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LCA of Solar PV Systems[edit | edit source]
Life cycle assessment of solar PV based electricity generation systems: A review[1][edit | edit source]
- Citation
Sherwani, A. F., J. A. Usmani, and Varun. 2010. “Life Cycle Assessment of Solar PV Based Electricity Generation Systems: A Review.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 14 (1): 540–44.
- Life cycle CO2 emissions for mono c-si technology
- Schaefer and Hagedorn- 5.020 kg-CO2/kWp[2]
- Life cycle CO2 emissions
- Kato et al.(1998)- 91 g-CO2 eq./kWh (Japan; 3 kWh rooftop off-grid system; 20 yrs)[3]
- Kannan et al.(2006)- 165 g-CO2 eq./kWh (2.7 kWp distributed rooftop solar system in Singapore; mounting system- aluminium frame + concrete block)[4]
- Kreith et al.- 280 g-CO2 eq./kWh ( 300kW rooftop PV in Austin)[5]
- Prakash and Bansal- 64.8 g-CO2 eq./kWh (20 yrs; 35W solar panel manufactured in India)[6]
- Total CO2 emission- 4205 metric ton
- EPBT for mono c-si SPV
- Prakash and Bansal- 4year (india - Ground)
- Kannan et al.- 4.5year (singapore - roof; 25 yrs)
- Schaefer and Hagedorn- 3.2 year (Netherlands)
- Kreith et al.- total embodied energy 16.5 GWh
Review on life cycle assessment of energy payback of solar photovoltaic systems and a case study[7][edit | edit source]
- Citation
Wu, Peishi, Xiaoming Ma, Junping Ji, and Yunrong Ma. 2017. “Review on Life Cycle Assessment of Energy Payback of Solar Photovoltaic Systems and a Case Study.” Energy Procedia, 8th International Conference on Applied Energy, ICAE2016, 8-11 October 2016, Beijing, China, 105 (May): 68–74.
- performance of 1MW on grid ground mount multi-Si SPV in China
- Total embodied energy- 19.5548*10e6 MJ
- Annual energy output- 8.328*10e6 MJ
- EPBT- 2.3 yrs
Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) of photovoltaic panels: A review[8][edit | edit source]
- Citation
Gerbinet, Saïcha, Sandra Belboom, and Angélique Léonard. 2014. “Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) of Photovoltaic Panels: A Review.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 38 (October): 747–53.
- US-Facade-integrated- 1kWp-<5yrs[9]
- Italy- ground (tracking)- 1MWh- 5.5yrs-44.7 g/kWh[10]
- Southern Europe(2006)- Roof integrated- 1kWp- 1.7-2.7 yrs- 30-45 g co2/kWh[11]
Prospects of life cycle assessment of renewable energy from solar photovoltaic technologies: A review[12][edit | edit source]
- Citation
Ludin, Norasikin Ahmad, Nur Ifthitah Mustafa, Marlia M. Hanafiah, Mohd Adib Ibrahim, Mohd Asri Mat Teridi, Suhaila Sepeai, Azami Zaharim, and Kamaruzzaman Sopian. 2018. “Prospects of Life Cycle Assessment of Renewable Energy from Solar Photovoltaic Technologies: A Review.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 96 (November): 11–28.
- kreith et al.(1990) - us- ground-30yrs-CED(6300 kWh/m2)-280 gco2/kWh[5]
- Wilson and Young (1996)-uk-rooftop-20yrs-7.4 yrs[13]
- Jungbluth et al. (2005)- Switzerland- rooftop-30yrs-3.0-6.0yrs-79 gco2/kWh[14]
- Fthenakis et al.-(2008)-Europe-Ground- 30yrs-n/a-36g[15]
- de Wild-Scholten(2009)- Europe-roof-30yrs-1.80-29g[16]
- Ito et al. 2011 Japan Ground-1.4yrs-64.2g[17]
Average Household Size and Electricity Consumption per Household[edit | edit source]
US solar photovoltaic system and energy storage cost benchmarks: Q1 2021[18][edit | edit source]
- Residential PV System- mono c-Si- 3-11 kW
- Commercial- fixed tilt- mono c-Si- 100kW-2MW
- Utility-scale - Fixed/ single axis tracking - mono c-Si - 5-100 MW
Household Energy Use in Michigan: A closer look at residential energy consumption[19][edit | edit source]
- Annual Avg. electricity consumption -9000 kWh per household
- Annual avg. electricity consumption (US)- 11000 kWh
- Average household square footage- 1954
- Average household size of us- 1971
Household Energy Use in California: A closer look at residential energy consumption[20][edit | edit source]
- Annual Avg. electricity consumption -9000 kWh per household
- Average household square footage- 1583
Household Energy Use in Florida: A closer look at residential energy consumption[21][edit | edit source]
- Annual Avg. electricity consumption -15000 kWh per household
- Average household square footage- 1668
Household Energy Use in Arizona: A closer look at residential energy consumption[22][edit | edit source]
- Annual Avg. electricity consumption -14000 kWh per household
- Average household square footage- 1798
Rooftop Mounting System[edit | edit source]
Photovoltaic roofing: issues of design and integration into buildings[23][edit | edit source]
- various anchoring system
- aluminium framing
- fixed directly to the roof
- replace roof tiles
- hooking system fixed under the tiles
- structure can vary slope angle - 20 to 50 degree
- life time 30 yrs
- aluminium hook fixed to rafters
3.5 MW Utility Scale Solar PV System at Springerville, AZ[edit | edit source]
Energy Payback and Life-cycle CO2 Emissions of the BOS in an Optimized 3.5MW PV Installation[24][edit | edit source]
- Total capacity- 4.6MW
- lca on BOS
- project of Tucson Electric Power’s (TEP)
- 26 arrays each 135 kWp
- the weight of PV modules as an element of BOS support
- eliminating concrete
- anchored into the ground with 30cm mails
- CED - 542 MJ/m2
- GHG emission - 29 kg/m2
- EPBT- 0.21 yrs ( plant)
- average EPBT- .37yrs(USA)
- Module Specification
- o Module name: ASE 300DG/50
- o Weight: 46.6KG
- o Al frame: 5.44KG
- o Area: 2.456 m2
- o Efficiency: 12.2%
- Functional unit - 1MW
- Life expectancy of BOS- 60yrs
- Inverter model- Xantrec PV-150
- Software- SimaPro6
- system efficiency 83.5%
Five years of operating experience at the Springerville PV generating plant[25][edit | edit source]
- Average annual final yield- 1707 kWhac/kWdc
- Avg. final yield (2004)- 1720 kWhac/kWdc; Avg. final yield (2005)- 1669 kWhac/kWdc; Avg. final yield (2006)- 1731 kWhac/kWdc
- Avg. operating period 2138 sun-hours
- Avg. annual performance ratio 0.79
Photovoltaic Power Plant Experience at Tucson Electric Power[26][edit | edit source]
- tilt angle 34 degree
- system power density- 110.6 kWac per acre of ground
- array consists of 9 module with 2 strings per row
- power each array - 2.7kW
- operating voltage (each array)- 380-390V
- the total embodied energy by the plant - 12352kWhac/kWdc
- modules account for 88%
- BOS account for 12%
- the EPBT of the plant- 2.8 yrs
Rooftop Solar Potentials in the US[edit | edit source]
Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Technical Potential in the United States. A Detailed Assessment[27][edit | edit source]
- estimated rooftop PV suitability for 128 cities nationwide
References[edit | edit source]
- ↑ Sherwani, A. F., J. A. Usmani, and Varun. 2010. “Life Cycle Assessment of Solar PV Based Electricity Generation Systems: A Review.” ''Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews'' 14 (1): 540–44. <nowiki></nowiki>.
- ↑ Schaefer H, Hagedorn G. Hidden energy and correlated environmental characteristics of P.V. power generation. Renewable Energy 1992;2(2):159–66.
- ↑ Kato K, Murata A, Sakuta K. An evaluation on the life cycle of photovoltaic energy system considering production energy of off-grade silicon. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 1997;47:95–100.
- ↑ Kannan R, Leong KC, Osman R, Ho HK, Tso CP. Life cycle assessment study of solar PV systems: an example of a 2 7 kWp distributed solar PV system in Singapore. Solar Energy 2006;80(5):555–63.
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 Kreith F, Norton P, Brown D. A comparison of CO2 emissions from fossil and solar power plants in the US. Energy 1990;15(12):1181–98.
- ↑ Prakash R, Bansal NK. Energy analysis of solar photovoltaic module production in India. Energy Sources 1995;17:605–13.
- ↑ Wu, Peishi, Xiaoming Ma, Junping Ji, and Yunrong Ma. 2017. “Review on Life Cycle Assessment of Energy Payback of Solar Photovoltaic Systems and a Case Study.” Energy Procedia, 8th International Conference on Applied Energy, ICAE2016, 8-11 October 2016, Beijing, China, 105 (May): 68–74.
- ↑ Gerbinet, Saïcha, Sandra Belboom, and Angélique Léonard. 2014. “Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) of Photovoltaic Panels: A Review.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 38 (October): 747–53.
- ↑ Perez MJR, et al. Façade-integrated photovoltaics: a life cycle and performance assessment case study. Prog Photovolt: Res Appl 2012;20(8):975–90.
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- ↑ Alsema, EA and Wild-Scholten, MJd., Environmental impact of crystalline silicon photovoltaic module production, in: Proceedings of the CIRP International conference on life cycle engineering. Leuven, 2006.
- ↑ Ludin, Norasikin Ahmad, Nur Ifthitah Mustafa, Marlia M. Hanafiah, Mohd Adib Ibrahim, Mohd Asri Mat Teridi, Suhaila Sepeai, Azami Zaharim, and Kamaruzzaman Sopian. 2018. “Prospects of Life Cycle Assessment of Renewable Energy from Solar Photovoltaic Technologies: A Review.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 96 (November): 11–28.
- ↑ Wilson R, Young A. The embodied energy payback period of photovoltaic installations applied to buildings in the U.K. Build Environ 1996;31:299–305.
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- ↑ Ramasamy, Vignesh, David Feldman, Jal Desai, and Robert Margolis. 2021. “US Solar Photovoltaic System and Energy Storage Cost Benchmarks: Q1 2021.” National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States).
- ↑ U.S. Energy Information Administration. 2009. “Household Energy Use in Michigan: A Closer Look at Residential Energy Consumption.”
- ↑ U.S. Energy Information Administration. 2009. “Household Energy Use in California: A Closer Look at Residential Energy Consumption.”
- ↑ U.S. Energy Information Administration. 2009. “Household Energy Use in Florida: A Closer Look at Residential Energy Consumption.”
- ↑ U.S. Energy Information Administration. 2009. “Household Energy Use in Arizona: A Closer Look at Residential Energy Consumption.”
- ↑ Bahaj, AbuBakr S. 2003. “Photovoltaic Roofing: Issues of Design and Integration into Buildings.” Renewable Energy 28 (14): 2195–2204.
- ↑ Mason, J. E., V. M. Fthenakis, T. Hansen, and H. C. Kim. 2006. “Energy Payback and Life-Cycle CO2 Emissions of the BOS in an Optimized 3·5 MW PV Installation.” Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 14 (2): 179–90.
- ↑ Moore, L., H. Post, T. Hansen, and T. Mysak. 2006. “Five Years of Operating Experience at the Springerville PV Generating Plant.” Sandia Natl. Lab.
- ↑ Moore, Larry, Hal Post, and Terry Mysak. 2008. “Photovoltaic Power Plant Experience at Tucson Electric Power.” In , 387–94. American Society of Mechanical Engineers Digital Collection.
- ↑ Gagnon, Pieter, Robert Margolis, Jennifer Melius, Caleb Phillips, and Ryan Elmore. 2016. “Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Technical Potential in the United States. A Detailed Assessment.” NREL/TP-6A20-65298. National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States).