Nasser, Egypt
  2. Methods
    • Study Site
      • Lake Nasser
      • 6500 km² surface
    • Explained relation b/w evap and water depth
    • Energy production -> energy density method
  3. Results and Discussion
    • water savings:
      • 2.1 billions m³/year -> 25% coverage
      • 8.4 billions m³/year -> 100% coverage
    • energy production
      • 2.85 e9 MWh/year
      • 11.4 e9 MWh/year
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Water evaporation reduciton
    • calculated using unnamed method
    • 2.1 billions m³/year - 8.4 billions m³/year
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
1625 km² 6500 km² LAke NAsser, Egypt 2.85e9 MWh/year 11.4e9 MWh/year

Potential of Floating Photovoltaic Technology and Their Effects on Energy Output, Water Quality and Supply in Jordan[53][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

In this work, floating photovoltaic systems were experimentally studied under Jordan’s weather conditions to determine their effects on energy output, water quality and supply. A limited number of studies have addressed the effect of floating photovoltaic systems on water quality and evaporation reduction especially in a semi-arid region like Jordan. Energy measurements were taken from August 2020 to January 2021 using an Arduino board with data logging sensors. Water quality parameters were tested for collected samples on a monthly basis from August 2020 to February 2021 using a spectrophotometer. Results revealed that the floating panel temperature was lower than the ground-mounted counterpart. An average increase of 1.68% in voltage and 4.40% in current were observed for the floating panel compared to the ground-mounted panel which translates to an average increase of 5.33% in power generation over the ground-mounted panel. Furthermore, efficiency and fill factor increased by 4.89% and 5.51%, respectively. Evaporation results showed that covering water bodies with panels can save a considerable amount of water. Over a period of 30 days, the 30% coverage pan saved 31.2% (36 mm) of water while the 50% coverage pan saved 54.5% (63 mm) of water in the same period compared to the uncovered pan. Moreover, this study involved examining the effect of shading caused by the floating structure on water quality. Results showed a reduction in pH, improvement in transparency, and an increase in total organic carbon indicating water quality enhancement and algal biomass reduction. However, due to the respiration of algae, the dissolved oxygen declined significantly, accompanied by the release of phosphate due to algae decomposition. Overall, findings of this research provided better understanding of floating photovoltaic systems and their applicability in Jordan to provide a safe and reliable supply of water and energy. Additionally, such systems can help to diversify the energy mix and help Jordan to alleviate some of the problems associated with limited energy and water resources.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Explained water quality measurement procedure
    • Evaporation -> measured experimentally using wood planks on evaporation tank (classA)
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Energy -> 0.825kWh/day - 0.910kWh/day
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • Algae bloom reduction
    • water evap reduciton
      • measured
      • 1.2mm (30% coverage) - 2.1mm (50% coverage)
    • Increase in water transparency (quality)
      • meaured
      • 55% - 76%
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
275W poly-cSi Amman, Jordan 7 months 16.9%

An assessment study of evaporation rate models on a water basin with floating photovoltaic plants[54][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Under the general topic of the impact of floating photovoltaics (FPVs) systems on water basins, the present study aims to model and analyze the effect of FPVs on the evaporation rate of water surfaces. The estimation of the evaporation of the water surface of a basin is usually calculated using mathematical evaporation models that require knowledge of some parameters (ie, solar radiation, humidity, air temperature, water temperature, and wind velocity). Thus, in the first section of this study, some evaporative models (EVM) for free water basin have been examined to evaluate which are the environmental variables used. On the basis of this analysis, new numerical models for the calculation of the daily evaporation rate have been developed using the design of experiments (DoE) method (three models) and the linear regression method (two models). The results of the developed models have been compared with the experimental measurements carried out by an evaporimeter; such comparison has highlighted the robustness of the proposed numerical models. Moreover, for estimating the evaporation rate in water basins partially covered by FPVs, further three numerical methods are proposed. Finally, the evaporation rates, arising by the installation of different typology of FPVs on water basins, have been evaluated as function of the energy balance on the water surface. It is possible to highlight that the amount of evaporated water depends not only on the percentage of surface covered but also on the characteristics of floating systems. Covering only 30% of the surface of a basin, it is possible to obtain up to 49% reduction in evaporation.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Focused on evaporation methods not FPV modelling
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Water-energy nexus: Floating photovoltaic systems promoting water security and energy generation in the semiarid region of Brazil[55][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Floating photovoltaic systems could be used to mitigate water supply issues by reducing the evaporation rate of water bodies such as weirs. This paper aims to estimate the potential evaporation prevented and the potential electrical energy generated by the installation of floating photovoltaic systems in specific weirs of the Brazilian semiarid region. Moreover, an economic feasibility analysis is carried out regarding energy and water supply. A net present value approach was used to conduct this analysis. The software System Advisor Model was employed to simulate and compare the performance of two photovoltaic systems in the region: floating and ground-mounted. Three scenarios of the surface cover are considered for the weirs: 1) the average area occupied by dead storage of all weirs; 2) 50% of the total area of weirs; 3) 70% of the total area of weirs. Results show that the installation of floating photovoltaic systems over weirs of the Apodi/Mossoró basin would potentially preserve 20.6 Mm³ of water in scenario 1, 83.3 Mm³ in 2 and 124.3 Mm³ in 3. The annual electricity generation estimated in scenarios 1, 2, and 3 is 2.3 TWh, 8.6 TWh, and 12 TWh, respectively. Financial results show that when energy and water cash flows are considered together, payback time diminishes, and the project becomes more economically feasible.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Water scarecity in Brazil => FPV as a potential solution
    • Research-based FPV installed in Brazil ->50kW / 1MW / 5MW
    • Goal:
      • Evaluate socio-techo-econo aspect of FPVS on weirs
      • Compare fPVS to Land PV
      • Water saving estimation
  2. Methods
    • Stats on weirs in Brazil
      • 3445 weirs
      • total -> 3574 km²
    • Evaporation rate -> estimated by on single wir ->19.6e5 m³/km²
    • FPV system
      • modular design -> ease of scaling
      • HDPE support
      • Blocks of 1 MW (10,512 m²/MW)
      • SAM for energy analysis
      • Energy increase used VS GPV -> 5%
      • Coverage up to 70%
      • Module -> mono-cSi / 320W / 16.5%DC-AC ratio -> 1.25
      • System losses -> 7.6%
    • Discuss economic analysis
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Energy prod: 1MW -> 1.67 GWh /year (real value ver 20 year -> 1.57 GWh/year)
    • Lifetime -> 20 year
    • evaporation reduciton-> quantified but unclear values reporting
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • algae growth reudciton
    • land saving
    • water evap reduciton
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Challenges and opportunities towards the development of floating photovoltaic systems[56][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Floating solar photovoltaic (FPV) system is seen as an emerging megawatt-scale deployment option. The sustainable growth and management of FPV systems require detailed study of designs and construction, PV technologies and their performance reliability, performance modeling and cooling techniques, evaporation, economic and environmental aspects of these systems. The specific design and structure of the FPV influence its output power generation, durability and investment cost; thus, the overview of various design and construction strategies along with the offshore PV technology and current status of FPV systems have been presented in this paper. Various new PV technological modules are rapidly evolving these days; therefore, PV technologies for FPV systems have been discussed. The performance and reliability of FPV from the electrical point of view under the harsh environment of water bodies is a major challenge for their cost-effective power generation. Detailed analysis and updated review on the performance and degradation aspects of PV systems under the water bodies’ climate have been presented. To meet the desired energy demand and secure investment in PV systems, prior prediction of PV systems' performance at a particular location is necessary. Thus, this study attempts to model the performance and temperature of PV modules on water bodies. Also, the active cooling techniques and evaporation rate in FPV systems have been discussed. Furthermore, the economic evaluation and environmental impacts of FPV systems are essential for their rapid expansion and investment perspective. Therefore, the economic feasibility and environmental effects of floating PV systems have been explored in this paper.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • Land saving
    • water saving
  • More of a review Paper
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Performance Analysis of a Floating Photovoltaic System and Estimation of the Evaporation Losses Reduction[57][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Our research aims to achieve dual-positive effects in the presented study by raising photovoltaic (PV) panels over the water surface. With this, target experiments were primarily conducted to evaluate the efficiency increments of the PV panel while reducing its operating temperature through passive convective cooling obtained by raising it over water. The following objective was to estimate the reduction in water evaporation due to the shading effect induced by the panel placed inside the same basin. The performance of two PV panels was analyzed, one used for tests, the other as a reference. The characteristic curves were determined under the local environmental conditions of Cagliari, Italy. The true temperature reduction and efficiency gain calculations of panel P1 due to water cooling was achieved via the measured temperatures and calculated efficiencies of panel P2 at environmental conditions. The water height inside the basin was constantly monitored and maintained at approximately 7.5 cm below panel P1, which covered about 17% of the total water surface area. The presence of water underneath P1 leads to its efficiency increment on average by 2.7% (absolute) and about 17.22% (relative). At the same time, temperature of panel P1 dropped by 2.7 °C on average. The comparative water evaporation study conducted with and without P1 inside the basin showed a 30% reduction in water evaporation.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal:
      • experimental investigation opf FPV in lab
      • efficiency monitoring
      • water evaporation quantification
  2. Methods
    • Experiment detials:
      • Location -> Cagliari, Italy
      • module not in direct contact with water
    • Water evaporation measurement -> capillary method
    • PV module -> 100Wp
      • tested under stc condtions and real conmditions -> IV trace
    • 17% coverage above water
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Efficiency increment due to lower temperatures
    • Evaporation reduction -> 30%
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • Evap reduciton
  • Water evaporation reduction
    • measured using capillary method + water budget
    • 30% reduction
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
100Wp Cagliari, Italy 6months experimental

Investigation on floating photovoltaic covering system in rural Indian reservoir to minimize evaporation loss[58][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The emerging floating photovoltaic (FPV) technology is the recent global attention in solar power production due to its high efficiency. Apart from the standalone FPV systems, hybridising the FPV system with the hydroelectric power plants (HEPP) will aid in increasing the power generation from HEPP by reducing the water loss through evaporation. In this study, the power generation and water-saving capacity of a model FPV system with various tilt angles, orientation and tracking mechanisms are analysed by covering 30% of the total area of Vaigai reservoir in India. The study shows that the proposed FPV plant with capacity of 1.14 MW generates 1.9 GWh of energy at its optimum tilt angle while saving 42,731.56 m3 of water annually. Further, cost analysis and carbon footprint estimation are also carried out. The results show that the FPV system will have a positive impact on the environment by saving 44,734.62 tons of CO2.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Goal:
      • ANalyze FPV + Hydeo
      • energy + water savings
      • carbon footprint
  2. Methods
    • Study area
      • Vaigai reservoir, Tamil Nadu, India
    • evaporation estimation -> Hamon's method
    • PV system
      • poly-cSi tech - 17.5% efficency
      • 30% coverage -> 11.53km²
      • 1MWp
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • MEntioned in Intro
    • CO2 emissions reduction
    • evaporation loss reduction
  • CO2 emissions reductions
    • numbers from literature
    • 44,734 ktons/year
  • Water evap reduction
    • Hamon's method
    • 42,731.56 m³/year
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
1.14MW poly-cSi Tamil Nadu, India 1.9GWh/year 17.5%

Emerging Floating Photovoltaic System—Case Studies High Dam and Aswan Reservoir in Egypt[59][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The world has a target of achieving 100% renewable energy by the end of the century. This paper presents a case study to establish a new floating photovoltaic park (FPV) in Egyptian dams. In Egypt, two hydroelectric dams, namely High Dam and Aswan Reservoir, together produce 2.65 GW in the Upper-Egypt region. The addition of 5 MW FPV for each dam is simulated using the Helioscope software application. A comparison between the performance of the dams with and without adding the FPV is presented in terms of the evaporation rate and total produced energy. A comparison between different types of FPV, namely polycrystalline, thin film and mono-crystalline in the two dams are also presented. The results show that installing FPV in the Egyptian dams will drive the dams to better performance in terms of carbon dioxide reduction, water-saving from reducing evaporation and increasing hydropower generation.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal:
      • FPV-Hydro numerical analysis
      • comparison betwenn cell tech
      • water saving
      • enironmental impact
  2. Methods
    • Evaporation -> Penman-Monteith
    • Location -> Aswan high dam
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Water saving
    • Penman-Monteith
    • 116.083.45 m³/year - 175,897.84 m³/year
  • Co2 emissions reduction
    • 39,090.61 tons Co2/year - 44,270.61 tons CO2/year
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
5MW poly-cSi Aswan Dam, Egypt 9.5GWh/year 11.09Gwh/year
5MW mono-cSi Aswan Dam 9.5 10.9
5MW thin-film Aswan Dam 1.26 10.8

Performance analysis of a floating photovoltaic covering system in an Indian reservoir[60][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Floating photovoltaic (FPV) systems are one of the globally emerging technologies of renewable energy production that tend to balance the water–energy demand by effectively saving the evaporated water from reservoirs while generating electrical power. This study presents the performance analysis of a model FPV plant in an Indian reservoir. The Mettur dam reservoir located in Tamil Nadu, India with a hydroelectric power plant of 150-MW capacity is considered as a test case. The preliminary design of the FPV plant is proposed based on a detailed study of the key design elements and their suitability for Indian reservoirs. The proposed plant is numerically analysed for various tilt angles, mounting systems and tracking mechanisms in order to assess its potential power generation. A flat-mount system in landscape orientation was found to exhibit a high performance ratio. Further, a fixed-tilt FPV system with a panel slope of 10° and an FPV system with single-axis tracking were found to be suitable for the Mettur reservoir. Further, cost analysis of the FPV system is also presented along with the carbon-footprint estimation to establish the economic and environmental benefits of the system. The results show that the total potential CO2 saving by a FPV system with tracking is 135 918.87 t CO2 and it is 12.5% higher than that of a fixed-mount FPV system.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal:
      • assess performance of FPV
      • evaporation -M Hamon method
      • effect of tilt angle, tracking, mounting
      • carbon footprint + economy
      • water savings -> direct+indirect
  2. Methods
    • Locstion -> Mettur dam; Salem, Tamil Nadul, India
    • Total surface area ->42.5km²
    • Evaporation calcuation -> Hamon method
      • 3877.45mm/year
    • Coverage -> 0.13%
    • PV
      • poly-cSi
      • Size: 3.4MW
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Enery production -> 5.8 - 6.7GWh/y
    • Co2 reduction -> 119 - 136 ktons/year
    • Watwer savings -> 184,589 m³
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • Water evap reduciton
  • Co2 emisisons reduction
    • calculated form existing values
    • 119 - 136ktons Co2/y
  • Water savings
    • Hamon's method
    • 184,589 m³/y
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
3.4MW poly-cSi Salem, Tamil Nasu, India 5.8GWh/y 6.7GWh/y

Analysis of water environment on the performances of floating photovoltaic plants[61][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

There is an increasing interest in Floating PV (FPV) plants thanks to their advantages compared with ground and rooftop PV systems, mainly related to very limited land use, evaporation reduction, and improvement of the energy performance. The PV modules installed on water surfaces have a natural cooling due to the microclimate in which they operate, which reduces thermal power losses. Furthermore, they can be equipped with simple and effective forced active water cooling systems which further improve FPVs performance. The objective of this study is to develop and validate mathematical models capable of estimating the performance of bifacial and monofacial PV modules installed on water surfaces. Starting from the energy balances of the PV modules, different scenarios are simulated, such as mono and bifacial systems installed on the rooftop, mono, and bifacial FPV systems in presence of natural (or passive) and forced (or active) cooling. The models are validated against experimental data acquired in FPV systems installed in the Enel Innovation Lab by Enel Green Power, Catania (Italy). The obtained results show an energy gain due to bifaciality of 5.24%. The passive cooling in the FPV increases the energy collected by 3% (maximum obtainable of 6.4%) and 2.6% for the bifacial and monofacial technology respectively. Active cooling in FPVs increases the collected energy by 9.7% (maximum achievable of 13.5%) and 9.5% for the bifacial and monofacial respectively.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Unlocking the floating photovoltaic potential of Türkiye's hydroelectric power plants[62][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The massive surface of the water accumulated in the basins of hydroelectric power plants (HEPPs) can be considered an excellent opportunity for floating photovoltaics (FPV). Türkiye is among the countries that can utilize this potential with its large HEPPs. In this study, the surface areas of 76 HEPPs in Türkiye were determined using the Random Forest algorithm over Google Earth Engine, and the technical potential of FPV that could be installed in these areas was evaluated over five scenarios. In addition, the water recovery that can be obtained with the FPV installation has been calculated. When the entire surfaces of the dams are used, the FPV technical potential and the amount of water recovered are 380,439.85 MW and 25.40 km3/year, respectively. Even when only 10% of the surfaces of the dams are used, the FPV technical potential meets 39.67% of Türkiye's total installed power capacity. Moreover, the water recovered from evaporation meets 7.3% of the surface water used for agricultural irrigation. In addition, it has been calculated that the FPV electricity generation potential of HEPPs producing 674,280.17 GWh of electricity in 2020 is 13.82 times higher than the hydroelectric potential. The results demonstrated how great the FPV solar power plant potential that the country HEPPs carries on their idle water surfaces.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal:
      • reveal potential of idle water surfaces in FPv
  2. Methods
    • Reservoir area determined using Google Earth Engine
    • Unit FPV size -> 20kW
    • Evaporation -> Jensen-Haise method
  3. Results and Discussion
    • estimated water surface: (10%) - 268.88km² / (100%) - 2688.76km²
    • FPV potential power -> 38.04GW - 380.439 GW
    • energy: 67.43 TWh/y - 674.28 TWh/y
    • water evap -> 2.54km³ - 25.4km³
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • land savings
    • evap reduciton
    • water quality improvement <- algal reduciton
  • Water evaporation reduciton
    • Jensen-Haise method
    • 2.54km³/y - 25.4km³
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
38.04GW 380.439GW mono-cSi Various locations, Turkey 67.43 TWh/y 674.28TWh/y

Power Supply Reliability Analysis on Floating Photovoltaic Systems through Exceedance Probability Approach[63][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

With the growing impact caused by the greenhouse gasses (GHG) emissions from traditional thermal power generation, solar energy has drawn much attention from governments in recent years. Constrained by the land factor, the Taiwan Energy Bureau released the “Photovoltaic Two-Year Promotion Plan” on September 8, 2016 to promote the Floating Photovoltaic (FPV) industry. After that, the Agondian Reservoir FPV became the first successful commercial project. In this paper, the authors proposed a synthesis approach based on the exceedance probability approach to conduct the FPV reliability analysis. The case analysis results show that this paper’s proposal is feasible. The plan’s implementation will obtain the effect of CO2 emission reduction of approximately 1,920 kt (kilo tons) in 20 years. The presented methodology may help evaluate the power supply reliability, reduce failures of FPV systems that have been installed or will install, and assist in extending the FPV system to areas with insufficient power but water bodies.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Power system reliability analysis
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Performance and potential of a novel floating photovoltaic system in Egyptian winter climate on calm water surface[64][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

This article investigates the performance of a partially submerged floating photovoltaic system (PSFPV) as a proposal for harvesting solar energy as an electricity production novel system under Egyptian hot climate on calm water surfaces. The proposed system comprised of a floating photovoltaic system with a submerged portion in the surrounding water. The PSFPV system is constructed in addition to the water body and is then extensively examined under Egyptian outdoor conditions. The submerged portion of the PSFPV system keeps the system passively cool by being in direct contact with the surrounding water. A performance comparison between the novel PSFPV system and a similar land-based photovoltaic system (LPV) is also provided. The suggested PSFPV module's thermal and electrical performance was evaluated concerning its submerged length, which ranged from 4 to 24 cm. The results reveal that the PSFPV system achieves a reduction of about 15.10% in operating temperature relative to the LPV system. Also, the PSFPV system produces up to 20.76% more electricity than the LPV system. The PSFPV system is capable of alleviating the emission of CO2 by about 49.66 kg/summer season. The proposed PSFPV system reveals a reduction in the LCOE from 0.075 to 0.067 ($/kWh) by increasing the submerged length from 4 to 24 cm.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal:
      • partrially submerged FPV + passive cooling
      • comparison with land-b ased PV
      • thermal, economic, environemtnal
  2. Methods
    • Experiment:
      • location -> Port Said Egypt
      • PV size -> 83W /poly-cSi
      • different submerdion percerntages: 4 - 12 - 24%
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • water evap reudciton
  • Limites-data study
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Thermo-electrical performance assessment of a partially submerged floating photovoltaic system[65][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The floating photovoltaic (FPV) is characterized by the possibility to keep the PV cell at a reduced temperature compared to Land-Based Photovoltaic (LBPV) but this reduction is not so large. However, in hot climate, the working temperature of the FPV could rise enough to act negatively on the productivity. The present article focuses on assessing the performance of a partially submerged photovoltaic (PSPV) system planned to be deployed over Egypt's northern lakes. The PSPV is a new modification of the FPV system that was experimentally investigated under the Egyptian weather conditions in the present study. The above PSPV module was tested with various submerged ratios (y) of 5, 10, and 20%, defined as the ratio of the submerged portion to the module's length. It was concluded that the average surface temperatures of the PSPV module were lower than those of the reference LBPV module. By reducing the working temperature of the PSPV module at (y = 10%) by 11.10%, a power gain of 18.20% over the LBPV module was achieved. The cost per unit of produced electricity (LCOE) for the PSPV module was reduced by 7.52%, from 0.063 to 0.059 ($/kWh), by raising the submerged ratio from 5% to 10%.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Effect of floating photovoltaic system on water temperature of deep reservoir and assessment of its potential benefits, a case on Xiangjiaba Reservoir with hydropower station[66][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

As green energy, the floating photovoltaic (FPV) system has many advantages. Taking Xiangjiaba reservoir as an example, a Ce-qual-W2 model was established to evaluate the potential impact of the FPV system on water temperature and its potential benefits. The result showed that: (1) FPV system could reduce the water temperature, water age, and relative water column stability of the reservoir; (2) the influence range of FPV on water temperature will not exceed 20% of reservoir length outside the coverage area in the flow direction. (3) FPV system would delay the reaching time of critical temperature threshold and accumulated temperature threshold for Coreius heterodon spawning, shorten the spawning period. The delay time of AT and CT under 100% coverage are 20.3 and 7 days respectively compared with no FPV condition; (4) FPV system can play a great role in power generation and emission reduction. Under 100% coverage, the power generation can reach 17.2 billion kW·h, reduce 14.4 million tons of carbon emissions and save 35.12 million m3 of water. This study can provide a reference for the impact assessment of the FPV project on the water environment and the formulation of the FPV coverage scheme.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal:
      • evaluate impact of FPV on water temp stratification
      • impact of FPV on fish spawning
      • electricity and CO2 emisisons
  2. Methods
    • Location:
      • Yangtze River, China
      • reservoir capacity: 5.2 billiom m³
      • Hydropower -> 7.75GW
    • Coverage: 0 - 100%
    • CE-QUAL-W2 model
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Water temp reduciton -> 0.9° - 3.3°C
    • evaporation reduciton -> 35.12 million m³/year
    • CO2 reducton -> 14.4 millions tons CO2eq/year
    • energy prod -> 17.2 billions kWh/year
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • MEntioned in Intro
    • water saving
    • water quality -< algae prevention
    • land saving
  • Evaporation reduction
    • calculated -> unspecified method (Link to another paper)
    • 35.12 millions m³/y
  • CO2 emisisons reduciton
    • calculated
    • 14.4 millions tons CO2/y
  • Water quality improvement
    • Qualified
    • Water temp reduction : 0.9° - 3.3°C
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
China 17.2 billions kWh/y

Floating photovoltaic plants as an electricity supply option in the Tocantins-Araguaia basin[67][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Brazil has high solar potential. The yearly sum of solar irradiation is approximately 1924.07 kWh/m2, therefore, harnessing this potential is promising. The country is dependent on hydroelectric plants, however, increasingly frequent droughts have severely affected hydrogeneration. The installation of floating photovoltaic (FPV) systems in existing hydropower reservoirs, would provide additional electricity to help compensate hydropower production during dry periods and reduce evaporation losses while helping to sustainably meet Brazil's electricity demand. This study provide an analysis of FPV potential in Brazil's region, named the Tocantins-Araguaia Basin, by using water surface data from 30 hydropower reservoirs. In addition to the new electricity production, evaporation savings and its extra potential hydroelectricity were also estimated. A survey of the reduction in CO2 emissions was conducted, given that the complementary electricity to hydroelectric plants would be through solar generation, thus avoiding the activation of thermoelectric plants. The main results indicate the high FPV potential, corresponding to an electricity production that varies from 25.04 to 2555.04 TWh/year, and a range of 19.86–2024.30 million tCO2/year of avoided emissions. Regarding the potential arising from the evaporation water savings, the values vary between 16.17 and 892.95 GWh/year.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal:
      • FPV as option to improve hydro-genration
      • electricity genertsion
      • additional electricty generation
      • CO2 emisisons
  2. Methods
    • Site
      • Location -> Tocantins-Araguaia, Brazil
      • Hydro potential -> 13.19GW
    • FPV different scenario
      • Full coverage
      • 1% coverage
      • 5% coverage
      • same power as hydro
    • Energy calculation -> formula surface PV
    • Water saving -> Penman -Monteith
    • Extra generation from water saved -> calculated
    • Co2 -> equation from past study
  3. Results and Discussion
    • FPV
      • Surface -> 65.13km² - 6537.74km²
      • Power -> 13180.21 MWp - 1344.73 GWp
      • Energy -> 25.04TWh/y - 2555.04 TWh/y
      • Evap -> 0.22 billions m³/y - 12.11 billions m³/y
      • Additional energy from evap saving -> 18GWh - 893GWh
      • Co2 reduction -> 19,865,362.99 tCo2/y - 2,024,306,817.72 tCo2/y
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • Land saving
    • water evap
  • Evaporation
    • Quantified -> Penman-Monteith
    • 0.22 billions m³/y - 12.11 billions m³/y
  • CO2 reduciton
    • calculated -> method unspecified from another paper
    • 19,865,362.99 tCo2/y - 2,024,306,817.72 tCo2/y
  • Extra energy generation from saved water
    • calculated
    • 18GWh - 893GWh
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
13,180.21MW 1,344.73 GWp Varous locations, Brazil 25.04TWh/y 2555.04TWh/y

Floating photovoltaic system for Indian artificial reservoirs—an effective approach to reduce evaporation and carbon emission[68][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Floating photovoltaic system for reservoirs is a recent innovative technology that is highly advantageous in reducing evaporation while generating solar power. In addition, the integration of floating photovoltaic systems with the existing hydroelectric power plants will increase renewable power production. The present study aims to assess the electrical performance of floating photovoltaic systems in major reservoirs with existing hydroelectric power plants in India. The reservoirs with large water surface area were selected for the study, and a model floating photovoltaic system with a 5-MW capacity was designed for the selected reservoirs. The numerical analysis showed that installing floating photovoltaic systems will result in an annual energy yield of 160 GWh. Further, the systems also save 1.40 million cubic meters of water per day and also help in generating additional energy of 514.80 MWh/day from the saved water through its integration with hydroelectric power plants. A single-axis tracking mechanism to the floating photovoltaic systems will increase the annual energy generation by 11%. The detailed cost analysis and carbon emission analysis were also carried out. The results indicate that the tracking mechanisms increase the total installation cost of the systems. The annual carbon emission reduction from the floating photovoltaic systems accounts for about 3.30 million tons of CO2. The obtained results highlight the suitability of this innovative technology for installation in Indian reservoirs and its effectiveness in reducing evaporation and carbon emission.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal:
      • assess performance of PFv plant
      • 20 reserviors
      • 5-MW/reservoirs
      • Co2 + economics
      • water + land saving
  2. Methods
    • Evaporation -> Penman-Monteith
    • PV Module -> poly-cSi
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Total power -> 100MW
    • Total energy -> 159 GWh
    • Water savings -> 1.4 million m³/year
    • CO2 emissions reduction -> 3.3 millions tonsCO2
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • water evap
    • hyfro-generation improvement
  • Water saving
    • Penman-Monteith
    • 1.4 million m³/y
  • CO2 reduciton
    • estimated using existing values (per capita)
    • 3.3 millions tons CO2
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
100MW poly-cSi Various Lcoations, India 159GWh/y

Comparative assessment of offshore floating photovoltaic systems using thin film modules for Maldives islands[69][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Floating photovoltaic systems has a high potential for large-scale power generation when introduced on the offshore location. These systems help to boost the renewable power generation in islands with minimal land availability. In this context, this study presents the electrical performance of offshore floating photovoltaic systems in Maldives Islands. Offshore floating photovoltaic systems of 5 MW installed capacity using thin-film modules were considered for implementation on four offshore locations. Numerical analyses were carried out to assess the electrical performance of the systems and the results were compared with floating photovoltaic system at a lake and a ground mounted photovoltaic system. The results revealed that the thin film-based offshore floating photovoltaic systems increase the annual energy yield by 13 % and 14 % compared to that of pontoon mounted and ground mounted systems, respectively. The performance ratio of the offshore systems was higher than that of other systems, with the maximum value of 87.10 % and annual energy yield of 8.74 GWh. The cost analysis indicates that the cost of ground mounted system is 72 % higher than that of floating systems. The carbon footprint analysis revealed that the offshore systems can reduce the carbon emission by about 14 % higher than that of other systems.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Comparitive study between multiple PV systems only
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Sizing Methodology of Floating Photovoltaic Plants in Dams of Semi-Arid Areas[70][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Floating photovoltaic (FPV) plants in reservoirs can contribute to reduce water evaporation, increase power generation efficiency, due to the cooling process, and reduce competitiveness in land use. Based on this motivation, we propose a new methodology for sizing FPV plants in dams of semi-arid regions using the flood duration curve. The methodology innovations are no use of commercial software, the possibility of choosing the reliability level, the application in reservoirs of semi-arid areas of the world, and the use of a graphic analysis of the reservoir hydrological behavior. The case studies in the Brazilian and Australian semi-arid consider two scenarios: high reliability level (90%, scenario 1) and low reliability level (70%, scenario 2). The reliability level is linked to the electricity production; the evaporation reduction is proportional to the FPV plant area.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal:
      • proposenew methodology to size FPC systems in dams
      • consider variability of water level
  2. Methods
    • Eplained sizign methodology
    • Water evap -> Penman-Monteith
    • Location: Brazil + Australia
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Brazil
      • power -> 3500 - 9259 MWp
      • energy -> 5579 - 14745 GWH/y
      • evap -> 62609 thousand m³/y - 157482 thousand m³/y
    • Australia
      • power -> 3924 - 9086 MWp
      • energy -> 6053 - 14334 GWH/yConclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Evaporation reduciton
    • Penman-Monteith (Brazil case-scenario only)
    • 62609 thousand m³/y - 157482 thousand m³/y
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
3500MW 9259MW poly-cSi Brazil 5579GWh/y 14745 GWh/y
3924 9086 poly-cSi Australia 6053 GWh/y 14334 GWh/y

Effects of a Floating Photovoltaic System on the Water Evaporation Rate in the Passaúna Reservoir, Brazil[71][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Freshwater scarcity is a significant concern due to climate change in some regions of Brazil; likewise, evaporation rates have increased over the years. Floating photovoltaic systems can reduce water evaporation from reservoirs by suppressing the evaporating area on the water surface. This work evaluated the effects of floating photovoltaic systems on water evaporation rates in the Passaúna Reservoir, southeastern Brazil. Meteorological data such as temperature, humidity, wind speed, and solar radiation were used to estimate the rate of water evaporation using FAO Penman–Monteith, Linacre, Hargreaves–Samani, Rohwer, and Valiantzas methods. The methods were tested with the Kruskal–Wallis test, including measured evaporation from the nearest meteorological station to determine whether there were significant differences between the medians of the methods considering a 95% confidence level for hypothesis testing. All methods differed from the standard method recommended by the FAO Penman–Monteith. Simulations with more extensive coverage areas of the floating photovoltaic system were carried out to verify the relationship between the surface water coverage area and the evaporation reduction efficiency provided by the system and to obtain the avoided water evaporation volume. For the floating photovoltaic system with a coverage area of 1265.14 m2, an efficiency of 60.20% was obtained in reducing water evaporation; future expansions of the FPS were simulated with coverage areas corresponding to energy production capacities of 1 MWp, 2.5 MWp, and 5 MWp. The results indicated that for a floating photovoltaic system coverage area corresponding to 5 MWp of energy production capacity, the saved water volume would be enough to supply over 196 people for a year. More significant areas, such as covering up the entire available surface area of the Passaúna reservoir with a floating photovoltaic system, could save up to 2.69 hm3 of water volume annually, representing a more significant value for the public management of water resources.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Review Paper
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Techno–economic–environmental comparison of floating photovoltaic plant with conventional solar photovoltaic plant in northern Iran[72][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Photovoltaic (PV) systems can be used to generate electricity due to the potential for solar energy in Iran. Applying floating photovoltaic (FPV) systems is a new approach to utilizing PV systems in water. Most of Iran’s energy consumption is supplied from fossil fuels, especially oil and gas. In recent years, Iran has faced environmental problems and air pollution. Electricity generation using fossil fuels has led to increased environmental pollution. Accordingly, PV systems can be used to generate electricity due to the potential for solar energy in Iran. The interest in predicting the energy production of PV power plants has increased in recent years. In this regard, the techno–economic–environmental study of constructing PV power plants is a basic process to encourage people to use solar energy. A techno–economic–environmental feasibility study has been performed to construct a 5-kW FPV and ground PV (GPV) power plant in a northern city of Iran. Also, the FPV system is compared with the ground PV system using MATLAB® Simulink and RETScreen® software. In this study, the effects of wind and water temperature have been considered. Also, a sensitivity analysis was performed due to the uncertainty in climatic conditions and the amount of PV energy generation. The simulation results show that due to the cooling effect for panels in the FPV system, the production capacity and panels’ efficiency are respectively 19.47% and 27.98% higher than the those of the GPV system. In addition, the FPV system was found to have a 16.96% increase in the annual performance ratio. Overall, using the FPV system reduces the equity payback to 6.3 years (a 22.2% reduction compared to the GPV power plant).

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Comparison
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Effects of floating photovoltaic systems on water quality of aquaculture ponds[73][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Establishing floating photovoltaic (FPV) systems on aquaculture ponds can reduce demand for land use and affects food and solar energy production. This study investigated the water quality of aquaculture ponds with and without simulated FPV systems (40% surface area shading) at three sites: Chupei, Lukang and Cigu. Results indicated the FPV-covered ponds exhibited lower mean values in biochemical oxygen demand and plankton biomass but higher oxidation–reduction potential relative to the control ponds. The FPV-covered ponds exhibited lower pH, water temperature and level of dissolved oxygen relative to the control ponds in Chupei and Lukang. The results suggested that the FPV shading effect potentially reduced phytoplankton growth. All FPV-covered ponds exhibited 1.1, 1.2 and 1.4 times greater yields in giant freshwater prawn, tilapia and milkfish without any effect on the growth of cultured species. These results demonstrate the potential benefits and defects of combining aquaculture with FPV systems.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Pond cover study, not an FPV study
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Novel Hybrid Machine Learning Algorithms for Lakes Evaporation and Power Production using Floating Semitransparent Polymer Solar Cells[74][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The present study predicts the future evaporation losses by applying novel hybrid Machine Learning Algorithms (MLA). Water resources management is achieved by covering the reservoir water surface with floating semitransparent polymer solar cells. The energy produced by these panels will be used in the irrigation activities. The study is applied for the mass water body of Nasser Lake, Egypt and Sudan. Five MLAs namely additive regression (AR), AR-random subspace (AR-RSS), AR-M5Pruned (AR-M5P), AR-reduced error pruning tree (AR-REPTree), and AR- support vector machine (AR-SVM) were developed and evaluated for predicting future evaporation losses in the years 2030, 2050, and 2070. The study concludes that the hybrid AR-M5P ML model was not only superior to the AR model alone but also outperformed other hybrid models such as AR-RSS and AR-REPTree. The expected total annual water saving are projected to reach 3.47 billion cubic meters (BCM), 3.68 and 3.90 BCM, while the total annual power production is observed to be 1389 × 109 Megawatt (MW), 1535 × 109 MW and 1795 × 109 MW in the years 2030, 2050 and 2070, respectively. These results were achieved by covering the shallow water depths from contour level 0 m to 10 m below the surface water level. Additionally, this study shows the ability of using MLAs in the estimation of reservoir evaporation and addressing the water shortages in high stress regions.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Water evaporation prediction study
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Floating Photovoltaic Plants as an Effective Option to Reduce Water Evaporation in Water-Stressed Regions and Produce Electricity: A Case Study of Lake Nasser, Egypt[75][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Water resources are considered one of the most critical and indispensable elements to ensure the survival of all living organisms on the planet. Since there is a close relationship between water, energy, and food security, this interdependence presents a major global societal challenge. While Egypt is one of the countries that suffers the most from water poverty, it has Lake Nasser which is considered one of the largest artificial lakes in the world, with an estimated area of about 5250 km2. Hence, this work aims to conserve such water resources while addressing two critical issues related to water and energy. To achieve this goal, this study proposed the use of partial coverage technology on Lake Nasser with floating photovoltaic (FPV) panels. The results of the study showed that the partial coverage of Lake Nasser with FPV panels represents a very effective proposal to preserve the water resources of Egypt, which suffers from water poverty. The savings in water evaporation in Lake Nasser reached 61.71% (9,074,081,000 m3/year) and the annual rate of electricity production was 467.99 TWh/year when 50% of the area of Lake Nasser was covered with FPV panels.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal:
      • proposal of FPV for water conservation + egy generation
      • Lake Nasser
  2. Methods
    • Lake NAsser
      • surface area -> 5250 km²
      • volume -> 162 buillion m³
    • evaporation calculation -> Penman Monteith (additional details provided)
    • PV system
      • mono-cSi
      • 400W (1.983m²) /module
      • production ->Duffie-beckman method
      • 4 case scenario -> 20% / 30% / 40% / 50%
  3. Results and Discussion km
    • Evaporationsavings -> 4057.11e6 m­³/y - 9074.081e6 m³/y
    • energy production -> 187.21TWh - 467.99TWh
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • Water evap reduction
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
mono-cSi LAke Nasser, Egypt 187.21TWh/y 467.99TWh/y

Techno-economic and environmental estimation assessment of floating solar PV power generation on Akosombo dam reservoir in Ghana[76][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Ghana has developed energy policies to help increase the use of renewable energy in its energy mix. With abundant water reservoirs and solar irradiation, the potential to deploy floating solar photovoltaic is feasible to increase the country’s renewable electricity generation. RETScreen Expert software was used for studying a proposed FPV-Hydro hybrid plant system. This study conducted a feasibility analysis for a 420 MWp FPV on Akosombo Dam reservoir a location with 4.66 kWh/m2/day solar energy. The study recommended FPV power plant with capacity factor of 14.1%, and would consist of 500,000 units of solar panels covering a minimum area of 2,460,457 m2 to generate a total annual electricity of 520,233 MWh. The project will save 73,327 cubic metres of water from evaporating which can produce approximately 10 MWp hydroelectric power annually. FPV economic analysis shown that it will results in lower LCOE of US$ 0.10/kWh, annual revenue of USD $52,238,576.00 and 12-years simple payback time, indicating positive economic indicators. Additionally, it will significantly reduce GHG emissions by 308,904.5 tCO 2/MWh annually. The FPV-Hydropower hybrid plants prove feasible and contributes to a greener and less costly energy generation system to meeting the 10% additional Renewable Energy (RE) target of Ghana.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal:
      • feasibiity of FPB on Akossoombo dam
      • technical, financial, environmental
  2. Methods
    • AkossomboDam
      • 153e9 m³
    • FPV Plant
      • Software -> RETSCREEN Expert + Google Earth
      • PC surface -> 2.46km²
      • mono-cSi
      • Lifetime 25years / 1% annual degragation
    • Evap calculation
      • un-named method (equation + Ref provided)
    • CO2 emisisons reduciton
      • un-named method (equation + Ref provided)
  3. Results and Discussion
    • energy production -> 520,233MWh/y
    • Power -> 420 MWp
    • Co2 emiisiorn reduction -> 308.904 ktonsCO2/y
    • water savings -> 73,327 m³/y
    • Extra hydro -> 10MWh
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • CO2 emissions reduction
    • water savings
  • CO2 emissions reduction
    • quantified
    • 308.904 ktons CO2/y
  • Water Savings
    • quantified
    • 73,327 m³/y
  • Extra hydro generation
    • estimated
    • 10MWh
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
420 MWp mono-cSi Akossombo River, Ghana 25years 520.233 GWh/y

Potential of usage of the floating photovoltaic systems on natural and artificial lakes in the Republic of Serbia[77][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The Republic of Serbia has a significant potential for the electricity production from solar energy, namely the floating photovoltaic (PV) systems, which are not exploited enough. Although there is a large interest in floating photovoltaic systems (FPVS) worldwide, studies related to the assessment of FPVS potential in this part of Europe have not been performed yet. This paper investigates, for the first time, the possibility of implementation of the FPVS on the six largest Serbian lakes and demonstrates the impact of geographical location on the energy output of the FPVS for the selected locations. The possibility of implementation is studied by simulating the energy output of FPVS using "PVGIS" tool. Energy production from the proposed FPVS, for selected locations, is discussed on a monthly and yearly basis. Installment of the FPVS on these water bodies can produce up to 8959 kWh of energy, while saves 164·106m3/year of water from evaporation at the same time. In addition, the annual reduction of carbon dioxide emissions was analyzed and found to be up to 6.34 tons per year, which further implies with carbon credit potential of up to 9741 € in 20 years period. Drawn conclusions provides better understanding of FPVS and their applicability in the Republic of Serbia to ensure a sustainable, ecological friendly, secure and reliable supply of green energy, and further the used approach can be easily applied in other countries with similar geographical characteristics.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal:
      • Analysis of FPB potential in Serbia
  2. Methods
    • Software -> PVGIS
    • LAkes Criteria
      • Water surface
      • Water depth
      • Coverage 10%
    • Unit PV system
      • 1 kW
      • crystalline PV
      • no tracking
      • 4% system loss
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Energy production -> 7.02MWh/y (fixed) - 8.959 MWh/y (tracking)
    • CO2 emisisons (calculated)
      • 0.76 tCO2/y (fixed) - 1.12 tCO2/y (tracking)
    • Water evap (estimated)
      • 164e6 m³/y
    • Lifetime -> 20years
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • Land savings
    • water evap
  • CO2 emissions reduction
    • quantified -> un-named method (ref)
    • 0.76tCO2/y - 1.12tCO2/y
  • Water evap
    • 164 millions m³/y
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
c-Si Various Locations, Serbia 20 years 7.02 MWh/y 8.959 MWh/y

Desalination Plant for Irrigation Purposes Driven by an Inland Floating Photovoltaic System[78][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

In places where water and land are scarce it is vital to look for innovative solutions that can ensure water production for agricultural purposes. This study considers the treatment of water using desalination processes to meet the quality requirements needed for irrigation purposes in agriculture. As the water is stored in a pond, an inland floating photovoltaic (FPV) system is proposed to meet the desalination energy demand. This system would enable energy production without using additional land that could otherwise be used for agricultural purposes. The use of FPV technology also reduces water evaporation, thus avoiding unnecessary energy consumption. To generate enough electricity to treat 12,000 m3/day of water, using an electrodialysis reversal desalination plant, a 1.85 MWp FPV farm is proposed. The results indicate that this FPV farm would generate 3,005,828 kWh per year while avoiding the emission of 58,300 tons of CO2 and the evaporation of 159,950 m3 of water during its 25-year lifetime. Such systems allow higher renewable penetration in the energy mix and preserve the original use of the land.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal:
      • Coupling FPV with electrodialysis reversal (EDR) desalination plant
      • irragation water
      • FPV potential
      • water conservation
      • techno economic
  2. Methods
    • Conditions to select desalination location explained
    • Software -> PVGIS
    • FPV System
      • Simply calculation for PV power (reverse analysis without optimization)
    • Environmental assessment -> GRAFCAN
    • Evaporation -> simplified formula
    • Co2 emissions -> using national emissions values of Canary Islands, Spain
    • Lifetime -> 25years
    • Case Study location -> San Lorenzo Valley Pond
      • Tilt angle 5°
      • PV module -> mono-cSi / 20.70%
      • Power 1.846 MWp
      • 48.42% of the pond
      • Egy: 3.005 GWh/y
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Energy balance and availability results provided
    • Water evap prevention -> 6938 m³/y
    • CO2 emission prevention -> 2332 tCo2/y
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Water evaporation reduciton
    • Quantified -> simplified formula
    • 6938 m³/y
  • CO2 emissions reduciton
    • estimated
    • 2332 tCO2/y
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
1.846 MWp mono-cSi Canary Islands, Spain 25years 3.005 GWh/y 20.7% (PV Only)

The impact of floating photovoltaic power plants on lake water temperature and stratification[79][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Floating photovoltaics (FPV) refers to photovoltaic power plants anchored on water bodies with modules mounted on floats. FPV represents a relatively new technology in Europe and is currently showing a rapid growth in deployment. However, effects on thermal characteristics of lakes are largely unknown, yet these are crucial for licensing and approval of such plants. Here, we quantify FPV impacts on lake water temperature, energy budget and thermal stratification of a lake through measurements of near-surface lateral wind flow, irradiance, air and water temperatures at one of the largest commercial German facilities, situated on a 70 m deep dredging lake in the Upper Rhine Valley, South-West Germany. Underneath the FPV facility, a 73% reduction in irradiance on the lake surface and an average 23% reduction in near-surface wind speed at module height are detected. A three month data set is then used to set up the General Lake Model and simulate scenarios of different FPV occupancies and changing climatic conditions. We observe that a lake coverage with FPV result in a more unstable and shorter thermal stratification during summer, which could mitigate the effects of climate change. The reduction of water temperatures follows a non-linear relationship with increased FPV occupancy. A sensitivity analysis showed that an increased wind reduction by FPV can have a considerable impact on the thermal properties of the lake. However, measurements only suggest small deviations with regard to the thermal properties of the investigated lake. These findings can be used in approval procedures and allow for a more accurate assessment of environmental impacts of future installations.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Study focused on impact of covering lake surface = Useful in discussion
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Techno-Economic and Carbon Emission Assessment of a Large-Scale Floating Solar PV System for Sustainable Energy Generation in Support of Malaysia’s Renewable Energy Roadmap[80][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Energy generation from renewable sources is a global trend due to the carbon emissions generated by fossil fuels, which cause serious harm to the ecosystem. As per the long-term goals of the ASEAN countries, the Malaysian government established a target of 31% renewable energy generation by 2025 to facilitate ongoing carbon emission reductions. To reach the goal, a large-scale solar auction is one of the most impactful initiatives among the four potential strategies taken by the government. To assist the Malaysian government’s large-scale solar policy as detailed in the national renewable energy roadmap, this article investigated the techno-economic and feasibility aspects of a 10 MW floating solar PV system at UMP Lake. The PVsyst 7.3 software was used to develop and compute energy production and loss estimation. The plant is anticipated to produce 17,960 MWh of energy annually at a levelized cost of energy of USD 0.052/kWh. The facility requires USD 8.94 million in capital costs that would be recovered within a payback period of 9.5 years from the date of operation. The plant is expected to reduce carbon emissions by 11,135.2 tons annually. The proposed facility would ensure optimal usage of UMP Lake and contribute to the Malaysian government’s efforts toward sustainable growth.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal:
      • structural, environmental, techno-economic analysis of FSPV in UMP Lake
  2. Methods
    • PV System
      • Location -> Pahang State, Malaysia
      • Total DC power -> 4 + 8 = 12 MW
      • Software -> PVSyst
      • mono-cSi
      • PV coverage -> 54,490 m²
    • Total Lake surface -> 38,220m² + 85,632m².
    • Grid emisison factor for CO2 emissions
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Energy -> 18.188 GWh/y
    • Efficiency -> 21.25%
    • CO2 emisisons precented ->11,853.6 tons/y
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • water evap
    • algae growth reduciton
    • land saving
  • CO2 emisisons reduciton
    • Quantified ->grid emissions factor
    • 11,853.6 tons/y
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
12MW mono-cSi Pahang, Malaysia 18.188 GWh/y 21.25%

Feasibility analysis of floating photovoltaic power plant in Bangladesh: A case study in Hatirjheel Lake, Dhaka[81][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The installation of large-scale photovoltaic (LSPV) power plants is a solution to mitigate the national energy demand in Bangladesh. However, the land crisis is one of the key challenges for the rapid growth of ground-mounted LSPV plants in Bangladesh. The per unit cost of energy from ground-mounted PV systems is rising as a response to numerous difficulties, particularly for large-scale electricity generation. To overcome the issues with land-based PV, thefloating photovoltaic (FPV) could be a viable solution. To the aspirations of the Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority (SREDA), this article has investigated the feasibility of constructing a floating solar plant at Hatirjheel Lake in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The lake is an excellent spot to build an FPV plant due to its geographic location and climatic conditions inside the capital city. In this paper, the design of the plant and tariff are carried out using the PVsyst simulator. It is found that the optimum cost of energy for the plant is $ 0.0959/KWh, which is lesser than the currently operational ground-mounted PV plants in Bangladesh. Additionally, the projected 6.7 MW plant can meet 12.5 % of the local energy demand. Furthermore, the FPV plant is capable to cut off 6685 tons of CO2 annually. A reduction in power costs and environmental protection would assist the government of Bangladesh in achieving the sustainable development goals and electricity generation target of 6000 MW fromsolar photovoltaics by 2041 as well.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal:
      • Feasibility study of 40 MW plant on 2 desolates lake - mining
      • CO2emisisons
      • geological - economical - technical - economic
  2. Methods
    • Site details
      • Location -> Hatirjheel, Dhaka
      • FPV area -> 47,567m²
      • Floating system designed explained
    • PV
      • Simulation -> PVSyst
      • Power -> 6.763 MW
      • mono-cSi / PERC
      • CO2 emissions -> grid emission factor
    • Lifetime -> 25 years
  3. Results and Discussion
    • energy -> 10,996MWh/y
    • yield -> 4.45 kWh/kWp/day
    • CO2 emissions reduciton -> 6.685 ktons/y
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • MEntioned in Intro
    • water evap
    • water quality improvement <- algae growth reduction
    • Land saving
  • CO2 emissions reduciton
    • Quantified -> grid emisison factor
    • 6.685 ktons/y
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
6.763 MW mono-cSi Dhaka, Bangladesh 25 years 10.996 GWh/y

Small-scale floating photovoltaic systems in university campus: A pathway to achieving SDG 7 goals in Bangladesh[82][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Floating photovoltaic systems (FPVs) are gaining popularity in the Asian subcontinent, particularly in densely populated countries like Bangladesh. Small-scale FPV plants, especially on university campuses, can be crucial to fulfilling SDG7 objectives by providing clean energy and addressing economic concerns, which are currently unexplored in the context of Bangladesh. To this end, this paper proposes a systematic methodology to comprehensively assess the potential of small-scale FPV in achieving SDG 7 goals, covering technical, economic, environmental, and social aspects. This study is the first to present an assessment of water evaporation deduction analysis (environmental aspect) and a systematic survey to evaluate the social aspects of the small-scale FPV plant in Bangladesh. To demonstrate the proposed approach, a simulation case study is conducted for a test FPV plant with a capacity of 116.5 kW in a small water reservoir (pond) located within the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB) campus in Dhaka. The results demonstrate that the proposed FPV plant can generate approximately 169.5 MWh yearly with a levelized cost of energy (LCOE) of 0.032 $. Additionally, the plant can prevent 3,715.32 m3 of water from evaporating and reduce 61 tons of GHG emissions annually, saving 93,025 $ of social cost of carbon (SCC) during its entire lifespan. In addition, the conducted survey shows a positive attitude towards FPV installation in the chosen area. Furthermore, a comparison with a rooftop solar plant in the same region highlights FPV's potential as an alternative solar-based energy source in techno-economic evaluations. Implementing the proposed FPV can significantly decrease the yearly total generating cost to meet the university's demand while ensuring clean energy in alignment with SDG7. This study can aid in the integration of renewable energy into the grid and assist policymakers in facilitating future small-scale FPV installations in Bangladesh.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal:
      • proposed systematic technique to evaluate viability od small-scale FPV
      • cos treduction
      • university campus
  2. Methods
    • GHG emissions -> formula unclear
    • PV produciton calculation -> operating temp -> same as ground-mounted
    • water evap reduciton -> Penman-Monteith
    • Site specs
      • total water surface -> 1016.86 m²
      • PV area -> 961.5 m²
      • poly-cSi / 17.01%
      • PV power -> 116.5 kW
      • Software -> Helioscope
      • Location -> Dhaka
      • Losses -> 22.32%
      • Lifetime -> 25 years
  3. Results and Discussion
    • energy -> 169 MWh/y
    • CO2 emisisons reduciton -> 61 tons/y
    • water evap reduciton -> 3,715.32 m³/y
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • MEntioned in Intro
    • water evap reduction
    • water wuality improvement <- algae growth reduciton
    • CO2 emisisons reduction
  • Co2 emissions reduciton
    • Quantified -> unclear method
    • 61 tons/y
  • Water evaporation redcution
    • Quantified <- Penman-Monteith
    • 3,715.32 m³/y
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
116.5 kW poly-cSi Dhaka, Bangladesh 25 years 169 MWh/y 13.21%

Analysis of floating photovoltaic system with shingled modules: monitoring and economic analysis[83][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The floating PV power system using with shingled modules to maximize power generation efficiency and its performance was analyzed through August 2020 to December 2020. The proposed system using the shingled module and its generated energy output was 20–30% more than the conventional PV system. Considering LCOE, it could be expected 22.223% reduction of LCOE and this power generation system which combines floating photovoltaic system and shingled modules is expected to have excellent economic feasibility as well as carbon reduction effects.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Device Study
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Comprehensive benefit evaluations for integrating off-river pumped hydro storage and floating photovoltaic[84][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Integrating pumped hydro storage with wind-solar power is an effective method for large-scale integration of renewable energy. The integration of floating photovoltaics with pumped hydro storage solves the issues of unstable output from photovoltaic generation and limited land resources. However, traditional pumped hydro storage has limitations in terms of siting and structure, resulting in environmental issues and opposition when integrated with floating photovoltaics. To overcome these limitations, a novel integrated generation system that combines off-river pumped hydro storage and floating photovoltaic is proposed. Additionally, an optimized scheduling model is developed for the hybrid energy power system with the objective of minimizing operating costs. Finally, a case study of a large clean energy project in Qinghai, China is conducted to quantitatively evaluate the comprehensive benefits of this integrated system in hybrid renewable energy power generation from economic, technical, and environmental perspectives. The results indicate that the combination of off-river pumped hydro storage and floating photovoltaics provides improved technological, economic, and environmental benefits. Specifically, under the premise of meeting the power supply rate and ensuring power transmission reliability, the integration of off-river pumped hydro storage and floating photovoltaic generation system surpasses the traditional integration of pumped hydro storage and photovoltaics in multiple aspects. The integrated system can increase power transmission by 26%, decrease investment costs by 15.04%, lower operating costs by 31.75%, save land use by 4.78 km2, and evaporation reduction efficiency by 44.6%. The OFPHS + FPV operation scheme can provide a reference for the development of pumped hydro storage and photovoltaic industries in resource-constrained areas and provide technical guidance to improve the flexibility of regional power systems.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal:
      • Off-river Pumped Hydro Storage + FPV
      • optimized scheduling -> minimizing opecration costs
  2. Methods
    • Study Specs
      • Location -> Qinghai, China
      • Installed Capacity FPV -> 287 MW
    • 4 different scenario
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • Water evap
  • Evaporation reduciton
    • Penman-Monteith
    • 2.23 e6 m³/y (44.6% reduciton)
  • Land savings
    • offset from Land PV
    • 4.78km²
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
287 MW Qinghai, China 3667 GWh/y

Aquatic environment impacts of floating photovoltaic and implications for climate change challenges[85][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

With the aggravation of global warming and the increasing demand for energy, the development of renewable energy is imminent. Floating photovoltaic (FPV) is a new form of renewable energy generation. However, the impact of FPV on the aquatic environment is still unclear. By long-term empirical monitoring and data analysis, this paper reveals the shading effect of large-scale FPV power station on aquatic environment for the first time. The results show that: (1) Compared with the non-photovoltaic (NP) zone, FPV only significantly reduces the concentration of dissolved oxygen in the photovoltaic (P) zone. (2) The concentration of chlorophyll a, nitrate nitrogen and total phosphorus increase, while pH and ammonia nitrogen decrease. FPV only causes an effect of the same order of magnitude as the initial concentration, and has no significant adverse effects on the nutritional status of the water body at a coverage ratio less than 50%. (3) FPV has a cooling effect on the water body during the daytime and a thermal insulation effect at night, with the most pronounced impact on peak water temperature (Tw). The heating and cooling process of Tw in P zone usually lags behind the NP zone by 1–3 h. The diurnal fluctuation and vertical difference of Tw as well as the stability of water body are reduced under the shading of FPV, alleviating the influence of climate change on Tw and water body stratification. (4) If 10% of the water area larger than 1 km2 in China are used to develop FPV, more than 900 million tons of CO2 emissions can be reduced, and about 5 billion m3 water can be saved, which is significant in the context of climate change. In general, this paper provides a reference for the future aquatic environmental impact assessment of FPV and the formulation of related policies.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • No modelind or simulation - Interestiung paper but not suited for this purpose
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Techno-economic and Environmental Analysis of Floating Photovoltaic Power Plants: A case Study of Iran[86][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Solar energy as renewable and clean energy has a remarkable share in improving the water-energy-food nexus. However, due to occupying a vast area of land, the development of large-scale photovoltaic systems is a serious challenge, particularly in regions with land restrictions. As a solution, it is argued that the installation of the floating photovoltaic systems on the water reservoirs can save land as well as reduce the evaporation rate. The aim of this study is to economically and environmentally evaluate the feasibility of the installation of a 10-megawatt floating photovoltaic power plant on a water reservoir. Results show that the payback period of investment and internal rate of return are achieved at 5.2 years and 20.4%, respectively. It is also found that if only 0.3% of the water reservoir surface is covered, evaporation volume will be decreased from 441.2 up to 515.2 thousand cubic meters. Moreover, environmental assessment demonstrates that 8470 to 15311 tons of CO2 and 27 to 52.3 tons of NOx are not released into the atmosphere. Ultimately, sensitivity analysis proves that if the capital cost is reduced by 30%, the payback period will be shortened to 3.6 years. Furthermore, such a project in Chah-nimeh will be profitable as long as the electricity purchasing tariffs are more than US$ 0.096/kWh.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Mentioned other methods to prevent water evap
    • Goal:
      • feasibility of 10MW FPV
      • techno economic
      • GHG emissions
  2. Methods
    • Software
      • PVSyst
      • RETScreen
    • Size -> 10MW
    • Location- > Zabol, Iran
    • Module
      • poly-cSi
      • 15.7% efficiency
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Energy -> 18.026 GWh/y
    • Land saving -> 15ha
    • water saving -> 440,000 m³/y
    • Co2 emissions -> 8470 - 15,311 tons CO2 /y
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • water evap
    • algae growth reduction
    • CO2 emissions reduciton
  • Water evaporation reduction
    • estimated
    • 440,000 m³/y
  • CO2 emissions redcution
    • estimated
    • 8470 - 15,311 tons CO2/y
  • Land saving
    • estimated
    • 15ha
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
10MW poly-cSi Zabol, Iran 20years 18.026 GWh/y 15.7%

Developing design topologies and strategies for the integration of floating solar, hydro, and pumped hydro storage system[87][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Present study aims to increase the effectiveness and penetration of innovative floating solar systems by exploring the potential for the development of floating solar PV-based hybrid renewable energy systems. Based on the review of reported research on multi-energy systems and taking into consideration the characteristics of floating solar PV system, different topologies are designed for the deployment of hybrid renewable energy installations to support the power grid and enhance system reliability. Critical design strategies such as site inspection, reservoir layout, water quality, solar irradiance, wind loading, and the existing hydropower infrastructure, required for assessment have been outlined. Feasibility analysis involving the techno-economic and environmental assessment of a typical floating solar-based hybrid renewable energy system is also discussed. To promote the deployment of floating solar-based hybrid renewable energy systems, actions such as strengthening knowledge, setting renewable targets, investing in research and development, and providing government support are needed. Merging new technologies such as artificial intelligence and virtual power plants with floating solar PV can create a more efficient system. The concept of a Smart Floating Farm that combines floating solar-based systems with farming can help address future food shortages due to climate change by 2050.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Reviewed other papers
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Sustainable and cost-effective hybrid energy solution for arid regions: Floating solar photovoltaic with integrated pumped storage and conventional hydropower[88][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Over the past decade, solar photovoltaic installations have grown significantly, and energy storage is crucial for integration. Pumped storage hydropower is a cost-effective and proven grid-scale energy storage technology, reducing variable renewable energy curtailment. Floating solar photovoltaics can address water availability issues in arid regions by floating on water bodies. This research article explores a sustainable and cost-effective approach to enhancing water, energy, food, and ecosystem nexus in arid regions. It proposes a hybrid configuration of 200 MW Paras pumped storage hydropower, 30 MWp floating solar photovoltaic integrated with 300 MW Balakot conventional hydropower for grid energy storage. This study calculates the levelized cost of energy storage using conventional hydropower resources, water stream considerations, and floating solar PV installations. The novelty is that the levelized cost of energy storage decreases by 28 %, benefit to cost ratio increases by 56 % and installed costs are reduced by 25 % as compared to greenfield closed-loop pumped storage hydropower. The hybrid configuration can deliver an additional 3693 GWh of clean energy, resulting in a 30 % increase in revenue over 30 years compared to greenfield closed-loop pumped storage hydropower. This can improve the water, energy, food, and ecosystem nexus by enabling fast-track deployment of variable renewable energy in arid regions, while integrated pumped storage hydropower supports essential energy storage to the grid.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal:
      • integrate PV, pumped hydro and hydro
  2. Methods
    • Coverage: 10- 50%
    • Software RETScreen
    • CO2 emissions -> clean development mechnism methodology
  3. Results and Discussion
    • FPV power
      • min(10%) -> 3.51+2.53 MWp
      • max(50%) -> 17.57+12.63 MWp
    • Annual energy
      • min(10%) -> 5.34+3.84 GWh/y
      • max(50%) -> 27.84+20.02 GWh/y
    • Water saving
      • min(10%) -> 5416+3895 m³/y
      • max(50%) -> 654192+470400 m³/y
    • CO2 emissions reduction
      • min(10%) -> 2.03+1.46 ktons Co2 (per year maybe)
      • max(50%) -> 14.48+10.41 m³/y
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in lit review / Intro
    • land use conflict reduction
    • water evap reduciton
  • Water saving
    • Quantified -> unspecified method
      • min(10%) -> 5416+3895 m³/y
      • max(50%) -> 654192+470400 m³/y
  • CO2 emissions reduction
    • Quantified -> clean development mechnism methodology
      • min(10%) -> 2.03+1.46 ktons Co2 (per year maybe)
      • max(50%) -> 14.48+10.41 m³/y
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
6.04 MWp 30.2 MWp Mansehra, PAkistan 30 years 9.18 GWh/y 47.86 GWh/y

GIS-based potential assessment of floating photovoltaic systems in reservoirs of Tamil Nadu in India[89][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Floating photovoltaic systems (FPVs) are one of the emerging renewable-energy technologies suitable for implementation in land-scarce areas around the world. The installation of FPVs in water bodies in highly populated countries such as India will improve renewable-energy production with added advantages in terms of efficiency, water savings and reduced carbon emissions. In this context, the present study aims to identify suitable reservoirs for solar energy production using FPV technology in Tamil Nadu, India using geographic information system techniques. A total of 118 reservoirs located in the study area were considered. The results have shown that the implementation of FPV systems will significantly improve the production of renewable energy. The most suitable reservoirs with hydroelectric power plants for hybrid FPV implementation and their potential to reduce water evaporation and carbon emissions are presented. The results reveal that hybrid systems will generate 1542.53 GWh of power annually and also save 36.32 × 106 m3 of water every year. The results of this investigation will aid in fulfilling sustainable energy production in India, and the methodology presented may be useful for the analysis and prioritization of reservoirs for the implementation of FPV all over the world.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal:
      • quantify FPV potential of freshwater reservoirs in Tamil Nadu
      • GIS
      • Hybrid FPV-HEPP
  2. Methods
    • Location -> State of Tamil Nadu, India
    • Total reservoirs area -> 8993.11 km²
    • PV power calculated using irradiance and efficiency
    • module -> c-Si
    • 26 seleted reservoirs
    • evaporation analysis -< penamn-monteith
    • co2 emisisons -> displacement method using existing data
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • water evap
  • water evap
    • Penman-monteith
    • 36.32 e6 m³ (direct saving) + 10.81 e9 m³ (imdirect saving)
  • CO2 emissions reduciton
    • estimated
    • 1.42e6 tons CO2
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
1.13 GW c-Si Tamil Nadu, India 1.54 TWh/y

An analysis of the prospects and efficiency of floating and overland photovoltaic systems[90][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The world's increasing demand for energy coupled with dwindling natural resources has spurred the need for alternative and renewable energy sources. However, one of the biggest drawbacks of renewable energy is its intermittency. Currently, most of the world's electrical energy comes from thermal power and nuclear energy combined. Despite being heavily reliant on energy imports, Morocco has made progress in developing its solar energy capacity with an installed capacity of 760 MW, 200 MW of which comes from photovoltaics. One way for Morocco to further increase its renewable energy production is through floating solar power, which utilizes the water surface of dams and reservoirs. The challenge with this approach is to secure the floating solar panels to prevent them from being blown about by wind and other elements. Like onshore solar power, offshore solar power also utilizes maximum power point tracking (MPPT) technology to maximize energy production. To compare the efficiency of terrestrial and marine solar power systems, the design and simulation of a solar PV system with MPPT through a boost converter was carried out using MATLAB/Simulink models. The study also examined the impact of water flow characteristics on the output of solar energy from floating panels.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Does not specify any benefits
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Economic comparison of floating photovoltaic systems with tracking systems and active cooling in a Mediterranean water basin[91][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Floating Photovoltaic (FPV) modules are installed on water surface to reduce land use. This original solution, potentially deployable on hydropower and aquaculture basins as well, can benefit of enhanced cooling due to the proximity to water. Thanks to this natural effect, FPV modules can work at higher operating efficiencies than ground-based (GPV) modules. However, because of the relatively young age, FPV still requires higher installation costs than GPV. This study investigates the economic competitiveness of GPV and FPV in terms of energy performance and total costs. Different PV system solutions are economically evaluated on the basis of three key figures, namely the capital costs (CAPEX), the operation and maintenance costs (OPEX) and the power generation costs (LCOE). An economic ranking is created based on the comparative analysis of these three key figures. The crucial point in the proposed economic model is that the revenues resulting from the reduced evaporations are considered as well. Every year, indeed, a significant volume of water can be preserved thanks to the shading effect of FPV modules. This water can be used for various purposes, increasing the overall revenues of the FPV system. In addition, the present LCOE calculations also take into account the performance enhancements that could be achieved through the installation of active cooling systems. In light of the expected economy of scale, a sensitivity analysis of the LCOE is carried out to account potential reductions in the capital cost of FPVs. This is done by analyzing the energy and economic performance of various FPV designs on a water basin in Southern Italy. The results demonstrate that, reducing the CAPEX of the FPV by 30 %, a nearly 20 % reduction in LCOE can be obtained compared to the reference GPV system.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal:
      • economic viability of FPV design
      • with vs without tracking
      • mono vs bifacial
      • 9 FPV config
      • cost + benefits
      • 9FPV vs GPV
  2. Methods
    • FPV perfromance
      • existing data (experimental)
      • MATLAB + PVSystem
      • Temperature model - > Tina et al.
    • Water evap -> Botempo Scavo et al.
    • Lifetime -> 30years
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Power -> 18MW
    • 50% coverage (180,000m² of PV)
    • water savings -> 1271.66 mm
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • land saving
    • water quality improvement <- algae growth reduction
  • Water savings
    • Botempo Scavo et al. method
    • 1271.66mm
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
18MW c-Si Sicily, Italy 30 years

Energy Emissions Profile and Floating Solar Mitigation Potential for a Malaysia's State[92][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The establishment of the National Low Carbon City Master Plan (NLCCM) by Malaysia's government presents a significant opportunity to minimize carbon emissions at the subnational or local scales, while simultaneously fostering remarkable economic potential. However, the lack of data management and understanding of emissions at the subnational level are hindering effective climate policies and planning to achieve the nationally determined contribution and carbon neutrality goal. There is an urgent need for a subnational emission inventory to understand and manage subnational emissions, particularly that of the energy sector which contribute the biggest to Malaysia's emission. This research aims to estimate carbon emissions for Selangor state in accordance with the Global Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories (GPC), for stationary energy activities. The study also evaluates the mitigation potential of Floating Solar Photovoltaic (FSPV) proposed for Selangor. It was found that the total stationary energy emission for Selangor for the year 2019 was 18,070.16 ktCO2e, contributed the most by the Manufacturing sub-sector (40%), followed by the Commercial and Institutional sub-sector; with 82% contribution coming from the Scope 2 emission. The highest sub-sector of Scope 1 emissions was contributed by Manufacturing while Scope 2 emissions from the Commercial and Institutional. Additionally, the highest fuel consumed was natural gas, which amounted to 1404.32 ktCO2e (44%) of total emissions. The FSPV assessment showed the potential generation of 2.213 TWh per year, by only utilizing 10% of the identified available ponds and dams in Selangor, equivalent to an emission reduction of 1726.02 ktCO2e, offsetting 11.6% Scope 2 electricity emission. The results from the study can be used to better evaluate existing policies at the sub-national level, discover mitigation opportunities, and guide the creation of future policies.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal:
      • FSPV as mitigation measure for climate change
  2. Methods
    • GHG emissions -> estimated using scaling factors
    • Solar PV -> estimated, no method specified
    • PV -> mono-cSi
  3. Results and Discussion
    • energy -> 2.213 TWh/y
    • CO2 emissions reduciton -> 1726.02 ktCo2
    • 1.13 GW
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • CO2 emisisons reduction
    • estimated using existing data
    • 1726.02 ktCo2
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
1.13GW mono-cSi Various Locations, Malaysia 2.213 TWh/y

Empowering Rural Communities – The Impact of Grid Connected Floating Solar Power Plants for Farmers | International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management[93][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Floating solar power plants are emerging as an innovative solution for farmers with limited land and water resources. This study explores the feasibility of an on-grid floating solar power plant for farmers, which offers a sustainable and cost- effective source of energy while preserving land area and improving water quality. The study demonstrates that the on-grid floating solar power plant is technically feasible, economically viable, and environmentally beneficial, and has the potential to improve the livelihoods of farmers and contribute to the sustainable development of rural areas.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Study does not contain enough information to be included
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Investigating the Effect of Albedo in Simulation-Based Floating Photovoltaic System: 1 MW Bifacial Floating Photovoltaic System Design[94][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Photovoltaic (PV) modules have emerged as a promising technology in the realm of sustainable energy solutions, specifically in the harnessing of solar energy. Photovoltaic modules, which use solar energy to generate electricity, are often used on terrestrial platforms. In recent years, there has been an increasing inclination towards the installation of photovoltaic (PV) modules over water surfaces, including lakes, reservoirs, and even oceans. The novel methodology introduces distinct benefits and complexities, specifically pertaining to the thermal characteristics of the modules. In order to accomplish this objective, a photovoltaic (PV) module system with a capacity of 1 MW was developed as a scenario in the PVsyst Program. The scenario simulation was conducted on the Mamasın Dam, situated in the Gökçe village within the Aksaray province. To conduct the efficiency analysis, a comparative evaluation was conducted between bifacial and monofacial modules, which were installed from above the water at 1 m. The comparison was made considering two different types of modules. Additionally, the albedo effect, water saving amount, and CO2 emissions of the system were also investigated. Albedo measurements were made in summer when the PV power plant will operate most efficiently. As a result of the simulations, it was found that bifacial modules produce 12.4% more energy annually than monofacial modules due to the albedo effect. It is estimated that PV power plant installation will save 19,562.695 and 17,253.475 tons of CO2 emissions in bifacial and monofacial systems, respectively.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • FPV requires higher capital
    • Goal:
      • In-depth analsysis of FPV systems: design/benefits/various applications
      • 1MW FPV
      • Albedo analysis
      • water saving / co2 emissions
  2. Methods
    • Software -> PVSyst
    • Location -> Aksaray, Turkey
    • PV Size
      • 1.081 MW bif
      • 1.001 MW monof
    • PV U-value calculation shown
    • mono*cSi - 22.21%
  3. Results and Discussion
    • CO2 emissions -> PVSyst
      • bif -> 19,562.695 tons
      • monof -> 17,253.475
    • water saving -> empirical formula
      • bif -> 0.403 millions m³
      • monof -> 0.370 millions m³
    • energy
      • bif -> 1688.773 MWh/y
      • monof -> 1507.355 MWh/y
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • Land use reductinon
    • water evap reduciton
    • CO2 emissions reduction
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
1.001 MW 1.081 MW mono-cSi Aksaray, Turkey 1507.355 MWh/y 1688.773 MWh/y

Innovative metaheuristic algorithm with comparative analysis of MPPT for 5.5 kW floating photovoltaic system[95][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Multiple localized maxima in power voltage features are triggered by non-uniform irradiance, which has a detrimental influence on photovoltaic (PV) system operation. Numerous control approaches for PV maximum power point tracking (MPPT) have lately been investigated. This paper proposes a metaheuristic algorithm to reach PV maximum power more efficiently based on the hybridization of Improved Grey Wolf Optimization (IGWO) and BAT algorithms, which are chosen for their reliability and fast MPPT for PV systems. However, they both encounter issues including delayed convergence and increased oscillations while tracking. To overcome these limitations, a newly Improved Grey Wolf BAT Optimization (IGWBO) is applied to specify the duty cycle parameter that is used in MPPT to enhance the performance of FPV systems under a variety of non-uniform weather scenarios. The results of implementing IGWBO-FPV are compared to those of IGWO-FPV, GWO-FPV, BAT-FPV, and FPV without any control algorithm. The findings revealed that the proposed IGWBO-FPV approach outperforms the annual generated power of the IGWO-FPV, GWO-FPV, BAT-FPV, and FPV without control by 5.64%, 10.58%, 17.54%, and 27.28% respectively. The optimal IGWBO-FPV enviro-economic evaluation indicates that 42.83 tons of CO2/year can be prevented from being released into the environment, with an LCOE of 0.052 $/kWh.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal:
      • proposed new mppt algorithm for FPV under non-uniform weather conditions
  2. Methods
    • MATLAB simulation
    • PV module
      • mono-cSi
      • power 5.5 kW
    • Lifetime -> 25years
  3. Results and Discussion
    • annual energy
      • 1.345 MWh -> no mppt
      • 1.712 MWh -> IGWBO-FPV mppt algorithm
    • efficiency
      • 17.75% -> no mmpt
      • 22.21% -> IGWBO-FPV
    • CO2 emissions -> offset methods using grid values
      • 811.94 tons CO2/(25years) -> no mppt
      • 1070.93 tons CO2/((25years) -> IGWBO-FPV
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • CO2 emissions reduciton
    • offset method
    • 811.94 tons CO2 (no mppt) - 1070.93 tons CO2 (IGWBO-FPV)
    • all values for 25 years
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
5.5kW mono-cSi Port Said, Egypt 25 years 1.345 MWh/y 1.712 MWh 17.75% 22.21%

The potential of optimized floating photovoltaic system for energy production in the Northern Lakes of Egypt[96][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The deployment of floating photovoltaics (FPVs) is growing substantially in maritime locations. Despite the advantages gained from FPVs, it can still suffer from radiation fluctuation, which severely harms the system's production. Avoiding such obstacles can help countries like Egypt to increase their clean electricity production from its huge natural Northern Lakes. The adoption of soft computing maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithms showed great potential for optimizing system performance, especially the genetic algorithm (GA) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. Yet insufficient memory and rapid radiation fluctuations can compromise algorithms. Hence, the present work addresses a hybrid GA-PSO algorithm combining the advantageous features of both algorisms to extract the MPPT from a 5.3 kW FPV system with greater frequency and accuracy in varying weather conditions, including partial shading (PS); MATLAB simulations are conducted to evaluate the proposed system's potential under a range of weather conditions. The hybrid GA-PSO outperforms GA or PSO alone while being simple to implement, with an average electrical efficiency and performance ratio of (23.40%,0.87) and (18.90%,0.79) for FPV and partially shading PSFPV, respectively. Finally, by implementing the hybrid GA-PSO, the FPV array may prevent 17.52 tons of CO2/ season from being emitted into the air.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal:
      • assess FPV dynamic performance in varying weather consitions
  2. Methods
    • MATLAB -> MPPT algorithms
    • PV -> 5.3 kW
      • mono-cSi
      • 20.5%
      • Port Said, Egypt
  3. Results and Discussion
    • 4.9
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Device level study
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Floating PV Systems as an Alternative Power Source: Case Study on Three Representative Islands of Indonesia[97][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Floating solar renewable energy is of enormous potential in Indonesia. This paper presents a comprehensive study of the design of Floating Photovoltaic (FPV) systems with Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) for three islands in Indonesia. These islands represent three typical scenarios in Indonesia (a) using a national grid powered by fossil fuel generators, (b) using a local grid powered by diesel generators, and (c) no grid at all. In-person surveys were conducted at these islands to collect data, and then FPV and BESS were designed to meet the demands of each island. Subsequently, the systems’ energy simulations were conducted using the System Advisor Model, demonstrating daily energy demand and supply in hour variation. Based on the results, a series of sustainability analyses were created from the aspects of economics, society, and the environment. The economic analysis demonstrated cost savings by using FPV to replace contemporary energy methods. The social analysis provides valuable insights into the local community, forming a demographic profile and obtaining perceptions and opinions regarding the new energy approach. The environmental analysis quantifies the potential CO2 emissions. Overall, the work provides valuable insights into the roadmap for implementing floating solar technologies in Indonesia which can also inform global ocean-based solar energy developments.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal:
      • Design of FPV + BESS
  2. Methods
    • 3 islands
      • FPV + Grid
      • FPV + Diesel Gen
      • FPV + BESS
    • SAM for simulations
    • PV Systems
      • FPV + Grid -> 2MW / 2,958 MWh/y
      • FPV + Diesel Gen -> 553 kW / 845.154 MWh/y
      • FPV + BESS -> 31kW / 49.212 MWh/y
    • CO2 emissions -> method not specified
      • FPV + Grid -> 171.3 kgCO2
      • FPV + Diesel Gen -> 112.4 kgCO2
      • FPV + BESS -> 239.75 kg CO2
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • CO2 emissions reduction
    • method unspecified
    • 239.75kg CO2 - FPV BESS
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
31 kW mono-cSi Kalenan, Indonesia 49.212 MWh/y

Evaporation reduction and energy generation potential using floating photovoltaic power plants on the Aswan High Dam Reservoir[98][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

An opportunity for efficient implementation of floating photovoltaics can be the coupling with other renewable energies, such as hydropower. The resulting synergies contribute to the benefit of both technologies. Particularly in arid regions, hydropower reservoirs face considerable evaporation. As a benefit, FPV minimises evaporation while simultaneously generating renewable energy. In this study, we simulate the evaporation reduction due to FPV by applying the hydrodynamic General Lake Model together with the yield simulation model Zenit to the Aswan High Dam Reservoir. We estimate a 49.7% evaporation reduction at 90% FPV occupancy and water savings of up to 5.9 billion cubic meters per year. The mean specific water saving of the FPV system is 7.67 m3 a−1 kWp−1. We analyse possible ways to use the saved water, such as additional hydropower, filling up the Toshka Lakes, or agricultural irrigation. The use of FPV water savings for irrigation appeared to be most efficient.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal:
      • FPV benefits over 12 year (2005 - 2016)
      • Simulated
  2. Methods
    • Zenit software -> yield analysis
    • Hydrodynamic General Lake Model
  3. Results and Discussion
    • water saving 90% coverage -> 5.9 billions m³/y
    • additional hydro-generation -> 1TWh
    • power -> 735 GWp
    • energy 1459 TWh/y
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • evapo losses reduction
    • land reduciton
  • Water evaporation reductio
    • hydrodynamic General Lake Model
    • 5.9 billions m³/y
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
735 GWp mono-cSi Lake Nasser, Egypt 1459 TWh/y

Geographically constrained resource potential of integrating floating photovoltaics in global existing offshore wind farms[99][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Marine renewable energy is gaining prominence as a crucial component of the energy supply in coastal cities due to proximity and minimal land requirements. The synergistic potential of integrating floating photovoltaics with offshore wind turbines presents an encouraging avenue for boosting power production, amplifying spatial energy generation density, and mitigating seasonal output fluctuations. While the global promise of offshore wind-photovoltaic hybrid systems is evident, a definitive understanding of their potential remains elusive. Here, we evaluate the resource potential of the hybrid systems under geographical constraints, offering insights into sustainable and efficient offshore energy solutions. We compile a database with 11,198 offshore wind turbine locations from Sentinel-1 imagery and technical parameters from commercial project details. Our analysis reveals an underutilization of spatial resources within existing offshore wind farms, yielding a modest 26 kWh per square meter. Furthermore, employing realistic climate-driven system simulations, we find an impressive potential photovoltaic generation of 1372 ± 18 TWh annually, over seven times higher than the current offshore wind capacity. Notably, floating photovoltaics demonstrated remarkable efficiency, matching wind turbine output with a mere 17 % of the wind farm area and achieving an average 76 % increase in power generation at equivalent investment costs. Additionally, the hybrid wind and photovoltaic systems exhibit monthly-scale complementarity, reflected by a Pearson correlation coefficient of -0.78, providing a consistent and reliable power supply. These findings support the notion that hybrid offshore renewable energy could revolutionize the renewable energy industry, optimize energy structures, and contribute to a sustainable future for coastal cities.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Primary a wind turbin energy study
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Floating photovoltaic in Chile: Potential for clean energy generation and water protection[100][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Floating Photovoltaic (FPV) has the potential to mitigate climate change while adapting to its consequences. Photovoltaic (PV) systems installed on a water surface enable synergies such as higher generation efficiency and reduced evaporation. Although there is growing interest in FPV, there has been no structured analysis of Chile's technical and economic potential. We provide the first national-level estimate of FPV potential, using filtered geo-datasets and meteorological data to compute PV yields and impact on water evaporation. We find a technical potential of 6.3 – 16.6GWp for FPV, predominantly in the central zone between the Coquimbo and Biobío regions. The derived potential for FPV could provide 13 – 33% of the current national annual electricity generation while protecting over 118millionm3 of water per year from evaporation. Further, we derive average levelized cost of energy for utility-scale FPV projects in central regions between 51–55USDMWh−1. Future research to understand the impact on evaporation and the effects of large-scale FPV implementation on the national electricity grid should be carried out to enable synergetic development.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal:
      • technical and economic potential of FPV in Chile
      • yield gain due to cooling effect
  2. Methods
    • GIS databases for lake water surf identification
    • 30872 lakes / 14,012 km²
    • percent coverage \
      • 15% if water > 1ha
      • 40% ottherwise
    • experimental pilot study
      • 16.2 kWp / 100m²
      • mono-cSi
      • 1.2 MWp/ha
    • evap -> Penman + (60% saved by covering surface)
    • module temperature - Faiman equation
    • Software -> PVWatts
  3. Results and Discussion
    • power -> 6.3GWp - 16.6 GWp
    • energy -> 10.4 - 27.3 TWh/y
    • evap reduction -> 45 - 118 millions m³/y
    • yield increase -> 1.7%
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • water evap
    • algae reduction
  • water evaporation
    • Penman method
    • 45-118 millions m³/y
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
6.3GWp 16.6GWp mono-cSi Country wide, Chile 10.4TWh/y 27.3TWh/y

Unlocking the floating solar photovoltaic potential on hydropower reservoirs: a case study of Srisailam dam, India[101][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

India's electrical sector has witnessed a significant decline in hydropower share, leading to an increased reliance on thermal power generation, exacerbating greenhouse gas emissions, and altering rainfall patterns. To mitigate these challenges, a pioneering approach of integrating Floating Solar Photovoltaic (FSPV) plants with hydropower reservoirs emerges. This research focuses on the Srisailam hydropower reservoir, estimating FSPV potential in four scenarios and evaluating two floating structures. The results unveil a remarkable transformation: covering less than 3% of the reservoir area could double installed power capacity and boost electricity production by 81%, adding 2664 GWh annually. Additionally, implementing FSPV leads to water savings of 46.57 million cubic meters per year, generating an extra 15.01 GWh of hydropower yearly. This visionary integration offers a sustainable solution, balancing energy generation with water conservation. It urges policymakers and innovators to embrace renewable energy's coexistence with responsible resource management. By harnessing this synergy, India can pave the way toward a greener, more sustainable future, mitigating climate change's impact and securing energy for generations to come.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal:
      • estimate FSPV potential for 4 scenarios
      • 2 types of floating -> float vs pontoon
      • water evap savings + additional hydro - generation
  2. Methods
    • PV System
      • Location -> Andhra Pradesh, India
      • power potential from power density (area) -> 2.5 actres/MWp
      • coverage 1 - 10% + same capacity as hydro (ECOH -> equivalent capacity of hydro)
      • poly-cSi
      • energy calaucated by temperatire model -> considered heat coefficient
    • total water area -> 616 km²
    • water evap -> Scavo method
    • extra added hydro power -> hudro nominbal power calculation formula
  3. Results and Discussion
    • power -> 609 MW - 6092 MW
    • energy -> 980 GWH/y - 9812 GWh/y
    • water evap (pontoon-dependent)
      • 5.5 mcm -> floats (1%coverage)
      • 170.6mcm -> pontoon (10%coverage)
    • added hydro: 1.825 GWh/y - 56.57 GWh/y (corelated with water evap)
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned intro
    • land use reduciton
    • CO2 emissions reduction
    • water evap reduction
  • Water evap
    • Scavo method
    • 5.5mcm/y - 170.6 mcm/y
  • added hydro
    • 1.825GWh/y
    • 56.57GWh/y
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
609 MW 6092 MW poly-cSi Andhra Pradesh, India 25 years 980GWh/y 9812GWh/y 16.74%

Techno-economic Comparative Analysis of Floating/On-Ground Solar PV System for Electrification of Gilgel Gibe I Auxiliary Load in Ethiopia[102][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Ethiopia is well endowed with solar energy resources with daily average radiation ranging from 4.5 to 7.5 kWh/m2/day. The significant electricity consumption of the country is reliant on hydropower. This dependence on hydropower makes the country susceptible to weather and climate changes, such as droughts, which can lead to reduced water levels in hydropower reservoir and reduced electricity generation. The application of solar floating photovoltaic (FPV) in the existing hydro reservoir would provide solar electric power to support hydropower generation especially during dry periods, and decrease evaporation losses. This implementation also has the cascading effect of increasing the solar power generation from the PV system by reducing the panel temperature through efficiency gain while saving the land requirement for installing the same PV system. Especially for countries like Ethiopia where agriculture is the key source of economy, optimal usage of land is very important. Thus, in this research, a techno-economic comparative analysis of 4MW Grid-tied FPV and ground-mounted PV system on Gilgel gibe I reservoir in Ethiopia for supplying the auxiliary load of the generation plant is done. The results showed that the proposed FPV system has 6.9% more electricity generating capacity than land-mounted PV system and saves 74,400m3 of water from evaporation annually. The FPV plant will also save the land cost burden, and results the levelized cost of energy (COE) 0.043$/kWh, which is 15.7 % less than land-mounted PV systems. In another way, the proposed FPV system indicated a positive impact on the environment by reducing 993 tons of greenhouse gas emission annually. Thus this research results will offer a clear directions for the concerned stockholders to implement FPV technology on the Ethiopian hydro reservoirs.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal:
      • techno economic comparative analysis -> GPV vs FPV
  2. Methods
    • Software -> HOMER + PVGIS
    • water evap -> simplified Penman
    • PV power -> calculated equation
      • temp model -> water cell temp model (Lupu et al.)
    • PV module
      • c-Si / 16.02%
      • inverter -> 95%
      • coverage 1 - 50% -> but used MW
    • total water surface -> 51 millions m²
  3. Results and Discussion
    • power - > 4MW
    • energy -> 6.99 GWh/y
    • water saving -> 74,400 m³/y
    • CO2 emisisons reduciton (emissions factor) -> 993 tCO2/y
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • water evap reduction
  • Water saving
    • simplified Penman
    • 74,400 m³/y
  • CO2 emisisons reduction
    • emission factor method
    • 993 tCO2/y
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
4MW c-Si Gilgel Gib, Ethiopia 25 years 6.99GWh/y 16.02%

Technical and economic analysis of floating solar photovoltaic systems in coastal regions of India: a case study of Gujarat and Tamil Nadu[103][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Population of India is growing exponentially thereby the necessity to enhance the power generation capacity is increasing. Considering the detrimental impacts of conventional approaches to generate electricity on the environment, it is imperative to minimize the dependency on fossil fuels and make a transition towards the use of renewable sources. Harnessing energy using floating solar photovoltaic modules is one of the promising renewable alternatives that can curtail carbon-dioxide emissions while meeting the required energy demand. In this study, governing parameters obtained from ECMWF ERA5 datasets are used to evaluate techno-economic feasibility of the floatovoltaic solar system at selected locations in Gujarat and Tamil Nadu. The suitability of these regions for installing floatovoltaic systems is assessed by analyzing crucial parameters such as panel temperature, solar power output, Capacity Factor (CF) and Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE). Findings depict that a total of 991 and 880 TWh of electricity can be generated with a capacity factor of 26.9% and 23.8% at Gujarat and Tamil Nadu locations, respectively, with an installed capacity of 420 MW floatovoltaic system. Implementation of this alternative renewable source can curtail carbon emissions by more than 700 billion metric tons at each location, minimizing the detrimental impact on the environment. Economic analysis reveals LCOE value at the Gujarat and Tamil Nadu locations is 0.072 and 0.08 USD/kWh, respectively. Promoting the adoption and installation of floatovoltaics can help India to meet its goal of net-zero emissions by 2050 and be self-sufficient in terms of energy.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal:
      • offshore FPV potential
      • performace and CO2 analysis
  2. Methods
    • Location -> Gujarat + Tamil Nadu
    • power 420 MW per location
    • temperature model (sea surface tempertaure) for enrgy modelling
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Gujarat
      • energy -> 991.19 TWh/y
      • CO2 -> 792.9 billions tons/y
    • Tamil Nadu
      • energy -> 880.77 TWh/y
      • CO2 -> 704.62 billions tons/y
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • MEntioned in Intro
    • Land savings
  • CO2 emisisons reduciotn
    • offset method - estimated
    • Gujarat -> 792.9 billions tons/y
    • Tamil Nadu -> 704.62 billiobns tons/y
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
420MW Gujarat 25years 991.19TWh/y
420MW Tamil Nadu 25years 880.77 TWh/y

Floating solar panels: a sustainable solution to meet energy demands and combat climate change in offshore regions[104][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The escalation in energy demand due to the rising population highlights the need for the transition toward sustainable power generation alternatives. In this context, floating solar photovoltaic (FPV) systems emerge as an innovative and environmentally friendly alternative, offering the dual benefits of energy generation and conservation of terrestrial resources. Based on ERA5 datasets, an in-depth analysis of the potential and efficiency of FPV systems, specifically within the Indian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), is conducted in this study. Findings of this study evidence the substantial capacity of the Indian EEZ that could yield energy that is equivalent to 43 times of annual consumption by utilizing 10% of the EEZ region. A full-scale utilization of the EEZ for FPV systems could revolutionize the energy landscape, potentially generating 433 times the country's present annual energy requirements. A complete transition to such renewable energy sources within the EEZ is projected to result in an annual reduction of 595 billion metric tons in carbon emissions.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal:
      • theoretical potential of FPV in Indian EEZ region
  2. Methods
    • Software -> Python + MATLAB
    • PV power -> 2.8MW
    • energy calculated from temoperature model
    • CO2 emissions -> emisison factor offset
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Total power potential (10 - 100%)
      • 10% -> 8.5 TW
      • 100% -> 85TW
    • Energy -> 74,460 TWh/y - 744,600 TWh/y
    • Co2 reduciton -> 52 billion tons/y - 528 billiosn tons /y
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • water evap
    • algwe reeduction
  • Co2 emisisons reduciton
    • offset method
    • 52 - 528 billions tons/y
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
8.5TW 85TW India 74,460 TWh/y 744,600TWh/y

Techno-Economic Feasibility of the Use of Floating Solar PV Systems in Oil Platforms[105][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Offshore facilities have high energy demands commonly accomplished with local combustion-based power generators. With the increased commercialization of the marine renewable energy sector, there is still a need for research on floating photovoltaic installations on their performance and economic perspective. This paper investigates the techno-commercial feasibility of installing a battery-integrated floating solar photovoltaic (FPV) system for an offshore oil platform facility in Abu Dhabi. The performance analysis of two floating PV design schemes has been evaluated using the PVsyst design tool. The proposed system’s annual solar energy availability from the PVsyst 7.2.21 output was validated with MATLAB Simulink R2022b with a deviation of 1.85%. The optimized solution achieved the Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE) of 261 USD/MWh with a Discounted Payback Period of 9.5 years. Also, the designed system could reduce carbon emissions by 731 tons per year. Furthermore, it was recognized that the contribution of the marine sector to the construction of floating platforms influences the success of floating PV systems. Independently authorized floating PV system designs would guarantee insurability from the viewpoints of investors and end users.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal:
      • technical + economic viability of offshore FPV on oil rig platform
  2. Methods
    • Software -> PVSyst + MATLAB
    • PV
      • power 530 kW
      • Temperature model -> FPV empirical
      • 2 scenario -> different azimuth
  3. Results and Discussion
    • energy -> 895.95 MWh/y - 905.479 MWh/y
    • Lifetime -> 25 years
    • CO2 reduction -> 18,286 tons/25years (731 tons/y)
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • CO2 emissions reduciton
    • unspedcified method
    • 731 tons/y
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
530 kW Abu Dabi, UAE 25 years 895.95 MWh/y 905.479 MWh/y

Integration of Floating Photovoltaic Panels with an Italian Hydroelectric Power Plant[106][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The potential of applying a floating PV (FPV) system in an Italian context (namely, Cecita dam and Mucone hydroelectric power plants) is studied. The additional PV energy production, as well as the effect of non-evaporated water on the productivity of the hydropower plant, is analyzed by varying the basin surface coverage. The simulations highlight that the amount of additional hydroelectricity is quite small if compared to the non-FPV system, reaching about 3.56% for 25% basin surface coverage. However, the annual PV energy production is noticeable even at low coverage values. The expected gain in electricity production in the case of 25% basin surface coverage with the FPV plant rises to 391% of that of the actual hydropower plant. This gain becomes even larger if a vertical axis tracking system is installed and the increase is about 436%. The economic analysis confirms that the production costs (USD/kWh) of FPV systems are comparable to those of land-based PV (LBPV) plants, becoming smaller in the case that a tracking system is installed. In particular, the best solution is the one with 15% coverage of the lake. In this case, the levelized cost of electricity for the LBPVs is 0.030 USD/kWh and for the FVPs, with and without tracking, it is equal to 0.032 and 0.029 USD/kWh, respectively.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal:
      • assess FPV potential coupled with hydro
  2. Methods
    • evaporation reduction -> used linear regression method
    • Hudro power gain -> hydropower plant formula with escess water saved
    • FPV energy -> surface method using efficiency addd by water cooling
    • Location -> Lake Cecita
    • Coverage -> 5 - 25%
    • PV module
      • mono-cSi
      • 21.10%
      • 2.375 m²
  3. Results and Discussion
    • evaporation reduciton -> 1 mcm/y - 5.3 mcm/y
    • additional energy from saved water -> 2TWh/y - 10.2 TWh/y
    • FPV power -> 137.3 MW (652,223 m²) - 686.7 MW (3,261,118 m²)
    • energy
      • 223.022 - 1115.113 GWh/y (no tracking)
      • 248.401 - 1242.008 GWh/y (tracking)
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • land reduction
    • water savings
  • Water saving
    • linear regression method
    • 1mcm/y - 5.3 mcm/y
  • additional power from hydro
    • hydro equation
    • 2TWh/y - 10.2TWh/y
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
137.3MW 686.7MW mono-cSi Cecita, Italy 20 years 223.022 GWh/y 1242.008 GWh/y 21.10%

[Link Title][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Agrivoltaics[edit | edit source]

[Link Title][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

A Case Study of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicon var. Legend) Production and Water Productivity in Agrivoltaic Systems[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: MDPI; Publication: Sustainability; Year: 2021; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: Fixed tilt, south facing; Location: Corvallis, OR, USA; PV Power: 482kW; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • Water Productivity
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: N/A
    • Unit: kg/m3
    • Quantification Method: Calculated
    • Implication analyzed: Yes
    • Comments: N/A
  • Introduction
    • Solar installations are on the rise - 104% rise in 2018; this may cause land use conflict
    • Agrivoltaics can solve this problem - increase land procuctivity by 60-70% instead
    • Various studies suggested different impacts on agrivoltaics on solar radiation, crop yield, relative humidity, temperature, soil moisture, water consumption etc.
    • Goal: The implications of agrivoltaic system on tomato production and water productivity
  • Methods
    • Location: Corvallis, OR, USA
    • East-west oriented; South-oriented; Tilt: 18 degrees; 0.8m above ground from the lowest height and 2.2m from highest
    • Installed capacity: 482 kW
    • Three different configurations studied; tomatoes grown on 1) control plots, 2) in between rows of PVs and 3) underneath PVs
    • Two different irrigation regimes used - full (watering started when the soil water content (SWC) reached 75% of total available capcity) and deficit (watering started when the soil water contennt reached 40% of total available capacity)
    • Inter-row spacing: 3m
    • Soil mositure sensors, installed 0.15m below the ground, were used to control irrigation
    • Water productivity is the amount of water applied to the crops during a season
    • Dry biomass measurements of tomatoes were performed to compare the yields for different configurations
  • Results and Discussion
    • Distribution Uniformity: 09 treatments below 70% and 04 above 70%; variation due to defects in emitters and tubing
    • Uniformity Coefficient: between 70% and 99.5%
    • Microclimate changes - air temperature, soil temperature and relative humidity was different barring a few configurations; mean volumetric water content was different for all configurations
    • Evapotranspiration: higher in control area than row plot area
    • The two rows for each configuration also showed different results; northern row (named a) showed higher yield, water demand and water use productivity as compared to southern row (named b)
    • Total yield:
      • Control: fully irrigated a, b (47,160 kg/ha, 36,340 kg/ha), and deficit a, b (38,690 kg/ha, 36,440 kg/ha);
      • In-between-the-rows: fully irrigated a, b (29,000 kg/ha, 19,000 kg/ha) and deficit a, b (30,000 kg/ha, 20,000 kg/ha)
      • Underneath the panels: fully irrigated a, b (19,500 kg/ha, 12,000 kg/ha) and deficit a, b (26,000 kg/ha, 22,000 kg/ha)
    • Water Treatment
      • Control: full a and b, deficit a and b, (3.15 m3, 2.94 m3, 2.02 m3, and 1.82 m3)
      • In-between-the-rows: full a and b, deficit a and b, (1.50 m3, 1.40 m3, 0.59 m3, and 0.72 m3)
      • Underneath the panels: full a and b, deficit a and b, (1.55 m3, 1.28 m3, 0.65 m3, and 0.70 m3)
    • Water productivity
      • More in panel full and deficit, and row full and deficit compared to other configurations
      • Control: full a and b, deficit a and b, ( 22 kg/m3, 33 kg/m3, 35 kg/m3, and 39 kg/m3)
      • In-between-the-rows: full a and b, deficit a and b, (40 kg/m3, 25 kg/m3, 93.11 kg/m3, and 48 kg/m3)
      • Underneath the panels: full a and b, deficit a and b, ( 23 kg/m3, 18 kg/m3, 68.90 kg/m3, and 60.31kg/m3)
      • Shading leads to additional water productivity
  • Results and Discussion
    • Water scarce areas can benefit from agrivoltaics as water requirements diminish
    • Economic anlaysis needs to be carried out to ascertain viability
    • Water productivity may further improve if distribution is more uniform
    • Air temperature found highest in control and row configuraiton and lowest underneath the panels
    • Relative humidity found highest in the row followed by control and underneath the panels
    • Soil temperatuer decreased with increased shading
    • Crop yield was highest in control followed by row and then panel - reduced with increased shading
    • Water productivity highest in shading and deficit irrigation schemes

A Cost–Benefit Analysis for Utility-Scale Agrivoltaic Implementation in Italy[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: MDPI; Publication: Energies; Year: 2023; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Italy; PV Power: 1MW; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • Cost Benefit Anlaysis
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: N/A
    • Unit: N/A
    • Quantification Method: Calculated
    • Implication analyzed: N/A
    • Comments: N/A
  • Introduction
    • One major issue with solar PV - low power-density energy source; hence large area requirements
    • This causes land-use competition; apprehensions for agricultural use
    • Goal: Carry out a cost-benefit analsysis to ascertain if agrivoltaic (AV) plant will be beneficial over ground-mounted PV (GMPV) in Italy
  • Methods
    • Price-performance Ratio (ppr): Evaltes cost-effectiveness of the agrivoltaic's electricity production by comparing the benefits gained throughout its entire operational lifespan; considers the initial capital and ongoing operational expenses, as well as the revenue generated from agricultural activities
    • LCOE: Ratio of the cost for a PV plant and the electrical energy generated in its entir life span
    • Performance Benefit: Yearly revenue acquired from preserving the land through agrivoltaics installation for cropping activity w.r.t the yearly revenue generated from cropping activity compliant with GMPV
    • Net Present Value: Sum of present value of one-yearly cash flows
  • Results & Discussion
    • Occupied area for AV = 2.5 ha; power density for AV = 40 W/m2; Occupied area for GMP = 1.25 ha; power density for GMPV = 80 W/m2
    • Regions with crops Durum Wheat, Common Wheat, Corn, Sunflower, Soybean, and Potato considered
    • Agricultural revenue is not that much to make AV favorable in comparison to ground mounted PV unless incentivized apart from regions of potato where AV can be a possible option
    • Price-performance Ratio comes out to be greater than one for all cases except for potato which too in a few regions only
    • NPV result shows that only 6% of the crops will be profitable for AV w.r.t GMPV
    • AV does not seem advantageous dueto high initial costs unless incentives such as feed-in-tariffs are provided; although it will be helpful in addressing land-abandonment issues and departure from rural areas
    • For high-reveneue cropland such as potatoes, AV can have an economic advantage with value of ppr going below 1 - this is however is higly location dependent
    • AV can be targetted on agricultural land that are abandoned or where crops are grown manually requiring less equipment
  • Conclusion
    • Due to higher installation cost, AV is not economically advantageous when compared to GMPV
    • Financial incentives should be provided for AV diffusion
    • Targetted areas should include land which may be abandoned due to lower-reveneue crops cultivation
    • Only using a few percent of such abandoned lands in Italy will be more than enough to meet the PV targets of the country for the year 2030

A First Investigation of Agriculture Sector Perspectives on the Opportunities and Barriers for Agrivoltaics[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: MDPI; Publication: Agronomy; Year: 2020; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: ; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • Perception of the Technology
    • Quantified: N/A
    • Low or High: N/A
    • Unit: N/A
    • Quantification Method: N/A
    • Implication analyzed: N/A
    • Comments: N/A
  • Introduction
    • The increase in solar PV farms have resulted in issues for land-use competition - agriculture vs energy generation
    • Diffusion of agrivoltaics will be based on economics and enivronmental factors
    • Goal: Use diffusion of innovations theory to refine agrivoltaic technology so that it becomes socially accepted which will promote its diffusion - also, what are the potential opportunities and barriers
  • Methods
    • Interviews to ascertain the perception of agriculturists for the oppportunities and barriers of agrivoltaics
    • Emails floated to introduce agrivoltaics followed by online discussions (10 interviews with 11 people)
    • Excercise continued unless saturation in data was observed i.e., no new points were highlighted by the individuals
  • Results and Discusssion
    • Main challenge is the long term viability of the land i.e., its quality being affected due to agrivotlaics employment and land productivity
      • Land-use plan or long-term plan (especially between farmers and solar industry) would be helpful in ensuring land viability and addressing this concern
    • Market uncertainty, uncertainty in productivity and security of investment is the second concern
      • Flexibility and adaptation to changing market conditions can help address this challenge
    • Just compensation when engaging agrivoltaics project is also required
    • If the benefits of the technology are visible, the participants were found willing to adopt it - observability
    • Relative advantage of the technology was deemed worthwhile
    • An opportunity for the farmers was that the technology could be integrated with current practices of farming - integration and evolution of the technology must take care of that
    • Other barrires: Life cycle impact from solar infrastructure, solar installations disrupting farming operations and hindering agricultural production, uncertainties surrounding operational procedures and planning
    • Future work should focus on the changes in perception of the technology based on geography and occupations, increased education and outreach, practical demonstrations and experiments, market perceptions, policies
  • Conclusion
    • Benefits of agrivoltaics are largely acknowledged
    • Main barriers included long-term productivity of land, market potential, financial compensation and system flexibility for integration with farming operations
    • These apprehensions can be used as opportunities to improve the technology to ensure its wide-scale adoption

A sustainable development pattern integrating data centers and pasture-based agrivoltaic systems for ecologically fragile areas[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Resources, Conservation & Recycling; Year: 2022; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture (Hainan), Qinghai Province, China; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • Supplement Data Centers from electricity generated via AV
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: 1.362×10E7
    • Unit: kWh
    • Quantification Method: Calculated
    • Implication analyzed: Yes
    • Comments: The same amount of energy was translated to determine equivalent CO2 reduction
  • Reduction in GHGs
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: 10,965.4 tCO2e
    • Unit: tons of CO2 equivalent
    • Quantification Method: Calculated
    • Implication analyzed: N/A
    • Comments: N/A
  • C-stock
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: 139.66 tons
    • Unit: tons
    • Quantification Method: Calculated
    • Implication analyzed: Yes
    • Comments: number was translated to CO2 equivalent reduction
  • Introduction
    • Increased use of data centers in today's world seeks new avenues for electricity supply, especially from renewable sources
    • Goal: To provide a model incorporating large-scale PV plant to power DC industries in environmentally challenged locations, thus supporting the economy and benefitting the ecology
    • Pastureland in Gobi is selected for developing the model; wlectricity from which is used to supplement the energy reqiurement for DCs
  • Methods
    • Step 1: Develop a model incorporating large unused land where pasture is grown, large PV plants, and data centers and interlink them
    • Step 2: Cost benefit analysis is also performed to identify parameters to ensure a positive NPV
      • Improved carbon performance and cost implications from dedesertification are also ascertained in financial terms
    • Step 3: Based on step 2, identify locations in China suitable for the system and run analysis for the environmental and socioeconomic potential
    • Power consumption of the DC is calcuated based on energy requirements of servers which in turn is used to calculated the capacity and locations of PV systems as well as the coverage area
    • Environmental benefits are three-fold
      • GHG reduction due to reduced cooling requirement in cold areas
      • GHG reduction as PV-based electricity replaces fossil-fuel based electricity
      • C-stock by the pastureland
    • Revenue model included the benefits to environment in monetary terms for the agrivoltaic-DC coupling
    • Input/output model used to ascertain secondary benefits of AV-DC coupling
  • Results & Disussion
    • Electricity generated by PV: 1.362×10E7 kWh; Area coverage of PV panel: 38,418 m2; Using land-use factor of 0.45; total area of PV system: 85,374 m2
    • CO2 reduction due to electricity substitution from renewable source: 10,965.4 tCO2e per annum
    • PV panel coverage was used to calculate c-stock; 1-hm2 increment in PVs can enhance C stock by 35.94 tons; for this study 139.66 tons of c-stock was increased meaning 512 tonnes of CO2 equivalent can be alleviated through pasture/grass growth
    • Technical, environmental and economic parameters that made NPV 0 were identified - these parameters indicate what are the feasible conditions for AV-DC coupling
      • Environmental revenue from pasture: 83,231.2 yuan
      • Economics of DCs depend more on rent and server utilization than the cost
      • PAsture-based PV reduced the risks of PV due to additional benefits
      • Electricity pricing, solar potential and PV tech also impacted the economics of AV
    • Minimum electricity price=0.3719 yuan/kWh, this is lower than the average electricity price for industrial uses in the region
    • Economics for AV system were rn with different scenarios such as subsidies, land use cost etc.
    • Areas with solar irradiation of more than 6000 MJ/(m2y) are feasible for AV-DC coupling systems
      • 5 regions identified
    • The Data Centers in the 5 locations can save 398,676 MWh electricity; 10,036 tons of carbon stock (36,798 tCO2e) from grassland, 9.8 million yuan of desertification control cost and alleviate 797,028 tCO2e carbon emissions per annum
    • Based on the planned DCs in the near future, 600,000 MWh of electrical energy can be saved, more than 1140 hectares of Gobi can be transformed to pastureland, 150,262 tCO2e carbon stock can be increased that can be translated to 7.5 million yuan by selling the grassland carbon sink, more than 39 million yuan can be saved through desert management and 3252,935 tCO2e emissions can be reduced through electricity substitution
  • Conclusion
    • Development of data centers in cold climate with good solar potential is feasible to address its energy requirements and impact on GHG
    • The paper proposes copuling DC with AV installation on grassland and reviews its economical, environmental and climatic condition
    • Installation of such system in areas with good solar outlook and weak environmental conditions is proven to be beneficial - both economically and environmentally
      • The price of electricity generated through AV is still high - hence, policies required to improve it

A Validated Model, Scalability, and Plant Growth Results for an Agrivoltaic Greenhouse[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: MDPI; Publication: Sustainability; Year: 2022; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: Greenhouse PV; Location: ; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • Growing Kale during Winter Season
    • Quantified: No
    • Low or High:
      • Unit: Nil
    • Quantification Method:None
    • Implication analyzed: Yes
    • Comments:
  • Introduction
    • With increased amount of solar PV plant, there are apprehensions that farmers may start leasing the agricultural land to solar companies as it is a reliable source of income - agrivoltaics can avoid this
    • PV topologies for agrivotlaics can either be interspersed, greenhouse mounted or stilt mounted
    • The model does not consider CO2 concentration, however, considers transient heat conduction in the ground
    • Heat is trapped inside the greenhouse (referred to as test cell) due to convection and radiation
    • The inside temperatures remain above the ambient due to greenhouse effect allowing extended growing season with the requriement of external heating
  • Methods
    • Panels facing east and west; tilt: 35.5 degree
    • An 8-inch PC window on the top, placed between the two panels, allows sunlight in and helps plant grow
    • The other walls are sealed by plywood along with R-10 insulation
    • The test cell is also provided with concrete which adds thermal mass to the system
    • Pyranometers, temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and wind direction sensors were installed on the system
    • Plant tested: Kale
    • Total leaf area of the palnt from the test cell and control configuration was calculated using leaf length, width measurements
    • Plant dry mass was also calculated for a normal greenhouse, test cell and control configurations
  • Results
    • Validation
      • Thermal model - daily max temp differed by 1.9oC while daily min temp differed by 1.5oC
      • Moisture transport model - relative humidity did not provide good results
      • Shadowing model - excellent synergy except late in the day when the model over-predicted
    • Experimental
      • Daytime temperatures was greater than ambient most of the time while the opposite was true for night
      • Plant growth was slow in winter in the greenhouse but better in control - however, later the plants in the greenhouse caught up
    • Numerical
      • Increasing the north-south dimension of greenhouse increased heating during the day
      • Increasing the area of PC window increased daily maximum temperatures
      • Internal maximum temperatures reduces when a load is powered from the PV
      • Removing the concrete block reduced the max temp and increased min temp - might be helpful in maintaining the avg temp of the cell
    • The center area under the PV window was found to be the most suitable for Kale - areas close to east-west received low sunlight
    • In control configuration, the temperatures remained near the ideal temperature required for Kale more than the test cell; test cell has less below 0oC hours than control
    • Shadow Model
      • The transmitted solar radiation for stilt mounted systems - 1.67m apart - 82%; 0.71m apart - 65%; test cell - 5.2%
  • Discussion
    • Plants underneath the underneath the glazing grew well but not so much adjacent to it
    • Kale remained alive during the winter
    • Growing season of plants can be increased as the temperature in the greenhouse was found higher than the ambient
    • Further shade tolerant crops can be investigated
    • Heat transport model can be improved to provide good results for relative humidity
  • Conclusion
    • Light levels can be increased in the greenhouse by widening the glazing area
    • 36% reduction in time spent below 0oC inside greenhouses when compared with outdoor conditions
    • Using electrical energy from PV will help keep the inside temperature of greenhouse to optimum - 20oC for Kale
    • Stilt mounted system allow more sunlight to pass but cannot enhance growing period

Advancement in Agriculture Approaches with Agrivoltaics Natural Cooling in Large Scale Solar PV Farms[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: MDPI; Publication: Agriculture; Year: 2023; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia; PV Power: 2MWp; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • Increased Efficiency of Solar Cells
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: 3%
      • Unit: Percentage/kWh
    • Quantification Method: Calculated
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments:
  • Introduction
    • Large scale conventional solar farms can cause localized heating - heat island effect
    • Solar panels degrade with increased heating; also reduces lifetime - several studies performed to achieve cooling of solar PVs which can enhance their efficiency
      • Active or Passive cooling systems
    • Cooling system have a cost attributed to them which is a concern - agrivoltaics could be the solution though
    • Previous studies have shown that the temperatures of panels reduce in an agrivoltaic system
    • Goal: Ascertain impact of agrivoltaic on DC energy
  • Methodology
    • Location: Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia; Capacity: 2MWp; Area: 5 acres; No. of modules: 8064; Crop: Misai Kucing
    • Statistical approaches (ANOVA tests) used for the analysis
  • Results
    • Ambient temp in the middle of conventional solar farm and agrivoltaic is the same
    • Wind profile for both the locations is the same
    • Relative humidity for agrivoltaic setting is 5% higher
    • On average, 2.28% energy increase observed for agrivolaic plots; highest being 3.73%
  • Conclusion
    • Energy increase of 3% on average was recorded due to agrivoltaic cooling effect

Agrivoltaic System and Modelling Simulation: A Case Study of Soybean (Glycine max L.) in Italy[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: MDPI; Publication: Horticulture; Year: 2022; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: Full-sun tracking; Location: Monticelli d’Ongina, Italy; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • Growing soybeans underneath the panels
    • Quantified:
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Introduction
    • With increased renewable energy share, issues related to land requirement may occur
    • Especially agricultural land may be targetted which adversely impacts food production - AV is the answer
    • Goal: To study the plant characteristics for soybean when grown under different shading intensities and also use field measurements to validate a crop model
  • Methodology
    • Four different shading treatments compared with full-sun conditions AV1 27%, AV2 16%, AV3 9% and AV4 18%
    • Crop height, chlorophyll content, Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Specific Leaf Area (SLA) as well as crop yield were the parameters that were to be measured
    • Simulations were performed using crop growth model GERCOS and other alogorithms to validate it from field measurements
  • Results & Discussion
    • Plant height was 98.25cm which is higher than full sun condition plants i.e., 87.8cm
    • No large differences observed in chlorophyll content of either treatments
    • LAI under shade was slightly higher in a few instances - largely the same
    • Average reduction in pod number due to shading was approximately 13%, while grain yield reduction was 8%, 4.6%, 11.8% for AV1, AV3 and AV4 while AV2 observed slight increase 4.4%
    • Crop yield ascertained from simulations underestimated the experimental values - but it can offer satisfactory predictions (error was between 7% and 16.5%)
    • The experiment showed that the soybean is impacted by shading; but is shade tolerant
    • The reduction in grain yield was less than the standard in Germany - 66% reference yield is necessary
    • The reduction in grain yield was also less than that reported in previousl literatures
    • Thus it is necessary to run multiple long term studies
  • Conclusion
    • Soybean crop adapts itself to shading conditions by changing the morpohological and physiological traits
    • Height of the crop, leaf area index and specific leaf area were all found to increase under AV system
    • Grain yield of soybean was slightly reduced (8%) on average under AV
    • Crop model simulated the crop yield satisfactorily with some error, however, it underestimates the yields with increased shading

Agrivoltaic system impacts on microclimate and yield of different crops within an organic crop rotation in a temperate climate[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Springer; Publication: Agronomy for Sustainable Development; Year: 2021; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: near Lake Constance - Upper Swabia, Germany; PV Power: 194 kWp; Energy: 246MWh/year; Efficiency:
  • Growing celeriac, winter wheat, grass clover and potatoes underneath the panels
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: Calculated
    • Implication analyzed: Yes
    • Comments:
  • Introduction
    • Most studies on agrivoltaics based on simulations and modelling; shading performed using netting which do not perfectly replicate AV conditions
    • 3.2m row spacing resulted in 30% reduction of sunlight
    • Previous studies showed 20% decrease in rice yield due to 20% shading, increased maize grain in non-irrigated conditions but decreased when irrigated
    • Goal: To ascertain the implication of micro environment on crops (celeriac, winter wheat, grass clover and potatoes) for an agrivoltaic setup
  • Methodology
    • Location: Lake Constance-Upper Swabia; Area: 0.3 ha; power: 194 kWp; south-west oriented bifacial solar panels; tilt: 20o; row distance: 6.3m; clearance height: 5m
    • Crops selected for study: celeriac, winter wheat, grass clover and potatoes
    • Air humidity and temperature, soil moisture and temperature as well as PAR were measured
  • Results
    • PAR was found 30% less in both the years for AV system
    • Soil moisture was signifiantly decreased under AV - surprising
    • Mean daily soil temperature was 1.2oC lower under AV in 2017 and 1.4oC in 2018
    • Daily mean air temperature 1.1oC lower under AV for both years
    • Air humidity higher under AV
    • Canopy height/LAI of winter wheat/potato/grass clover found higher
    • Grain yield of winter wheat 18.7% lower in 2017 and 2.7% higher in 2018 (hot conditions)
    • Potato tuber yields 18.2% lower in 2017, 11% higher in 2018 (hot conditions) - however almost similar to national average
    • Grass clover yields 5.3% lower in 2017, 7.8% lower in 2018
    • 2 year average - grass clover 6.5% decrease; potato 7.2% and winter wheat 8%
    • 246MWh of energy produced by AV in first cropping year
  • Conclusion
  • Microclimate have impact on crops
  • Plant height/LAI of all crops increased under AV - dry matter production did not see an increase though
  • Crop yield decreased under AV but it is beneficial in hot and dry weather - most beneficial weather for AV

Agrivoltaic systems have the potential to meet energy demands of electric vehicles in rural Oregon, US[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Nature; Publication: Scientific reports; Year: 2022; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Oregon, US; PV Power: 194 kWp; Energy: 246MWh/year; Efficiency:
  • Meeting demands of Electric Vehicles (EVs)
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: 673,915
      • Unit: Number
    • Quantification Method: Calculated
    • Implication analyzed: Yes
    • Comments:
  • Reduction in CO2 emission
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: 3.1 mil MTCO2
      • Unit: mil MTCO2
    • Quantification Method: Calculated
    • Implication analyzed: Yes
    • Comments:
  • 25% global CO2 emission due to fossil fuels come from transport sector
  • EVs are potential sustainable substitutes - market share for EVs is however still low
  • Major concern with EV adoption is range anxiety - agrivoltaics is possible solution
  • Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (EVCSs) infrastructure can be improved with AV without any land use issues
  • Results
    • Land suitable for AV is identified i.e., farmland within 5 miles highway access points
    • 231 access points out of the total 270 had sufficient area for AV that can serve as EVCSs
    • The total area required is 5 kha
    • 95% of the 231 access points have a distance of less than 27km in between them - mean distance 8.9 km
    • Preferred mean distance are 4.1 km for people living in metropolis and 10.6 km for people living in towns
    • 3.1` mil MTCO2 reduction is possible in Oregon through this approach
  • Conclusion and Discussion
    • Supplementing EV charging through AV supported EVCS is feasible - needs only 3% of the land for 86% of highways access points
    • With more EVCSs, the issue range anxiety might get addressed translating into more people moving towards EVs
    • Reduction in CO2 emissions will be possible as well
  • Methods
    • Evaluation of qty of land available to meet rural AVS supplemeted EVCS station (supply), amount of land required to meet the AVs-driven EVCS demand (demand), highway access points where energy required EVCS can be addressed through AV and finally the total power produced
    • Supply criteria: within 8 km of access pts, designated farmland etc.
    • Demand: Conservative analysis considering winter solar radiations; determined using 20-year average daily traffic, average EV eff and avg. AV eff.
    • Comparison of supply area vs demand area performed to see if the access is valid or invalid to be employed with AV

Agrivoltaic systems to optimise land use for electric energy production[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Applied Energy; Year: 2018; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: Stilt mounted two axis solar tracking; Location: North Italy, Emila Romagna Region, PC; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • Reduced soil temperatrue, evapotranspiration and water balance
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: 1 degree, 442mm, -10.3mm
      • Unit: degrees and mm
    • Quantification Method: Calculated
    • Implication analyzed: Yes
    • Comments:
  • Higher dry mass
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: From graph
      • Unit: g/m2
    • Quantification Method: Calculated
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments:
  • LER
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: Different values for 4 scenarios
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: Calculated
    • Implication analyzed: Yes
    • Comments:
  • Introduction
    • Solar PV is rapidly increasing - but land use is an issue; agrivoltaics can address the concern
    • Combination of food production and PVs is normally seen in greenhouses; not much open-field applications
    • Advantages of AV include protection of crops from excessive heat, soil temperature mitigation, carbon-free electricity
    • Goal: 1) Simulate production of maize under different types of AVs; 2) Compare energy and yield for different types of AVs
  • Methodology
    • Stilt mounted solar tracking system - two axis
    • Crop growth simulator GERCOS used in combination with a radiation and shading model
      • Software developed by coupling them on Scilab
    • Portion of soil receiving sunlight or shade with panels above is developed
    • PV area was to used to calculate electricity generated over the total area of the study - 0.14 effi considered to convert solar power incident on PVs to electricity
    • LER used toa ascertain productivity of land
    • GERCOS predicts biomass of plant based on weather data, radiation intensity, soil water and nitrogen content
      • Photosynthesis and transpiration are the main features
      • Both sun/shade model
  • Results and Discussion
    • Solar radiation reduction - more impact of panel density than tracking
    • 1 degree reduced soil temperature, evapotranspiration lower 442 mm vs 477mm, water balance better -10.3mm vs -46mm
    • Crop yield
      • Fixed panel beneficial compared to tracking
      • Panel area influence crop yield only in case of tracking
      • Average dry mass for the four agrivoltaic scenario higher than full light
    • Reduced radiation and corp yield
      • Full irrigation
        • Higher yield with higher solar radiaiton for full light conditions
      • Rainfed conditions
        • In rainfed conditions; dry year; better yield under agrivoltaics
        • In rainfed conditions; not dry year - rainfall satisfied corp req.; better yield under full sun condition and yield reduced for agrivoltaic as radiation reduced
    • Land equivalent ratio - above 1 for agrivoltaic systems; higher for solar tracking panels
    • Simulations were performed for five scenarios - ST1 (0.135 panel area to lan ratio), ST2 (0.36); F1, F2; FL
    • Standard PV considered same as ST2
    • Radiation reduced in the range between 12 to 32% - may be due to increased height of panels (4.85m in te study) and panel density
    • Mean evaporation saving 46mm due to AV
    • Transpiration is higher under AV than FL - probably due to higher availability of water
    • Shading provided a positive influence under high radiation levels for rainfed conditions
    • Under rainfed conditions, AV yield higher; also more stable yield under AV each year - yield stability
    • When water is scarce, AV is advantageous
    • AV improves land productivity - consequence analyzed
  • Conclusion
  • Simulation-based study anlaysing different types of agrivoltaic systems (based on tracking and panel density) with maize crop and comparing with control system
  • Average grain yield higher under agrivoltaic in water stress conditions and rainfed conditions; lower when water is sufficiently available
  • Economic and environmental analysis needs to be performed for different AVs
  • Land equivalent ratio (LER) suggests agrivoltaics improves land productivity

Agrivoltaics Align with Green New Deal Goals While Supporting Investment in the US’ Rural Economy[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: MDPI; Publication: Sustainability; Year: 2021; Lifetime: 25 years; PV Technology: ; PV Power: 457.1 GW; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • Meeting electricity needs through agrivoltaics
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High:457.1
      • Unit: GWh
    • Quantification Method:Calculation
    • Implication analyzed:Yes
    • Comments:
  • Reducing CO2
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: 330,470
      • Unit: metric tonnes of CO2
    • Quantification Method: Calculation
    • Implication analyzed:Yes (71,000 cars removal)
    • Comments:
  • Job creation
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: 2.34 million
      • Unit: person-years
    • Quantification Method: Calculation
    • Implication analyzed:Yes (117,000 people employed for 20 years)
    • Comments:
  • More food, more energy, lower water demand, lower carbon emissions and more prosperous rural community
    • Quantified: No/Qualified
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments:
  • Introduction
    • AV align well with The Green New Deal resolution (GND) - GND set objectives to keep temperatures below 1.5 and create jobs in US
    • Land occupation issues associated with solar farms - especially farmland conversion
    • Goal: Cost of widescale AV adoption in US (Upper bound estimate)
  • Methodology
    • Array cost
      • 20% of 2019 electricity generated in US to come from AV
      • Panel life: 25 years, degradation: 0.5%, installation period: 10 years
      • $2/W for AV installation; $19/kWh/yr O&M cost; $1.25/W traditional PV cost
      • Using mathematical equation, total cost is determined
    • Required Land
      • Avg. total area required for PV installation as per NREL was doubled - more spacing in AV
    • Emissions Reduction
      • Difference between CO2 produced from grid and emissions from large scale PV as per Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
    • Job Creation
      • Based on employment factors developed from Renewable Energy Focused Input-Output model
      • Calculations only related to PV - no employment for agriculture considered
    • Lithium Ion Storage cost
      • NREL provides cost of 60 MW batteries for different time periods
      • Using no. of batteries and the costs, total battery cost is ascertained
      • Assuming inverters and batteries are replaced in 10 years
  • Results
    • Total cost for 20% of US elec generation (451.7GW) - 1.12 trillion USD; total revenue 2.04 trillion USD; Payback period 17 years; difference between AV and PV for 35 years period 338.8 billion USD
    • Land required: 34000 km2
    • CO2 emission reduction: 330,470 metric tonnes CO2
    • Job Creation: 2.34 million person-years - does not include addtional employment in agriculture
  • Discussion
    • Funding for AV may take other forms - not entirely from government
    • Water demand may be reduced due to AV
    • More land and cost will be required for AV when compared to PV - but AV has better land use efficiency
    • AV supports Just Transition of economy - low-carbon and climate resilient future
    • 11 million acres of farmland transitioned to other uses in US - AV will protect farmland
    • Electricity use for agricultural operation may also use clean energy from AV, further reducing CO2

Agrivoltaics analysis in a techno-economic framework: Understanding why agrivoltaics on rice will always be profitable[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Applied Energy; Year: 2022; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: Bifacial PV modules; Location: An Giang(Vietnam), Dhaka (Bangladesh), Jiangsu (China), Damietta (Egypt), Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil), and Haryana (India).; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • Rice production
    • Quantified:
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Introduction
    • PV is more prevalent due to cheaper costs now - bifacial is the future
    • Food requirements to increase - will cause land-use conflict; hence, agrivoltaics
    • Previous studies performed anlayzed vegetable and microclimate; very limited on major crops which generally showed reduced yield; economic gains for AV
    • Gaps in previous literature: No extensive work on major crops; LER may not be a viable parameter to see the AVs feasibility
    • Goal: Investigation of rice-based AV and its financial feasibility
    • Location specific AV modelling framework developed
    • Sunlight incident on panels and land is ascertained for different PV panel configuraiton (mono/bi,tilt, orientation etc.)
    • Agricultural Production System Simulator (APSIM) used to determine rice production; irradiance and electrical model used for electricity output (tilted N/S, vertical E/W, hor. E/W)
    • Parametric analysis to ascertain optimal row spacing for desired rice production
    • Economic anlaysis performed - PV density depends on rice production
    • Hor E-W is the best for all locations; net profit higher for PV; no optimum array pitch for AV; PV-only always have more profits
    • Hence, minimum yield requirements should be set
  • Numerical Model
    • Considers irradiance model, light on panel and the ground, panel eff. and elec. output model and rice yield model - combine together for AV model
    • Economic model determines revenue for each location - can be used for system optimization
  • Conventional Farm Output
    • Energy production from N-S optimized PV ascertained on a monthly basid
    • Rice productioon ascertained in open conditions for all location using APSIM
  • AV Farm Analysis
    • Power Output of AV vs PV
      • N/S tilted highest; ver close to hor E/W
      • Lower pitches - ver. E/W performanceaffected due to shading
    • Crop Output for AV
      • Most location - 4m row pitch gives 90% yield
      • Optimized N-S gives worst results
      • Vertical E-W gives advantage for ease of agricultural operation
    • Crop production
      • N-S conf: crop yield significantly reduces
      • h E-W: more crops in the middle
      • v E-W: more crops directly underneath
  • AV Farm Output
    • LER
      • Cases in the study found with LER>1
      • AV optimization based on LER is not appropriate
    • Economic Output
      • FIT dictates economics; energy production and revenue follow similar trend
      • h E-W and N-S better revenure; v E-W low due to lower energy yield even though higher crop productivity
      • Low pitch results in higher revenure , not true for v E-W though
      • Policies imp as they impact pricing; also min crop yields should be set
      • Optimal pitch depends on AV conf. and region
      • With 80 or 90% crop yield, h E-W gives most benefit; v E-W least
      • With 90% production, profits with AV 22-115 times that of farming
      • Although bifacial installation cost higher, they are advantageous over monos
    • Sensitivity Analysis
      • h E-W considered only - more economically viable
      • AV likely to be beneficial with changing economic factors
  • Summary and Conclusions
    • Using AV in areas of high solar radiation more beneficial
    • Energy output of h E-W and N-S similar, lowest for E-W vert. but it has highest rice yield
    • Financial weight of rice and electricity is different - LER does not take into account it - hence, may be an inappropriate parameter
    • AV 22 to 115 times more profitable than rice farming only
    • Using bifacial modules - 18 to 35% more profit for AV vs monos
    • Eco. output largely dependent on energy than rice production; therefore, policy guidelines important to ensure min rice productivity

Agrivoltaics and weather risk: A diversification strategy for landowners[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Applied Energy; Year: 2021; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: North Carolina and Oregon, US; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:
    • Quantified:
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Introduction
    • Solar energy is the fastest growing renewable energy technology
    • Issues related to land use competition arise
    • Revenue stream of solar if more stable when compared to farms
    • Goal: To determine if AV can stabilize revenue stream for farm especially considering weather
    • AV can improve soil moisture; reduced evaporation; less risks of drought
    • Crops: Alfafa, Soybeans and Strawberries
  • Methodology
    • Location: North Carolina and Oregon; Area: 218 acres; PV capacity: 50 MW
    • Weather conditions are determined stochastically - used as input to solar electricity generation model and crop yield model
    • Solar power generation is simulated using a thermodynamic model - degradation considered 0.7%
    • For AV on soybeans and alfalfa, 25% less land is considered available for panel installation to ensure farm operation
    • A generalized statistical crop model used for yield prediction - can be applied for any location and crop
    • Strawberries - 33% yield reduction; alfalfa and soybeans: 50% less acreage available for plantation
  • Results and Discussion
    • Profitability
      • High value crops like strawberries better but volatile
      • For AV with PPA, electricity revenues more stable and crop revenues cause changes in profitability
      • For solar only, low installation cost and high prices make it favorable
    • Scenario Comparison
      • AV increase net revenue when compared to farm only condition
      • Soybeans and Alfalfa : Narrow net revenue distribution when compared to solar only due to low prices and yield; Alfalfa NPV higher than strawberries
      • Strawberries: AV improve net revenues and reduces variability - mitigates risk; better NPV for AV than in farm only or solar only sondition
      • AV may be financially feasible for solar developers as well if they want to add a crop to increase revenue
      • Panel degraation have negative impact on net revenue when solar PV added to a farm
    • Financial Risk
      • AV increase profitability as well as risk mitigation by improving lowest 5th percentile of net revenue
      • For highly profitable byt volatile crop, AV stabilizes net revenue; for solar developer AV provide risk managemetnt by reducing volatility of net revenues and landuse competition
    • Risk Management of AV vs Federal Crop Insurance
      • With AV, impact of crop insurance is neglegible as solar addition increases revenue and no premium is to be paid yearly
    • Sensitivity analysis performed for different crops
    • There are crop and location combinations for which the advatamges of AV not only boost expected revenues and stabilizes net revenues for farmers
    • Decreasing PPA prices reduce virability of solar projects - AV can help solar developers as they can plant low maintenance crop to supplement financial benefits
    • AV also reduces financial risk for most scenarios (Crops and locations)
    • Incentivizing AV instead of subsidizing crop insurance increases revenue - may act as a substitute for insurance
    • Other benefits: Pollinator habitat can be planted which improves biodiversity; powering carbon-free farms and reducing emissions; less water requirement; protecting wildlife habitat
  • Conclusion
    • AV may increase net revenue by up tp 5000%
    • AV improves risk management such as substitute to crop insurance; increase 5th percentile net revenues of 48-53%; land-use competition; reduced fossil fuel use

Agrivoltaics provide mutual benefits across the food–energy–water nexus in drylands[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Nature; Publication: Sustainability; Year: 2019; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Tucson , Arizona, USA; PV Power: 200kW; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • More crop yield
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: 3 times more chiltepin pepper, 2 time for tomato and same for jalapeno
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: Calculation
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments:
  • Water use efficiency
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: 157% in jalapeno, 65% inn tomato
        • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: Calculation
    • Implication analyzed: Yes
    • Comments:
  • Water conservation
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: 15% imore soil moisture when irrigated after every 2d; 5% when daily
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: Calculation
    • Implication analyzed: Yes
    • Comments:
  • HTC, extended growing season
    • Quantified: Qualified
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Higher electricity
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: 377MWh vs 373 MWH per annum
      • Unit: MWh/yr
    • Quantification Method: Calculation
    • Implication analyzed: Yes
    • Comments:
  • Introduction
    • An approach needed to address the issues related to food, water and energy
    • Climate changes is affecting agricultural land use as farmers seek other use of land instead of farming
    • Water scarcity is a major issue agricultural sector is facing
    • Hydro and thermal power plants also affected by climate change - PV and wind might be the solution
    • PV adoption is on the rise in US
    • As temperature negatively affects PV performance, agricultural land underneath can improve it
    • Agrivoltaics can improve food - water - energy nexus
    • Goal: Hypothesis: Increased water efficiency, improved food production and PV efficiency due to agrivoltaics
    • Crops: chiltepin pepper, jalapeno and cherry tomato
    • PV array height from lowest end: 3.3m ; tilt: 32 degrees; parameters measured: light, air temp, relative humidity (RH), soil temp and moisture; two configurations - one with daily irrigation and one with irrigation every 2 days
  • Results
    • 1.2+0.3oC lower temperatures in day, 0.5+04oC higher temp in night
    • Vapor pressure deficit lower in AV - 0.52+0.15kPa lower
    • Impact of food production
      • Higher (3 times) more production of chiltepin pepper, almost similar for jalapeno, twice for tomato
    • Potential impacts for water savings
      • 15% imore soil moisture when irrigated after every 2d; 5% when daily
      • For 2d irrigation schedule, soil moisture remained above the driest point for 1d irrigation schedule in open conditions
    • Potential impacts for energy generation
      • PVs 8.9+0.2oC cooler in the day
      • 3% increase in elec. from May-Jul; 1% increase yearly
  • Discussion
    • The idea that land can either be used for farms or for energy generation should be abandoned; instead it can have positive influence
    • Plants received less light in AV but reduced soil moisture; also improved panel efficiency
    • Tests should be perfomed with more crops and Pv design
    • No studies performed for issues associated with AV for farm labour; human thermal comfort (HTC) assessment can done - may be better
    • Microclimate under AV could extend growing season
    • AV may provide reduced vulnerability to climate change for food and energy
    • The technology has its challenges - more cost and farming operation/machinery adaptation
  • Methods
    • Location: Tucson , Arizona, USA; PV array height from lowest end: 3.3m; tilt: 32 degrees; Area for control and AV conf: 9.1m2 x 18.2m2
    • Equal amounts of irrigation water ensured - drip iirrigation
    • 42 replicates of the three specie plants cultivated
    • 200 kW plant simulated; 377 MWh energy under AB for a year; 373 MWh for PV

Agrivoltaics: The Environmental Impacts of Combining Food Crop Cultivation and Solar Energy Generation[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: MDPI; Publication: Agronomy; Year: 2023; Lifetime: 25 years; PV Technology: ; Location: APV RESOLA Project, near Lake Constance, Germany; PV Power: ; Energy: 713.4MWh/ha-yr; Efficiency:
  • Reduction in CO2
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: 572.94 t CO2-eq.
      • Unit:t CO2-eq.
    • Quantification Method: Consequential Life Cycle Analysis
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Reduction in fresh water eutrophication
    • Quantified:
    • Low or High: 524.22 kg P eq. per ha
      • Unit: kg P eq. per ha
    • Quantification Method: Consequential Life Cycle Analysis
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Reduction in Fossils
    • Quantified:
    • Low or High: 6745GJ
      • Unit: GJ
    • Quantification Method: Consequential Life Cycle Analysis
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Introduction
    • Fossil fuels dominate global electricity generation; renewables share need to increase
    • That causes issue of land use - especially as food requirements also augment; hence, agrivoltaics (AV)
    • Two main types of AVs; closed and open system
      • Closed can be further divided as inter-space or overhead (2-7m)
    • In addition to reduced light, less amount of area is available for cropping (2% to 8%)
    • Goal: A CLCA to be performed to anlayse the environmental implications of shifting from single-use agriculture to AV
  • Materials & Methods
    • Evaluation of environmental impact of changing 1 ha single-use agriculture to overhead AV
    • Crops: winter wheat, celery, potatoes and grass–clover mixture
    • Crop yield reduces as the area of cultivation reduces due to AV structure installation
    • Functional units considered: amount of crop and generation of electrical enerygy
    • ISO standards 14040 and 14044 used and applied
    • 16 impact categories assessed - results presented as a single
    • Impact categories contirbuting 80% to the total score - most important
    • openLCA 1.10.3 used for analysis
    • Major environmental impacts of AV installation included in the study including variation in crop yield
    • 0.15 ha more area will be required for AV to produce reference crop yield
    • Hypothesis: More land becomes available as the combination of farming and electricity will improve land poductivity
    • Crop yield considered for AV are lower than reference - shaiding and area losses; the amount of crop yield must be compensated from elsewhere
    • Material required frorthe mounting structure is used for the anlaysis
    • 713.4MWh/ha-yr electrical output
  • Results
    • Considerable environmental benefits when 1 ha of land is transformed AV - climate change, freshwater eutrophication and fossil resource use most benefitted
    • Resource use (minerals and metals) show negative impact due to resources required for PV manufacturing and installation
    • 572.94 t CO2-eq. can be reduced (climate change impact category) due to electricity substitution based on fossil fuel
    • 524.22 kg P eq. per ha reduction in fresh water eutrophication due to electricity substitution based on fossil fuel
    • Electricity subsititution reduces 6745GJ of fossils resource use
    • Minerals and metal resource use increases 3.118 kg Sb eq.
  • Discussion
    • Environmental Performance
      • 15 out of 16 impact categories showed beneficial consequences of AV
      • Positive impact of dual land use outperform the negatives of additional land required for same crop yield
        • Land no longer required for electricity production can be used as additional land for crops
      • Important to maintain how much agricultural yield reduction is allowed under AV; which crops could benefit
      • One study indicated similar environmental performance of AV to PV plant but better than biogas plant - only wind has better perofrmance
      • Impact on biodiversity or soil quality not assessed in this study
  • Conclusion
    • Environmental impact of converting agricultural land on AV is positive - 15 our 16 impacts showed benefits
    • Loss of farmland needs to be minimized and crop yield maintained to ensure enhanced renewable energy generation without compromising food production - shade tolertant crops can be used
    • Legislation ensuring minimum food productivity shall be set in place to ensure no misuse

An carbon neutrality industrial chain of “desert-photovoltaic power generationecological agriculture”: Practice from the Ulan Buh Desert, Dengkou, Inner Mongolia[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Sciencedirect; Publication: China Geology; Year: 2022; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: mono and polycrystalline; Location: Ulan Boh Desert, Dengkou County, Inner Mongolia, China; PV Power: 50 MW (30 mono; 20 poly); Energy: 72.2591×106 kWh per annum; Efficiency: .
  • Sand Control
    • Quantified: Qualified
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:.
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Vegetation Growth
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: 75% increase
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: Calculation
    • Implication analyzed: Yes; economic benefits, PV benefit, greenery, dedesertification
    • Comments:
  • Ease of water transportation over long distances, big agricultural sites and animal husbandries
    • Quantified: Qualitative
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Dederstification/increased forest cover
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: From 0.04 to 20.2% forestry increase
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: Calculation
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Biodiversity
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: More than 200 types of birds available in the region
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: Calculation
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Emission Reduction
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: 25.37×103 t of coal and reducing 93023 t CO2 emissions every year
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: Calculation
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Eco-tourism
    • Quantified: Qualified
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Major achievements
    • PV power generation and saving coal
    • Development of desert - land expansion
    • Utilizing water passing by the desert
    • Improvement of environment and elimination of poverty
  • Location: Ulan Boh Desert, Dengkou County, Inner Mongolia, China
  • Good solar resource and water body (Yellow River) nearby - PV power and agricultural potential
  • Goal: Using PV control desertification and water efficient agriculture to provide economic and ecological benefits
  • Sand control observed from 2nd year after installation - PVs restrict sand dunes movement
  • Alfalfa and Artemisia found suitable for growth under AV
  • Plantation increased from 5% before PV installation to 80% after AV
  • Benefits of long distance water transportation due to electricity availability and setting up farms and animal husbandries
  • 330 greenhouses setup - high quality Cucumis melo L. were produced
  • Fertilizer processing plant and organic pasture sites also built
  • Grape, Cistanche deserticola, a Chinese medicinal plant, and rice were successfully harvested
  • Dedesertification - increased forestry from 0.04% to 20.2%; more than 200 bird species availiable
  • 25.37×103 t of coal and reducing 93023 t CO2 emissions every year
  • 130 sand control sites, 23 businessess engaged in Cistanche, 19 in grapes, 72 in agriculture and anima husbandry, 7 in desert ecotourism, 6 PV plants and 3 professional seedling at the site
  • Site transformed into industrial chain

Balancing crop production and energy harvesting in organic solar-powered greenhouses[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Cell Press; Publication: Cell Reports Physical Science; Year: 2021; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: Organic Solar Cells; Location: Sacramento, California, US; PV Power: ; Energy: discuss with Koami; Efficiency: .
  • Growing red lettuce (crop)
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: similar yield as compared to control greenhouse
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: Calculation
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Reducing energy demand of greenhouse
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: 67
      • Unit: percent reduction in heating demand when compared to non OSC shading; also reduced heating load
    • Quantification Method: Calculation
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Introduction
    • Greenhouses improve crop productivity, water requirement and pesticide use compared to conventional farming
    • Thermal management of a greenhouse required sometimes which increases electrical load
    • Integrating PVs/solar cells can meet this demand and result in energy savings
    • Semitransparent organic solar cells (ST-OSCs) of particular interest as they provide flexible spectral management suitable for plant growth - also highly efficient >18%
    • Crop yield needs to be maintained for ensuring the OSC's integration viable
    • Evaluation of red lettuce for three different OSC filters under controlled environment
    • Lettuce grown under different regimes was very much similar im terms of fresh weight
    • Impact of reduced light intensity on lettuce yield minimal - increased leaf area and number observed
    • Chlorophyll content for the plants also similar
    • Hence, plants can be grown under ST-OSCs
    • Future design aspects for OSCs also studied incuding using distributed bragg reflectors (DBRs) to manage light and power distribution as well as using an active layer that improves chlorophyll absorption
    • DBRs 5-6% improved power conversion efficiency
    • DBRs also manage NIR and can be advantageous in hot weather
    • Using low emissivity DBR coatings to manage low-wavelength IR (LWIR) can reduce heating load in cold weather
  • Results and Discussion
    • Plant Growth Experiments
      • Lettuce grown inside growth boxes covered with reflective surfaces at the side and top by OSC within growth chamber using artificial lights to imitate sunlight
      • Average transmittance of PAR from OSC filters: 29%, 31% and 38%
      • Experiments for lettuce growth peformed twice at 800 and once 1000 micromol/m2-s PPFD values - three replicates each with three different filters
    • Crop Growth and Physiology
      • Comparable lettuce yield (fresh and dry weights) for greenhouse and contorl produces
      • Difference in production between three replicates
      • Higher photosynthesis rate in control than in OSC filters
    • Underlying drivers for plant development
      • With reduced photosynthesis rate, increased leaf area compensates for it, provides similar yield in shaded environment
      • Lettuce adapted to change light conditions because of OSCs to ensure similar yield
      • Spectral differences between OSCs were insignificant - no major differences in corp development
      • Crop contined more nutritionally favorable parameters under control but it can be improved with higher light intensities; also, there are strategies to tackle it
    • OSC design outlook
      • Different plants have different spectral requirements
      • Active layers used in OSCAs can be tailored with to manage PAR spectral needs of plants
      • Latest materials used in manufacturing of OSCs may also help
      • DBRs can be used to optimze light in visible and NIR regions
        • Experiments showed 5-6% increase in short circuit current
        • Thermal management of greenhouse can be performed by optimizing IR and NIR
        • DBR for summers improved the temperature management significantly; not much in winters instead they may lead to greater heating demand
        • Adding NIR-relective DBR coating improved power generation by 10%
        • Using DBR coatings depend on location, types of crop and the requirements of greenhouse
      • LWIR is managed through low emissivity thin metal or metal oxide films
      • OSC provide inherent LWIR managment; reduce heating demand for winters (67%)
      • OSC integration into greenhouses can benefit in several ways; power generation, lowering energy demands
      • There may be a tradeoff for power generation, crop productivity and thermal load - detailed evaluation required
    • Red lettuce seems suitable for cultivation under OSC-shaded greenhouse; no significant impact on crop yield or quality
      • Photosynthetic rate reduces under OSC but is compensated by increased leaf area thus managing the biomass to similar levels as control
      • Different OSC did not impact lettuce yield much - similar productivity
      • Different crops will require different spectral characteristics; OSC material can be optimized to the changing needs
      • DBRs can be used to increase electrical output and reduce overheating in greenhouse (from 282h to 82 in a year)
      • OSC electrodes can also be used to reduce heating load of the house

Bilayer Luminescent Solar Concentrators with Enhanced Absorption and Efficiency for Agrivoltaic Applications[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: American Chemical Society; Publication: Applied Energy Materials; Year: 2021; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: Luminescent Solar Concentrators; Location: ; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency: .
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: similar yield as compared to control greenhouse
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: Calculation
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Introduction
    • Luminiscent Solar Concentrators (LSCs) can cater the energy requirements for greenhouse while also allowing crop growth
    • By spectral tuning, plants can benefit - LSCs provide that; absorbs blue sunlight and tramsits red
    • Experiment: Form bilayer LSC with two different luminophores to manage transmission and improving electricity
  • Conclusion
    • LSC manufacturing can be optimized with different materials increasing absorption and tuning transmission for spectral quality
    • The proposed LSC can be used for agrivoltaic application as it allows control of transmission


Characterization of Agrivoltaic Crop Environment Conditions Using Opaque and Thin-Film Semi-Transparent Modules[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: MDPI; Publication: Applied Energies; Year: 2023; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: Opaque silicon, opaque thin-film CdTe, semitransparent thin-film CdTe (40% transparency); Location: northern Colorado, USA; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • Reduce water use rate and drought stress for food crops
    • Quantified: No
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Greater food production and reduced PV temperature
    • Quantified: No
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Reduce air temperature
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: 1.3
      • Unit: oC
    • Quantification Method: Measurement
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Reduce soil temperature
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: 3
      • Unit: oC
    • Quantification Method: Measurement
    • Implication analyzed: Benficial for temperate crops
    • Comments
  • Introduction
    • Economics suggest that using solar PV to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 is the most financially feasible option
    • AV combines use of solar PV and agricultural production - land use concerns are addressed
    • Goal: Study crop growth at two different site with four types of AV; ST thin-film CdTe PV comparison with opaque thin-film CdTe PV and crytalline Si PV
    • Rooftop APV
      • Shade plants in high temperature; reduces water use rate and drought stress
    • Agrivoltaic Deployment
      • Greater food production and reduced PV temperature
  • APV Experiments
    • Manual variable tile system; but jept fixed at 35 degrees for experiment
    • Two Sites: ARDEC - o-Si and STPV | Pole-mounted; Foothills - o-CdTe and STPV (Rooftop simulation) | Ground-mounted
    • Crops: ARDEC - Peppers, summer squash, lettuce; Foothills - lettuce, bush beans, and cilantro (also experimented peppers, tomatoes, lettuce and yellow summer squash
  • Results & Discussion
    • Spectroradiometer used to measure PPFD - reduction observed as compared to full sun condition but the pattern remained same (all wavelengths passed)
    • As compared to opaque, STPV allowed thrice the amount of radiation to pass through
    • 1.3oC less air temp below panels at the hottest time - no temp difference between STPV or opaque
    • 3oC lesser soild temperature under ARDEC STPV; not much difference at Foothills under rooftop simulation which might be due to the use of green roof substrate

Co-Generation of Solar Electricity and Agriculture Produce by Photovoltaic and Photosynthesis—Dual Model by Abellon, India[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: ASME; Publication: Journal of Solar Energy Engineering; Year: 2019; Lifetime: 25 years ; PV Technology: Crystalline; Location: Gujarat, India; PV Power: 3 MW; Energy: 4.663 X 106 kWh/annum; Efficiency:
  • Improved finances
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: 158,978.61
      • Unit: USD/hectare/year
    • Quantification Method: Calculation
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments:
  • Employment opportunities
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: 215
      • Unit: no.
    • Quantification Method: Calculated
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments
  • Crop residue as animal feed
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: 52
      • Unit: tonnes
    • Quantification Method: Calculated
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments
  • Reduced migration
    • Quantified: Qualified
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • CO2 emission reduction due to panels
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 4000
      • Unit: MT/annum
    • Quantification Method: Calculated
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments
  • CO2 capture by vegetation
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 250
      • Unit: tons/year
    • Quantification Method: Calculated
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments
  • Water conservation due to reuse
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 78
      • Unit: lakhs liter/ year
    • Quantification Method: Calculated
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments
  • Top soil protection from wind and rain
    • Quantified: Qualified
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Combining PV and agricculture - Improved land utilization, no conflict between energy and food production, more climate resiliant system
    • Quantified: Qualified
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Increased value of farm
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 30
      • Unit: %
    • Quantification Method: Inferred (from other study)
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Improved water efficiency due to reduced soil water evaporation under PVs
    • Quantified: Qualified
    • Low or High: Inferred (from other study)
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: Inferred (from other study)
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Introduction
    • India has immense solar potential - leading International Solar Alliance
    • Growth of solar is high - 30-40% among other renewable fields
    • Hypohthesis: Improved food security by farming shade tolerant crops, reduced panel temperature to improve efficiency, better water use efficiency as water to clean the panels could be used for irrigation, CO2 emission reduction, soild health improvement as farmed crops circumvent top soil washing, zero discharge process by using the harvest residue for cattle feed, increased employment and dust prevention by planting creeper vegetation on the boundary as a wall - serve as wind break
  • Project Execution Methodology
    • 3MW plant, crystalline technology, Gujarat - India, 10,715 modules with 280W peak capacity, 7.08 hecates of area
    • Crops: bottle gourd, lady finger, turmeric, ginger & chilli
    • Water used for cleaning panels used for irrigation
    • Post harvest crop residues used as animal feed
    • Henna and ivy guard planted on the fence which also served as wind break - fence installed to keep animals away
  • Results
    • Economic Impact
      • Improved finances due to dual use of land - total revenue: 158,978.61 USD/heactare/year
    • Social Impact
      • 215 people got employed
      • Migration to find sesonal jobs reduced
      • 52 tonnes of crop residue available as aimal feed
    • Environmental Impact
      • 4000 MT/annum CO2 sequestration due to panel installation
      • 250 ton/year CO2 capture due to vegetation
      • 78 lakh litre of water (used for cleaning panels) reused for irrigation
      • Farming under panels protects top soil wash off due to rain or wind
  • Discussion
    • Combining PV and agricculture - Improved land utilization, no conflict between energy and food production, more climate resiliant system
    • Although there mare instances of reduced yield under PV, overall productivity still increases
    • Study shows 30% enhanced value of farms with AV
    • Reduction in PV efficiency - 1.1% when temperature incrase 1oC above 42oC; AV can have positive impact
    • Conducive policies required for technology dissemination - only non-agricultural land is allocated to PV in India
    • 1059.64 MW solar plant on 2501.45 hectares in India - sequester 1,600,000 MT CO2 and 10000 MT of crop
    • Globally 4000 hectares occupied by solar; 143000 MT CO2/annum reduction and 100000 MT of produce

Combined land use of solar infrastructure and agriculture for socioeconomic and environmental co-benefits in the tropics[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews; Year: 2021; Lifetime: 30 years; PV Technology: Multi-crystalline; Location: Indonesia; PV Power: 1) full density - 400kWp/ha, 2) half density 200 kWp/ha ; Energy: 1376 kWh/kWp; Efficiency:
  • GHG emission offset
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High:372.2 and 630.9
      • Unit: Mg/hayr
    • Quantification Method: LCA
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Financial feasibility when compared to diesel electricity - reduced cost
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High:-12,257 vs -14702
      • Unit: million IDR
    • Quantification Method: Calculated - NPC (net present cost)
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Economic stability and less varaition of income
    • Quantified: Qualified
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: Inferred
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Reduce deforestation
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 0.459 million hectares loss with AV vs 1.4 million hecatres loss with conventional PV
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: Calculated
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Introduction
    • Solar PV increasing adoption - cost decrease and policy support key driving factors
    • Adopting solar PV on agricultural land provides several benefits - improved eff, water eff, improved yields etc
    • Non-electrified rural locations in Indonesia present unique opportunity for Agrivoltaics (AV) as they are away from grid and have sufficient sunlight
    • Patchouli seems a suitable crop for AV as it is shade tolerant, requires low maintenance, length is approx. 1m, 2-3 years of crop cycle, no machinery requirement, high price etc.
    • Objective: To perform LCA for a hectare of each: full density PV, half density PV, cultivation and processing of patchouli and hypothetical colocation in context of land use, energy and emissions
  • Materials and Methods
    • Four scenarios of 1ha land use: 1) full density 400kWp/ha; 2) cultivation of patchouli and yardlong with patchouli oil being extracted; 3) agrivoltaic with full density (400kWp/ha) and 4) agrivoltaic with half density (200kWp/ha)
  • LCA of PV
    • Multicrystalline tech as it is beneficial in tropical climates
    • 1660 modules in half density conf. per hectare while 3333 in full density - each module 0.120 kWp
    • 1376 kWh/kWp annual output of PV
    • Emission factor 79.7 g CO2-eq. /kWh
    • Various inputs/outputs considered for LCA
    • LCA of Patchouli Cultivation & Oil Extraction
      • 15 crop cycles for 30 years considered
      • 624 kg CO2 eq / ha emission factor introduced for yard-long beans which were introduced in the land for crop rotation purposes
  • Results and Discussion
    • Lifetime energy flux and GHG emissions
      • Cumulative Energy Demand (CED) of PAtchouli land use - mean 45.8 GJ/ha
      • CED of stand alone PV - mean 389.9 GJ/ha; same annual energy output for 400kWp AV
      • Annual GHG emission/ ha for standalone PV 39.1 MG/hayr; patchouli land use 63.2 Mg/hayr
      • PV land use resulted in 1907.5 GJ/hayr electricity - results in 630.9 Mg/hayr of GHG emission offset against diesel elec. generation and 372.2 Mg/hayr against grid emission
    • Sensitivity Analysis
      • GHG emission from PV alone - 39.1 Mg CO2eq /hayr
    • NPV
      • Standalone PV: - 20,730 million IDR
      • 200kWp AV: - 8,404 million IDR
      • PV electricity generation not profitable at wholesale rates
      • If wholesale not considered, net present cost (NPC) of 200kWp is -12,257 million IDR; less than diesel generation which is -14,702 million
      • Economic stability and less variation in income of famers
    • Land Use
      • Indonesion deforestion rate - highest among all nations
      • Agrivotlaics could reduce deforestation

Combining food and energy production: Design of an agrivoltaic system applied in arable and vegetable farming in Germany[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews; Year: 2021; Lifetime: 30 years; PV Technology: Fixed tilt 20 degree; Location: south east of Basen-Wurttemberg, Germany ; PV Power: 194.4 kWp; Energy: 236 MWh/annum; Efficiency:
  • Higher crop yield (potato, celeriac and winter wheat)
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: 12%, 11% and 3%
      • Unit: %
    • Quantification Method: Calculated
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments
  • Higher land equivalent ratio (productivity)
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: 1.56 to 1.87
      • Unit: Unitless
    • Quantification Method: Calculated
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments
  • Introduction
    • Land use conflict increasing with growing needs of population and PV diffusion
    • AV provides a solution - also beneficial in other regards (water conservation, plant protection etc.)
    • Objective: To ascertain technical feasibility of agrivoltaic plant, understand its design based on light simulation with Radiance software and determine the productivity of crops (potato, celeriac, winter wheat and clover grass)
    • Height of panels: 5m (vertical clearance); inter-rwo spacing 19m (width clearance)
  • Theoretic Background and Simulations for Design APV System
    • Crop Classification
      • Light availability - the only parameter considered for crops
      • Germany's crops divided into three classifications based on yield when under shade; +ve impact (Category PLUS); -ve impact (Category MINUS) and no impact (Category ZERO)
    • Simulations as a basis for design of APV
      • Light simulations performed via Radiance
      • Electrical output ascertained via ZENIT for APV configuration
        • Radiation distribution underneath PV - 20 degree tilt, height of panels 5m, simulations performed for different azimuth (0, 15, 30 and 45) and inter-row spacings
        • Biomass and electrical yield with regards to row spacing - normal row spacing (d) in Germany is 2.2 times the width of Pv for GMPV; for APV it was analysed considering the trade-off between agricultural and electricity demands
    • Biomass Yield
      • d varied from 2.2 to 7m and implications on crop yield ascertained based on available PAR when compared to no shade condition; azimuths also changed (0 and 45 degrees)
    • Electrical Yield
      • Determined as a function of row distance
    • Measuring benefits of APV: LER
      • Mounting structure took 0.23% of land but real losses were 8.3%
      • LER used for ascertained land productivity
  • Simulation Results
    • Orientation
      • More equal distribution of light when orientation changed from pure south to either of east/west directions (not much difference in distribution when changed from 30 degree to 45 degree)
    • Row Distance
      • Available radiation increases with row distance - different in different months
      • Biomass increases with increased row (as more PAR available)
      • PLUS crops have more than 100% crop yield at lowest d (2.8 or 3)
      • ZERO showed above 95% yield with higher d (changed with orientation as well, for instance, S d>4.7 and SW d>5.5)
      • MINUS required even higher row distances for 90% yield
      • In summers not much difference between S and SW facing, in winters 5% higher elec. yield for S
      • 80% of reference crop yield targetted - consideration for row distancing
      • Row distance best for APV for SW - 2.8 times the width of the panel
    • Electrical yield prediction
      • 94.4% performance ratio for APV system
  • Practical implementation and results of the case study
    • Engineering and installation of the APV system
      • Orientation: SW for homogenous irradiance
      • Ancjoring rods used as foundation - not concrete; quick installation, easy dismantling, no adverse impact on ground
      • Bifacial PVs used
    • Electrical yield in first year of operation
      • 246 MWh of electricity during first yr of operation - conventional PV would produce 295.4 MWH i.e., 17% higher (with monofacial PVs)
      • 2017 - reduction in yield: clover grass 5%, celeriac 18%, potato 19%, winter wheat (not mentioned)
      • 2018 -- yiled reduction in clover grass 8%, increased yield: winter wheat 3%, potato 11% and celeriac 12%
    • Land use efficiency
      • Between 1.56 and 1.7 in 2017 and 1.67 and 1.87 in 2018
      • Higher in 2018 due to weatehr - warmer
  • Discussion
    • Row distance, tradeoff between agricultural and electrical yield, type of crop are some questions going forward
    • Shading considered the only parameter affecting crop, there are other factors as well
    • 1700 GW of APV potentially feasible in Germany

Comparative analysis of photovoltaic configurations for agrivoltaic systems in Europe[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Wiley; Publication: ; Year: 2021; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: Mono-crystalline; Location: ; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • Introduction
    • Covering 0.3% of land by PV will address the current demands of electricity of the world
    • Agricultural land accounts for 9.6% of total world land
    • With AV, shadowing can help plants - up to 20% less irrigation needs in drier climates
    • Objective: Ascertain potential of AV across Europe using three different configurations (single axis tracking, vertical bifacial and fixed tilt)
    • Vertical and tracking manifests even distribution of light as compared to fixed tilt
  • Investigated Agrivoltaic Configurations
    • Optimal tilted
      • South facing, monofacial fixed tilt
    • Hori single-axis tracking (SAT)
      • N-S oriented and movement along east-west, monofacial
    • Vertical bifacial
      • N-S oriented facing east-west
  • Methods/Experimental Procedures
    • Spacing between rows 2 m for fixed tilt and 1 m for SAT and vert. bifacial
    • Height of PV modules - 1m, 2m or 3m; inter-row spacing 3m, 4.5m, 6m, 7.5m, 9m and 12m
    • Direct, diffuse and albedo solar radiation reach the panels
    • Comparison of different types of systems is carried out by electrical output
    • Under a standard solar spectrum; PAR = 4.56micromol/m2s
    • Three crop categories considered: requiring low, medium and high radiation
  • Results and Discussion
    • System evaluation for Northern location with low irradiance
      • SAT highest el. output followed by fixed tilt and verticals
      • As panels height increase, more electricity is produced
      • As row spacing increases, elec. output decreases
      • In winter, fixed tilt produces more energy than the other two systems
      • Verticals have better price weighted ele. yield in Denmark as there is a dip in el. price during mid day
      • 56% irradiation reaches ground for fixed tilt systems
      • Min. irradiance levels for verticals is 77.6%
      • With SAT, min irradiance received is 78%
      • For low and mid radiation crop, high el. yields can be achieved while 80% land is maintained for crops
      • For high radiation crops, high el. yield will be at the cost of cropland
      • SAT provides better combination of el. yield and crops but has higher expense
      • To maintain 80% land suitable for corpoping, verticals and fixed tilt provide el. yield of 30 kWh/m2
    • Extension of the anlaysis to Europe
      • With decrease in latitude, el. yield increases for all three config SAT>fixed>verticals
      • Price weighted el. yield is better for fixed and vertical - may differ depending on the country
      • Agricultural Land suitable for AV - arable land, permanent crops and pasture
      • Verticals potential in Mdtjylland - 215 TWh/year
      • Southern and eastern parts of Europe more suitable
      • Vertical bifacials can produce 71,500 TWh elec. in Europe

Computational fluid dynamics modelling of microclimate for a vertical agrivoltaic system[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Energy Nexus; Year: 2023; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: monocrystalline Si,Vertical bifacials; Location: Vasteras, Sweden; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • Water savings
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 14 - 29
      • Unit: %
    • Quantification Method: Calculation (quoted from other study)
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Introduction
    • Growth in human population and economy will increase energy demands significantly
    • PV most promising sourc erenewable el. generation
    • Farming accounts for 70 % of fresh water usage world-wide
    • AV can tackle both the issues
    • Light intensity is considered the most important parameter for plant growth, especially shade intolerant crops
    • Daily light integral between 0.69 to 3.71 negatively impacted plant growth
    • AV beneficial for water conservation in water scarce areas
    • Irrigation savings between 14 to 29
    • CFD simulations have been used to predict the microclimate in literature - very limited work though on AV configuration
    • Objective: To analyse and predict the microclimate of vertical AV using CFD
  • Method
    • Vertical bifacial facing east west located in Vasteras, Sweden with 10m row spacing
    • Solidworks used to perform the simulations, Navier Stokes equation used for solving fluid region
    • Height of PV panel/structure 2.8m
    • Validation of model performed from data obtained using a weather station
    • Parameters used in CFD model as inputs: Global hor irr., ambient temp., diffuse hor irradiance, wind speed and direction
  • Results and Discussion
    • Model validation
      • Solar irradiance variation between model and measurement 10-20 W/m2; model underestimates
      • Shaded areas received 38% less solar radiation
      • 0-2oC module temperature difference between model and measurements of thermal camera
      • Ground temp error<1oC between model and measurement
    • Microclimatic variation within an agrivoltaic system
      • Wind speed decreased at 0-0.5m height
      • Highest air temperature observed at PV modules from the model (0.3oC higher)

Conceptual Design and Rationale for a New Agrivoltaics Concept: Pasture-Raised Rabbits and Solar Farming[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Journal of Cleaner Production; Year: 2021; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: Crystalline silicon; Location: Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, US; PV Power: 314kW; Energy: 381 MWh and 433 MWh; Efficiency:
  • Reduced carbon dioxide emissions
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 16 to 40 gCO2/kWh from PV compared to 909 gCO2/kWh from coal
      • Unit: gCO2/kWh
    • Quantification Method: LCA
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • More efficient use of land for climate neutral energy production comapred to combining coal and carbon capture/sequestration
    • Quantified: Qualified
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Animal welfare and quality of life
    • Quantified: Qualified
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • No requirement of tree removals for PV installation
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 36
      • Unit:gCO2/kWh
    • Quantification Method: Calculated (Adopted from other study)
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Reduction in carbon emissino by synergizing PV and rabbit-raising
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 36
      • Unit:gCO2/kWh
    • Quantification Method: Calculated (Adopted from other study)
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Introduction
    • PV is the cheapest source of power in the world
    • Large use of land may create conflict; issue of food security also exists
    • Agrivoltaics - dual use of land - can address these issues
    • Objective: Investigate pasture-fed rabbit based agrivoltaics
  • Methods
    • Grazing density of Rabbits
      • Basline for yield of rabbits adopted from DeForest, Wisconsin
      • Forage (Alfalfa) available for rabbits determined
      • No. of rabbits based on available pasture are determined - conservative analysis
    • Conceptual design for rabbit-based agrivoltaics
      • Based on 1 hectare
      • Fence 1.1m high and 0.46m below ground
      • Fixed tilt, 30 degree, rows 5m apart, 1048 300W modules, 314kW peak capacity
      • Movable fences provided to graze different areas of farm
    • Economic analysis
      • Herbicide spray and mowing are normally used ways for contorlling unwanted vegetation - not required in PV farm when rabbits are grazing there
      • Revenue of PV based on average PPA pricing from previous literature 0 SAM used for elec. output calculations
      • Revenue from rabbit - selling meat and fur
    • Sustainability/carbon benefits of PV + Rabbits
      • CO2 emission gets reduced by employing PVs
      • Also, rabbits are better environmentally than cows
  • Results and discussion
    • 381 MWh and 433 MWh energy output in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, US
    • 6-15 and 15-33 rabbits can be raised in PA and WI on agrivoltaic plants
    • 1-8% increase in revenue due to reduciton in O&M cost caused by grazing rabbits
    • Renting the PV array could be financially feasible
    • People experiencing renewables are more supportive of the tech. -AV could be used for outreach
    • Quality of life of rabbits under AV better than industry standards
    • No requirement of tree removal for solar installation reduces carbon footprint (36gCO2/kWh)
    • CO2 emissions from rabbits 3.6kgCO2eq/kg live weight is less than cows

Crop-Specific Optimization of Bifacial PV Arrays for Agrivoltaic Food-Energy Production: The Light-Productivity-Factor Approach[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: IEEE; Publication: ; Year: 2022; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: crystalline Silicon; Location: Lahore, Pakistan; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:
    • Quantified:
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Introduction
    • Agrivoltaics can address issues of land-use conflict associated with PV, water conservation, climate change etc.
    • To reduce shading, 4-7m height of PV in AV and with lower density, but recently, more dense systems have been installed as well
    • Amount of light available to panels and PAR available for crops could be one of the parameters to design AV plant
    • Objective: To present a crop-specific parameter that could predict the AV plant performance considering the PV design adopted; uses availability of useful PAR at crop level compared to control conditions; idenitfy farm productivity for bifacial vertial E/W and fixed tilt N/S; farm productivity of different SAT, variation in farm productivity for fixed and variable tilt systems
  • Modelling Approach
    • Integrated Model for PV Energy Yield and PAR
      • 2D model considered - PV generated due to solar radiation intercepted and PAR transmitted under the panels
      • PV energy and incident PAR are ascertained using view factor approach which determines the sunlight intercepted
    • PV Array Configurations
      • Full density - GCR 0.5 and half density - GCR 0.25
      • Fixed tilt N-S mono, vertical bifacials, single axis tracking for E-W facing bifacials considered
        • Trackings considered: Standard tracking (ST), reverse tracking (RT) and control tracking (CT)
    • Useful PAR Yield and Light Productivity Factor
      • Above a threashold PAR, the photosynthesis rate for crops is negatively impacted
      • Based on ratio of intergated PAR (400nm to 700nm) to integrated global standard sunlight spectrum, amount of irradiance received under control condition and on the panel, and the difference of it, the PAR for AV system available for crop is determined
      • Threshold PAR for lettuce, turnip and corn are 213, 469 and 685 W/m2 resp.
      • Yield ratio for daily useful PAR = Y(PAR) = PARuseful,AV/PARuseful,open
      • PV energy yield ratio = Y(PV) = PV energy for AV/PV for standard solar farm
      • LPF = Y(PV) + Y(PAR)
      • LER uses crop yield either from simulation or field measurement - LPF uses PAR which is a good representation (dir. proportional) of crop yield
  • Results
    • Fixed Tilt Agrivoltaic Bifacial Farms (vertical E-W vs standard N-S)
      • PAR reduces as density increases for both config.
      • E-W; PAR reduces more during morning and evening, N-S; PAR reduces more during mid-day
      • Considering threshold PAR, for low density arrays, for corn E/W system better, for lettuce N-S
    • Tracking Agrivoltaic Bifacial Farms
      • ST has reduced PAR as compared to RT - noticable difference for full density confi in morning and evening
      • For half density configu, not much difference btw three strategies
      • ST provide less than 60% Y(PAR) for full density configuration except for lettuce
      • RT increase Y(PAR) to 80% for all crops except during hot months (only for corn)
      • For half density, ST shows Y(PAR) above 80% for all crops in all seasons
      • Y(PV) lowest for RT and highest for ST - vice versa true for Y(PAR)
      • For half density conf, disparity between Y(PV), Y(PAR)
      • Max. LPF 1.6 for half density and 1.9 for full density arrays
    • Model Comparison with Experimental Data
      • Comparison performed using published data in Germany for winter and potato
      • PAR for potato 1000 micromol/m2-s and 504 micromol/m2-s
      • Potato yield lies within the range of YPAR while for winter wheat, it exceelds
    • AV Farm Design Under Y(PAR) Constraint
      • Y(PAR) may not be acceptable for crop yield; a min value can be fixed (e.g. 80%)
      • For shade tolerant lettuce, LPF=1.9 can be achieved for full arrray density for verticals and fixed tilts; with ST implementation LPF =1.8 and 2 for half and 1.4-1.9 full array densities
      • For moderate shade tolerant crop; LPF 1.5-1.9 for N-S with 3/4 array density in winters and full array density in spring; LPF 1.4-1.5 for E-W for winters and springs
      • For shade intolerant crops; LPF =1.3 for all seasons for half and 3/4 array density; with ST, half density is fine but requires RT for full density (though ST is better amongst the two)
      • For turnip, CT is better while ST fails due to lower Y(PAR)

Design of agrivoltaic system to optimize land use for clean energy‑food production: a socio‑economic and environmental assessment[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Springer; Publication: Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy; Year: 2022; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: Polycrystalline; Location: Odisha, India; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • Increased economic value of farmland
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: LER: 1.42, benefit/cost (B/C) ratio: 1.86; PPR: 0.75
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: Calculation
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments
  • Water efficiency
    • Quantified: Qualified
    • Low or High: LER:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Introduction
    • 0.012 billion hectares of land is lost every year to drought/desertification
    • Major sources of GHGs - electricity and heat contribute 31% and agriculture 12%
    • Solar can reduce carbon footprint by 0.82 kg/kWh
    • Agrivotlaics is increasingly being adopted - various advantages
    • Solar PV is expanding in India - 55GW installations in 2021 and about 100 GW expected in 2022
    • Objective: Present three different designing techniques for AV using SOLIDWORKS
    • A double-row 6kW installation is best suited in terms of economics when turmeric is grown
  • Materials and Method
    • Location: Odisha, India
    • Design of agrivoltaics system
      • Conventional PV - 1MW per 3-4 acres for crystalline panels and 4-6 acres for thin-film PVs
      • Three configurations: Single row PV with continuous panels; singe row PV with gap b/w panels and double row PV with continuous panels in lowe row and gaps b/w panels in upper row
      • Different gaps to understand light utility for farming and power production
      • 75W panels used, polycrystalline technology
    • Energy production from AV
      • 6kW double row system installed on 14m2 area
    • Food production from AVS
      • Turmeric assessed in the study
    • Combined energy and food production
      • Most solar cells use UV and IR for electricity generation
      • Ddouble row designs is better for crop production and revenue
      • Price performance ratio = annual extra cost fror maintaining farmland/production value; less than 1 for AV to be beneficial
    • Environmental risk and sensitivity assessment
      • 40-60% shading seems appropriate in terms of crop productivity
      • Sensitivity analysis performed based on incident irradiation and energy output of AV
  • Results and discussion
    • Fixed tilt system; optimum tilt = latitude or 10 degrees less than latitude
    • 1-3oC less temperature of panels - higher efficiency
    • Annual revenue 2121.6 USD when turmeric is grown on 40.47m2 land with 6kWp solar
    • Turmeric shows highest returns while potatoes the lowest; other crops considered gingers and vegetables
    • Annual maximum revenue for turmeric, gingerm potato and vegetable 67.57, 144.49, 112.38, and 160.54 USD resp.
    • PV revenue: 1, 100, and 1000 kW is 81.88, 8210.42, and 77,528.7 USD
    • LER: 1.42, benefit/cost (B/C) ratio: 1.86; PPR: 0.75 and PBP: 7-8 years with turmeric

Discussion: Avoid severe (future) soil erosion from agrivoltaics[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Science of the Total Environment; Year: 2022; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: ; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • Plant-use water efficiency and water conservation
    • Quantified: Qualified (adopted from other study)
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Reduced soil erosion by reducing rainsplash
    • Quantified: Qualified
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Risk of soil erosion and requirement of biochar-based farming solutions discussed
  • Regions with highest PV potential are the most risked in terms of soil erosion
  • Rainfall intensity is expected to increase this century - more soil erosion (30-66%)
  • Improvements in soil sponge function imperative
    • can be done by increasing organic content of soil or cover cropping
    • Traditional elements for increasing organic content take a lot of time; biochar can do it in single application

Economic Potential for Rainfed Agrivoltaics in Groundwater- Stressed Regions[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: ACS; Publication: Environmental Science and Technology Letters; Year: 2020; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: ; PV Power: 1MW; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • Reduced ground water depletion
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 150
      • Unit: km3
    • Quantification Method: Calculations
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments
  • Avoiding CO2 costs
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 75-200
      • Unit: USD/tCO2
    • Quantification Method: Calculations
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments
  • Introduction
    • Restructing ground water use may affect farming
    • AV - can colocate rainfed crops and PV generation
    • Objective: What are the financial implications of leaving irrigated farming in favor of rainfed agrivoltaics in ground-water stressed locations
  • Materials and Methods
    • Global hydrological model PCR-GLOBWB is used to identify ground-water stressed regions; regions where non-renewable groundwater extraction is employed
    • PV and wind data at groundwater stressed regions is generated based MERRA-2 reanalysis of satellite measurements - comparison b/w solar and wind performed
    • LCOE of agrivoltaic energy at groundwater stressed location is determined - loss of agricultural land when switching to rainfed option is also considered
    • Eight crops considered: wheat, rice, maize, pulses, cotton, sugar cane, fruit, and vegetables - Global Agro-Ecological Zones (GAEZ) model used for crop yield determination
    • CO2 emission implications assessed using United Nations’ ACM0002 baseline methodology for CDM projects
  • Results and Discussion
    • AV global potential on groundwater stressed lands - 11.2-37.6 PWh/yr
    • 150 km3 of groundwater depletion could be displaced if rainfed farming is adopted
    • 50-100USD/MWh levelized cost of agrivoltaic
    • 75-200 USD/tCO2 CO2 cost avoided
    • Solar PV potential outperforms wind potential - with typical AV configuration, PV has higher power per unit area as compared to wind
    • Yield losses are minimal when transforming to rainfed agrivotlaic farming practice

Effects of different photovoltaic shading levels on kiwifruit growth, yield and water productivity under “agrivoltaic” system in Southwest China[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Agricultural Water Management; Year: 2022; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: Thin film amporphous silicon; Location: Chengdu Plains, China; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • Reduced evapotranspiration; reduced irrigation
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: in 2019 CKL 500.4, T1 416.5, T2 359.1, T3 347.1; in 2020 CKL 517.9, T1 471.9, T2 383.1, T3 365.4
      • Unit: mmol/m2s
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Water productivity
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: T1 8.2% and T2 5.8% compared to CKL while for T3 reduced 9.8%
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: Measurement
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Higher Relative Humidity (RH)
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 6.5% higher in T3 compared to CKL
      • Unit: %
    • Quantification Method: Measurement
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Increased Leaf Area Index
    • Quantified: In the form of plot
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Higher Light Use Efficiency under shading
    • Quantified: In the form of plot for selected data
    • Low or High:
      • Unit: micromol/micromol
    • Quantification Method: Calculated
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Protect crops from excessive light
    • Quantified: Qualified - adopted from another study
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Potential increase in crop yield and water conservation as PV electricity can power drip irrigation
    • Quantified: Qualified - in Discussion
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Reduction in CO2
    • Quantified: Qualified - adopted from other study
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Introduction
    • PV panels impact the microclimate in AV configuration - subsequent impact on plant morphology, also impacts water requirements as well as photosynthesis
    • 9.8% PV roof coverage did not significantly impact tomoatoes yield; higher coverage can be detrimental though
    • Kiwifruit - shade tolerant hence, chosen for study
    • Objective: To ascertain if microclimate changes under PV, whether kiwifruit growth can adapt to PV shading and also, the impact of shading on crop yield
  • Materials and Methods
    • Location: Changdu Plain, China; Panels mounted on roof 3.0m above the ground, Fixed tilt 16o south oriented included alternate panels and hollow PC sheets, while north oriented were PC sheets only tilt 28o
    • Panels: Thin-film amorphous silicon abosrbing blue and green spectrum and transmitting red; transmission rate of panels: 19%
    • Four config: Full sun (CKL), 19% coverage (T1), 30.4% coverage (T2), and 38% coverage (T3)
    • Irrigation qty and freq same for all the four config
    • Air temperature, relative humidity and solar radiation measured through weather station for outside environment and inside the AV setup through individual instrumentation
    • Leaf area index, chlorophyll content, transpiration rate, photosynthetic rate, sap flux density, daily soil evaporation were also measured
    • Kiwifruit shape parameters, growth rate and total were also determined
    • Statistical analysis was also performed to understand the impact of PV shading on microclimate, kiwifruit yield and water content
  • Results
    • Microclimate
      • Radiation reduction for T1, T2 and T3: 43.8 ± 0.6%, 50.5 ± 0.6%, and 55.0 ± 0.5% resp.
      • PAR reduction for T1, T2 and T3: 54.3%, 70.8% and 78.7% resp.
    • Effects of different PV coverage ratios on leaf water/light use efficiency
      • Evaporation rate, transpiration rate and photosynthetic rate decreases with increased shading
      • Light use efficiency increased with shading
    • Effects of different PV coverage ratio on kiwifruit volume
      • Highest volume of kiwifruit in 2018 in T1; in 2019 and 2020 in CKL
      • Yield reduction in 2018: 2.6%, 20.4% and 39.4%; in 2019 6.5%, 25.0% and 26.8%; in 2020 5.1%, 27.7% and 37.1%
  • Discussion
    • Effect of PV shading on Microclimate
      • No significant impact on temperature but RH 6.5% higher in T3 compared to CKL
    • Performance of kiwifruit morphology under PV shading
      • Leaf chlorophyll ocntent not impacted by shading significantly
      • Increased leaf area index, hence, better light interception compensating shading
    • Leaf photosynthesis and water use of kiwifruit under PV shading
      • Transpirate rate and photosynthesis rate decreases with increased shading; both closely related to PAR
      • Water use efficiency more impacted by photosynthetic rate than transpiration rate, hence lower
      • Protection of corps from excessive radiation
      • Reduced evapotranspiration might result in reduced irrigation requirements (some studies showed higher transpiration due to increased vegetative growth) - here as well as T2 was slightly higher than T3
    • Performance of kiwifruit volume and yield under PV shading
      • Yield reduced with shading - PAR reduction impacts yield
    • Previous studies suggest 30% coverage, latest 20%
  • Conclusion
    • 19% shading recommended

Effects of shade and deficit irrigation on maize growth and development in fixed and dynamic AgriVoltaic systems[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Agricultural Water Management; Year: 2023; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: Monocrystalline; Location: Montpellier, France; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • Protection of crops from excessive light
    • Quantified: Adopted from another study
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Water savings from reduced irrigation need
    • Quantified: Adopted from another study
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Reduced Evapotranspiration
    • Quantified: Quanitfied
    • Low or High: DI: water inputs lower than ETo, by 21–44% in control, by 6–23% in SAT and by 9–10% in AVhalf; NI: 51-53% lower water inputs in control but 6-17% in AVfull
    • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Slower soil drying
    • Quantified: Quanitfied (trend analysis)
    • Low or High:
    • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: Calculations
    • Implication analyzed: reduced irrigation and better soil water conservation
    • Comments
  • Reduced irrigation requirements with shading
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: SAT and AVhalf b/w 19-35%; AVful 47%
    • Unit: %
    • Quantification Method: Calculations
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments
  • Improved water productivity of irrigation
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: Different for different conditions
    • Unit: kg/m3
    • Quantification Method: Calculations
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments
  • Introduction
    • Climate change to -vely impact food production, water availability etc.; impact on maize
    • Without irrigation supply, global cereal production expected to reduce 47%
    • AV can protect crops by intecepting excessive radiation; reduce irrigation needs
    • AV can also -vely impact crop charateristics (yield, morphology etc.)
    • Objective: Understand implications of radiation, crop development and irrigation for maize with different AV configuration
  • Materials and Methods
    • Location: Montpellier, France;
    • Air temperature (Tair), Relative Humidity of the air (RH), Incident Global Radiation (Rg), Reference Evapotranspiration (ETo), Rainfall (R), Total global radiation, wind speed and soil water potential - measured parameters
      • Reference evapotranspiration calculated with equation
      • relative humidity, air temperature and wind speed considered same as full sun considering height of PVs
    • PV panels held 4m above the ground; AVfull/AVhalf two fixed tilt configutaion at 25o using monocrystalline panels; AV half has one row removed from conventional solar plant called AVfull here
    • AVfull cause 50% irradiation reduction; AVhalf 30%
    • Two single-axis tracking systems use monocrystalline panels; maximize solar interception by PV; shading 35%
    • Three different irrigation treatments: Fully irrigated (FI), Deficit Irrigated (DI), and Not Irrigated (NI)
    • Daily Growing Degree-days = Tmean-Tbase used for evaluating relationship with leaf number
    • Plant gas exchange also monitored to understand implication of PAR on photosynthesis and stomatal conductance
  • Results
    • Impact of solar panels on agrometeorological variables
      • RH and wind not considered due to marginal differences, air temperature and radiation anlaysed
      • Shading rate: SAT: 29-38%, AVhalf 30-35% and AVfull 54-56%
      • DI: water inputs lower than ETo, by 21–44% in control, by 6–23% in SAT and by 9–10% in AVhalf
      • NI: 51-53% lower water inputs in control but 6-17% in AVfull
      • Temperature reduction under the panels b/w 0-1.5oC on average; daily variation higher between -5 and 3oC
      • Homogenous irradiation distribution in SAT as compared to fixed tilts
      • More scatterred irradiation in AVhalf atha nAVfull
    • Soil water dynamics
      • Slower soil drying results in better water conservation and reduced irrigation
      • Different in inter panels and under panels for AVhalf as compared to SAT; soil drying slower in inter-panels
    • Phenology and vegetative growth
      • Delay under AV for all configuration to reach flowering and emergence compared to control
      • No. of leaves highest in FI control plot; highly depend on shading/non-shading
      • Lead Area Index decresed with decreased irradiation or water limitation
    • Stomatal response to shade
      • In non-limiting conditions, PAR, leaf temp, net assimilation rate and stomatal conductance increases till mid day and then decrease; same for AV configuration with intermittent shading instances
      • Impact of PAR evident on net assimilation rate and stomatal conductance
    • Crop production
      • Total dry matter (TDM) and dry grain yield (DGY) reduce with reduced irrigation and radiation
      • Shading reduces irrigation requirement - SAT and AVhalf b/w 19-35%; AVful 47%
      • Yields in SAT/AVhalf under FI almost equal to control under DI
      • Water productivity of irrrigation higher in AV
  • Discussion
    • Phenological and growth responses of maize to radiative and water stresses
      • Delay in plant emergence due to shading observed
      • Radiation (and not only thermal time) impacts the time interval between sequential emergence of leaves; can be a good measure for determining the same in AV
      • TDM, GT, LAI reduced with reduced irradiation
    • Intermittent sahding in AV as a way to manage water scarcity
      • Shading strategies can be devised for better crop development

Effects on Crop Development, Yields and Chemical Composition of Celeriac (Apium graveolens L. var. rapaceum) Cultivated Underneath an Agrivoltaic System[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: MDPI; Publication: Agronomy; Year: 2021; Lifetime:; PV Technology: ; Location: ; PV Power: ; Energy: 246MWh; Efficiency:
  • Increase yield and improve water use eff.
    • Quantified: Qualified (adopted from other study)
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Higher soil moisture
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 1.9% higher in 2017, 3.1% lower in 2018
      • Unit: %
    • Quantification Method: Calculations
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments
  • Higher plant height
    • Quantified
    • Low or High: 14% higher in 2017 and 30.6% higher in 2018
      • Unit: %
    • Quantification Method: Calculations
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments
  • Higher yield
    • Quantified
    • Low or High: Dry matter above ground biomass 48% higher in 2017 and 31.9% in 2018; Bulb yield 18.9% lower in 2017 and 11.8% higher in 2018
      • Unit: %, ton/ha
    • Quantification Method: Calculations
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments
  • Soil temperature reduction
    • Quantified
    • Low or High: 1.2oC in 2017 and 1.4oC in 2018
      • Unit: %, oC
    • Quantification Method: Calculations
    • Implication analyzed: Increased yield in 2018; diminishes adverse impact of excessive radiation
    • Comments
  • Introduction
    • Yield reductions of upto 20% can occur under AV
    • Under water scarcity, AV beneficial and can increase yield, imporve water use eff.
    • 4 crops considered: Celeriac, winter wheat, grass-clover and potato
    • Crop yields decreased in 2017:18.7% (wheat), 18.2% (potatoes) and 5.3% (grassclover); in creased in 2018: 2.7% (wheat) 11% (potatoes); grass-clover yields by 7.8%
    • 246MWh of energy produced - 83% of conventional solar plant
    • Objective: To study impact of AV on celeriac including quality/chemical composition
  • Material & Methods
    • Various instrumentation to monitor microclimate installed; PAR as well
    • Crop development measured every two weeks
  • Results & Discussion
    • PAR reduced 29.5%
    • Soil temperature reduced 1.2oC in 2017 and 1.4oC in 2018
    • Soil moisture 1.9% higher in 2017, 3.1% lower in 2018
    • Air humidity 2.8% higher in AV compared to control
    • No difference in yearly mean air temperature
    • Higher plant height in AV; 14% higher in 2017 and 30.6% higher in 2018
    • Dry matter above ground biomass 48% higher in 2017 and 31.9% in 2018
    • Bulb yield 18.9% lower in 2017 and 11.8% higher in 2018; shading helped celeriac in 2018
    • Dry weather conditions rendered lower results for control and AV when compared with national average
    • Higher above ground biomass resulted in higher bulb yield
    • Chemical composition - not much affected by treatements but only by year; Cpncentration of C, Ni and Mn decreased, rest only affected by year

Efficiency Improvement of Ground-Mounted Solar Power Generation in Agrivoltaic System by Cultivation of Bok Choy (Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis L.) Under the Panels[edit | edit source]

Publisher: CBIROE; Publication: International Journal of Renewable Energy Development; Year: 2021; Lifetime:; PV Technology: Amorphous; Location: Chiang Mai Rajabhat University, Thailand; PV Power: 25kW system; 2.28kW of power generation; Energy: ; Efficiency:

  • Introduction
    • By 2036, Thailand intend to increase solar PV installatios to 6000MW
    • Increase in solar can cause land use issues - can be addressed through AV
    • Objective: To ascertain efficiency improvement of solar PV when installed above cultivated land
  • Materials and Methods
    • Location: Chiang Mai Rajabhat University, Thailand; 5 arrays; 25kWp total installed capacity; amorphous PV modules; Crop: Bok Choy
    • Solar radiation, temperatuer of modules, voltage and current measurements recorded
    • Plant characteristics such as height, number of leaves etc. measured every 7 days; crop yield also measured
  • Results and Discussion
    • 0.18oC lower solar panel temperature
    • Higher power generation than control configuration; 2.28 and 2.12 kW vs 2.06kW in control
    • No significant difference in height of plans, although, thinner/smaller stems; no. of leaves lower as well as leaf size and weights also lower
    • Shading could cause 64% solar intensity reduction 1200 micromol/m-s to 74 micromol/m-s
    • Increase in power generation - approx. 0.09%

Not our scope

Emergent molecular traits of lettuce and tomato grown under wavelength-selective solar cells[edit | edit source]

Publisher: Frontiers; Publication: Frontiers in Plant Science; Year: 2023; Lifetime:; PV Technology: Organic Solar Cell (OSC) ; Location: ; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:

  • Improved photosynthesis
    • Quantified: Quantified - from figures/graphs
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: Calculation
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Increased anthoyacin content
    • Quantified: Quantified - from figures/graphs
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: Calculation
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Abstract
    • Semitransparent OSC effect electricity output as well as crop growth
    • Three different OSC filters used; lettuce and tomato grown
    • Lettuce yield not affected by AV; instead benefitted in terms of nutrient content and nitrogen utilization
  • Introduction
    • 70% increase in food demand until 2050
    • Greenhouse more productive for crop growth, less water requirements, less pesticide/fertilizer use, provide shelter to plants from drought/heat/flood
    • Field crops damage due to weather in US in 2021 - 8 billion USD
    • Greenhouses are energy intensive, carbon footprint negative when compared to conventional crop if fossil fuels used in greenhouses
    • OSCs impact light spectrum as well as intensity
    • Blue and red light spectrum more efficiency used by plants for photosynthesis
    • Objective: To determine the impact of OSC on shade tolerant lettuce and shade intolerant tomato under simulated OSC greenhouse condition
    • No adverse impact on biomass
  • Results
    • Light use: similar spectra as natural light
    • Biomass remained unaffected by different OSC filter
    • Photosynthesis improved in OSC when compared to control for lettuce, tomato same but transpiration rate decreased
    • Anthocyanin content for OSC in lettuce increased
  • Discussion
    • The physiology of the plants changed with variation in light quality under different OSC filters

All related to Plant Sciences

Energy Policy for Agrivoltaics in Alberta Canada[edit | edit source]

Publisher: MDPI; Publication: Energies; Year: 2022; Lifetime:; PV Technology: ; Location: ; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:

  • Reduced GHGs, climate change, improved health, increased crop yield, increased land use efficiency, changed microclimate beneficial for crops, increased land productivity, water conservation, maintaining agricultural employment, on farm production of ammonia/hydrogen, charge EVs etc.
    • Quantified: Adopted from other studies
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Introduction
    • AV can address land-use conflicts
    • Objective: To anlayze policies impacting AV in Alberta, Canada
  • AV Background
    • AV benefits - Reduced GHGs, climate change, improved health, increased crop yield, increased land use efficiency, changed microclimate beneficial for crops, increased land productivity, water conservation, maintaining agricultural employment, on farm production of ammonia etc.
    • Canada is behind other nations of the world in AV technology
    • Land-use policies could play a vital role in its diffusion/deterrence
  • Alberta
    • Solar potential of Alberta higher than Tokyo, Paris etc. - 1276 kWh/kW
    • 30% of electricity to come from renewable until 2030 - aim
    • Solar PV regulations in Alberta - micro, small scale, utility scale, based on installed MW
    • Ample opportunities for AV in Alberta in context of AFA, climate smart agriculture etc.
  • Policies Review for Agrivoltaics in Alberta
    • Land Use Framework
    • Alberta Land Stewarship Act
    • Municipal Government Act
    • Agricultural Operation Practices Act (AOPA)
    • Soil Conservation Act
    • Bill 22
    • Special Area Disposition Regulation
    • Electricity from AV can be used to charge EV cars or produce hydrogen as transportation fuel

Evaluation of solar photovoltaic systems to shade cows in a pasture-based dairy herd[edit | edit source]

Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Journal of Dairy Science;Year: 2021; Lifetime: 25 to 30 years; PV Technology: ; Location: Minnesota, US; PV Power: 30kW; Energy: ; Efficiency:

  • Lower respiration rate
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 66.4 breaths/min vs 78.3 breaths/min)
      • Unit: breathes/min
    • Quantification Method: Measurement/calculation
    • Implication analyzed: Increase well-being, reduced heat stress
    • Comments
  • Lower body temp
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 39.0 vs 39.2°C & 39.3 vs39.4°C,
      • Unit: oC
    • Quantification Method:Measurement/calculation
    • Implication analyzed: Increased well-being, reduced heat stress
    • Comments
  • Introduction
    • Climate change to cause increase in average temperatures
    • Above 25oC - cows can develop heat stress; 900 million $ of production losses in dairy sector in US caused by heat stress
    • Temp-humidity index - measure to estimate implication of heat stress in terms of milk production etc.; 68 to 72 in cows means heat stress and reduced milk output/fertility
    • Objective: Implication of PV shading on the production, health, and behavior of cows
  • Materials and Methods
    • Morris, Minnesota, US; 30-kW facility; 35o facing south panels, 2.4 to 3m above ground
    • 24 cows divided into 4 groups of 6 each; pasture/forage fed; divided into shaded or non-shaded treatments
    • 4 periods of grazing; first 7-day long and remaining 5-days considering availability of pasture
    • Weather data acquird from weather stations
    • Fly count, fly avoidance behaviorm respiration, hygiene score, daily milk production was monitored; ear flicks, tail swishes, foot stomps, head tosses and skin twitches also noted
    • Sensors used to monitor body temperature, cow activity etc.
    • Use of shade was noted; observation of cows if they were utilizing the shade
    • Statistical analysis performed with PROC GLIMMIX, PROC MIXED - SAS
  • Results and Discussion
    • THI values b/w 73.3 and 77.4; cows experience mild heat stress
    • Shaded cows had more ear flicks (11.4 ear flicks/30 s) than no-shade cows (8.6 ear flicks/30 s); dirtier bellies and lower legs (2.2 and 3.2, resp) than no-shade cows (1.9 and 2.9, resp) as well
    • In the afternoon, shade cows showed lower respiration rates (66.4 breaths/min) than no-shade cows (78.3 breaths/min); similar in morning
      • Less than 60 breathes/min indicative of no heat stress in cows
    • From 1200 to 1800 h and 1800 to 0000 h, shade cows had lower body temperature (39.0 and 39.2°C, resp) than no-shade cows (39.3 and 39.4°C, resp)
    • B/w milking times (0800 and 1600 h), shaded cows had lower body temperature (38.9°C) than no-shade cows (39.1°C)
    • No difference in fly intensity; milk, fat and protein production b/w shaded and non-shaded cows; similar drinking bout, hourly activity, eating etc.
    • Cows spent 38% to 44% of time in shade

Greener sheep: Life cycle analysis of integrated sheep agrivoltaic systems[edit | edit source]

Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Cleaner energy systems;Year: 2022; Lifetime: 30 years; PV Technology: silicon; Location: New York, Texas and Wyoming, US ; PV Power: 6.67 MW; Energy: ; Efficiency:

  • Higher land use eff, water use eff, increaed crop yield, improved microclimate, animal well being, 69.3% less GHGs for rabbit AV, crop protection from heat
    • Quantified: Adopted from other studies
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Less greenhouse gas emissions
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 4
      • Unit: %
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Global warmming potential improvement
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 280 - 894% compared to conventional grid
      • Unit: %
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Introduction
    • AV can address land-use conflicts; 1% of land address 20% of US electricity requirements
    • Benefits: Higher land use eff, water use eff, increaed crop yield, improved microclimate, animal well being, 69.3% less GHGs for rabbit AV, crop protection from heat
    • Objective: LCA for sheep based AV - follows ISO standard
  • Methods
    • 30 acres, 30 years AV plant, 200 sheep annually could be grazed, 6.67 MW, Location: New York, Texas and Wyoming, US
    • Sheep meat and electricity - main products
    • Electricity in functional unit can come from grid, conventional solar plant or AV whereas sheep protein service can come from AV based sheep or conventionally grazed sheept
    • Ecoinvent version 3 used for modelling
    • Sheep fed with pasture (20% feed is supplemented though), water is pumped and fertilizer is also added, external fencing, while internal fencing for rotational grazing
    • Conventional: 6.67 MW plant, ground mounted, silicon, 30 years, mowing equipment for grass removal, weed treatment
    • Grid: Grid profile available in Ecoinvent used
    • AV: 6.67 MW PV, 200 sheep, external and internal fence, no mowing or herbicide, sheep only graze on pasture, water and fertilizer req. same as conventional PV
    • LCA modelling perofrmed in SimaPro version
  • Results and Discussion
    • Solar PV 10 times less impactful than grid electricity
    • AV sheep 25% better than conventional sheep
    • 4% improvement in GHG emission for AV when compared to separated PV and sheep grazing
    • 280 - 894% global warming potential improvement over conventional grid
    • 70,000kg CO2 eq savings from grass management
    • Ecological impact of electricity generation more promienent than meat production
    • 75% reduction in ecotoxicity transitioning from conventional to AV based sheep production
    • 5.73e8 kg of CO2 eq could be offset by raising sheep in US under AV
    • Anlaysis did not consider end of life impact
    • AV superior to ground mounted PV; improves chances of social acceptance; perfectly in line with sustainable development goals

Green-Light Wavelength-Selective Organic Solar Cells Based on Poly(3-hexylthiophene) and Naphthobisthiadiazole-Containing Acceptors toward Agrivoltaics[edit | edit source]

Publisher: American Chemical Society; Publication: ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering;Year: 2023; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: ; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency

  • Introduction
    • OSCs are being increasingly researched to improve power conversion efficiency (PCE)
    • OSCs can tune wavelength for electricity generation
    • Greenlight wavelength selective OSCs - only absorb photons from green, transmit other wavelengths
    • Objective: Two new materials tested for OSCs
  • Results and Discussion
    • Greenlight wavelength selectivity of proposed materials better when compared to high performance OSC
    • Photosynthesis evaluation under OSC performed for strawberry plants
      • Improved photosynthetic rate when compared to conventional OSC

Does not mention any comparison with not using PVs

Ground-Mounted Photovoltaic and Crop Cultivation: A Comparative Analysis[edit | edit source]

Publisher: MDPI; Publication: Sustainability;Year: 2022; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Mykolaiv, Poland and Opole, Ukraine; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:

  • Reduction in CO2
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 601 (Opole), 286tCO2/ha (Mykolaiv)
      • Unit: tCO2/ha
    • Quantification Method: Calculation
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Introduction
    • PV will encompass 25% of world's electricity by 2050
    • PV conversion into electricity more efficiency than photosynthesis
    • PV causes land use conflict
    • Electricity prices, global conflicts also support the need for renewable energy (solar PV) adoption
    • Objective - Economic efficiency of PV vs farming
  • Materials and Methods
    • Location: Mykolaiv, Poland and Opole, Ukraine
    • Net present value and profitability index for farming project ascertained; coefficient of variation also calculated for two variables
    • r.green.solar model used to compare economics of farming vs PV plant
    • NPV = revenues - cost; PI = revenues/cost
    • CO2 reduction calculated using emission factors of 318kgCO2/MWh for Ukrain and 934kgCO/MWh for Polant
  • Results and Discussion
    • PV projects have higher NPV, but lower PI compared to farming
    • Avg NPV in Mykolaiv=771,829EUR/ha and 71,938 EUR/ha in Opole
    • Avg NPV for farming in Mykolaiv=7111.59EUR/ha, PI 6.465 for farming vs 2.057 for PV
    • Avg NPV for farming in Opole=8300EUR/ha, PI 6.37 for farming vs 1.10 for PV
    • CO2 reduction in Opole = 601 tCO2/ha; In Mykolaiv=286tCO2/ha

Not Agrivoltaics; replacing agriculture with PV

Herbage Yield, Lamb Growth and Foraging Behavior in Agrivoltaic Production System[edit | edit source]

Publisher: Frontiers; Publication: Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems;Year: 2022; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Oregon, US; PV Power: 1.4MW; Energy: ; Efficiency:

  • Reduced water consumption by lamb in late spring season
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 0.72 less
      • Unit: L/head-d
    • Quantification Method: Calculation
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Higher forage quality
    • Quantified: Qualified
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: Inferred based on equal sheep production with smaller yield qty; also chemical composition (nothing specifically mentioned though which chemical contributes)
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Increased land productivity
    • Quantified: Qualified
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Generate less GHGs, 30% more economic value, increased crop yield, ecosystem benefits
    • Quantified: Adopted from other study
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Higher soil moisture
    • Quantified: Qualified
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed: increase in late season biomass
    • Comments
  • Cool climate for grazing/shelter from heat,wind
    • Quantified: Qualified
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed: Reduce sheltering requirements and hence, capital cost
    • Comments
  • High growth rate
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 120g/head-day solar lambs; 119 g/head-day open lambs
      • Unit:g/head-day
    • Quantification Method: Calculated
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Live weight
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: solar lambs (1.5 kg/ha-d) and open lambs (1.3 kg/ha-d)
      • Unit:kg/ha-d
    • Quantification Method: Calculated
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Higher land equivalent ratio
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 1.68 to 2.04
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: Calculated
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Introduction
    • Large solar farms cause land use conflicts; AV can address the issue and provide several other benefits including generation of less GHGs, 30% more economic value, increased crop yield, ecosystem benefits
    • Raising livestock under shade is beneficial - extended grazing time due to lower evapotranspiration, higher nutrient of forage and lower environmental pollution
    • Objective: To analyse pasture/lamb growth, grazing behavior, quality of forage under control and AV config.
  • Materials and Methods
    • Oregon, US; 1.4MW power plant; 2.4 ha, fixed tilt facing south at 18o 1.1m above ground; inter row spacing 6m
    • AV consisted 50% shading and 50% non-shading as 6m space was segregared as 3m fully shaded and 3m partial
    • 09 lambs in each treatment; free access to fresh water
    • Forage dry matter, livestock weight, lamb behavior (idling, grazing or ruminating) was observed; LER calculated; statistical analysis also performed
  • Results
    • Mean air and soild temperatures similar in patially shaded AV and open field;
    • Fully shaded - air temperature lower in spring and summer soil temp greater in spring and lower insummer
    • Soild moisture - similar in control and partial AV; greater in spring and summer in fully shaded
    • Similar pasture for partial and control; for fully AV pasture yield lower; 9-33% lower pasture in AV than open
    • Higher herbage mass in open than AV
    • Differences observed in nutrient contents between open and AV-based pasture
    • Growth:120g/head-day solar lambs; 119 g/head-day open lambs
    • Liveweight production between grazing: solar (1.5 kg/ha-d) and open (1.3 kg/ha-d) [confusing]
    • Lamb behaviors (grazing, ruminating, drinking) were similar for both treatments
    • In late spring, lambs under solar consumed 0.72 L less water per day than control
    • LER - 1.68 to 2.04
  • Discussion
    • Shading and animal trampling lessened pasture production in fully shaded regions
    • No affect on lamb production even with lower available pasture in AV
    • Lambs spend more time under shade and had similar or less water needs when compared to control
    • Higher land use efficiency

Implications of spatial-temporal shading in agrivoltaics under fixed tilt & tracking bifacial photovoltaic panels[edit | edit source]

Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Renewable Energy;Year: 2022; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Lahore, Pakistan; Corvallis, US; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:

    • Quantified:
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Introduction
    • From 1961 to 2016, cropland reduction 46%
    • AV - addresses land use conflict amongst other benefits
    • PAR impacts the crop yield and quality
    • Objective: To model variation in sunlight based on PV config and esimate implications on crop yield
  • Methodology
    • Factor-based approach used to determine shading pattern underneath PV
    • Four config - N/S faced 30o fixed tilt, E-W verticals, N-S SAT and E-W SAT
    • Useful PAR ratio is the PARu,AV divided by PARu,open; Y,PAR = PARu,AV/PARu,open
    • Normalized PAR = PAR/PARth
  • Results and Discussion
    • Half density = inter row spacing twice the normal heigh and half = four times the normal height; normal height 1m
    • PAR th = 213W/m2 for lettuce and tomato = 596W/m2
    • Fixed tilt - N/S vs E/W
      • E/W verticals have homogenous irradiation, higher PAR
      • N/S fixed tilts hetrogenous, lower PAR underneat panels compared to open space b/w modules
    • SAT - N/S vs E/W
      • Similar PAR pattern E-W vertical and E-W SAT
      • For both SAT - seasonal variation evident - higher in underneath panels in winters and lower in summers
      • Normalized PAR vary significantly under N-S SAT
    • Daily cummulative spatial useful PAR yield
      • 30% less useful PAR in winter and 10% in summer - NS fixed tilts, lettuce
      • 40-50% less useful PAR below PV modules, none in b/w spaces - NS fixed tilts, tomato
      • Tomato yield not less than 20% for E/W vertical - homogenous YPAR
    • Comparison with field experiment
      • Corvallis, US; N-S fixed tilt
      • YPAR from experiment = 0.46 and from simulation = 0.51
    • Intercropping for half density solar array
      • Based on threshold PAR (<80% for tomato), areas defined based on the pitch for cropping tomato and lettuce
      • Different for different configurations
      • E/W tracking - pitch can be segregated into 3 segments
      • N/S fixed - tomatoes to be farmed near north and lettuce south; uniform YPAR along the pitch during summer but not in winters
      • E/W verticals - YPAR more than 80%, hence no need for intercropping
      • Intercropping increases land productivity in general
    • Intercropping for full density solar array
      • N/S fixed - tomato and lettuce planted alternately
      • E/W vertical - same intercropping pattern as half density
      • E/W vertical provide highest YPAR for tomato, lowerst E/W SAt
      • 30% less radiation in full-density vs half-density
      • YPAR higher in half density than full density
    • Daily cummulative temporal useful PAR
      • N/S fixed tilt or tracking provide useful irradiation in mornings/evenings in summers; may be more useful for lettuce (shade tolerants)
      • In winters, useful radiation same for different configuations
    • Solar power output analysis
      • E/W tracking highest prodcution, N/S fixed tilt and tracking similar, E/W vertical the least
      • E/W provides highest useful PAR though

No additional benefit of PV discussed

Increasing the comprehensive economic benefits offarmland with Even-lighting Agrivoltaic Systems[edit | edit source]

Publisher: Public Library of Science; Publication: PLOS ONE;Year: 2021; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Fuyang & Hefei, Anhui, China; PV Power: 35 kW in Fuyang ; Energy: ; Efficiency:

  • Reduce drought stress, maintain higher soil moisture and imporved biomass
    • Quantified: Adopted from other study
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Increased yield for Jerusalem artichoke
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 23
      • Unit: %
    • Quantification Method: Calculations
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments
  • LER increased
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 1.64
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: Calculations
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments
  • Higher vit C and nitrate content in T3 vs T1 (Lettuce)
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 13.30 and 33.59
      • Unit: %
    • Quantification Method: Calculations
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments
  • Increased farmers income
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 5.14 times
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: Calculations
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments
  • Introduction
    • Inter-row distance in AV - thrice the height of panels
    • In dry climates, AV have shown to reduce drought stress, maintain higher soil moisture and imporved biomass
    • In suitable climates, reduction in crop yield and quality observed under AV
    • Objective: Propose Even-lighting Agrivoltaic System (EAS) for high yield/quality and eff. electrical output
  • Materials and methods
    • From PV panel area, 1/3 area replaced with grooved glass plate; so area of glass plate is 1/3 the light receiving area of the system
    • PV density remains the same as conventional PV
    • Glass plate scatters the sunlight thus providing irradiation uniformly
    • Tilt considered 23o; height of PVs = 2.5m; model of glass developed in Solidworks and coupled with Zemax 12 to give the light patter/illimination
    • Two experiments:
      • smaller and semi-natural in Hefei; lettuce; four config: Control T1, Conventional AV T2, EAS T3 and EAS with additional lighting T4
      • larger in Fuyang; broccoli, shallot, garlic sprouts, garlic, broad bean, Jerusalem, rape; two config: control and EAS
    • PAR, crop growth, yield, LER, comprehensive eco benefits of EAS were measured
  • Results
    • 47.38% improved irradiation with grooved glass as compared to conventional AV; crops growth rate similar to control
    • 5% yield reduction for all crops except broccoli and rape while Jerusalem artichoke increased 23%
    • EAS increases farmer income by 5.14 times and LER was 1.64
    • Uniform light scattering under grooved glass
    • Under conv AV, PPFD was v less when compared to control or EAS
    • 3.87% more irradiation received on panels than on ground; compared to control EAS received 40.87% less irradiation while conv AV 88.25% less
    • Lettuce: Similar fresh and dry weight in T1, T3 and T4; 53.5% and 60.5% reduction in T2
    • Large Scale Experiment: Reduction in broccoli 9%, rape 11%, shallot 2%, garlic sprouts 6%, garlic 4%, broad bean 6% and Jerusalem artichoke increased 23%
    • Protein content similar in 4 treatments, higher nitrate in T2 and T3 than T1 and T4
    • soluble sugar content in lettuce was T2> T4> T1>T3; for vitamin C, it was T2> T3> T1> T4; for nitrate content, it was T1 = T4 < T3 =T2
    • Farmer's income increased by 5.14 times for EAS
    • LER always greater than 1 - average 1.64

Innovative agrivoltaic systems to produce sustainable energy: An economic and environmental assessment[edit | edit source]

Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Applied Energy;Year: 2021; Lifetime: 25 years; PV Technology: silicon cells; Location: Po Valley, Northern Italy; PV Power: 6.7MW; Energy: ST, 1A and 2A (1100000, 1320000 and 1500000 kWh/y); Efficiency:

    • Reduced evaportranspiration, crops potection from heat, reduced soil temp, higher maize yield under water-stressed conditions, improved water productivity
    • Quantified: Adopted from other study
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Gobal Warming Potential
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 1A (19.4), 2A (20.2) vs 22.6 and 21.3 for GMPV and rooftops
      • Unit: gCO2eq/MJ
    • Quantification Method: LCA
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments
  • Freshwater Eutrophication
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 0.010 1A and 2A vs 0.020 for rooftop and 0.014 for GMPV
      • Unit: g P eq.
    • Quantification Method: LCA
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments
  • Acidification
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 0.13 1A and 2A vs 0.17 for rooftop and 0.15 for GMPV
      • Unit: mmole of H + eq.
    • Quantification Method: LCA
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments
  • Photochemical ozone formation
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 0.069 and 0.072 vs 0.080 for GMPV/rooftops
      • Unit: kg NMVOC eq.
    • Quantification Method: LCA
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments
  • Minerals and metals use
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 0.467 (1A), 0.486 (2A), 0.778 (roof) and 0.589 (GMPV)
      • Unit: mm Sb eq.
    • Quantification Method: LCA
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments
  • Energy carriers use
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 0.26 (1A and 2A), 0.29 (roof) and 0.30 (GMPV)
      • Unit: MJ
    • Quantification Method: LCA
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments
  • Better land utilization, reduce impact on natural ecosystem, stability of crop production, food security, positive effect on water availability and water quality
    • Quantified: Qualified
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Introduction
    • Conflict and climate change - two main factors affect people (hunger, displacement, water access etc.)
    • More than 33% of world's power generation installation are renewables - land occupation issue associated though
    • AV provides several benefits: reduced evaportranspiration, crops potection from heat, reduced soil temp, higher maize yield under water-stressed conditions, improved water productivity
    • Objective: Ascertain Agrivoltaico's environmental performance using LCA as well as economics
  • Materials and Methods
    • Three different config tested - 1A (single axis), 2A (double axis) and ST (fixed - low and high density); compared with traditional PV (ground and roof mounted), wind turbines, coal/gas power plants, biogas (maize and sorghum) and Italian electricity mix
    • Functional unit is 1MJ electricity delivered to grid
    • GABI software used
    • 500kW/hectare for 1A, 2A, HD ST while 200 kW/hectare for LD ST
    • LCOE used as economic indicator; no end of life costs/revenues considered
    • Feasibilty of project ascertained from NPV, IRR and payback periods
    • Economic performance largely unaffected by crops underneath as orders of magnitude quite different for electr. sales
  • Results
    • Global Warming Potential
      • Major contribution for GHG comes from modules and support structure
      • 1A/2A 20gCO2eq/MJ for AV vs 22.6 and 21.3gCO2eq/MJ for GMPV and rooftops
    • Acidification and eutrophication
      • Marine eutrophication similar for 1A and 2A as compared to ground mounts and rooftops; freshwater lower for 1A and 2A
      • Acidification lower for 1A/2A - 0.13 mmole of H+ eq
    • Similar respiratory organics impact for 1A/2A and other PV systems
    • Photochemical ozone formation
      • AV better; 0.069 and 0.072 kg NMVOC eq. vs 0.080 for GMPV/rooftops
    • Resources Depletion
      • AV better; mineral and metals; 0.467 (1A), 0.486 (2A), 0.778 (roof) and 0.589 (GMPV) mm Sb eq.
      • AV better; energy carriers; 0.26 (1A and 2A), 0.29 (roof) and 0.30 (GMPV) MJ
    • Economic Performance
      • GMPV 33% cheaper than AV - reduced installation and infrastructures cost
      • Roof mounts even cheaper than GMPVs
      • 1/3 cost of AV are for installation. BOP and supporting infrastructure; 1/5 for panels
      • LCOE 89.5 euro/MWH for 1A, 88.9 for 2A - GMPV 5 euros and rooftops 15 euros lower though
      • IRR: AV 13%, GMPV 14% and rooftops above 17%
      • Payback time: 9 years AV, 8 and 6 years for GMPV and rooftops
  • Discussion
    • Environmental performance for AV (except fixed tilts) similat to GMPVs and rooftops
    • Better land utilization, reduce impact on natural ecosystem, stability of crop production, food security are other advantages of AV
    • 20-70 times less energy production for biogas when compared to PV
    • 50% higher CAPEX for AV than GMPV - additional electricity pays it off
    • AV have no negative impact on sustainable development goals suggested by UN

Integration of bifacial photovoltaics in agrivoltaic systems: A synergistic design approach[edit | edit source]

Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Applied Energy;Year: 2021; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: bifacial; Location: Boston, USA; ; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:

  • Decreased soil temperaure
    • Quantified: Adopted from other study
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed: decrease in soil evaporation which increases yield for Maize under non-irrigated conditions
    • Comments
  • Reduced evapotranspiration and cooler plants beneficial for plants
    • Quantified: Adopted from other study
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Introduction
    • Land use issues can be addressed with AV
    • Objective: Coin a modelling framework to ascertain optimal topology for AV system using bifacial modules
    • Location: Boston, USA
  • Literature Review
    • Plant Productivity and growth
      • Under water stressed conditions, plants photosynthesis process is adversely impacted
      • PAR is the useful spectrum of light used for photosynthesis
      • C3 require lower PAR - suitable for AV than C4
    • Diffuse light
      • Can penetrate deeper and be beneficial
      • Different ways to increase diffuse light; greenhouse or diffusion film
    • Influence of PV array
      • Mean daily air temp remains same under AV, soil temp reduces, increases yield (Maize)
      • Cooler crops as well as reduced evapotranspiration beneficial for plants
    • Bifacial PV optimization
      • Bifacials improve LCOE as compared to monos
      • Bifacial gain 15-25% for small setups while it is 5-15% for large farms
      • With stilt mounted AV systems, the bifacials offer great synergy (more rear irradiance due to increased height, low density)
    • Ground albedo
    • Ray tracing validity
      • Ray tracing (RT) model was adopted - software: Radiance and Daysim
  • Modelling
    • Three stages of modelling - geometric, irradiance and yield
    • Geometric modelling through CAD and Grasshopper
    • Coupling of geomteric and irradiance modelling performed via DIVA
    • Using irradiation values, electrical yield and corp yield determined
    • Mathematical equations used to determine the electrical yield
    • LER also ascertained; crop yield determined using CO2 assimilation rate for shaded and unshaded conditions
    • Coeff. of variation used to ascertain light inhomogeneity
  • Results
    • Higher electrical yield vs monos for all three config - S-N facing (39%), E-W wings (18%) and E-W vertical (13%)
    • E-W vertical better for permanent crops, S-N facing better for shade tolerant crops during summer and E-W wings improves light distribution as well as provides shade in noon (best config)
    • Increased row spacing impacted light transmittance less in E-W config than S-N facing arrays
    • Higher tilts benefits more with increasing the row spacing
    • Low density PV increases light availability for both PV and crops; decreases electrical output
    • N-S facing arrays have higher electrical output than E-W vertical;; but E-W vertical have better light distribution
    • E-W wings topology shall be used for crops requiring shading mid-day as E-W verticals do not provide shade in the afternoon
    • For blueberry growth, E-W wings topology with customized bifacials were tested - land productivity increased 50% while electrical output reduced 33% compared to conventional
    • To keep yield reduction to 17%, module transparency of 38% was used for E-W wings topology

Life cycle assessment of pasture-based agrivoltaic systems: Emissions and energy use of integrated rabbit production[edit | edit source]

Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Cleaner and Responsible Consumption;Year: 2021; Lifetime: 30 years; PV Technology: multi-crystalline Si; Location: Texas, USA; PV Power: 1.57MW; Energy: 412596 MWh; Efficiency:

  • Additional yield, improved land use efficiency, land use conflict, reduced water consumption between 14-29% and financials, beneficial for environment
    • Quantified: Adopted from other study
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Less emissions and fossil energy demand vs separate PV based elec generation
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: (3883000 vs 12667000) 69.3% and (46037000 vs 269234000)82.9%
      • Unit: kg CO2 eq and MJ
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Introduction
    • Traditional PV farms cause land use conflict between energy and food production - AV provides the solution
    • Additional benefits of putting solar on farmland: additional yield, improved land use efficiency, land use conflicts and financials, reduced water requirement between 14-29% for farming, beneficial for environment
    • Objective: Ascertain the environmental performance of rabbit-based agrivoltaic systems against traditional practices
    • Three scenarios studied: rabbit agrivoltaics, separate rabbit farming and PV electricity generation; and separate conventional electricity generation and rabbit farming
  • Methodology
    • LCA performed according to ISO 14040 (ISO, 2006a) and ISO 14044 (ISO, 2006b)
    • Energy generation potential for all 3 scenarios: 1.57MW (412596MWh); rabbit meat based on 2ha productive capacity of pasture (7200 rabbits); lifetime 30 years; location: Texas, USA
    • Cradle to gate approach - no end of life processes considered (nelegible impact on GHG and fossil energy demand)
    • Additional internal fencing considered for AV scenario to determine the environmental impact
    • For conventional PV plant, vegetative maintenance required since no rabbits are available
    • Conventional rabbit farming included feeding methods as well as housing/shelter
    • Impact assessment methods ascertained using SimaPro (PCC 2013 Global Warming Potential (GWP) 100a V1.03 and cumulative energy dem (CED) V1.11)
    • Cumulative energy demand and GHG emissions - major parameters being looked
  • Results & Discussion
    • Rabbit AV environmentally superior - least GHG emission and fossil energy demand (69.3% and 82.9%)
      • Reason; no requirement of vegetative maintenance for PV and feed input for rabbit

Modeling of large-scale integration of agrivoltaic systems: Impact on the Japanese power grid[edit | edit source]

Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Journal of Cleaner Production;Year: 2022; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: ; PV Power: ; Energy: 35TWh other crops and 24 TWH for rice land; Efficiency:

  • Land use conflict, increased income
    • Quantified: Adopted from other study
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Reduced CO2 emissions
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 8.14% for rice paddies
      • Unit: %
    • Quantification Method: Calculation
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Introduction
    • With PV grid stability is a problem as well as land use conflict; AV tackles it and can help decarbonize Japan's elec. grid
    • For food security reasons, yield in AV config should be at least 80% of normal farming
    • Objective: Identify the impact of large scale AV installation in Japan's grid using rice farmland and eq amount of farmland for other crops
  • Methodology
    • Rice paddies account for 35% of farmlandland in Japan; hence "35%" of total cultivated land used for comparison
    • Maximum agrivoltaic application on rice land - 28% to achieve 80% of yield; sensitivity performed for half this percentage
    • Scenario 1: No batteries or expanded transmission lines; Scenario 2: With expanded transmmission lines; Scenarios 3 & 4: With battery storage only (differing costs); Scenarios 5 and 6: With both transmission lines and batteries
    • CO2 emission ascertained uding the CO2 emission rate anf fuel used for generation
  • Results
    • Installing AV on rice land more beneficial tham on similar acreage on other cropland since rice paddies are situated in high load requirement regions
    • Without battery and expanded transmission line, generator/output suppression will occur as PV will produce more energy than required
    • More suppression occurred in other cropland than rice land due to distributed allocation of rice paddies and closeness to high load centers
    • Adding transmission lines reduced the output suppression but not much - with batteries (even alone) it is considerable, although together it is higher

Modeling of Stochastic Temperature and Heat Stress Directly Underneath Agrivoltaic Conditions with Orthosiphon Stamineus Crop Cultivation[edit | edit source]

Publisher: MDPI; Publication: Agronomy;Year: 2022; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: University Putra, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:

  • Improved impact on environment, light usage and space for dual purpose, increased crop yield
    • Quantified:
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Introduction
    • Malaysia aims to increase its renewable share to 20% by 2025
    • For PV based elec. output, temperature plays a key role - 1oC increase in temp reduces eff by 0.5%
    • Heat stress/temperature can play an important role in plant's growth
    • Orthosiphon stamineus used for study; drip fertigation employed
    • Vapor pressure deficit and transpration aimpact plant health/growth
    • Objective: Measure the temperature profile and impact of heat stress for AV system growing Orthosiphon stamineus
  • Methodology
    • Location: University Putra, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia; height of PV: 1 -1 .5m; temp, RH and wind speed measured; VPD calculated, thermal camera used for recording temperature profile
    • Increased VPD increases transpiration which reduces photosynthesis
  • Results
    • VPD for AV - avg: 1.072 kPa; for greenhouse conditions: 0.85 kPa
    • At 4 ft height, in the afternoon, highest heat stress occurrence (23%) - reason being high temp at the back of PVs (heat stress condition considered when temp got 10-15oC above ambient)
    • The heat stress model could provide min and max temp based on PV panel and 4ft high temp

Not our scope

Module Technology for Agrivoltaics: Vertical Bifacial Versus Tilted Monofacial Farms[edit | edit source]

Publisher: IEEE; Publication: Journal of Photovoltaics;Year: 2021; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Lahore, Pakistan; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:

  • Reduced water requirements, improved crop yield, farmland conservation and socioeconomic advantages to farmers, land-use conflict, protection from extreme weather
    • Quantified: Adopted from another study
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Introduction
    • AV addresses land-use conflict with several benefits
    • Full density PV arry: row to row distance twice the height of PV array and half density - four times
    • South facing 30o tilt arrays; total global radiation 60% for half density and 80% for quarter density compared to open field
    • Objective: Comparing vertical E-W bifacials vs tilted monos and bifacials with N-S orientation w.r.t PAR and elec. yield
  • Methodology
    • Solar irradiation, shadow lengths, electrical yield, transmitted PAR are analytically determined
    • LPF ascertained, uses PAR and electrical yield as matrix
    • Soiling loss 4-7% higher for mono N-S vs bifacials; however, not considered in the analysis
  • Results and Discussion
    • N-S tilted and E-W verticals compared for half (p/h=4), full (p/h=2) and double (p/h=1) density config
    • Verticals produce same elec. yield and PAR comapred to half density tilted N-S facing arrays
    • Verticals beneficial due to min land coverage, ease of farm machinery operation, reduced soiling losses etc.
    • With increased panel density more than half density, shading becomes evident for verticals, hence, elec. yield reduces but PAR increases
    • PAR higher for vertical vs N-S for all density config
    • LPF alsmost similar for for half density config for both N-S and vertical E-W; as panel density increases LPF improves for N-S when compared to E-W verticals
    • Tilt angle impacts crop yield as PAR gets affected - can be used to adjust PAR and PV energy yield
    • For all three schemes: for 80% PAR, p/h=4; for 80% elec. yield, p/h = 2.6 for N/S and p/h=2 for bi E-W, however, PAR in this scenario reduces to 60-70%

Not our scope

Performance and Hydroponic Tomato Crop Quality Characteristics in a Novel Greenhouse Using Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Technology for Covering Material[edit | edit source]

Publisher: MDPI; Publication: horticulture; Year: 2019; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Macedonia, Greece; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:

  • Quality of fruit
    • Quantified: Qualified
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Lower transpiration rate for MST
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 6 for conventional and 5 for DSSC
      • Unit: H2O m-2 sec-1
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Higher lycopene for ChT in DSSC
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 42.2 vs 35 for conventional
      • Unit: microg/g
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Higher Beta-carotene for ChT in DSSC
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 12 vs 10 for conventional
      • Unit: microg/g
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Higher total Cartenoids
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 55 vs 40 for ChT and 40 vs 36 for MST (values ascertained from graph)
      • Unit: microg/g
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Higher antioxidant capacity
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: ABTS: 37 vs 32 for MST and 67 vs 61 for ChT; DPPH: 41 vs 39 for ChT (values ascertained from graph)
      • Unit: mg TE/100gfw
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Introduction
    • Greenhouses are increasingly adopting renewable sources for energizing
    • Integration of solar modules on greenhouses may cause reduced production unless the sunlight excess sunlight is harvested
    • Objective: To ascertain the implication of using DSSC solar panel in a greenhouse application - crop yield and crop quality and compare with normal greenhouse
  • Materials and Methods
    • Location: Thermi, Macedonia, Greece; medium-sized tomato (MST) and cherry tomato (ChT) experimented; solar radiation, air termp and humidity were measured; plant's yield, morphological, physiological, physiochemical, antioxidants and qualitative characteristics were measured
    • PAR 576 +- 100 and 387 +- 100 micro mol (photon) m–2 s–1 for conventional and DSSC greenhouse
  • Results and Discussion
    • Microclimate
      • Solar radiation, air temp, humidity, concentration of CO2 measured - data used for calculating photosynthesis/chlorophyll content
      • Same air temp, 20% less illumination in DSSC greenhouse
    • Yield and mean weight of early and total fruit production
      • MST yield reduced 40% and ChT 31% in DSSC greenhouse
      • Average fruit weight similar for ChT but 7.5% less in DSSC
    • Physiological Parameters of Plants
      • Chlorophyll content index (CCI) 37% lower for MST and 38% lower for ChT in DSSC
      • 18% lower transpiration rate for MST in DSSC - same for ChT; 6 H2O m-2 sec-1 vs 5 H2O m-2 sec-1
      • Stomatal conductance higher in conventional greenhouse (74% MST and 76% ChT)
      • Lower photosynthetic rate (55% for MST and 40% for ChT) in DSSC
    • Fruit Quality Parameters and Bioactive Compounds
      • Similar citric acid, dry matter %, total sugar content for normal and DSSC based products
      • Higher lycopene 42.4 microg/g for ChT in DSSC vs approx. 35 (acquired from graph) for conventional
      • Beta-carotene 13% higher in DSSC greenhouse for ChT 12 vs 10 microg/g (both values taken from graph)
      • Total cartenoids higher (26%) for both fruits in DSSC
      • Antioxidant capacity - ABTS 10% and DPPH 5% higher in DSSC greenhouse

Recent progress in organic luminescent solar concentrators for agrivoltaics: Opportunities for rare-earth complexes[edit | edit source]

Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Solar Energy;Year: 2022; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: ; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:

  • Providing optimum plant conditions such as CO2 concentration, temp, humidity and incident radiation
    • Quantified: Qualified
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Same tomato production while positive influence on other crops
    • Quantified: Adopted from other study
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Introduction
    • PAR is used for photossynthesis - other spectrum (IR and UV) can be converted to electrical output
    • Luminescent solar concentrators (LSCs)
    • Objective: Present organic LSC as a future AV technology
  • Conclusion
    • LSC can be used to harness non PAR spectrum for electricity and the remaining for plant growth
    • LSCs doped with rare earth complexes are transparent as compared to organic dyes

Unsure whether it makes our scope or not

Remarkable agrivoltaic influence on soil moisture, micrometeorology and water-use efficiency[edit | edit source]

Publisher: PLOS; Publication: PLOS ONE;Year: 2018; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Corvallis, Oregon, US; PV Power: 1435 kW; Energy: ; Efficiency:

  • Land use conflicts get addressed with AV, land productivity increases, lower soil water potential under PVs, increased final fresh weight
    • Quantified: Adopted from another study
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Higher soil moisture
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: No numbers - graphs available though
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: Calculation/measurement
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments:
  • Dry biomass
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: Under SFC 126 % and 90 % compared to SFO and control
      • Unit: grams
    • Quantification Method: Calculation
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments:
  • Water efficiency
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: Under SFC 328 %
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: Calculation
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments:
  • Biomass productivity
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: Under SFC 50 vs 9 and 12 fir SFO and control
      • Unit: kg/m3 of water
    • Quantification Method: Calculation
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments:
  • Introduction
    • Land use conflicts get addressed with AV; land productivity increases, lower soil water potential under PVs, increased final fresh weight
    • Objective: To determined the effect of agrivoltaic on microclimate, soil moisture and pasture production
  • Materials and Methods
    • Location: Corvallis, Oregon, US; south-facing at 18o, 1.1m above ground, inter row spacing of 6, installed capacity 1435 kW, non-irrigated
    • Three configurations - Sky full open (SFO), Solar partially open (between panels) (SPO) and solar fully covered (under panels) (SFC); shadow length varies from 1.1m to 1.4m
    • Air temp, RH, wind speed and directions, radiation, soil moisture, biomass were measured
  • Results and Discussion
    • Wind direction is oriented from south to north, perpendicular to panels, reason being increased temp near the panels causing a buoyant force
    • SFO soil moisture depletion higher than control; SFC remained moist the most among all configs - interesting result; may be result of long wave radiation and view factor
    • Soil moisture: SFC>SPO>control>SFO
    • Dry biomass: 126% more in SFC compared to SFO and 90% more in SFC compared to control
    • 328% more water efficiency and higher biomass productivity (under SFC 50 vs 9 and 12 kg/m3 of water for SFO and control)

Shading apple trees with an agrivoltaic system: Impact on water relations, leaf morphophysiological characteristics and yield determinants[edit | edit source]

Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Scientia Horticulturae;Year: 2022; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: La Pugere, France; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:

  • Lower air temperature
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 3.8 less
      • Unit: oC
    • Quantification Method: Calculation (measurement)
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments:
  • Increased RH
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 14
      • Unit: %
    • Quantification Method: Calculation/measurement
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments:
  • Reduced irrigation requirement
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 6 - 31
      • Unit: % (MPa - Water potential unit)
    • Quantification Method: Calculation/measurement
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments:
  • Higher no. of fruit bearing trees and no. of fuits per tree
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 31 & 44
      • Unit: %
    • Quantification Method: Calculation/measurement
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments:
  • Increased surface leaf area
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 18.4-18.3-17.31 for AV leaves compared to 13.8-14.2-13-49 for control leaves in 2019-2020-2021.
      • Unit: m2/kg
    • Quantification Method: Calculation/measurement
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments:
  • Introduction
    • Climate change will impact the crops
    • To maintain apple production, tree shading is one of the strategies employed; however, it can affect the yield
    • Agrivoltaics can provide shade to apple trees
    • Objective: To ascertain the implication of solar tracking on microclimate, water requirements, carbon assimilation, plant morphology and yield determinants
  • Materials and methods
    • Location: La Pugere, France; panel height of 5m (1.5m above apple trees), solar tracking employed until Jul 2021 (after raining light interception from PV was minimal for drying while in case of frost the panels were oriented horizontally), after Jul 2021 tracking only happened when irradiation exceeded 870 W/m2 and 30 oC
    • Air temp, RH, water potential, photosynthetic light responses, leaf area, floribundity, fruit drop, starch concentration and yield was measured
  • Results
    • Mean shadinf due to AV 40-50%
    • Air temperature under AV 3.8oC less while RH 14% higher
    • Irrigation requirements decreased between 6 - 31%
    • Leaf area increased while photosynthetic capacity reduced; under low radiation, photosynthetic activity higher for AV (check with Koami)
    • 7% lower starch accumulation, 31% lower flower intensity at shoot
    • 31% higher no. of trees bearing fruit and 44% more no. of fruits in a fruit bearing tree
    • Size of fruit reduced between 17% in 2019, but remained same in 2020 and 21
    • 24% less dry matter under AV
    • Density of flowere reduced under shading
    • Higher large fruit drop less under shaded configuration than under control
    • Fresh and dry mass of fruit less under shading; less yield at plot scale as well
    • Reduced starch content for AV

Solar Sharing for Both Food and Clean Energy Production: Performance of Agrivoltaic Systems for Corn, A Typical Shade-Intolerant Crop[edit | edit source]

Publisher: MDPI; Publication: Environments; Year: 2019; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Ichihara City, Chiba Prefecture, Japan; PV Power: 4.5 kW; Energy: ; Efficiency:

  • Land use competition can be catered
    • Quantified: Qualified
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Similar yield of lettuce, increased land productivity, reduced soil temp, daily air temp and VPD remains constance, reduced soil erosion by reducting mositure evaporation
    • Quantified: Adopted from other study
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Higher fresh weight
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 393g LD vs 372.2g in control
      • Unit: grams
    • Quantification Method: Calculation/measurement
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Higher average biomass (dry basis)
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 1.71kg/m2 LD vs 1.63kg/m2 in control
      • Unit: kg/m2
    • Quantification Method: Calculation/measurement
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Higher yield
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 3.54kg/m2 LD vs 3.35kg/m2 in control
      • Unit: kg/m2
    • Quantification Method: Calculation/measurement
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Reduced water evaporation
    • Quantified: Qualified
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Introduction
    • Land use competition can be catered with AV
    • Objective: To find a PV system that reduced land use competition
  • Materials and methods
    • Location: Ichihara City, Chiba Prefecture, Japan, area 100 m2, 2.7m high modules at a tilt of 30o
    • Three config: High density (HD): 0.71m row spacing, Low Density (LD): 1.67m and Control, crop: Corn
  • Results
    • Corn yield
      • Measured in terms of fresh weight adn biomass
      • Higher corn fresh weight for LD config than control and HD; 393g LD vs 372.2g in control
      • Higher average biomass for LD vs control and HD; 1.71 vs 1.63 kg/m2
      • Higher corn yield per square meter; 3.35 kg/m2 for control while 3.54 kg/m2 for LD
    • Electrical performance
      • Double electrical energy for HD when compared to LD
    • Crop Revenues
      • HD (8.3 times) highest revenue followed by LD (4.3 times) and control

Spectral-splitting concentrator agrivoltaics for higher hybrid solar energy conversion efficiency[edit | edit source]

Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Energy Conversion & Management;Year: 2022; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: Spectral splitting concentrator mono crystalline silicon solar cells; Location: Fuyang, China; PV Power: ; Energy: 80kWh/m2-year; Efficiency:

  • Improve microclimate and cater land use competition
    • Quantified: Adopted from other study
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Increased crop productivity, improved microclimate and decreased plant heat dissipation/photoinhibition
    • Quantified: Qualified
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Increased aboved ground biomass
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 45 vs 40 grams for potato and 15 vs 13 grams for lettuce (from graph)
      • Unit: grams
    • Quantification Method: Calculation/measurement
    • Implication analyzed: yes
    • Comments: Better biomass production in hot climates
  • Lower non-photochemical quenching
    • Quantified: Quantified (measured)
    • Low or High: A cont graph for a day, cannot be quantified - no avg mentioned as well
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: Calculation/measurement
    • Implication analyzed: yes
    • Comments: Lower heat dissipation
  • Higher chlorophyll fluorescence
    • Quantified: Quantified (measured)
    • Low or High: A cont graph for a day, cannot be quantified - no avg mentioned as well
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: Calculation/measurement
    • Implication analyzed: yes
    • Comments: Better photosynthetic eff; reduced photoinhibition
  • Improved microclimate
    • Quantified: Quantified (measured); reduced temp and humidity
    • Low or High: A cont graph, cannot be quantified - no avg mentioned as well
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: Calculation/measurement
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Lower soil temperature
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 26.81 vs 28.77 at 5cm and 26.74 vs 28.27 at 10cm
      • Unit: oC
    • Quantification Method: Calculation/measurement
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • High soil humidity
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 21.58 vs 16.16 at 5cm and 26.14 vs 21.71 at 10cm
      • Unit: %
    • Quantification Method: Calculation/measurement
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Introduction
    • Photosynthetic eff. is 4.6% for C3 and 6% for C4 plant theoretically - generally less than 1%
    • Plant generally absorb blue, red and far-red spectrum; generally excess energy is dissipated (more than 50%)
    • Opaque cells in AV cause shading - wavelength selective solar cells are being explored
    • Objective: Understand optical properties and PV and photosynthetic eff. of SCAPV
  • Materials and methods
    • SCAPV using parabolic trough concentrator, multilayer polymer film and silicon cell was used
    • Transmittance 87% for 397-492nm abd 604-852nm range; reflectance of other bands greater than 90%
    • Location: Fuyang, China; dual axis tracking PTA, mono crystalline silicon based solar panel
    • PV efficiency calculations were performed - experimental evaluation also done using I-V curves tracers
    • Potato tested in open SCAPV and lettuce under greenhouse; compared with control
    • Chlorophyll fluorescence, outdoor air temp, humidity, water evaporation, solar radiation, soil temp and moisture as well as CO2 concentration was measured
  • Results and discussion
    • SCAPV spectrum falls in line with plant requirements; better than other wavelength selective tech
    • Ultimate efficiency: 17%, ideal efficiency: 10.35%, experimemtal: 9.9%
    • Increased aboved ground biomass by 13%
    • Non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) lower in SCAPV than control; improved chlorophyll
    • Lower soil temperature and higher soil humidity
    • Combined eff of SCAPV - 9.05%; higher than photosynthetic eff.
    • LCOE=0.033$/kWh

The Agrivoltaic Potential of Canada[edit | edit source]

Publisher: MDPI; Publication: Sustainability;Year: 2023; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: bifacial mono c Si; Location: Canada; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:

  • Land use conflict, reduced GHG, reduced climate change, water conservation, increased yield, protection of crops from inclement weather and excess solar energy, soil erosion mitigation, reversing desertification, maintaining agriclutural employment, improved heath, increased revenue, onfarm fertilizer production and renewable fuels
    • Quantified: Adopted from other studies
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Offset fossil-fuel based electricity generation
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Decarbonize transport sector, heating sector, power computer servers and export electricity to fossil fuel dependent US
    • Quantified: Qualified
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Introduction
    • Benefits of AV: Land use conflict, reduced GHG, reduced climate change, water conservation, increased yield, protection of crops from inclement weather and excess solar energy, soil erosion mitigation, reversing desertification, maintaining agriclutural employment, improved heath, increased revenue, onfarm fertilizer production and renewable fuels
    • Canada is lacking in AV tech - Asia, Europe and US quite ahead
    • Objective: To determine the AV potential of Canada on 1% agricultural land
  • Materials and methods
    • Two configurations: Vertical south facing and single axis tracking
    • GIS used to determined the location of farmland (excluding pasture)
    • The total installed capacity of verticals and SAT on the farmland
    • Simulation runs then performed on SAM to ascertain total potential for each province
  • Results
    • 175,267GWh for verticals or 272,554GWh for SAT - potential electrical output for 1% of agricultural land - 28% to 43% of Canada's electrical needs
    • Fossil fuel based electricity can be offset for majority of provinces - less than 1% agricultural land required except for Alberta , BC and Maritimes with verticals and only Maritimes with SAT

The optimization of vertical bifacial photovoltaic farms for efficient agrivoltaic systems[edit | edit source]

Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Solar Energy;Year: 2021; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Lahore, Pakistan; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:

  • Land use competition, improved livelihood of farmers
    • Quantified: Qualified
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Protection of crops from harmful climate, reduced soil leaching, 20% less requirement of water for irrigation. higher yield, water efficiency, soil moisture
    • Quantified: Adopted from other studies
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Introduction
    • AV can reduce land use competition
    • Several benefits of AV cited in literature: Protection of crops from harmful climate, reduced soil leaching, 20% less requirement of water for irrigation. higher yield, water efficiency, soil moisture
    • Objective: To develop a light distribution model that can provide esimate of the irradiation incident on the ground in AV setting and use it to determine the implication on energy and crop yield
  • Methodology
    • Two config: N-S oriented at a tilt and use monos, E-W vertical and use bifacials; location: Lahore, Pakistan
    • MATLAB code used for irradiance modelling; irradiation received by panels and ground calculated, shadowing on the ground, LER as well as crop yield (lettuce) determined
  • Results and discussion
    • The two config tested with three variations in densities: p=h; p=2h and p=3h
    • Similar energy and crop yields for both confi for shade intolerant crops - with half dense PV config as compared to GMPV
    • Denser PV array; different yield; bi-E-W higher crop and mono-N-S higher energy
    • For greater than 80% of lettuce yield, PV density varies from half to twice of GMPVs
    • For greater than 80% of energy yield, crop yield varies from 65% (intolerant) to 100% (tolerant)
    • High hetrogeneity observed for N-S config while homogenous for E-W under low panel densities; for high panel densities, light distribution generally homogenous for both config
    • Crop yield suffers for E-W as p/h decreases; below p/h=4, crop yield for E-W are generally higher except for shade tolerant crops
    • At low densities, LER similar while it gets higher for monons with increased densities
    • Results related to impact of tilt angle also discussed
    • Soiling can cause 2-5% loss of annual PV power for tilted arrays
    • Model validation performed - model sligtly overstimates yield

Discuss with Koami - unsure if it makes our cut

Tinted Semi-Transparent Solar Panels Allow Concurrent Production of Crops and Electricity on the Same Cropland[edit | edit source]

Publisher: Wiley Online Library; Publication: Advanced Energy Materials;Year: 2021; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: ; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:

  • Protection of plants, better water redistribution, wind mitigation, temperature modulation, reduced evapotranspiration, improved soil humidity, increased food production, better economics,
    • Quantified: Adopted from other study
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Improved protein content
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: Basil: protein content improved leaf - 14.1%; steam 37.6% and root 9.6%; Spinach: 53.1%, 67.9% and 13.8%
      • Unit: %
    • Quantification Method: Calculation
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Improved finances
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 223.4 vs 22.8 for basil and 5.66 vs 4.18 for spinach
      • Unit: USD/m2
    • Quantification Method: Calculation
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Risk mitigation for farmers associated with climate and economic uncertainty/diversificaiton of income, crop protection, effective water redistribution, mitigation of wind, temperaturem evapotranspiration, improved soil humidity
    • Quantified: Qualitative (discussion)
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Introduction
    • PVs can make use of all the light or selective portions of the incoming light for electricity generation
    • Electrical generation from PV - varies linearly with light intensity; not the same for plants as they reach a threshold
    • Tinted STPV used with spinach and basil; energy, crop yield, economics, as well as quality of product studied
  • Results
    • Basil yield reduced - mean dry weight of root, steam and leaf under AV: 441+-43gDW/m2 ; C: 627+-92 gDW/m2; only leaf + stem: 319+-31 for AV and 391+-82 for control
    • Spinach yield increased - mean dry weight of root, steam and leaf under AV: 158+-29gDW/m2 ; C: 218+-42 gDW/m2; only leaf + stem: 145+-40 for AV and 196+-57 for control
    • 57% less solar radiation received under AV but biomass reduced only 30% and 28% for basil and spinach - more efficient photosynthetic use of light
    • Basil: protein content improved leaf - 14.1%; steam 37.6% and root 9.6%; Spinach: 53.1%, 67.9% and 13.8%
    • Overall: 15% yield reduction for basil and 26% for spinach; financial gain 2.5% for basil and 35% for spainch

Water budget and crop modelling for agrivoltaic systems: Application to irrigated lettuces[edit | edit source]

Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Agricultural Water Management;Year: 2018; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Montpellier, France; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:

  • Reduced water consumption (20-30%)
    • Quantified: Adopted from other study
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Actual evapotranspiration
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 22% ST, 26% HD, and 19% CT
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Reduced irrigation requirements
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 1.75 ST, 1.77 HD, and 1.69 CT vs 2.11 CP (spring); 2.27 ST, 1.83 HD, and 2.10 CT vs 2.48 CP
      • Unit: g/mm
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Introduction
    • Several benefits of AV - can address food and energy issues
    • Objective: To esimtate the effect of rain redistribution on crop yield and water requirement, ascertain water use and land use efficiencies, optimizng shading strategy soil water considering various factors
  • Materials and methods
    • Location: Montpellier, France; crop: lettuce; drip irrigation
    • Four shading config; fixed tilt of 25o facing south - HD (3.2 m gap); HD (1.6m gap); ST (maximize solar interception by PV) and CT (parallel in morning and evening - max interception in afternoon)
    • Radiaion, air temp and RH, wind vel and dir, rain, soil moisture content was measured; evapotranspiration, water productivity and LER calculated
    • Irrigation model developed for AV considering stomatal conductance, variation of radiation and expandingo on Optirrig model
  • Results
    • 33% ST, 30% HD, 49% FD and 23% CT - less radiation than Control
    • Actual evapotranspiration reduction: 22% ST, 26% HD, and 19% CT
    • Fresh biomass reduced for all AV config at the harvest dates
    • Reduced irrigation for both seasons for AV config
    • LER>1 for all AV config for both season
    • Almost similar yields are obtained with delay in harvest

Water evaporation reduction by the agrivoltaic systems development[edit | edit source]

Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Solar Energy; Year: 2022; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Fuyang, China; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:

  • Avoid drought and water stress, protection of plant from excess radiation, and improve plant growth
    • Quantified: Adopted from other study
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Reduced evaporation due to the EAS and CAS tech
    • Quantified: Qualified
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Reduced soil surface evaporation
    • Quantified: Quantified (measured)
    • Low or High: CK, CAS, and EAS: 80.53 mm, 63.38 mm, and 54.14 mm,
      • Unit: mm
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Soil moisture conservation
    • Quantified: Quantified (measured)
    • Low or High: CK, CAS, and EAS: 26, 35, and 39
      • Unit: %
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Reduced pan surface evaporation
    • Quantified: Quantified (measured)
    • Low or High: CK, CAS, and EAS: 278.76 mm, 238.52 mm, and 225.85 mm,
      • Unit: mm
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Introduction
    • Water shortage is a major issue and water evaporation occurs naturally
    • Reduction in water evaporation is being increasingly looked into - AV is a potential method as well
    • Objective: To estimate the alleviation of water evaporation under AV and study its mechanism
  • Experimental materials and methods
    • Location: Fuyang, China; evaporated container, pan evaporation, weather station for measurements
    • CAS allows red. blue and far red to pass through, reflect remaining wavelengths for elec. generation
    • EAS use a glass between solar cells to scatter light
  • Results and discussion
    • CAS only allows the light needed by plants reflecting the remaining, hence, reducing evaporation while in EAS due to diffusion, only a portion reaches the soil; also no direct light reaches in either EAS or CAS
    • Soil surface evaporation: CK, CAS, and EAS: 80.53 mm, 63.38 mm, and 54.14 mm,
    • Temp under CAS and EAS is lower than control; EAS<CAS<control
    • Improved soil moisture conservation and reduced pan surface evaporation

Vertical agrivoltaics and its potential for electricity production and agricultural water demand: A case study in the area of Chanco, Chile[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments; Year: 2023; Lifetime: ; PV Technology:; Location: Chanco, Maule, Chile; PV Power: 100kW; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • Sun protection and windbreaks results in water savings.
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 1410
      • Unit: m3/ha
    • Quantification Method: Measured
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments
  • Reduced carbon emissions (Introduction)
    • Quantified: Qualified
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments


  • Vertical AV – less electrical energy but better for farming operations
  • Chile – climate change impacts evident – drought, less rains, water stress, increased temperatures
  • Efficient water usage is being emphasized
  • AV – solution to water scarcity problem and renewable energy development
  • Purpose: Anlayze reduction of water use with AV vs open field and compare electricity generation for vertical AV vs north tilted PV
  • 4 fences of 50 bifacial PV panels – 14m inter row spacing for 12 m wide farm area; allows machine movement and no shading; two panels together in landscape orientation 0.9 m above the ground


  • Energy production for vetical AV vs 35o north tilt system
  • Comparison of evapotranspiration for open vs AV
  • Energy yield determined through PVLib and PVFactors
  • The evapotranspiration model used is the Penman–Monteith equation


  • 10.53% lower electrical generation for vertical AV – but more stable generation with two peaks
  • 1410m3/ha of water savings in AV


  • Publisher:; Publication: Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science.; Year: 2023; Lifetime: ; PV Technology:; Location:; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • Shading for sheep, cows and rabbit (Introduction)
    • Quantified: Qualified
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Improving animal welfare, protecting grazing areas and providing protection against predators (Introduction
    • Quantified: Qualified
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Habitat for bees and other pollinators (Introduction
    • Quantified: Qualified
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Higher electricity, harvest yield, water savings (Methods)
    • Quantified: Qualified
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Reduce water evaporation, protect crops from certain weather conditions and generate new agricultural business model
    • Quantified: Qualified (Methods and Materials)
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Preservation of fertile soil
    • Quantified: Qualified (Methods and Materials)
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • CO2 reduction, regeneration of damaged land
    • Quantified: Qualified (Results)
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Reduced heat stress and well being of cows increases
    • Quantified: Qualified
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • CO2 emissions reduction and reduction in fossil fuel consumptio
    • Quantified: Quantified (Results)
    • Low or High: 69.3% CO2 emissions and 82.9% reduction in fossil fuel
      • Unit: %
    • Quantification Method: Calculated
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comment
  • Economic gains, cost savings for maintenance and animal welfare
    • Quantified: Qualified (Results)
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments

Materials and Methods:

  • Important to ensure food production
  • Benefits – higher electricity, harvest yield and water savings
  • Different types of AV – closed/open, type of structure, inclination of PV module and application
  • The value of AV plant – LER is the measure to evaluate
  • Different racking configurations for AV are being developed

Results and Discussions:

  • CO2 emission reduction – achieved through AV
  • Sheep – popular animal for solar grazing – regeneration of damaged land can also be achieved
  • Rabbit - agrivoltaic concept showed a 69.3% reduction in CO2 emissions and an 82.9% reduction in fossil fuel consumption, compared to non-integrated production; other benefits include economic gains, cost savings for maintenance and animal welfare
  • Integration of agriculture and energy is hampered in Romania due to construction embargo on agricultural land
  • the permanent pasture located outside the village can be used for certain objectives, including the establishment of new renewable energy production capacities;
  • The new laws being introduced might be favorable for grazing animals under modules

The Impact of Agrivoltaic Systems on Tomato Crop: A Case Study in Southern Italy[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: MDPI; Publication: Processes; Year: 2023; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: Conventional (Co) and semitransparent (ST); Location: Bari, southern Italy; PV Power: ; Energy: 10MWh in four months; Efficiency:
  • Reduce irrigation water demand due to reduced transpiration and evaporation rates under the AVSs.
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 15% for ST and 20% for conventional
      • Unit: mm
    • Quantification Method: Measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Reduced soil temperature
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 3oC for 50% and 2.3oC for 80% on average
      • Unit: oC
    • Quantification Method: Measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Improved titratable acidity
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 0.42%, 0.40% citric acid in ST 80% and Con 80%
      • Unit: %
    • Quantification Method: Measured
    • Implication analyzed: Improve fruit’s flavor – an attribute highly regarded by consumers
    • Comments
  • Reduced GHGs, Increased land productivity by 70-90%, Reduced water requirement, reduced soil temperature, reduced evapotranspiration, reduced air temperature, improved water productivity
    • Quantified: Qualified (Intro)
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments


  • Several impacts of agrivoltaics on microclimate
  • Few studies investigated the impact of shading on plant quality
  • Objective: To study the impact of semitransparent and conventional modules shading on tomato growth, yield, water management

Materials and Methods:

  • 24 modules for each configuration
  • Each configuration further divided into two – 50% shading from ST and Con and 80% shading from ST and Con
  • Tomato cultivation – May to Aug 2023
  • Soil water content measured for determining irrigation requirements/implications – readings taken near to the root
  • Plant’s physiological measurement performed – transpiration, net assimilation of plant cover, photosynthesis

Results and Discussions:

  • Reduced soil temperature – 1.3oC for 50% and 2.3oC for 80% on average
  • The intrinsic water use efficiency different between Con and ST – so different types of modules have different impacts
  • Reduced water irrigation requirements – 15% less for ST and 20% for con
  • Stem diameter and shoot dry matter decreased under shading while root and plant length and dry matter of root matter remained unaffected largely
  • The shading levels (under AVSs) delayed the development and ripening of the fruits which peaked at the fourth harvest, during which, the plants in the open field started to wilt.
  • The total reduction in yield was 27.7% and 40.7% in the ST AVS, i.e., ST50% and ST80%, and 45.3% and 58.3% under Con 50% and Con80% resp.


  • The shade negatively impacted the fruit size, dry matter content, pH, and TSS:TA ratio (with statistically significant differences). However, the shade had no significant impact on the sugar content (TSS), fruit colour, and firmness.

The Economic Potential of Agrivoltaic Systems in Apple Cultivation—A Hungarian Case Study[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: MDPI; Publication: Sustainability; Year: 2024; Lifetime:  ; PV Technology:; Location: Mezőcsát (Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county, Hungary; PV Power: 38,269kW; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • Financially feasible.
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 70 mil Eur NPV under 30 year, and PI (profitability index) of 3.79, IRR 25%
      • Unit: million Euro
    • Quantification Method: Calculated
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Land saving and efficient use of land.
    • Quantified: Qualified (Abstract)
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Renewable energy generation, enhanced crop yield, and economic benefits for farmers, enhance land use efficiency, protection of crops from climate change, land protection against desertification, reduced water consumption and more balanced water use efficiency, improved microclimate for crop growth, heat stress tolerance, and protection against excessively high solar radiation, rural land electricity supply can be generated locally, and land productivity can be increased by up to 70%
    • Quantified: Qualified (Introduction)
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Additional revenue through electricity generation and protection of crops
    • Quantified: Qualified (Results)
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments


  • Importance of agrivoltaic systems lie in the potential of problems associated with energy, food supplies, climate change etc.
  • AV offers several benefits – mentioned above
  • Objective: Comparative economic analysis of AV, GMPV and apple production (hypothetical)

Materials and Methods:

  • Data regarding GMPV and apple production hypothetical used
  • Mezőcsát (Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county, Hungary, 38,269kW AV system
  • Height: 5m
  • The FIT price is EUR 0.087/kWh
  • Costs: CAPEX, solar panels, inverters, installation, infrastructure
  • Cost of orchard = considering 2800 trees; super-intensive orchard; average yield 57.5t/ha from fourth year to fifteenth
  • 30 year project period, two apple orchard cycles (15 years each)
  • OutputsL NPV, PI, IRR, cost of electricity and apple production

Results and Discussion

  • AV – higher OPEX and CAPEX compared to GMPV
  • NPV and PI higher for AV compared to agriculture but lower than GMPV | 70,157 thousand EUR and PI (profitability index) of 3.79, IRR 25%
  • Higher FIT improves attractiveness of AV

The Early Effects of an Agrivoltaic System within a Different Crop Cultivation on Soil Quality in Dry–Hot Valley Eco-Fragile Areas[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: MDPI; Publication: Agronomy; Year: 2024; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: mono crystalline ; Location: Jinsha River Dry–Hot Valley region of southwestern China, China; PV Power: 1.04MW; Energy: 1316 MW·h; Efficiency:
  • Enhanced soil moisture, organic carbon, nitrogen–phosphorus–potassium nutrients, microbial biomass, urease activity, soil pH and electrical conductivity, reduced soil sucrase and phosphatase activity.
    • Quantified: Qualified (Abstract)
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Reduced drought stress,
    • Quantified: Qualified (Intro)
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed: Yes, increased crop yield
  • Improved physical, chemical and biological land properties
    • Quantified: Qualified (Intro)
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed: Yes, increased crop yield
  • Soil water content
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: 8.22% to 56.06%
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: Measured
    • Implication analyzed:
  • Increased electrical conductivity
    • Quantified: Yes;
    • Low or High: 78.68% to 86.90%
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: Measured
    • Implication analyzed:
  • Soil Organic Carbon
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: 78.68% to 86.90%
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: Measured
    • Implication analyzed:
  • Total Nitrogen Content
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: 1.53 to 1.88
      • Unit: g/kg
    • Quantification Method: Measuered
    • Implication analyzed:
  • Total Phosphorous
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: 19.74% to 55.26%
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: Measured
    • Implication analyzed:
  • Total Potassium
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: 18.83% to 38.41%
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: Measured
    • Implication analyzed:
  • NO3—N
    • Quantified: Yes,
    • Low or High: 3.89 to 8.15 times higher
      • Unit: mg/kg
    • Quantification Method: Measured
    • Implication analyzed:
  • Available Phospohorous
    • Quantified: Yes,
    • Low or High: 2 to 7 times higher (extracted from graph)
      • Unit: mg/kg
    • Quantification Method: Measured
    • Implication analyzed:
  • Available Potassium
    • Quantified: Yes,
    • Low or High: 3.48 to 29.97 times higher
      • Unit: mg/kg
    • Quantification Method: Measured
    • Implication analyzed:
  • Soil Quality Index
    • Quantified: Yes,
    • Low or High: 44.70% to 184.02%
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: Measured
    • Implication analyzed:
  • Multifunctionality Index
    • Quantified: Yes,
    • Low or High: 18.06%% to 445.68%
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: Measured
    • Implication analyzed:
  • microbial biomass carbon (MBC), microbial biomass nitrogen (MBN), and microbial biomass phosphorus (MBP)
    • Quantified: Yes,
    • Low or High: 57.4%, 35.61% and 141.82% higher, 6.29, 4.02 times and 14.42 times higher
      • Unit: mg/kg
    • Quantification Method: Measured
    • Implication analyzed:
  • AV – solution to land use conflict
  • Gap cultivation better than under panel
  • Soil quality improve with AV


  • PV expansion – land use conflicts; eco fragile areas could be potential installation places
  • Objective: Assess the impact of agrivoltaics on soil quality

Materials and Methods:

  • 1.04 MW PV capacity, Jinsha River Dry-Hot Valley region of southwestern China, Fixed tilt, 1316 MW·h
  • Multiple agrivoltaic experiments established
  • Crops tested, peanut and ryegrass
  • Soil’s physicochemical properties, total and available nutrients, and biochemical properties monitored


  • Higher nutrient increases observed in the gap compared to the under-panel area treated

Testing the effect of semi-transparent spectrally selective thin film photovoltaics for agrivoltaic application: A multi-experimental and multi-specific approach[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher:Heliyon; Publication: 50 CellPress; Year: 2024; Lifetime:  ; PV Technology: Thin Film Si; Location: University of Naples, Italy; PV Power: ; Energy:; Efficiency:
  • Increased biomass
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: 10%
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: Measured
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments
  • Increased no. of leaves
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: 15% - 35%
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: Measured
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments
  • Increased shoot length
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: 25% - 50%
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: Measured
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments
  • Increased biomass - algae
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: 0.2 to 1.6
      • Unit: g/L
    • Quantification Method: Measured
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments


  • Energy and food production – imperative  to sustainability goals
  • Agrivotlaics – addresses both
  • Objective: spectrally selective thin film PVs implications on agrivoltaics under different configurations and light sources

Materials & Methods:

  • Thin film Si technology used
  • Lettuce experiment, control, glass with and without tilt 30, and PV film with and without tilt 30 including sidewalls (opaque or transparent)
  • Algae – also experimented with opaque walls only though
  • Plants (lettuce, tomato and basil) were also grown under high intensity light conditions


  • Lettuce; transparent walls with flat glass and tilted PV resulted in 10% more aboveground biomass
  • Higher number of leaves in all configs – except opaque boxes with tilted covers
  • Higher shoot length
  • Higher biomass for algae as well – only with tilted films


  • Experiments reveal feasibility of agrivoltaics
  • Thin film PV allows good plant yields

Techno-economic and life cycle assessment of agrivoltaic system (AVS) designs[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Science of The Total Environment; Publication: Elsevier; Year: 2024; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: c-Si; Location: ioux Falls, South Dakota, US; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • 20% reduced water demand, improves land use efficiency 50%, increased maize yields in Italy, increased yields of wheat and potatoes in hot conditions, higher yield of peppers and cherry tomatoes,
    • Quantified: Qualified - Intro
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: Measured
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments
  • Higher life cycle revenue compared to PV
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 5% - 40%
      • Unit: M$/ha
    • Quantification Method: LCA
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments
  • Environmental impacts as compared to PV only
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 15% - 55%
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: LCA
    • Implication analyzed: No
    • Comments


  • Large scale PV required to meet renewable energy targets – PV a leading tech
  • PV requires large land area – AV solution


  • ISO 14040 and 14044 guidelines used to perform LCA
  • Two static (30 degree tilt) – FD (1.6m) and HD (3.2m); two dynamic: 1 (6m) and 2 axis (9m) tracking
  • Varying row spacing and height of modules - many different configurations tested
  • PV System for electrical yield – 1 ha of ag land
  • Crop: Rommaine lettuce
  • Crop yield reduction: 40%, 20%, 12% and 5% for FD, HD, 1 and 2-axis resp.
  • Reduced water requirements: 30%, 50%, 30% and 15% for HD, FD, 1 and 2-axis resp.


  • AV better than PV only – 2 axis the best in economics
  • To meet economics of ag farm only – AV requires additional incentives: 4¢/kWh, 6¢/kWh, 3¢/kWh, and 2¢/kWh for HD, FD, 1-axis, and 2-axis systems
  • Environmental impact assessed keeping PV only as the ref


  • Publisher:; Publication: Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development; Year: 2023; Lifetime: ; PV Technology:; Location:; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • Climate change reduction
    • Quantified: qualitative (Introduction)
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Water stress and irrigation, Climate change resilience for crops, higher land equivalent ratio
    • Quantified: Qualified from other studies
    • Low or High: 1.5 – 1.86 LER
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Environmental
    • Quantified:
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments


  • Until 2021, 14 GWp Agrivoltaic installed
  • Objective: Identification of opportunity to using AV, adv/disadv, utilization of the technology to increase profits


  • Review literature
  • Review existing Romanian legislation
  • Describing LER

Not sure if falls under our paper

Solar photovoltaic wood racking mechanical design for trellis-based agrivoltaics[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher:PLOS; Publication:PLOS ONE; Year: 2023; Lifetime: ; PV Technology:; Location:; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • Land use conflict, improve land efficiency, improved financial value of farms
    • Quantified: qualitative (Introduction)
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • GHG reduction, climate change, improved crop productivity, protection from excessive irradiation, minimize agricultural displacement, conserve water, inflation hedge, reduced soil erosion and turn barren lands into greener fields
    • Quantified: qualitative (Literature review)
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • GHG reduction, climate change, improved crop productivity, protection from excessive irradiation, minimize agricultural displacement, conserve water, inflation hedge, reduced soil erosion and turn barren lands into greener fields
    • Quantified: qualitative (Literature review)
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments

Not sure if it fits our criteria

Solar collector tilt angle optimization for agrivoltaic systems[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Case Studies in Thermal Engineering; Year: 2024; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: mono-C, poly-C and thin films; Location: Ankara Turkey; PV Power: 12 kW; Energy:9438 – 15674 kWh; Efficiency: 18-21%
  • Reduced GHGs, increased economic outcomes, protection from hail and extreme temperatures, water efficiency,
    • Quantified: qualitative (Introduction)
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Increased yield
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: 3.44% to 7.01%
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: Calculated
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Financial gains
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: 775 - 1286
      • Unit: $
    • Quantification Method: Calculated
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • LER
    • Quantified: Yes
    • Low or High: 0.25 – 2.07
      • Unit: $
    • Quantification Method: Calculated
    • Implication analyzed: Yes
    • Comments: Diversifies farmers income and reduces fluctuations in food/energy rates thus alleviating costs


  • Objective: Feasibility study of APV system with different tilt angles and module types

Material and method:

  • 12 kW system installed – Ankara, Turkey – simulation based study
  • 3m inter row spacing
  • Height of the modules – 3.6m
  • Thin film and crystalline PV modules used with varying tilt angles


·      Optimum tilt angle for solar energy and agricultural production  ascertained – average 31.33

·      Yield increase – 3.44% to 7.01%

Shading effects in agrivoltaic systems can make the difference in boosting food security in climate change[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Applied Energy; Year: 2024; Lifetime: ; PV Technology:; Location:; PV Power: ; Energy:; Efficiency:
  • Reduced evapotranspiration, increased yield, macroclimate changes such as reduced temperature and humidity underneath panels, water efficiency, crop protection from inclement weather, improved land use efficiency, diversified income, reduced agricultural impact on environment, improved finances, food price stability, improved biodiversity
    • Quantified: qualitative (Introduction)
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: adopted from other studies
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Increased fresh weight
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: avg. 189+-30g (69% more) for shaded vs 112+-17 for full sun
      • Unit: grams
    • Quantification Method: measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Leaf surface area
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: avg. 1648 ± 230 for shaded vs 1242 ± 227for full sun
      • Unit: cm2
    • Quantification Method: measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Leaf water content
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 89 -  92
      • Unit:  %
    • Quantification Method: measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Chicoric acid
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 26.45
      • Unit:mg/g dw
    • Quantification Method: measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Low chlorogenic acid
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 4.33 and 8
      • Unit:mg/g dw
    • Quantification Method: measured
    • Implication analyzed: Yes
    • Comments: compensation by plants to the UV exposure that result in cell and tissue deterioration by a higher production of chlorogenic acid under FS conditions as compared to AV.
  • Early flowering
    • Quantified: Qualified
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Higher no. of flowers
    • Quantified: Quantified
    • Low or High: 33 to 50
      • Unit: no.
    • Quantification Method: maesured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Reduced temperatures under modules
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 33.9 ± 2,7 against 38.1 ± 5,4
      • Unit: oC
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:
  • Less water required
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 45
      • Unit:  %
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments:


  • Objective: Understand the impact of shading on chicory in terms of biomass, nutritional quality

Materials and Methods:

  • Panel height – 2.1 m above ground
  • Two different water treatment regimes used
  • Fresh weight, leaf surface area, chlorophyll, cartenoid, polyphenolic content, antioxidant capacity,
  • Difference in chlorophyll content observed for lighting in HW conditions; followed by LWS, HWS and then in the end LWL conditions
  • Similar cartenoid levels observed


  • Above
  • Leaf antioxidant capacity not too different between shaded and FS conditions – means shading does not affect plant quality of edible biomass
  • Ratio of chl a/chl b higher for plants grown under modules – meaning more effective utilization of light
  • Ecosystem services

Shading Effect of Photovoltaic Panels on Growth of Selected Tropical Vegetable Crops[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Scientia Horticulturae; Year: 2023; Lifetime: ; PV Technology:; Location: Pahang, Malaysia; PV Power: ; Energy:; Efficiency:
  • Reduced soil deterioration, improved crop resilience, protection of crops,
    • Quantified: qualitative (Introduction)
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: adopted from other studies
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Increased fresh weight of Okra
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 221.2 +- 64.3 vs 214.9+-21.3
      • Unit: grams
    • Quantification Method: Measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Increased water content of Okra
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 84.9+-0.8 vs 82.3+-1.8
      • Unit:  %
    • Quantification Method: Measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Increased height of eggplant
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 58.6+-3.8 vs 55.4+-10.8
      • Unit: cm
    • Quantification Method: Measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Increased fresh weight of eggplant
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 166.3+-17.9 vs 159.4+-24.5
      • Unit: grams
    • Quantification Method: Measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Higher water content in eggplant
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 75.6+-0.9 and 78.4+-2.0 vs 74.6+-0.7
      • Unit: %
    • Quantification Method: Measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Chlorophyll content in eggplant
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 48.0+-0.9 and 53.0+-3.6 vs 46.22+-3.9
      • Unit: SPAD index
    • Quantification Method: Measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Increased height of green spinach
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 39.3+-7.4 vs 38.6+-9.5
      • Unit: cm
    • Quantification Method: Measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Higher water content in green spinach
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 92.2+-1.3 vs 86.8+-0.8
      • Unit:  %
    • Quantification Method: Measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Chlorophyll content in green spinach
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 38.8+-3.2/4.6 vs 33.7+-4.8
      • Unit: SPAD index
    • Quantification Method: Measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Increased height of Brazilian spinach
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 29.7+-6.8 vs 27.7+-2.3
      • Unit: cm
    • Quantification Method: Measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Higher water content in Brazilian spinach
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 91.7+-0.9 and 89.9+-0.8 vs 89.2+-1.4
      • Unit:  %
    • Quantification Method: Measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Increased height of Chinese cabbage
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 17.8+-2.0 and 15.6+-3.6 vs 14.8+-5.4
      • Unit: cm
    • Quantification Method: Measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Increased fresh weight of Chinese cabbage
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 40.8+-10.6 vs 40.0+-13.0
      • Unit: grams
    • Quantification Method: Measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Higher water content in Chinese cabbage
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 92.8+-1.8 and 93.6+-0.4 vs 92.3+-0.6
      • Unit:  %
    • Quantification Method: Measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Chlorophyll content in Chinese cabbage
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 38.5+-1.7 & 39.9+-2.0 vs 37.3+-2.7
      • Unit: SPAD index
    • Quantification Method: Measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Higher water content in Chinese kale
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 91.6+-2.0 vs 89.0+-0.9
      • Unit:  %
    • Quantification Method: Measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Increased height of pennywort
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 11.0+-1.1 and 16.0+-3.6 vs 7.7+-1.8
      • Unit: cm
    • Quantification Method: Measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Increased fresh weight of pennywort
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 5.5+-2.0 vs 4.0+-2.6
      • Unit: grams
    • Quantification Method: Measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Chlorophyll content in pennywort
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 40.0+-2.7/6.0 & 41.2+-6.7 vs 35.9+-6.0
      • Unit: SPAD index
    • Quantification Method: Measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments


  • Population growth rate – 1.15% / year
  • Land use conflict – AV solution

Materials and Methods:

  • Population growth rate – 1.15% / year
  • Land use conflict – AV solution
  • Inter-row spacing – 2.5m, south facing, 10 degrees
  • Eight different types of crops tested


  • Most of this is between the rows – check with Koami

Risk analysis for agrivoltaic projects in rural farming communities in SSA[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Applied Energy; Year: 2024; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: PV Power: ; Energy:; Efficiency:
  • Protection of crops, beneficial microclimate formation, power on-site facilities
    • Quantified: Qualified (Intro) adopted from other study
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments


  • Objective: Identification of risks associated with AV in SSA along with severity and probablity, and associated mitigation strategies

Risk Analyses for RE projects in rural communities in SSA

  • Rainfall, electricity access, land - impact agricultural activies
  • Risk analysis performed through PESTLE - to ascertain environmental factors that may influence a project
    • Comparable aspects in PESTLE: economic, political, social, technological, legal and environmental

Methodology and procedure

  • Conducted interviews to ascertain the issues of implementing AV in SSA - qualitative assessment
  • Online study to identifiy the severity and probablity of AV risks


  • Major risks:
    • Political instability, corruption, regulatory hurdles, limitation on data availability, monopoly of market players, high initial costs, limited finances, financial insecurity, lack of social acceptance, lack of education, negative experiences, unavailability of skilled labor, maintenance risk, direct/indirect environmental damage, reduced agr. benefits
  • Mitigation strategies:
    • Secure finances for initial installation, exit strategies for investors, income generation for maintenance and longevity of project, simplification of approvals, regulatory framework clarity, addressing social issues, adaptation to local culture/tradition, transfer of technology, education and training

Not part of study

Revolutionising Energy Generation for Agriculture Utilization in Malaysia: Photovoltaic Greenhouse Concept[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Semarak Ilmu Publishing; Publication: Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology; Year: 2024; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Selangor, Malaysia; PV Power: ; Energy:; Efficiency:

Research Objective

  • Ascertain arrangement of PV module suitable for PV greenhouses and PAR available for crops
  • Develop a basis to come up with a design of PV greenhouse situated in Malaysia

Proposed Concept

  • Stage 1: Two PV greenhouse setups (straight line and patterned) - one control; stage 2: ue V-trough solar collector
  • 15o tilt of roof
  • Data to be collected:
    • Indoor/outdoor: PAR, light intensity, wet bult temp, RH
    • PV module: V, I and temp

Nothing concrete conclusion - peculiar

Potential of agrivoltaics systems into olive groves in the Mediterranean region[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Applied Energy; Year: 2024; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: ; PV Power: ; Energy: 65.9 kWh; 48.9 kWh/m2 to 83.7 kWh/m2 for different regions; Efficiency: 20%
  • Reduced emissions
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 4
      • Unit: Mt. (CO2) per year
    • Quantification Method: Calculation
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • More jobs
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: More than 560,000 jobs
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: Calculation
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Land use conflict, self consumption of electricity, water efficiency, control of soil temp and light radiation reaching the crops, protection of crops, reduce soil evaporation, reduce stress on crops due to alleviated temperature
    • Quantified: Qualified (Intro) adopted from other study
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments


  • Evaluation of AV for olive groves; analyze energy generation, reduction in GHGs, job creation; calcuated the optimal transparency of PV modules

Materials and methods

  • Selection of locations:Top 10 olive oil producing countries - all Mediterranean region; next criteria was temperature/precipitation
  • Three different cultivars selected considerting availability in the selected locations and the disparity in light response curves between them
  • Photosynthetic curves measured for three cultivars
  • 4m high PV, south facing, 30 degreetilt, row spacing 1.7m
  • Transmittance formulae provided - 0.9 glass transmittance and 0 for PV cell area
  • Model based study using equations; using met data, PV specs, photosynthetic light-response curve
    • Calculates kWh/m2
    • Calculates CO2 assimilated by crop during photosynthesis
  • Three different APV - covering 25%, 10% and 1% of olive groves surface
  • Reduction in CO2 emissions calculated using equations
  • Job creation claculated using equations

Evaluation of PV transparency

  • By vaying PV cell active area in intervals of 0.05 from 0 to 1; suitable transparency is found out - 0.57 - 0.71

Assessment of pottential of APV into Oil groves

  • Three different coverages considered - 1%, 10% and 25%


  • Suitable transparency: 0.57 - 0.71; excluding winter months - transparency can decrease more
  • >560,000 jobs in Mediterranean can be createsd by converting olive groves into APV

Perovskite Solar Cells: Emerging Photovoltaic Technology for Achieving Net-Zero Emission Agrivoltaics Ecosystem[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Wiley Online Library; Publication: Solar RRL; Year: ; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: ; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • Increased mass, height, reduce drought stress for plant
    • Quantified: qualified
    • Low or High: adopted from other study
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments


  • Discussion PSCs properties appropriate for agrivoltaics
  • Propose appropriate way to install and design PSC for AV

Advantages of PSCs for Agrivoltaics

  • Optimal usage of light for electricity generaiton and plant growth - PSC as compared to other techs

Sustainable Path of Triple Utilization of Sunlight

  • Sunlight partially absorbed by PSCs - rest for crop growth (short and long wavelength)
  • Components and thickness of PSCs can be tailored to change bandgap/transparency - based on type of crops/animals


  • PSCs offer triple utilization of sunlight - electricty, plant and animal growth - promising

Optimized agrivoltaic tracking for nearly-full commodity crop and energy production[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews; Year: 2023; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: poly crystalline; Location: Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,; PV Power: ; Energy: 9.93 - 19.74 MWh; Efficiency:
  • Additional income
    • Quantified:
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments


  • No work done in past to collect PAR and use it for electricity generation as well as crops production
  • Objective: Propose tracking schemes - ideal (during critical times for crop growth) and solar (at all other times)


  • Four single axis trackers, checkerboard pattern and normal PV module on single axis tracking, 14.5m long tracker, 11.1m inter row spacing
  • Micrometeorological, power and energy measurements/calculations done
  • Crop: Maize


  • Reduced height, leaf area index, ear height, silking, yield, irradiance
  • Critical times identified - finding out when shading has the highest impact on crop yield
  • Ideal tracking will result in no reduction of yield


  • Methodolofy to develop tracking algorithms discussed

Optimized agrivoltaic tracking for nearly-full commodity crop and energy production[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews; Year: 2023; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: poly crystalline; Location: Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,; PV Power: ; Energy: 9.93 - 19.74 MWh; Efficiency:
  • Additional income
    • Quantified:
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments


  • No work done in past to collect PAR and use it for electricity generation as well as crops production
  • Objective: Propose tracking schemes - ideal (during critical times for crop growth) and solar (at all other times)


  • Four single axis trackers, checkerboard pattern and normal PV module on single axis tracking, 14.5m long tracker, 11.1m inter row spacing
  • Micrometeorological, power and energy measurements/calculations done
  • Crop: Maize


  • Reduced height, leaf area index, ear height, silking, yield, irradiance
  • Critical times identified - finding out when shading has the highest impact on crop yield
  • Ideal tracking will result in no reduction of yield


  • Methodology to develop tracking algorithms discussed

Optimized agrivoltaic tracking for nearly-full commodity crop and energy production[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews; Year: 2023; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: poly crystalline; Location: Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,; PV Power: ; Energy: 9.93 - 19.74 MWh; Efficiency:
  • Additional income
    • Quantified: qualified
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments


  • No work done in past to collect PAR and use it for electricity generation as well as crops production
  • Objective: Propose tracking schemes - ideal (during critical times for crop growth) and solar (at all other times)


  • Four single axis trackers, checkerboard pattern and normal PV module on single axis tracking, 14.5m long tracker, 11.1m inter row spacing
  • Micrometeorological, power and energy measurements/calculations done
  • Crop: Maize


  • Reduced height, leaf area index, ear height, silking, yield, irradiance
  • Critical times identified - finding out when shading has the highest impact on crop yield
  • Ideal tracking will result in no reduction of yield


  • Methodology to develop tracking algorithms for AV applications proposed

Optimal Efficient Energy Production by PV Module Tilt-Orientation Prediction Without Compromising Crop-Light Demands in Agrivoltaic Systems[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: IEEE; Publication: IEEE Access; Year: 2023; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Penang, Malaysia, ; PV Power: ; Energy: 54.693 kWh/m2; Efficiency: 8-11%
  • Increased revenue, shading for crops, water productivity, land utilization, increased yield (adopted from other study),
    • Quantified: qualified (introduction)
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Increased yield of Andrographis paniculata
    • Quantified: yes
    • Low or High: 13.18 vs 5.34 (159.48% increased yield with 40.17% shading)
      • Unit: grams
    • Quantification Method: measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments


  • Objective: Find out tilt angles for PV modules which will serve dual purpose of electricity generation and crop growth and asceratin a mathematical model for energy estimation consider AV setup

Model Description

  • Uses meterological data, PV specs, crop growth data, site data

Results and Discussion

  • Tilt angle = 8o, orientation = 187o good for Andrographis paniculata
  • Maximum light attenuation observed - 40.92%; light reduction lower than 50% is fine for the crop
  • 159.48% more crop yield under AV when compared to control with 40.17% light reduction

Methodology for the estimation of cultivable space in photovoltaic installations with dual-axis trackers for their reconversion to agrivoltaic plants[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Applied Energy; Year: 2024; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Cordoba, Spain ; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:


  • Objective: Based on irradiance analysis, estimation of max avail space for crops is done for dual axis trackers with backtracking

Not our scope

Maximizing Biomass with Agrivoltaics: Potential and Policy in Saskatchewan Canada[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: MDPI; Publication: Biomass; Year: 2023; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: ; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • Increased wheat yield
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 0.4
      • Unit: million tons
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Increased forage yield
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 2.9 to 3.5
      • Unit: million tons
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Additional sheep
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 3.9 to 4.6
      • Unit: million
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Increased revenue
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 116.8 - 973.7
      • Unit: billion CAD
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Reduced GHGs/climate change, water conservation, continued employment, alleviated agricultural displacement, improved people wellbeing and environment, incrased land use efficiency, increased crop yield, plant protection, improved microclimate, reduced soil erosion, turning barren lands into vegetative areas
    • Quantified: qualified
    • Low or High: adopted from other studies
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Increased wheat and forage values adopted from other studies

Large-scale and cost-efficient agrivoltaics system by spectral separation[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: iScience; Publication: CellPress; Year: 2023; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: concentrator modules; Location: Anhui, China; PV Power: 10.25kWp; Energy: 107MWh/ha; Efficiency: 11.6%
  • Increased yield of ginger, sweet potatoes, peanut, bok choy and lettuce
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 6.5% to 47.9%
      • Unit: kg
    • Quantification Method: measured
    • Implication analyzed: Overheating in summer leads to lower yields
    • Comments
  • Soil surface evaporation reduced
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 23% reduction
      • Unit: mm
    • Quantification Method: measured
    • Implication analyzed: Soil water conserved by 9%
    • Comments
  • Financial benefits
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 1.61
      • Unit: LER
    • Quantification Method: calculation
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments


  • Concentrator PV system - 10.24 kWp, Location: Anhui, China, electrical energy for 1200 days - 10 MWh, height of the system from ground: 2.5m

Landscape user experiences of interspace and overhead agrivoltaics: A comparative analysis of two novel types of solar landscapes in the Netherlands[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Energy Research & Social Science; Year: 2024; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Wadenoijen and Culemborg, Netherlands; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • Future values of plots with AV increased
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 2
      • Unit: %
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments


  • Objective: Compare the impact of two different types of AV on land quality (vertical vs stilt mounted)

Methods and materials

  • Two AV systems in two cities of Netherlands
  • Survey with residents performed

Surveys - not the scope of our study.

Justice-driven agrivoltaics: Facilitating agrivoltaics embedded in energy justice[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews; Year: 2023; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Wadenoijen and Culemborg, Netherlands; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • Additional income, circumvent land conversion, decarbonisation of agr operations & reducing drought
    • Quantified: qualified
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments

Not part of our scope.

Increasing the agricultural sustainability of closed agrivoltaic systems with the integration of vertical farming: A case study on baby-leaf lettuce[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Applied Energy; Year: 2023; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: 40.48 kWp; Location: Sardinia, Italy; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • Reduced climate change
    • Quantified: qualified (from other studies)
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Higher crop productivity of lettuce
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 4.5 to 13 times
      • Unit: kg/m2
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Improved land productivity
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 1.90
      • Unit: LER
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments

It is integrating vertical farming with closed agrivoltaics.

Impacts of agrivoltaics in rural electrification and decarbonization in the Philippines[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Applied Energy; Year: 2023; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Philippines; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • Reduced carbon emissions
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: decreased by 85%
      • Unit: g-CO2/kWh
    • Quantification Method: LCA
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Economic savings
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 186 to 776
      • Unit: billion USD
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments


  • Objectives: Impacts of agrivoltaics in alleviated coal-based electricity generation, CO2 emission and improvement in rural electrification

Experimental results, integrated model validation, and economic aspects of agrivoltaic systems at northern latitudes[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Applied Energy; Year: 2023; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Västerås, Sweden: Kärrbo Prästgård; PV Power: 22.8 kWp; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • Improved finances
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 1.27 - 1.39
      • Unit: LER
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments


  • Objective: How AV performes in northern latitudes and validation of modelling with field experiment


  • APV system - vertical modules; compared with 11.8 kW GMPV (30 degree tilt)
  • Crop: ley grass

Environmental life cycle assessment of a stilted and vertical bifacial crop-based agrivoltaic multi land-use system and comparison with a mono land-use of agricultural land[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews; Year: ; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Austria; PV Power: 348.6 kW - 1 MW; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • Lower climate change
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 31.94%/63.37% compared to agriculture only (Austrian average)
      • Unit: g CO2 eq./FU
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Land use conflict, higher land equivalent ratio,
    • Quantified: qualified (from other studies)
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Fesh water eutrophication
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 36.41% and 70.39% compared to agriculture only (Austrian average)
      • Unit: mg P eq./FU
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Fossil resource scarcity
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 49.64% and 74.50% compared to agriculture only (Austrian average)
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Objective: Comparative LCA of two different types of AV (vertical vs stilt-mounted) vs mono-use scenarios of agriculture and electricity generation
  • Cradle-to-farm gate approach;
  • Stilt mounted - 430 kW/hectare; vertical: 348.6 kW/hectare; 30 years life, PV only - 1 MWp/ha
  • Crops: sugar beet, wheat, soybean
  • Impact categories assessed Human Carcinogenic Toxicity (HCT), Human Non-Carcinogenic Toxicity (HNCT), Terrestrial Ecotoxicity (TE), Freshwater Eutrophication (FE), Terrestrial Acidification (TA), Fine Particulate Matter Formation, (FPMF) Mineral Resource Scarcity (MRS) and Fossil Resource Scarcity (FRS)


  • Vertical AV better than stilt mounted
  • Three impact categories for AV when compared to mono use of agriculture considering Austrian producted electricity - not green electricity

Environmental life cycle assessment of a stilted and vertical bifacial crop-based agrivoltaic multi land-use system and comparison with a mono land-use of agricultural land[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews; Year: ; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Austria; PV Power: 348.6 kW - 1 MW; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • Lower climate change
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 31.94%/63.37% compared to agriculture only (Austrian average)
      • Unit: g CO2 eq./FU
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Land use conflict, higher land equivalent ratio,
    • Quantified: qualified (from other studies)
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Fesh water eutrophication
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 36.41% and 70.39% compared to agriculture only (Austrian average)
      • Unit: mg P eq./FU
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Fossil resource scarcity
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 49.64% and 74.50% compared to agriculture only (Austrian average)
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Objective: Comparative LCA of two different types of AV (vertical vs stilt-mounted) vs mono-use scenarios of agriculture and electricity generation
  • Cradle-to-farm gate approach;
  • Stilt mounted - 430 kW/hectare; vertical: 348.6 kW/hectare; 30 years life, PV only - 1 MWp/ha
  • Crops: sugar beet, wheat, soybean
  • Impact categories assessed Human Carcinogenic Toxicity (HCT), Human Non-Carcinogenic Toxicity (HNCT), Terrestrial Ecotoxicity (TE), Freshwater Eutrophication (FE), Terrestrial Acidification (TA), Fine Particulate Matter Formation, (FPMF) Mineral Resource Scarcity (MRS) and Fossil Resource Scarcity (FRS)


  • Vertical AV better than stilt mounted
  • Three impact categories for AV when compared to mono use of agriculture considering Austrian producted electricity - not green electricity

Environmental life cycle assessment of a stilted and vertical bifacial crop-based agrivoltaic multi land-use system and comparison with a mono land-use of agricultural land[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews; Year: ; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Austria; PV Power: 348.6 kW - 1 MW; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • Lower climate change
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 31.94%/63.37% compared to agriculture only (Austrian average)
      • Unit: g CO2 eq./FU
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Land use conflict, higher land equivalent ratio,
    • Quantified: qualified (from other studies)
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Fesh water eutrophication
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 36.41% and 70.39% compared to agriculture only (Austrian average)
      • Unit: mg P eq./FU
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Fossil resource scarcity
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 49.64% and 74.50% compared to agriculture only (Austrian average)
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Objective: Comparative LCA of two different types of AV (vertical vs stilt-mounted) vs mono-use scenarios of agriculture and electricity generation
  • Cradle-to-farm gate approach;
  • Stilt mounted - 430 kW/hectare; vertical: 348.6 kW/hectare; 30 years life, PV only - 1 MWp/ha
  • Crops: sugar beet, wheat, soybean
  • Impact categories assessed Human Carcinogenic Toxicity (HCT), Human Non-Carcinogenic Toxicity (HNCT), Terrestrial Ecotoxicity (TE), Freshwater Eutrophication (FE), Terrestrial Acidification (TA), Fine Particulate Matter Formation, (FPMF) Mineral Resource Scarcity (MRS) and Fossil Resource Scarcity (FRS)


  • Vertical AV better than stilt mounted
  • Three impact categories for AV when compared to mono use of agriculture considering Austrian producted electricity - not green electricity

Environmental life cycle assessment of a stilted and vertical bifacial crop-based agrivoltaic multi land-use system and comparison with a mono land-use of agricultural land[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews; Year: ; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Austria; PV Power: 348.6 kW - 1 MW; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • Lower climate change
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 31.94%/63.37% compared to agriculture only (Austrian average)
      • Unit: g CO2 eq./FU
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Land use conflict, higher land equivalent ratio,
    • Quantified: qualified (from other studies)
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Fesh water eutrophication
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 36.41% and 70.39% compared to agriculture only (Austrian average)
      • Unit: mg P eq./FU
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Fossil resource scarcity
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 49.64% and 74.50% compared to agriculture only (Austrian average)
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Objective: Comparative LCA of two different types of AV (vertical vs stilt-mounted) vs mono-use scenarios of agriculture and electricity generation
  • Cradle-to-farm gate approach;
  • Stilt mounted - 430 kW/hectare; vertical: 348.6 kW/hectare; 30 years life, PV only - 1 MWp/ha
  • Crops: sugar beet, wheat, soybean
  • Impact categories assessed Human Carcinogenic Toxicity (HCT), Human Non-Carcinogenic Toxicity (HNCT), Terrestrial Ecotoxicity (TE), Freshwater Eutrophication (FE), Terrestrial Acidification (TA), Fine Particulate Matter Formation, (FPMF) Mineral Resource Scarcity (MRS) and Fossil Resource Scarcity (FRS)


  • Vertical AV better than stilt mounted
  • Three impact categories for AV when compared to mono use of agriculture considering Austrian producted electricity - not green electricity

Environmental life cycle assessment of a stilted and vertical bifacial crop-based agrivoltaic multi land-use system and comparison with a mono land-use of agricultural land[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews; Year: ; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Austria; PV Power: 348.6 kW - 1 MW; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • Lower climate change
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 31.94%/63.37% compared to agriculture only (Austrian average)
      • Unit: g CO2 eq./FU
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Land use conflict, higher land equivalent ratio,
    • Quantified: qualified (from other studies)
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Fesh water eutrophication
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 36.41% and 70.39% compared to agriculture only (Austrian average)
      • Unit: mg P eq./FU
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Fossil resource scarcity
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 49.64% and 74.50% compared to agriculture only (Austrian average)
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Objective: Comparative LCA of two different types of AV (vertical vs stilt-mounted) vs mono-use scenarios of agriculture and electricity generation
  • Cradle-to-farm gate approach;
  • Stilt mounted - 430 kW/hectare; vertical: 348.6 kW/hectare; 30 years life, PV only - 1 MWp/ha
  • Crops: sugar beet, wheat, soybean
  • Impact categories assessed Human Carcinogenic Toxicity (HCT), Human Non-Carcinogenic Toxicity (HNCT), Terrestrial Ecotoxicity (TE), Freshwater Eutrophication (FE), Terrestrial Acidification (TA), Fine Particulate Matter Formation, (FPMF) Mineral Resource Scarcity (MRS) and Fossil Resource Scarcity (FRS)


  • Vertical AV better than stilt mounted
  • Three impact categories for AV when compared to mono use of agriculture considering Austrian producted electricity - not green electricity

Effects of a Photovoltaic Plant on Microclimate and Crops’ Growth in a Mediterranean Area[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: MDPI; Publication: Agronomy; Year: ; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Peloponnesus, Greece; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • Reduced evapotranspiration
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 29% lower
      • Unit: mm
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Reduced avg. soil temperature
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 8% lower
      • Unit: oC
    • Quantification Method: measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Increased soil water potential
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 34% higher
      • Unit: kPa
    • Quantification Method: measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Increased crop yield thyme, oregano and greek mountain tea
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 6%, 32% and 47% higher thyme, oregano and greek mountain tea
      • Unit: kPa
    • Quantification Method: measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments

Materials and Methods

  • Height of PV: 2.2m, 30o tilt facing south, inter row spacing of 3.5m
  • Crops: thyme, oregano and greek mountain tea


  • Reduced evaporation, soil temperature, higher soil water potential and yield
  • Reduced net radiation/wind speed causes reduced evapotranspiration and increased soil water availability

Dual use of agricultural land: Introducing ‘agrivoltaics’ in Phoenix Metropolitan Statistical Area, USA[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Landscape and Urban Planning; Year: ; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Phoenix, Arizona, US; PV Power: ; Energy: 32.2-108.2 MWh; Efficiency:
  • Preserve ag land by combining food and energy production, reduce emissions, promotion of local farming, address growing energy demands
    • Quantified: qualified
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Reduced evapotranspiration
    • Quantified: qualified from another study
    • Low or High: 14-29%
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed: reduced water requirements
    • Comments
  • Improved finances
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 6000$/acre-year; 50% of ag land sales could be made up within 2 years with AV systems
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Increased land productivity
    • Quantified: qualified from another study
    • Low or High: 60-70%
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Land equivalent ratio
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 1.3-1.6
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Increased eco value of farms
    • Quantified: qualified from another study
    • Low or High: 30% higher
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Max water eff.
    • Quantified: qualified from another study
    • Low or High: 30% higher
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Half density modules result in 40% shading; quarter 20%

Determination of feed yield and quality parameters of whole crop durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) biomass under agrivoltaic system[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Springer; Publication: Agroforestry Systems; Year: ; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Borgo Virgilio, Mantova, Italy; PV Power: 2,150.4 kWp; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • Digestible neutral detergent fiber increased
    • Quantified:
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Superior crude and soluble proteins
    • Quantified:
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Superior acid detergent-insoluble protein
    • Quantified:
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Superior acid and neutral detergent fiber
    • Quantified:
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Land-use conflicts
    • Quantified: qualified from other studies
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Increased plant height
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 101 vs 89
      • Unit: cm
    • Quantification Method: measurement
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Reduced undigested neutral detergent fiber (NDF)
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: No number
      • Unit: % of DM
    • Quantification Method: measurement
    • Implication analyzed: parameter that deteriorates nutritional feed value
    • Comments
  • Increased digested neutral detergent fiber (NDF)
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 46 % higher
      • Unit: % of DM
    • Quantification Method: measurement
    • Implication analyzed: parameter that deteriorates nutritional feed value
    • Comments
  • Higher ash content
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 0.3 - 0.5 % higher
      • Unit: % of DM
    • Quantification Method: measurement
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Crude protein
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 1 - 2 % higher
      • Unit: % of DM
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Soluble protein
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 0.1 - 0.4 % higher
      • Unit: % of DM
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Acid detergent-insoluble protein
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 0.8 %
      • Unit: % of DM
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Acid detergent fibre
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 37.0 %
      • Unit: % of DM
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments


  • Objective: Ascertain the yield and quality of forage from durum wheat

Materials and methods

  • Bi-axial technology trackers used for AV - 2,150.4 kWp system size

Design and Performance Analysis of Foldable Solar Panel for Agrivoltaics System[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: MDPI; Publication: Sensors; Year: ; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Suncheon City, South Korea; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • Protect crops from frost, excssive light or heat
    • Quantified: qualified
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Higher soil moisture, late-season biomass, and improved water efficiency.
    • Quantified: qualified from other studies
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Improved land use efficiency, reduced carbon footprint, improved microclimate for crops, water and soil conservation, improved economics
    • Quantified: qualified from other studies
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments

Proposed AV System

  • Tracking system with foldable PV modules

Design and evaluation of an agrivoltaic system for a pear orchard[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: MDPI; Publication: Sensors; Year: ; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Bierbeek, Belgium; PV Power: 1200 kWp/ha (opaque), 600 kWp/ha (checkboard), 720 kWp/ha (semi-transparent); Energy: 1350, 680 and 821 MWh/ha/yr ; Efficiency:
  • Protect crops from extreme weather conditions, optimize land use efficiency, increased farmers income
    • Quantified: qualified
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • PVs reduce radiative freeze event by sheltering long wave radiation losses and hence preventing cooling of surrounding air
    • Quantified: qualified
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Prevent frost damage by heating up the soil at night
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 0.7
      • Unit:oC
    • Quantification Method: measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Prevent sunburn
    • Quantified: qualified
    • Low or High:
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Higher LER
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 1.44
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • One of the objectives - understand implications of PV on crop yield and microclimate
  • Location: Bierbeek, Belgiuim; crop: pear; inter row spacing of 3.3mm height: 2.4m; 13.3 kWp of actual system
  • 12.74 MWh - first year electrical energy
  • 40% transparency considered - PAR level observed 65%

Combining field experiments under an agrivoltaic system and a kinetic fruit model to understand the impact of shading on apple carbohydrate metabolism and quality[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Springer; Publication: Agroforestry System; Year: ; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Mallemort, France; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • Reduced temperature
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 1-2
      • Unit: oC
    • Quantification Method: measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Objective: Impact of shading on fruit quality (apple)
  • Nothing to show benefits; reduced dry matter, soluble sugar, starch concentration; sugar:acid ratio can be modified, but nothing substantial

Combining field experiments under an agrivoltaic system and a kinetic fruit model to understand the impact of shading on apple carbohydrate metabolism and quality[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Springer; Publication: Agroforestry System; Year: ; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: ; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • Reduced temperature
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 1-2
      • Unit: oC
    • Quantification Method: measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Objective: Impact of shading on fruit quality (apple)
  • Nothing to show benefits; reduced dry matter, soluble sugar, starch concentration; sugar:acid ratio can be modified, but nothing substantive

Can synergies in agriculture through an integration of solar energy reduce the cost of agrivoltaics? An economic analysis in apple farming[edit | edit source]

  • Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Applied Energy; Year: 2023; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Gelsdorf, Germany; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:
  • Reduced investment cost
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 26% reduced investment cost as PVs replace hail protection; agrivoltaic structure can replaced structure for hail nets as well as labor cost; 21% constrcution cost and 6% in labor
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Reduced operation cost
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 8% - lower cost for maintenance work (one place 9% is written - going with lower value for being conservative)
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Reduced cost of apple production
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 5%
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Land equivalent ratio
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 1.54
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Improved land efficiency, de-desertification, income diversification for farmers, reduced water consumption, improved microclimate for growth, protection from hail, frost, heavy rainfalls and sunlight, higher NPV, shorter PBP
    • Quantified: qualified
    • Low or High: from other studies
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Reduced requirement of thinning
    • Quantified: qualified
    • Low or High: 10% (from other study)
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Reduced application cost for pesticides
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 8% in material cost and 3% in labor cost
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Reduced soil, leaf, evapotranspiration
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 3% lower material cost
      • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed: less irrigation requirements (upto 30%) from other study
    • Comments

Berry shade tolerance for agrivoltaics systems: A meta-analysis[edit | edit source]

Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Scientia Horticulturae; Year: 2024; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: ; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:

  • Land use efficiency, protection of ag land, inclement weather conditions, better water use efficiency, lower evapotranspiration, less plastic waste as modules can replace plastic covers,
    • Quantified: qualified from other studies
    • Low or High:
    • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Objective: Determine impact of shading on berry yield
  • Nothing positive

Association between Dynamic Agrivoltaic System and Cultivation: Viability, Yields and Qualitative Assessment of Medical Plants[edit | edit source]

Publisher: MDPI; Publication: Sustainability; Year: 2023; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Apulia, Italy; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:

  • Creation of microclimate beneficial for plant growth
    • Quantified: qualified by other studies
    • Low or High:
    • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Increased production, water conservation, decreased evapotranspiration, elongation of vegetative parts of plant
    • Quantified: qualified by other studies
    • Low or High:
    • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Reduced air temperature
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 1.4
    • Unit: oC
    • Quantification Method: measured
    • Implication analyzed: Reduced relative transpiration rate
    • Comments
  • Reduced weed
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 2.5-15.7 vs 7.5-24.2
    • Unit: %
    • Quantification Method: measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Increased plant height and width
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 42.8 and 58.9
    • Unit: %
    • Quantification Method: measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Increased dry matter content
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 29.8 - 45.9
    • Unit: %
    • Quantification Method: measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Increased essential oil yield content for sage, mint, lavender and rosemary
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 1.8 - 2.5% vs 1.2-2.1%
    • Unit: %
    • Quantification Method: measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Crops: sage, oregano, rosemary, lavender, thyme, mint
  • Dynamic AV system - +/-50 degree rotation, 8.85m inter-row spacing, 2.5m above ground

Association between Dynamic Agrivoltaic System and Cultivation: Viability, Yields and Qualitative Assessment of Medical Plants[edit | edit source]

Publisher: MDPI; Publication: Sustainability; Year: 2023; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Apulia, Italy; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:

  • Creation of microclimate beneficial for plant growth
    • Quantified: qualified by other studies
    • Low or High:
    • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Increased production, water conservation, decreased evapotranspiration, elongation of vegetative parts of plant
    • Quantified: qualified by other studies
    • Low or High:
    • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Reduced air temperature
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 1.4
    • Unit: oC
    • Quantification Method: measured
    • Implication analyzed: Reduced relative transpiration rate
    • Comments
  • Reduced weed
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 2.5-15.7 vs 7.5-24.2
    • Unit: %
    • Quantification Method: measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Increased plant height and width
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 42.8 and 58.9
    • Unit: %
    • Quantification Method: measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Increased dry matter content
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 29.8 - 45.9
    • Unit: %
    • Quantification Method: measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Increased essential oil yield content for sage, mint, lavender and rosemary
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 1.8 - 2.5% vs 1.2-2.1%
    • Unit: %
    • Quantification Method: measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Crops: sage, oregano, rosemary, lavender, thyme, mint
  • Dynamic AV system - +/-50 degree rotation, 8.85m inter-row spacing, 2.5m above ground

Association between Dynamic Agrivoltaic System and Cultivation: Viability, Yields and Qualitative Assessment of Medical Plants[edit | edit source]

Publisher: MDPI; Publication: Sustainability; Year: 2023; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Apulia, Italy; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:

  • Creation of microclimate beneficial for plant growth
    • Quantified: qualified by other studies
    • Low or High:
    • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Increased production, water conservation, decreased evapotranspiration, elongation of vegetative parts of plant
    • Quantified: qualified by other studies
    • Low or High:
    • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Reduced air temperature
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 1.4
    • Unit: oC
    • Quantification Method: measured
    • Implication analyzed: Reduced relative transpiration rate
    • Comments
  • Reduced weed
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 2.5-15.7 vs 7.5-24.2
    • Unit: %
    • Quantification Method: measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Increased plant height and width
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 42.8 and 58.9
    • Unit: %
    • Quantification Method: measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Increased dry matter content
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 29.8 - 45.9
    • Unit: %
    • Quantification Method: measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Increased essential oil yield content for sage, mint, lavender and rosemary
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 1.8 - 2.5% vs 1.2-2.1%
    • Unit: %
    • Quantification Method: measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Crops: sage, oregano, rosemary, lavender, thyme, mint
  • Dynamic AV system - +/-50 degree rotation, 8.85m inter-row spacing, 2.5m above ground


Publisher: International  Research Journal of  Modernization  in Engineering  Technology  and Science ; Publication: International  Research Journal of  Modernization  in Engineering  Technology  and Science ; Year: 2023; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Brazil; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:

    • Not related to our scope.

An evaluation of the potential of agrivoltaic systems in Brazil[edit | edit source]

Publisher: Elsevier ; Publication: Applied Energy ; Year: 2024; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: ; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:

  • Improved land use efficiency, reduced irrigation requirements, wind erosion, protection from inclement weather conditions, financial benefits for farmers, reduced irrigation requirements
    • Quantified: qualified by other studies
    • Low or High:
    • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Improved finances (3.3 kWp, Ecolume, Ibimirim-PE.)
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High:Annual revenue - USD 2000
    • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed: positive socio-eco-environmental benefits
    • Comments
  • Protection of crops and environmental preservation (33 kWp, Pankara village)
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High:Annual revenue - USD 2000
    • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Substituting cost of electricity (CCampo, Para)
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: USD 2000 - energy bill per month
    • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Substituting cost of electricity (Federal University of Alagoas, Maceió)
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: USD 2000 - energy bill per month
    • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Animal welfare, econ (autonomy and income by leasing energy credits), climate and social benefits
    • Quantified: qualified
    • Low or High:
    • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments

An carbon neutrality industrial chain of “desert-photovoltaic power generation-ecological agriculture”: Practice from the Ulan Buh Desert, Dengkou, Inner Mongolia[edit | edit source]

Publisher: China Geology ; Publication: China Geology ; Year: 2022; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: ; PV Power: 50 MW; Energy: ; Efficiency:

  • Prevention of dunes moving, desertification expansion
    • Quantified: qualified
    • Low or High:
    • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Increase vegetation cover
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: before 5% - after PV installation 80%
    • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Reduced CO2
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 6.5×106
    • Unit: tonnes of CO2
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments

Agrivoltaics—The Perfect Fit for the Future of Organic Photovoltaics[edit | edit source]

Publisher: Wiley Online Library ; Publication: Advanced Energy Materials ; Year: 2021; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: ; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:

  • Reduce evaporation losses
    • Quantified: qualified
    • Low or High:
    • Unit:
    • Quantification Method: Reduce water requirements, reduced risk of soil salinization
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Humidity regulation,
    • Quantified: qualified
    • Low or High:
    • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:Higher crop productivity
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Temperature control
    • Quantified: qualified
    • Low or High:
    • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • regreeening of deserts, reduced water consumption
    • Quantified: qualified
    • Low or High:
    • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments

Agrivoltaic: How much electricity could photovoltaic greenhouses supply?[edit | edit source]

Publisher: Elsevier ; Publication: Energy Reports ; Year: 2023; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Canary Islands, Spain; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:

  • Reduction of water evaporation, increased farmer's income as well as diversification, makeing farming sector more attractive
    • Quantified: qualified
    • Low or High:
    • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Not in our scope - just general benefits.

Agrivoltaic Systems Enhance Farmers’ Profits through Broccoli Visual Quality and Electricity Production without Dramatic Changes in Yield, Antioxidant Capacity, and Glucosinolates[edit | edit source]

Publisher: MDPI ; Publication: Agronomy ; Year: 2022; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Naju, Jeollanam Province, South Korea; PV Power: ; Energy: 46,355 kWh; Efficiency:

  • Increased farmers income, lan use eff
    • Quantified: qualified (From other study)
    • Low or High:
    • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Higher soil temperature in open field
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 2 - 5
    • Unit: oC
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Less insect damage
    • Quantified: observation (qualified)
    • Low or High:
    • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Greener broccoli than control
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High:
    • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Cost savings from electricity
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 1896.4 annually
    • Unit: USD
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • CO2 reduction
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 21.61 annually
    • Unit: tCO2
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • GHG reduction financial benefit
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 394.8
    • Unit: USD
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments

Agrivoltaic system for energy-food production: A symbiotic approach on strategy, modelling, and optimization[edit | edit source]

Publisher: Elsevier ; Publication: Sustainable Computing: Infomatics and Systems ; Year: 2023; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Odisha, India; PV Power: 0.675kW; Energy: 3.5 kWh/day; Efficiency:

  • Maximized land use eff (160-186%) and ecosystem benefits, financial benefits, reduced air temp, increased production, LER (1.20-1.5), Reduced air temp (1-1.5oC),
    • Quantified: qualified from other studies
    • Low or High:
    • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • LER
    • Quantified: quantified
    • Low or High: 1.73
    • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments

Agrivoltaic system design tools for managing trade-offs between energy production, crop productivity and water consumption[edit | edit source]

Publisher: IOPscience ; Publication: Environmental Research Letters ; Year: 2024; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: ; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:

  • Reduces irrigation requirement, land competition, evapotranspiration
    • Quantified: qualified
      • Low or High:
    • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Reduce crop water consumption
    • Quantified: quantified
      • Low or High: 20-45 %
    • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Increased plant productivity
    • Quantified: quantified
      • Low or High: 8% (10% was mentioned as well)
    • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • LER
    • Quantified: quantified
      • Low or High: 1.0 - 2.9
    • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • MATLAB used for modelling
  • Experiments suggest: plants may adjust according to shading; AV may be more useful for crop when they experience water restriction.

Agrivoltaic arrays can maintain semi-arid grassland productivity and extend the seasonality of forage quality[edit | edit source]

Publisher: Elsevier ; Publication: Applied Energy ; Year: 2024; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Colorado, USA ; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:

  • Address land-use conflict, reduce water demand,
    • Quantified: qualified
      • Low or High:
    • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • A43q weighted ANPP higer
    • Quantified: 7-10%
      • Low or High:
    • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments

Agrivoltaic approach in improving soil resistivity in large scale solar farms for energy sustainability[edit | edit source]

Publisher: Elsevier ; Publication: Applied Energy ; Year: 2023; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: Selangor, Malaysia; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:

  • Improve env eff, land utilization, more crop yield, decresase soil erosion, less moisture evaporation, less soil temperature,
    • Quantified: qualified from other studies
      • Low or High:
    • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Using PV structures for fertilization etc
    • Quantified: quaified
      • Low or High:
    • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Reduced earth resistance value
    • Quantified: quantified
      • Low or High: 4.0 - 4.9
    • Unit: ohms
    • Quantification Method: measured
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comment

Agri-PV in Portugal: How to combine agriculture and photovoltaic production[edit | edit source]

Publisher: Elsevier; Publication: Energy for Sustainable Development; Year: 2024; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: ; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:

  • Protection of crops from extreme weather, reduced irrigation expenses, shared used of land
    • Quantified:
      • Low or High:
    • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Reduced water consumption and increase quality/quantity of yield
    • Quantified: qualified (from other study)
      • Low or High:
    • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Reduced water consumption, lower water usage and increase quality/quantity of yield
    • Quantified: qualified (from other study)
      • Low or High:
    • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Increased quality of grapes
    • Quantified: qualified (from other study)
      • Low or High: Improved red pigments 13%; improved acidity 9-14%
    • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • LER
    • Quantified: quantified
      • Low or High:1.29 - 1.45
    • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Reduced CO2
    • Quantified: quantified
      • Low or High:3468 - 4609
    • Unit: ton CO2/yr
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments

A Spatial Multicriteria Analysis for a Regional Assessment of Eligible Areas for Sustainable Agrivoltaic Systems in Italy[edit | edit source]

Publisher: MDPI; Publication: Sustainability; Year: 2023; Lifetime: ; PV Technology: ; Location: ; PV Power: ; Energy: ; Efficiency:

  • Reduce 20% irrigation requirements, , improve soil conditions, collect rainwater that can be later used for irrigation, protection of crops from inclement weather, reduce temperature, biodiversity, ecosystems benefits such as carbon sequestration, water and soil conservation
    • Quantified: qualified from other studies
      • Low or High:
    • Unit:
    • Quantification Method:
    • Implication analyzed:
    • Comments
  • Not part of scope

BIPV[edit | edit source]

Optimization of building-integrated photovoltaic thermal air system combined with thermal storage[107][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Photovoltaic (PV) combined with phase change material (PV/PCM) system is a hybrid solar system that uses a PCM to reduce the PV temperature and to store energy for other applications. This study aims to increase the integrated PV efficiency of buildings by incorporating PCM while utilizing the stored heat in PCM for controlling indoor conditions. Experiments have been carried out on a prototype PV/PCM air system using monocrystalline PV modules. Transient simulations of the system performance have also been performed using a commercial computational fluid dynamics package based on the finite volume method. The results from simulation were validated by comparing it with experimental results. The results indicate that PCM is effective in limiting temperature rise in PV device and the heat from PCM can enhance night ventilation and decrease the building energy consumption to achieve indoor thermal comfort for certain periods of time.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Temperature affect PV negatively -> studies aimed at reducing the heat loss
    • Mismatch b/w PV generation and building heating load
    • PCM great for heat storage
    • Goal: aims to increase the PV efficiency by incorporating PCM while utilizing the stored heat from PCM for conditioning indoor air
  2. Methods
    • CFD to simulate phase change and natural convection
    • Experimental setup description
    • PV size: 200W
    • Sensitivity analysis with different PCM Sizes air air duct size
    • Simulation using Nottingham weather
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Use of PCM can reduce PV temperature
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]


BIPV: a real-time building performance study for a roof-integrated facility[108][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Building integrated photovoltaic system (BIPV) is a photovoltaic (PV) integration that generates energy and serves as a building envelope. A building element (e.g. roof and wall) is based on its functional performance, which could include structure, durability, maintenance, weathering, thermal insulation, acoustics, and so on. The present paper discusses the suitability of PV as a building element in terms of thermal performance based on a case study of a 5.25 kWp roof-integrated BIPV system in tropical regions. Performance of PV has been compared with conventional construction materials and various scenarios have been simulated to understand the impact on occupant comfort levels. In the current case study, PV as a roofing material has been shown to cause significant thermal discomfort to the occupants. The study has been based on real-time data monitoring supported by computer-based building simulation model.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Emerges from land stress of GPV
    • Review of BIPV electrical performances studies
    • Goal: understand the thermal performance of a BIPV system through its climate responsiveness and thermal comfort aspects.
  2. Methods
    • Thermal performance evaluation through Climatre responsiveness and thermal comfort
    • Case-study analysis - measured data
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Temperature was outside comfort zone for summer
    • Temperature was inside comfort zone during winter
  4. Conclusions
    • PV could add to thermal dicomfort
    • Old study, did not compare PV to regular construction material without insulation

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
5.25 kW 5.25kW Crystalline Bangalore 7%

Temperature and color management of silicon solar cells for building integrated photovoltaic[109][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Color management of integrated photovoltaics must meet two criteria of performance: provide maximum conversion efficiency and allow getting the chosen colors with an appropriate brightness, more particularly when using side by side solar cells of different colors. As the cooling conditions are not necessarily optimal, we need to take into account the influence of the heat transfer and temperature. In this article, we focus on the color space and brightness achieved by varying the antireflective properties of flat silicon solar cells. We demonstrate that taking into account the thermal effects allows freely choosing the color and adapting the brightness with a small impact on the conversion efficiency, except for dark blue solar cells. This behavior is especially true when heat exchange by convection is low. Our optical simulations show that the perceived color, for single layer ARC, is not varying with the position of the observer, whatever the chosen color. The use of a double layer ARC adds flexibility to tune the wanted color since the color space is greatly increased in the green and yellow directions. Last, choosing the accurate material allows both bright colors and high conversion efficiency at the same time.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • BIPV do not allow cooling of PV
    • Aesthetics need to be taken into account in urban environment
    • Goal: determine the influence of the ARC thickness on the color and conversion efficiency taking into account the thermo-electro-optical properties
  2. Methods
    • Solar cell color modelling using CIE standards
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Heating and Cooling Performance of Office Buildings with a-Si BIPV Windows Considering Operating Conditions in Temperate Climates: The Case of Korea[110][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

This study analyzed the heating and cooling performance of an office building in Daegu, Korea, equipped with amorphous-Si (a-Si) building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) windows. EnergyPlus was used to simulate and compare the heating and cooling loads of models for clear glass double-layer, heat-absorbing glass double-layer, and low-emissivity (low-e) glass double-layer windows. In addition, the impact of changes in building operation time, temperature settings, air infiltration from the entrances, and internal load were also analyzed as these all have a large impact on heating and cooling loads. Finally, three types of heating and cooling equipment were tested, and their power and primary energy consumption analyzed, to determine the actual energy used. Under baseline conditions, there was an 18.2% reduction in heating and cooling loads when the BIPV model was used compared to when the clear glass double-layer window was used. In addition, increases in temperature settings and air infiltration from the entrances had a negative effect on the reduction of the heating and cooling loads demonstrating a need for intensive management of these features if a-Si BIPV windows are installed in a building.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • BIPV impacts a building energy consumption
    • BIPV used to reduce building cooling and heating loads in different types of climates
    • Review of BIPV studies showing cooling load reduction
    • Goal: compare the impacts of a-Si BIPV windows in office buildings with those of office buildings using other windows, and to use this data to analyze the characteristics of heating and cooling loads and evaluate how reductions therein varied according to building operating conditions.
  2. Methods
    • Climate conditions -> temperate
    • Small-scale office building for experiment - description provided
    • EnergyPlus used for building model simulation
    • IdealLoadAirSystem for cooling and heating loads
    • Comparison between a-Si BIPV windows and 3 other type of windows
    • Specs of building floor considered for studies provided
  3. Results and Discussion
    • South face: 10.56kWp; East face: 4.75 kWp
    • annual energy -> 8617 kWh
    • East face generates less energy than south face
    • No power generation performance analysis
    • Total load requirement in building -> 132,058 kWh/y
    • HP consumption -> 86,473 kWh/y
    • Comparison of results with sensitivity on
      • Operation time
      • temperature settings
      • air infiltration
      • internal load
  4. Conclusions
    • Need to account for the sensitivity factors when design BIPV with amorphous

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Heating and cooling load reduction - 18.1% as compared to base case
  • Cooling + heating load BIPV -> 77200 kWh/y
  • Base Case Cooling+heating load -> 94266 kWh/y
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
15.31 kWp - a-Si Daegu - Korea 8617 kWh/y -

Solar and Shading Potential of Different Configurations of Building Integrated Photovoltaics Used as Shading Devices Considering Hot Climatic Conditions[111][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

This study investigates the use of building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPVs) as shading devices in hot climates, with reference to the conditions of Saudi Arabia. It used parametric numerical modelling to critically appraise the potential of eight design configurations in this regard, including vertical and horizontal shading devices with different inclination angles. The study assumed that the examined shading devices could be entirely horizontal or vertical on the three exposed facades, which is common practice in architecture. The study found that the examined configurations offered different solar and shading potentials. However, the case of horizontal BIPV shading devices with a 45° tilt angle received the highest amount of annual total insolation (104 kWh/m2) and offered effective window shading of 96% of the total window area on average in summer. The study concluded that, unlike the common recommendation of avoiding horizontal shading devices on eastern and western facades, it is possible in countries characterised with high solar altitudes such as Saudi Arabia to use them effectively to generate electricity and provide the required window shading.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • BIPV used in building envelope -> electrical device + architectural component
    • BIPV in roof could cause excessive heating -> need for cooling or insulation
    • BIPV have a visual added value
    • BIPV is driven by sustainability concerns
    • Cost of solar < Cost of fuel IF environment and health impacts are considered in Saudia Arabia
    • Goal: aims to investigate this issue with reference to the use of BIPVs as shading devices in building facades.
  2. Methods
    • Numerical parametric simulation as a data collection tool
    • 20mx20x open-plan office building in Riyadh
    • Windows cover 25% of building
    • 96 different modelling cases with dependent variables (irradiation, outside surface sunlit fraction), and independent variables (climatic conditions, direction, azimuth, tilt, sun exposure)
    • Use of DesignBuilder for simulation / Valisation with IES VE2018 and Ecotect Anallysis 2011
    • Modeling for summer and winter
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Analyzed the impact of the BIPV config on insolation and self-shading
    • Analyzed the config impact on window shading
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Visual added value -> not quantified -> mentioned in introduction only
  • Natural lighting -> not quantified -> mentioned in discussion
  • Windows Shading -> Quantified through insolation analysis
    • Minimum: 23% windows shading
    • Maximum: 97% windows shading
    • Compared to a base case -> no
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
Riyadh, Saudia Arabia

Performance study of building integrated photovoltaic modules[112][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

To investigate the semi-transparent building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) modules on facades a systematic study has been performed using ordeal room. The BIPV modules are prepared with different cell coverage ratios of 0.69 and 0.77. The investigations have been performed at the location for which the local latitude is 9°10′0″N, 77°52′0″E. The measured solar radiations over horizontal surfaces vary from 250 to 1000 W/m2. The various parameters of the modules with respect to the incident solar radiations, such as power generation, solar heat gain and temperature of the cells, have been studied for various orientations of the modules and reported. On observation it has been noted that the power generation in east orientation is higher, however in the view of other parameters the south orientation has been suggested. The BIPV modules reduce the cooling load by minimizing the heat gain by the room in comparison with conventional double clear glass windows. With respect to the power generation, and thermal performances, the module with lower cell coverage ratio is found to be better than the other one. In addition it has been estimated that 0.4 kW power could be saved in cooling load during peak sunshine hours.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • BIPV improves weather proofing, aesthetical integration, thermal insulation, and nose protection
    • Review of BIPV studies
    • BIPV reduce heat gain in a building -> but decreases efficiency of PV
    • Goal: analyse electrical and thermal performances of semi-transparent BIPV modules on facades by considering different orientations
  2. Methods
    • Design of expermental room: glazing material and thermal insulation for windows and walls
    • Solar radiation measured on horizintal surfce, vertical radiation predicted
    • Alyzed electrical and thermal performance of STPV and compared with double-glazed window
    • Packing-factor of PV: Module1: 0.77 and Module2: 0.69
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Module 2 has higher efficiency towards east
    • Module 2 has higher efficiency (9.3%) than Module 1 (9.1%) towards west
    • Module 2 has higher power (21W) compared to Module 1 (20.4W) in south
    • Low heat gain for BIPV modules compared with glazed windows -> reduction in cooling load
    • 0.4kW peak load saving in the middle of the day
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Reduction in heat gain: 75% compared to base case
  • Reduciton in cooling loads: 1.2 kWh/day.
    • Month of may only
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency Methodology
87.13 Wp 94.4 Wp Multicrystalline Tamil Nadu, India 6 months 17.7% 17.7% Experimental

Building Retrofit with Photovoltaics: Construction and Performance of a BIPV Ventilated Façade[113][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Building retrofit offers the opportunity to reduce energy consumption, improve energy efficiency and increase the use of renewable energy sources. The photovoltaic (PV) technology can be integrated into the building envelope, where conventional construction materials can be easily substituted by PV modules. Prices are competitive with some other solutions and good architectural building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) solutions enhance the appearance of the buildings. All this makes BIPV an attractive solution for effectively and sustainably retrofitting building envelopes, providing savings in materials and in conventional electricity consumption and, at the same time, improving the energy efficiency of the buildings. This paper shows a building retrofit case study in which standard PV modules are integrated into a new ventilated façade, aiming at serving as an easy-to-implement example for large-scale actions.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Buildings account for 40% total energy consumption
    • BIPV is becoming cost-competive in many cases -> ref provided
    • Goal: addresses a practical solution for building retrofit with a BIPV ventilated façade, especially recommended for tertiary buildings
  2. Methods
    • Existing building retrofit analysis -> CIEMAT builfing
    • Two PV systems: Grid-connected and santalone
    • Grid-Connected -> 27.2 kW; max daily power generated -> 11 kW; 6 subsystems
    • Standalone 3 subsystems -> 3.6kW / 0.6kW / 0.6kW
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Outer Building temperature reduction:
    • BIPV: 41.7 - 49°C
    • Polymer concrete panels: 60.5 - 63.5°C
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
4.8 kW 27.2 kW Crystalline 19 MWh/y

Building Integrated Shading and Building Applied Photovoltaic System Assessment in the Energy Performance and Thermal Comfort of Office Buildings[114][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Non-residential and more specifically office buildings are, nowadays, an integral part of the building stock and milestones of urban areas in most of the developed and developing countries all over the world. Compared to other building types, office buildings present some of the highest specific energy consumption rates. In the present study, a typical nine-story office is assessed for a number of different building integrated retrofitting measures. Measurements of indoor environmental conditions were used in order to validate the developed simulation model of the building in EnergyPlus. Then, a number of different building integration options for photovoltaic systems and shading options are examined, in order to evaluate the best option in terms of indoor air quality, thermal comfort and energy consumption. The amount of electricity produced can meet 65% of the building’s annual electricity requirements, while the shading options can reduce energy requirements by as much as 33%. Although this in not a value that can be dismissed easily, it becomes clear that further—and more deeply aiming—measures are needed, if the building is to achieve near zero energy status.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Buildings responsible for 40% energy comsumption
    • Office buildings -> 23% of total
    • Annual consumption of office building in europe -> 100 - 1000 kWh/m²
    • Many studies mentioned evaluation of comfort be considered in BIPV studies
    • Indoor monitor parameters provided: ait temp, humidity, air speed, CO2 levels, lighting, glare, noise
    • Goal: the energy performance and indoor air quality of a typical nine-story office building in the center of Thessaloniki, Greece is assessed for a number of different building integrated retrofitting measures
  2. Methods
    • Regular construction material in locaton -> concrete -> high heat storage capacity
    • Building net surface -> 1488m² / 4300m³
    • Total heated builidng area -> 1000m²
    • Base case
      • Building material: concrete + double brick no insulation
      • Facades: aluminuum sheets 3mm thick
      • Windows: sliding aluminum -> 65% of facade
      • Shading -> wooden blinds: 75% - curtains: 25%
      • Annual buyilding consumption -> 92310 kWh / 62.03kWh/m²
    • Environmental data measurement
    • Use of PMV and PPD indexes to measure thermal comfort
    • Measurement duration -> 1 week : summer + winter
    • EnergyPlus used for building modelling
    • Simulation Time -> 1year
    • Surrounding building considered in the building simulaiton for shading
    • Types of BIPV: Fixed vertical, fixed horizontal, movable vertical, movable horizontal
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Energy consumption from simulaiton:
      • Total -> 79813 kWh
      • Heating -> 31,377 kWh
      • Cooling demand -> 13% higher than heating demand
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Cooling demand reduction -> 75% compared to base case
  • Total energy demand reduction -> 30 - 33% compared to base case
  • Energy production -> simulated with SAM
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
Thessaloniki, Greece 58945 kWh/y 63176 kWh/y

Novel High Pressure Exfoliated Graphene-Based Semitransparent Stable DSSCs for Building Integrated Photovoltaics[115][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Integrating dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) with a building’s architecture is required for its commercialization. Coupling semitransparent designer DSSCs with windows has the dual benefit of providing daylighting and power generation. To achieve this, we report a low-cost, novel, high-pressure exfoliation technique for graphene and utilize it as a transparent counter electrode for fabrication of semitransparent DSSCs. By adopting environmentally friendly and economic exfoliated graphene instead of conventional platinum, the overall device cost comes down. The electrocatalytic behavior of fabricated transparent graphene counter electrode was assessed using cyclic voltammetry, Tafel plot in symmetry cell configuration, and impedance spectroscopy. We have fabricated DSSC with >70% transmittance in the visible spectrum, which gives promising power conversion efficiency of 3.19%. The fabricated cells were stable for more than 500 h under constant illumination with no significant efficiency drop. Also, we have fabricated designer semitransparent DSSCs using various symbols.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Proof-of-concept of a building-integrated hybrid concentrator photovoltaics-lighting system[116][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

A hybrid concentrator photovoltaics (CPV) module that combines the production of electricity and transports sunlight is proposed as a means to reduce the energy needs of buildings by two complementary solar energy approaches. Both concepts share the need for a solar tracker and an infrastructure to concentrate the sunlight which allows a reduction in costs of the proposed system. The CPV part is a well-known technology to produce electricity that serves as a host for the light subpart that transports sunlight through optical fibres. Measurements of a proof-of-concept show that in nominal conditions the lighting subpart is more efficient in the task of transporting sunlight than converting sunlight to electricity and then to light again. The efficiency threshold is a direct function of the fibre material and distance transported and the generated light is very similar to the solar light in terms of spectral content. Based on PMMA optical fibres and conventional CPV technology, the hybrid module converts 28.7% of the sunlight into electricity. Regarding the light transported by the optical fibres they slightly shift sunlight to bluish white but the quality of light is still comparable to a typical fluorescent lamp used in offices.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: Proof of concept of combining optical guides and concentrated PV in building energy generationg and lighting
  2. Methods
    • Full description of prototype provided
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Specs of the prototype:
      • Isc = 1.5A
      • Voc = 70.4V
      • Pmp = 84.5W
      • Hybrid module efficiency = 28.7%
    • Focused more on lighting than energy generation
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • BIPV reduces impact of building on global warming -> CO2 emissions reduction -> NQ -> mentioned in introduction
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
84.5W Concentrated PV 38%

Performance Analysis of BIPV Prototype System Installed in Greece and Main Affecting Parameters[117][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The extended use of fossil fuels for power generation resulted in energy crisis and serious environmental problems, such as global warming etc. Nowadays, the deployment of “green” technologies related to renewable resources aspires to change the conventional power flow directions. In this framework, scientific community puts all the efforts to provide a sustainable and efficient solutions in respect with renewable resources and their application. Taking into consideration the fact that 68% of the world population projected to live in urban areas by 2050, the use of renewable energy sources as part of the building envelope could potentially provide a promising solution, transforming buildings from “energy consumers” to “energy producers”. One of the most appealing and easily installed technologies of renewable generation is related to the photovoltaic systems (PVs). However, the challenge is to increase the possible integration of PVs into the building infrastructure. For the successful integration of PVs into the building envelope, aesthetic issues along with technological issues, such as the highest possible energy performance, need to be considered and addressed.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Construction sector responsible for more than 40% engy consumption in EU
    • Smart Wire Connection Technology developed by Meyer Burger (MB) is an innovative technology regarding the wire bonding between the cell and the module, also known as cell metallization-interconnection => reduce shading losses by 25% and increase module efficiency by 7%
    • Construct PV offer good material properties:
      • water tightness
      • fire proof
      • range of framing options
      • Can go as low as 0.6€/W with mass production
    • Goal: describe the specific details of the demonstration site, the monitoring system as well as the tool developed for the efficient monitoring of the “Construct PV” panels
  2. Methods
    • System located in Attica, Greece
    • Annual energy yield in the region: 1400 kWh/kWp
    • Use of Construct PV panels ad BIPV -> Electricial specs provided
    • Power ranged from 0.34 - 2.83 kW depending on installation area => Total 15 kWp
    • Inverter specs and description
    • Different demo inclinaiton used
    • Description of monitoring system and data
    • Real time DAQ system
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Data monitored between 3-2017 and 1-2018
    • Monthly enegry yield: 85kWh/kWp - 170 kWh/kWp
    • Performance ratio: 0.69 - 0.89
    • Effect of temperature and shading on PR
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
0.34 kW 2.83 kW heterojunction technology Attica, Greece

Experimental Investigation of Overall Energy Performance in Algerian Office Building Integrated Photovoltaic Window under Semi-Arid Climate[118][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) energy has now become one of the most significant renewable energy alternatives for providing natural daylight and clean energy. As such, this study was conducted for the first time in Algeria to experimentally evaluate the BIPV window energy and lighting energy savings of a typical office building under the semi-arid climate condition. Apart from using the Energy Plus and Integrated Environment Solution-Virtual environment (IES-VE) energy simulation tools in the experimental validation, the daylighting control method and the dynamic Useful Daylight Illuminance (UDI) were also utilized to analyse the daylighting performance as well as the lighting energy of BIPV windows with different transparency levels at various cardinal orientations. The field measurements had revealed the overall energy model to be consistent and in good agreement with the EnergyPlus and the IESVE simulation models, where the tested PV module was found to have provided not only a 20% Visible Light Transmittance (VLT) of uniformed daylight with low illuminance level, but also thermal comfort and a considerable amount of clean energy. The simulated results had demonstrated a substantial improvement in cooling energy and glare reduction of the PV modules as compared to the base-model, where the only BIPV window configuration was achieved good area of UDI 300-700 lux is facing the South orientation and 30% VLT. In conclusion, the application of the thin film BIPV windows with different transparency and orientation levels can thus be regarded as an effective solution for minimizing the lighting energy consumption through its energy production instead of daylighting utilization.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Building energy consumption in Algeria -< 42% of total and lighting -> 25% of total
    • BIPV -> natural lighting improvement and near-zeo buidings
    • BIPV window type coupled with position and light transmittance can save energy
    • Goal:
      • experimentally investigate the application of the thin film BIPV window in an Algerian mock-up office building
      • establish an appropriate design methodology and comprehensive validation of the overall energy performance through the use of EnergyPlus and IES-VE tools under a semi-arid environment
      • determine the effects on the daylighting performance and lighting energy savings of the different BIPV windows used
  2. Method
    • Field measurements: energy, temperature, daylight
    • Use of EnergyPlus for energy modeling
    • Use IES-VE for daylight modeling
    • Provided specs of building
    • BIPV modules speca:
      • type -> amorphous
      • transmittance: 20%
      • Power: 90W
      • Efficiency: 4.5%
      • Thermal properties provided
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Energy generation b/w 4574 kW (June) and 7565 kW (July)
    • 4.5% energy demand reduction
    • With BIPV alone, room temperature went above recommended levels (22.5°C - 26°C)
    • No reduction in heating energy
    • No ligthing energy consumption reduction
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Cooling energy reduction: up to 17%
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
a-Si Tebessa, Algeria Summer Period (May - August) 4574 kW (June) 7565 kW (July) 4.5%

Investigating the potential for energy flexibility in an office building with a vertical BIPV and a PV roof system[119][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) are becoming an attractive solution in the context of high penetration of photovoltaics (PV) in buildings caused by the strive to achieve net or nearly zero energy status. Besides retrieving solar radiation to produce electricity, BIPV also offers aesthetical advantages because of its architectural feature. This paper reports on the electrical energy performance of a passive solar office building, Solar XXI, located in Lisbon, Portugal, which has installed on the South façade a BIPV (12 kWp) and an additional photovoltaic roof system in a nearby car park facility (12 kWp) for electricity generation. The main objective is to investigate the potential to increase load matching between energy generation and consumption and improve grid interaction for two scenarios using the energy flexibility enabled by the integration of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) with capacities ranging from 13.5 kWh to 54 kWh. To collect the required results, real consumption and generation data are used, together with numerical simulations related to the integration of the BESS. The results show that load matching and grid interaction related metrics can be significantly improved by using the energy flexibility provided by a BESS and that the implementation of such system can be economically viable for a 10-year period.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Buildings responsible for 40% energy consumption in the EU and US
    • BIPV can generate electricity, improve confort, improve aesthetics
    • Energy flexibility / energy storage concept explained
    • Goal: reports on the electrical energy performance of Solar XXI passive solar office building and the associated considerations that are critical when similar renewable energy systems and energy flexibility options are considered in office buildings in the same climate context
  2. Methods
    • Building location: Lisbon, Portugal
    • 2 PV Systems:
      • System1: South Facade -> 12 kWp/100m²
      • System2: Rooftop -> 12kWp/205m²
      • 10cm b/w BIPV and insulation
      • Building relies on natural ventilation; No HVAC system
    • 1 hour resolution measurement over a year
    • BESS strategy described
    • 2 Scenarios analyzed
      • System with no BESS
      • System with 4 different BESS (13.5kWh / 27kWh / 40.5kWh / 54kWh)
    • Metrics used to quantify load matching improvement: self-consumption and self-sufficiency
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Better load-mathing achieved when battery is connected to system: numbers for 13.5kWh BEDD
      • 8.8% reduciton in daily negative net peak load
      • 26.1% decrease in annual exported electricity
      • 2.9% reduction in daily positive net peak load
      • 31.3% reduction in electricity imported from grid
    • Improvement of SC by 15.4% with BESS
    • Improvement of SS by 17.1% with BESS
    • Economic assessment based on: Initial Investment (II), Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Payback Period (PP)
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
12 kW Poly-Si Lisbon, Portugal
12 kW a-Si Lisbon, Portugal

A novel method for optimal performance of ships by simultaneous optimisation of hull-propulsion-BIPV systems[120][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Shipping has been facing significant challenges due to strict limits imposed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to become more environmentally sustainable. In this regard, the use of solar energy, as a viable way to deal with the pollutant emissions caused by ships, has been attracted considerable attention. However, considerable investment costs, high area demands, and low performances of ships equipped with the photovoltaic systems have until recently been some of the significant challenges in the use of solar energy in the shipping industry. This paper proposes a novel method for the optimal performance of ships through the simultaneous optimisation of the hull-propulsion-building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) system. Using the proposed method, the interaction effects among the ship hull, the BIPV system, and the propulsion system, as well as the impact of the wind and ship speeds on the BIPV system efficiency are considered. Ship operational conditions, including the sunshine duration, the clearness index, the ambient temperature, the latitude of the region, the view factor of the sky to ground, the wind and ship speeds, and the ship lifetime hour are also examined. Moreover, a probabilistic speed profile is employed to avoid a suboptimal design at a single ship speed. The performance of the suggested method is evaluated by designing a planing ship equipped with a waterjet propulsion system that operates in the Karun river, Iran. The non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) is used to solve the multi-objective optimisation problem of a planing hull-waterjet-BIPV system. Eight cases are compared to demonstrate the effectiveness and the promise of the proposed approach in different ship design problems with different displacements and BIPV area-to-deck area ratios. The results show the high performance of the adopted approach in cutting operating costs and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Based on the results, the investment costs due to the BIPV system have been recouped within a year in different studied cases and scenarios. It is also found out that the interaction effects among the ship hull, the BIPV system, and the propulsion system are important to ensure the optimal performance of a ship.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Shipping accounts for 3% global CO2
    • Not a lot of study on Ship-PV
    • BIPV lifetime -> 30years up to 50 years in some cases -> corresponds to ship lifetime
    • Goal: presents novel strategy for the optimal performance of ships in minimising the GHG emission and the operating cost through the simultaneous optimisation of a hull-propulsion-BIPV system
  2. Methods
    • Design of ship hull, the propulsion system, and the BIPV system
    • Optimization using probabilistic speed profile of the ship
    • Ship resistance calculation procedure provided
    • Waterjet propulion system design described
    • BIPV model -> PV modeling
    • multi-objective optimisation algorithm named NSGA_II
    • 8 case studies; 2 scenarios
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Cost Reduction -> 22.59 to 34.92%
  • Lifetime Fuel Consumption Reduction -> 35.94 to 45.64%
  • Propulsion Efficiency Increase -> 19.5 to 44.89%
  • Emission reduction -> 35.94 to 45.64
  • Boat resistance reduction -> -5.15 to 5.66
  • Methodology used Optimization
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
Karun River, Iran

A Simulated Study of Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) as an Approach for Energy Retrofit in Buildings[121][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Building envelopes can play a significant role in controlling energy consumption, especially in hot regions because of the wide variety of envelope materials and technologies that have been developed. Currently, because of the high rise in energy prices, especially with the high demand of fossil energy in the building sector worldwide, using curtain walls for maintaining adequate lighting in public buildings could lead to higher energy consumption because of the continuous exposure to the sun in hot regions. For this reason, studying the use of renewable or smart alternatives in the building sector to ensure a cleaner, greener environment by deploying sustainable technology in order to reduce energy demand and support economic long-term solutions would be important for solving such a problem. This paper aims at studying the use of renewable energy technologies and alternatives; represented in new building integrated photovoltaics (BIPVs) technology that could be integrated within building skin to reduce energy demand. The methodology follows a quantitative comparative approach, using an energy simulation software to study two different types of BIPV technology (BISOL Premium BXO 365 Wp monocrystalline and BXU 330 Wp, polycrystalline) on an existing building by retrofitting a part of its curtain wall. This is to conclude the energy saving percentage and feasibility of both alternatives.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Energy sector consumes more than 60% of total energy consumption in Egypt
    • Building retrofitting process defined
    • Building performance simulation (BPS) process described
      • Phase 1: Building energy auditing.
      • Phase 2: Development of retrofit strategies/actions.
      • Phase 3: Simulated implementation of retrofit strategies/actions.
    • Goal:
      • building envelope energy retrofit strategies are highlighted to study its impact on energy usage in buildings
      • a quantitative comparative study is conducted through a building performance simulation (BPS) process to compare the performance of two different types of BIPV.
  2. Methods
    • Case study in existing building in Giza
    • Biuidling description provided
    • Evaluation of buidling enegry consumption -> electrical and thermomechanical systems analysis
    • EnergyPlus used for simulation - All resutls compared with a base-case scenario
    • 2 Facades considered
      • Facade 1 -> 508.08 m²
      • Facade 2 -> 7128 m²
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Case 1: Building Energy Consumption reduction of 7.04%
    • Case 2: Building Energy Consumption reduction of 5.47%
    • Installation economics provided for both case scenarios
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Building Energy Consumption reduction: 5.47% and 7.04%
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
365 Wp / modules 330 Wp modules Mono and Poly-Si Giza, Egypt October 6th - Date data collected 142.74MWh 111.07MWH 18.7% 16.9%

Profitability of active retrofitting of multi-apartment buildings: Building-attached/integrated photovoltaics with special consideration of different heating systems[122][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Multi-apartment buildings comprise almost half of the European housing stock and are for the most part old and energy inefficient, making active retrofitting an important topic. The objective of this paper is to determine the profitability and optimal size of different technology portfolios for renewable building energy. A mixed-integer linear programming optimisation model is developed in Matlab with the objective of maximising the Net Present Value over a time horizon of 20 years. To examine multiple use cases, a modular approach is used for realising different multi-apartment building set-ups. Building-attached and building-integrated photovoltaic systems on different parts of the building skin already achieve break-even. Heat pumps, pellet and district heating can hardly compete with gas heating yet. However, heat pumps have synergy effects with PV systems, thus reinforcing their implementation, as does a tenant portfolio with a good correlation with the sunshine hours. The profitability gap between investment costs for passive building renovation and resulting energy cost savings is significant. However, it is the smallest for buildings with quality standards. In conclusion, governmental subsidies and financial incentives such as the true cost pricing of CO2 emissions are necessary to trigger investments in reasonable combinations of passive and active retrofitting measures.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Buildings account for 40% energy consumption and 36% CO2 emisisons in EU
    • Type of retrofitting in buildings described:
      • Passive
      • Passive with solar theral
      • Passive + Active including HVAC and PV
    • Active retrofit complicated for multi-apparts building
    • Review of passive, active, and combination refrofit measures in buildings
    • Goal: focuses on investigating the profitability of active retrofitting measures for multi-apartment buildings by taking different electricity and heating technology combinations into account
  2. Methods
    • Building analyzed -> multi-appart with 10 residentials units
    • Use of optimization of NPV to select best retrofit option
    • Use of real load profiles - 15min resolution - One year data
    • Constraints: cover electric and heating load at every point in time
    • Economic analysis performed over 20 years
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • CO2 Emisions reduction -> 28.57 - 84.29% as compared to a gas heating system
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
51.67 kW Austria 20-years 17%

Holistic economic analysis of building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) system: Case studies evaluation[123][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Recent trends and future objectives in sustainable buildings are to reduce energy consumption, and simultaneously try to supply their energy demand within the building employing an environmentally friendly energy resource which leads to a nearly zero energy building (nZEB). Building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV), which is one of the fastest growing industries worldwide currently, refers to photovoltaic cells that are integrated into the building envelope such as facade or roof to generate clean energy from sunshine and is the most remarkable technology to contribute to nZEB purposes. In this paper, an innovative approach of BIPV economic analysis is presented. The proposed method is to quantify the societal and environmental advantages of a BIPV system as much as possible and import these values to the economic analysis in order to see their effects in a lifecycle cost analysis (LCCA). In order to compare the results with the current LCCA, four case studies from Brazil, Italy, China, and Bahrain were chosen, because they were the most recent BIPV system LCCA, and the suggested method was applied on them. The economic analysis showed that with the societal and environmental benefits of the implemented system, replacing conventional façades and roof building materials with BIPV modules will become economically more feasible. As a result, the presented strategy could not only expectantly guide the end user to decide more conscious about the implementation of BIPV systems but also steer governments or decision-makers to support the technology by rational subsidies and incentives.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Building energy demand -> 31% of world's energy demand
    • BIPV estimated at 30 years; 50years possibly
    • Rooftop are more prized for BIPV installation
    • More than 80% BIPV on rooftops
    • BIPV on facade suffer from shading but can have a siginicant impact
    • BIPV barriers:
      • Institutional
      • Public acceptance
      • Economic barriers
      • Technicla Barriers
    • Most significant barrier => high capital cost + low electrical efficiency'
    • Past BIPV studies do not account for societal and environmental benefits
    • Goal: proposed an innovative approach for LCCA of the BIPV systems
  2. Methods
    • Selection of 4 case studies from previously published papers
      • Milan -> PR found 0.37%/year in 13 years
      • Brazil -> Discounted payback period (DPP) -> 6 - 16 years
      • Shanghai -> 10 kW BIPV -> EPBT: 3.1years; GPBT: 0.4years; DPP: 11years
      • Awali -> 8.64 kW BIPV; DPP: 624 years (very cheap fuel cost)
    • Economic tools:
      • NPV
      • DPP
    • Provided data from the 4 past case studies
    • Important aspect affecting BIPV systems economy:
      • Transmission line lost power
      • Power delivery cost
      • The societal cost of carbon
      • Material cost
    • LCCA used -> 4 key components of LCCA:
      • costs of owning and operating an asset
      • the lifespan of the asset
      • the discount and inflation rate
      • the benefits (quantitative and qualitative) of the asset during its lifespan.
    • Spreadsheet used for analysis
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Past BIPV studies do not account for societal and environmental benefits
  • When societal and environmental cost are included, benefits of BIPV increase -> CO2 emissions reduction
  • Include this paper in discussion
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Numerical studies of thermal comfort for semi-transparent building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV)-vacuum glazing system[124][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV)-vacuum system is promising for advanced window application due to its ability to reduce heat transfer, control over admitted solar heat and generates environmentally benign electricity. In this work, numerically thermal comfort for an unfurnished room comprising of BIPV-vacuum glazing was evaluated for the United Kingdom (UK) climate. Required parameters to determine thermal comfort, one-dimensional heat transfer model was developed and validated for BIPV-vacuum glazing and results were compared with BIPV-double-pane glazing system. PV cell temperature difference between these two different types of glazing was 24 °C. For the UK climate, BIPV-vacuum glazing offered 26% higher room temperature at clear sunny day compared to BIPV-double system. BIPV–vacuum glazing system provided soothing or comfortable thermal comfort during mid-day period for a clear sunny day at temperate climate. In a combined BIPV-vacuum glazing, it was also predicted that vacuum glass facing external ambient is suitable for the UK climate whilst vacuum glass facing internal room ambient is applicable for Indian climate.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Colour properties and glazing factors evaluation of multicrystalline based semi-transparent Photovoltaic-vacuum glazing for BIPV application[125][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Low heat loss vacuum glazing offers high heat insulation for indoor space, which reduces the building’s heating energy demand. However, the transparent nature of this glazing allows similar daylight to double glazing that creates discomfort glare. Double pane semi-transparent type photovoltaic (PV) glazing introduces control of solar heat gain, daylight and generates clean electricity. The transparent portion between regularly distributed PV cells allows light penetration. Addition of these two technologies can offer low heat loss PV-vacuum glazing that will control heat loss, heat gain, and daylight and generate renewable power. In this work, two different areas of multicrystalline PV cells were employed to form 35% and 42% transparent PV-vacuum glazing. Spectral characterisation, glazing factor and entering light quality through the transparent part of this PV-vacuum glazing were evaluated. Colour rendering and correlated colour temperature of this glazing were compared with an electrically actuated switchable suspended particle device glazing.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • In developed countries, building account for 20-40% total energy consumption
    • Regular glazing not energy efficient -> high heat loss; and glare generation
    • Glass is coated to reduce heat loss
    • Vacuum glazing offers low overall heat transfer, but generates glare
    • Ways to reduce glare in windows:
      • switchable transparent electrochromic (EC).
      • suspended particle device (SPD),
      • liquid crystal (LC)
      • static transparent photovoltaic
    • SPD and EC need to be powered to function
    • Description of PV glazing
    • Best solution to glare and heat gain -> PV glazing + vacuum glazing
    • Goal: first time multicrystalline based combined semitransparent PV-vacuum glazing has been introduced for low energy adaptive retrofit or new building.
      • first case: 35% transmittance
      • second case: 42% transmittance
  2. Methods
    • Evaluation of quality of light with:
      • coulour rendering index: CRI
      • corelation colour temperature (CCT)
    • Compared PV-vacuum glazing to SPD glazing
    • Evaluation of optical parameters, glazing factors, CCT, CRI -> detailed equations provided
    • Provided details on type of glazing used
    • Optical characterization performed using UV-VIS-NIR spectrophotometer
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Detailed numerical on light transmission
      • 40% SPD: CRI->91; CCT->6350
      • PV-Vacuum: CRI->95.5; CCT->6400
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Light transmission improvement
    • 5% increase in CRI compared to SPD
    • 0.8% increase in CCT light transmission compared to SPD
  • Heat gain reduction -> mentioned , not quantified.
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Experimental investigation of overall energy performance in Algerian office building integrated photovoltaic window under semi-arid climate[126][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) energy has now become one of the most significant renewable energy alternatives for providing natural daylight and clean energy. As such, this study was conducted for the first time in Algeria to experimentally evaluate the BIPV window energy and lighting energy savings of a typical office building under the semi-arid climate condition. Apart from using the Energy Plus and Integrated Environment Solution-Virtual environment (IES-VE) energy simulation tools in the experimental validation, the daylighting control method and the dynamic Useful Daylight Illuminance (UDI) were also utilized to analyse the daylighting performance as well as the lighting energy of BIPV windows with different transparency levels at various cardinal orientations. The field measurements had revealed the overall energy model to be consistent and in good agreement with the EnergyPlus and the IESVE simulation models, where the tested PV module was found to have provided not only a 20% Visible Light Transmittance (VLT) of uniformed daylight with low illuminance level, but also thermal comfort and a considerable amount of clean energy. The simulated results had demonstrated a substantial improvement in cooling energy and glare reduction of the PV modules as compared to the base-model, where the only BIPV window configuration was achieved good area of UDI 300-700 lux is facing the South orientation and 30% VLT. In conclusion, the application of the thin film BIPV windows with different transparency and orientation levels can thus be regarded as an effective solution for minimizing the lighting energy consumption through its energy production instead of daylighting utilization.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Investigation on the energy performance of a novel semi-transparent BIPV system integrated with vacuum glazing[127][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The development of vacuum glazed windows in recent decades has provided a foreseeable energy saving opportunity in the design of low-energy consumption buildings and the application of building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) has experienced rapid development for application in buildings. This paper reports our investigations on the combinations of the vacuum glazing and BIPV integration. Semi-transparent photovoltaic windows can convert solar energy into electricity, but most of absorbed solar heat is transferred into indoor environment which becomes additional cooling load. The proposed vacuum photovoltaic insulated glass unit (VPV IGU) in this paper combines vacuum glazing and solar photovoltaic technologies, which can utilize solar energy and reduce cooling load of buildings at the same time. Various experiments were conducted to evaluate the thermal performance and determine the key characteristics of the VPV IGU in this study. It was found that the VPV IGU can achieve very low total heat gain coefficient (U-value) of around 1.5 W/(m2 K) and block most of undesired solar radiation from penetrating through the window. Compared with a common double-pane glass sheet, the vacuum PV glazing can maintain the indoor environment at a relatively low temperature due to its excellent thermal insulation performance in summer. A detailed simulation study has been conducted by EnergyPlus and Berkeley Lab WINDOW. The simulation work has indicated that the cooling load can be reduced by 14.2% by a south-oriented VPV IGU compared with common glazing products while power generation is not compromised compared with normal BIPV systems. The results show that the application of the VPV IGU has a huge energy saving potential and can minimize the drawback of common PV insulating glass units.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • 90% electricity consumed by buildings in Hong Kong in 2015
    • Buildings responsible for 30% GHG emission in developing countries
    • mitigate energy consumption in buildings:
      • energy saving
      • Renewable energy usage
    • Building energy loss mainly due to glazing:
      • 71% in summer
      • 48% in winter
    • Vacuum glazing -> potential solution to reduce energy loss + useful for noise cancelling
    • Review of vacuum glazing and STPV
    • Goal:
      • proposed novel vacuum PV insulated glass unit (VPV IGU) that combines the advantage of the high thermal insulation performance of vacuum glazing and the power generation capability of PV glazing
  2. Methods
    • a-Si with transmittance of 20%
    • Used for nature day-lighting
    • Thermal insulation could increase the temperature of PV -> guided the decision of PV technology
    • Experimental measurment comparing PV glazing to other types of glazing:
      • double pane glass
      • single pane window
      • vacuum glazing
      • Double clear pane glazing
    • Data collecte dat 1-min interval
    • Measurement equipment description provided in detail
    • Simnulation performed using EnergyPlus and Berkley Lab WINDOW
    • Step-by step simulation process described
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Check Key takeaways
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Thermal insulation:
    • Better indoor environment
    • Low U-value / Temperature closest to ambient compared with other window type
    • Quantified experimentally
    • Temp: 53% decrease compared to base case
  • Cooling load reduction
    • Energy reduction between 5.2% and 25.4% compared to other systems and depending on orientation
    • Quantified by simulation
  • energy generation closed to otrher types of system (0.4 -1%)
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
74W a-Si 4 days 9Sept26-September 30) 2.1kWh/month in June 22.17kWh/month in December

Optimization of a BIPV system to mitigate greenhouse gas and indoor environment[128][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The solar architecture is defined as a kind of building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) which the Photovoltaic (PV) modules are deployed to passive solar concepts, to minimize the heating & cooling load, to upgrade the indoor environmental quality and to be adjustable for regional weather and to continuously succeed architectural culture and history. The most ideal form of a BIPV is a multi-functional and ecological convergence through a passive concept application of a photovoltaic module for a building. The solar architecture needs to consider the architectural culture and history of the region through an ecological convergence which is applicable to a passive concept if the environment, energy and comfort problems will be effectively mitigated. The evaluation standard is needed to fulfill these requirements of solar architecture. The renewable energy sources are getting very hot issues, due to the environmental pollution, global warming, and energy shortage, etc. It is reasonable to disseminate the representative energy systems which could be ecologically convergent with the regional architecture. Most renewable energy systems including PV could not be activate or not be environmentally friendly if the systems are planned simply without multi-functional and ecological convergence. This paper describes the ecological criteria to optimize solar architecture through an ecological convergence of a passive solar architecture and photovoltaic system.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • 25% of energy used for building heating and cooling in Korea; 45-50% in EU and USA
    • Goal: describes the ecological criteria to optimize the solar architecture through an ecological convergence of a passive solar architecture and photovoltaic system and newly suggested simulation model for solar architecture, considering results from a remodeling process of a small or medium-sized public building by an ecological application of the photovoltaic system.
  2. Methods
    • Use of Building Physical Information Modeling (BPIM)
    • BIPV as shading device in Seok-Kwan Community, Seoul Korea.
    • Year round energy simulation using TRNSYS 17
    • PV covers 32% of total building rnergy consumption
    • SolCel 19 to simulate BIPV as shading device
    • Bifacial PV irradiation calculation
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
21.2 kW mono-cSi Seok-Kwan 1 year 16.44

Optimum design of building integrated PV module as a movable shading device[129][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Building-integrated PV (BIPV) can be used as an external shading device as well as an electricity generator. In this study, the energy efficiency of the movable BIPV shading system installed over the windows has been investigated. In the first stage, the PV panels monthly electricity generation at different tilt angles and the building's monthly thermal load for the various overhang depth of windows were calculated. Based on the data obtained from these analyses, optimal condition for PV panel and overhang were determined for each month. In the next step, the geometry of the BIPV Panel was designed such that in each month the BIPV panel can provide obtained conditions. The movable BIPV shading was compared with the fixed modes include BIPV installed over the window with distance, BIPV installed over the window without distance, overhang, and no shading mode with fixed PV on the roof. The building annual thermal load integrated with the movable system, in comparison with four mentioned fixed modes is 12, 16, 15 and 20 % lower, and electricity generation, excessive to building thermal demand is 70, 142, 113, and 290 % higher respectively. The annual electricity generated by the movable PV is only 2 % higher than the fixed mode.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Postulates that BIPV reduces cost compared to PV and building alone
    • Listed studies indicating where BIPV can be installed on a building: wall, roof, window, shading device
    • BIPV Shading uses can prevent increase in heating and cooling loads, and improve daylighting control
    • BIPV optimum angle changes depending on the goal of installation
      • Hong Kong -> max electricity production -> 30°
      • Hong Kong -> optimize air-conditoning and daylighting -> 20°
    • Moveable BIPV can save 20-80% net energy depend
    • Goal:
      • analyzed the performance of moveable inclined PV over south-facing window
      • geometry optimizationof the BIPV system with the constraint of building energy load and PV generation
      • Monthly analysis through computational models
  2. Methods
    • Use of EnergyPlus 8.5 for heating and cooling load calculations, and PV generation
    • Use of Matlab to automate multiple runs in EnergyPlus
    • Validation of model using experimental results in literature
    • Appartment building model form Teheran used
    • Neaby building shading ignored
    • No storage needed, net-metering considered
    • Table of PV genertaion with tilt angle and month provided
    • Rationale used in movable device design:
      • PV should be position at best titl angle for each month
      • simplicity of installation
      • low capex and O&M
    • Description of moveable PV mechanical structure and
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Compasred Moveable BIPV to 4 other systems (optimized)
      • Fixed BIPV shading system with distance from window
      • Fixed BIPV shading system without distance from window
      • Overhang shading and fixed PV module on roof
      • No shading and fixed PV on roof
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Reduced heating and cooling loads:
    • Simulation
    • Low -> 12%
    • High -> 20%
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
Tehran, Iran 18%

Pilot study on building-integrated PV: Technical assessment and economic analysis[130][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) is an innovative green solution that incorporated energy generation into the building façade with modification on the building material or architectural structure. It is a clean and reliable solution that conserves the aesthetical value of the architecture and has the potential to enhance the building's energy efficiency. Malaysia's tropical location has a high solar energy potential to be exploited, and BIPV is a very innovative aspect of technology to employ the available energy. Heriot-Watt University Malaysia (HWUM) has a unique roof design that could be utilized as an application of the BIPV system to generate electricity, reducing the carbon footprint of the facility. Eight BIPV systems of different PV technologies and module types and with capacities of 411.8 to 1085.6 kW were proposed for the building. The environmental plugin software has been integrated with a building geometry modelling tool to visualize and estimate the energy potential from the roof surface in a 3D modelling software. Additionally, detailed system simulations are conducted using PVSyst software, where results and performance parameters are analysed. The roof surface is shown to provide great energy potential and studied scenarios generated between 548 and 1451 MWh yearly with PR range from 78% to 85%. C-Si scenarios offer the best economical profitability with payback period of 4.4 to 6.3 years. The recommended scenario has a size of 1085.5 kW and utilizes thin-film CdTe PV modules. The system generates 1415 MWh annually with a performance ratio of 84.9%, which saves 62.8% of the electricity bill and has an estimated cost of 901 000 USD. Installation of the proposed system should preserve the aesthetical value of the building's roof, satisfy BIPV rules, and most importantly, conserves energy, making the building greener.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • BIPV -> carbon footprint reduction -> net-zero energy building targets
    • 40% BIPV growth since 2009
    • BIPV integrates well with architectural designs
    • BIPV price does not compete with PV
    • a-Si BIPV not fully matured
    • More cooperation needed b/w PV designers and building architects
    • 3 forms of BIPV: roof-integrated; curtain-integrated; window-integrated
    • BIPV design parameters listed
    • BIPV advantages: no land required; possible material cost reduction; no mounting system
    • 50% rise in BIPV systems form 2014 to 2015
    • Not enough knowledge on dust impact for BIPV
    • Cleaning schedule may increase cost economic impact
    • Other degradations factors are specified
    • Unproper installation could be detrimental to building
    • Goal: assessing the solar radiation resource potential at the Heriot-Watt University Malaysia location, designing a grid-connected BIPV system to fit on the curved roof of this building, aids to save energy by reducing the utility bill, and evaluating the performance of proposed system scenarios by comparing different performance and economic parameters
  2. Methods
    • Investigation of different PV technologies: CIGS Flex; a-Si Flex; mono c-Si Flex; CdTe Standard frameless; mono c-Si standard; poly c-Si standard
    • Energy modeling
    • PV System Scenarios Table
Scenario Technology DC Power (kW)
Design 1 CIGS 546
Design 2 a-Si 411.8
Design 3 CdTe 1085.6
Design 4 c-Si Mono 1078.8
Design 5 c-Si Poly 1047
Mixed (1+3) CIGS-CdTe 758.8
Mixed (1+5) CIGS-Poly c-Si 750.6
Mixed (3+4) CdTe-Mono c-Si 1082.2
    • Architectural 3D-modeling
    • Economic analysis -> NPV explained in detail
    • Non-optimal tilt-orientation factor (TOF) in BIPV -> architecture constrains BIPV efficiency

3. Results and Discussion

  • 12.3% loss due to temperature effect in Design 1
  • a-Si -> low efficiency
  • Scenario 3: PR b/w 78% and 84.9%
  • CdTe Scenario 3 -> highest efficiency; lowest temperature losses -> highest cost
  • Facade PV have lower PR compared to roof PV
  • Results will reduce carbon footprint of building
  • Thin film not economically feasible
  • Best Option economically -> scenario 5
  • Design 3 -> 992 tons CO2 reduction; 7.3 years EPBT

4. Conclusions

  • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • CO2 emissions reduction:
    • Estimation
    • 992 tons saved per year
  • Annual electricity bill reduction
    • Simulation
    • Low -> 19.6%
    • High -> 62.8%
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
546 kW 1082.2 kW Multiple Malaysia 30 years 595.5 MWh/y 1,239.7 MWh/y 7.1% 17.5%

Analysis of the Impact of Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) on Reducing the Demand for Electricity and Heat in Buildings Located in Poland[131][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Based on a method to reduce energy consumption suggested in a real energy audit carried out in an industrial plant located in Poznań (city in Poland), the potential of using photovoltaic (PV) panels as wall cladding was analyzed, in order to reduce energy (electric and thermal) consumption and financial expenditure. The authors’ concept of using building integrated photovoltaic installation (BIPV) was presented and tested. This study checked whether the presence of PV modules would also affect heat transfer through the external wall of the building on which the installation is located. The analysis consisted of determining, for two variants, the heat transfer coefficients across the partition, in order to estimate the potential thermal energy savings. The first variant concerned the existing state, i.e., heat transfer through the external wall of the building, while the second included an additional partition layer in the form of photovoltaic panels. As a result, the use of panels as wall cladding allowed the improvement of the thermal parameters of the building wall (by increasing the thermal resistance of the wall), and the reduction of gas consumption for heating. The panels also generate electricity for the factory’s own needs. Payback time, compared to calculations which do not include changes in thermal parameters, was shortened from 14 to 11 years. The main reason for this is that gas consumption is reduced due to the improved heat transfer coefficient of the wall and the reduction of the heat loss of the facility. This aspect is usually overlooked when considering photovoltaic installations and, as argued by this paper, can be important.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Reviewed energy reduction pathways
    • Reviewed BIPV Studies
      • Discussed the main aspects to consider whiule designing a BIPV system: operating conditions, shading, voltage level
      • PV has the possibility of reducing cooling load
      • Wall PV sometimes generate more energy than ground PV in area covered in snow
      • Ventilated channel beneath PV modules allows increased enegry production
      • Double layered BIPV facade good for heating and cooling loasd reduction
    • Goal:
      • analyze the possibilities of using photovoltaic wall elements to improve the energy efficiency of an enterprise, based on the energy audit of a company existing in Poland
      • determining the thermal resistance of building elements and made calculations of the amount of gas saved for heating the building
  2. Methods
    • Reviewed energy auditing
    • PV system description
      • PV surface: 6 x 85 m²
      • 300W PV modules -> 0.99 x 1.65 m²
      • Onsite Consumption
    • Detailed calculation of thermal resistance a wall with and withour BIPVdetermining the thermal resistance of building elements and made calculations of the amount of gas saved for heating the buildingvaria`
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Proposed PV system was found insufficient for plant demand
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • BIPV improves cooling and heating load of building (reducing heat exchange coefficient)
    • 12% reduction in the heat exchange coeffcient
    • Determined by calculation
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
93.6 kW mono-Si Poland 25 years 1,728,317 MWh

Experimental Study on Energy Efficiency of Multi-Functional BIPV Glazed Façade Structure during Heating Season[132][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) is technology that can significantly increase the share of renewable energy in final energy supply and are one of essential technologies for the nearly zero-energy buildings (nZEB), new build and refurbished. In the article (a) an experimental semitransparent BIPV glazed façade structure with 60% of PV cell coverage is shown; (b) energy efficiency indicators were developed based on identified impact parameters using experimental data; and (c) multi-parametric models of electricity generation, preheating of air for space ventilation, and dynamic thermal insulation features that enable prediction of solar energy utilization in different climate conditions are shown. The modeled efficiency of electricity production of BIPV was in the range between 8% and 9.5% at daily solar radiation above 1500 Wh/day, while low impact of outdoor air temperature and ventilation air flow rate on PV cell cooling was noticed. Between 35% and 75% of daily solar radiation can be utilized by preheating the air for space ventilation, and 4.5% to 7.5% of daily solar radiation can be utilized in the form of heat gains through opaque envelope walls.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Building GHG emissions in Europe -> 36%
    • Reviewed multi-functional BIPV modules studies
    • Goal:
      • Design and build a BIPV glazed-facade structure
      • Solar PV usage evaluated: electricity prod, thermal performance, PV use efficiency.
  2. Methods
    • Investiage the use of BIPV in terms of PV energy use , energy efficiency, and thermal comfort
    • Description fo the exprimental system provided
    • PV used:
      • mc-silicon
      • efficiency: 18.5%
      • dimension: 156x156 mm
    • One-minute interval data taken from different types of sensors
    • Data collected form 25 Dec 2019 to April 15 2020
    • Developped energy efficiency indicators
      • electricity production: provided equation for PV generation of glazed BIPV
      • Preheating of ventilation air
      • Dynamic thermal insulation
      • Overall efficiency of sola rEnergy Utilization
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Energy effiicency indicators are dependent from one day to the other
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Architectural Forming and Economic Analysis of BIPV System for the Faculty of Engineering Buildings in Mansoura University.[133][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Recently, we have become more conscious about the impact of the industrial and technological revolution on the environment and human health which is basically due to the use of fossil fuel. In the development of energy sources in Egypt for the 21st century, it is necessary to replace by solar energy as one of the most promising and available renewable energy sources. Egypt is considered one of the solar belt countries with high intensity of direct solar radiation from north to south which provides a variety of solar energy applications. In Egypt existing building sector is responsible for use of large amount of energy for lighting, heating and cooling. As the amount of existing buildings is much higher than the number of buildings being built, while many of these existing buildings need improvements. This provides an opportunity to use photovoltaics (PVs) integration technologies to reduce primary energy usage and greenhouse gas emissions. At the moment, PVs technologies are available in relatively competitive prices; solar radiation is converted into electricity providing a cleaner, environmentally friendly alternative to reduce the environmental impact of buildings. The main reason for these technologies to stay unpopular is the lack of good architectural quality that meets the desired design considerations. The main aim of this paper is to pave possible ways for architects and engineers to use the building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) systems with innovative approaches which can serve the dual function of emphasis on the architectural expression and power generation. Introduce a model of architectural forming and economic analysis of BIPV system for an existing campus building in Egypt (the Architectural Department in the Faculty of Engineering in Mansoura University). This will encourage the responsible authorities and operators of existing buildings in Egypt to implement sustainable practices and reduce the environmental impacts of buildings over their functional life cycles.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Existing buildings contributre over 40% of the primary energy use globally + 24% GHG emissions
    • Goal:
      • discuss the cexisting condition of the Egyptian builfing sector + need fo Ren Energy
      • emphasize the BIPV use in Egypt for solving energy and emissions issues
  2. Methods
    • Egypt has a good solar PV potential
    • Connection to grid high => need for change in policy to allow transition to PV
    • Architectural acceptance limits PV deployment
    • MEteonorm used for data collection
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned CO2 emissions but not quantified
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
17.5 kW mc-Si Mansoura University 25 1058500 kWh

Integrability assessment methodology for building integrated photovoltaics: concept and application[134][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The existing evaluation of Building Integrated Photovoltaic systems (BIPV), limit to the system’s electrical performance, similar to conventional PV ground-mounted systems. BIPV has to deliver on both the roles of building and PV alike while catering to the needs of the society, economically. The current paper introduces the concept of Integrability, which is an attempt towards a holistic approach in evaluating BIPV systems. Integrability Methodology for BIPV evaluation has been proposed, for urban localities, which can be adopted for various PV configurations, building typologies and climatic zones. An Integrability Index has also been devised, considering various building performance factors, to evaluate and compare the performance of BIPV structures. The methodology has been applied to a 5.25 kWp BIPV system and the index has been computed to be 0.17 (on a scale of 0–1) and the various strategies that improve the index (up to 0.56) have also been discussed.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • BIPV can satisfy multiple functions: electricity generation, weather protec-tion, natural lighting, thermal insulation, shading, noise protection and even satisfy aspects of archi-tectural design
    • BIPV are still only characterize by the performance of the PV alone
    • PV alters overall performnce of the building
    • No existing agreed upon performance index
    • BIPV sometimes compared to GPV as if they perofrmed the same role
    • 40% of electricity in building -> thermal comfort
    • Goal: Propose an integrability methodology to address holostic evaluation of BIPV
  2. Methods
    • Defined 3 key components of BIPV: building, PV, occupant
    • 4 steps integrability framework proposed:
      • BIPV components
      • Identification of BIPV functionality through interactions
      • Identification of measuring parameters of functionality
      • Integrability index
    • Analyzed interactions b/w the 3 key components
      • Interaction b/w building and PV: Use of PVE/m² -> Photovotlaic energy for the calculation of PV electric generation per unit area
      • Interaction b/w building and occupant: Use of TCE -> thermal comfort energy for the quantification of comfort index
      • Interacytion b/w PV and coccupant: Use of PV Loading Ratio and Cost-Benefit Ratio
    • Proposed a formula for integrability index:
      Equation integrability.png
    • Prensented a detailed graphical framework of the integrability methodology
    • Presented advantages and limitations of integrability concept
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Case Study:
      • PC size: 5.25kWp
      • Location: Bangalore, India
      • Tech: mono crystalline siliconRoof area: 45m²; 15°pitch
      • Elecytical Load: 1066kWh
      • Considered losses in the energy calculation
      • Full description of the system operation
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Climate responsiveness and Thermal comfort improvement:
    • Quantified using TCE;
      • Minimum: 0kWh
      • Maximum: 3183.7 kWh
      • Normalized: 0.13
      • Actual: 2764.6 kWh
    • Needs a comparative basis to know whether it is an improvement or not.
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
5.25kWp monocrystalline Bangalore, India 3585.8 AC kWh/year 11.9%

Secure Management of Networked Batteries for Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) Systems[135][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

This letter reviews the related research on Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) for efficient utilization of solar energy, and further clarifies the concept of networked batteries. Taking Lithium-ion batteries as an example, maximizing the energy storage is the target, which is achieved by managing the charging and discharging of the individual batteries within a network. With the optimal management of the networked batteries, buildings constructed by using PV-capable materials are expected to be energy self-sufficient, which leads to zero-carbon energy supply. It is pointed out that the real-time estimation on the State-of-Charge (SoC) of Lithium-ion battery is crucial for secure management of the networked batteries.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency


Abstract[edit | edit source]

The community all over the World has to tackle the problem of depletion of fossil fuels, overusing the natural resources, and growing emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. It is related to the growing demand for electricity due to global development in every field. The solution to this problem can be production clean, solar energy with the use of photovoltaic modules. However, the installation of PV system in urban areas is very often impossible because of high-density citie’s architecture. The objective of this study was to analyze building applied photovoltaic system configurations for the flat rooftop of the detached house in Warsaw, Poland. Four configurations were analyzed taking into consideration the area of the rooftop, different tilt angles of PV modules, and shading areas. The system configuration as well as monthly energy output were carried out by the use of DDS-Cad software. The ecological aspect of the photovoltaic installation was also analyzed. A significant reduction of greenhouse gases was observed based on conducted calculations.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Presented statistics of PV in europe and in Poland, more specifically
    • Poland seemed to be on track to achieve 2030 National Plan for Climate and Energy
    • But not enough space in urban areas to deploy more PV => need to integrate into buildings
    • Decentralize PV could be a potential solution
    • Goal:
      • Computational analysis for efficient BAPV orientation under Polish weather conditions
      • included maximum use of rooftop area and optimal PV tilt
      • Examined ecological aspects and GHG emission reduction
  2. Methods
    • Use of DDS-Cad software for computatyional analysis
    • 4 different PV config investigated
      • flat rooftop - tilt: 0° - azimuth: 0°
      • flat rooftop - tilt: 36° - azimuth: 0°
      • flat rooftop - tilt: 24° - azimuth: 0°
      • flat rooftop - tilt: 24° - azimuth: E-W
    • Location: Warsaw; Poland - elevation: 130m
    • Single family house with 2 storeys considered for the study - Rooftop area: 134 m²
    • Specs of PV provided
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Config1 has higher energy but Case 2 has higher yield/kWp
    • Detailed yield given for all 4 configs
    • Optimal tilt angle is one of themost important parameters for energy yield
    • CO2 edmisison redudctions estimated using data from National Center for Emissions Balancing and Management in Poland
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • GHG emisisons reduction - Quantified individually
    • Quantified using calculation by inference - high/low (kg/MWh)
      • CO2: 1051 / 487
      • SO2: 11.01 / 5.10
      • NOx: 10.21 / 4.73
      • CO: 4.45 / 2.06
      • Dust: 0.58 / 0.27
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
7.840kWp 21.56 kWp multicrystalline Warsaw, Poland 7.494 kWh/year 16.173 kWh/year 17.1%

The value of aesthetics in the BIPV roof products segment: a multiperspective study under European market conditions[137][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

On account of supportive policies and improving technologies, Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) is gaining attention. Although the BIPV offer is costly, the customers are willing to accept premium rates for more visually appealing systems. The objective of this paper is to estimate and confront the actual market costs of the esthetics offered by the market and to understand the perceived value of esthetic premiums on the customer end. The topic is approached by employing a case study to assess the cost of investment, to learn the economic benefit throughout the entire system’s life cycle and to discern its impact on the value of the residence. The results indicate that from the system’s cost perspective, the current premium reaches over 80% of the Building Applied PV (BAPV) while maintenance plays an important role. Although the Net Present Values (NPV) are positive for both: BIPV and mainstream PV, the Internal Rate of Return (IRR)’s difference reaches 7%. The BIPV’s 0.14Euro/kWh of Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE) stay below the current market standards so the economic benefits brought by the system are conceivably assured. It has been found that the value of esthetics premium is priced similarly for both the manufacturer and customer. In the latter stages of the BIPV industry’s evolution, the suppliers focus on the functionality of the products, their complex installations, and expensive maintenance. These elements have negative impacts on the esthetics premium value and hinder its acceptance.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Reviewed past studies in BIPV regarding:
      • BIPV status barrier, and future
      • Performance calculation financial feasibility
      • Importnace of aesthetics in customer decision
    • Goal:
      • Holistic research on staus of BIPV roof market
      • Case study of BIPV aesthetics premium in residential projects in Central Europe
      • Estimate and confront actual market costs of esthetics and perceived value of esthetics
  2. Methods
    • General description of BIPVs with focus on tiled rooftop BIPV
    • tile BIPV represents 50% of total BIPV on the market
    • Estimated usable roof surface in EU-27: 2350 km²
    • Discrepancy in size and specs of BIPV tiles on market
      • weight b/w 10.5kg/m² and 60kg/m² -> mostly depends on mounting system
    • Presented data on BIPV specs
    • Descirbes the value of aesthetics in BIPV
    • Detached house from Poland and analyzed:
      • the investment cost in comparison to the non-PV, and mainstream PV solutions (BAPV),
      • the installation as an energy source and investment vehicle generating cashflow,
      • the perception of the value of esthetic on the market (based on literature review findings)
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

    • Compared BIPV and BAPV
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Determination of economically optimised building integrated photovoltaic systems for utilisation on facades in the tropical climate: A case study of Colombo, Sri Lanka[138][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) are becoming a viable solution for clean on-site energy production and utilisation to combat the existing energy crisis. In tropical climates, although rooftops are ideal for photovoltaic (PV) module integration, the available area may be insufficient to meet building energy demand due to the recent high-rise nature of urban buildings, causing a requirement for the utilisation of facades. However, the high angle of solar elevation means that facades are unfavourably oriented towards receiving incident solar irradiation. In addition, the issue exists of high solar heat gains into built spaces. This paper proposes a method to utilise horizontally inclined photovoltaic modules integrated on solar shading devices in order to combat these issues of unfavourable inclination and solar heat gains in commercial office buildings in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Various strategies are introduced and evaluated in terms of their inclination angles and the distance between installations. The results are analysed in terms of economic potential in order to determine which strategies are capable of producing the most electricity and reducing building cooling loads for the lowest installation costs. The results show that horizontal inclinations of PV on facades are capable of generating nearly 8% more electricity as a percentage of the building energy consumption when compared with traditional vertical PV facade installations.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Construction sector in Sril Lanka energy consumption -> 35% of national energy
    • Fully glazed facade not recommended in tropical region without shading
    • Rooftop in high-rise offer too little space -> necessity to optimize PV facade
    • PV can acts as shading device while on facade
    • Review of past PV facade studies -> need to analyze both PV generation and building energy consumption
    • Goal:
      • optimise PV generation of high-rise commercial buildings in Colombo, Sri Lanka using 3 param:
        • PV generation
        • available area
        • building enrgy consumption
      • minimize building energy while optimizing PV generation
      • compare inclined PV to vertical PV
  2. Methods
    • Provided the building characteristics
    • comparison b/w building in Colombo, and in London (tropical vs temperate)
    • Use of Radiance, Rhino, and Grasshopper, EnergyPlus
    • Compared building energy consumption with and without PV
    • Economic analysis using payback period
  3. Results and Discussion
    • The raidance simulation gave PV insolation on building areas
    • Provided PV generation results depending on the angle
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Building Energy reduction - > no quantification provided
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
Colombo, Sri Lanka

The Optimum Performance of Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) Windows Under a Semi-Arid Climate in Algerian Office Buildings[139][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Recently, Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) windows have become an alternative energy solution to achieve a zero-energy building (ZEB) and provide visual comfort. In Algeria, some problems arise due to the high energy consumption levels of the building sector. Large amounts of this energy are lost through the external envelope façade, because of the poorness of the window’s design. Therefore, this research aimed to investigate the optimum BIPV window performance for overall energy consumption (OEC) in terms of energy output, heating and cooling load, and artificial lighting to ensure visual comfort and energy savings in typical office buildings under a semi-arid climate. Field measurements of the tested office were carried out during a critical period. The data have been validated and used to develop a model for an OEC simulation. Extensive simulations using graphical optimization methods are applied to the base-model, as well as nine commercially-available BIPV modules with different Window Wall Ratios (WWRs), cardinal orientations, and tilt angles. The results of the investigation from the site measurements show a significant amount of energy output compared to the energy demand. This study revealed that the optimum BIPV window design includes double-glazing PV modules (A) with medium WWR and 20% VLT in the southern façade and 30% VLT toward the east–west axis. The maximum energy savings that can be achieved are 60% toward the south orientation by double-glazing PV module (D). On the other hand, the PV modules significantly minimize the glare index compared to the base-model. The data extracted from the simulation established that the energy output percentages in a 3D model can be used by architects and designers in early stages. In the end, the adoption of optimum BIPV windows shows a significant enough improvement in their overall energy savings and visual comfort to consider them essential under a semi-arid climate.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Performance Analysis of Photovoltaic Integrated Shading Devices (PVSDs) and Semi-Transparent Photovoltaic (STPV) Devices Retrofitted to a Prototype Office Building in a Hot Desert Climate[140][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

This paper presents the impact on energy performance and visual comfort of retrofitting photovoltaic integrated shading devices (PVSDs) to the façade of a prototype office building in a hot desert climate. EnergyPlus™ and the DIVA-for-Rhino© plug-ins were used to perform numerical simulations and parametric analyses examining the energy performance and visual comfort of five configurations, namely: (1) inclined single panel PVSDs, (2) unfilled eggcrate PVSDs, (3) a louvre PVSD of ten slats tilted 30° outward, (4) a louvre PVSD of five slats tilted 30° outward, and (5) an STPV module with 20% transparency which were then compared to a reference office building (ROB) model. The field measurements of an off-grid system at various tilt angles provided an optimum tilt angle of 30°. A 30° tilt was then integrated into some of the PVSD designs. The results revealed that the integration of PVSDs significantly improved overall energy performance and reduced glare. The unfilled eggcrate PVSD did not only have the highest conversion efficiency at ȵ 20% but generated extra energy as well; an essential feature in the hot desert climate of Saudi Arabia.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Highlighted the need for countries with abundant fossil fuel resiurces to transitiuon to cleaner energy -> example of Saudia Arabia
    • BIPV as a viable solution -> mentioned different types of BIPVs as building envelope
    • Reviewed past studies in the used of PVSD as energy saving, thermal comfort improvement and glare reducing devices in buildings => not much studies have investigated perofrmance of ecternal fixed PVSDs over conventional shading devices.
    • Goal:
      • case study of energy performance and visual comfort of 5 different configurations in a university building
      • modeling of HVAC system, daylighting, solar gains, and energy production
      • experimental investigation performed for an off-grid Pv with different tilt angles
      • energy saving potential analyzed
  2. Methods
    • Software: skecthup (3D model), EnergyPlus, Openstudio, Window 7.7, Diva-for-Rhino
    • clear sky considered for simulation
    • 5 config were analyzed:
      • An inclined single panel PVSD.
      • An unfilled eggcrate PVSD.
      • A louvre of ten outward-tilted slats.
      • A louvre of five outward-tilted slats.
      • A semi-transparent photovoltaic (STPV) module with 20% transparency
    • Inverter not included in study
    • PV generation validated against experimental data
    • Detailed simulation parameters provided
  3. Results and Discussion
    • PVSDs reduced their cooling enegry by 2 - 9.24% compared to reference case
    • STPV reduced cooling energy by 75%
    • PVSD and STPV increased energy comsumption for lighting -> (20-21%), and heating of the building -> careful design to find an optimum operation point
    • Energy Saving potentials noticed and quantifed in all 5 config -? (14.2 - 101%)
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Cooling energy reduction:
    • 2 - 75% depending on the configuration
    • Quantified through simulation
  • CO2 reduction
    • Mentioned, not quantified
  • Visula comfort improvement
    • Mentioned, not quantified
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
  • multi crystalline silicon
  • thin film amorphous
Ha'il, Saudia Arabia 36.4 kWh/year 351.7kWh/year 3.1% 20%

Building-Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) in Historical Buildings: Opportunities and Constraints[141][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

In this work, we investigate the potential of using last generation photovoltaic systems in traditional building components of historical buildings. The multifunctional photovoltaic components also open new application and implementation horizons in the field of energy retrofitting in historical buildings. Some of the Building-Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) solutions lend themselves optimally to solving the problems of energy efficiency in historical buildings. For the next few years, Italian legislation foresees increasing percentages of energy production from renewable sources, including historical buildings. The opportunities and constraints analysed are presented through a specific approach, typical of building processes for innovative technological BIPV solutions on historical buildings.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Energy reduction in historical building cannot be generalized
    • Heritage building can be part of the decarbonization effort using PV
    • Energy PErformance of Building Directive (EPBD) -> more building that are energy efficient annd low CO2 emisisons
    • BIPV can provide:
      • weather protection
      • thermla insulation
      • noise reduction
      • daylight modulation
    • BIPV on historical buildings must prserve the aesthetics and hitorical value of the byuilding while providing energy
    • Goal:
      • investigate opportunities and constraints of BIPV in historical buildings
      • 3 factors analyzed: technology, matket, integration
      • synthesis approachto meet requirement of BIPV on historical building
  2. Methods
    • Described the challenge of historical buildings in Italy
    • Application of BIM to historical buildings -> HBIM
    • Discussd BIPV standards in EU
    • BIPV need to fulfill PV standards + construction standards
    • Reviewed the efficiency of BIPVs
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Proposed the Heritage Building Energy Solar Solution Technologies (hBESST) as a synthesis approach to meet the needs of the energy retrofit, the protection and preservation of the historical building stock and the BIPV solutions
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV)[142][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

This paper presents the integrated photovoltaic panels (BIPV) in buildings. They have as their primary purpose the generation of electricity used as an energy resource for buildings or the distribution of energy in the national grid. These systems can provide cost savings on materials and electricity, reduce pollution and add to the architectural aspect of the building. Although these can be added to a structure as functional elements, the biggest challenge for these systems is their inclusion in the initial design of the building.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Lighting of building -> Not quantified
  • CO2 emissions reduction -> Not quantified
  • Thermal insulatio improvement -> not quantified
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Analysis of cooling load on commercial building in UAE climate using building integrated photovoltaic façade system[143][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

In this study the details of energy consumption and its cost were studied and analyzed for a commercial office building in United Arab Emirates (UAE) as hot, dry and humid region where the cooling load is very high. Two different cases were simulated namely (a) base case without photovoltaic (PV) with normal glass windows (b) building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) façade system with transparent PV windows. The building size, space layout, dimensions, shape and orientation for both cases were exactly the same. The PVSYST software was used to determine the best orientation for BIPV façade system installation to minimize the cooling load and maximize the electrical energy production. The amorphous silicon thin film was used for case (b) along with the weather data for the building location in Sharjah, UAE. The cooling load inside the building and its cost were evaluated for both cases. The use of BIPV façade system case in hot, dry and humid region saved the annual electrical consumption for the air conditioning system by 27.69% while it reduced the yearly energy cost by US$ 2084. Such a study would offer data at critical climate conditions necessary for the design and future implementation of this system in the Emirate of Sharjah.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Residential and commercial buildings energy consumption: 40% globally
    • In UAE, 36% energy used for cooling
    • PV is considered remedy to heat losses in buildings envelope
    • Possibility to reduce buildings energy cost by up to 33.5% if equipped with transparent PV
    • Overview of double skin facade systems and paramaeters affecting heat gain in PV
    • Buildingsusually make 20-40% of individual country energy use
    • Office buildings repsonsible of 20% energy use in commercial sector
    • In UAE cooling loads consume 50% electricity in buildings
    • Goal:
      • analysis of optimum cooling load energy savings using 3 software in a 3 storey office building
      • Comparison between a buiding with and without PV
  2. Methods
    • Build characteristics
      • 3 storeys
      • floor area: 1900m²
      • Exterior wall: 1336m² (610 m² wood shingle wall -> 0.46W/m²K ; 726m² metal frame wall ->0.88W/m²K)
    • Base building model -> normal glass curtain walls
    • PV building model
    • Simulation in conditions close to UAE
    • Rooms and floors description
    • Analyzed weather data
      • Cooling needed 99% of the year
      • Most loads consists of cooling data
    • Cooling load analysis with formula
    • Software used: PVSYST, Revit and GBSf
  3. Results and Discussion
    • using wind as passive cooling could positiviely impact long-term performance
    • South orientation to optimize sun exposure and wind cooling
    • Most of the heat gain comes from external loads.
    • 12.53% Annual cooling loads reduction interms of heat gain - values also provided for 4 months
    • 27.69% Annual HVAC electrical loads reduction
    • 2084 USD saved annually
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
- - a-Si Sharjah, UAE - 17.8MWh/year

An integrated 3D GIS-based method for estimating the urban potential of BIPV retrofit of façades[144][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

To foster urban energy transition needed to limit the growing climate change’ effects, the urban BIPV retrofit of façades can play a significant role thanks to the transformation of the existing energy-intensive building sector into an efficient energy producer. However, currently, there is a lack of tools for the evaluation of such potential mainly because it relies on several fragmented and heterogeneous urban data. Nevertheless, to exploit the not-negligible contribution of retrofitting façades with BIPV in urban energy transition, the assessment of this potential at the urban level should be considered. Therefore, this paper presents a novel integrated 3D GIS-based methodology for the evaluation of this potential, especially for the Swiss context and multi-family house buildings by combining data for the evaluation of the envelope retrofit potential and by increasing the accuracy of the assessment of the BIPV façade potential beyond typical LOD2. Moreover, it includes GIS-based tools for evaluating the BIPV façade potential, the energy retrofit potential of envelopes, and the annual and seasonal urban energy balance. Finally, implementation’ results show that increasing the urban data’ accuracy can significantly affect the urban BIPV retrofit potential of façades, thus providing new crucial information for energy planning.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • 75% of EU buildings are estimated energy inefficient
    • Few studies on the potential of facade BIPV at an urban scale
    • Goal:
      • Develop GIS methodto estimate BIPV potential of facades at urban scale
      • Sectorial approach instead of individual approach
  2. Methods
    • Study location: Ticino Swiss
    • New methodology consists of 4 phases
    • Detailed description of the modeling steps, including using CityGML format at a 2.5 level of detail (LOD)
    • ArcGIS Pro for semantic 3D urban models
    • Use of poly-Si modules with 17% efficiency
    • Provided formulas to calculate BIPV facade potential
    • Minimum irradiation: 600kW/m²y
    • Minimum facade length: 1m
    • Use of 3 different tools:
      • Tool1: Priority for BIPV retrofit interventions
      • Tool2: Annual Energy Balance
      • Tool3: Seasonal Energy Balance
  3. Results and Discussion
    • LOD2.5 underestimates the energy prodiction compared to LOD2
    • Use results to categorize buildings into priority for BIPV financing
    • 17% more energy produced than needed with LOD2
    • 38% less energy produced than needed with LOD2.5 -> increases to 16% more enrgy if sloped roof included
    • Cost-saving due to self-consumption: 4.94 - 9.88 CHF/m²/y
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Cost Savings:
    • 4.94 - 9.88 depending on the facade orientation (North/South) -> simulated
  • Heat load reduction -> not quantified
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
Poly-Si Ticino, Switzerland 288 495 17%

A Survey on Development and Recent Trends of Renewable Energy Generation from BIPV Systems[145][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The electricity demand of the world is growing at a rapid pace. On the other hand, pollution levels due to conventional power generating techniques are drastically increasing and resulting in harmful environmental issues and impacts. As an alternative to this, renewable or clean energy generation from solar photovoltaic’s (PV) in large scale grid connected systems is being increasingly encouraged at the present time. One of the emerging trends in solar PV module power generation is building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) systems. It meets the local load demands of the building or residential systems and can be used as a stand-alone or on-grid connected system. This paper briefs about the development and recent trends related to renewable energy generation from BIPV systems and its maximum power generation techniques. It also describes both the current-voltage (I-V) and power-voltage (P-V) characteristics of various BIPV products at dissimilar values of solar irradiation. With BIPV, the building or residential components like the roof, an outer wall, window glass, etc., are replaced by PV array module and hence a dual purpose is served with a reduction in the overall cost.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • General description of BIPV systems and types of BIPV
    • Goal:
      • Description of BIPV systems and recent technologies
      • Description of electrical characteristcs of BIPV
  2. Methods
    • Fill i
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • GHG emissions reduction -> mentioned
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Quantification of Thermal Energy Performance Improvement for Building Integrated Photovoltaic Double-Skin Façade Using Analytical Method[146][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

This study presents an analytical method for quantifying the improvement of thermal energy performance of a building integrated photovoltaic double-skin façade. The system was suggested as a retrofit measure for an existing building in Tehran. The effect of thermal performance was analyzed through computer-assisted developed codes using Engineering Equation Solver (EES) software. Three scenarios were defined and for each scenario, temperature and velocity profiles were provided through continuity, momentum, and energy equations. Given that the monocrystalline photovoltaic modules and the double-glazed windows are quite common in the current condition in Tehran, the authors considered them for analysis. A comparison of results is valuable for those cases that intend to select either glass or photovoltaic as the outer façade. The quantitative results illustrate that the proposed system would reduce the cooling demand in the summer case by 18.5 kilowatts, which is around 8.7 percent of the current cooling load. According to the results of the sensitivity analysis, both glass and photovoltaic façades were of greater efficiency in terms of energy saving in the summer. By increasing the ratio between the photovoltaic outer façade to the surface area of the glass section, the amount of energy saving due to the total cooling load reduction will increase. The results of the analysis showed that the application of the suggested system would reduce the thermal load by 2.1 percent in the winter season.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Highlights the importance of vooling BIPV modules
    • Review of past BIPV thermal modelling studies
    • Goal:
      • Application of glass and PV as building facade
  2. Methods
    • Building description provided
    • Eqautions to describe heat transfer phenomenon provided
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Results generated for winter ans summer cases
    • Lower heat transfer in PV compared to glass
    • Cooling load reduction -> 18.5 kW (8.7%)
    • Heating load reduction -> 2.79kW (2.1%)
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Reduced energy consumption -> mentioned in intro
  • Cooling load reduction
    • Quantified by calculation
    • 8.7% (18.5kW reduction)
  • Heating load reduction
    • Quantified by calculation
    • 2.1% (2.79kW reduction)
  • Clearly specified that (BIPV + glass) was being compared to a regular glass window.
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
10kW mono-cSi Tehran, Iran - - - - -

Bifacial, Color-Tunable Semitransparent Perovskite Solar Cells for Building-Integrated Photovoltaics[147][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Recently, semitransparent perovskite solar cells (ST-PSCs) have received overwhelming attention due to their potential applications in building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) and in tandem solar cells. The best ST-PSCs, despite the high efficiency achieved, still show limited bifacial properties and lack esthetic properties. Here, we have demonstrated efficient bifacial colorful ST-PSCs using copper thiocyanate (CuSCN), as a hole-transporting material, in an n–i–p architecture. The n–i–p ST-PSCs exhibit the highest reported bifacial factor of 93.7% and achieve a bifacial equivalent efficiency of 22.1% when illuminated under 1 sun standard conditions on the front side and with a reflected albedo of ∼54.4% from the back side. We have also demonstrated that the colorful appearance of CuSCN-based ST-PSCs can be easily tuned across the entire visible spectrum by tuning either the indium tin oxide (ITO) or the CuSCN thickness without affecting their final efficiency. The wide colorful tunability and excellent bifacial photovoltaic behavior of CuSCN-based ST-PSCs make them a promising candidate for BIPV applications.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • PV Cell Development Study
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Controlling the visibility of embedded silicon solar cells in building-integrated photovoltaic windows using surface structure modification and metal-oxide back coating[148][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

In this paper, we demonstrate a simple and effective method to control the visibility of embedded silicon solar cells in building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) windows by surface structure modification and metal-oxide back coating. The surface structure modification by etching the front glass in BIPV modules and the use of a thin niobium pentoxide (Nb2O5) film as a back coating enable the silicon solar cells to be hidden from view without a serious loss in the power efficiency. By employing the etched front glass and Nb2O5 back coating, silicon solar cells embedded in the BIPV module exhibited power conversion efficiency of 15.23% and fill factor of 65.05%. We also investigate the origin of the improved photovoltaic performance of the solar cells in the BIPV modules. The surface modification of the front cover glass of the BIPV windows enhances the light absorption in the solar cells, which results in the improved photovoltaic performance degraded by a metal-oxide back coating. We believe that the proposed surface modification which induces light trapping and anti-reflection into the cover glass of the BIPV modules with a metal-oxide back coating film is a promising and practical solution for the successful integration of BIPV windows with high efficiency and invisibility.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • BIPV windows description
    • Existing technologies for BIPV windows result in power and efficiency loss
    • Goal:
      • Use of metal oxide coating to improve aesthetics, and energy performance of BIPV
  2. Methods
    • Explained the fabrication process of a regular BIPV cell, and a BIPV cell with with coating
  3. Results and Discussion
    • BIPV cell with coating performed better than regular BIPV
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • PV Cell Development Study
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Performance assessment of partially shaded building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) systems in a positive-energy solar energy laboratory building: Architecture perspectives[149][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

In a positive-energy building (PEB), the energy generation is higherthan the required for the building’s operation, including charging electric vehicles. That is the case of the Fotovoltaica-UFSC Laboratory, a solar energy research building, located in Florianópolis – Brazil (27°S; 48°W), and its electric bus (eBus), supplied by on-site building-integrated (BIPV) and ground-mounted (GM) photovoltaic (PV) systems. In order to assess the performance of BIPV systems from architectural perspectives, three not ideally positioned BIPV systems that use different technologies (c-Si, CdTe and CIGS), tilt angles, and azimuthal deviations were compared with two ideally oriented and tilted GM systems (CdTe), operating at the same warm and sunny site with simultaneous irradiance and energy data collected at high time resolution. All PV systems are installed in an urban environment, with complex aspects of architectural integration, orientation, partial shadings and performance. These aspects were analyzed in detail in this study. In addition, comparisons between real data measurements of all PV systems and PVSyst® software simulations were carried out. Results have shown that BIPV systems presented, in average, higher yields and performance ratios (PRs) than GM systems, and the real measurements validated the expected energy, even for PV systems with complex environment and tilt angle variations connected to the same inverter. In conclusion, PV modules can be more freely used as building skin and/or materials in architectural integration, as BIPV systems can perform well even when not ideally positioned and partially shaded, since the electrical system design supports architectural decisions.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • PV is the fastest growing energy gen. tech
    • PV modules cost less than most building skin cover materials
    • Defined net-zero energy building and net-positive energy building
    • Description of all sensors installed on site for data collection
    • Full description of the two buildings
    • Goal:
      • Determine in which conditions BIPVs perform well
      • Analysis of architectural integration, partial shading, energy simulation and performance.
  2. Methods
    • 5 main aspects were analyzed:
      • architectural and electrical design analysis
      • irradatiation analysis
      • shading analysis
      • energy performance analysis
      • peformance assessment from architectural perspectives
    • Specified shading analysis studies.
    • Desciption and importance of performance ratio
    • Comparison of different types of BIPVs to ground-mounted BIPVs
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Description of the architectural concept
    • BIPVs can capture more sunlight in some seasons that optimal tilt GPVs
    • Optimal electrical configuration can reduce shading loses in BIPVs
  4. Conclusions

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Two-Stage Lifecycle Energy Optimization of Mid-Rise Residential Buildings with Building-Integrated Photovoltaic and Alternative Composite Façade Materials[150][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Reducing the lifecycle energy use of buildings with renewable energy applications has become critical given the urgent need to decarbonize the building sector. Multi-objective optimizations have been widely applied to reduce the operational energy use of buildings, but limited studies concern the embodied or whole lifecycle energy use. Consequently, there are issues such as sub-optimal design solutions and unclear correlation between embodied and operational energy in the current building energy assessment. To address these gaps, this study integrates a multi-objective optimization method with building energy simulation and lifecycle assessment (LCA) to explore the optimal configuration of different building envelopes from a lifecycle perspective. Major contributions of the study include the integrated optimization which reflects the dynamics of the whole lifecycle energy use. Insights from the study reveal the optimal configuration of PV and composite building façades for different regions in sub-Saharan Africa. The lifecycle energy use for the optimized building design resulted in 24.59, 33.33, and 36.93% energy savings in Ghana, Burkina Faso, and Nigeria, respectively. Additionally, PV power generation can efficiently cover over 90% of the total building energy demand. This study provides valuable insights for building designers in sub-Saharan Africa and similar areas that minimize lifecycle energy demand.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Building sector consumes 30% energy globally, and 40% in EU and US
    • BIPV is being developed in developed countries but is still slow in sub-Saharan Africa
    • Residential sector consumes 46% energy in Ghana in 2019
    • Increasing generation capacity does not necessarily prevent outages
    • Review of BIPV LCA and optimization
    • Goal:
      • Optimal configuration of BIPV performance usign local materials in sun-Saharan Africa from an LCA perspective
  2. Methods
    • Case study building model described
      • Location -> Accra
    • Software: Rhino, Grasshopper, Ladybug, Honeybee, Wallacei
    • Description of load estimation and calculation
    • Multi-objective genetic opitmization algorithm
  3. Results and Discussion
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in lit review
    • Energy demand reduction
    • Cooling load reduciton
    • Air quality improvement
    • Net Energy Savings
    • CO2 emissions reduction
  • Optimation and comparison in the main studies were done with the building material not the PV systems
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Study of a building integrated bifacial photovoltaic facade[151][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

An increase of knowledge of the mid- term performance of building integrated bifacial photovoltaic modules in real conditions is required in order to validate their relevance. Thus, in this work, the experimental study during more than one year of an innovative building integrated bifacial photovoltaic ventilated façade developed in the framework of the CONIPHER Life project and mounted on a test cell at Le Bourget du Lac is presented focusing mainly on the photovoltaic modules thermal behaviour and electrical performance. Moreover, a specific attention is made on the photovoltaic façade seasonal impact on the building energy consumption compared to a similar test cell comprising a non-insulated concrete wall. An important thermal gradient is observed along the façade in warm season, as expected, mainly due to site albedo, with mean photovoltaic modules temperature up to 68.3 °C. The innovative facade produced an annual cumulated electrical energy of 63.8 kWh/m2 with a performance ratio of 0.7 and a mean annual efficiency of 6.3%. A huge reduction of the building total energy consumption up to 92% in winter compared to reference is observed. As further studies, the facade will be installed on an office building in order to demonstrate its performance in real conditions.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Building sector responsible for 40% of total EU consumption and 36% GHG emisisons
    • Hihghlighted limitations of facade BIPV and ways to remedy using bifacials modules
    • Reviewed studies of bifacial in facade BIPV
    • Goal:
      • experimental study of glass-glass bifacial BIPV with ventilated facade
      • electrical and thermal performance
      • 1-year data
      • Comparison of BIPV to concrete wall
  2. Methods
    • Description of system
      • half-cell PV modules
      • layers thickness
      • operating principles
      • insulation material choice process -> rock wool insulation
    • Experimental setup
      • instrumentation description
      • description of parameters used to evaluate system performance
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Description of thermal analysis
    • Description of eletrical analysis
    • Building energy perofrmance
      • up to 92% energy consumption reduction -> in winter
      • 68% energy consumption reduction annually
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Energy consumption reduction:
    • Quantified by experimentation:
      • 68% annually
      • up to 92% in winter
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
456 Wp Mono-cSi Le Bourget du Lac / France 322kWh/y 6.3%

Myth or gold? The power of aesthetics in the adoption of building integrated photovoltaics (BIPVs)[152][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

BIPV has gained a lot of attention in the solar world especially in recent times as the push for Net Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB) and concerns about landscape aesthetics increases. Aesthetics plays a critical role in the adoption of BIPVs as it is one of the fundamental components architects and home owners look out for. This paper discusses the primacy of aesthetics by using the elements and principles of design as guide in BIPV applications. Essential elements of design such as colour, shape, and texture have been discussed. Principles of design such as variety, balance, rhythm, contrast and proportion have also been discussed as useful tools in BIPV adoption by home owners and architects. It is emphasised that the essence of BIPV is to introduce ‘beauty’ in Photovoltaic application and the earlier aesthetic is treated as ‘Gold’ and given primacy, the better for BIPV adoption. This paper identifies the basic elements and principles of design as the “building blocks” of BIPV design, application and adoption. Finally, it is argued that aesthetics plays a cardinal role in consumer purchasing decision. This paper offers an exceptional design perspective to BIPV application as various attempts have been made by several researchers to address the issue of aesthetics in BIPVs.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Impact of BIPV windows on building energy consumption in street canyons: Model development and validation[153][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Photovoltaic components have been increasingly integrated into the façades of buildings as a means to enhance their energy efficiency in recent years, yet the impact of using building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) windows in street canyons has been rarely studied due to the lack of modelling tools. In this study, we developed a new parametrization scheme for BIPV windows, and incorporated it into building energy simulations coupled with a single-layer urban canopy model. Evaluation against in-situ measurements and EnergyPlus simulation suggests that the coupled model is able to reasonably capture the diurnal profiles of BIPV window temperature, building cooling load, and outdoor microclimate. A set of simulations were conducted to examine the impact of BIPV windows on summertime building energy consumption and outdoor air temperature in different street canyons. Compared to clear glass windows, BIPV windows can reduce canyon air temperature and building cooling load. Temperature reduction is found to increase with window coverage but does not change significantly with canyon geometry. Savings on cooling energy consumption vary between 9.16% and 63.71% for the studied neighbourhood in Phoenix, US, but tend to be higher for open street canyons with north–south orientation and large window-to-wall ratios. The coupled model takes into account the dynamic interactions between building energy consumption and the outdoor microclimate, thus providing insight into the benefit of using BIPV windows at the neighbourhood scale.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • 2019 -> buildings account for 30% energy use and 28% GHG emissions
    • BIPV can serve as shading and insulation material
    • Reviewed past studies in BIPV
      • BEM
      • BEM - CUM
    • Goal:
      • New parametyric scheme for BIPV windows incorporated in a urban canopy model
      • Considered feedback b/w indoors and outdoors
  2. Methods
    • 3-steps model:
      • parametriazation scheme for windows
      • integrating window into a building model
      • integrating building into a urban canopy model
    • Full description of the 3 steps using equations
    • Provided power generation equations
    • Software:
      • EnergyPlus
      • BEM-SLUCM
    • Provided optimal and thermal characteristics of the BIPV vs clear window
    • Provided details on building specs and thermal properties
    • Validation: One day simulation: August 17, 2007
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Cooling load reduction via:
      • conversion of irradiation into electricity
      • enhanced thermal insulation
    • BIPV cools outdoor environment
    • Energy consumption reduction deriving from cooling load reduction -> reported in table 4
    • No seasonal variation analyze din the study
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Eenrgy consumption reduction / cooling load reduction
    • Quantified by simulation
      • 9.16% - 63.71% depending on window-to-wall ratio (WWR)
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
Phoenix, Arizona, USA 1 week: June 20-26, 2012 5.94kWh/day 24.15kWh/day

A testing methodology for quantification of wind-driven rain intrusion for building-integrated photovoltaic systems[154][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Wind-driven rain (WDR) exposure is a crucial impact factor to consider for building envelope components and systems. The roof being a climate screen, shields inner structures from various precipitations preventing most of the water from intruding. Although WDR exposure tests are quite common, there is a lack of studies that explore a quantification of water intrusion during such an experiment. Novel technologies such as e.g. building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) systems have been steadily more used as the building envelope components, and majority of BIPV systems are designed for roof integration. Such systems are mainly viewed as electricity generators, consequently, the power output and parameters that affect them are usually in focus when these systems are evaluated, whereas little information is available on the weather protection performance of BIPV systems. To address this gap, a series of experiments were conducted to improve the testing methodology of WDR exposure for BIPV systems where quantification of water intrusion was implemented. As a result, a novel framework is presented, which includes a step-by-step test methodology and a detailed description of the construction of a water collection system. Selected BIPV system for roof integration was tested according to the methodology and collected water amounts were provided. The findings in this study demonstrate that quantification of water intrusion is feasible and provides performance-based information that will help improving the design of BIPV systems as climate screens.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Study focused on implementing a new testing method for water leakage in BIPV
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Predicting color and short-circuit current of colored BIPV modules[155][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Photovoltaic modules for façade integration should have a widely modifiable appearance to adjust to the architect’s requirements. However, architects today usually have only a limited number of already manufactured samples to choose from. Changing the color will also change the photovoltaic yield. Therefore, it would be helpful to have a procedure that allows us to determine the appearance and expected yield in advance of module fabrication. We present such a method for creating a digital prototype of a colored building integrated photovoltaic module. Using reflectance and external quantum efficiency measurements of eight colored modules, we simulate the appearance and respective energy yield for arbitrary module colors. We validate our predictions for 29 different colored modules. We use textiles that have been colored by printing and laminate them onto the modules to change the appearance of the modules. However, our digital prototyping model is also applicable to other coloring techniques. We achieve an average color difference of ΔE00 = 1.34 between predicted and measured colors, which is barely perceptible to the human eye. The predicted short-circuit current density of the digital prototype deviates on average less than 1% from the measured one.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • BIPV Study at device level
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Visual Comfort Analysis of Semi-Transparent Perovskite Based Building Integrated Photovoltaic Window for Hot Desert Climate (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)[156][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Buildings consume considerable amount of energy to maintain comfortable interior. By allowing daylight, visual comfort inside a building is possible which can enhance the occupant’s health, mood and cognitive performance. However, traditional highly transparent windows should be replaced with semitransparent type window to attain a comfortable daylight inside a building. Evaluation of visual comfort includes both daylight glare and colour comfort analysis. Building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) type windows are promising systems and can possess a range of semitransparent levels depending on the type of PV used. In this work, the semitransparent Perovskite BIPV windows was investigated by employing daylight glare analysis for an office building located in Riyadh, KSA and three wavelength dependent transmission spectra for colour comfort analysis. The results showed that the transmissions range between 50–70% was optimum for the comfortable daylight for south facing vertical pane BPV-windows. However, excellent colour comfort was attained for the transmission range of 90% which provided glare issues. Colour comfort for 20% transparent Perovskite was compared with contemporary other type of PV which clearly indicated that wavelength dependent transmittance is stronger over single value transmittance.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Buldign sector consumption -> 40%
    • 2010 - 2019 -> 5% increase CO2 emissions in buildings
    • Described state of building sector and Saudia Arabia's emissions reduction goals
    • Goal:
      • Investigated semi-transparent perovskite BIPV windows for Saudi climate
      • Daylight glare and colour comfort analysis
  2. Methods
    • Description of Saudian climate
    • Simulation of small office space -> specs given
      • varied transmission of windows during simulation
    • Software package
      • Diva for Rhino
      • Input table provided
    • Comparison of perovskite with c-Si, DSSC, CdTe
    • Evaluation metrics:
      • CRI -> colour rending index
      • CCT -> correlated colour temperature
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro:
    • Improved visual comfort
    • energy saving
  • The study mainly compares visual comfort between different BIPVs not between BIPV and another technology
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
Perovskite PV Riyadh, Saudia Arabia

Energy performance of building integrated photovoltaic high-rise building: Case study, Tehran, Iran[157][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Solar energy in the building can reduce energy consumption in this sector1. This research aims to design a high-rise office building using electricity power generation by photovoltaic panels in the building (BIPV1Building-integrated photovoltaics 1 Since 1880.3 Photovoltaic1), which work in a combination of Facades. The objectives for the BIPV design were at the first step to provide at least 20% monthly required lighting electricity for the critical month, which is June and to reduce thermal energy consumption. In this research, the feasibility of the application of the systems was evaluated for the first time with Honeybee plugins in the Rhinoceros software. These plugins are based on the EnergyPlus engine. To achieve the aim with the specified PV3, 830 modules each 2 m2 are required. This BIPV system can provide 51.3% of lighting electricity in February with the maximum electricity production by this system. At the next step, Energy plus weather data (Epw) file is validated with the I.R. Iran meteorological organization (IRIMO) data. The results of the PV system are validated by the experimental data from a PV station in Mashhad (Iran). The produce electricity by this system is 354734.7 kWh/year. The amount of electricity Supplied by BIPV can reduce GHG by the amount of 87 tons of CO2 per year. Reduced thermal energy consumption is validated by ASHRAE 140-2017.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • energy forcasted to increase by 35% between 2014 and 2035
    • BIPV -> 1% of PV market in 2021
    • BIPV cost less than PV system oftentimes
    • Provided a review table of past studies
    • Review => most BIPV studies focus on energy generation, not on other aspects
    • Goal:
      • analysis of highg-rise BIPV building for lighting energy supply (20% of total lighting demand)
  2. Methods
    • Description of location, syhstem design and software
    • Rhino + ladybug packages used fro simulation
    • Full description of Rhino and Ladybug origins
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Benefits mentioned in intro:
    • heating, artificial lighting, and cooling reduction
  • most BIPV studies focus on energy generation, not on other aspects
  • unclear about how PV reduces artificial lighting
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
336.15kW mono-cSi Tehran, Iran 19.5%

Evaluation of Building Energy Performance with Optimal Control of Movable Shading Device Integrated with PV System[158][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Among the envelope components (e.g., walls, roofs, floors, and windows, etc.) affecting the cooling and heating load of buildings, windows are the most thermally vulnerable. Shading devices can minimize the thermal load on windows due to solar radiation and decrease radiation effects. However, the load changes due to convection and conduction should be considered. Therefore, when a shading device is applied to a window, control logic for thermal blocking and heat retention is necessary to prevent the load changes. In addition, by combining the opposite features of photovoltaic (PV) that require solar radiation and the shading device to block solar radiation, energy-saving and production can be achieved simultaneously. Therefore, this study minimized the thermal effects of windows using a movable shading device integrated with PV and evaluated the PV power generation. This study evaluated the effects on window heat transfer by applying artificial intelligence techniques, which have recently attracted attention, to system operation. To achieve this, artificial neural network (ANN)-based control logic was developed, and the control performance of the system was assessed using simulations. In ANN control, the window heat transfer was 86.3% lower in a cooling period and 9.7% lower in a heating period compared with that of a shading device fixed at 45°. Furthermore, the PV system produced 3.0 to 3.1% more electric power under optimal control during the cooling period.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Described effort in South Korea to mitigate GHG emissions
    • Windows are a weak point in building insulation => need of shading devices
    • Goal:
      • Development of moveable shading device integrated with PV and applied to a window
  2. Methods
    • Reviewd past studies of building with shading devices
    • 6-steps method used
      • development of simulation model
      • determination of shading device type and control type
      • determination of target for shading device control
      • determination of exchange variables between simulations
      • integrated simulation using the BCVTB tool
      • analysis of building energy performance
    • Software:
      • EnergyPlus
      • MATLAB
      • BCVTB
    • Description of the PV shanding device
    • Description of control scheme using ANN
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Provided heat transfer and energy results with and without controlling
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in lit review
    • energy consumption reduction
  • Cooling and heating load reduction
    • Simulation
    • Cooling load decrease -> 86.3% monthly
    • Heating load decrease -> 9.70% monthly
    • Only estimated for cold and hot seasons, not in the transitiona seasons.
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
poly-cSi Daejeon, South Korea 3840 kWh/day 5066 kWh/day 15.89%

Analysing the role of roof mounted BIPV system optimization on decreasing the effect of duck curve in Perth, Western Australia: An experimental case study[159][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

This paper optimizes roof shape and associated Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) mounting strategies based on the newly announced feed-in tariff pricing range in Western Australia to confirm hypothesised benefits and potential influence on grid consumption reduction. Through analysis of a residential building in Perth, the study looks at: the current status of consumption, solar production, and energy balance. An Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) approach is deployed to optimize roof shape for each month and one whole year, with the aim of maximizing financial return by selling extra produced power to the grid. We have found that the optimized form has a tilt angle of 35.9° from horizontal and an azimuth angle of 47° toward the northwest. To compare the effectiveness of the newly announced tariff pricing, an analysis of economic benefits has been carried out comparing the ability of base case and optimized roof shapes to balance production and consumption surpluses and deficits. The outcome exemplifies the positive effect of an optimized roof shape that could supply 16% higher solar production than the base case shape. The current work provides practical guidelines for engineers, architects and researchers to design more suitably built environments.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • CO2 emissions reduction
    • Inferred -> 2tons per household
  • Energy consuption reduction
    • simulated: 42.10% - 42.62%
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Dielectric/metal/dielectric selective reflector for improved energy efficiency of building integrated bifacial c-Si photovoltaic modules[160][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Crystalline silicon bifacial photovoltaic modules (BFPVs), which simultaneously harvest the front- and rear-incident light, are suitable for building-integrated energy harvesting system due to their high power output and transparency. However, the lack of a rear reflector in semi-transparent BFPVs lowers their efficiency. In this study, we proposed a selective reflector (SR) with a dielectric/metal/dielectric structure to increase the power output of BFPVs and ensure a clear view through the BFPV windows. The SRs exhibit a high transmittance in the visible-light region and a high reflectance in the near-infrared (NIR)-light region. By recycling unabsorbed photons by SR, the power output of the SR-incorporated BFPVs is 13.2% higher than that of the BFPVs with bare glass. Moreover, the SR prevents the heating of the interior of buildings by reflecting the NIR light. Hence, the SR can contribute to energy efficiency of buildings.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • bif-PV generates 20% more energy than monof-PV if reflector used in back
    • bif-PV predicted to reach 40% market share in 2028
    • Reflectors needs to reflect NIR and let visible pass through
    • Goal:
      • Demonstration of simple-structures selective reflectors (SRs) for bifacial PV
  2. Methods
    • Full description of the bifacial PV layers and material
    • Analyse module performance under solar simulators for GHI and DNI
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Measured transmittance and reflectance of the module => tunable
    • Observed enhanced energy generation using SRs
    • Reduced transmission of near infrareds radiation => less heat transmitterd to surface below modules
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Building cooling load reduction and energy savings
    • Calculated through experiments
      • 38% energy savings through NIR reflection
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
single PV cell (50x50 mm²) mono-cSi lab conditions

Experimental study on the comprehensive performance of building curtain wall integrated compound parabolic concentrating photovoltaic[161][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

A novel concentrating photovoltaic curtain wall (CPV-CW) system integrated with building has been designed, tested and analyzed, and its application potential is determined and improvement suggestions are proposed. It can effectively improve the efficiency of photovoltaic (PV) module and provide a more uniform indoor lighting environment. The concentrator is constructed with truncated stationary asymmetric compound paraboloid. And cyclic olefin copolymer (COC) with high transmittance is selected as its structural material. A model building combined with CPV-CW system curtain wall has been designed and applied to the outdoor experiments. It was tested on its electricity generation efficiency, the internal lighting environment, and thermal insulation ability. According to the real time results, under the clear weather conditions, the transmittance of the CPV-CW system reaches 9.1%. The highest CPV-CW system generation efficiency, 26.5%, could be found in winter, followed by the autumn and summer separately. In addition, CPV-CW system can create a more uniform indoor light environment and meet the requirements of building insulation. Based on the analysis, the CPV-CW system has a broad application prospect for building integrated with concentrating photovoltaic.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Building sector -> more than 21% energy consumption in China
    • Reviewed previous Builing-Integrated Concentrated PV (BICPV) studies
    • Goal:
      • Design and evaluate a prototype of stationary concentrating PV curtain wall (CPV-CW)
  2. Methods
    • Description of the experimental design of the structure and outdoors testing
    • Provided methodology to select concentrator material and type
    • Description of DAQ equipment used
    • IV Curve charcaterization of the system
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Description of the system's electrical performance in diferent seasons
      • CPV-CW can improve electrical efficienc in winter and transitions seasons, not so much in sumer
      • 17% efficiency in winter VS 10% efficiency in summer
      • CPV-CW performed better with south and west orientations (Northern hemisphere)
    • Lighting and thermal analysis
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • Energy consumption reduction
  • No benefits estimated as the system was compared to another PV system
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Multi-objective design optimization on building integrated photovoltaic with Trombe wall and phase change material based on life cycle cost and thermal comfort[162][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

This study performed design optimization on a building with integrated photovoltaic, Trombe wall and phase change material based on building life cycle cost (LCC) and indoor thermal comfort. A total of thirty-four design variables were considered as the optimization variables. The optimization process consists of four steps. Firstly, Monte Carlo Method was used to generate a set of design samples, and the LCC and indoor discomfort degree hour were obtained through computer simulation. Secondly, stepwise linear regression (SLR) and artificial neural network (ANN) models were developed as the prediction models. ANN models exhibited better prediction performance with errors of less than 6%. Thirdly, six optimization algorithms were selected to couple with the ANN models for design optimization and the Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm II (SPEA II) presented the best performance. Finally, optimization with different groups of design variables were conducted by using the SPEA II algorithm. Compared with the reference building, the optimal solutions reduce life cycle cost up to 45.51% and improve thermal comfort level up to 43.81%. The recommended heating and cooling temperature setpoint is around 18 °C and 24 °C, respectively. The PCM type convergence value is BioPCM M182/Q21, and the east and west window-to-wall ratios are around 10%.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Buildings -> 39% enegry consumption + 38% CO2 emissions globally
    • PV transforms building from egy consumers to producers
    • Review of past studies in the field:
      • Thrombe wall + BIPV
      • Simulation of thermal comfort
      • Lifecycle cost analysis (LCC)
      • Optimization algorithms
    • Goal:
      • LCC and discomfort degree hour (DDH) optimization of building enelopem, PCMs, ventilated trombe wall, and PV using 34 design parameters
  2. Methods
    • Provided formulas for objective functions
    • Full description of reference building
    • Software:
      • Designbuilder
      • MATLAB
      • EXCEL
    • 4-step optimization process
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in intro
    • Thermal need reduction
    • CO2 emissions reduction
    • Indoor thermal comfort improvement
    • Cooling load reduction
  • Not a comparative study but an optimization study
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Design, development and characterisation of a Building Integrated Concentrating Photovoltaic (BICPV) smart window system[163][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Building Integrated Concentrating Photovoltaic (BICPV) window represents a promising alternative approach for improving the electricity generation of photovoltaic cells when integrated into building windows. As a new concept, BICPV smart window consisting of an optically switchable thermotropic layer with integrated PV cells offers the potential to simultaneously generate electricity and control solar heat and visible light into buildings. In this study, a BICPV smart window system with a Hydroxypropyl Cellulose (HPC) based thermotropic hydrogel membrane has been developed and characterised. The system was designed with the aid of a validated wavelength-dependent optical model based on a Monte-Carlo ray-tracing technique, where the thermal and optical properties of the thermotropic layer used for the optical model prediction were obtained from experimental measurement. Subsequently, a prototype of the BICPV smart window system has been fabricated and characterised under controlled indoor conditions. From the experiments, it was found that the maximum power output of the BICPV smart window (6 wt% HPC) increases by 17.1% with the membrane temperature increasing from 40 °C (the transition temperature) to 54 °C; meanwhile, a 70.9% reduction in the light transmittance is observed. This indicated that the BICPC smart window might potentially reduce the solar heat gain in hot periods and therefore reduce the building energy demand. In addition, the effect of different concentrations of HPC polymer (2, 4 and 6 wt%) on the electrical and optical performance of the system has been investigated.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Review of past studies ion concentraded BIPV
    • Goal:
      • Design and development of a smart BICPV window
      • BICPV -> solar cell + Hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC) membrane
      • Characterization of the prototype performance under controlled indoor conditions
  2. Methods
    • Working principle of HPC membrane explained
    • Experimental + Optical simulations
    • Tmeperature and spectral transmittance and reflectance evaluated
    • HPC membrane fabrication and characterization process explained
    • BICPV assembly instructions provided
    • Experimental setup explained
    • Optical characterization using Monte-Carlo Ray-tracing
  3. Results and Discussion
    • HPC membrane properties
    • Electrical performance of the BICPV
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • Savings in construction materials
    • Heat gain reduciton
  • Compare BICPV to regular BIPV => does not have a quantification of additional services from PV as a whole
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Monte-Carlo optical model coupled with Inverse Adding-Doubling for Building Integrated Photovoltaic smart window design and characterisation[164][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) glazings are promising technologies with the benefits of electricity generation, solar shading and building energy savings. A new approach is to integrate BIPV windows with thermotropic materials such as Hydroxypropyl Cellulose (HPC) hydrogel, which offers adaptive advantages for the systems to respond to time-varying weather conditions but also enhances the PV electricity generation. To design such systems, knowledge of the temperature-dependent scattering properties of the selected thermotropic materials is of significance. In this study, a Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) smart window system consisting of a thermotropic membrane synthesised using HPC and gellan gum gelling agent for electricity generation and also solar control has been designed and investigated. An advanced optical model, which combines a Monte-Carlo ray-tracing technique with an Inverse Adding-Doubling (IAD) method, has been developed for characterising the thermotropic membrane in terms of angular scattering distribution under various membrane temperatures and HPC concentrations. Then the developed optical model has been validated by comparison with experimental measurements. Subsequently, the validated optical model has been used to design and optimise the proposed BIPV smart window. The effects of HPC concentration, geometric concentration ratio, thermotropic membrane thickness and glass refractive index on PV power outputs have been evaluated. Finally, a prototype of the BIPV smart window with a 6 wt% HPC membrane has been manufactured and tested under indoor conditions. From the experimental tests, it was found that the total transmittance of the double-pane glass sample with a 6 wt% HPC membrane layer decreases from approximately 90%to 14%, when the membrane temperature increases from 27 °C to 56 °C. The measured short-circuit current for the prototype BIPV smart window is up to 1.15 times higher than that of its counterpart system with a similar PV area but no membrane.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • BIPV Characterization Paper
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Thermal Behavior of a BIPV Combined with Water Storage: An Experimental Analysis[165][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Buildings play an active role in the global energy consumption and are required to not only minimize their energy use, but also generate energy in a sustainable manner. The integration of renewable energies in building elements can improve their overall performance, as they are able to replace common construction materials, while offering both electrical and thermal energy. The scope of this paper is to present the first results of an experimental study of a Building-Integrated Photovoltaic system combined with a water storage tank (BIPV-WS), a combined integration not extensively studied yet. Both layers are separated by a ventilated air cavity, and the thermal behavior of the system was analyzed experimentally in real functioning conditions. The water tank performs as a thermal storage, maintaining a regular temperature of about 20–30 °C during a typical winter day of Lisbon for a period of 11 h. Moreover, through the ventilation of the air cavity, the heat provided by the solar panel was naturally recovered to the indoors of the building, while keeping the temperature high enough to heat up the water. During summer, the ventilated BIPV-WS enabled beneficial nocturnal heat loss while delaying diurnal space heating.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Zero Energy Building => adoption of renewables + energy efficiency measures
    • Reviewed past studies on additional heat usage from BIPV
    • Goal:
      • First experimental BIPV - Water storage system
      • Aim to reduce building energy demands and improve PV efficiency
  2. Methods
    • Description of the testing site
    • BIPV system
      • 76 PV modules poly-cSi -> 12kW
      • Prodcutivity -> 1004kWh/kW
    • Installation period -> winter 2019
    • Test period -> winter and summer
      • Ref day winter -> Feb 21
      • Ref day summer -> Aug 22
    • BIPV-WS protype configuration provided
    • Monitoring of all surfaces -> Description of monitoring equipment
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Evaluation of thermal and electrical performance using their respectives efficiencies
    • BIPV provides heat to the building -> winter
      • 1.53% efficiency nonventilated
      • 7.99% efficiency ventilated
    • BIPV provides heat removl from the building -> summer
      • 8% efficiency nonventilated
      • 40.039% efficiency ventilated
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Building heating load reduction
    • Not calculated
  • Building cooling load reduction
    • Not calculated
  • Only efficiency estimated in both cases.
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
12kW poly-cSi Lisbon, Portugal 1004kWh/kW

New building simulation method to measure the impact of window-integrated organic photovoltaic cells on energy demand[166][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Building integrated photovoltaics is an envelope solution that combines energy generation, net energy demand reduction, and aesthetics. Lighter and semi-transparent technologies made the integration of photovoltaic cells in windows possible, which could not be achieved with traditional silicon technologies. This article aims to propose a new method to measure building energy performance using parametric models, simulation, and the use of genetic algorithms, resulting in a more precise and time-saving process compared to regular methods. Three different geometries and six façade configurations were designed, window-to-wall ratio and orientation were set as variables to optimize energy demand reduction. The software used is Rhinoceros, alongside the plugins Grasshopper, Ladybug, Honeybee, and Galapagos, running all simulations and optimizations in a single platform. Galapagos performs the optimizations, an automatic process that required on average 600 simulations to find the optimal solution, while regular methods take up to 9,720 possibilities. Although the benefits from building integrated photovoltaics vary depending on building geometry and envelope configuration, a net energy demand reduction was achieved in all cases. Such values ranged from 6.76%, reached by low-rise buildings with one photovoltaic façade, to 24.04%, accomplished by mid-rises where all façades had window-integrated photovoltaics.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Buildings Brazil -> 50.5% enegry demand
    • HVAC Systems in commercial buildings -> 40.3%
    • BIPV can reduce HVAC demand, especially air-con
    • Brazil, one of the leading producer of organic PV cell
      • Efficiency -> 3.5%, 10% expected soon
    • Goal:
      • Fill the lack of measurement of the net energy demand of BIPV in Brazil
      • Indoor environment monitoring
      • Net energy demand monitoring
      • Climate context related to Brazil
      • Varous building geometries and façade configs
  2. Methods
    • 4-step methodology
      • definition of building configs and parameters
      • method development
      • model validation
      • required steps
    • Software: Rhino + Grasshopper + Ladybug + Honeybee + Galapagos
    • 18 different configurations
    • Azimuth and WWR considered as parameters for sensitivity
    • International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP) -> protocol to merasure and report energy efficiency in buildings
    • Use of a baseline building to measure energy efficiency -> clearly outlined
    • Provided detailed explanations and equations to calculate the net energy savings of a building
    • Presented different software for building simulation and chose Rhino
    • Explained in detail the functioning process of the algorithm
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Optimal WWR
      • Building A -> 95% (max value)
      • Building B -> 88 - 95%
      • Building C -> 50 - 56%
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Energy demand reduction
    • Simulation in software
      • 6.76% - 24.04% depending on building configuration
    • Compared to a based case scenario -> clearly stated
  • Energy values in the table are in terms of energy reduction
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
Organic cell Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 60.20 kWh/m²/year 150.30 kWh/m²/year 3.5%

Color coated glazing for next generation BIPV: performance vs aesthetics[167][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Through the H2020 BE-SMART project, we work on the validation and industrialization of new materials (and processes) for manufacturing next-generation cost-efficient, reliable and highly aesthetic/performing BIPV. On this basis, we aim at introducing novel multifunctional and transformative BIPV elements, in the concept/form of Energy Positive Glazing (EPoG). The project's developments so far indicate the high potential of e.g. using colored encapsulants, interferential filter technique and/or ceramic-based colored glazing for implementing novel “transformative” BIPV with high aesthetic quality. Yet, since BIPV's primary function is electricity production, we need to understand and quantify the impact of such coloration solutions on the performance (and reliability, in longer terms) of future BIPV. In this paper, we present an experimental comparative study on the optical and electrical performance of multiple color coated and patterned BIPV glazing solutions, towards their upscaling and commercialization. In particular, we performed optical transmission measurements and light intensity-/angle-depent IV characterization on 25 different colored glass samples and 10 different colored/patterned glass PV laminates respectively. The measurement results and their discussion presented in this paper provide valuable insights into the optical-electrical performance of the investigated colored BIPV glazing, as well as a first identification of BIPV industry-relevant colors and patterns with the best potential “compromise” between aesthetics and performance, for future energy positive glazing applications.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Electrical performance and aesthetics comparison between differents color coating for BIPV cells
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Evaluation of the Implementation of a BIPV Glass in Office Buildings in Spain[168][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Evaluation of the Implementation of a BIPV Glass in Office Buildings in Spain" by Joaquim Romaní et al.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Conference Proceeding
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

A Trans-Disciplinary Vocabulary for Assessing the Visual Performance of BIPV[169][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

It is widely acknowledged that the visual dimension of photovoltaics (PV) is fundamental for social acceptance. In this sense, the so-called Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) is a possible catalyzer, as PV is hidden (integrated) into building envelope morphologies that are familiar to the public. It is crucial to be able to design and assess a BIPV system so that its visual performance is optimal. Many studies exist in this regard, but still they do not deliver a clear theoretical organization of the concepts used for defining the visual performance of BIPV. This paper elaborates a trans-disciplinary systemic formalization of BIPV and proposes a vocabulary focusing on the formal perception of BIPV as a part of the building’s envelope system. The proposed vocabulary is based on a set of 11 visual keywords; as the proposed method unifies the formal and the cognitive information contents. It will facilitate the dialogue among different stakeholders (e.g., architects, clients, modules manufacturers, and public authorities) and, in general, the visual performance assessment of BIPV. In consequence, it allows for objective comparison and thus informed decision-making.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Harmonization of terminologies used in BIPV
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Visual impact assessment of coloured Building-integrated photovoltaics on retrofitted building facades using saliency mapping[170][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) is seen as a promising architectural application of PV technology on building envelopes for generating on-site renewable energy. In contrast to the traditional negative notion towards the visual impact of BIPV, “aesthetic BIPV” may even enhance the integration quality and produce a positive visual impact. Therefore, this research aims to objectively quantify the visual impact of BIPV in the built environment and clarifies its quality at the same time. The objective VIA approach is developed based on saliency mapping, a computer vision technique predicting human visual attention. As a case study, the proposed methodology is implemented to evaluate the perceived visual impact of a retrofitted coloured BIPV on four selected building frontages along Orchard Road in Singapore. Subjective surveys are implemented to validate the objective results, in which ratings of the visual impact of BIPV are collected based on the comparative street views with and without BIPV applications. Through validation, the proposed objective VIA methodology was determined as “qualified” for predicting the visual impact of BIPV. The proposed method can be applied as a planning or building design tool for urban planners and architects to objectively predict the visual impact of BIPV at the preliminary design stage.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Exlplained the necessity of BIPV in Singapore
    • BIPV viewed from a negative stanbpoint as new tech are not considered in the regulations
    • Goal:
      • Evaluate visual impact assessment (VIA) of BIPV
  2. Methods
    • Reviewed:
      • Studies in visual impact assessment (VIA) of RenEner projects
      • Visual evaluations tools for BIPV using saliency mapping (computer vision)
      • Comparison of results with subjective investigations from inhabitants in a densely populated city
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell for Building-Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) Applications[171][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

One of the important research directions in the field of photovoltaics is integration with construction. The integration of solar cell systems with a building can reduce installation costs and help optimize the used space. Among the few literature reports on photovoltaic roof tiles, solutions with silicon and thin film solar cells dominate. An interesting solution may be the application of dye-sensitized solar cells. In addition to their interesting properties, they also have aesthetic value. In the classic arrangement, they are constructed using glass with a transparent conductive layer (TCL). This article describes replacing a classic glass counter electrode with an electrode based on a ceramic tile and nickel foil. First, a continuous and homogeneous fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) thin film was developed so that the above-mentioned substrate could be applied. The atomization method was used for this purpose. Then, nanocolloidal platinum paste was deposited as a catalytic material using the screen printing method. The electrical parameters of the manufactured DSSCs with and without a counter electrode tile were characterized by measuring their current–voltage characteristics under standard AM 1.5 radiation. A dye-sensitized solar cell integrated with ceramic tiles and nickel foil was produced and displayed an efficiency of over 4%. This solution makes it possible to expand their construction applications. The advantage of this solution is full integration with construction, while simultaneously generating electricity. A dye-sensitized solar cell was built layer-by-layer on a ceramic tile and nickel foil.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Gave an overview of PV and BIPV history
    • Described working priniciples and assembly of dye-sensitized PV cell
    • Review of substrate materila for dye-sensiized cells
    • Goal:
      • Presents results of research on manufacture of new dye-sensitized cells on ceramic tiles and nickel foils.
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • PV Cell level study
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Real-time data-based performance analysis of a large-scale building applied PV system[172][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Solar photovoltaic (PV) is one of the fastest-growing renewable technologies. Building applied photovoltaic systems can significantly help reduce the energy and environmental loads of buildings. This study analyzes the performance of a 425 kW building applied photovoltaic system by investigating important technical, economic, and environmental parameters. These analyses have been carried out with the help of year-long real-time performance data. The technical performance indicators examined in this study include direct current and alternating current power output, array yield, specific (final) yield, references yield, array losses, module and overall PV conversion efficiency, capacity factor, and performance ratio. The main strengths of the study include the large size of the BAPV system, and a comprehensive techno-economic and environmental analysis based upon real-time monitored data. The PV system has been found to annually produce 835.60 MWh and 814.88 MWh of DC and AC power output, respectively. The performance ratio varies from 74.03% in August to 84.62% in January with an annual figure of 78.09%. The annual capacity factor is determined to be 21.85%. For a project life of 25 years, the simple payback period and Net Present Value have been calculated to be 6.92 years and USD 866,565.24, respectively. Over the project lifetime, the savings of CO2, CH4 and N2O are calculated to be 15,666 tons, 483.75 kg, and 83.25 kg respectively.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Provided international statistics on RenEner systems
    • Advantages of PV systems and their integration to building
    • Rooftop remain the preferred location for BIPVs
    • Review of past rooftop BIPV studies
    • Most BIPV study mainly focus on technical performance of the system
    • Goal:
      • Present a real-time data based comprehensive performance analysis of a large-scale BAPV
      • System output investigation
      • Environmental performance
      • Economic and sensitivity analysis
  2. Methods
    • Full description of BAPV
      • Locatiion -> Commercial Building, Saudia Arabia
      • PV Capacity -> 425kWp
      • Technology -> poly-cSi / 16.49% efficiency
      • Tilt angle / azimuth -> 25° / -10°
      • Full monitoring and control systems integrated with the PV and inverters
    • Data collection and analysis
    • Technical performance metrics -> yields / PR / CF / system losses. All equations provided
    • Economic analysis metrics -> NPV, Cost of Energy, Lifetime Cost, Simple Payback Period, Discount Paybabbck Period. All equations provided
    • Environmental analysis -> Reduction of CO2 / CH4 / N2O
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Annual Outputs
      • Energy -> 814.88 MWh AC
      • Yield -> 1962.88 kWh/kWp
      • System Efficiency -> 13.29%
      • Inverter Efficiency -> 97.52%
      • Capacity Factor -> 21.85%
      • Performance Ratio -> 78.09%
      • Losses -> 537 kWh/kWp
    • Environmental benefits over lifetime (25 years):
      • 15,666 tons CO2 avoided
      • 483.75 kg CH4 avoided
      • 83.25 kg N2O avoided
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Well-quantified data
  • GHG emissions reduction
    • Caluclated from measured data (energy) and data from literature (GHG)
      • 15,666 tons CO2 avoided
      • 483.75 kg CH4 avoided
      • 83.25 kg N2O avoided
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
425 kWp poly-cSi Saudia Arabia 25 years 814.88 MWh 13.29%

Thermal performance evaluation and energy saving potential of semi-transparent CdTe in Façade BIPV[173][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Semi-transparent PV glazing are promising in Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) applications. They provide daylight control, energy saving and power generation. The selection of optimal Photovoltaic (PV) glazing requires the accounting for various factors such as location, orientation and glazing transparency. In this work, thermal performance of Cadmium telluride (CdTe) based semi-transparent PV glazing of different transparencies was evaluated in UK for South and South-West orientations. Thermal performance was analysed in terms of U-value, SHGC and cooling load. Results revealed that least transparency CdTe PV glazing can have U-values as low as 1.52 W/m2K. The use of least transparency PV glazing can reduce 96% of solar heat gains and 23.2% of cooling energy compared to conventional clear glazing when used in South-West orientation. The selection of optimum glazing was discussed taking into consideration occupants’ optical comfort and health.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Review of existing heat gain and losses control glazing => conventional glazings increase need for artificial lighting
    • Review of PV glazing studies => PV glazing is a glazing material that generates electricity
    • CdTe PV glazing review
    • Goal:.
      • Present first outdoor experimental thermal performance characcterization of a CdTe PV non-ventilated glazing BIPV façade in the UK.
  2. Methods
    • Outdoor experimental setup described
      • Different transparency CdTe BIPV used
      • CdTe BIPV cells compared to 90% transparency clear glazing
    • Indoor experimental setup described
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Thermal performance evaluated:
      • Solar geat gain coefficient (SHGC)
      • Solar heat gain reduction: 72.3% - 96% depending on the CdTe transparency used
      • Incident angle do not affect SHGC values
    • Cooling load reduction
      • 4.4% - 23.2% depending on the orientation
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro:
    • Daylight glare reduction
  • Solar Heat load Reduction
    • Calculated form measured data
    • 72.3% - 96%
  • Cooling load reduction
    • measured
    • 4.4% - 23.2%
  • Solar heat load reduciton induces cooling load reduction
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
0.815Wp 1.414Wp CdTe United Kingdom

Building decarbonization: Assessing the potential of building-integrated photovoltaics and thermal energy storage systems[174][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The significant share of the building sector in Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission and final energy consumption makes it a significant target for decarbonization programs. Different standards and technological roadmaps propose several technical solutions to mitigate buildings’ climate change impact, such as improving existing and new buildings’ energy and environmental performance by utilizing Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and Energy Storage Systems (ESS). This study aims to examine and quantify the potential of two recommended solutions with a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) approach, including Building-Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) and Thermal Energy Storage (TES) systems, to achieve the building decarbonization targets. Therefore, a residential building is analyzed under three different scenarios, and the CO2 equivalent emission alongside the avoided carbon emission and Environmental Payback Period (EPBP) of each scenario are assessed and compared. The result shows that applying a coupled BIPV-TES system in a residential building equipped with electric heat pumps can reduce CO2 eq emission by 21.42% over 30 years of the building service life.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Building Sector globally
      • 35% final energy consumption
      • 38% GHG emisisons
    • Building sector decarbonization avenues:
      • energy supply from renewables and cabon-free sources
      • energy consumption reduction
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Good Study but published in conference proceedings
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Study on thermal characteristics and electrical performance of a hybrid building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) system combined with vacuum insulation panel (VIP)[175][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Renewable energy systems are key technologies towards realizing reduced carbon footprint and sustainable architecture. Building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) are renewable energy systems that function as integral building envelope components and simultaneously produce electricity. Not only is it essential to install BIPV for energy rebates, incentives or to cut down dependence on grid, but it is equally important that BIPV satisfies relevant building energy codes. Thus, thin high-performance insulation is needed to meet strict codes. Of all kinds of insulation materials presently available, vacuum insulation panel (VIP) has the highest thermal resistance per unit thickness. Therefore, VIP is a viable solution as an insulator for BIPV. In this study, the thermal characteristics and electrical performance of a hybrid BIPV module combined with VIP was investigated. The study is largely based on experiments carried out in a test building facility and supplemented with essential numerical simulations using Physibel BISCO/TRISCO building physics software. Data analysis was carried out for winter season. Results indicated that temperature at the back of the hybrid BIPV module (directly in contact with indoor air) was about 4 °C warmer than the heating setpoint temperature, which is advantageous for winter season. The maximum electrical efficiency was estimated to be 12.3 %. Compared to manufacturer specified electrical efficiency of 15 %, the peak efficiency realized is somewhat acceptable, factoring losses and winter weather conditions. Integrating BIPV and VIP yields an overall hybrid product that is compact and portable, and thermally more efficient from a building envelope perspective. As far as the authors know, this study is the first covering BIPV combined with VIP as a unitized module. Finally, current challenges and future research opportunities are explored.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Record high temperatures -> more enegry demand from building
    • Building consumption grew: 27% to 35% between 2010 and 2020
    • Building responsible for 37% global C02 emissions
    • Review of actions taken worldwide to attain lower emissions buildings
    • Reviewed studies in BIPV and building insulation, separately
    • Goal:
      • Investigate thermal characteristics and electrical performance f prototype BIPV module combined with vaccuum insulation panel (VIP) technology
  2. Methods
    • PV type: mono-cSi / 55W
    • Assembly procedure given with VIP specs
    • Monitoring system described
    • Software: Physibel BISCO / TRISCO
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Electrical Efficiency provided
    • Thermal analysis but no comparison of heat gain reduciton
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro:
    • Reduction of building material and operational cost
    • Energy transmission losses reduction
  • Heating load reduction for winter period
    • Not quantified
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
55W mono-cSi Cheonan, Rebublic of Korea 1 year (study year for data collection) 2.5% 12.3%

Modelling the effect of BIPV window in the built environment: Uncertainty and sensitivity[176][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

BIPV (building-integrated photovoltaic) window has been proven as a promising technology to increase renewable energy and reduce environmental effects of the building. The effect of BIPV window in the built environment could change significantly with the window configuration, building materials, and urban landscape, which have a large variability within cities. In this study, we adopted a newly developed building energy model coupled with a single-layer urban canopy model (BEM-SLUCM) to characterize the uncertainties of BIPV window effect at the neighbourhood scale in a hot desert climate city, Phoenix, USA. Using an advanced Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm, extensive simulations were conducted to quantify the sensitivity of extreme outdoor microclimate, building cooling load and renewable energy generation to various input parameters. Results show that the canyon aspect ratio, window coverage, and power generation efficiency are pivotal to maximize the electricity generation by BIPV window. Canyon air temperature and building cooling load are highly sensitive to momentum roughness length above canyon, thickness of building envelope, air conditioning setpoint temperature, and canyon aspect ratio. This indicates a strong dynamic interaction between building's indoor space and the surrounding canyon environment. In contrast, thermal and optical properties of BIPV window have negligible effects on the urban thermal environment. Findings in this study reveal key mechanisms that regulate the urban microclimate and building energy consumption, provide guidance for BIPV applications in the built environment, and shed new lights on the sustainable design of urban neighbourhoods.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Building energy consumption worldwide -> 30% in 2019
    • PV projected to reach 60% of all renewable energy capacity additions by 2025
    • Review of past BIPV studies: standalone and urban canopy
    • Goal:
      • Quantify uncertainty associated with the effect of transparent a-Si BIPV windows in a fully interactive built environment
      • Investigate key parameters for power generation, cooling load, and outdoor microclimate; and their magnitude
      • Use of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm
  2. Methods
    • Description of the building energy model coupled with a single-layer urban canopy model (BEM-SLUCM)
    • Description of PV modelling and the MCMC
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • Cooling load reduction
  • Cooling load reduction
    • Simulated
    • Temperature given but no value of cooling
  • Outdoors environment cooling effect
    • Simulated
    • Temperature given but no value provided.
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
a-Si Phoenix, AZ, USA

Perovskite Solar Cells with Vivid, Angle-Invariant, and Customizable Inkjet-Printed Colorization for Building-Integrated Photovoltaics[177][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The steadily growing market share of building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPVs) places the aesthetics of solar modules in the focus of research and development. In this work, a colorization method based on inkjet-printed reflective pigments is adapted for the emerging perovskite photovoltaics. Herein, not only excellent control of color impression, brightness, and pattern is demonstrated, but also angle invariant color perception, which makes the presented approach stand out among the many published colorization strategies for perovskite solar cells (PSCs). Compared to uncolored reference solar cells, bright magenta and yellow PSCs display a remarkable relative power conversion efficiency (PCE) of up to 65% and more than 11% absolute PCE. Moreover, PSCs with more BIPV-relevant coloring patterns such as a mimic of a marble or corten steel surfaces are demonstrated. The colorization method presented is inexpensive and ready for scalable solar module production. To demonstrate the scalability of the proposed concept, a small-area perovskite solar module (4 cm2 aperture area) in white marble optics exhibiting a PCE of almost 14% as a potential application is presented.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • 40% annual growth in BIPV predicted in next decade (stated in 2022)
    • Perovskites solar cells (PSCs) efficiency -> up to 25.7%
    • Highlights advantages of perovskite cells over Si-based cells
    • Cost offset of BIPV varies widely: 80% to 5000% -> references provided
    • Reviewed past studies in PSCs coloring
    • Goal:
      • Adaptation of industrially-proven colorization scheme using pigment-based inkjet for PV front side
  2. Methods
    • Colorization techniques explained in general
    • Description of proposed experimental colorization
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Proposed PSCs colorization
      • 14% power conversionm efficiency
      • 88.5% relative power conversion compared to uncolored ref device
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Compared two PV technologies -> not in scope of the study
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Research on BIPV design strategy and technology of green public buildings based on data analysis—Taking Xiong'an high-speed railway station as an example[178][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

This paper examines and analyzes the data of the demonstration project from the aspects of site optimization, roof organization, daylighting in the optics valley, window-to-wall ratio of the waiting room, air conditioning efficiency, lighting power and energy consumption of building. The combination of solar photovoltaic system technology with the roof of 42,000 km2 greatly improves the energy efficiency of the building in an all-round manner and provides a reference for the follow-up application and promotion of BIPV.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Book chapter
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Large-Area Transparent “Quantum Dot Glass” for Building-Integrated Photovoltaics[179][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

A concept of transparent “quantum dot glass” (TQDG) is proposed for a combination of a quantum dot (QD)-based glass luminescent solar concentrator (LSC) and its edge-attached solar cells, as a type of transparent photovoltaics (TPVs) for building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPVs). Different from conventional LSCs, which typically serve as pure optical devices, TQDGs have to fulfill requirements as both power-generating components and building construction materials. In this work, we demonstrate large-area (400 cm2) TQDGs based on silicon QDs in a triplex glass configuration. An overall power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 1.57% was obtained with back-reflection for a transparent TQDG (average visible transmittance of 84% with a color rendering index of 88 and a low haze ≤3%), contributing to a light utilization efficiency (LUE) of 1.3%, which is among the top reported TPVs based on the LSC technology with similar size. Most importantly, these TQDGs are shown to have better thermal and sound insulation properties compared to normal float glass, as well as improved mechanical performance and safety, which significantly pushes the TPV technology toward practical building integration. TQDGs simultaneously exhibit favorable photovoltaic, aesthetic, and building envelope characteristics and can serve as a multifunctional material for the realization of nearly zero-energy building concepts.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Aesthetics of BIPV influences social acceptance
    • Practical implementation of solar windows -> area >= 100cm²
    • Goal:
      • Use of a triplex glass laminate for Transparent quantum dot glass (TQDG) PV
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Provided detailed parameter info on the fabricated TQDG
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • PV as sound barrier
  • Thermal insulation
    • temperature mentioned but insulation properties not fully quantified
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Techno-Environmental Analysis of Facade Integrated Photovoltaics and Electric Vehicle Charging for University Building[180][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Electric vehicles (EV) are a relatively contemporary and emerging technology in the transportation and power sectors, with several economic and environmental advantages. However, there are still challenges associated with EV charging depending on on-grid electricity. University buildings that consume a lot of energy continue to rely on the grid and/or conventional fuel for consumption. In addition, EV Charging will create more challenges in meeting the demand; therefore, utilizing university rooftops for EV charging has high prospects of meeting the additional energy demand. In Malaysia, no such research has been presented that has explored the possibility of using academic institute rooftops for BIPV installation for EV Charging in terms of energy and environmental standpoint. The current study analyzes and evaluates a rooftop grid-connected Building Integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) system for generating electricity and EV charging at the University Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia, for EV charging. The system’s energy output has been simulated using the PVSyst in two scenarios, i.e., fully integrated with no ventilation and free mounted with air circulation. It was found that 7000 m2 of the selected building’s rooftop area could be used for panel installation. The panels’ total capacity was 1.069 MW, with total annual electricity production of 1587 MWh and 1669 MWh in respective scenarios. The proposed BIPV plant would reduce GHG emissions of 60,031 tons of CO2e in scenarios 1 and 61,191 tons of CO2 in scenario 2 compared to the emission produced by coal plants for the same amount of annual energy generation.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Buildings -> 28% oberall energy-related CO2 emissions
      • 2/3 from electricity consumption
    • Fossil fuels emissions
      • Buildings -> 9%
      • Transportation -> 24%
    • Review of progress in EV sector worldwide and in Malaysia
    • Review of large-scale PV plants in Universities
    • Review of EVCharging and EV charging structure
    • Goal:
      • Feasibility of BIPV on the rooftop of FTKMA building in Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) for level 2 EV Charging stations
  2. Methods
    • Provided consumption stats of UMP
    • Site description
    • PV Technology
      • CIGS
      • 355 W
      • 15..3% efficiency
    • 2 types of system -> 1.069MW
      • Fully integrated -> scenario 1
      • Mointed with air circulation -> scenario 2
    • Software -> PVSyst
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Energy production
      • scenario 1 -> 1587MWh/year
      • scenario 2 -> 1669 MWh/year
    • Metrics evaluated:
      • PR
      • CF: 16.9% / 17.8%
    • Analyzed scenarios for EV charging -> enough energy to charge 2000 EVs
    • GHG emisisons savings
      • scenario 1 -> 52.201 tCO2eq
      • scenario 2 -> 53.361 tCO2eq
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • CO2 emisisons reduction
    • calculated from simulated enrgy values and existing CO2 data
    • 52.201 tCO2eq / 53.361 tCO2eq
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
1.069MW CIGS Pekan, Pahang, Malaysia 25 1587 MWh/year 1669 MWh/year 15.3%

Understanding BIPV performance with respect to WWR for energy efficient buildings[181][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Globally, the building sector absorbs 40% of energy, which is expected to reach double or triple by 2050. Building-integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV), known to the use of PV to replace long-established building envelopes such as windows, roofs, and walls which will create energy while simultaneously protecting the inside the structure from the harsh outside environment. The study utilizes Application of BIPV, as a fenestration component in various commercial structures around the United States of America. The paper addresses the dual functionality of PV on fenestrations which not only is an on-site energy generator but also decreases thermal transmittance. To comprehend the significance of BIPV across the United States, five different temperature zones were taken into account: Atlanta, Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, and Phoenix round out the top five. The component chosen for BIPV is the dye-sensitized solar cell. Using the WINDOW Tool, two alternative BIPV models were computationally created, where the first type of window had two panes with Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSC) filled between The second model was a three-pane window as opposed to a window with two panes with DSSC and Inert gas filled between the first and second, second and third, and so forth. Three different commercial buildings were considered for the study, from the reference building. Another parameter of variability was introduced such as the Window to Wall Ratio (WWR) [1]. East, West, and South faces of the structure, the most commonly utilized WWR, such as 40%, 60%, and 80%, were taken into consideration. The potential for energy savings was assessed for Every one of these combinations of building type, climate/cities, WWR, and BIPV windows. The study finds an answer, in Triple glazed windows as the most efficient solution in the case of the small building.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Conference paper
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Building-integrated photovoltaic smart window with energy generation and conservation[182][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Energy usage in buildings accounts for 40% of global energy consumption, while windows are the least energy-efficient part of buildings. Photovoltaic smart window is an efficient way to improve efficiency of the window. In this work, we proposed a building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) smart window with energy modulation, energy generation, and low emissivity function by combing perovskite solar cell and hydrogel. The fabricated BIPV smart window achieved average visible transmittance (AVT) of 27.3% at 20 °C and 10.4% at above 40 °C with energy modulation (Tsol) of 15.7%. The high peak conversion efficiency (PCE) of 17.5% and low emissivity of 0.31 further improve the energy efficiency of the smart window. Compared with a current smart window that only modulates solar energy, our BIPV smart window which integrated energy modulation, energy generation, and low-E function achieves better energy saving.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Building energy consumption ->40%
      • losses from windows -> 60% of overall
      • REview of Semi-Transparent Perovskites solar cells (ST-PSCs)
      • Review of smart window construction material -> singled out Hydrogel and explained working principles
    • Goal:
      • integrate energy generation, energy modulation, and low-E funcitons into smart window to improve building efficiency
  2. Methods
    • Description of the hydrogel preparation, solar cell preparartion, energy simulation, and characterizations -> supplementary materials availabe
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Description of the proposed window -> has 3 parts
    • Thermal imaging results showing energy saving function
    • Transmittivity changes with temperature
      • 20°C -> 27.3%
      • 40°C -> 10.4%
    • Solar heat gain reduciton compared to clear glass
    • Energy generation in 2 location:
      • Abu Dhabi -> 62.5kWh/m²/year
    • Energy savings:
      • Abu Dhabi -> 21.1 kWh/m² => 7.6%
      • Honolulu -> 20.3 kWh/m² => 8.8 %
    • WWR -> 38.1%
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Energy consumption reduction
    • Solar heat gain reduction compared to lowE glass
    • Experimental measurement + deduction
    • 7.6% / 8.8% depending on the location
    • up to 15% compared to bare glass
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
46320.4m² Perovskite Abu Dhabi 62.5kWh/m²/year 17.62%

Flexible design of building integrated thin-film photovoltaics[183][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The high cost of building integrated photovoltaics is one of the main reasons preventing a more widespread application. We propose a panel-on-demand concept for flexible design of building integrated thin-film photovoltaics to address this issue. The concept is based on the use of semi-finished PV modules (standard mass products) with subsequent refinement into BIPV PV modules. In this study, we demonstrate the three processes necessary to realize this concept. First, a prototype tool to cut thin film photovoltaic elements on glass substrates based on laser perforation was developed. Damage to the processed samples did not exceed a distance of 50 μm from laser cuts. Second, oxide/metal/oxide-electrodes with integrated colour were applied on Cu (In, Ga)Se2 cells and standard monolithic interconnection structuring was used to produce modules sized 30 × 30 cm2 in red, green and blue with strong colours. Third, A back-end interconnection process was developed for amorphous silicon thin film cells, which allows for the structuring of modules from elements of custom shape. The panel-on-demand strategy may allow for a streamlined production of customized modules and a lower cost for aesthetically pleasing, fully building integrated solar modules.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Buildings -> 40% global energy consumption
    • BIPV still niche in Germany as of 2022
    • PV flexibility => higher produciton cost
    • BIPV facades are still more expensive than non-PV facade
    • Challenge with building codes integration
    • Goal:
      • Present development status of 3 processes for panel on-demand concept in thin-film BIPV
  2. Methods
    • Laser-based glass cutting
    • Front contact with integrated colour
    • Back-end interconnection
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Device manufacture study
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Numerical assessment of the impact of transverse roughness ribs on the turbulent natural convection in a BIPV air channel[184][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The effect of varying rib geometry on the turbulent natural convective heat transfer coefficient in a BIPV air channel was assessed numerically. The CFD model was validated with experimental data from the literature to within reasonable accuracy. The study investigated parameters such as the rib shape, dimensionless rib height (e/D), dimensionless rib pitch (p/e), and channel inclination angle (θ). In each case, the heat flux is varied from 100 W/m2 – 1000 W/m2. The natural convection heat transfer coefficient on the heated wall is maximized for a vertical channel with triangular rib of e/D = 0.16 and p/e = 8.84. The enhancement in heat transfer afforded by the transverse ribs translates to a reduction of the summer heat gain of up to 35.5%. The natural convection heat transfer coefficient correlates with Ras*(S/H), e/D, p/e and θ to within 15% error.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Compared BIPV on a structural level to each other
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Impact of building integrated photovoltaic-phase change material panels on building energy efficiency improvement: a case study[185][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Integrating phase change material with building envelopes is recently considered one of the most reliable passive solutions to mitigate indoor temperature fluctuations, improving therefore indoor comfort. In addition, the integration of photovoltaics to combat the gradual increase in energy consumption is highly increasing to meet the growing demand for energy. Using phase change material to improve thermal and electrical performances of building integrated photovoltaic systems and to reduce incoming heat energy indoors, simultaneously, were performed. Interestingly, it is highly recommended to integrate the building integrated photovoltaic phase change material systems on inclined roofs in order to perform the phase change material as preferred through a cyclic process. The peak temperature of the inclined and vertical building integrated photovoltaic systems decreased from 70.5°C and 41°C to 41.4°C and 31°C, respectively. Hence, a drop in average indoor daytime temperature where the peak indoor temperature has been reduced to about 4.5°C. The inclined and vertical building integrated photovoltaic systems’ DC power output, at midday, has been increased from 74.5 W to 108.5 W and 37.5 W to 38.5 W. Eventually, the use of phase change material decreased the thermal load leveling by 7%, 2% and 1.5% during the first three days, respectively, After the third day, the decrease of the thermal load leveling remained constant at 3%. Consequently, findings reveal that using phase change material could be an excellent solution to decrease indoor air temperature fluctuation and can bring higher temperature drops.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Comparison of BIPV and BIPV with PCM
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

A study of solar heat gain variation in building applied photovoltaic buildings and its impact on environment and indoor air quality[186][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The solar heat gain is a significant factor to be considered while designing sustainable Heating Ventilation and Air-Conditioning system for the working rooms in the future. By installing photovoltaics on rooftop, building can be insulated from heat and the cooling load requirement for the rooms can be reduced significantly. Advantages of building applied photovoltaic systems for building insulation are justified by means of measurements and modeling. Thermal and air quality measurements outside and inside rooms of similar area, under different types of PV arrays are observed and the phenomenon of solar heat gain is studied. The experiment was conducted in Perundurai, Tamil Nadu, India, in the months of February and March of 2019. Thermal infrared imaging data for room ceilings showed a reduction of up to 2.5°C under PV array compared to those with open roof. Computer simulations indicated significant differences in temperature, between ceilings covered by PV array and ceilings with open rooftop. The relative humidity inside the rooms covered by PV arrays is 10% higher as compared to rooms with open rooftop. Due to the installed 100 kWe solar photovoltaic plant, emission of nearly 100 kg CO2 is reduced per day. There is a reduction in 28.5% CO2 inside the room with elevated PV panels at the roof top compared to room without PV panels.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Roof is a major source of heat in buildings
    • BIPV -> good for cooling load reduction in daytime
    • Elevated PV (ventilated) better effect than PV close to mounting
    • Review of ways to decrease building cooling load
    • Review of studies comparing cooling effect of different types of PV
    • Indoor air quality (IAQ) metrics:
      • Air temperature
      • Air velocity
      • Relative humidity
      • CO2 level
    • Goal:
      • Construct and validate a roof ceiling model
      • Compared data betwee BAPV roof and open roof
      • Compared measured and simulated data
  2. Methods
    • University building -> description provided
    • Description of the instrumention
    • Heat gain calculation -> as per ASHRAE standards -> derails and equations provided
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Data recorded for February 9 and MArch 5, 2019
    • Reduction in roof surface temp with PV coverage
    • Explanmation of recorded data
    • Heat flux reduction:
      • 87.96% -> elevated panels
      • 86.33% -> rooftop level panels
    • Improve IAQ by decreasing CO2 levels -> 28.5% decrease
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • Cooling load reduciton -> called it indirect benefit
    • Indoor temperature reduciton -> thermal comfort improvement
  • Cooling load reduction
    • Simulated -> found from heat flux reduciton
    • 86.33% - 87.96% depending on the PV mounting type of the roof
  • Improvement in IAQ
    • Simulated -> found from CO2 levels measurement
    • 28.5% decrease in CO2 levels
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
100 kWp Perundurai, Tamil Nadu, India February - March 2019; Experiemnt period

Multi-objective optimization of building integrated photovoltaic solar shades[187][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) systems allow solar panels to perform additional functions beyond energy generation for buildings, such as regulating interior lighting conditions and incoming radiative heat. However, optimizations of BIPV solar shades generally do not consider all of these factors, instead often focusing on power production alone. In this work, we explore a design framework for optimizing the configuration of BIPV shading devices to maximize a combination of power generation, interior daylighting quality, and radiative heating and cooling loads. This is applied to a simple room in five different locations and climates, as well as a case study of an office building. The low computational cost of this model allows for the full mapping of the influence of all design parameters on the value of the system, while demonstrating less than 7% error in predicting the performance of a benchmark experimental system. It is observed that the location and building geometry have significant influences on the relative values of heat, daylighting, and power production, with the overall combined value varying by up to 40% between the compared climates. The optimal design in many locations depend on user preferences as well, with many efficient solutions possible for varying trade-offs between the values of natural light vs. energy savings (a difference of up to 50%), as well as the system upfront cost vs. performance, further reinforcing the importance of tailored building-specific design for BIPV solar shades.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Mentioned that PV has beneficial aspects other than energy production
    • 3 factors influenced by BIPV in buildings
      • Interior lighting quality
      • radiative heat transfer through windows
      • PV power generated system
    • Hightlighted limitations of other optimization studie sin BIPV
    • Goal:
      • Propose a multi-objective optimization framework with a multi-parameter esign of a louvered BIPV shading system
  2. Methods
    • 3D- Modeling
    • Energy Modeling
    • Optimization -> stochastic Monte-Carlo method
    • Validation with experimental data and high performing (high computational cost) models
    • 5 different locations
      • London, ON
      • Tehran
      • Los Angeles
      • Berlin
      • Singapore
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Long term weather dataser results better than single year dataset for simulations
    • Power generation and heat flux can be quantified
    • lighting depends on user preference
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • No benefit is clearly highlighted despite being mentioned in intro
  • Could be useful for discussion
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
3.8 kW mono-cSi London, ON 941 kWh/year 17.9%

Performance evaluation of thermally insulated building integrated photovoltaic roof[188][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

In this paper, the thermal performance of insulated BIPV roofs is studied compared to non-insulated BIPV roofs. The BIPV roof prototype is designed, developed, and experimentally evaluated for composite climatic conditions in the summer season. A surface temperature of PV module and different insulation Polyurethane foam, Rockwool, and Expanded Polystyrene were observed.It was seen that the PUF insulated BIPV roof has a decrement factor of 0.24 and a time lag of 1 h. The average bottom surface temperature of the insulated BIPV roofs is found between 37.4°C to 39°C.while, non-insulated BIPV has the average temperature of 46 °C. Further, heat gain and percentage heat reduction with respect to non-insulated BIPV roof are calculated. Also, the average Discomfort index ranged between 26 and 29 for all the cases of insulated BIPV roof. The study reveals that the thermal feasibility of the insulated BIPV roof is acceptable.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Compares 2 BIPV systems with and without insulation
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Data-driven, long-term prediction of building performance under climate change: Building energy demand and BIPV energy generation analysis across Turkey[189][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

This research presents a methodological framework for lifetime energy demand and PV energy generation predictions for a given building considering the CC impacts through multivariate regression models. As a case study, a hypothetical office building in Turkey was selected. An existing linear morphing methodology was utilized to generate future weather files for all 81 cities in Turkey. For each year and city, corresponding weather metrics were calculated, and heating/cooling demand and PV energy generation values were computed through building energy simulations. Obtained data were used to develop two sets of multivariate regression models: (i) models to predict future weather metrics and (ii) models to predict future energy demand and generation. These models allowed lifetime energy demand and generation analysis (including associated GWP and cost) of the building considering CC impacts using only the current weather metrics of its location. For a lifetime of 60 years, considering CC impacts yielded substantially higher cooling (averaging at +0.5 MWh/m2 in the warmest region) and lower heating loads (averaging at −0.4 MWh/m2 in the coldest region). For Turkey, the carbon intensity and the unit cost of cooling are much higher than those of heating. Therefore, the shift from heating to cooling has significant consequences in lifetime GWP and cost values (averaging +212 kg CO2-eq/m2 and +27 $/m2, respectively, for the warmest region), emphasizing the importance of the decarbonization of the energy sector. The impact of CC on PV energy generation was limited (all-city average of +0.02 MWh/m2 for the building lifetime). Our regression-based approach can be further expanded to include not only various building parameters and types, but also supply-demand matching potentials.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Not focused on present BIPV installations / Focused on predicting impact of climate change on building energy consumption and global warming potential
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Performance analysis of a novel building integrated low concentration photovoltaic skylight with seasonal solar control[190][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

This paper presents the development and performance demonstration of a novel low concentration PV skylight system that ensures seasonal solar control in buildings. It uses static Fresnel lenses that deviate solar radiation to the solar cells during the spring-summer period, increasing the electricity production while decreasing the heat into the building. During the autumn-winter period, the system allows the light to pass into the building, producing electricity as usual. Similar existing solutions normally only consider the PV performance but leave aside other energy parameters of the building. The development phase includes several mechanical, fire and PV tests. The new system is validated in two test benches: firstly, integrated as a skylight in the experimental FACT building at CEA INES in France; secondly, in a bigger system in Tecnalia facilities in Spain. In both cases, the system shows a significant increase of the PV production in the overall spring-summer period between 10 and 20% compared to an equivalent system without lenses. The measured cooling demand during spring-summer is reduced by 20% while daylighting in the building is not significantly affected. These advantages make this solution suitable to replace common non-photovoltaic glazing skylights and produce electricity while the solar gains are controlled in the building.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Building ad building construction sector
      • 36% of global final energy consumption
      • 37% CO2 emissions
    • SHGC needs to be
      • low in summer
      • high in winter
    • Review of BIPV and concentrator systems
    • Goal:
      • Propose a low concentrationBIPV skylight based on static Fresnel lenses
  2. Methods
    • System description
    • Software:
      • Zemax raytracing
      • Siemens NX
    • Ageing of system test performed
    • Outdoor experiment realized in France -> testbench description provided
    • List of sensors described
  3. Results and Discussion
    • 25% more energy generated with lenses -> prodcution increase in summer
    • Cooling demand reduction of 13% (May and October) and 22% (August)
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • Cooling load reduction
  • Cooling load reduction
    • Quantified -> experiment measurements and comparison with a base case'
    • 13% (May) / 22% in october
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
120Wp 300Wp poly-CSi France / Spain 13.9% 17.5%

Tunable and angle-insensitive structural coloring of solar cell modules for high performance building-integrated photovoltaic application[191][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) is desired to reduce carbon emissions from residential and commercial buildings. In this application, the controlling the visual impact of BIPV module with preserving PV performance remains a great challenge since the appearance of conventional PV modules is not favorable for building skins in most cases because of their dark colors. In this paper, we report on the color control of crystalline silicon (c-Si) PV modules by introducing the structural colors based on the interference effect. We apply the structural colors to the cover glass of PV minimodules with textured surfaces. The glass texturing is realized by sandblasting technique that allows us to form various textured surfaces depending on sandblasting conditions. High flexibility of structural colors is demonstrated by realizing various colors including violet, cyan, green, and orange using dielectric multilayers deposited on planar and textured glass sheets. These colored glass sheets are applied to c-Si PV minimodules, which exhibit high efficiencies (>18%) with distinct colors. The efficiency of colored PV minimodules depends strongly on their colors, as the efficiency loss originates solely from the optical loss by the colored glasses. In addition, the color difference at various view angles is evaluated by reflectance measurement with an integral sphere and compared in a CIE color system. It clarifies that surface texturing by sandblasting mitigates the angular dependence of structural colors substantially, which is also observable by our eyes. Besides, surface texturing is effective to mitigate the glare effect as well. Therefore, the combination of structural colors and surface texturing is a promising way to realize fascinating colors and a high energy yield simultaneously in BIPV modules.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • CO2 emissions reduction
  • No Quantification -> focuse don clor tuning of PV modules in BIPV
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Experimental Study of Phase Change Microcapsule Suspensions Applied in BIPV Construction [192][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

In this paper, a phase change microcapsule suspension MPCMS25 with a mass fraction of 10% was prepared with TH-ME25 as the phase change microcapsule particles and deionized water as the base fluid. The experimental benches of the Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) system and BIPV-MPCMS system were set up, and the comparative tests were carried out in Nanjing to study the optimization effect of phase change microcapsule suspension on the thermal and electrical properties of the BIPV system. The results show that MPCMS25 reduces the component temperature of the system by 8.8 °C and the backplane temperature by 11.1 °C. The optimization time of the component operating temperature and the backplane temperature is 9.5 h and 9.75 h, respectively. Delay appearance of peak module operating temperature by 114 min and peak backplane temperature by 125 min. In addition, the suspension can also improve the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of photovoltaic modules by 0~5%. After a simulation study on the energy consumption of a high-speed railway station, it is found that using the BIPV-MPCMS system as the building envelope can achieve an energy saving rate of about 8.5%.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Reviewed PV modules cooling techniaues -> active and passive
      • Active: air + water
      • Passive: PCM
    • Goal:
      • Experimental prep of phase change microcapsule suspension (MPCMS) and application to BIPV
      • Comparison with existing BIPV without MPCMS
  2. Methods
    • Factors to be considered in choosing MPCMS described
    • TH-ME25 selected as MPCMS material -> specs given
    • Presparation process for BIPV-MPCMS described
    • Description of PV modules and data acquisition system: temperature + power
    • Software -> design builder
  3. Results and Discussion
    • MPCMS-BIPV has better PCE compared to BIPV alone
    • MPCMS-BIPV offers cooling energy comsumption decrease compared to regular window
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Cooling energy comsumption reduction
    • Simulation: Design builder
    • 12.1%
  • Heating energy comsumption reduction
    • Simulation: Design builder
    • 7.8%
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency Comments
30W mono-cSi Nanjing, China May24 - May25, 2021 (1-day) - experimental 20%
183kW poly-cSi Nanjing, China Annual - simulation 141.6MWh/year 151MWh/year 15% BIPV / BIPV-MPCMS

Highly efficient color-control technique for building-integrated photovoltaics using optical dielectric thin film[193][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

A color-control technique based on optical thin films on glass is investigated by means of numerical simulation and experiment, with a particular focus on building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) applications. We show that white-colored BIPV modules can be realized with a minimum optical loss by applying optical thin films that have multiple reflection peaks in a complementary color relationship, like the emission spectrum of white LEDs. The angular dependence of hue, which is an inherent drawback of optical thin film systems, is suppressed by modifying the design of the film to maintain the complementary color relationship of multiple reflection peaks. The simulated thin film design is confirmed by an experiment with a silicon solar cell, resulting in a white color and a low short-circuit current density loss (ΔJ SC) of 5.9%. These results indicate that our approach is a promising way to realize fascinating colors and a high energy yield simultaneously in BIPV modules.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Hihlighted aesthetics as a deterrent to PV adoption
      • difficult to produce aesthetically pleasing and high performing PV
    • Reviewed PV modules coloring
      • Structural coloring seems more appropriate for PV
    • Goal:
      • Use of optical thin-film to control spectral reflectance characteristics of PV modules and colorize them
  2. Methods
    • Optical film design process for PV coloring explained
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • Weather protection
    • Noise barrier
    • thermal insulation
    • daylight modulation
    • land saving
  • Device manufacturing study
    • No actual benefit study or comparison performed
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Multi-performative façade systems: The case of real-time adaptive BIPV shading systems to enhance energy generation potential and visual comfort[194][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Building envelopes invariably tend to be static systems that encounter various performance limitations such as inefficient illuminance admittance, and heat and moisture transmission owing to their non-responsiveness towards environmental fluctuations. In contrast to such façade solutions, responsive façade systems with embedded sensing, actuation, and control systems have been proven to perform with up to 65% higher efficiency by being able to adapt their physical characters, such as orientation, and material property in real-time as a response to fluctuating environmental conditions (visual and thermal) and user preferences. Advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning processes further aid such responsive façade systems to optimize multiple parameters such as illuminance level and the associated lighting energy, visual discomfort caused by solar glare, solar heat gain, thermal resistance (heating energy and comfort level), and natural ventilation simultaneously. This research investigates the case of a real-time adaptive Building Integrated Photo Voltaic (BIPV) shading system and its ability (in comparison with traditional static building integrated photo voltaic façade systems) to perform as regards visual comfort and energy generation potential simultaneously within the humid subtropical climate of Sydney, Australia. A simulated case scenario wherein a real-time adaptive building integrated photo voltaic shading systems is deployed on a typical multistorey building façade in Sydney, Australia is accordingly presented. The conducted simulation considers the responsive building integrated photo voltaic system as a double-skin façade system and uses multi-objective evolutionary computing principles to decipher its integrability potential. A comparative analysis between traditional static mounted Photo Voltaic (PV) systems as opposed to multi-objective optimization driven real-time adaptive building integrated photo voltaic shading configurations is subsequently presented. The ability to maximize generated energy, while simultaneously maintaining visual comfort is thus a unique proposition of this research.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Building and construciton sector
      • 37% GHG emissions
      • 30% final energy consumption
    • Australia
      • Commercial buildings -> 10% of national energy
      • 25% of which is by office buildings
    • Reviewed BIPV as double skin façades (DSF) studies
      • Cooling and heating load reduction
      • Cooling and heating load increase in some cases
    • Goal:
      • Propose real-time adaptive BIPV shading system as a DSF
      • Use of multi-objective optimization
      • Comparison with regular BIPV façades
  2. Methods
    • Use of multi-objective evolutionary algorith (MOEA) for optimization -> description of MOEA provided
      • 3 fitness functions
        • irradiation
        • illuminance in internal space: minimum and maximum values -> 2objectives
    • Simulation software
      • Wallacei
      • Rhino 3D
      • Grasshopper 3D
      • Honeybee
    • Provided algorithm settings
  3. Results and Discussion
    • 2.35% more energy produced by the dynamix system comapred to the static one
    • 1.16% better visual comfor and glare reduciton compared to static system
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro/Review
    • Cooling and heating load reduction
    • Visual comfort improvement
    • CO2 emissions reduction
    • Energy comsumption reduction
    • Sun shading
  • Visual comfort and glare improvement
    • Simulated
    • 1.16%
    • Compared to a BIPV not a regular system without PV
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
72 modules; 4m² per module Sydney, Australia

Experimental investigation on thermal characteristics and novel thermal estimation method of BIPV façade air channel under actual operation[195][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Air channel heat of BIPV façade system provides significant useful thermal energy for building utilization. However, accurate thermal estimation under actual operation conditions remains a challenge due to unprecise air channel heat transfer models. This research proposes a novel method for highly accurate thermal estimation of air channel heat transfer under actual operating conditions. Based on long-term outdoor experimental test on actual BIPV façade system, important heat transfer parameters were measured with heat transfer mechanism analyzed. Results revealed temperature gradient on component surfaces and inside air channel along the height direction, as well as the chimney effect inside air channel when solar radiation exceeded 100 W/m2. Novel air channel heat transfer model was established and verified with percentage relative error of less than 7.49% for thermal estimation of BIPV façade system under actual operation conditions. Additionally, dual functionalities of air channel ventilation were analyzed including low-grade thermal energy supply and shield effect, realizing small temperature fluctuations and heat transfer intensity at building insulation surface. Research provides reliable approach for designing BIPV façade systems with high accuracy of thermal estimation for building energy-saving potential.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Building industry
      • 36% global energy consumption
      • 39% global CO2 emissions
    • Review of heat transfer studies on air gap behind BIPV systems -> highlights limitations in past studies
    • Goal:
      • Investigation of heta transfer mechanism in BIPV air channel
      • Propose novel heat transfer method through experimentation
  2. Methods
    • Explained theoretical working principle of air channel heta transfer
    • Experimental setup and test bench description
    • Test
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Temperature profiles displayed on plots
    • New thermal model proposed and derived from experimental measurements
    • Possible shielding effect of BIPV from external temperature in air channel designed appropriately
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Thermal shielding effect -> ecline in heat transfer coefficient
    • Experimental measurement
    • 65.3% - 76%
  • Cooling and heating load reduciton
    • Not quantified
    • Mentioned the possibility of these benefits
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
2 modules; 1.65mx0.992m multi-cSi Beijing, China

Evaluating BIPV Façades in a Building Envelope in Hot Districts for Enhancing Sustainable Ranking: A Saudi Arabian Perspective[196][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Enhancing contractual construction project documents with sustainability and green building requirements reflects growing concerns for the majority of organizations in hot zone districts. The aim is to provide a healthy, best functional performance, safe environment with occupant comfort, and an efficient building performance as an environmental-friendly building. This research study develops a holistic evaluation system for the façade composite of contractual documents. The aim of the current study was to enhance building energy performance under the sustainability rating system focusing on adapting active envelope energy applications. The research used technical evaluation with energy simulation based PVsyst V7.1.0 software and contractual status evaluation for an ongoing unique case study project in Saudi Arabia. Feasibility analysis was carried out for a sustainable active envelope using the adopted specifications of the Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) façade item instead of the contractual passive item in the Giftedness and Creativity Center project. The project was registered in the sustainability rating system called Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED). The results showed that using BIPV facades as an active renewable energy source enhances building energy performance over the project life cycle. Additionally, it generates 68% of energy demand as a nearly-zero energy project. Several other advantages include lower cost than tender cost without any contractual conflicts, energy savings per year, project upgrade to the platinum certificate, added value to the public investment, CO2 emission reduction, and barrels of oil saved.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Saudia Arabia -> top Gulf Cooperation Countries (GCC) energy comsumer and CO2 emitter
      • 471.82 millions tons CO2 -> 18tones CO2 per person
      • Aimung to bring the CO2 emisison down through renewable energy systems
    • Reviewed sustainable rating systems: LEEDS, Gren Star etc.
    • Reviewed BIPV as building envelopes
    • Goal:
      • Discuss holostic approach of a comprehensive guideline for measuring and calculating specs of sustainable clean energy in the contruction industry
  2. Methods
    • USe of PVSyst and LEED certification metrics
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Energy production values given but results not clear -> clarified in conclusions -> 1320MWh/year
    • CO2 emissions reduciton -> 7 tonnes annually
    • Oil burning reduction -> 7barrels/m² PV
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • CO2 emisisons reduction
    • Simulated -> PVSyst
    • 7 tons/year
  • Oil burning reduction
    • calculation method unspecified
    • 7 barrels/m² of PV
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
925kWp mono-cSi Hufuf, Saudia Arabia 1320MWh/year

Evaluation of photovoltaic performance integrated with shading system in optimizing building energy consumption in hot arid climates (Case study: an office building in Shiraz)[197][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Photovoltaic-integrated Shading systems, are multifunctional components to generate electricity and simultaneously provide the shade needed for building surfaces and walls. Applying integrated photovoltaic systems with building components, including fixed shadings, in addition to regulating the penetration of sunlight and saving energy, seems to be a fully functional approach due to the production of part of the buildings' energy. Therefore, to evaluate the performance of Photovoltaic-integrated Shading systems, in optimizing energy consumption, the need to study the effect of Photovoltaic-integrated Shading systems, on energy in Shiraz was considered. Therefore, 15 Photovoltaic-integrated Shading systems scenarios for the facade of an office space model were calculated using the DesignBuilder simulation program and PVsyst. According to the results, the Photovoltaic-integrated Shading systems, designed with 4 louvers with a slope angle of 45 degrees and zero degrees azimuth (facing south) has the highest efficiency compared to other scenarios and shows an energy efficiency of 35.54%, which indicates an acceptable decrease. The heating energy has been effective as well as its efficiency as a combined photovoltaic system in producing energy and controlling solar radiation simultaneously. The present study provides the required information on the parameters of Photovoltaic-integrated Shading systems and paves the way for the development of photovoltaic technology integrated with building components in the design steps.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Defined PV and BIPV
    • Highlights some benefits of BIPV
    • Goal:
      • evaluate and comparedifferent types of BIPV shading systems
  2. Methods
    • Software
      • design builder
      • energyplus
    • Description of simulation process and specs of each PV system
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • Heat gain reduction
    • Lighting load reduction
    • GHG emissions reduction
  • Energy consumption reduction
    • Quantification method not specified
    • 35.73%
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
80Wp 1020Wp 201kWh/year 803.9kWh/year

Building integrated photovoltaics powered electric vehicle charging with energy storage for residential building: Design, simulation, and assessment[198][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Global warming poses a serious danger to the environment, animals, and the livelihoods of humans. The residential building sector & transportation sector has received significant attention in recent years due to GHG emissions. Electric vehicles (EVs) are poised to play an essential function in reducing dependency on non-renewable fuels and the transportation sector's environmental implications. On the other hand, the sustainability of EVs depends on their method of charging. This paper investigates the feasibility and design of a BIPV (building-integrated photovoltaic) powered EV charging system in a typical Malaysian house using solar energy to meet residential and EV charging demand. Three BIPV systems: Grid integrated with no battery, grid integrated with 75 % battery storage and grid integrated with 100 % battery storage have been designed, simulated, and assessed for the performance parameters. BIPV plant capacity of 5.6 kWp, roof inclination of 10°, and roof facing southeast and northwest have been sized for the proposed system. The annual energy output was 8.05MWh, 7.21MWh and 7.19MWh for the three scenarios. LCOE of the grid-connected system with no batteries showed the lowest value of 0.16RM/kwh, whereas a system with batteries had higher LCOE of 0.51RM/kWh and 0.65RM/kWh. The grid-connected system without batteries showed the highest GHG emission savings of 137,321,924 kgCO2e.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Building energy comsumption to rise 83% between 2018 and 2040
    • Building CO2 emissions -> 28% of world CO2 emisisons
    • Conducted a lit review
      • Net zero energy buildings
      • EV and charging structures
    • Goal: BIPV power generation for building enegry use and EV charging
  2. Methods
    • Provided background on BIPV and EV in Malaysia
    • Provided design process of PV size and estrimation of EV load
    • Describe denergy management in residential buildign with EV charging
    • Defined metrics for system performance
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Compared 3 case scenarios:
      • Case A -> Grid connected BIPV; no battery storage
      • Case B -> Grid connected BIPV; 75% of load in battery storage
      • Case A -> Grid connected BIPV; 100% of load in battery storage
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • CO2 emisisons reduction
    • Calculated
    • 137321924 kgO2 avoided
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
5.6kWp mono-cSi Malaysia 21 years 7.19MWh/year 8.05MWh/year

An Analysis of Real-Time Measured Solar Radiation and Daylight and Its Energy Implications for Semi-Transparent Building-Integrated Photovoltaic Façades[199][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

For analyzing cooling loads, day-lighting, and building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) systems, solar radiation and daylight illuminance data are required. However, these data are sparse. Furthermore, studies have shown that the energy potential of building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) systems for the entire building skin (BS) and unconventional orientations, such as east, west, and north need further exploration. Thus, this study presents findings from measured solar data and an energy analysis of semi-transparent BIPV. Firstly, solar radiation and daylight data measured from June 2019 to May 2020 in Hong Kong are presented. The analyzed solar-radiation data were used to determine the solar-energy potential of BIPV for BS and the four principal building orientations (i.e., N, E, S and W). With a simple analytical approach, the solar data’s building-energy implications for semi-transparent BIPV were assessed. The findings showed that the annual average horizontal global-, diffuse-, and direct-irradiance values were 291.8, 164.3, and 127.5 W/m2/day, respectively. Similarly, 120, 72, and 107 klux were obtained as the peak global, diffuse, and direct illuminance, respectively. Furthermore, the results show the potential of using BIPV on the entire BS in Hong Kong. It was also observed that a semi-transparent BIPV façade integrated with daylight-linked lighting controls could offer significant energy savings in electric lighting and cooling while also producing energy. In particular, BIPV façades with a large window-to-wall ratio (WWR) of 80% can provide an overall energy benefit of up to 7126 kWh.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Building sector worldwide
      • 40% energy consumption
      • 30% CO2 emissions
    • Building skin in Hink Kong -> 55% cooling load of office buildings
    • Highlighted the importance of solar radiation data for BIPV studies
    • Goal:
      • Solar energy potential investigation in Hong Kong
      • Comparison of different metrics (SHG, WWR, light transmittance) for 4 different orientation
  2. Methods
    • Described data collection process and tools
    • Proposed an equation to detemine solar irradiation depending on the building orientation
    • Described method to calcylate solar heat gain and energy generation
    • Described buildings specs for base case study
    • 3 case scenario were compared: Tinted window with and without daylight control, and BIPV with daylight control
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Results mainly focuses on irradiance and illuminance data
    • Solar heat gain reduction:
      • 49% - 61.42%
    • Cooling and lighting energy savings:
      • (7126 - 3967) = 3159 kWh per year
      • 79% increase in energy savings
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Solar heat gain reduction:
    • Calculated
    • 49% - 61.42%
  • Cooling and lighting energy savings:
    • Calculated
    • 79% increase in energy savings
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
Hong Kond China 3378kWh/year 7722kWh/year

Performance assessment of Trombe wall and south façade as applications of building integrated photovoltaic systems[200][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

This paper presented an experimental study of two distinct building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) wall systems and analyzed them based on their electrical, thermal, and combined performance. Two BIPV prototypes were constructed, one as a BIPV Trombe wall (BIPVTW) and the other as a BIPV south facade (BIPVSF), and their performance was evaluated by comparing them to a reference chamber. The experimentation yielded data on electrical power output, temperatures, and irradiance, which was then analyzed. As a result of this study, both the system saved energy in terms of heat required to raise indoor temperature and electricity generation, but the overall performance of BIPVTW dominated over BIPVSF. The daily electrical power of the BIPVSF system was 38.6% more than that of BIPVTW, but the daily heat gain of the BIPVTW system was 3.2 times of the BIPVSF system. Furthermore, BIPVSF and BIPVTW systems achieved daily average combined efficiencies of 13.16% and 39.67%, respectively. Even though the electrical power output is diminished when photovoltaic is used as BIPVSF and BIPVTW, the hybrid use of both systems can furnish a decent combined efficiency. Incorporating these technologies into buildings can generate power and preserve energy for interior heating, reducing fossil fuel use and carbon emissions.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Energy consumption to rise 1.5 to 3 times by 2050
    • Building sector
      • 40% energy globally
      • 50% increase by 2050
    • Review of previous BIPV studies
    • Review of PV Trombe Wall
    • Goal:
      • Experimental design of 2 BIPV/TW and compariosn to a regular building
  2. Methods
    • Location of study -> Islamabad, Pakistan
    • Experimental setup described -> small models
    • Equations for electrical and thermal analysis presented
  3. Results and Discussion
    • BIPV chambers warmer than reference chamber
    • BIPV TW has lower output than BIPV SF
    • Analyzed the combined energy performance (electricity + heat) of the two BIPV systems
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • Energy consumption savings
    • Heating demand reduction
  • Energy consumption reduction
    • calculated from experimental data
    • 0.0528 - 0.2272 kWh/day
  • CO2 emissions reduction
    • estimated using experimental data and existing CO2 emisison values
    • 49.42 - 212.65 g/day
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
10W poly-cSi Islamabad, Pakistan March 21 - 23, 2022 63.5Wh/day 234.8Wh/day 3.96% 6.02%

Technoeconomic evaluation of insulated building integrated photovoltaic system as a building envelope[201][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Buildings integrated PV envelopes plays a substantial role in making the building energy efficient in nature. The envelopes have a multi-disciplinary benefits ranging from power generation to building aesthetics. In this paper an economics evaluation of the BIPV envelopes (Roof and Wall) was calculated by replacing the conventional building materials. For the analysis a Lower Income Group (LIG) single unit house with a BIPV roof and wall area of 48.5 m2 and 18 m2 respectively was proposed.The purpose of this evaluation is to compare the cost-economics of different BIPV envelopes (facade and wall) with the base case of RCC roof and wall. The economic attributes depicts that with the Pay Back Period (PBP) of 6.1–6.21 years and higher Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 29.4–29.8%, the insulated BIPV roof + wall and BIPV roof seems feasible compared to the RCC roof. Also, the insulated BIPV envelopes seems to be economically feasible to replace the conventional envelopes.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Review of BIPV advantages
    • Goal:
      • Proposed and simulated 11kWp BIPV
      • Analysis of Energy and economics
      • 8kWp BIPV roof + 3kWp BIPV wall
  2. Methods
    • House specs described briefly
    • Input data given
    • Software -> PV-GIS
    • Location: Indore, Madya Pradesh, India
    • Economic lifecycle calculations shown
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Compared BIPV roof VS BIPV wall VS BIPV roof+wall VS BIPV roof attached
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • Building energy demand reduction
    • Building overall construction cost and time reduction
  • BIPV more economical than reinforced cement concrete as building material
    • Not quantified
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
11kWp Indore, Madya Pradesh, India

Development and Implementation of Photovoltaic Integrated Multi-Skin Façade (PV-MSF) Design Based on Geometrical Concepts to Improve Building Energy Efficiency Performance[202][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

This study presents the influence of multi-skin façade (MSF) design with photovoltaic (PV) systems on the thermal behaviors and power generation potential when installed on the entire southern façade of an office building model. This study considers various flexible changes in MSF system design based on geometrical concepts. For the simulation model development, this study uses the medium-sized prototype office building model, developed based on the ASHRAE 90.1-2019. A total of 24 different patterns are created based on a pyramid configuration: triangular pyramid (TP) and rectangular pyramid (RP). Changing the tilt angle for PV integrated surfaces is the main method used to compare the power generation efficiency of different MSF configurations. Results from this analysis indicate that the proposed PV-integrated MSF system with generated patterns tends to reduce cooling and heating demands. The system also presents increased PV power generation performance compared to vertically installed PV systems (i.e., the base case). The designed pattern has the highest performance in the RP configuration, 49.4% and 46.6% higher than the base case when compared based on energy yield and energy yield per unit area parameter, respectively. Increasing the cavity depth and installing the PV-integrated roof surface angle to coincide with the local latitude can achieve efficient power generation for the TP configuration, provided that only one unit is required for a pattern. As for the RP configuration, reducing the cavity depth and combining the number of units (up to nine units) on the pattern surface can achieve the best-performing power generation, while the heating and cooling demands of the perimeter zone are not significantly impacted. The results show the influence of geometrical design aspects of MSF systems on energy efficiency and the potential to generate energy from PV systems. This study is a part of developing an energy-efficient design method for multi-skin façade systems for commercial buildings.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Review net zero energy buildings policy
    • Review of PV and BIPV
    • Review of multiskin facade (MSF) BIPV
    • Goal:
      • Propose various geometric config for PV-MSF on the south face of a medium-size office building
  2. Methods
    • Description of the test site specs
    • Model construction and validation with experimentl data
    • Model described with equations
    • Software
      • DesignBuilder
      • EnergyPlus
    • Description of PV-MSF geometry design
    • 24 different geometries investigated
    • 3 comparison analyzed
      • Case1 -> Base case vs triangular pyramid BIPV paterns
      • Case2 -> BAse case vs rectangular pyramid BIPV patterns
      • Case3 -> Triangular pyramid vs rectangular pyramid BIPV patterns
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • HEating and cooling demand reduciton
    • Indoor temperature reduction
  • Compared BIPV to BIPV -> results unusable as additionmal benefits
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
Daejeon, South Korea 250 kWh/kWp/year 1400 kWh/kWp/year

Building energy conservation potentials of semi-transparent CdTe integrated photovoltaic window systems in Bangladesh context[203][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Building integrated photovoltaic systems are getting popular worldwide due to their building energy conservation properties alongside emission-free electricity generation capabilities. BIPV is a suitable way to generate renewable energy without wasting any land or building space. Bangladesh has set a target to generate a great portion of its electricity from solar energy and has already implemented different photovoltaic applications. However, Bangladesh still has no policy and guidelines to implement BIPV technology in its different types of buildings. In this study, we investigated the energy conservation potentials of three different configurations of semi-transparent CdTe combined building integrated window systems in an office building considering Bangladesh's climate conditions. To investigate the building energy conservation potentials of BIPV window systems, an EnergyPlus-based numerical simulation model was developed and validated with outdoor experiment data. The annual energy simulation results indicate that in all climate conditions, CdTe combined BIPV windows can save ranging from around 30–61% of electricity consumption compared to conventional window systems. Besides, it generate around 270 kWh electricity and ensure indoor daylight illuminance level at 300 lux. Moreover, in all climate conditions, south-faced BIPV windows are more efficient for power generation, but east-faced windows are more efficient to reduce net electricity consumption.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Description of Bangladesh energy needs to transition to developed country by 2041
    • Description of BIPV
    • 60% total energy consume by windows in buildings
    • Review of glazing concept in BIPV
    • Reviewd power generation, PV applications, and BIPV in Bangladesh
    • Goal:
      • Investigate BIPV window systems in a Bangladesh climate condition
  2. Methods
    • 3 configs analyzed -> description provided
      • PV-ventilated double skin (PV-VDS)
      • PV-insulated glazing unit (PV-IGU)
      • Single PV glazing (SPVG)
    • Software -> EnergyPlus
      • Provided a good description of EnergyPlus with different modeling options
    • Outdoor experiment for validation described -> peformed in Hefei, China
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Show energy conservation of different configuration compared to regular window
    • BIPVs consume mor eenegry for lighting applications compared to regular window
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • Air-consitioning electricity savings
    • Building energy cost savings
    • Land savings (mentioned indirectly)
  • building energy conservation
    • simulated
    • 30.8-60.8%
  • GHG emisisons reduciton
    • Calculated from simulation reuslts and national data on CO2
    • 181 kgCO2/yr - 615 kgCO2/year
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
6*63.5 = 381Wp CdTe Bangladesh 10kWh/month 45kWh/month 8.8%

Operation optimization strategy of a BIPV-battery storage hybrid system[204][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) system attracts increasing attention of researchers due to environmentally friendly and saving land resource. Combining storage battery with BIPV can improve the flexibility of the entire system, which is promising for distributed renewable energy application. However, how to optimally dispatch the hourly energy flow of PV panel, storage battery and power grid based on a building load is crucial and less investigated. In the paper, a multi-restricted condition nonlinear optimization model is established for a BIPV-battery storage hybrid system under different building loads at a clear day. The optimization model was solved by fmincon function through MATLAB code. In the optimization, overall minimum daily cost including facility cost of the hybrid system, electric price and carbon price were considered as objective function to obtain optimal operation strategy of hourly power distributions of PV, battery and grid for daily building consumption. The key finding indicates that the system has high dependence on power gird when the office building load is heavy, while reduces the depending of power grid as the electrical demand is decreased. Under full-load resident building scenario, when the system with battery cost of 800 Yuan/kW·h or higher, the redundant green power generated by photovoltaic (PV) is sold to power grid in real time to earn extra profit, while the green power is accumulated in the storage batteries as stora confige battery cost is declined. Moreover, the resident building with BIPV-battery storage hybrid system has less dependence on power gird during day time, realizing self-sufficiency. Under all the scenarios, high storage battery cost limits the capacity of storage battery. And the CO2 emission is reduced as the BIPV-battery storage hybrid system is adopted.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Review of energy storage in PV
    • Review optimazation studies in BIPV/storage
    • Goal:
      • Optimization ov BIPV/battery storage systems
  2. Methods
    • Provided detailed equations for describing power generation and battery operation
    • Provided objective function and EMS with different scenarios
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Scenario 1
      • BIPV-BS cost increased -5.24 to +15.32% compared with a building with no BIPV
      • BIPV-BS reduces CO2 emissions by 7%
    • Scenario 2
      • BIPV-BS cost decreased 8.44 to 26.58% compared with a building with no BIPV
      • BIPV-BS reduces CO2 emissions by 35%
    • Scenario 3
      • BIPV-BS cost decreased 27.24 to 40.85% compared with a building with no BIPV
      • BIPV-BS reduces CO2 emissions by 42.31%
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Menioned in Intro
    • Land resource savings
  • Cost reduction
    • Calculated from ooptimization
    • -5.24 (increase) to 40.85% reduction
  • CO2 emisisons reduction
    • Calculated
    • 27.24 to 42.31%
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Optimising Design Parameters of a Building-Integrated Photovoltaic Double-Skin Facade in Different Climate Zones in Australia[205][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Energy used in buildings is mainly attributed to provide the desired thermal comfort, which could result in an increase in carbon emission and, in turn, lead to further environmental degradation. A Building-Integrated Photovoltaic Double-Skin Façade (BIPV-DSF) is a promising way to maintain indoor thermal comfort, obtained with low environmental impact and energy consumption. The appropriate design of BIPV-DSFs can maximise indoor thermal comfort and energy efficiency for buildings. This paper presents optimal BIPV-DSF design solutions, which are dedicated to offering comfortable and energy-efficient buildings, through optimisation of the most important design parameters of a BIPV-DSF under three different climate conditions in Australia. The results illustrate how thermal transmittance (U-value) and solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) of windows of the BIPV-DSF, as the most important design parameters, were optimised for application in the context of different climates, operation modes, and orientations. The paper contributes to the matters concerning the integrated effect of BIPV-DSFs on thermal comfort and energy performance in buildings.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • Heating and cooling load reduciton => energy consumption reduction
    • Thermal comfort improvement
  • Nothing quantified as the BIPV was optimized but not compared to a base case without BIPV
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Experimental Investigation of Overall Energy Performance in Algerian Office Building Integrated Photovoltaic Window under Semi-Arid Climate[206][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) energy has now become one of the most significant renewable energy alternatives for providing natural daylight and clean energy. As such, this study was conducted for the first time in Algeria to experimentally evaluate the BIPV window energy and lighting energy savings of a typical office building under the semi-arid climate condition. Apart from using the Energy Plus and Integrated Environment Solution-Virtual environment (IES-VE) energy simulation tools in the experimental validation, the daylighting control method and the dynamic Useful Daylight Illuminance (UDI) were also utilized to analyse the daylighting performance as well as the lighting energy of BIPV windows with different transparency levels at various cardinal orientations. The field measurements had revealed the overall energy model to be consistent and in good agreement with the EnergyPlus and the IESVE simulation models, where the tested PV module was found to have provided not only a 20% Visible Light Transmittance (VLT) of uniformed daylight with low illuminance level, but also thermal comfort and a considerable amount of clean energy. The simulated results had demonstrated a substantial improvement in cooling energy and glare reduction of the PV modules as compared to the base-model, where the only BIPV window configuration was achieved good area of UDI 300-700 lux is facing the South orientation and 30% VLT. In conclusion, the application of the thin film BIPV windows with different transparency and orientation levels can thus be regarded as an effective solution for minimizing the lighting energy consumption through its energy production instead of daylighting utilization.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Biulding enegry consumption in Algeria -> 42% of country total
      • 25% of building energy coming from lighting
    • BIPV good for:
      • natural daylighting
      • Near ZEB
    • Summary of daylighting estimation methods
    • Review of past BIPV windows studies
    • Goal:
      • Experimental inverstigation of BIPV
      • Design methodology + validation of energy performance -> EnergyPlus + IES-VE
      • Effect of daylighting on lighting energy savings
  2. Methods
    • Specified monitored data
    • Software:
      • EnergyPlus -> power output validation + heat gain/loss validation
      • IES-VE -> daylighting
    • Described data collection procedure
    • PV Module Specs
      • a-Si (ASG090)
      • 20% transmittance
      • Efficiency -> 4.5%
      • Pmax -> 90W
      • U-value -> 5.11/5.65 -> Dummer/Winter
      • SHGC -> 0.34
    • Described thermal and electrical output measurement procedures
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Energy demand reduction -> 4.5%
    • Cooling energy reduction
    • Base-model (glass only) perofrmed better than BIPV at daylighting enerfy reduction
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Energy demand reduction:
    • EnergyPlus
    • 4.5%
  • Cooling energy reduction
    • Unspecified
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
a-Si Tebessa, Algeria 4.5%

Techno-economic and energy assessment of building integrated photovoltaic module as an envelope of the building[207][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Buildings across the globe consume a prodigious amount of total energy generation and are held responsible for challenging the competing urge of the energy trilemma (ET). The available space for rooftop photovoltaic (PV) modules is often not adequate to cater to the entire energy demand of the buildings in an urban environment. Therefore, this article proposes a semi-transparent building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) module at the vertical part of the building facade for on-site clean energy generation. The amount of incident solar irradiation at the surface of the BIPV placed at vertical tilt angles is estimated by using the solar transposition model, and the performance of the BIPV is evaluated on the indexes of ET. A coupled analysis of energy generated by the BIPV with the building energy demand is presented to analyze the reliability index ET. Economic parameters viz. cost of energy (COE) and levelized cost of energy (LCOE) are proposed to evaluate and compare the affordability index of ET associated with the BIPV and existing rooftop PV module. Further, the environmental sustainability (elimination of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions) of the proposed BIPV module for the building is presented.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Increase in global energy demand 52% from 2018 to 2040
    • Buildings:
      • 30-40% of global energy consumption
      • Energy growth rate -> 2.7%/year
    • Reviewed past BIPV enveloppe studies and highlighted gaps
    • Goal:
      • Propose BIPV as building envelope in subtropical regions
      • Performance analysis
      • Vertical irradaition modelling
      • Use of tandem semi-transparent perovskite PV
      • Reliability and economic analysis
  2. Methods
    • Building description
      • Location -> Chennai, India
      • Building dimensions details provided
      • PV vertical tilt angle: 86 - 92°
    • Description of STPV
      • Transparency ->12.7% and 77%
    • Solar irradiation estimation explained
    • MEtrics for energy performance:
      • Present worth
      • Annualzie dLife Cycle Cost
      • LCOE
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Provided Solar irradiation results at different tilt angles
    • Energy generation
      • Minimum at 92°: 892.15 kWh/m²
      • Maximum at 86°: 1000.56 kWh/m²
    • CO2 emissions reducti on
      • Minimum at 92° -> 156.439 tonsCO2 eq/year
      • Maximum at 86° -> 174.605 tons CO2 eq/year
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • Temperature reduction in buildings
  • CO2 Emissions reduction
    • Estimated using past studies data
    • 156.439 tons CO2eq/year - 174.605 tons CO2eq/year
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
2250m² Perovskite semi-transparent Chennai, India 25 years 892.15kWh/m² 1000.56kWh/m²

Energy storage capacity configuration of building integrated photovoltaic-phase change material system considering demand response[208][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

With the increasing building energy consumption, building integrated photovoltaic has emerged. However, this method has problems such as low photovoltaic absorption rate and large load peak–valley difference. For this reason, the authors have constructed a building integrated photovoltaic-phase change material system considering the demand response. Under the demand response at the time of use, the system was powered by building photovoltaic power generation. The thermostatically controlled load demand inside buildings was satisfied jointly by the phase change energy storage and the air conditioning. The system can run offline or connected to the grid through surplus electricity. When electricity is insufficient, the system can purchase it from the grid. The system dispatching strategy is also given. Based on the principles of minimising the daily cost of system operation, maximising the photovoltaic absorption rate, and minimising the peak–valley difference, a multi-objective optimisation model is established, and the particle swarm algorithm is used to perform the capacity configuration on the energy storage system. Finally, case analysis was conducted to verify that the scheme is able to reduce the system operating cost by over 50%. In addition, it can greatly increase the photovoltaic absorption rate and reduce the peak–valley difference to achieve peak load shifting. The scheme has significant economic and technical benefits.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Review of PV load matching optimization studies
    • Goal:
      • Propose a BIPV-PVM model
      • Propose scheduling strategy
      • Energy storage optimization
  2. Methods
    • Description of BIPV-PCM model -> equations provided
    • Description of demande response model and scheduling startegy -> TOU pricing
    • Energy storage capacity modeling
    • Case analysis
      • PV size -> 1MW
      • Lifetime -> 30years
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro:
    • Alleviate power supply presure on grids
    • Reduces transmission losses
  • Study focused more on BIPV+PCM not highlighting BIPV advantages
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
1MW 30 years

Carbon Life Cycle Assessment and Costing of Building Integrated Photovoltaic Systems for Deep Low-Carbon Renovation[209][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) systems can achieve high yields through high percentages of building envelope surface coverage associated with material savings by substituting conventional building envelope components and avoiding land-use change to install open-land PV installations. This article discusses the life cycle assessment (LCA) and the life cycle costing (LCC) of BIPV systems in timber-hybrid building extensions and envelope renovation systems of three exemplary buildings in the Republic of Korea: apartment, mixed-use commercial/industrial, and low-rise multi-unit residential. The BIPV system’s electricity production was quantified with simulation tools. Minimum and average carbon LCAs were calculated using a global product inventory database for 50 years. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emission savings by substituting conventional energy supplies were calculated based on the associated primary energy demands. LCC calculations were based on international datasets for BIPV LCC for 25 and 50 years. As a result, the BIPV system-associated GHG emissions can be decreased by up to 30% with a payback time of 12 (apartment) to 41 (mixed-use building) years for buildings with full PV coverage. The positive cumulative net present value (NPV) for both LCC scenarios encourages economic investments in building renovations with BIPV systems..

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Statistics on PV
    • Description of BIPV and BAPV
    • PV/BIPV policy description in South Korea
    • Review of past studies in BIPV renovations
    • Review of BIPV LCA studies
    • Goal:
      • LCA of BIPV renovations
      • 3 cases in Republik of Korea
      • Quantify environmental and economicadvantages of BIPV in renovations
  2. Methods
    • BIPV design process explained
    • LCA procedure explained
      • Software -> One Click LCA / PV*SOL
      • Lifetime -> 50 years
    • NPV modeling explained
    • Simulation parameters provided
    • Full description of the 3 building types
  3. Results and Discussion
    • PV Power
      • Appartment -> 1.184 MWp
      • Mixed USe -> 95.83 kWp
      • Multi-Unit -> 51.16 kWp
    • Cost results also explained
    • Energy generation
      • Appartment -> 635.45 MWh/year
      • Mixed USe -> 63.591 MWh/year
      • Multi-Unit -> 42.076 MWh/year
    • CO2 emisisons reduction
      • Appartment -> 124.158 tCO2eq/year
      • Mixed USe -> 41.479 tCO2eq/year
      • Multi-Unit -> 27.605 tCo2eq/year
    • Land use change prevention + grid losses reduction
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • GHG emissions prevention
  • GHG Emisisons reduction
    • LCA using One Click LCA software
    • 27.605 tCO2eq/year - 124.158 tCO2eq/year
  • Land Use Change
    • Not Quantified
  • Grid Losses Reduction
    • Not Quantified
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
51.6 kWp 1.184 MWp mono-cSi


Seoul, South Korea 50 years 42.076 MWh/year 635.45MWh/year 8.68% 24.72%

Hybrid AC-DC distribution system for building integrated photovoltaics and energy storage solutions for heating-cooling purposes. A case study of a historic building in Cyprus[210][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Describe EU Ren Ener. Directives
    • Brief review of DC microgrids
    • Reviewed climate change impact on buildings
    • Goal:
      • Propose novel concept in hybrid electrical thermal storage in buildings
      • DC heat Pum
      • Hybrid AC-DC distribution system for PV system
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Focus on Heat Pump more than on PV
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

The effect of CIS BIPV as a shading device on building life cycle energy performance[211][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of CIS Building Integrated Photovoltaic as a shading device on building energy performance and PV life cycle. A multi-faceted BIPV energy evaluation approach is created. Energy performance is evaluated in two climate regions, in three scenarios for two transparency ratios of an office building. The case study indicated that when BIPV was used, in mild climates there was 24.82–41.05%, and in hot climates, 35.21–56.18% net energy consumption decreased. The PVs can produce 6.5–9.1 times the amount of energy consumed during manufacturing over the usage period. Finally, it was shown that the CIS technology contributes to sustainable architecture by reducing the integrated design difficulties in front of BIPV.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Review of BIPV as shading devices
    • Goal:
      • Explain the effect of Copper Indium (di)Selenide (CIS) BIPV on b uilding enegry demand'
      • Different climate
      • Studies system as 2 seperate subsystem
      • Whole building analysis
      • Sustainability analysis of system
  2. Methods
    • 3 different scenarios
    • Software:
      • PVSyst
      • DesignBuilder-EnergyPlus
    • Flowchart provided for study
    • 2 locations:
      • Istanbul
      • Antalya
    • Description of building
      • Office building
      • Provided assumption made in building modeling
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mention in Intro:
    • PV as shading device
  • Compares 2 BIPV systems
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Techno–Econo–Enviro Energy Analysis, Ranking and Optimization of Various Building-Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) Types in Different Climatic Regions of Iran[212][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Iran is one of the most energy-consuming countries, especially in the construction sector, and more than 40% of its energy consumption is in the construction sector. Therefore, considering the very high potential of Iran in the field of solar energy, the need to pay attention to providing part of the energy required by buildings by solar energy seems necessary. The study of the effect of climate on the performance of a BIPV has not been done in Iran so far. Also, the use of ranking methods using the weighting of parameters affecting the performance of BIPV has not been done so far. The purpose of this study is to investigate the power supply of BIPV connected to the grid in the eight climates of Iran. Technical–economic–environmental energy analyses were performed by HOMER 2.81 software. In order to study different types of BIPV, four angles of 0°, 30°, 60°, and 90° were considered for the installation of solar cells. The effective output parameters of HOMER software were weighted by the Stepwise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis (SWARA) method based on the opinion of experts, and it was observed that payback time (year) has the highest weight among the studied criteria. Then, different cities were ranked using the evaluation based on distance from the average solution (EDAS) method. The results showed that Jask is the most suitable and Ramsar is the most unsuitable city. Also, the results of the EDAS method were confirmed by Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS), Weighted Aggregates Sum Product Assessment (WASPAS), and Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) methods.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Study description unclear
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Assessing heat transfer characteristics of building envelope deployed BIPV and resultant building energy consumption in a tropical climate[213][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Building-Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) is a viable technology towards increasing renewable energy production and achieving low carbon footprints for buildings. Mauritius, with a daily average of 5.6 kWh/m2 of solar radiation over 2350 h annually, has been targeting at achieving its low carbon goals by focusing on photovoltaic technology including the uptake of BIPV. However, BIPV has not been well researched in terms of its overall thermal impact especially overheating on the building envelope and the resultant energy performance for buildings for the tropical climatic condition in Mauritius. This research, by means of validated simulation modelling, adopted a novel approach of coupling thermal finite element analysis (FEA) with whole building dynamic simulations to assess the heat transfer characteristics of BIPV either on facades or roof and the resultant energy consumptions of a typical office building in Mauritius. The façade scenario had two options, namely BIPV curtain wall and BIPV double-skin façade (BIPV-DSF), while the roof scenario also had two options, namely uninsulated and insulated roof BIPV membranes. Results show that roof BIPV membrane options had a better thermal performance in reducing overheating for the building compared to the BIPV façade options, with a reduction in cooling load of 8% and 15% for the uninsulated and insulated BIPV membranes, respectively. In terms of energy performance, both BIPV façade options were not capable of reducing the energy consumption of the building, as the BIPV curtain wall resulted in 1.66% more net energy consumption on a yearly basis. This shows an ineffectiveness of using vertical BIPV glazing for typical office buildings in Mauritius. Although the BIPV-DSF achieved an annual net energy saving of 5.16% benefited from the BIPV energy production, it was not as good as the net savings of 160% and 172% from the respective uninsulated and insulated roof BIPV membrane options.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Described Mauritus sustainability goals + solar energy resources
    • Review Past studies
    • Goal:
      • Investigation of the thermal impact of BIPV on building in Mauritus
      • Roof BIPV VS glazed BIPV
  2. Methods
    • FEA for thermal analysis
    • 3 BIPV types
      • Flat roof waterproofing
      • Facade glazed curtain wall
      • Double Skin Facade (BIPV-DSF)
    • Software:
      • Ansys -> thermal analysis
      • DesignBuilder -> energy modeling
    • Full description of case study building
    • PRovided modelling equations
    • 2 Types of PV
      • a-Si 62W and 32W modules (4.7% efficiency) for walls
      • CIGS 500W and 200W modules (16.6% efficiency) for rooftop
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Cooling Load Reduction
    • Ansys
    • 8% - 15%
  • Energy Consumption Reduction
    • EnergyBuilder
    • 160% - 172%
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
a-Si Mauritius 4.7%
CIGS Mauritius 16.6%

Building integrated concentrating photovoltaic window coupling luminescent solar concentrator and thermotropic material[214][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Building integrated concentrating photovoltaic window (BICPVW) has been proven to be used in sustainable building transparent envelopes. Unfortunately, the balance between optical and electrical properties is difficult. This paper proposes a building integrated concentrating photovoltaic window coupling luminescent solar concentrator and thermotropic material (LT-BICPVW). The luminescent solar concentrator and thermotropic layer were fabricated by bulk polymerization and glass sandwich structure, respectively. Optical models are built based on the optical properties of optical waveguide and thermotropic layer, and optical simulations are performed with Monte Carlo ray tracing technology. Window prototypes are characterized under controlled indoor experimental conditions. The experiment found that as the temperature of the thermotropic film increased from 30 °C to 42 °C, the solar transmittance of LT-BICPVW decreased by 43.3%, and the maximum output power increased by 25%. Compared with, building integrated concentrating photovoltaic window coupled with thermotropic material (T-BICPVW), the power conversion efficiency was improved by 59% at the termination temperature. The LT-BICPVW system can effectively reduce solar heat gain and avoid glare hazards, while using renewable energy to significantly increase power output. A series of predictions are made using validated optical model and tracking technique to better guide the design of PV windows in actual buildings.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Buildings -> 36% global energy consumption
    • Review of concentrating BIPV studies
      • geometric-based
      • material-based
    • Goal:
      • Proposed concentrated bipv coupled withthermotropic material
      • Active power generation + passive thermal solar light regulation
  2. Methods
    • Described the LT-BIVPVW system
    • Monte-Carlo ray-tracing simulation
    • Experimental fabrication procedure explained
    • Optical properties measurement procedure explaines
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Study focused on the manufacture and comparison of two BIPV cells
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency evaluation and optimization of active distribution networks with building integrated photovoltaic systems[215][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

With the rapid development of building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) technology, rooftop PV grid-connected systems face challenges in operation. When the consumption rate of BIPV systems is low, power reverse increases distribution network losses and decreases power supply quality. Traditional energy efficiency evaluations for distribution networks do not consider the impact of low BIPV consumption rates on network losses. This paper establishes an energy efficiency evaluation model for distribution networks with BIPV systems based on adversarial interpretive structural modeling and proposes an energy efficiency indicator system applicable to distribution networks with BIPV systems. The method was applied to eight distribution networks with BIPV systems, achieving accurate energy efficiency level rankings. Through single-factor sensitivity analysis of the indicator system, the primary factors affecting distribution networks with BIPV systems energy efficiency were identified. A reactive power optimization model based on multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm was established. After optimization, network losses decreased by 153 kW, PV consumption rate increased by 73 %, and node voltage drift was significantly enhanced. Corresponding loss reduction strategies were proposed for other indicators. This paper provides valuable references for planning and renovating distribution networks with BIPV systems.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Compares a BIPV system to and optimized BIPV system
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Cooling performance of all-orientated building facades integrated with photovoltaic-sky radiative cooling system in summer[216][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

In response to the pressing need of urban high-rise high-density building sectors, the rapid development of energy-plus building façades in conjunction with power generators, such as building integrated photovoltaic/thermal systems (BIPV/T), has been regarded as one of the critical ways to achieve zero energy consumption buildings. Thermal dissipation technology based on building envelopes, on the other hand, is scarce, and building-integrated solar technologies are mostly focused on rooftop PV/T systems. Meanwhile, the ongoing solar heat collection on the south wall is insufficient to fulfill the summer interior cooling need. As a result, the current study suggests an all-oriented building facade combined with a photovoltaic-sky radiative cooling system (PV-RSC), with the PV module installed on the south wall and the sky radiative cooling system installed on the north wall. To investigate cooling performance, a numerical model for the energy transfer of PV-RSC systems is developed and verified. The results suggest that the PV-RSC system with a 0.61 m2 area has mean electrical and cooling powers of 7.7 W and 130–220 W, respectively, which would have a positive effect on the building cooling in the summer.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • The study focus on BIPV/T
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Factors influence analysis and life cycle assessment of innovative bifacial photovoltaic applied on building facade[217][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Bifacial PV (BPV) could use both radiation on the front and back for power generation. The challenge is that reflected radiation absorbed by the back is limited when BPV is applied on building. BPV cannot be effectively utilized. In this research, BPV was innovatively combined with reflective film to form BPV curtain wall system, which is conducive to higher power output and could be applied to the facade of building directly. Compared with mono-facial PV, power generation of the system could be increased by 24% on average. Life cycle assessment (LCA) was used to analyze the influence of multi-factors on this system, which makes the evaluation of the performance more comprehensive. It could be found that the energy and greenhouse gas payback time could reach the shortest when the system is faced South. The results of the system become better with the increase of photovoltaic coverage, but this trend will gradually slow down when the coverage is greater than 75%. Besides, when the distance with reflective layer is about 1/12 L, the system has the shortest payback time. This research explored a new form of BPV system, and has beneficial effect on the field of application of BPV in buildings.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Compared monofacial PV to bifacial
    • Overview of energy production in China
    • Reviewed reflective surface use in BIPV
    • Reviewd BIPV LCAs
    • Goal:
      • BAPV equipped with reflective film -> BIPV curtain wall
      • LCA of system
  2. Methods
    • Description of the BIPV module
    • Described the test unit
      • BIPV + Mirror
      • BIPV + reflective film
    • Experimental Location -> Chengdu, China
    • Software:
      • Daysim/Radiance for irradiation
      • Sandia PV model -> for bifacial generation modeling
      • EnergyPlus
      • eFootprint for LCA
    • LCA methods -> equatiosn provided:
      • EPBT
      • GPBT
  3. Results and Discussion
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • Energy Savings
  • Did not quantify any additional benefits in the study itself
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

TOWARDS OPTIMIZING (BAPV) AND (BIPV) APPLICATIONS IN EDUCATIONAL BUILSINGS IN EGYPT By aid of (IT) applications validated by real (PV) Experimental station[218][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Environmental threats of: [Climate changes, Green House gasses (GHG) emissions, and Economic crisis] led to paradigm shift towards renewable clean Energy, which becomes a major strategy. Egypt taking steps by raising its potentials of Renewable energies production from (2%) in 2010 aiming to be (53%) of electricity from Renewables by 2035, basically depends on development in Solar Energy. Photovoltaics (PV) applications become a major approach for Solar Energy utilization on: (buildings “Rooftop” and Façades) through two major systems: [Building Applied Photovoltaics (BAPV), and Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV)]. Applications of (PV) in buildings have great double impacts; Active: of Clean Energy production, and Passive: duo to shading, thermal Insulation and time lag effects.Research aims to Optimize (PV) applications on: [“Rooftop” and Façades] to get visible Efficient Operation according to parameters: [Tilt angel – Orientation – Type of applications] thus, to propose a reliable Matrix, that can help: [Architects– (PV) Developers] in decision making of the most Prior of (PV) applications. Depending on Research Methodology, and by aid of reliable (IT) Simulation tools used (“PVSYST” – “Energy+”), then Validated Results by records of Experimental (PV) Station, found that; Optimizing the application of (PV) Panels on standard educational building “Rooftop”; can save more than (37 %) of conventional annual Energy consumptions. Otherwise, optimizing the whole application of (PV) Panels on both: [“Rooftop” and (South, East, and West facades respectively)] can save more than (81%) of “Base-Case” Energy consumptions, which approaches to be a Zero Net Energy Educational Building (ZNB), by clear source.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Described renewable energy policies in Egypt
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Software:
      • PVSyst
    • Optimization studies
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Energy production analyzed with energy offset impact only
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
114kWp Mono Egypt 93.05MWh/year 205.14 MWh/year

Investigation of the performance enhancement of building-integrated photovoltaic system using evaporative porous clay applied in different building's directions[219][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The integration of photovoltaic (PV) modules with building's facades and roofs results in significant reduction in the PV module's efficiency owing to its temperature rising, as well as increasing in the building's indoor thermal gain. Thus, this study proposed cost-effective and eco-friendly passive cooling technique utilizing evaporative porous clay material to minimize the integrated PV module's temperature. An experimentally validated numerical study is being performed using different clay thickness and porosity to estimate the expected enhancement in the thermal and electrical performance of the building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) system. The experimental tests were carried out using prototype of small rooms integrated with PV panels installed with a water-saturated porous clay material to validate the presented transient numerical heat and mass transfer model. After that, the proposed system is being compared with another passive cooling mechanism using phase change material (PCM), and the results are then analyzed and compared. The findings showed a maximum reduction of 19.1 °C and 12.8 °C of peak PV temperature when the porous clay and PCM are utilized, while the building's side temperature reduced by around 11.2 °C and 10.9 °C, respectively. Further, porous clay achieved up to 9.8 % improvement in PV system's efficiency, with a maximum water consumption rate reached around 3.35 L/h.m2. Moreover, applying such a porous clay cooling approach resulted in a maximum reduction of 53.8 % in the building's annual thermal load. In the outcomes reported here, porous clay with the least thickness and highest porosity achieved more feasible cooling effects compared with PCM.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • No benefits mentioned -> study focused on PV/T
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

A comprehensive analysis of small-scale building integrated photovoltaic system for residential buildings: Techno-economic benefits and greenhouse gas mitigation potential[220][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The present paper aims to highlight the techno-economic and greenhouse mitigation potential of the small-scale building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) of 10 kW suitable for residential as well as small commercial agglomerations. To carry out this investigation a mathematical model has been developed utilizing the RetScreen simulation tool. The model has been implemented by choosing various cities across India that are major residential hubs such as Delhi, Lucknow, Indore, Jodhpur, Pune, and Coimbatore. The result showed that the energy production remained highest at Jodhpur i.e. 15678 kWh amounting to Rs. 94107/year of energy savings. The energy payback period (ENPP) for a 10 kW system has been obtained between 6 and 7 years. The highest capacity utilization factor (CUF) was obtained during March but the performance ratio (PR) and efficiency remained highest during December–January (Winter). Jodhpur had the highest net present value (NPV) and profitability index (PI) which indicated that Jodhpur was the most lucrative site among all locations. The simple and the equity payback (SPP and EPP) obtained were between 7.1 and 9.3 years. The Levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) was between Rs. 5.81/kWh- Rs. 6.95/kWh. The result also revealed that the 10 kW BIPV system was capable of reducing 15 tonnes/year of carbon and more than 400 tonnes of carbon in 25 years. The carbon credit earned by a single installation was more than Rs. 70 thousand in a year. If the current model is applied to 3000 households in a locality, there can be 40–50 GWh of energy savings amounting to Rs. 230–280 million.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Enegry Generation usung RETScreen
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • CO2 Emisisons Reduction
    • Calculated -> equation provided
    • 15.31 tonsCO2/year - 18.71 tonsCO2/year
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
10 kW mono-cSi Various Locations in India 25 years 14.02MWh/year 15.68 MWh/year 10.79% 11.89%

Quantifying the benefits of BIPV windows in urban environment under climate change: A comparison of three Chinese cities[221][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) windows are an effective way to increase distributed PV capacity in the urban environment. However, the effects of BIPV windows on an annual scale have not been rigorously studied. In this study, we compared their performances with different window-to-wall ratios, canyon aspect ratios, and orientations in three Chinese cities. Our results show that in Beijing, BIPV windows with the southward orientation have the highest potential for power generation of 44.7 kWh/(m2·yr), which is 1.5 times the potential in Shenzhen and Nanjing. Compared to clear windows, BIPV windows are advantageous when the window coverage is greater than 50 % in a shallow canyon. The highest electricity saving ratios are found in Beijing (29.7 %), followed by Shenzhen (26.3 %) and Nanjing (23.3 %). However, the electricity saving ratio decreases by over 10 % in deep canyons. Under future climate forcing, the saving potential of BIPV windows increases slightly in Nanjing and remain stable in Shenzhen and Beijing. The study also found that BIPV windows could increase canyon air temperatures by over 0.2 °C during winter days but slightly cool the canyon in summer. The findings guide BIPV application in the built environment and cast light on the construction of low-carbon neighbourhoods.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Building sector in 2021
      • 34 % global energy consumption
      • 37% GHG emissions
    • Thin films outperforms crystalline in high-temp conditions
    • Impact of BIPV windows affected by:
      • thermal
      • lighting
      • electrical
    • BIPV can affect the tmeperature of surronding area => interior + exterior
    • Goal:
      • Developed builfing energy model + urban canopy model (BEM-SLUCM)
      • Determine factors affection BIPV windows performance
      • Assessed:
        • Power genertaion
        • indoor lighting energy consumoption
        • heating/cooling demand
        • urban air temperature
  2. Methods
    • Model Used -> Urnban canopy Model
    • Study in 3 cities
    • Equations for OPV generation and load for hetaing and cooling
    • Study Site:
      • 3 cities: Shenzen; Nanjing; Beijing
    • Weather data used -> TMY
    • Defined Net Energy Benefit (NEB)
    • Simulation parameters detailed
    • Software
      • EnergyPlus
    • PV Module => a-Si
    • Different Aspect-Ratios considered for the canyon
    • 40% BIPV Coverage for the buildign
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Electricity consumprion results provided
    • Energy output:
      • Smallest => 17kWh/m²/y (North Facade; Shenzen and Nanjing)
      • Largeast => 44.7 kWh/m²/y (South-facing; Beijing)
    • Up to 3.7% annual energy xonsumption reduction
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mention in Intro
    • Energy consumption savings
  • Energy consumption savings
    • Simulated in EnergyPlus
    • 3.7% reduction
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
a-Si Various Cities in China 14kWh/m²/y 44.7kWh/m²/y

Influence of Different Forms on BIPV Gymnasium Carbon-Saving Potential Based on Energy Consumption and Solar Energy in Multi-Climate Zones[222][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

In this study, the influence of the gymnasium building form on energy consumption and photovoltaic (PV) potential was investigated to address its high energy consumption and carbon emissions issues. Five cities in different climate zones in China (Harbin, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Kunming) were selected as case study environments to simulate and calculate the energy use intensity (EUI), photovoltaic power generation potential (PVPG), and CO2 emission (CE) indicators for 10 typical gymnasium building forms, while also assessing the impact of building orientation. This study found that changes in gymnasium building orientation can cause a 0.5–2.5% difference in EUI under the five climatic conditions, whereas changes in building form can cause a 1.9–6.4% difference in EUI. After integrating a building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) system on the roof, changes in building orientation and form can lead to a 0–14.4% and 7.6–11.1% difference in PVPG and a 7.8–68.1% and 8.7–72.0% difference in CE. The results demonstrate that both the choice of form and orientation contribute to a reduction in carbon emissions from BIPV gymnasiums, with the rational choice of form having a higher potential for carbon savings than orientation. These research findings can guide the initial selection of gymnasium designs to pursue low-carbon goals.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Construction Industry
      • 37% world energy consumption
      • 36% global GHG emissions
      • Operation phase of building in China -> 22% of total emissions
    • Early design decisions affect 80% environmental load + operational costs
    • Building form influences PV use
    • Review different topics
      • Gymnasiums performances
      • building forma impact on energy consumption
      • relation b/w building form and BIPV
    • Goal:
      • Compare effects of gymnasium geometry (form+orientation)on energy consuption and BIPV
      • Different climate consitions
      • synergy analysis / emisisons
  2. Methods
    • Flowchart provided
    • Cities chosen: Harbin, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Kunming
    • Gemotric modeling
      • 10 forms / 36 orientations
      • Software -> Rhino + Grasshopper
    • Performance analysis
      • Energy Performance Indicator (ENPI)
      • Energy Use Intensity (EUI)
      • PV power generation potential (PVPG) -> Equations
      • CO2 emisisons (CE) -> Equations
      • Softwrae -> Ladybug (Radiance) + Honeybee (EnergyPlus)
    • PV System
      • CIGS
      • 15% efficiency PV / 85% efficiency Inverter
  3. Results and Discussion
    • orientation impact small on energy consumption
    • form impact high on energy consumption
    • PV Generation -> 57.7 to 71.2 kWh/m²/year
    • CO2 emisisons ->1.6 to 33.4 kgCO2/m²/year)
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • CO2 emissions reduction (1500 kgCO2 eq/m²; 23%)
    • Net Energy consumption reduction (3.1 to 20.5%)
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
CIGS Various Locations, China 57.7 kWh/m²/year 71.2 kWh/m²/year 12.75%

Analyzing the effectiveness of building integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) to reduce the energy consumption in Dubai[223][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

In Dubai, 38.9 % of the total energy consumption is related to buildings, and the high-rise building sector is key to energy efficiency. BIPV (Building Integrated Photovoltaic) can be a very efficient alternative in Dubai because of building load reduction and power generation. This paper aims to investigate energy efficiency according to the number of floors with BIPV application. As a methodology, an analysis model for office use was used with the curtain wall with a floor height of 3.6 m, floor area of 400 m2, and a window area ratio to wall area ratio of 80 %. Energy Plus Version 9.0 and TRNSYS were used as evaluation tools. The physical properties of windows and doors in the analysis model were assumed to be low-E double-glazed glass with a Solar Radiation Gain Coefficient (SHGC) of 0.564, a visible light transmittance of 47.2 %, and a thermal transmittance of 1.760 W/m2K. The result showed that when the alternatives of the window replacement type, exterior wall finishing type, and hybrid type BIPV system are applied, heating and cooling energy consumption is reduced by 13.2 % to 32.8 %. It was proven that applying BIPV was effective in high-rise office buildings. It is practical to replace windows and apply light-transmitting amorphous thin film Photovoltaic (PV) double-layered, double-layered Low-E, or triple Low-E windows, replace exterior wall finishing materials with crystalline PV, or use a mixture of both. The simulation results show that applying a roof-top BAPV (Building-Applied Photovoltaic) system is only practical for low-rise buildings.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Satistics on high-rises in Dubai
      • 25 with height > 300m operational
      • 14 with height > 300m under construction
      • 38.9% total energy consumption
      • 80.2% electrical energy => (heating + cooling + lighting)
    • Statistics of Dubai regarding LEEDS certif
    • Sustainability in buildings
      • load reduction
      • HVAC optimization
      • Ren Energy
    • Goal:
      • Energy savings efficiency as a func(number of floors) when BIPV + BAPV on high-rise buildings
  2. Methods
    • Software -. EnergyPlus + TRNSYS
    • Location -> Dubai, UAE
    • Assumptions
      • Cooling energy -> year-wide
      • Heating energy -> Nov- Feb
      • Total Load -> 360kWh/m²/year
      • PV installed 9th floor and above
    • PV types
      • c-Si for rooftop (240W/module ; area-> 400m²)
      • a-Si for windows (44Wp/module)
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Rooftop PV only not useful in high rises as building height increases
    • enrgy production->20.3kWh/m²/year - 35 kWh/m²/year
    • Heating load increased
    • Cooling load decreased
    • load reduction (heating + cooling) -> 5.7% - 9.6%
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Load Reduction
    • EnergyPlus / TRNSYS
    • 5.7% - 9.6%
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
a-Si and c-Si Dubai, UAE 20.3kWh/m²/year 35kWh/m²/year

Numerical study on comprehensive energy-saving potential of BIPV façade under useful energy utilization for high-rise office buildings in various climatic zones of China[224][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) façades are crucial zero-emission technologies for high-rise buildings harnessing solar power for useful energy generation. While previous studies only considered electricity as an energy-saving source, this research comprehensively assesses and quantifies the energy-saving potential of BIPV façades for high-rise office buildings in different climatic zones in China under all useful energy utilization. Four typical office building models were established, and numerical simulations were conducted for three BIPV façade layout schemes. Results showed that, for slab-type buildings, BIPV façade system achieved further energy-saving rates ranging from 5–15 % to 28–55 %, with useful energy contribution rates of 5–12 % to 21–48 %. For barrel-type buildings, further energy-saving rates reached 8–12 % to 28–55 %, with useful energy contribution rates of 5 % –16 % to 21–48 %. Unit area of annual total building energy after BIPV façade system installation can be reduced to at most 30 – 57 kWh/m2 and 32 – 67 kWh/m2·for slab-type and barrel-type office buildings, respectively, under GB55015 standard. That under GB51350 standard can be reduced to at most 28 – 55 kWh/m2 and 30 – 65 kWh/m2 for slab-type and barrel-type office buildings, respectively. This research demonstrates significant energy-saving effect of BIPV façade system and contributes to its future promotion in building industry.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Reviewed studies on BIPV
    • Goal:
      • Comprehensive energy study => electrical + enegry-saving + heat gain + indoor heat gain
      • 4 building types
      • heating + cooling + total egy consumption
  2. Methods
    • 7 Cities => Harbin, Urumqi, Lhasa, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Kunming
    • Metrics
      • Heating energy saving rate
      • cooling energy saving rate
      • total consumption saving rate
      • BIPV contribution rate
    • Software -> TRNSYS
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Heating energy saving rate -> 11 - 100%
    • Cooling enrgy rate -> 9 - 50%
    • Total energy rate -> 5 - 55%
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • Building heat load reduction -> 354MWh (40%)
    • Energy savings -> 16% / (34.1% - 106%)
  • Heating Load Reduciton
    • TRNSYS
    • 11 - 100%
  • Cooling Load Reduction
    • TRNSYS
    • 9 - 50%
  • Energy Consumption Reduction
    • TRNSYS
    • 5 - 55%
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
Various Locations, China

Performance analysis and sustainability assessment of a building integrated solar PV system[225][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The two key pillars of sustainability are the environment and the economy. This study examines the economic viability, environmental impact, and energy assessment of solar photovoltaic (PV) for the climate of Gwalior, India. This PV system study is based on the system's 30-year lifespan and annual performance. This study aims to calculate the reduction in CO2 emissions caused by the production of electrical energy, embodied energy and energy payback time (EPBT) are also examined. The solar PV system has a payback period of about 5.10 years for the climatic condition of Gwalior Madhya Pradesh, which is extremely low compared to its life. The above study is done for the faculty rooms of Madhav Institute of Technology and Science (MITS), Gwalior, India during working hours from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm (8 hrs). The illumination in the faculty rooms is also calculated at different locations and found better on the table of faculty members. The PV system will reduce 89.095 tons of CO2 throughout its lifespan, demonstrating its viability from a sustainable perspective. This study aims to delve into the ‘Sustainable Development of Buildings’ by incorporating various solar-powered technologies to transform a structure into an environmentally sustainable.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fossil fuels => large amount of polution
    • PV => only generation with no turbines
    • Reviewd past BIPV studies
    • Goal:
      • quantify eletricity required to enhance building performance when integrated to grid
  2. Methods
    • Experimental setup
      • 1kW + 2kW PV
      • Instrumetnation: temperatur / solarimeter / clamp meter / lux meter / anemometer
    • Evaluation metrics
      • Embodied energy
      • EPBT
      • CO2 emissions
      • CO2 mitigation
      • Carbon credis
      • NPV
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Lifetime results -> 30years
      • CO2 emissions -> 8.76 tons
      • CO2 mitigation -> 89.095 tons
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • CO2 emisisons reduciton
    • Calculated
    • 89.095 tons Co2 / 30years
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
c-Si Gwalior, India 30

Agricultural Research and Development Center Design with Building Integrated Photovoltaics in Fiji[226][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPVs) entail the use of photovoltaics as building materials, such as windows, roofs, and walls. Owing to their electricity-generation ability, BIPVs have become popular building materials for green buildings. This study involves an economic feasibility analysis of BIPVs for an agricultural research and development center in Fiji. The computerized relative allocation of facilities technique (CRAFT) is extended for cost-efficient facility design, and the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) of BIPVs is evaluated to identify feasible alternatives from among three options, namely roof-integrated, window, and rooftop BIPVs. From the experiments, the LCOE values of the roof-integrated, window, and rooftop BIPVs were USD 0.13/kWh, 0.17/kWh, and 0.09/kWh, respectively. Moreover, the profit for the window BIPV was negative when the discount rate was greater than 0.08 due to its inefficient productivity. Contrarily, the roof-integrated BIPV showed a reasonable LCOE even though it required the highest investment cost. Nevertheless, further efforts are needed to reduce the cost of BIPVs for practical implementation.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Buildings -> 30% enegry consumption worldwide
    • BIPV growth rate -> 21.% between 2023 and 2030
    • Goal:
      • BIPV implementation
      • Economic feasibility analysis
      • 3 BIPV types -> roof-integrated / rooftop / window
  2. Methods
    • Facility design using CRAFT method
      • mitigates transportation costs between spaces in facility
      • agricultura; reasearch and dev. center
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • GHG emissions reduction
    • Thermal Insulation
    • Accoustic comfort
  • Economic feasibility study
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Comprehensive investigation of a building integrated crossed compound parabolic concentrator photovoltaic window system: Thermal, optical and electrical performance[227][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Integrating PV solar cells with concentrators into window systems can not only generate electricity for a building, but also has the potential to enhance the thermal resistance of the building's windows without a significant sacrifice of light transmittance for passive daylight. A novel system, known as the crossed compound parabolic concentrator photovoltaic window, has been recently studied for its electrical properties. However, its thermal and optical performance, particularly in terms of the overall heat transfer coefficient (U-value) and total optical transmittance when integrated into a building, remains unexamined. These factors are crucial for predicting the system's impact on a building's energy efficiency and indoor comfort. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate the U-value of this window system under various temperature scenarios and the optical transmittance of the window at different incident angles. The thermal conductance was assessed through numerical simulations using a computational fluid dynamics model, which was validated by experimental measurements conducted in a large climate chamber. The optical transmittance was investigated using a validated 3D ray-tracing model. The total optical transmittance and electricity generation were calculated for typical sunny days in winter and summer under London's climate conditions. Additionally, alternative designs were developed to explore the impact of pitch between adjacent optics on the thermal conductance and optical transmittance of the window. The results showed that the window with a configuration of Dx = Dy = 5 mm (where Dx and Dy represent the horizontal and vertical pitches, respectively, between two adjacent solar optics) achieved the lowest U-value (2.566 W/m2·K). This U-value is slightly lower than that of the original window design, which has a U-value of 2.575 W/m2·K. The original window configuration with Dx = Dy = 1.77 mm produces the highest power output. Specifically, it generates 499.25 Wh/m2 on a typical sunny day in winter and 162.73 Wh/m2 on a typical sunny day in summer. However, it exhibits the lowest transmittance (14.6 % on a typical sunny day in winter and 25.2 % on a typical sunny day in summer, respectively), indicating that it is more suitable for buildings with a higher window-to-wall ratio to ensure an adequate amount of natural light. For buildings with a lower window-to-wall ratio, the CCPC-PV window should be designed with a larger horizontal pitch, such as 15 mm and 30 mm, to meet indoor illuminance requirements while also providing enhanced thermal performance and additional power output.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Comprehensive techno-economic performance assessment of PV-building-EV integrated energy system concerning V2B impacts on both building energy consumers and EV owners[228][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Deploying photovoltaics (PVs) for buildings is an effective solution to decrease carbon emissions but it also imposes a substantial risk of energy mismatch. Battery storage can mitigate this issue to a certain extent but its capacity is limited due to safety concerns and expensive investment. Energy boundary expansion from buildings to an integrated building-transportation is another valuable attempt. However, few studies have quantified the impacts of electric vehicles (EVs) on the PV-building-EV integrated system currently. This study, therefore, conducted a comprehensive techno-economic performance assessment of this integrated system. An energy-sharing mechanism considering EV charging-discharging and PV-building energy system integration is involved in the assessment. According to this energy-sharing mechanism, feasibility studies of this integrated system without stationary battery installation were conducted. An office building integrated with the EV parking area in Chengdu is selected in this study. Results show that the system's techno-economic performance as well as EV battery degradation were comprehensively quantified from two perspectives. From the perspective of the building consumers, renewable energy penetration is enhanced at 45.1% and the reduction of levelized cost of energy (LCOE) is about 38.9%. From the perspective of EV owners, the LCOE of EV charging can decrease by 18.1%. Extra annual EV battery degradation is quantified at 5.23% and an extra compensation of 10.45 CNY for one-time participation of EV owners is calculated. Reasonable compensation for EV owners can effectively increase their motivation to participate in the energy-sharing mechanism. The comprehensive techno-economic performance assessment can provide frontier guidelines for future work.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Development of a prediction-based scheduling control strategy with V2B mode for PV-building-EV integrated systems[229][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Extending the energy boundary from the building-integrated photovoltaic to E-mobility is an effective alternative to further improve the integrated energy system performance. In this study, a new prediction-based scheduling control (PSC) strategy was developed considering vehicle-to-building mode for PV-building-EV integrated systems. The control strategies consisted of three components, model predictive control (MPC), simple operation mode, and schedule control. First, the MPC was based on the weather forecast, while the calculated daily renewable power generation and building energy consumption were used for mode selections. Second, the simple operation mode was based on system operation using conventional methods. Third, the developed scheduling control strategy was activated based on the periods of the day, involving different operating modes (e.g., V2B mode, renewable-to-building mode, etc.). Overall, the developed PSC can effectively improve energy performance and achieve cost savings. Validation tests were conducted for an office building, whose results showed higher renewable energy penetration and renewable power use efficiency at 9.56% and 30.48%, respectively. The levelized cost of energy (LCOE) values for building energy consumption and EV charging decreased to 0.4561 CNY/kWh and 0.6304 CNY/kWh, respectively. It indicated that the annual cost savings of building energy consumption and EV charging decreased by 16.5% and 42.7%, respectively.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Thermal and optical investigations of various transparent wall configurations and building integrated photovoltaic for energy savings in buildings[230][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The growing global attention on energy consumption in buildings, along with the harmful effects of carbon dioxide emissions on climate change, has recently heightened efforts on sustainability and energy savings in buildings. As a result, the search for high thermal resistance walls, as well as the development of integrated photovoltaic technology with front glass walls to save energy in buildings, is an important and promising topic. The current study investigates and compares the energy-saving capabilities of four building transparent wall configurations: basic glass, facade, basic glass integrated with photovoltaics, and facade integrated with photovoltaics at different ambient temperatures, wind speeds, and solar radiation. The study also introduces a comprehensive three-dimensional heat transfer and electrical model that combines a Steady-State Thermal solution with the ANSYS mechanical solver and a fluid flow solution with the ANSYS Fluent solver to simulate the full layers of Cadmium Telluride solar cells, transparent walls, and the air conditioning room. Each model was subjected to a full-day simulation using Egypt weather conditions in the summer season to evaluate the efficacy in terms of saving artificial lighting loads, thermal loads for air conditioning, daily electricity generation from Cadmium Telluride solar cells, and total energy savings throughout the day. According to the findings, the facade integrated with photovoltaics and basic glass integrated with photovoltaics configurations deliver about 394 Wh/m2 of electrical energy to the building daily. Furthermore, when air conditioning and lighting loads, as well as solar cell productivity, are considered, the facade, basic glass integrated with photovoltaics, and facade integrated with photovoltaics configurations save 46.9%, 31.5%, and 79.3% of total electricity consumption, respectively, when compared to the basic glass wall.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Buildings
      • 40% global enegry consumption
      • 37% global Co2 emisisons
    • Windows glass
      • 39% building heating loads
      • 28% building cooling loads
    • Goal:
      • minimize heat gain in building using facade wall integrated with CdTe
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • Thermal load reduction
    • aesthetics
    • noise reduction
    • construciton material savings
    • Cooling load reduciton
    • Net nergy consumption reduction
  • Illumination boosting
  • Daily Heat reduction
    • 65.54%
  • Thermal insulation
  • Daily energy consumption reduction
    • 32.2 - 80.5%
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
CdTe 2368 Wh/day 2369 Wh/day

Economic and life cycle cost analysis of building-integrated photovoltaic system for composite climatic conditions[231][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

An insulated building-integrated photovoltaic (PV) roof prototype is designed, developed, and experimentally monitored for the composite climatic conditions in the current work. The prototype is monitored based on hourly indoor room temperature, relative humidity, discomfort index, decrement factor time lag, and power generation. To validate the results, a heat conduction equation was developed and simulated considering actual lower income group (LIG) building size and materials. Second-order polynomial equations were derived from simulation results to optimize insulation thickness. Additionally, the economic analysis of the insulated building-integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) roof was analyzed and compared to the reinforced concrete cement (RCC) roof. The results reveal that insulated BIPV roofs outperform the RCC roof, reducing indoor temperatures by 3.34 ℃ to 1.37 ℃ within an optimum thickness range of 0.0838–0.1056 m. A time lag of 1 h and a significant reduction in decrement factor up to 0.29 are achieved. The average discomfort index of the proposed roof during sunshine hours was found to be between 23 and 26.5. The insulated BIPV roofs with levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) of the 3.38 Rs/kWh gave a payback period of 6.32 years and a higher internal rate of return of 29.4 compared to RCC roof. The current study increases the feasibility of PV modules to be used as building material.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Reviewed BIPV and BAPV
      • BAPV => cooling load + building temp reduction
      • BIPV => building temp increase
    • Goal:
      • propose bipv roof slab
      • experimental analysis
      • economic evaluation
  2. Methods
    • Experimental setup
      • Compositr climate => Indore, India
      • Building prototype and building propoertied described
      • DAQ equipment described
      • PV used
        • 20% efficiency
        • 20W / 0.167 m²
    • Parameters monitored
      • Decrement factor and time lag
      • Discomfort Index
    • Thermal modeling equations explained => Optimization of insulation thickness
    • Economic analysis
      • Life cycle cost
      • Life cycle benefits
      • NPV / PBP / IRR
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Temperature reduction:
      • 3.34 - 1.37°C in summer
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • Indoor room temperature decrease in summer
    • Cooling load reduction
    • roof temp reduction
  • Results sound inconclusive
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Coupled evaluation of the optical-thermal-electrical performance of customized building-integrated photovoltaic components[232][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The diverse requirements of contemporary buildings for advanced skin systems regarding aesthetics, comfort and energy performance have led to the demand for customized BIPV components. By integrating the spectral transmittance-reflectance and volt-ampere experiments with the energy balance calculation approach, the paper reveals the impacts and mechanisms of five key design parameters on the “optical-thermal-electrical” properties of BIPV components. Geometric transparency degree (GTD) affects the optical properties most significantly, followed by glass and low-E coating types. The cell arrangement and cell-cutting technique affect the least. However, the full-series connection of divided cells can slightly improve the photovoltaic conversion efficiency. Pmaxvnegatively correlates with GTD linearly, while SHGC and VT positively. By applying a hollow layer (85%Ar) and double silver Lowe-ε = 0.04, the heat gain of the cell to the interior can be reduced to 45.3% and 25.1%, respectively. After discussing the recommended BIPV configurations under different climate zones and WWR requirements, we found that, for instance, a hollow-layer BIPV with a GTD lower than 46.0% can replace the traditional double-silver curtain wall in hot, humid climates, while laminated BIPV can only be applied in non-climatic boundaries. A more comprehensive reference value of “optical-thermal-electrical” properties for calculating building energy consumption is provided.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Focused on comparing different BIPVs configuration and optimization
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

[Link Title][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

PV Carports[edit | edit source]

Three shades of green: Perspectives on at-work charging of electric vehicles using photovoltaic carports[233][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Electric vehicles (EVs) are widely heralded as the silver bullet for greening personal transport. However their eventual impact in South Africa, a developing country with a low-capacity carbon-heavy grid, is questionable. This paper examines the potential impact of electrification of the vehicle fleet in South Africa, and explores the concept that large employers (or car park owners) could take advantage of the country's abundant sunshine and provide photovoltaic (PV) solar carports for employees (or parking clients) to charge their vehicles while at work. We assess the extent to which this would reduce the potential burden on the national grid, and also consider the economic perspectives of the vehicle owners and the service providers. Our assessment employs a mobility model and a battery model for the vehicles, and solar simulation with measured data for the PV generation. We show that without the provision of additional solar generation, charging four million vehicles from the grid would exceed the grid's capacity. Further, the carbon footprint of an electric vehicle charged from the grid would be greater than that of a petrol-fuelled vehicle, negating any potential benefits of electrification. However, we demonstrate that photovoltaic charging at work renders electric vehicles more carbon-friendly than petrol equivalents, and has substantial financial benefits for the vehicle owner, the service provider, and the grid.

Summary of Study[edit | edit source]

  • Introduction
    • High levels of CO2 emissions in South Africa
      • Coal -> 75% of energy supply -> 512 Mtons CO2 per year
      • Road Transport -> 43 ktons CO2 per yerar for combustion engines (CE)
    • EV increases CO2 if grid remains coal-based VS efficient CE cars
    • Charge EVs at work VS at home at night
    • PV and charge time optimization => EV advantages
    • Reviewed 9 studies
    • Goal: Measure: Measure for EV in different in South Africa: Carbon footprint, energy usage, load demand, cost impact
  • Methods
    • Simulation from perspective of employer, EV user, and electricity grid
    • South Africa weather conditions and data from University of Stellenbosch (Employer), and Eskom (grid)
    • EV Simulation: hourly data, inactive in weekends and Xmas holidays, half EVs active during other holidays
    • PV Simulation -> PV lib, per-minute analysis
  • Results and Discussion
    • EV Owner with 1 Vehicle
      • Petrol to EV w/ home charge or (home and work charge) -> higher CO2 (numbers given)
      • Petrol to EV w/ work place only charging -> lower CO2 (numbers given)
    • Employer w/ 1000EVs and 1000 Carports
      • Best Option peak demand and CO2: EV charging at both home and work (numbers given)
      • Best Option Cost: EV charging at work
    • Grid Perspective w/ 1million vehicles
      • Charging at home and or at work -> Best CO2 scenario
  • Conclusions
    • Owner Perspective -> better to own EV than petrol car; better to charge at work
    • Employer's Perspective -> better economics when EV charge at work; better CO2 when EV charge at home
    • Grid Perspective -> more pressure when EV charge only at home;
    • => need to investigate load balancing in the future for EVs.

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • PV carport decrease CO2 if at workplace (developing countries case)

Prediction and assessment of automated lifting system performance for multi-storey parking lots powered by solar energy[234][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Summary of Study[edit | edit source]

  • Introduction
    • Parking lot design challenge in new buildings in developing countries
    • Traffic congestion caused a 4% GDP loss in Egypt in 2016
    • Energy consumption statistics in Egypt
    • 30% pollution from cars comes from parking space search
    • Advantages and review of automated parking lot systems
    • Goal: Propose using Ren. Ener. in automated multi-story parking lots - performance, cost, and site impact analysis
    • Description of the proposed parking lot design
  • Methods
    • Design of automated lifting system
      • Rotary mechanism for lifting system
      • Scenario 1 -> 600m2 one floor: can lift 4 vehicles at a time
      • Scenario 2 -> 300m2 on two floors: can lift 6 vehicles at a time
      • Inputs: vehicle specs, lifting speed
      • Outputs: num cars lifted in 1hour
    • PV system design
      • Battery-equipped
      • PV modules + charge controller+ inverter + battery bank + backup AC loads + AC circuit load + bi-directional meter + grid
      • Details given on size of PV depending on speed and parking lot area
  • Results and Discussion
    • Scenario 1:
      • Lifting Speed: 6m/min -> 7.84 kW
      • Lifting Speed: 3m/min -> 3.92 kW
    • Scenario 2:
      • Lifting Speed: 6m/min -> 11.77 kW
      • Lifting Speed: 3m/min -> 5.88 kW
    • The system curbs extra waiting time for parking spot search
  • Environmental Studies
    • CO2 reduction from using PV
Parking Surface / Lift Speed 300/6 300/3 600/6 600/3
Electricity (MWh/year) 87.46 44.36 59.35 29.36
CO2 Savings (tons CO2/y) 77.84 52.82 39.48 26.13
Revenues ($/y) 2208 1498 1120 741
    • PV cost reduction in the same location when combined with storey parking lots
      • LCOE: 0.042 $/kWh
      • Previous studies: 0.16 $/kWh and 044 $/kWh

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • CO2 emission reductions quantification
  • LCOE cost reduction of the PV system

Integration of a Pilot PV Parking Lot and an Electric Vehicle in a University Campus Located in Curitiba: a Study Case[235][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Considering the increasing adoption of Hybrid Plug-in and Electric Cars, there are concerns about recharging process of these vehicles considering the capacity of grid to provide sufficient energy to that purpose. In the past years, the growth of distributed energy generation from renewable and clean energy sources, especially photovoltaics, represents a possible and feasible solution to supply the energy used on recharging electric vehicles and reduction of greenhouse emission gases as CO2. This article is a study case that analyzes the energy production of a solar carport, located at Federal Technological University of Paraná (UTFPR) at Neoville Campus, comparing with energy consumption of a commercial electric car for a city use purpose. Based on solar energy generation, data from the web monitoring platform, real positioning characteristics of the solar carport installation, irradiation data collected from the National Institute of Meteorology basis and with a solarimetric station located at the same place as the solar carport is installed, the solar energy production is rated using three different metrics: yield, performance ratio and capacity factor. These metrics are calculated with RADIASOL2 software, a free and precise tool, developed by Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) to execute computational simulation of photovoltaic systems using mathematical models. The results showed a slightly low energy production performance than expected, but more than enough energy to recharge an electric vehicle for a day use, demonstrating that a solar carport system could be a good solution to meet the energy demand for this application.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  • Introduction
    • Carport Project at University in Brazil
    • Goal: ...
  • Methods
    • Total PV power -> 4.89 kWp
    • Inverter -> 5kW
    • Inclination -> 10°, Azimuth
    • Energy Yield; Performance Ratio; Capacity Factor
  • Results and Discussion
    • EY -> 1.18 Mwh/kWp
    • PR -> 68.68%
    • CF -> 13.45%
    • CO2 avoided by an EV (Onix) -> 352 kgCO2 per month

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • CO2 emissions reduction quantification for EVs

Overarching Sustainable Energy Management of PV Integrated EV Parking Lots in Reconfigurable Microgrids Using Generative Adversarial Networks[236][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

In recent years, environmental issues have motivated the wide usage of electric vehicles (EVs) due to their zero tailpipe emission. However, this trend can pose severe challenges to power systems, such as decreasing equipment lifetime. Moreover, the CO2 emission of EVs is closer to that of internal combustion engine vehicles in some cases due to the carbon footprint of EV charging. Modeling the uncertain nature of EV users’ behavior is another obstacle due to the complex dynamics of these uncertainties. To overcome these problems, an overarching day-ahead smart charging method is proposed in this paper from the perspective of distribution system operators (DSOs), EV users, and governments simultaneously. The aim of the proposed method is to minimize the operating cost of microgrids, the degradation cost of EV batteries, and emission cost by scheduling the active and reactive power of EV parking lots integrated with photovoltaic (PV) systems as well as finding the optimum network configuration. Previous model-based methods cannot appropriately model uncertainties in EV users’ behavior because of some statistical assumptions. Nevertheless, this paper employs data-driven methods based on generative adversarial networks (GAN) to represent these uncertainties. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated by implementing it on a real reconfigurable microgrid. The results show that using the proposed method, the DSO and emission costs can reduce by 11.96% and 3.37% compared to the uncoordinated charging of EVs, respectively. Furthermore, the share of sustainable energy in EV charging increases by 9% using the proposed method.

Summary of Study[edit | edit source]

  • Introduction
    • Goal: Propose an EV-PV-Grid integration framework accounting for DSO costs, EV user cost, and Environmental costs
  • Methods
    • Optimization
    • Uncertainties modelling using generative adversarial networks (GAN)
      • PV output modelling
      • User behavior modelling
    • Constraints:
      • Power Flow and Voltage
      • Transformer and cables
      • EVs and Parking Lots
      • Reconfiguration
    • Equipment date provided
  • Results and Discussion
    • Environmental cost reduction in different scenario
    • Only cost is quantified, emissions not quantified

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Use of PV in new EV-PV-Grid framework reduces environmental cost
  • 2.53% inc., 1.34% decr., 3.3% inc., 3.37% incr. for scenarios 1 to 4 compared to base scenario.

Techno-economic analysis of photovoltaic rooftop system on car parking area in Rayong, Thailand[237][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The intensity of solar radiation in Thailand is sufficient to produce electricity, thus the government has unconditionally promoted electricity production from solar energy, known as photovoltaic power system. Although it can reduce energy costs, it should also be environmentally friendly. This research aims to design and evaluate the photovoltaic rooftop system by concerning economic feasibility, cost of energy, and the compensation for carbon dioxide emissions. The research methodology also calculates the installation area and the solar power generation potential. Carbon dioxide emissions compensation and cost-effectiveness tools are used to evaluate the overall system. The results revealed that the photovoltaic rooftop system had the production capacity of 31.49 kilowatt-hours with an installation area of 184 m2. Solar panels orient to north direction with 11 degrees tilt from horizontal plane. The PV rooftop system generated the highest electricity around 137.103 kilowatt-hours per year and electricity production per installed system size is 4.354 kilowatt-hours per kilowatt-power. Within the period of 25 years and interest rate of 6.3145 percent, this project would be worthwhileness for the investment because the payback period is 6.83 years, the net present value is 1,523,571.70 baht, internal rate of return is 17.85 percent, benefit–cost​ ratio is 1.77, cost of energy is 2.31 baht per kilowatt-hour, in addition to the project can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by up to 643.77 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent. The promotion of electricity production from solar energy will increase the sustainability of energy and environment. In addition, the project sensitivity study indicated that initial cost, interest rate, and electricity price will be the important factors in making a decision to initiate a project.

Summary of Study[edit | edit source]

  • Introduction
    • Goal: Using a PV rooftop system on top of a parking lot to generate electricity
  • Methods
    • Grid-connected PV design
    • Lifetime -> 25 years
    • Economic parameters:
      • Payback period
      • NPV
      • IRR
      • Benefit-cost ratio (BCR)
    • CO2 emissions assessment
  • Results and Discussion
    • PV System:
      • 94 PV modules - Junko 335W
      • Daily energy -> 137.103 kWh
      • PB, NPV, IRR, BCR results provided for different scenarios
    • GH Emission reductions over lifetime -> 643.77 tCO2eq

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Co2 emissions reductions

An exploratory study on road tunnel with semi-transparent photovoltaic canopy—From energy saving and fire safety perspectives[238][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Road tunnels consume a large amount of energy, especially in the Canadian cold climate, where the roads are heated electrically or deicing during the winter. For a more sustainable and resilient road tunnel energy system, we conducted an exploratory study on installing a semi-transparent photovoltaic (STPV) canopy at the entrances and exits of a tunnel under a river. The proposed system generates solar-powered electricity, improves thermal and visual conditions, and reduces energy loads. In this study, field measurements of road surface temperature and air temperature were conducted, and numerical simulations with and without STPV were performed to study air and road surface temperatures under different traffic speeds. The field measurements show the road surface temperatures are higher than the air temperature on average. The interior air and road surface temperature were measured to be above 0 °C, even though the outdoor temperature is far below 0 °C, thus significantly reducing the need for deicing in winter using salts. The simulations show that the air and surface temperatures elevate due to the solar transmission heat through the STPV canopy, thus reducing deicing energy consumption significantly. The fire safety analysis also showed that the proposed system’s top opening should be located near the tunnel entrance instead of the canopy entrance for better smoke exhaust during a fire.

Summary of Study[edit | edit source]

  • Introduction
    • Road tunnels require significant energy to maintain -> worsen by climate change
    • Use of PV is possible to power road tunnels -> refs provided
    • Past studies did not focus on thermal aspect of semi-transparent PV for road tunnels
    • No clear study as to the impact of PV canopy on road tunnel fire exhausts
    • Goal: exploring advanced technologies for underground road tunnels; impact of STPV on fire safety, thermal/energy performances;
  • Methods
    • Field Measurement / CFD / Fire Dynamic Simulator (FDS)
    • Road tunnel in Montreal beneath river -> description provided
    • 140m long STPV canopies installed at entrance and exits of tunnel
    • Road surface and air temperature measurement s using a vehicle running through the tunnel
    • Thermal model of PV canopies
    • Steady-state CFD analysis
  • Results and Discussion
    • During rush hour STPV offers temperature increase of ~2.1­°C for road and air temperature
    • No evident temp increase with STPV when non-rush hour -> about 0.9°C for air, and 0.2°C for road
    • No rush hour => less cars => faster car speed => increased air flow => more heat loss
    • STPV acts as greenhouse
    • Reducing heating load by STPV -> even more effective in rush hour
    • Fire study showed location for exhaust
    • No experimental data for fire simulation results
  • Conclusions

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Heat load reduction => reduction in energy for de-icing

Evaluation of solar photovoltaic carport canopy with electric vehicle charging potential[239][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

While sustainable mobility and decarbonization of transportation sector are among the most comprehensive solutions to the problem of climate change, electric vehicles (EV) are becoming increasingly popular as the future mode of transport. In this study, the integration of a solar carport canopy to a potential EV charging station is analyzed using various operating conditions. A detailed analysis has been provided for the carport located in southern Taiwan, Kaohsiung city, where electricity generation, emission impacts, and financial analysis of the solar EV charging station are discussed. The results of a case study showed a potential of 140 MWh/year of solar energy yield, which could provide solar electricity of more than 3000 vehicles per month with 1-h parking time, generating 94% lower total carbon dioxide emission than the electricity produced from traditional grid methods. Taken into account the impact of carbon tax implementation on driver economics, the results demonstrated the viability of such photovoltaic (PV)-based charging stations, particularly for possible higher carbon tax scenarios in the future. The presented results can be implemented on a larger scale, offering guidelines and tools for constructing solar-powered EV charging station infrastructure.

Summary of Study[edit | edit source]

  • Introduction
    • 2050 -> 2/3 humans will live in cities => sustainability threat
    • Electrification of transport essential for decarbonization and energy transition
    • PV need considerable land -> ref provided
    • BIPV challenging because complex geometry
    • PV challenging in urban areas because density, structure and building history
    • Possible solution -> convert parking lots into PV canopies
    • PV provides shade to pedestrian and vehicles -> good for extreme weather
    • Parking offers pre-cooling for vehicles => reduction in vehicle air-conditioning
    • Population density and land-terrain can limit PV deployment in high PV potential locations
    • Goal: presenting a framework for technical approaches and economic evaluation of carport solar panel shading deployment, as well as feasibility assessment for an EV charging station in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  • Methods
    • Helioscope and PVWatts Simulation
    • Equation provided for number of charging stations and distance traveled per charge
    • EC station grid-connected
  • Results and Discussion
    • Design PV able to charge b/w 2458 and 3592 vehicles in average -> charging/parking time: 2h to 30min
    • Annual energy output -> 140MWh
    • CO2 emissions -> 4 tons CO2/year -> 94% lower than grid in Taiwan currently
    • EV owners can save up to $60 by adopting PV-based EV charging if carbon tax is $50 and monthly parking fee is $85.
    • Potential Drawbacks: uncertainty on arrival and departure time; intensity of energy demand; lack of prediction about vehicles numbers, types, distances, charging time etc.
    • Risk of underproduction in winter and underutilization in summer

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • CO2 emissions reductions

Design and Optimization of Solar Carport Canopies for Maximum Power Generation and Efficiency at Bahawalpur[240][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

In recent years, the upturn demand of electricity and the generation of electrical power demand from fossil fuels are increasing day by day which results in environmental impacts on the atmosphere by greenhouse gases, and a high cost of electric power from these sources makes it unaffordable. The use of renewable energy sources can overcome this problem. Therefore, in this work, we present a solution by implementing the solar car parking lots. A detailed work has been done for solar car parking site selection and maximum solar electric power generation and its capacity effects with the shading of nearby trees and buildings by using the HelioScope online software developed by Folsom Labs. A detailed optimization and selection of car parking canopies are performed at different standard tilt angles to produce maximum solar photovoltaic energy, and it is analyzed that the monopitch canopy is the best to mount at solar car parking lots at a tilt angle of 10°. We have done a detailed economic analysis which shows that 14% electricity cost was offset by the installation of a solar car parking lot with 17% reduction in annual energy consumption from the grid at the proposed site. The total investment cost of the parking structure and the photovoltaic (PV) system can be paid back in 6-7 years.

Summary of Study[edit | edit source]

  • Introduction
    • Need to shift towards S.E. in Pakistan by 2050
    • Unavailability of lands in urban areas => potential solution: car parks
    • High irradiation in Pakistan
    • Goal: Solar carpark design in Islamia University of Bahawalpur
  • Methods
    • PV Carport Design
      • Num modules: 54
      • Azimuth: 180°
      • Tilt: depends on roof type: monopitch, duopitch, arched
    • Detailed shadow analysis
    • Helioscope for modelling
    • 2 Case studies: with and w/ shadow analysis
    • Optimizaition of carport structure and roof type
  • Results and Discussion
    • Energy production and economic performance.
    • List of benefits

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Benefits (not modeled):
    • CO2 emission reduction
    • Shading for cars
    • Car aesthetics protection

Evaluation of the energy-economic-environment potential of urban-scale photovoltaic bus parking lots: The case of Tianjin, China[241][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Integrating urban bus parking lots with photovoltaics is an important solution to promote carbon neutrality and net zero emissions in transportation systems. Except for the research on the integration of photovoltaics with car parking lots and bus roofs, not much attention has been paid to photovoltaic bus parking lots so far. We develop a new methodology for evaluating the potential of urban-scale photovoltaic bus parking lots. We use Google Earth, Baidu Panorama Map, Grasshopper, UAV, and PVSYST to evaluate the electrical generation potential of the bus parking lots integrated with photovoltaics in the central urban area of Tianjin. Considering the actual driving conditions of buses, the operating income and expenditure, and lifecycle energy demand, we evaluate the charging potential, economic feasibility, and environmental benefits of photovoltaic bus parking lots. The results show that the electrical generation of photovoltaic bus parking lot in the first year is 53971.96 MWh, which can meet the normal operation of 50% electric buses. When the self-use ratio of photovoltaic bus parking lot electrical generation is 40%, 80% and 100%, the system will reach the balance of payments in the 6.21st, 4.79th and 4.31st year respectively. The energy payback time of the photovoltaic bus parking system is 4.00 years. Our research demonstrates that photovoltaic bus parking lots have significant potential as one of the strategies for low-carbon and green transportation development in China. We also discuss policy measures that can promote their large-scale application. Finally, the method proposed in this study can help evaluate and understand the feasibility of charging electric buses by integrating photovoltaics in bus parking lots covering large-scale urban areas, thereby supporting decision-making and better planning of PV-integrated bus parking lot.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal:
      • evaluate energy-economic-environmental potential of bus parking lots
      • method to evaluate urban-scale PV bus parking lots
      • charging potential
      • economic + environmental benefits
  2. Methods
    • Location -> Tianjin, China
    • Software -> PVSyst
    • PV module -> mono-cSi
    • GHG emissions (CO2+SO2+NOx) emissions reduction -> calculated using offset emissions from coal (emission factor)
    • Lifetime -> 25 years
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Area -> 194,942.09m²
    • Energy -> 53,971.96 MWh/y
    • Energy yield -> 1321 kWh/kWp
    • power -> 40851 kWp
    • GHG emissions savings
      • CO2 -> 27812.76 t/y
      • SO2 -> 353.48 t/y
      • NOx -> 160.67 t/y
      • Dust -> 273.14 t/y
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Mentioned in Intro
    • GHG emissions reduction
  • GHG emisisons reduction
    • offset emission factor method
    • CO2 -> 27812.76 t/y
    • SO2 -> 353.48 t/y
    • NOx -> 160.67 t/y
    • Dust -> 273.14 t/y
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency
40,841kWp mono-cSi Tianjin, China 25 years 53,971.96 MWh/y

Assessment and optimization of carport structures for photovoltaic systems: A path to sustainable energy development[242][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Parking lots cover a large area around many institutions that have great potential for integrating photovoltaic systems that might serve local electricity needs or export to the utility grid. This article presents the engineering strategies and economic analysis required for the deployment of solar photovoltaic carports. It thoroughly discusses assessment of solar resources, PV module technology, tilt angle, orientation, and carport design required for this type of installation. A series of experiments are performed at a proposed location to optimize the design of carport shed structures. A comparison of PV system installed on different carport structures shows that the photovoltaic system installed on a monopitch carport structure produces maximum energy as compared to other carport structures, and have a high-performance ratio and specific yield. For the monopitch carport structure, annual generation is 262.2 MWh, performance ratio is 82.0% and specific yield is 1,737.4. After selecting an optimal carport design, this work is additionally supported by a case study conducted for a parking lot of a public institute in a metropolitan city. The output of the PV system installed on the carport at total collector irradiation level is 3,176,090.9 kWh, after temperature, mismatch, and inverter losses, the total energy injected into the grid is 2,721,657.5 kWh. The power factor in the existing system is between 0.74 and 0.88. After installing the photovoltaic system, the minimum PF is 0.90 and the maximum PF is 0.99, these values are very close to the unity, which is a positive sign for a healthy system with low current and copper losses. After installing the photovoltaic system, the receiving terminal voltage is significantly higher compared to the existing system and also very near to the nominal receiving end line-to-line voltage of 440 V. The levelized cost of electricity of the PV system is calculated to be 0.12 USD/kWh, while the electricity cost of the conventional utility grid is 0.35 USD/kWh. As a result, the public institute saved 0.23 USD per kilowatt-hour. To encourage such installations in metropolitan areas, our research presents an approach and analysis that are globally applicable.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal:
      • carport design for public institute
      • shading analysis
      • experimetal setup evaluation
      • CO2 analysis
  2. Methods
    • Software -> Helioscope
    • PV power
      • 1.59MW -> 2.722 GWh/y
  3. Results and Discussion
    • CO2 emisisons reduciotn -> 51,833.48 tons CO2/y
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • CO2 emissions reduciton
    • emission factor
    • 51,833.48 tons CO2/y
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

[Link Title][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Grid Support[edit | edit source]

Virtual Inertia-Based Control Strategy of Two-Stage Photovoltaic Inverters for Frequency Support in Islanded Micro-Grid[243][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

For an islanded micro-grid with a high penetration of photovoltaic (PV) power generators, the low inertia reserve and the maximum peak power tracking control may increase the difficulty of maintaining the system’s supply–demand balance, and cause frequency instability, especially when the available generation is excessive. This will require changes in the way the PV inverter is controlled. In this paper, a virtual inertia frequency control (VIFC) strategy is proposed to let the two-stage PV inverters emulate inertia and support the system frequency with a timely response (e.g., inertia response), and the required power for inertia emulation is obtained from both the DC-link capacitor and the PV reserved energy. As the rate of the system frequency change can be reduced with the inertia increase, the proposed method can mitigate the frequency contingency event before the superior-level coordination control is enabled for the frequency restoration. The simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

Summary of Study[edit | edit source]

  • Introduction
    • “decentralized, decarbonize, and democratize” electricity systems to improve reliability, reduce CO2 emissions, and improve access
    • Definitions and features of a DER
    • PV penetration can cause freq. reg. challenge => no moving part
    • MPPT can worsen freq challenge
    • Mentioned possible solutions and challenges
    • Goal: Proposing a virtual inertia frequency control (VIFC) strategy for the two-stage PV generators in an islanded micro-grid
  • Methods
    • Principles and implementation of the VSG
    • Description, design, and operation of virtual inertia frequency controller
    • Controller implemented and diagram of VIFC provided
    • Simulations
  • Results and Discussion
    • VIFC showed a good performance
  • Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Grid frequency support

Peer-to-peer-based integrated grid voltage support function for smart photovoltaic inverters[244][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The increasing penetration of renewable energy sources is impacting the operation of the distribution grid. Whilst they are currently placing a burden on the distribution grid, it is generally agreed that these sources could also be used for active grid control, thereby contributing to a stable and secure grid. Smart photovoltaic inverters can contribute to active grid control, by expanding their features with added functions. In this paper, we develop a novel grid voltage support algorithm for smart photovoltaic inverters, based on distributed optimization and peer-to-peer communication. The Jacobi-Proximal Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers is applied in this paper to locally optimize reactive power compensation and active power curtailment of each inverter participating in the voltage control. We propose the use of a push-sum gossip protocol to enable peer-to-peer data interchange between inverters. We also use strategies to improve the robustness of the proposed algorithm: an acceleration strategy, a feedback strategy and an anti-windup strategy. A case study is presented, demonstrating the fast convergence of the algorithm and its ability to solve the voltage problems.

Summary of Study[edit | edit source]

  • Introduction
    • PV initially designed for low penetration
    • Inverters initially not designed for grid support => only connect/disconnect
    • Classical grid designed for specific min/max values => PV penetration brings uncertainties => reverse power flow, voltage rise
    • Traditional solutions mentioned => but can be expensive
    • New PV inverters => active power curtailment + reactive power compensation
    • Advantages and Drawbacks of Centralized and Decentralized inverter controls
    • Goal: develops a novel fast distributed optimization-based voltage control algorithm using a change in Q and P curtailment of some participating PV inverters installed in the grid to regulate the voltage profiles within allowed limits.
  • Methods
    • Peer-2-peer systems description
    • Voltage control optimization problem
    • Use of multi-block Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM)
    • Optimization goal: minimize Q and P curtailment to maintain an acceptable V
    • Linearised power flow equations
    • Case study => typical Flemish (Belgium) semi-urban distribution network.
    • Matlab/Simulink simulation => parameters provided
  • Results and Discussion
    • Exceeded V limit with no P2P-based GVSF
    • Using P2P-based GVSF constrained the voltage within accepted limits
  • Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Voltage Regulation

An Enhanced Two-Stage Grid-Connected Linear Parameter Varying Photovoltaic System Model for Frequency Support Strategy Evaluation[245][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Securing a future sustainable decarbonised economy involves moving towards a system with rising penetration levels of distributed photovoltaics (PVs) within the low voltage distribution network (LVDN). This power system evolution is displacing conventional generators and has resulted in a decline in inertia that is essential for frequency stability. Emerging network codes require PV generators to maintain a scheduled curtailed active power (CAP) reserve for under-frequency contingencies. In this paper, the development, verification and application of an enhanced, two-stage grid-connected, state-space, linear parameter varying (LPV) PV system model is presented. The LPV model provides accurate and efficient modelling for PV systems over the wide range of operating points associated with curtailed active power and is suitable for power systems with large numbers of distributed PV systems capable of frequency support in the LVDN, to be simulated within reasonable simulation times. In addition, the LPV model can be used to investigate voltage rise due to reverse active power. The model performance is evaluated using recorded experimental data with step changes in irradiation and active power curtailment. The measured data is generated from a power hardware in the loop (PHIL) testbed. The model’s performance is investigated on an adapted radial European LVDN benchmark with several distributed PV systems to present some of the challenges, opportunities and benefits. Step changes in solar irradiation are used to evaluate the dynamic behaviour of the LPV model compared to a discrete-time electromagnetic transient (EMT) model. A frequency droop control characteristic for frequency support is demonstrated. The results show a computational burden reduction of 132:1 compared to the EMT model and demonstrate the voltage rise due to reverse active power from providing frequency support during under-frequency contingencies.

Summary of Study[edit | edit source]

  • Introduction
    • DG PV displaces conventional Synch. Gen => inertia decrease => frequ. stability issues
    • New DER should provide grid support
    • EMT model slow in analyzing DER systems
    • Goal: Proposing linear parameter varying (LPV) PV model for 2-stage PV system operating away for MPP
  • Methods
    • Description of the 2-stage PV system
    • MPPT using irradiation and temperature
    • EMT Model of PV described
    • LPV Model design and experimental validation
    • 3-phase network simulation
  • Results and Discussion
    • Frequency curtailed using the LPV PV model => some values provided
    • Comparison of 3 different models (EMT vs AVERAGE vs LPV)
  • Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Grid frequency support

Distributed dynamic grid support using smart PV inverters during unbalanced grid faults[246][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

A dynamic voltage support strategy using smart photovoltaic (PV) inverters during unbalanced grid faults events is proposed. It uses Karush–Kuhn–Tucker condition for finding optimal solutions to calculate the inverter's active and reactive current references. The proposed methodology also takes the X/R ratio into consideration which allows the inverter to differentiate weak or strong grid conditions and adjust its reference currents. Existing multiple-complex coefficient-filter based phase locked loop is used to extract the positive and negative sequence components. The proposed strategy deploys existing dual vector current control to ensure optimal current injection and low voltage ride through. A distributed ride-through coordination approach among multiple inverters is also proposed based on different optimisation goals – either fundamental positive or fundamental negative sequence voltage support. The strategy is simulated, and inverter's transient performance is experimentally verified on a modified IEEE-13 bus test feeder using controller hardware-in-the-loop approach. Results show substantial evidence that the proposed method can be successfully applied to support the grid during an unbalanced fault event.

Summary of Study[edit | edit source]

  • Introduction
    • High penetration of PV => Grid challenges
    • Challenging for inverters to stay synched to grid in V-sagt
    • IEEE standard => PV inverters must ride through V-sags
    • Goal: proposes a mathematical formulation to calculate inverter's reference current signal based on (i) the well-known Karush–Kuhn–Tucker (KKT) conditions to ensure optimality and (ii) X/R ratio of the line to support weak and strong grid conditions.
  • Methods
    • Description of newly proposed control strategy that guarantees low voltage ride-through
    • MATLAB/Simulink for simulation
  • Results and Discussion
    • Results show reduction in voltage variation and provides voltage ride through during V-Sag
  • Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Voltage Regulation

Advanced Frequency Support Strategy of Double-Stage Grid-Connected PV Generation[247][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

With an increasing penetration of PV generation in the electrical grid, the increasing replacement of large conventional synchronous generators by PV generation will result in deteriorated frequency regulation performance due to the reduced system inertia response. It is urgent for PV generation to take part in frequency regulation. In this paper, three virtual inertial control strategies are proposed for double-stage grid-connected PV generation: virtual inertial control based on the dynamics of phase-locked loop (PLL), virtual inertial control based on the dynamics of low voltage DC capacitor, virtual inertial control based on the dynamics of high voltage DC capacitor. The influence of control parameters on virtual inertial control strategies is also analyzed. Besides, in order to get an even better frequency behavior, a coordinated control strategy between PV generation and conventional synchronous generators (SGs) is also proposed. Finally, the theoretical analysis and control strategies are verified by simulation results.

Summary of Study[edit | edit source]

  • Introduction
    • Passive PV inverters => PV penetration impacts grid freq. regulation
    • PV should be active in grid regulation
    • Review of single stage and double stage PV gen.
    • Goal: comparison of coordinated control strategy and three virtual inertial control strategies for double-stage grid-connected PV generation: virtual inertial control based on the dynamics of PLL, virtual inertial control based on the dynamics of low voltage DC capacitor, virtual inertial control based on the dynamics of high voltage DC capacitor.
  • Methods
    • Description of the double-stage PV gen with PV model and control strategies
    • Description of 3 virtual inertial control strategies
    • Description of coordinated control strategy
    • Simnulaiton in PSCAD
  • Results and Discussion
    • Frequency control improvement using coordinated strategy > inertial control > no control strategy
  • Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Frequency control

A Grid-Support Strategy With PV Units to Boost Short-Term Voltage Stability Under Asymmetrical Faults[248][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Modern grid codes demand the integration of voltage support capability with photo-voltaic (PV) generators to ensure a secure operation of power systems. On the other hand, short-term voltage instability (STVI) of distribution networks (DNs) is one of the key issues to be addressed. It can occur due to high proportion of induction motor loads. However, the existing literature lacks a thorough analysis of short-term voltage stability (STVS) of DNs following an asymmetrical fault. Furthermore, an effective voltage-support strategy for PV units, which can improve the STVS while mitigating the excessive voltage swell, is essential for secure operation. Hence, firstly this paper thoroughly investigates the STVS of DNs subjected to asymmetrical faults. It is perceived that voltage support through conventional methods can increase the risk of STVI and excessive voltage swell. Secondly, a new voltage-support strategy is proposed based on the negative sequence voltage at point of common coupling (PCC) aimed at mitigating the STVI and regulating the phase voltages within the margins. The key features of the proposed strategy are, fast and accurate estimation of the network's impedance at PCC is not required and it can be easily re-designed considering the network's dynamic behaviors. The efficacy of the proposed method is validated on two IEEE benchmark test systems, and the results demonstrate the effectiveness in improving the STVS and alleviating over voltage issues.

Summary of Study[edit | edit source]

  • Introduction
    • Description of short term voltage instability and stability and impacts of PV
    • Injection of active and reactive power into the grid proposed for voltage reg.
    • Presented existing literature on active and reactive power control and limitations => no voltage dynamics analyzed under asymmetrical faults
    • Goal: Proposed a new control strategy for voltage support
  • Methods
    • PV systems description
    • Grid requirement under asymmetrical faults
    • Theory of characterization of asymmetrical faults and voltage support control
    • Reactive power generation and peak current control
    • Case study on a modified IEEE 4-bus and 13-bus weak grids
    • Description of the newly proposed control strategy based onn (-)ve seq. voltage and amplitude of Phase voltages
  • Results and Discussion
    • Proposed strategy regulated voltage within LVRT and HVRT boundaries => uninterrupted operation of PV during faults => increased reliability and security of grid
  • Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Voltage regulation

Optimising energy storage for domestic household with PV to support the grid[249][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

In this paper, load profile modelling is introduced as the basis of the research, and a practical photovoltaic (PV) profile for a typical UK household with 4kW solar system is presented to couple with the load. An evaluation on the combined profile throughout a year is done to size the required battery, and a smart domestic energy storage system is developed to integrate the domestic energy storage facility with the renewable energy generation system, in order to create a win-win situation for customers and grid. By using PV as an alternative energy resource to power the home appliances, the system can reduce the dependence of household on grid, it can reduce the stress on the grid by managing the loads and exporting excess energy back to grid to balance peak demand. Also it can cut the electricity bill for customers and make profit by selling electricity to grid. Moreover, the electricity tariff is considered in this study for system validation. The payback period of the system is evaluated against different sizes of PV-battery

Summary of Study[edit | edit source]

  • Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  • Methods
    • Fill in ...
  • Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  • Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]


Power Quality Enhancement and Grid Support Using Solar Energy Conversion System[250][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Converter-based loads are increasing due to their numerous advantages such as easy control, modularity and reduced cost. Converters suffer from reactive power consumption and generate harmonics that are injected into the system. Conventionally, passive power filters and capacitor banks take care of harmonics and reactive power respectively. However, they are bulky and possess challenges like series and parallel resonance. The shunt active power filters (APFs) could be considered the resolution for the same. If the shunt APF is operated in distribution-static compensator (D-STATCOM) mode, both i.e. load harmonics and reactive power could be compensated. A solar energy conversion system has been used in this study for the compensation of both load harmonics and load reactive power along with injection of the power generated. MATLAB-based simulations are carried out for the implementation of the same. Results depict the successful operation of the solar energy conversion system with grid support and enhancement of power quality.

Summary of Study[edit | edit source]

  • Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  • Methods
    • Fill in ...
  • Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  • Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]


Dynamic Voltage Support for Low-Voltage Ride-Through Operation in Single-Phase Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems[251][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

This article presents a dynamic voltage support (DVS) scheme for achieving low-voltage ride-through (LVRT) with a grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) inverter during the voltage sag fault. The DVS scheme is achieved by formulating an additional reactive active current control mode which is developed from a conventional reactive current control approach. This provides stable operation of the system and achieves higher effectiveness due to the lower X/R ratio at the point of common coupling in low-voltage networks. Further, the performance of the proposed controller is assessed by simulating a 4 kW system for voltage sag faults. Further, the proposed controller tested with the real-time simulations and experimental setup for voltage sag conditions. The results presented demonstrate that the active and reactive power is regulated in concordance with grid code requirements. The controller achieves LVRT within the time limits of grid standard during symmetrical faults, which makes it appropriate for fast transient events. This operates the PV system under its nominal capacity, avoiding unwanted grid disconnection events.

Summary of Study[edit | edit source]

  • Introduction
    • PV contributes to power saturation issues on grids
    • Massive disconnection of PV during faults => intsability => need to keep PV on LVRT during faults
    • Accomplished through control
    • Summarized previous study in the PV LVRT during faults
    • Goal: Review GCPVS controls and proposition of a new control scheme for PV LVRT
  • Methods
    • Grid control system described
    • LVRT and non-LVRT modes defined
    • MATLAB/Simulink
    • Experimental Setup
  • Results and Discussion
    • New control scheme shows PV LVRT
  • Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Voltage Control

Solar-Charged Electric Vehicles: A Comprehensive Analysis of Grid, Driver, and Environmental Benefits[252][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

To date, solar-powered electric vehicles (EVs) have often been considered as niche projects or with small vehicle rooftop panels that can slightly extend the electric driving range. This article proposes a large-scale solar EV concept with low-cost, flexible, and thin-film solar cells integrated onto the steel of all upward-facing vehicle body panels as a viable solution to help mitigate EV charging and range concerns and the high cost and solar power intermittency of individual residential rooftop solar installations. Only by considering the full range of benefits, namely to the grid, driver, and environment, the value of solar-charged EVs can truly be appreciated. This article models the effect of panel tilt and partial shading on the solar energy capture of 150 drivers to analyze grid, driver, and environmental benefits in Los Angeles (LA) and Detroit over the course of a full year. The simulations predict net annual vehicle energy use reductions of 21.5% in LA and 17.5% in Detroit for average cloud conditions, compared to a nonsolar EV.

Summary of Study[edit | edit source]

  • Introduction
    • EV can curve CO2 emissions => statistics on EV
    • EV charging increases grid emissions
    • EV overload grid transformers and increase losses
    • Xformer replacement deferred by PV (4-years)
    • Review of PV studies on EV
    • Potential to improve efficiency by 20%
    • Goal: proposes the concept of an EV with low-cost flexible thin-film PV cells integrated directly onto the steel of all upward-facing body panels of the vehicle.
  • Methods
    • Use of ICE data collected in Toronto ON
    • Grid data detail
    • Simulation run for Detroit and L.A.
    • Model of Solar EV (SEV) proposed based onChevy Bolt, equations provided
    • MATLAB Simulink
    • on-board solar cell, Battery charging, partial shading, and power electronics, and xfrmer aging modeling
  • Results and Discussion
    • Integrating PV on EV => 33.3% less energy taken from the grid on sunny day
    • 21.5%, 17.5% energy reduction in LA, and Detroit
    • Improvement in energy use, grid benefits, driver benefits(cost and driving distance), and environmental benefits - Quantification provided
  • Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • CO2 emissions reduction
  • Charging cost reduciton
  • Driving range extension
  • Transformer aging reduction

A Voltage Support Control Strategy for Grid Integrated Solar PV System During Abnormal Grid Conditions Utilizing Interweaved GI[253][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

The prime facets for the control of grid integrated voltage source converters (VSC) during abnormal grid variations are the control of voltage as well as power quality. In this article, a unique control strategy is presented for the control of solar photovoltaic (PV) system interfaced to the grid utilizing an interweaved generalized integrator. A single-stage three-phase topology is considered. The primary purpose of control is to deliver the PV power to the grid even during various abnormal grid variations. During normal operation, the system delivers power at unity power factor. However, during variations in the grid voltage, the profile of the PCC voltage is maintained within prescribed limits by reactive power injection. Moreover, LVRT operation is undertaken during severe voltage sags. The utilization of the system is increased in the absence of PV generation during night, the VSC and dc link capacitor act as a distribution static compensator. Contrary to traditional control techniques, power quality of the system is not compromised. The achievements of the control are demonstrated through simulation as well as with hardware implementation. Furthermore, a comparative analysis, with the state-of-the-art techniques, is highlighted, which shows the efficacy of the presented control.

Summary of Study[edit | edit source]

  • Introduction
    • PV penetration increases => power quality issues
    • Mitigation control strategy using reactive power control can worsen the issue => need of control strategy w/ PLL
    • Review of such control strategies and their limitations
    • Goal: a novel control strategy namely interweaved generalized integrator (IGI) is presented for numerous objectives
  • Methods
    • System schematic
    • Single stage 3-Phase inverter
    • MPPT -> incremental conductance
    • IGI control description detailed
    • MATLAB/Simulink Simulation for abnormal grid conditions
  • Results and Discussion
    • Control strategy maintained voltage in expected range
    • allowed LVRT
  • Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Voltage regulation

A Grid-tied PV Inverter with Sag-severity-independent Low-voltage Ride Through, Reactive Power Support, and Islanding Protection[254][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

This paper proposes a grid-tied photovoltaic (PV) inverter capable of low-voltage ride through (LVRT), reactive power support, and islanding protection. Unlike other LVRT inverters, the proposed inverter is independent of sag severity while maintaining the maximum power-point tracking (MPPT) under normal and faulty conditions. The addition of an energy storage buffer stage mitigates the DC-link voltage surge during sags. At the same time, the inverter injects the reactive power during back-to-back sags of variable depths. The control system of the inverter generates the appropriate reference signals for normal, LVRT, and anti-islanding modes while the MPPT continues running. The salient features of the proposed inverter are: (1) active power injection under normal grid conditions; (2) sag-depth independent LVRT with reactive power support; (3) no DC-link fluctuations; (4)continuous MPPT mode; and (5) simultaneous LVRT and anti-islanding support during a grid outage. The inverter demonstrates an uninterrupted operation and seamless transition between various operating modes. Simulations and the experimental prototype have been implemented to validate the efficacy of the proposed PV inverter.

Summary of Study[edit | edit source]

  • Introduction
    • Influx of PV => grid instabilities
    • STATCOM as solution for larger grid, not possible for DG
    • MPPT turn off during LVRT => power loss
    • Review of PV-battery grid tied systems
    • Goal: extends the existing hybrid PV inverter capabilities with novel features highlighted in the subsequent paragraph.
  • Methods
    • Effect of Voltage SAG on inverter
    • Description of LVRT
    • Detailed description of controller
  • Results and Discussion
    • LVRT
    • Voltage regulation through VAR injection
    • Anti-islanding
  • Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Voltage regulation

Grid Support Benefits of Solar PV Systems as STATCOM (PV-STATCOM) Through Converter Control: Grid Integration Challenges of Solar PV Power Systems[255][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Inverter-based resources (IBRs) such as solar PV systems and wind power systems are experiencing a phenomenal growth worldwide in an effort to minimize carbon emissions. It is anticipated by the International Renewable Energy Agency that by 2050 about 35% of world?s electricity will be provided by solar PV systems. Increasingly ambitious targets are being set by various countries to achieve 100% renewable power generation in narrowing time horizons. However, IBRs present unique integration challenges that include: 1) an increase in steady-state voltages resulting in reduced hosting capacity of solar systems, 2) voltage fluctuations, 3) reverse power flows, 4) interaction with conventional voltage regulation equipment, 5) variability of power output, 6) balancing power supply and demand, 7) changes in active power flow in feeders, 8) increased line losses, 9) harmonic injections, 10) protection and control issues, 11) reduced short circuit current issues, 12) unintentional islanding; and so on. Displacement of conventional fossil-fired generating systems by IBRs and also high penetration of the latter causes frequency regulation issues and an increase in power oscillations due to a reduction in overall system inertia.

Summary of Study[edit | edit source]

  • Introduction
    • Specified 12 challenges caused by IBRs
    • Possible solution => smart inverters
    • PV as VAR compensator => PV STATCOM
    • Provides 12 benefits of STATCOMS and SVC
    • Goal: description of PV STATCOM benefits to transmission and distribution systems + field demo with induction motor stabilization
  • Methods
    • Description of full and partial PV-STATCOM for night and day operation
    • Review of real-life applications of FACTS for motor stabilization
    • System description including PV, single line diagram, and grid
    • Controller design -> abc-dq axis transformation + PLL
  • Results and Discussion
    • Motor voltage stabilized by PV-STATACOM during day and night
    • Advantages in distribution -> increased connectivitiy of wind, eliminates need for STATCOM, line losses reduction => savings
    • Advantages in transmission -> power transmission capacity increased, damped power oscillations, fast frequency regulation, SSR reduction, alleviate fault-induced delayed voltage recovery
    • 4 to 10 times more economical than STATCOMs
    • Quicker to implement
  • Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Voltage regulation of motor (additional benefits mentioned)

A systematic approach to estimate the frequency support from large-scale PV plants in a renewable integrated grid[256][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Photovoltaic systems, one of the major renewable energy systems (RESs), are getting integrated into conventional power grids in large-scale, substituting synchronous generators. However, PV systems lack inertia inherently and cannot provide any reserve power. Consequently, large-scale PV integrated grid faces severe frequency instability problems following a synchronous generator tripping event. Although various kinds of external storage systems are utilized to improve frequency response, they pose substantial economic challenges for grid operators. Deloaded PV systems, on the other hand, can assist in enhancing frequency stability without any external supporting mechanisms. In order to maintain frequency stability with minimal expenditure, an accurate estimation of the deloading percentage of PV systems is required. To this end, this paper proposes a novel methodology of estimating appropriate deloading percentages for PV systems in terms of frequency response parameters, using multiple linear regression analysis (MLRA). Simulations are conducted for different PV penetration levels on modified IEEE 39 bus test system. Additionally, a thorough performance comparison of deloaded PV integrated grid with both battery energy storage system (BESS) and synchronous condenser (SC) installed PV integrated grid is conducted. The findings support the feasibility of our method, allowing for accurate estimation and justifying the deployment of grid-connected deloaded PV systems. Deloaded PV systems also outperform other supporting mechanisms in terms of performance. Moreover, they provide insights on how the required deloading percentage decreases with increasing PV penetration. This paper can be used as a guide for grid designers to ensure that PV systems are properly deloaded to maintain frequency stability in large-scale PV integrated grids.

Summary of Study[edit | edit source]

  • Introduction
    • PV integration into grid => stability challenges -> frequency stability
    • Review of frequency stability studies
    • Review of proposed solution mechanisms => additional devices needed => higher costs
    • Possible solution => using PV inverters -> deloading of PV
    • Review of deloaded PV studies => research gaps in this field
    • Goal: provide a systematic technique based on frequency response characteristics for determining the needed deloading percentage of PV systems in a power grid.
  • Methods
    • Software used -> DIgSILENT
    • PV system model
    • Deloaled PV explanation
    • Use of frequency nadir and ROCOF for performance evaluation
    • Detailed step-by-step operation of the algorithm (flowchart)
    • USe of multilinear regress.
    • Different levels of PV penertration: 20 - 60%
  • Results and Discussion
    • Maintaining freq level between required interval: deloaded PV > BESS > Synchronous converter
    • True even at higher percentages
    • No economic analysis included
  • Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Frequency support

Using PV inverters for voltage support at night can lower grid costs[257][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Areas with sparse transmission lines are common in regions with high solar energy potential and need voltage support. This may require installing expensive voltage compensators, such as static synchronous compensators (STATCOMs). This expense can increase the cost and decrease the acceptance of large-scale adoption of solar power. Unlike current photovoltaic (PV) inverter controllers, which provide voltage support only during the day, commercially available augmented voltage controllers can provide voltage support at night. We examine whether PV inverters improve nighttime voltage on the grid and how much such an operation would cost compared to a STATCOM. We ran grid contingency analyses on a model for West Texas within the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) jurisdiction under spring and summer conditions to determine if PV inverters can support nighttime voltage under varying reactive power demand. The cost of reactive power has not been defined previously, especially in the context of the United States. Our methods and application provide a way to determine the cost of reactive power for both PV project developers and system planners. Allowing PV inverters to provide reactive power can reduce system costs by millions of dollars, or 4–15 times less costly than installing a STATCOM. We determined inverter voltage support costs by calculating the cost of earlier inverter replacements due to increased reactive power output and voltage controllers. The net system savings argue for ERCOT changing their voltage support policies to incentivize PV plants to provide voltage support at night.

Summary of Study[edit | edit source]

  • Introductigeon
    • Generators, mototrs, and transformers need VAR support => utility cost increases
    • PV provide support during day but not night
    • Cost description of existing STATCOMs
    • Review of previous work on STATCOMs and limitations
    • Voltage support becoming requirement on some grid -> but not quantified in PV analysis
    • Goal: examined whether PV inverters can prevent nighttime voltage excursions and used a discounted cash flow model to perform the cost comparison
  • Methods
    • Power systems voltage analysis of ERCOT model -> power flow
    • MATLAB/Simulink simulation
    • Comparison b/ inverterwith an without voltage support
    • Inverter degradation analysis
    • Contingency analysis
    • Data from 2000-2019
    • Model details provided -> PV inverter lifetime model, VAR cost model
  • Results and Discussion
    • PV inverter stabilized grid during nighttime in different contigencies
    • PV inverter lifetime decreased due to VAR generation (from 25.9 to 24.6 years (only day VAR support) to 23.8 years (all time VAR support))
    • Estimated cost of VAR in Texas: USD20.20/kVAR
  • Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Voltage support

Operational performance and grid-support assessment of distributed flexibility practices among residential prosumers under high PV penetration[258][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

This study explores the impacts of increased photovoltaic (PV) penetration on a real-world power grid. Detailed operational scenarios of existing distributed energy technologies, including grid-tied PV, heat pump, micro-cogeneration, and battery systems among smart residential prosumers are examined using smart meter data. Then, to quantify the grid-support interactions of the decentralized electricity generation and consumption under high grid PV penetration, we introduce grid-support indicators to recognize their induced month-to-month variations based on the dynamic grid spot trading price and carbon emission density profiles. The results show that increased electricity consumption is attractive when the flexible consumption is shifted to a low grid spot trading price and carbon emission intensity period. The grid-support benefits of distributed generators are improved when their output enables a reduction in imported electricity during the grid residual load peak period. The direct simple integration of distributed PV generation makes it difficult to achieve grid-support operation at high solar penetration levels. The analysis results provide insight into the favorable scheduling of the heat pump consumption for time periods corresponding to a large quantity of available on-site PV generation to improve the grid-support performance. The results would help policymakers govern grid-support assets more equitably from a system-level perspective.

Summary of Study[edit | edit source]

  • Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  • Methods
    • Fill in ...
  • Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  • Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]


Power coupling and grid-connected support control of the PV/ESS power generation system with virtual inertia[259][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Under virtual synchronous control, the photovoltaic energy storage grid-connected system can realize synchronous grid connection. However, the power coupling relationship between units needs to be analyzed to reduce additional operation risks and improve the support performance of virtual synchronous control. In this paper, the definition of virtual inertia of the energy storage device is described, and the power coupling relationship between the virtual synchronous generator and synchronous generator is analyzed by establishing a small-signal model of photovoltaic energy storage grid-connected power generation system. The influence of the power coupling control coefficient on the static and transient stability of the grid-connected system is analyzed by the extended equal area rule and eigenvalue method. Based on this, a power coupling control strategy is proposed to improve inertia and damping support performance. Finally, a grid-connected power generation simulation system with a high proportion of photovoltaic energy storage is built to test and verify. The results demonstrate that the proposed control can reduce the risk of power oscillation induced by virtual inertia and improve the grid-connected system’s frequency support and power oscillation suppression ability.

Summary of Study[edit | edit source]

  • Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  • Methods
    • Fill in ...
  • Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  • Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]


Efficient PV-grid system integration with PV-voltage-source converter reactive power support[260][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

In this work, a complete model for the integration between the Photovoltaic Distributed Generation System (PV-DGS) and the utility grid is simulated by MATLAB/SIMULINK. The aims of this study are to provide active power of a given feeder and to improve the output power quality from the PV-DGS unit. To achieve these aims, Two PV-arrays with total power yield equal to 200 KW are modeled. The maximum power point tracking based on the perturb and observe technique is used to control the DC-DC converter. The voltage source converter is controlled to allow the system to operate in different modes. These modes are the unity output power factor and the reactive power compensation. Different control techniques have been applied including the conventional PI controller as well as the intelligent optimization tuning. A complete comparison between both techniques has been introduced and analyzed.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal
      • proposed an auxiliary converter to overcome transient issues of PV-DGS
  2. Methods
    • Software -> MATLAB
    • PV Components
      • PV Array
      • DC-DC converter + mppt
      • capacitor bank
      • VSC
      • transfrmormer
      • breaker
    • PV Power -> 200kW
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Active power generation reduced by 0.35%
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Voltage regulation
    • Control strategy
    • reduced fluctuaiton from 0.69% to 0.43%
  • THD reduction
    • Control startegy
    • reduced from 3.07% to 0.733%
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Frequency support control of two-stage photovoltaic grid-connected system based on virtual governor[261][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Given the urgent need for photovoltaic (PV) energy to participate in grid frequency regulation, a control strategy of the DC/DC converter of a two-stage PV system based on the virtual governor (PV-VG) is proposed in this paper. First, a one-step PV maximum power point estimation (MPPE) method is proposed, which can obtain the reference voltage corresponding to the maximum power point and the power deload point, and some complex iterative calculations and sampling processes are circumvented. Then, based on the constant DC bus voltage of the two-stage PV system, the coupling mathematical model of boost circuit duty cycle (D) and PV output power is established. According to the power setting and frequency deviation, the D is taken as the direct control target to reflect the direct coupling characteristics of D and grid frequency (f-D) so that the PV system can adjust the output power reference independently according to the grid frequency deviation. Finally, a simulation model is built in Matlab/Simulink and RT-LAB, and the results show that the accuracy of the proposed one-step MPPE method is over 99.8%, and the correctness and efficiency of the PV-VG control strategy are verified in some case study.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Benefit Analysis of Grid Connected Photovoltaic Solar System with Energy Storage[262][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

HIGHLIGHTS Commissioning of Grid connected photovoltaic Solar System with Energy storage in Curitiba. Storage energy with lead-acid batteries in Brazil. Bidirectional inverters. Energy Time Shift.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

A Robust Control Approach for Frequency Support Capability of Grid-Tie Photovoltaic Systems[263][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Distributed solar photovoltaic (PV) generation is growing rapidly around the world. However, unlike conventional synchronous generators, PV systems do not have any rotating masses to deliver inertia to support the grid frequency. The paper presents a detailed modeling of a new converter configuration and control scheme to enable PV systems to adjust the real power output and contribute to the grid frequency regulation. The proposed topology consists of a two-stage converter without an energy storage system. A DC–DC buck converter is used instead of a DC–DC boost converter, and this simplifies the control scheme which aims to keep the PV generator power in the right side of the P–V characteristic and can be varied in the range from near-zero to the maximum power. The proposed control scheme combines robust and nonlinear sliding mode theory with fuzzy logic. The PV system is connected to a low inertia microgrid and its ability to contribute to frequency regulation is assessed for different controls. The proposed converter and its control are validated experimentally on a 3-kW PV system using OPAL-RT real-time simulator and tested under varying temperature, solar irradiance, and partial shading conditions. The results show that with the proposed circuit, the operating point is always on the right side of the P–V characteristic irrespective of the operating mode. Furthermore, the proposed control scheme provides PV generators with a fast and effective inertial response to support the grid and enhance its stability during contingencies.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • PV Size -> 3kW
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Grid frequency support
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Frequency support strategy for single-Stage grid-Connected photovoltaic generation with active power reserves[264][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Large-scale photovoltaic (PV) generation grid-connection will cause the lack of inertia and insufficient frequency regulation capacity of power system. To solve this problem, this paper proposes the active power-frequency droop control (APFDC) and virtual inertia control (VIC) for single-stage PV generation. PV power generation is able to participate the grid frequency regulation by improving the control system of voltage source inverter (VSC). The effect of control parameters on inertia characteristic of PV power generation is analyzed. On this basis, the distribution mechanism of unbalanced active power among PV generators with inertia control strategy is revealed. The simulation results indicated that the PV generation can be controlled by setting the control strategy of voltage source inverter (VSC) to reduce or increase the active power, and then take part in the frequency regulation of the system. Inertia provided by PV generation is controllable and frequency-dependent, increases with the increase of control gain, the decrease of time constant of virtual inertia control and the decrease of Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) control bandwidth.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal:
      • proposed virtual inertia control + activer power droop conteol
      • VSC control improvement for active PV prticiopation in frequency regulaiton
  2. Methods
    • PV power -> 600MW
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Frequency regulation
    • control stratgegy -> decrease or increase active power to control frequency
    • no specific quantification
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Evaluation of reactive power support in solar PV prosumer grid[265][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Electricity prosumption is gaining ground due to price reduction in solar PV systems. The presence of prosumers on the low voltage grid is said to compromise power quality in the grid. Many researchers have reported over-voltage and high power loss in the prosumer grid. Power utility regulators ensure that operators work within voltage and power loss benchmarks. To meet voltage and power loss benchmarks, operators use tap changers, capacitor banks, and static volt-ampere-reaction (VAr) compensators. Finding the optimal placement of such compensators on the low voltage prosumer grid to minimise voltage deviation and line loss is always a problem. Their allocation is not a trivial task when the objective is to provide a comprehensive benefit to the power system. This paper aims to analyse the suitability of using reactive power support (RPS) and solar photovoltaics to achieve active voltage management, minimise power loss, and reduce transformer capacity in prosumer grids PV using the python optimisation algorithm. The results show that solar photovoltaic injection and reactive power compensation positively and negatively impact the prosumer grid. Operating the grid with PV and RPS injections with specific transformers capacities does not create over-voltage and high-power loss problems. The results obtained from the scenarios show that operating the grid as a consumer grid has high power loss than operating it with PV injection and RPS.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal:
      • analyze voltage management, minimize powwer loss, reduce transformer xapacity use in prosumer grid
      • reactive power support + pv optimization algorithm
  2. Methods
    • Load Flow study + Python optimization
    • mathematical models for each component in the system provided
    • 100kWp solar
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Transformer loading reduciton
    • reduced from 76.52% to 34.04%
  • System losses reduciton -> non quantified
  • Voltage regulation -> not clearly quantified
    • moved from 0.97pu to 0.98pu
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Optimization and cost-benefit analysis of a grid-connected solar photovoltaic system[266][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Growing energy demand has exacerbated the issue of energy security and caused us to necessitate the utilization of renewable resources. The best alternative for promoting generation in Bangladesh from renewable energy is solar photovoltaic technology. Grid-connected solar photovoltaic (PV) systems are becoming increasingly popular, considering solar potential and the recent cost of PV modules. This study proposes a grid-connected solar PV system with a net metering strategy using the Hybrid Optimization of Multiple Electric Renewables model. The HOMER model is used to evaluate raw data, to create a demand cycle using data from load surveys, and to find the best cost-effective configuration. A sensitivity analysis was also conducted to assess the impact of differences in radiation from the solar (4, 4.59, 4.65, 5 kWh/m2/day), PV capacity (0 kW, 100 kW, 200 kW, 300 kW, 350 kW, 400 kW, 420 kW), and grid prices ($0.107, $0.118, $0.14 per kWh) upon that optimum configuration. Outcomes reveal that combining 420 kW of PV with a 405-kW converter and connecting to the utility grid is the least expensive and ecologically healthy configuration of the system. The electricity generation cost is estimated to be 0.0725 dollars per kilowatt-hour, and the net present value is 1.83 million dollars with a payback period of 6.4 years based on the system's 20-year lifespan. Also, compared to the existing grid and diesel-generator system, the optimized system, with a renewable fraction of 31.10%, provides a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions of 191 tons and 1,028 tons, respectively, each year.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal:
      • propose a scheme to sync PV output with grid-net metering
  2. Methods
    • HOMER optimization
    • Location -> Dhaka, Bangladesh
    • Different PV Size -> 100 - 420 kW
    • 19.22%efficiency - mono-cSi
    • 25-year lifetime
  3. Results and Discussion
    • 420kW PV
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • CO2 emissions reduction
    • not quantified but mentioned
    • only quantified the CO2 emitted by the system
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Benefit Analysis of Grid-Connected Floating Photovoltaic System on the Hydropower Reservoir[267][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

In the step-by-step roadmap for limiting and eliminating power sources that use fossil fuel, especially coal-fired power, as well as for setting the Vietnamese government targets for developing renewable energy for replacement, solar farms and rooftop solar power, followed by floating photovoltaic (PV) power, are considered the best candidates for meeting the goals of land space, PV system operation efficiency, and meeting environmental goals. In addition to the rapid development of PV cell technology are the government’s incentives and financial support for PV plants on the water surface area, which is still very large. Floating PV plants will strongly attract investors in the near future. This study could help stakeholders in the market understand the economic–technical aspects from analyzing economic–financial indicators of floating PV plants with a capacity of 47.5 MW connected to the national utility grid 110 kV at Da Mi hydropower reservoir in Binh Thuan province, Vietnam, in May 2019. This is the first floating PV plant on the reservoir in Vietnam, and is the property of a third party.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal:
      • layout + environmental impact assessment
      • economic + plant financial analysis
  2. Methods
    • Loction -> Binh Thuan province
    • PV module -> mono-cSi
    • PVSyst software
    • 47.5MW total PV
    • 69.99 millioms kWh/y
    • 20-years lifetime
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Fully economic analysis / no benefit mentioned
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

Hybrid synchronization based grid forming control for photovoltaic inverter with frequency support[268][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

In this paper, the hybrid synchronization based grid forming (HS-GFM) control and coordination strategy are proposed for the inverter and boost converter to provide frequency support. As the main contribution, the inertia power and damping power are designed with HS-GFM based coordination strategy between inverter and boost converter. The inertia power can be obtained from DC capacitor and photovoltaic system in deloading mode independently. Besides, the damping power can be realized from the PV inverter in deloading mode. After that, the small signal models of inverter and boost converter considering grid frequency coupling are constructed with simplified single input single output (SISO) model to guide the parameter selection. Further, the grid synchronization stability, synchronization bandwidth and grid strength influence on the frequency response of the PV inverter can be analyzed with SISO model. Compared with conventional DC voltage based GFM, HS-GFM can improve stability especially in strong grid with slight reduction of synchronization bandwidth while it has the risk of instability in weak grid if parameters are not proper. Compared with phase locked loop (PLL) based control, the proposed HS-GFM control achieves a fast response under frequency excursion with better stability in weak grid. Finally, realtime and offline simulations are carried out to verify the proposed strategy and analysis.

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

  • Grid frequency control without DC Capacitor through inverter control
    • not clearly quantified -> stability analysis performed
Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

[Link Title][edit | edit source]

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Key Takeaways[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduction
    • Fill in ...
    • Goal: ...
  2. Methods
    • Fill in ...
  3. Results and Discussion
    • Fill in ...
  4. Conclusions
    • Fill in ...

Key Takeaways for Review[edit | edit source]

Size Technology Location Lifetime Energy Efficiency

References[edit | edit source]

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Keywords fast literature reviews, photovoltaics, energy, land use, pv
SDG SDG07 Affordable and clean energy
Authors Koami Soulemane Hayibo, Uzair Jamil
License CC-BY-SA-4.0
Language English (en)
Related 0 subpages, 7 pages link here
Impact 1,151 page views (more)
Created May 25, 2022 by Koami Soulemane Hayibo
Last modified September 11, 2024 by Irene Delgado
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