This literature review supported the following paper:

A review of solar photovoltaic levelized cost of electricity[edit | edit source]

K. Brankera, M.J.M. Pathaka, J.M. Pearcea, b, ,

The paper mainly focus on the methodology of properly calculating the LCOE for solar PVe. Then a template is provided for better reporting of LCOE results for PV needed to influence policy mandates or make invest decisions. A numerical example is provided with variable ranges to test sensitivity, allowing for conclusions to be drawn on the most important variables.


A tipping point for solar adoption will be when the grid parity is achieved. In simple words the PV installation or the investment in PV world will increase when PV generated electricity cost becomes equal to the cost of the conventional electriicty purchased from the grid. Here the accuracy depends on the lifetime generation cost of the solar PV electricity. Levelized cost of energy is mainly considered for emerging technologies such as PV. Different levels of cost inclusion and sweeping assumptions across different technologies result in different costs estimated for even the same location.Reporting the wrong LCOE values for technologies can result in not only sub-optimal decisions for a specific project, but can also misguide policy initiatives at the local and global scale.

Review of Cost of electricity and LCOE

1)The final electricity price payed by the consumer is different from the cost of its production. 2)The method considers the lifetime generated energy and costs to estimate a price per unit energy generated. 3)The method usually does not include risks and different actual financing methods available for the different technologies. 4)Economic and financial systems have a large impact on the price of electricity, although the quality of electricity rarely changes, which is often not reflected by the LCOE. 5)Improvements to the LCOE for solar PV can be made once realistic assumptions and justifications are given, real financing variability is considered, and consideration is made for technological and geographical variability. 6)Understanding the true costs, energy production and system specifications would improve the capabilities of LCOE software like the Solar Advisor Model.

Methodology to calculate LCOE

1)Calculating the LCOE requires considering the cost of the energy generating system and the energy generated over its lifetime to provide a cost in $/kWh (or $/MWh or cents/kWh). 2)The net cost of the system must include cash outflow like the initial investment, interest payment,operation and maintenance cost, cash inflow such as govt. incentives. also with this it should even include all cost required transmission and connection fees and be dynamic for future project. 3)The LCOE is very dependent on the financing methods available and manufacturing cost reductions.


1) The LCOE decreases with increasing interest rate, increasing discount rate and and increasing loan duration. 2)Discount rate has very small affect on LCOE 3)LCOE decreases as the energy generation price decreases and system duration increases. 4)LCOE decreases with decreased installation cost and increased energy output. 5)LCOE is less with less degradation rate.

Economics of Solar Photovoltaic system[edit | edit source]

K. Brankera, M.J.M. Pathaka, J.M. Pearcea, b, ,

Notes:- 1)Solar photovoaltaic vary greatly in size and cost. Calculating the economics of the solar system gives us the idea about whether the solar Pv system is right for us. 2) Prices of solar Panels are declining which in turn is improving the economics of the Solar PV. 3)Find total cost of solar panel, inverter, mounting panel and installation. 4)Determining the payback period of the solar PV which in other words is the duration required to recover your investment. 5)Other factors that will pay important role in determining pay back period are the price of electricity per kWh and its inflation rate. 6)Net metering and incentives also pays an important role and it adds for benefit to the renewable system.

Economic optimization and sensitivity analysis of photovoltaic system in residential buildings[edit | edit source]

K. Brankera, M.J.M. Pathaka, J.M. Pearcea, b, ,

The objective is to minimize the annual energy cost of a given customer, including PV investment cost, maintenance cost, utility electricity cost, subtracting the revenue from selling the excess electricity.


The power output of a PV system depends on the irradiance on the PV cells, the efficiency of PV cells used and the effective area of the PV cells. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the optimal size of PV cell in accordance with the application. An economic optimization design tool for optimal PV size based on technology information and current tariffs and policy has been developed.

Model overview

This model required input:- 1)Hourly irradiamce data 2)Hourly electricity load profile 3)Efficiency of PV 4) Capital cost, interest rate, electricity tariff, subsidies.

Result at output:- 1)Economical optimal PV installation 2)System performance characteristics.

The objective function is to reduce annual energy cost of given customer. This depends on system investment cost (excluding subsidies), cost for maintenance of the system, cost for buying electricity power from the spot market, income from selling electricity back into the grid.


1)The cost of electricity purchase from the grid decreases as the PV capacity is increased. 2)Increasing PV capacity does not always led to cost saving, this is because the investment cost increases. 3)The CO2 emission can be reduced considerable by increasing the capacity of PV.

Sensitivity analysis of LCOE

1)The increase of both capital cost and interest rate leads to a linear increase of levelized cost; contrarily, a higher efficiency brings on a lower levelized cost. 2)the simple payback period is greatly effected by capital cost, efficiency and electricity sale price.

Economic viability of captive off-grid solar photovoltaic and diesel hybrid energy systems for the Nigerian private sector[edit | edit source]


It is well established that lack of both electric supply capacity and reliability weaken the Nigerian economy. Recently, the reduction in solar photovoltaic (PV) costs along with the technical potential to couple PV to hybrid battery and diesel generators provides Nigerian businesses with an opportunity to reduce operating costs while defecting from the grid. This study investigates the potential of using off-grid hybrid energy systems for private industries within and near Lagos state currently with relatively high daily electricity demands that are met with supply through captive diesel generation. The results based on simulations of six industry sector load profiles developed from surveys found solar PV and diesel hybrid energy systems are economically viable for a wide array of industries in the Nigerian private sector including real estate, education, banking, automobile, hospitality and production. Five of the six sectors had discounted payback times for the systems under a year and ROIs >100%. The results established that the levelized cost of electricity is lower for every sector analysed with inclusion of solar PV, lower still with coupling of batteries and more reliable than the current grid-provided electricity. Nigeria as a whole will also benefit from widespread adoption of solar hybrid systems, as it will assist the balance of trade by reducing refined petroleum imports. In conclusion, the results of this study make it clear that every scale of Nigerian businesses could increase profitability with the use of solar hybrid systems.

Economical and environmental analysis of grid connected photovoltaic systems in Spain[edit | edit source]

José L. Bernal-Agustín, , Rodolfo Dufo-López

In this paper an economical study on PV installed is performed depending on different scenario depending on interest rates and energy tariff are considered. The following parameters are used to determine the profitability of a PV installation: the Net Present Value and the Pay-Back Period.

Economic valuation of Investment

Notes:- 1) The initial cost of the grid connected PV system This includes the cost of the generator Cgen, the cost of the inverter Cinv, the costs of the installation Cinst (including supporting structures, wiring, protective elements, engineering,etc.). The sum of these costs is the system cost Csystem. Likewise, Csub is the possible quantity of financial subsidy on the initial cost. 2)Net flow cash is the difference between the cash input generated by the investment and the payment or cash output the investment requires. 3)The income and expenditure vary from year to year due to inflation. 4)The Pay-Back Time (P), is the number of years needed to make the NPV of the cash flow, up to the present moment, to be equal to the initial outlay of the investment.

Case study

Notes:- 1)For the present case the data being considered is the annual irradiation at the place, the panel inclination and orientation, irradiation Losses. All this data can be used to determine the kWh for the PV system. 2)Assumptions are no shadow is there, and total energy generated by PV is sold. 3)For analysis various values for the subsidies are considered. 4)The economical analysis has shown that with the current prices, investment in a grid connected PV systems is generally profitable. 5)An increase in the sale price of the energy, with this remaining constant throughout the service life of the installations, would make shorter return times possible, thus attracting investors and so producing a mass investment in PV installation.

Re-considering the economics of photovoltaic power[edit | edit source]

Morgan Baziliana, b, Ijeoma Onyejia, c, , , , Michael Liebreichd, Ian MacGille, Jennifer Chased, Jigar Shahf, Dolf Gieleng, Doug Arenth, Doug Landfeari, Shi Zhengrongj

This paper mainly focus on This paper briefly considers the recent dramatic reductions in the underlying costs and market prices of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, and their implications for decision-makers. In many cases, current PV costs and the associated market and technological shifts witnessed in the industry have not been fully noted by decision-makers. The perception persists that PV is prohibitively expensive, and still has not reached 'competitiveness'.

PV power generation has long been acknowledged as a clean energy technology with vast potential, assuming its economics can be significantly improved. Inspite of having highly attractive benefits and proven technical feasibility, the high costs of PV in comparison with other electricity generation options have until now prevented widespread commercial deployment. The economics of PV depends on 3 metrices:-1)Price per watt( Capital cost of PV),2)LCOE,3)Grid parity LCOE and 'grid parity' are of special relevance to government stakeholders but require a wider set of assumptions. There is a clear requirement for greater transparency in presenting metrics so that they can be usefully compared or used in further analysis.

Price per watt

Notes:- 1)The most fundamental metric for considering the costs of PV is the price-per-watt of the modules. PV module factory prices have historically decreased at a rate (price experience factor) of 15-24%. 2)modules had a share of around 60% of the total PV system cost [20], but due to the extraordinary decline in module prices since 2008, its share in the total installed system cost has since decreased and now the BOS is the majority share in capital cost of PV installation. 3)Reducing the price/watt of the inverter being used will reduces the BOS of the system and hence the capital cost for PV installation.


Notes:- 1)LCOE is most commonly used by policy makers as a long term guide to the competitiveness of technologies. 2)LCOE analysis considers costs distributed over the project lifetime. 3)The LCOE mainly depends on locations nd financing assumptions. 4)Variation in LCOE presented in various papers is due to certain assumptions, moreover, the lifetime of PV module is considered to 25 years in many papers but it is 40 years as the researcher suggests. 5)The variation in M&O of the PV module may be due to difference in scope of service provided. 6)Other variation are due to the type of project owner, the nature and stability of regulatory regimes, and regional differences in cost of capital. 7)The LCOE levelized costs of power generated by PV exhibit a particularly high sensitivity to load factor variations, followed by variations in construction costs and discount rate. 8)Uncertainty in LCOE is due to financial uncertainties (e.g., variation of discount rate) are a major determining factor of LCOE, followed by system performance (including geographical insolation variation), which equally represents a major contributor to the uncertainty in LCOE.

Grid parity

Notes:- 1)As noted with LCOE, however, behind the relatively simple concept of grid parity lies considerable complexity and ambiguity. 2)Many papers present that in few countries grid parity is already been achieved and in few they say it will be achieved in coming future. 3)This shows that how difficult is the concept to communicate.

Modelling the Italian household sector at the municipal scale: Micro-CHP, renewables and energy efficiency[edit | edit source]

Morgan Baziliana, b, Ijeoma Onyejia, c, , , , Michael Liebreichd, Ian MacGille, Jennifer Chased, Jigar Shahf, Dolf Gieleng, Doug Arenth, Doug Landfeari, Shi Zhengrongj

This paper mainly focuses on the potential of energy efficiency, renewables, and micro-cogeneration to reduce household consumption in a medium Italian town and analyses the scope for municipal local policies. The study also investigates the effects of tourist flows on town's energy consumption by modelling energy scenarios for permanent and summer homes. Two long-term energy scenarios (to 2030) were modeled using the MarkAL-TIMES generator model: BAU (business as usual), which is the reference scenario, and EHS (exemplary household sector), which involves targets of penetration for renewables and micro-cogeneration. Because most of household energy demand is ascribable to space-heating or hot water production, this study finds that micro-CHP technologies with lower power-to-heat ratios (mainly, Stirling engines and microturbines) show a higher diffusion.


1)Data base of energy consumption (Thermal as well as electrical) for residential has been recorded. More precisely, the share by electrical appliances at residential sector were divided in residential sector. 2)Examination of the data regarding permanent and summer homes allowed the estimation of the electricity and natural gas consumption of summer households: in the summer, natural gas is used for hot water production and cooking, not for heating, resulting in distinctive patterns for the different household types by season. 3)Shares of electricity and natural gas consumption by type of appliance in permanent and summer homes. 4)Price of natural gas and electricity now and in future coming years were noted.

Micro-CHP unit

Notes 1)Only for space heating 2)4 CHP technologies were considered MGT (micro-gas turbine),ICE(Internal combustion engine) ,FC (Fuel cell) and stirling engines. 3)Techno-economical parameters to be considered for each technology is Efficiency, investment cost, fixed O&M, variable O&M, cogeneration ratio and life time.

Solar Panel unit

Notes: 1)Techno-economical parameters to be considered are Efficiency, life time and AF (availability factor), indicates the percent working hours over the year.

Photovoltaic unit

Notes: 1)Techno-economical parameters to be considered are AF data reflect the overall yearly production of the PVs in the town, investment cost, cost for M&O, life time, efficiency.


Notes:- 1)Primary energy saving by introducing these technologies. 2)Co2 emission has reduced considerably. 3)Important municipal policies to be adopted:- a)Information campaign to tell people about the benifits of the PV-CHP technology( incentive mechanisms, lower energy bills, short payback times for the installation of energy efficient products); b)bureaucratic simplification for the installation of PV and solar thermal plants; c)local tax breaks, especially to boost micro-CHP. Indeed, because local taxes considerably affect the price of natural gas.

Economic and environmental evaluation of micro CHP systems with different operating modes for residential buildings in Japan[edit | edit source]

Hongbo Ren, , Weijun Gao

In this paper, two typical micro CHP alternatives, namely, gas engine and fuel cell for residential buildings, are analyzed. For each facility, two different operating modes including minimum-cost operation and minimum-emission operation are taken into consideration by employing a plan and evaluation model for residential micro CHP systems.


Besides the grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) system, another timely example of the distributed residential energy supply technology is small-scale combined heat and power (micro CHP) generation, with a maximum electrical output capacity between roughly 1 kW and 10 kW. However, in order to achieve a widespread implementation of micro CHP systems, an interdisciplinary effort including technology, finance and policy etc., is necessary. It is believed that micro CHP offers significant benefits to energy suppliers, to households and to the society as a whole.In this paper, for an optimal efficiency of residential facilities, a study of various alternative micro CHP systems, including gas engine and fuel cell, is undertaken. In order to understand the tradeoff between economical and environmental potentials of the micro CHP systems, two different operating strategies are studied: to minimize annual energy cost and to minimize annual CO2 emissions.

Modelling of Residential CHP unit

The system consists of a CHP plant, a storage tank and a back-up burner. The CHP plant which is driven by city gas is used to meet part of the electrical demand (including cooling load with the use of air conditioning), the deficiency is served by the utility grid. As to the thermal load, the recovered heat from micro CHP plant is used for heating and hot water requirements. If the heating does not completely satisfy the application needs, a supplementary burner can be used. The role of storage tank is to store thermal energy during periods of low-thermal energy demand and to supply thermal energy during high demand.

Description of plan and evaluation model

  1. In order to introduce and operate residential micro CHP system in an effective way, it is necessary to take into full consideration of local conditions, energy requirements, as well as technical and financial information. Based on the investigated electricity and thermal loads, energy (both electricity and city gas) prices, as well as micro CHP performance characteristics, a pre developed plan and evaluation model is employed. 2.Lingo software package has been used for the analysis in this paper.

Economic assessment index

  1. The economic assessment provides information on how the economic resources (investments, fuels, etc.) are used to meet the customer requirements. 2.Micro CHP system has usually higher initial investment and lower running cost compared with the conventional energy supply system, which serves the electricity load by utility grid and thermal load by gas boiler. 3.Cost saving ratio, important index for the CHP economic assessment. It is given as rate of total energy cost difference between the micro CHP system and the conventional system to the annual energy cost of the conventional system.

Studied Case

Energy Demand

  1. The energy demand in the residence can be divided into electrical demand and thermal demand, which consists of space heating, hot water and cooling load. It should be noted that the cooling load for air conditioning is also an electrical demand. 2.Generally, the above energy consumptions can be obtained through direct no-site measurement or simulation with some building energy simulation software, for example, EnergyPlus, Flexsim, DOE-2, and so on. 3.various hourly load demands of 8760 h, hourly peak load and annual total load for the assumed residential building can be assessed.

Utility Demand

  1. Utility electricity and gas tariffs are key factors determining the economic benefits of the micro CHP installation.

Micro-CHP alternative

  1. Commercially available micro CHP technologies include internal combustion engine, Stirling engine, micro-turbine and fuel cell. 2.Micro-gas Engine in MIcro-CHP is the most promising technology which has been introduced in the market and is manufactured by Honda etc. 3.Characteristics of the CHP unit includes capital cost of the unit, Electrical as well as thermal efficinecy and life time. 4. CHP unit with fuell cell Manufacturers (Panasonic, Ebara Ballard, Sanyo and Toshiba) supplying these units are striving to increase the lifetime and reliability and reduce the initial costs.

Simulation Results

Micro-CHP with gas engine

  1. Hourly Electrical and Thermal demand is noted. 2.Compared with the results of gas engine plant, it can be deduced that the fuel cell system supplies more electricity but less thermal energy.

Economic assessment

  1. In this section, the economic aspects of each scenario illustrated above have been evaluated and the results have been compared with a conventional system 2.It can be found that the introduction of both two micro CHP alternatives with different operation modes leads to considerable cost reductions. 3.The fuel cell system with minimum-cost operation has the least annual energy cost, which is about 26% less than the conventional energy system. 4.Furthermore, Fuel cell CHP system has a relatively higher economic efficiency than the gas engine system, although with a larger investment cost.

Technical and economic feasibility study of using Micro CHP in the different climate zones of Iran[edit | edit source]

Fatemeh TeymouriHamzehkolaei , Sourena Sattari,

In this paper, technical and economic studies for the use of Micro CHP in the different climate zones of Iran are executed. These zones are categorized in to five; Tehran, Rasht, Bandar Abbas, Ardebil and Yazd, based on weather conditions. Later on using an economic model, both annual energy savings and percentage of system profitability in each zone are calculated as well as reduction in annual emissions. It should be mentioned that, for economic calculations, gas and electricity price are determined using a sensitivity analysis. This analysis indicated that profitability of Micro CHP systems are sensitive to energy prices, as well as hours needed for heating room in each climate zones.


Notes:- 1)Detailed knowledge of energy end use loads is important for selecting an appropriate residential CHP system depending on electrical as well as thermal energy demand. 2)Should have knowledge about the climatic conditions of the area where CHP unit is to be installed.

Model Description

1)The system is designed in such a manner that thermal and electrical energy generated by the CHP should satisfy the demand of the families. If excess thermal energy is generated it is stored so that it can be used for future. If excess electric energy is generated it is fed into the grid back.

Equation description

1)In order to introduce and operate residential Micro CHP system in an effective way, it is necessary to take into full consideration of local conditions, energy requirements, as well as technical and financial information. 2)The economic model is used to calculate annual energy saving and annual CO2 emissions in different zones. 3)Where the average thermal power output of Micro CHP system, is the ratio of annual heat load for space heating and hot water divided by the hours needed for heating and hot water. 4)Total annual hours to supply household's heating and also hot water demands are determined in each zone, separately. 5)The total amount of electricity generated during the year by CHP system is calculated with electrical rated capacity of CHP plant multiplied by the annual operation hours. 6)Thermal capacity of Micro CHP system is related to electrical capacity, by the electrical and thermal efficiencies of CHP plant. 7)Cost saving ratio is calculated depending on annual energy cost on coventional system and micro-CHP system. 8)Then annual running cost the CHP unit is calculated which depends on fuel as well as maintenance cost. 9)The total cost of electricity purchase has been calculated depending on the demand of electricity by the house as well as the electricity rate purchased from the retailer. 10)If the electrical energy so generated by the CHp system is greater then the required demand then the excess energy is fed into the grid. This also considered while calculating the cost of saving( included in annual energy cost by CHP ) 11)On the other hand if the demand is more then what is being generated by the CHP unit. This is also included in calculations of annual energy cost by CHP. 12)Finally, the payback period can be determined by using initial investment for the CHP unit divided by the amount of cost saving by the CHP unit.

Sensitivity Analysis

1)Sensitivity analysis improves understanding the influence of key parameters on the decision to adopt Micro CHP systems. Gas and electricity price are significant factors that show economic benefits of installing Micro CHP systems in buildings. 2)The sensitivity of profitability index to changes in natural gas prices has been analyzed and was reported as the gas price reduces the profitability index increases.Thus, reducing natural gas price is an effective way to stimulate the adoption of Micro CHP system because of the reduced running cost. 3)Another factor that influence the profitability index is electricity price, which also has an important effect on the adoption of residential Micro CHP systems. The intuitive result that Micro CHP economic feasibility is quite sensitive to electricity prices. The sensitivity of profitability index to electricity price in lower prices is much more than higher prices; the analysis shows that if the electricity price there is increase in profitability for CHP system. 4)From the sensitivity analysis for simultaneous changes in electricity price and the gas price it can be observed that, given a fixed capital cost, the profitability index would begin to rise when gas price is reduced and electricity price is increased. It is not surprising that increases in electricity price and decreases in gas price result in corresponding increase in profitability index and decrease in payback period. Furthermore, it can be found that greater profitability result in larger Micro CHP systems installation. 5)Other factors that effect on the profitability index and payback period are building's area and annual hours needed for space heating.Profitability index and payback period varies with change in the thermal load demand, thus even change in area also changes the profitability index.

Micro-CHP systems for residential applications[edit | edit source]

Michel De Paepea, , , Peter D'Herdta, David Mertensb

In this paper, a thorough analysis is made of the operational parameters of 3 types of micro-CHP systems for residential use. For each building type, the energy demands for electricity and heat are dynamically determined. Using these load profiles, several CHP systems are designed for each building type. All CHP systems, if well sized, result in a reduction of primary energy use, though different technologies have very different impacts.


A large amount of energy in the world is being utilized for heating purpose. Using CHP unit will not only provide heat to the building but will also provide electricity.


CHP technology

Notes: 1.In this paper, five micro-CHP systems (<5 kW) are evaluated for use in residential applications. 2.Most important step is to determine the load demands of the families (Electrical as well as thermal). In the present case DOE 2.5 was used for doing this analysis. The requisite data for the simulation include: building dimensions, building materials, installed equipment and lighting, usage time profiles (schedules), data concerning the heating system and the ventilation rates. 3.CHP technologies being used- a) TWo CHP units using gas engine, running on natural gas.-- b) Two CHP units using sterling engine, running on any fuel. c) CHP unit using Fuel cell, running on hydrogen gas.

Primary Energy

Notes: 1.For each configuration, the primary energy savings, CO2 emission reduction and the financial savings are calculated. 2.The cases consider for comparison- a)Electricity coming from gas/steam turbine power plant, whose efficiency is 50% b)Electricity coming from fossil fuel power plant, whose efficiency is 42% c)Electricity coming from nuclear power plant, whose efficiency is 37% 3.The CHP unit running strategy is determined by the heat requirement at the output side. The CHP tries to fulfill all demand but is the requirement is greater then the CHP produces then the excess is taken from grid. Thus, a external boiler is connected along with the CHP to provide excess required demand which cant be fulfilled by the CHP unit.

Electrical equipment and Lightning

Notes:- 1.For each room in the houses, the installed equipment and lighting power were listed. 2.The central heating system was present in all houses, temperature demands are highly dependent on the users of the building. The central heating system is controlled by an on/off thermostat with time programming. This data for individual house was noted.

Energy saving

Notes:- 1.The simulation results depending on all above taken data gives the total amount of electrical as well as thermal demand. 2.The energy consumption by the CHP each CHP technology is recognized with respect to a base case i.e. gas fired combined cycle power plant. 3.Using the data obtained from above the maximum energy saving by various CHP modules can be determined.


  1. Investment and Maintenance cost for each CHP module is considered. 2. Electricity purchasing and selling price. Even gas purchase price is considered. 3.Annual Profit:- The annual profits are the sum of:
  • The avoided costs for purchasing electricity, equalling the purchasing price.
  • The money received for the electricity which is sold to the grid.

These profits are decreased with

  • The maintenance costs.
  • The extra cost due to the extra amount of gas used.

Micro combined heat and power (MCHP) technologies and applications[edit | edit source]

Maryam Mohammadi Maghankia, Barat Ghobadiana, , , , Gholamhassan Najafia, Reza Janzadeh Galogahb

This paper mainly focus on Micro-cogeneration systems have the potential to reduce energy demand of the residential sector for space heating, domestic hot water heating,and electricity. The reduced green house gas emissions and reduced reliance upon central electrical generation, transmission, and distribution systems are the possible benefits. Also in the present paper,a comparison has been made between the MCHP technology and the other ones such as primemover, electrical and thermal power,efficiency and emissions.

Layout of CHP unit

Notes:- 1)Layout of CHP intergarted system to supply residential electrical and thermal demand is presented. 2)Here the output of prime-mover is electricity which is if generated in excess can be fed into grid. If the electricity demand is not fulfilled the excess required can be taken from grid. 3)The CHP block consists of a heat exchanger, auxiliary boiler and thermal storage unit. This are needed for thermal demands. If the heat so generated is in excess by CHP then it is stored in the Thermal storage unit. 4)The efficiency of the CHP unit varies depending on the technology being used and also the fuel/gas source employed. 5)It can seen that the conventional electricity system has an efficiency of 48% and gas boiler installed seperately has an efficiency of 80%.Hence overall conventional thermal and electrical system efficiency goes up to 60%. 6)Moreover, on an average the CHP units gives an total efficiency of about 76.5% with less fuel consumption.

Global CHP status

Notes:- 1)The paper presents the CHP share of total national power generation in different countries and even gives the approximate capacity of CHP unit installed in different countries (report from IEA data analysis.) 2)The paper even provide the expected rise in the share of CHP power generated in national power generation by 2030.

CHP Technologies

Notes:- 1)ICE,SE,MGT,MRC are 4 types of Primemover Technologies. 2)The overall efficiency of a CHP unit is combined thermal and electrical efficiency. This is different for different CHP technologies. 3)ICE internal combustion engine has a potential to provide efficiency up to 90% 4)MRC Micro rankine cycle has a potential to provide efficiency of more than 90% 5)The paper even gives a list of various companies and the efficiency of there CHP modules.


1)CHP units are used for space heating and warm water. Along with this it generates electricity with same fuel intake at good efficiency. 2)The GHG emission is very less as compared to the conventional system used. 3)It can seen from paper that CHP units are able to satisfy 80% of the thermal demand and less 85% electrical demand. 4)The prime mover saving is depending on prime mover technology its in the range(20-28%).

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Created May 23, 2022 by Irene Delgado
Last modified July 6, 2024 by Irene Delgado
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