- Part 1 Tilapia Fish Farming Notions
- Part 2 Tilapia Feasibility Study Check List
- Part 3 Tilapia Fish Farming Equipment and Suppliers
This document was originally prepared on the basis of information provided by the institutions and the companies profiled. Despite all efforts made for updating and verification, the Centre for the Development of Industry does not accept responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the information. The inclusion of any institution or company in this document does not imply any commitment on the part of that institution or company to provide any of the services described.
Centre for the Development of Industry (CDI)
- 52 avenue Hermann Debroux
- 1160 Brussels
- Belgium
- Tel: +32 2 679.18.11
- Fax: +32 2 675.26.03
- Telex: 61427 cdi b
Since it was founded in 1977, the Centre for the Development of Industry (CDI) has acquired extensive technical and commercial know-how in the creation, development and rehabilitation of small and medium-sized industries in the ACP countries (Africa, Caribbean and Pacific), particularly through the establishment of lasting partnerships with companies in the European Union.
In publishing this collection of "Practical Guides", the CDI is meeting a clearly expressed need by ACP promoters and companies in the EU wishing to lay the foundations for industrial co-operation. The purpose of these guides is to enable them to adapt to the technical, commercial, financial, administrative and legal environment of the different countries. Designed to ease their task by providing detailed information - in simple practical terms - on a specific aspect or field of their activities, these guides are intended above all to be effective tools which managers can use on a day-to-day basis.
To prepare the guides, the CDI calls upon the services of consultants, researchers and businessmen - in both the ACP countries and the European Union - with extensive experience in the field concerned, in the practical problems actually encountered by entrepreneurs and in the solutions to be applied. Whenever circumstances allow, the CDI cooperates with partners (consultancy bureaux, research bodies, specialised institutions, etc.) to ensure that the guides are as widely circulated as possible.
License Information[edit | edit source]
This guide on Tilapia Farming was compiled by Damien Legros, (Collaborator of the Gabriel group) with the collaboration of CDI experts.
© 1998 CDI, Brussels, first edition
- This volume of CDI Guides is published by the CDI
- May not be sold by persons or organizations other than the CDI and its official distributors.
- Price: 20 Ecus
- Reproduction authorised with indication of the source, except for commercial purposes.
See also[edit | edit source]
- Tilapia
- Food