• Please complete the task and either 1) hyperlink to the page in our appropedia space or 2) email Dr. Pearce and cross off the result
  • Update task list every Wednesday by midnight.








* refer to Waste plastic extruder: literature review * check Tensile test protocol: MOST

  • look for GIS bait...


  • pic/paragraph
  • linked in
  • resend order form new format
  • download 3d printer software and begin to learn
  • meet with biz people
  • create how to for biz start up
  • learn an open source CAD package of your choice see list here -- see what you think of the web ones - https://tinkercad.com/
  • when parts are in build printer - keep careful notes of time, difficulty, any variations from guide.


Sai Ravi


Dr. Pearce

(W= waiting on reply)


  • McArthur Research Internship due date of September 30, 2011.
  • Sustainable Vision program - Proposals due October 14, 2011 http://nciia.org/grants
  • Course and Program grants- Proposals due December 2, 2011
  • NSF Science, Engineering and Education for Sustainability Fellows. [2] Dec 5
  • NSF Energy for Sustainability due 2/17/12. : http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=501026.
  • solar farm june 9 [3]
  • MIIE (Michigan Initiative for Innovation & Entrepreneurship) - xwire -- early spring or late winter.

To do

  • kirby paper
  • PVT paper
  • Ha Sensors -W w/Rob and Ger
  • recyclebot conf paper

Ex-situ processing

  1. fc paper-w
  2. academic responsibility, most important studies
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