• Please complete the task and either 1) hyperlink to the page in our Appropedia space or 2) email Dr. Pearce and cross off the result
  • Update task list every Wednesday by midnight.


  • get new energy values for processing HDPE, measure time it takes to do things, talk to Megan
  • process a bunch of HDPE
  • get spooler setup and make a bunch of filament
  • work on printing


  • Help build system


  • test spot welds
  • CAD HX design and start....


* add list of MOST courses

** How to convert 3D Studio to stl

  • finish InGaN lit review
  • reprap chemistry



  • finish metamaterials, perfect absorber lit review
    • review article
  • learn ellipsometry- check complete protocol page
    • learn how to change stages -- document!


Appropedia Pages


  • Start projects.
    • Having difficulty finding products with LCA information.
  • Write papers
  • poster
  • talk



  • write TS report - ellipsometery
  • screenshots of testing conditions
  • write up exactly what was done - mini report


  • LCA & Fix up for Meredith's Paper
    • Last edit and new info from company
    • Emailed Shonnard about emissions, waiting for email back with a more "technical/solid" answer.
    • Measurements taken for example


  • meet with brennan
    • pull trigger on big ask
    • Brennan & I agree .. we're ready to start!
  • coordinate mech team (Jerry, Megan, Paulo, Eric, me)
    • Assign printing
    • Assign testing
    • 3 layer heights - .2, .3, .4; orientations 45, 90; 12 testing conditions; 10X each; 120 total tests.....
    • PLA
      • 0.4mm 90 deg (10 printed) 45 deg (0 printed)
      • 0.3mm 90 deg (0 printed) 45 deg (0 printed)
      • 0.2mm 90 deg (0 printed) 45 deg (0 printed)
    • ABS
      • 0.4mm 90 deg (5 printed) 45 deg (0 printed)
      • 0.3mm 90 deg (0 printed) 45 deg (0 printed)
      • 0.2mm 90 deg (0 printed) 45 deg (0 printed)

Thesis forms/etc

  • Committee
      • Asked Shonnard to be on committee, he agreed.
      • Asked Hackney to be on committee, he agreed.
        • Fill out form



  • finish filter wheel (work with Rodrigo)
  • upkeep printers
  • environmental chamber
  • pin/nip flip
  • electrode
  • TiO2 test cell
  • dremel fuge2
  • dremel spincoater





  • set up computer for laser welding rig
  • test weld new plastic
  • environmental chamber



  • resend order form new format
  • download 3d printer software and begin to learn
  • meet with biz people
  • create how to for biz start up
  • learn an open source CAD package of your choice see list here -- see what you think of the web ones - https://tinkercad.com/
  • when parts are in build printer - keep careful notes of time, difficulty, any variations from guide.

Dr. Pearce

(W= waiting on reply) (add to bottom of list before waiting/triggers)


To do

  • rewrite PL/ellip
  • PVT dispatch
  • outline open science

  • finish/submit lca distribute recycling - w
  • polish/submit silane - w
  • pv off grid - w
  • pv annuity - w
  • exergy -w
  • fuel cell - W
  • trigger Queens PV
  • Salt 2 - w
  • nano redo?
  • Enterprise - W

Pending Projects

open design

spectral pv


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