This literature review supported the following paper:

Microgeneration model in energy hybrid system - cogeneration and PV panels[edit | edit source]

Galvão, J. ; ESTG, Leiria Polythecnic Inst., Leiria, Portugal ; Leitão, S. ; Malheiro, S. ; Gaio, T.

This paper focus on the development of a hybrid and autonomous energy model with solar PV panels and a small CHP (combined heating and power production) system whose primary energy source is the biomass. Also it will be presented several rules for to achieve new energy efficiency levels of a service building.


The paper present a hybrid system model where the co-generation unit (CHP) contributes for power generation electrical as well as thermal power. The electrical power is also provided by the PV solar process. The gasification used in this paper for the CHP is biomass with IC engine technique. PV solar process includes PV panels, batteries, transformers,inverters.


1)The accurate diagnosis of the hotel gave the data for the electrical, thermal consumption. 2)The sources being consumed by the hotel are fuel, electricity and gas; data for this sources from 2002-2008 is presented in graphical form. 3)The note of hotel high consumption electrical appliances is made. 4)The time and amount of electricity being used is note including the peak electricity consumption and its timings. 5)A note of electricity consumption during summer time is made and which sector requires the maximum electricity is noted. 6)Along with electrical demand the variation in thermal needs during winter day is noted.


1)The main characteristic of this production mode is to obtain electricity at low cost and with low-emissions. 2)The software SOLTERM and PVIS European Communities provides the data about the the solar radiation within one year. 3)The solar PV installed with a proper inclination in this region is able to fulfill 7.22% of the electrical demand. During summer the supply of electricity by PV is greater then 8.23%. 4)The additional electrical demand is fulfilled by the CHP unit.


1)The tariff rate plays an important role. Because after satisfying the electrical needs with the hybrid system the excess of electricity is fed into the grid. 2)Simulating the production cost of the hybrid system, the payback period can be determined.


1)Hybrid energy system increases the efficiency and also helps in increasing the PV penetration level. 2)It is economically and technically viable hybrid renewable energy model, which is eco-friendly and provides an autonomous environment in terms of electricity use, heating and cooling, with economic viability.

Feasibility Study for Self-Sustained Wastewater Treatment Plants—Using Biogas CHP Fuel Cell, Micro-Turbine, PV and Wind Turbine Systems][edit | edit source]

Ahmed Helal, Walid Ghoneim, Ahmed Halaby

The primary objective is to provide an entirely renewable standalone power system, which satisfies lowest possible emissions with the minimum lifecycle cost.HOMER software was used to simulate the hybrid system composed of combined-heat-and-power units, wind turbines and photovoltaic systems. Simulation results gave the best system configuration and optimum size of each component beside the detailed electrical and cost analysis of the model.


Renewable energy conversion devices like photovoltaic (PV), micro-turbines (MT), fuel cells (FC) and storage devices are expected to play an important role in future electricity supply and low carbon economy.Combining renewable energy to form standalone hybrid systems is considered as one of the most promising ways to handle the electrical requirements.Other factors which spots light on use of renewable energy system are GHG emission, rising temperature. Using Renewable energy resources to power waste water power plant reduces its operating cost considerably.


1)The digester gas so generated can be used to power a CHP unit which in turn is used to generate thermal and electrical energy. 2)The selection of CHP technology depends on the application and the requirements. 3)In the present case Fuel cell CHP unit is considered as it has low emission and high efficiency but it has high cost, able to work with great variety of fuels, low demand for cleaning, high operating temperature. 4)The efficiency of solid oxide Fuel cell (SOFC) CHP is around 46% and thermal efficiency of about 40%. 5)For the present case as the thermal load demand is less then what is being generated by the SOFC CHP unit. A micro-turbine is connected which can consume this excess heat(thermal energy) and can convert it into electricity. 6)Microturbine which is connected to use the waste heat from SOFC has electrical efficiency of 22%. 7)Thus, at the output we get electrical energy genrated by both Microturbine and SOFC.


Electrical Load demand by the plant

1)Plant loads according to its design & installation were grouped, and distributed throughout their working hours to form the load profile. 2)The minimum and maximum electrical peaks are noted. 3)The average power requirement (Base load demand) of the plant can be noted from the graphical data obtained. 4)Thus, from the power generated from the combination of SOFC and microturbine arrangement and power demand of the plant. It can be seen for the present case 69% of the electric power demand is fulfilled.

Thermal Load demand by the plant

1)For the Waste water power plant the heating or thermal load is very less as there is no space heating required. 2)The present SOFC and Micro-turbine arrangement is able to satisfy the thermal demand efficiently.

System Modeling

1)Even if the combine SOFC and MT is able to fulfill thermal demands but still electrical demand is yet to satisfy. 2)Additional Solar PV and wind energy resources are connected for reaching the electrical demands of the water waste power plant.


1) The SOFC works on the biogas (digester gas) generated by the plant. 2)The resources data i.e. the solar irradiance data and even wind speed data is for 12 months has been obtained.

SOFC modeling

1)The total cost includes capital cost, installation cost and O &M cost. 2)It is estimated that the capital cost and O&M cost will reduce in future. 3)The unit can work for >50,000 hrs, thus its life time is expected to be more then 20 years.

Microturbine modeling

1)The total cost include capital cost, installation cost and O&M cost.

Wind turbine and solar PV modeling

1)As the rated power of the new wind turbine machines are increasing it corresponding capital cost are reducing. 2)The total cost is the capital cost for the wind turbine along with its O&M cost. 3)For simulation purpose technical data and the cost data are put entered in to get accurate results same is the case with Solar PV.

Other required componenets

1)Inverters, battery bank whose cost depends on the commercial market. Moreover the battery bank cost depends on the type and size of the battery also.


1)The optimum system is defined as the system combination which satisfies the user defined constraints at the lowest life cycle cost or net present cost (NPC). 2)The cashflow summary states that SOFC unit holds the maximum share followed by batteries, wind , PV , MT and then converter unit. 3)The power generated contribution by units is as follows SOFC, Wind, Solar, Microturbine.

Are we there yet? Improving solar PV economics and power planning in developing countries: The case of Kenya[edit | edit source]

Janosch Ondraczeka, b, ,

This paper mainly focus on calculating LCOE of PV system and to see whether it is competitive to the cost of Electricity.This paper might help the policy developers to invest more in PV electricty then using traditional generators with contributes more grid electricity in KEnya.

Notes:- 1)LCOE is a common metric which is used in order to compare various technologies generating electrical output. 2)LCOE is a simple division of all cost incurred for the technology by the project lifetime. 3)Calculating the LCOE for the installed PV system 4)Doing sensitivity analysis on the LCOE valu determined. 5)In sensitivity analysis one parameter is changed at a time and its corresponding effect on the LCOE value for PV system is observed. 6)The value which were changed for sensitivty analysis in the paper where, life time, investment cost, scrap cost, O&M cost, discount rate, location and degradation factor. 7)The investment cost, changing the locations,discount rate affects the LCOE rate for PV system considerably.

Modeling and Performance Analysis of an Integrated System: Variable Speed Operated Internal Combustion Engine Combined Heat and Power Unit–Photovoltaic Array[edit | edit source]

Robert Radu1, Diego Micheli, Stefano Alessandrini, Iosto Casula and Bogdan Radu

The paper presents the model of a combined heat and power (CHP) unit, based on a variable speed internal combustion engine (ICE) interfaced with a photovoltaic (PV) system. This model is validated by means of experimental data obtained on an 85 kWe CHP unit fueled with natural gas and a PV system with a rated power of 17.9 kW. Starting from daily load profiles, the model is applied to investigate the primary energy saving (PES) of the integrated CHP+PV system in several operating conditions and for different sizes of PV array.


NOTES:- 1)Using CHP reduces the fuel consumption by 20-30% with respect to conventional plant. 2)The CHP technology being used is ICE with variable speed, ICE being selected because of its operational advantage. 3)Variable speed speed technique is being considered as it increases the electrical efficiency by around 28%. 4)Solar PV system is being used as it produced ZERO GHG emission. 5)Making single system operation in PV+CHP hybrid system this will lead to alot of energy saving. 6)The above hybrid system fits good to satisfy residential energy demands.


1)System modeling is done in MAtlab-simulink. 2)Depending on the inputs given the model calculates the operating parameters of hybrid system. 3)Models main output are PV and CHP operating efficiency and primary energy saving. 4)The CHP unit consists of 3 blocks 1 ICE nad 2 heat exchangers.


1)The primary energy saving of the CHP unit can be calculated using a simple formula provided in the paper. 2)The data required is the thermal as well as electrical efficiencies of the CHP unit and some reference for both of them.


1)It can be observed from the graphs and numerical data the CHP unit along has no doubt good energy saving by hybrid system energy saving is much more. 2)HYbrid system is efficient.

Cost-benefit analysis of a photovoltaic power plant[edit | edit source]

C.R. Sanchez Reinosoa, b, , , , M. De Paulaa, c, R.H. Buitragoa

In this paper the energy generated by photovoltaic generators with different mounting angles to the horizontal plane, and the optimum angle is estimated. Other aspects considered are the costs and legal framework associated with installing a photovoltaic power plant.After having done a cost-benefit analysis under different scenarios, results showing the feasibility of building a photovoltaic power plant were obtained.


NOTES:- 1)Determine the elctric power generated by the PV depending on the cost and its service life. 2)The cost of PV is composed of two groups:-a)photovoltaic module b)Balance of system(HARDWARE AND NO-HARDWARE COST). 3)Hardware cost includes-inverter, wires, junction box, structure etc. 4)NON hardware cost includes-planning and building the plan 5)The balance of system cost also depends on where the system has been installed (location). 6)Modules with different materials also affects the cost of balance of system. 7)Cost of balance of system contributes a lot for the total cost of PV.


NOTES:- 1)The generation energy of the module greatly depends on the installation angle(this depends on the weather conditions). 2)The report from NASA gives the opportunity to analyse the solar irradiation data both direct and diffuse for different angle at certain location.


NOTES:- 1)Incentive rates greatly affects

Improved performance of hybrid photovoltaic-trigeneration systems over photovoltaic-cogen systems including effects of battery storage[edit | edit source]

Amir H. Nosrata, , Lukas G. Swanb, , Joshua M. Pearcec, d, ,

This paper mainly focus on the hybrid model of CHP(Combined Heat and Power)with PV(Photovoltaic)and CCHP(Combined Cooling Heat and Power)with PV. The paper discuss about the several advantages of using such hybrid systems over conventional power generation systems.


NOTES:- 1)The CHP unit generally generates thermal output twice/ trice that of electrical output. 2)The CHP unit efficiency depends on the electrical as well as thermal efficiency.


NOTES:- 1)In Solar PV effciency is between 6-20%. 2)The PV technology is combined with CHP unit to produce sufficient electrical energy to meet requirements. 3)Such hybrid system will surely help in increasing PV penetration level.


NOTES:- 1)Used to store excessive energy from PV or CHP unit. 2)Lifetime of battery is around 4 years, so it adds up to total O&M cost as it requires replacemnets.


NOTES:- 1)Electricity generated by the PV and Cogeneration unit is used to meet electric requirements. The waste heat is harnessed by heat exchanger to provide hot water and space heating. 2)Whenever, excess electricity is generated it is stored in the batteries which is used to supply electricity when PV+CHP unit fails to meet requirements. 3)Even after utilizing the heat for thermal load, still there is some waste heat. This heat can further be used by installing absorption chillers which can use this waste heat to give space-cooling. Such type of CHP unit with absorption chiller installed are called as C-CHP units.


NOTES:- 1.)GHG emission reduces considerabely (PV+CHP<PV+CCHP) 2.)High efficiency (PV+CHP<PV+CCHP)

The prospects for cost competitive solar PV power[edit | edit source]

Stefan Reichelsteina, , , Michael Yorstonb,

The paper mainly focus on cost competitiveness of power generated from solar PV. Depending on the data available from 2011 it can be seen that utility-scale PV installation is not yet cost competitive as compared to normal fossil fuel. But commercial-scale PV installation has achieved cost parity.


The Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE) is a life-cycle cost concept which seeks to account for all physical assets and resources required to deliver one unit of electricity output. In simple words it is just the ratio of life time cost to the life time electricity generated. 1) The discount and interest rate must also be considered. The paper provides a formula for the same. 2) If there is no operating or no income tax- then LCOE depends on following terms:- a)Life duration b)Acquisition cost of capacity c)Degradation rate

3)Capacity factor is also to be considered, as it is part of the theoretical power generating facility. The equation to calculate cost of capacity for 1kWh is given in paper. 4)Variable operating cost is also to be included which includes fuel, labor and other cost conversion costs. 5)Fixed operating cost is also included for calculating LCOE. 6)Thus LCOE is summation of time-fixed operating cost, time-variable operating cost and cost of capacity(marked by tax factor).


1) The system price means the capital cost of installing solar PV includes price of module and balance of system price. 2)BOS cost includes all external cost involved other then module cost including wiring, labor, inverter cost ..etc.. 3)The capacity factor for PV solar depends on various factors such as the major being the solar inrradiance followed by weather condition, location, tilt and orientation of the PV module . 4)Annual operating cost is negligible for PV modules. 5)From the LCOE calculation for utility power and commercial power; it can be seen the utility power is 30-40% higher then comparable base load rates. 6)Use of trackers on utility scale can reduce the LCOE by around 15%.


1)The factor which affects the LCOE of solar PV most- a)Capacity factor. b)System price c)Discount rate

Levelised Cost of Energy[edit | edit source]

Tarn YatesBradley Hibberd

This article mainly dicuss about whta is LCOE, how to calculate LCOE. It uses this technique to calculate LCOE for PV system.

LCOE Definition

  • It is a Manual for the Economic Evaluation of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Technologies, LCOE is determined by dividing the project's total

cost of operation by the energy generated.

  • LCOE is a metric that describes the cost of every unit of energy generated by a project in $/kWh.
  • Specifically, it is used to rank options and determine the most cost-effective energy source.
  • This will be benificial for policy maker in which energy generation to support in future.
  • Similarly, LCOE could be used to identify areas where cost-savings research would be most valuable.

Determining LCOE

  • The LCOE—the cost of every unit of energy generated by the project—multiplied by the total units of energy generated by the project is equal to the total cost of operation for the project.
  • Cash flow, for the purposes of the LCOE calculation, shows the amount of money either spent or received each year over the life of the project.
  • PV project cash flow would include the capital cost of installing the system and any up-front investment or capacity-based incentives.
  • For the purpose of including net value cost it is very important to include the concept of discount factor.
  • Renewable technologies often require a large up-front investment and incur little cost over the project lifetime, whereas traditional sources of energy often have a lower up-front cost but require continuing significant investment in fuel costs.
  • The value of the energy produced each year that is discounted rather than the energy itself.
  • The total life cycle cost should include construction or capital cost and the operation costs, including fuel and maintenance.
  • In determining the LCOE of a PV system, the following factors should be considered:

Costs Initial investment or capital cost O&M and operating expenses Financing costs Insurance costs State and federal income taxes Property taxes Required return on investment Decommissioning or removal Incentives Federal tax credit Accelerated depreciation (MACRS) Incentive revenue Energy Estimated Year 1 production Annual degradation System availability

  • If we assume that variables other than performance, capital and operating costs in the LCOE equation remain proportional to the capital cost or system size, then the following can be shown: If a change to a project increases the energy production by a greater percentage than it increases the cost, then that will decrease the LCOE.

Different Generating Technology LCOE

  • One of the most widespread uses of LCOE has been in comparing the cost of energy delivered from different sources, such as conventional fossil fuel, nuclear and renewable materials. These different energy sources have very different cost structures and performance characteristics. For example, coal plants have significant capital and operating costs and a consistent generation profile, as evidenced by a high capacity factor (the ratio of a power plant's actual output over time to its potential output based on its nameplate capacity). In contrast, PV systems are characterized by high capital costs, low operating expenses and a low capacity factor, due to the nature of the solar resource. The LCOE metric takes these differences into account and enables direct comparison change decreases the LCOE.

Grid Parity

  • Grid parity is a metric regularly used in evaluating the viability of renewable energy sources.
  • For a retail customer, grid parity is achieved when the cost of power from an energy project is equal to or less than the retail price of power from the


  • The result is that grid parity occurs at different project costs for different regions and at a higher rate for residential customers, followed by commercial and industrial customers.
  • The LCOE includes projections about future inflation and fuel cost changes, but that's not what you see in a single point value like electricity price. To make an effective comparison, you need to take the LCOE of future projected electricity prices into account.

LCOE and Location

  • Location selection can have a major impact on a project's feasibility.
  • The weather conditions at a project site and its geographical location have implications for construction costs due to labor rates or building costs associated with land preparation or terrain, interconnection costs, or simply the cost of land.

LCOE Sensitivity

  • It is important to know which factors have the greatest influence on the LCOE equation.
  • A change in the debt fraction or in the assumed discount rate can have nearly as large an impact on LCOE as a significant change in the module cost.
  • In addition, the degradation rate has a significantly larger impact on LCOE.
  • However, a significant change in irradiance can have as large an effect on LCOE.

The present and future of residential refrigeration, power generation and energy storage[edit | edit source]

R.Z. Wang, , , X. Yu, T.S. Ge, T.X. Li

Based upon the fast development of energy efficiency, energy safety and use of renewable and sustainable energy, various energy systems related to residential refrigeration, power generation and storage have been developing. In this paper the current status of such various integrated system are summarized.


  • Compared to the conventional energy supply the integrated PV+CHP unit is extremely efficient.
  • Adding an absorption chiller unit in the circuit will increase the efficiency more of the system. Such an arrangement is called PV+CCHP model.
  • Also a solar thermal system can be added to use solar produced heat to provide additional heating for the home for domestic hot-water or space-heating in the winter and cooling via the absorption chiller in the summer.
  • Wind energy and solar energy power generation have been developed as effective forms of renewable energy application. However, a common drawback with

a stand-alone wind energy and a solar energy generating power system is the unpredictable electric power output, since the output power depends on unpredictable weather changes.

  • In a house or an apartment, the efficient power should be DC power as it has no AC losses and can be obtained directly from solar PVs, fuel cells or battery. Mini distributed DC power could be set up in a house to power electrical equipment directly.
  • Energy storage plays an important role in enhancing the energy consumption efficiency in a wide number of residential and industrial energy applications.

The effect of installation of next-generation home energy systems in Japan[edit | edit source]

Takahiro Tsurusaki, Jyukankyo Research Institute, Inc., Japan Chiharu Murakoshi, Jyukankyo Research Institute, Japan Haruki Tsuchiya, Research Institute for Systems Technology, Japan Toshihide Tanaka, Osaka Gas Company, Japan Kanya Ishii, Osaka Gas Company Takehiko Nishio, Osaka Gas Company, Japan Hidetoshi Nakagami, Jyukankyo Research Institute, Japan

This paper mainly focus on a simulation model of a home energy system with a SOFC CHP system, a PV system, and a battery. The effects of each system and combined systems are evaluated in terms of energy bill, primary energy use and reduction of CO2 emissions. This combination is superior to that of a typical heat pump water heater with the same PV system. In this paper we also discuss conditions to achieve net zero energy consumption.


  • Today the concept of zero energy houses is popular among leading home builders as the Japanese government aims that net zero energy houses be common in the new housing market by 2020. Net zero energy houses require not only high levels of insulation and high efficiency appliances, but also some kind of distributed home energy system, such as a combined heat and power (CHP) system and a photovoltaic generation (PV) system.
  • The gas engine CHP system has a power generation efficiency of about 32-35 % (upper heating value) and a heat generation efficiency of about 56 %, according to specifications.
  • The SOFC CHP unit is in great demand in Japan as it has been installed at a greater rate since 2010 and it has good electrical efficiency of 35.3%.
  • Since few years there is trend of installing PV+CHP unit in order to increase the power generation efficiency. Moreover, the combination of a CHP system and a battery is also studied. As fuel cell power generation efficiency declines in partial load, it can be energy efficient to operate with as much power output as possible by charging a battery when the demand is low, despite charge and discharge losses.


  • The scope of the simulation is energy for residential usage, including heating, cooling, domestic hot water, cooking, and lighting and appliances.
  • The SOFC CHP has a heat storage tank which is used to store excessive heat output when demand is less then the generated thermal output by the CHP unit, when the storage tank becomes full the heat is released in atmosphere.
  • A grid connected PV system for residential use is included in the system, and surplus electricity is fed into grid.
  • A energy storage unit namely lithium-ion battery is used which has charge and discharge are efficiency both 95 %.
  • Monthly and hourly energy demand for various appliances demanding thermal and electrical power is included.
  • Monthly and Hourly PV output is even recorded.


  • Annual energy cost has reduced.
  • Primary annual energy consumption reduces.
  • Power generation efficiency increases.
  • CO2 emmission has reduced to a considerable amount.
  • Increase PV penetration.

Control strategies and configurations of hybrid distributed generation systems[edit | edit source]

Maria Stefania Carmelia, , , Francesco Castelli-Dezzab, , Marco Maurib, , Gabriele Marchegianic, , Daniele Rosatid,

This paper mainly focus on the main topologies which can be adopted for a general hybrid generation system and it focuses on a particular hybrid system which combines two different energy sources, evidencing high level and local level power flow control strategies in both stand-alone and grid connected operation. A full experience in the realization of a hybrid plant which uses an internal combustion engine with co-generation functionalities and solar source, installed in Delebio, Italy is then presented. System design aspects, with particular attention to the possible topologies and power flow control strategies, are analyzed.


  • Grid connect hybrid generation system described in this paper include following units:

CHP unit PV array Battery bank unit

1)CHP unit: This unit is used to generate heat and electrical power at the output. It consists of mainly units- Internal combustion engine Induction machine Heat exchanger Gas heat generator

2)PV array:For the work in the paper they have included 3 PV arrays. Where each array is connected to a DC-DC converter followed by an inverter unit.

3)Battery bank unit: This unit is used to store excessive electrical power generated by the PV unit. The a Bidirectional DC converter is used to connect the battery bank in the system. This converter is mainly used to transfer power in both directions.

  • Different Modes in which the Hybrid system can be used

1)Mode I: The power generated by the PV array is delivered into the grid whereas CHP unit priority is to satisfy the thermal load demand. 2)Mode II: The hybrid system priority is to satisfy the electric load power requirements and it is full load operation of CHP is desirable(else the efficiency of CHP is affected).

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Created May 23, 2022 by Irene Delgado
Last modified August 27, 2024 by Irene Delgado
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