List of Search Terms[edit | edit source]
- Sonic anemometer
- Open source sonic anemometer
- DIY sonic anemometer
- Sonic Anemometer design
Citation List[edit | edit source]
E.W. Barrett; V.E. Suomi, "PRELIMINARY REPORT ON TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT BY SONIC MEANS", J. Meteor., Volume (6) Issue (4), Pages 273-276, 1949
- Basic theory for measurement
- Practical considerations
A Continuous Wave Sonic Anemometer-Thermometer [edit | edit source]
J. C. Kaimal; J. A. Businger, "A Continuous Wave Sonic Anemometer-Thermometer", J. Appl. Meteor., Volume (2) Issue (1), Pages 156–164, 1963
Sonic Anemometer-Thermometer for General Use [edit | edit source]
Yasushi Mitsuta, "Sonic Anemometer-Thermometer for General Use", Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II, Volume (44) Issue (1), Pages 12-24, 1966
- Single axis setup w/ sound head and preamp box
On sonic anemometer measurement theory [edit | edit source]
A. Cuerva; A. Sanz-Adres, "On sonic anemometer measurement theory", Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Volume (88) Issue (1), Pages 25-55, 2000
- Mathematical model for design of sonic anemometers
- To understand effects from outside variables
The Influence of the Sensor Design on Wind Measurements with Sonic Anemometer Systems [edit | edit source]
A. Wieser; F. Fiedler; U. Corsmeier, "The Influence of the Sensor Design on Wind Measurements with Sonic Anemometer Systems", J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., Volume (18) Issue (10), Pages 1585-1608, 2001
- Compares five industry sonic anemometers
- Describes how errors can be minimized during lab and field testing
Comparison of temperature and wind statistics in contrasting environments... [edit | edit source]
Loescher H.W. et al., "Comparison of temperature and wind statistics in contrasting environments among different sonic anemometer–thermometers", Agricultural And Forest Meteorology, Volume (133), Pages 119-139, 2005
- Eight industry sonic anemometer-thermometers compared in lab and field
- May be useful for preliminary design decisions
A Simple Technique for Realizing an Ultrasonic Anemometer Using a Loudspeaker [edit | edit source]
K. Kudo et al, "A Simple Technique for Realizing an Ultrasonic Anemometer Using a Loudspeaker", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Volume (44), 2005
- Single sound source with reflector
- Turbulence from reflector caused wide inaccuracies
A Martian sonic anemometer [edit | edit source]
D. Banfield; R. Dissly, "A Martian sonic anemometer" IEE, 2005
- Common orthogonal design
- Alternative transducers are considered due to different air impedance on Mars
Comparison of temperature and wind statistics in contrasting environments among different sonic anemometer–thermometers [edit | edit source]
H.W. Loescher et al, "Comparison of temperature and wind statistics in contrasting environments among different sonic anemometer–thermometers", Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Volume (133) Issues (1-4), Pages 119-139, 2005
Low Cost Ultrasonic Anemometer [edit | edit source]
M.P. del Valle, "Low Cost Ultrasonic Anemometer", IEEE, 2007
- $150
- 0-50 m/s wind speed range
- 0.1 m/s resolution
Tiny and autonomous IEEE1451 Sonic Anemometer to deploy in environmental Wireless Sensor Network [edit | edit source]
J. Higuera; J. Polo, "Tiny and autonomous IEEE1451 Sonic Anemometer to deploy in environmental Wireless Sensor Network", IEEE, 2010
- "Off grid", battery powered sonic anemometer
- Results mainly considered with power modes and consumption
Development of Low Wind Speed Anemometer [edit | edit source]
T. Choon; C. Prakash; L. Aik; T. Hin, "Development of Low Wind Speed Anemometer", Int. Journal on Advanced Science Engineering Information Technology, Volume (2) No. (3), 2012
- Cup type anemometer
- Speed range: 2-6 m/s
Ultrasonic Wind Velocity Measurement Based on Phase Discrimination Technique [edit | edit source]
C. Yu et al, "Ultrasonic Wind Velocity Measurement Based on Phase Discrimination Technique", Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering, Volume (10), 2012
- triangle config. w/ one emission sensor + two receiving sensors
Advances in meteorology and the evolution of sonic anemometery [edit | edit source]
J.C. Kaimal, "Advances in meteorology and the evolution of sonic anemometery", 2013
- History of sonic anemometer designs
An inter-comparison between Gill and Campbell sonic anemometers [edit | edit source]
T. Nakai; H. Iwata; Y. Harazono; M. Ueyama, "An inter-comparison between Gill and Campbell sonic anemometers", Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Volumes (195-196), Pages 123-131, 2014
- Inter-comparison of data from orthogonal and nonorthogonal sonic anemometers in similar conditions
- Corrections presented to relate data between different types
All Sonic Anemometers Need to Correct for Transducer and Structural Shadowing in Their Velocity Measurements [edit | edit source]
J.M. Frank, "All Sonic Anemometers Need to Correct for Transducer and Structural Shadowing in Their Velocity Measurements", J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., Volume (33) Issue (1), Pages 149-167, 2016
- Comparison of orthogonal and nonorthogonal sonic anemometer performance
- Transducer shadowing correction
Design and calibration of an innovative ultrasonic, arduino based anemometer [edit | edit source]
B. Allotta et al, "Design and calibration of an innovative ultrasonic, arduino based anemometer", IEEE, 2017
- 0-13.9 m/s wind speed range
- Accuracy < 0.56 m/s wind speed, < 2 deg. wind direction
- Aluminum Frame
Simple Harmonics Motion experiment based on LabVIEW interface for Arduino [edit | edit source]
A. Tong-on et al, "Simple Harmonics Motion experiment based on LabVIEW interface for Arduino", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume (901), 2017
- Sonic measurements of simple mass-spring system
- Arduino hardware with LABVIEW interface
3D Ultrasonic Anemometer with tetrahedral arrangement of sensors [edit | edit source]
A.G. Yakunin; "3D Ultrasonic Anemometer with tetrahedral arrangement of sensors", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume (881), 2017
Low-Cost DIY Vane Anemometer based on LabVIEW interface for Arduino [edit | edit source]
M. Thepnurat; P. Saphet; A. Tong-on, "Low-Cost DIY Vane Anemometer based on LabVIEW interface for Arduino", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume (1144), 2018
- Low cost materials
- Vane anemometer
- LabVIEW interface for Arduino
A two dimensional ionic anemometer for very low flow rates [edit | edit source]
M. Liess, "A two dimensional ionic anemometer for very low flow rates", Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Volume (276), Pages 111-117, 2018
- 0-1.6 m/s wind speed range
Measuring 3D indoor air velocity via an inexpensive low-power ultrasonic anemometer [edit | edit source]
E. Arens et al., "Measuring 3D indoor air velocity via an inexpensive low-power ultrasonic anemometer", Energy and Buildings, Volume (211), 2020
- 3-dimensional air velocity profile
- Res.: 0.01 m/s
- $100 USD
Market Survey[edit | edit source]
Gill 3D Ultrasonic Anemometers [edit | edit source]
- Quote Request Sent
Young Ultrasonic 3D Anemometers [edit | edit source]
- $2,892.00+
Campbell Scientific CSAT3B [edit | edit source]
- $7,600.00
DIY Examples[edit | edit source]
Ultrasonic Anemometer (Wind speed and direction) [edit | edit source]
Wind speed measurement specs:
- Range: 0-45 m/s
- Exactness: ±0.3 m/s rms or ±2% rms
- Resolution: 0.05 m/s
Ultrasonic wind sensor [edit | edit source]
- Resolution: 0.277 m/s
- PVC Pipe
Simple Sonic Anemometer [edit | edit source]
Relevant Links[edit | edit source]
Developing a flight-ready sonic anemometer [edit | edit source]
- Project is not yet fully developed