Template documentationedit documentation

Use this template to search and display search results in a wiki page.

Note! By default, pages in Category:Automatic translations and Category:Maintenance pages are excluded from the search results.

Parameters[edit source]

  • 1 or query - Required! Search query. See mw:Help:CirrusSearch for all available search operators. For example:
    • water - Search all pages with "water" in the text or title
    • -water - Search all pages without "water" in the text or title
    • intitle:water - Search all pages with "water" in the title
    • -intitle:water - Search all pages without "water" in the title
    • incategory:Water - Search all pages in Category:Water
    • -incategory:Water - Search all pages not in Category:Water
    • linksto:Water - Search all pages that link to Water
    • -linksto:Water - Search all pages that don't link to Water
    • inlanguage:es - Search all Spanish pages
    • -inlanguage:en - Search all non-English pages
    • hastemplate:Page_data - Search all pages with Template:Page data
    • -hastemplate:Page_data - Search all pages without Template:Page data
    • subpageof:Water - Search all subpages of Water
    • -subpageof:Water - Search all pages that are not a subpage of Water
  • namespace - Namespace to search, defaults to the main namespace. For example:
    • namespace=2 - Search user pages (see namespace numbers)
    • namespace=* - Search all namespaces
  • limit - Max number of results, defaults to 10. For example:
    • limit=100 - Limit to 100 search results
    • limit=max - Maximum allowed number of results (5000)
  • sort - Sort criteria, defaults to 'relevance'. Allowed values:
    • sort=create_timestamp_asc - Oldest pages first
    • sort=create_timestamp_desc - Most recent pages first
    • sort=incoming_links_asc - Least linked pages first
    • sort=incoming_links_desc - Most linked pages first
    • sort=last_edit_asc - Most recently edited pages first
    • sort=last_edit_desc - Least recently edited pages first
    • sort=random - Random sorting
    • sort=relevance - Sort by relevance as determined by the search engine
  • format - Format of the search results, defaults to 'list'. Allowed values:
    • format=list - Return an unordered list (<ul>) of search results, linked to their pages
    • format=card - Return pretty search cards (see Template:Search results/card)
    • format=count - Return the total number of search results as a plain number
    • format=plain - Return a comma-separated list of plain titles for further processing
    • format=json - Return a JSON object for further processing, for example in a Lua module

Examples[edit source]

Basic[edit source]

{{Search results|panel}}

Search operators[edit source]

{{Search results|panel incategory:Photovoltaics linksto:Solar_energy}}

Parameters[edit source]

{{Search results|panel|limit=5|sort=create_timestamp_asc}}

Card format[edit source]

{{Search results|panel|format=card|limit=5}}
Photovoltaic solar thermal (PVT) hybrid systems purpose is to produce both heat and electricity in a smaller area than if you were to have both a photovoltaic panel and a solar thermal system. The current design for PVT is to have a solar panel glued to a solar thermal system. PVTs purpose is to use the solar thermal system to cool the photovoltaic cells to perform better, as solar cells degrade with temperatures greater than 25C. This means however, that the thermal aspect of the PVT has a significantly lower efficiency compared to just a solar thermal system (max 50% eff compared to 70+% eff).
Photovoltaics (PV) is a method of generating electrical power by converting solar radiation into direct current electricity using semiconductors that exhibit the photovoltaic effect. Photovoltaic power generation employs solar panels comprising a number of cells containing a photovoltaic material. Materials presently used for photovoltaics include monocrystalline silicon, polycrystalline silicon, amorphous silicon, cadmium telluride, and copper indium selenide/sulfide.
<video src="https://www.appropedia.org/w/images/3/3b/Rapid_Deployment_Concept-1.mp4" width="640" height="360" controls=""></video>

Source (3mb). This video has more information on the expanded hexacomb cardboard approach to rapid deployment.

<style data-mw-deduplicate="TemplateStyles:r1089626">.mw-parser-output .template-video{background:#f8f9fa;border:1px solid #a2a9b1;box-sizing:border-box;margin:1em 0;overflow:hidden;padding:1em;width:670px;max-width:100%}.mw-parser-output .template-video-center{margin:1em auto}.mw-parser-output .template-video-content{position:relative}.mw-parser-output .template-video-thumb{cursor:pointer;vertical-align:middle;max-width:100%;height:auto}.mw-parser-output .template-video-play{cursor:pointer;vertical-align:middle;position:absolute;top:50%;left:50%;transform:translate(-50%,-50%)}.mw-parser-output .template-video iframe{max-width:100%;vertical-align:middle}.mw-parser-output .template-video video{vertical-align:middle}.mw-parser-output .template-video-data{margin-top:1em}.mw-parser-output .template-video-title{font-size:large}.mw-parser-output .template-video-annotations .highlight{font-weight:bold}.mw-parser-output .template-video .thumb{background:none;border:none;margin:0}body.poncho-dark-mode .mw-parser-output .template-video{background:#303134;border-color:#3c4043;color:#bdc1c6}</style>Available in other languages: /ja
An electric lawnmower that utilizes solar power as an energy source will address a number of issues that standard internal combustion engine mowers do not. An electric lawnmower with a solar charger will be easier to use. There is no messy dangerous gasoline to deal with. It will eliminate those pesky trips to the gas station for fill-ups. Just plug the mower into the charging station when not in use and it will be charged and ready for your next mow! Most importantly it eliminates the emissions of an internal combustion mower.
The following page will cover a variety of topics concerned with providing renewable energy to the La Yuca schoolroom in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. The background goes over the current conditions of La Yuca, as well as introduces the Renewable Energy team members. In the Problem Statement section, a table is provided with the criteria and constraints of the project with a weight attached to each. The Literature Review covers a variety of topics related to renewable energy. Next, a timeline with descriptions of the project steps and completion dates is provided followed by a table with the project costs. Then the page goes on to describe the step by step process by which a PV system is sized and installed. Lastly, there is an image of the final design.

Search in more than one category[edit source]

Searching the term 'water' in pages that belong to both Category: Projects and Category:Literature reviews:

{{Search results|water incategory:"Projects" incategory:"Literature reviews"|limit=5|format=list}}

Template data[edit source]

Use this template to search and display search results in a wiki page.

Template parameters

This template prefers inline formatting of parameters.

Query1 query

Search query

solar panel

Namespace to search (use * for all)


Max number of results (use 'max' for maximum allowed)


Sort criteria

Suggested values
create_timestamp_asc create_timestamp_desc incoming_links_asc incoming_links_desc last_edit_asc last_edit_desc random relevance

Format of the search results

Suggested values
list card count plain json

Additional CSS class

Suggested values
grid columns

See also[edit source]

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