Growing mycoprotein (Fusarium venenatum)
Mycoprotein: The Future of Nutritious Nonmeat Protein, a Symposium Review[edit | edit source]
Finnigan, T. J. A., Wall, B. T., Wilde, P. J., Stephens, F. B., Taylor, S. L., and Freedman, M. R. "Mycoprotein: The Future of Nutritious Nonmeat Protein, a Symposium Review", Curr Dev Nutr. Vol. 3, Issue 6. April, 2019.
Mycoprotein is an alternative, nutritious protein source with a meat-like texture made from Fusarium venenatum, a naturally occurring fungus. Its unique method of production yields a significantly reduced carbon and water footprint relative to beef and chicken. Mycoprotein, sold as Quorn, is consumed in 17 countries, including the United States. In line with current dietary guidelines, mycoprotein is high in protein and fiber, and low in fat, cholesterol, sodium, and sugar. Mycoprotein may help maintain healthy blood cholesterol levels, promote muscle synthesis, control glucose and insulin levels, and increase satiety. It is possible that some susceptible consumers will become sensitized, and subsequently develop a specific allergy. However, a systematic evidence review indicates that incidence of allergic reactions remains exceptionally low. Mycoprotein's nutritional, health, and environmental benefits affirms its role in a healthful diet. Future research that focuses on the long-term clinical benefits of consuming a diet containing mycoprotein is warranted.
Key Points:
- Overview of what mycoprotein is (non-animal, non-plant; a fungal protein source)
- Information on the discovery of mycoprotein from Fusarium venenatum
- Overview of production process of mycoprotein
- Comparison of mycoprotein vs protein from meat (land use, environmental impact, etc.)
- Assessment of mycoprotein vs other protein sources (looking at nutritional value)
- How it digested, absorbed, and used by the body
- Reports of allergy and adverse reactions to mycoprotein
Mycoprotein: A futuristic portrayal[edit | edit source]
Derbyshire, E. J., Finnegan, T. J. A. "Mycoprotein: A futuristic portrayal", Future Foods. Chapter 16, 287-303. 2022.
Mycoprotein was first discovered in the 1960s, yet today, its consumption and applications within the food industry continue to grow. This protein is derived from the soil-dwelling fungus Fusarium venenatum A3/5 and is used to produce mycoprotein found in Quorn—the leading fungal-derived protein source that is commercially available for consumption of human globally. Consumers are seeking alternative proteins—a shift driven by expanding global populations and mounting concerns about animal welfare, human and environmental health. The evidence-base for mycoprotein and its roles in promoting benefits to human health are well-established. It is a complete protein that is both bioavailable and to stimulate muscle protein synthesis post-exercise. Its consumption has been further linked to improved lipoprotein profiles, energy intake, and satiety levels, as well as potential benefits for glucose and insulin regulation. Increasingly, consumers are paying more attention to the environmental impacts of the foods they choose. Mycoprotein performs particularly well from this perspective, using significantly less land and water for production than animal-derived protein sources, contributing to its lower carbon footprint. Commercial mycoprotein production is also forecast to be net positive by 2030, thus putting more back into society, the global environment, and the economy than is taken out.
In the foreseeable future, mycoprotein consumption is projected to grow. It is envisioned to be consumed more frequently by reducetarians and flexitarians, the vegan market, generation alpha, the aged, and the environmentally aware. Given rising awareness of fungal biotechnology as a natural means of tackling contemporary problems, it is hoped that fungal protein will become increasingly recognized within food-based dietary guidelines. Given accruing science it is also likely that mycoprotein will be consumed for “functional health” and as part of future preventative health care. For example, its consumption could help to regulate appetite, satiety and subsequent body weight, blood lipid, and metabolic profiles, and prevent frailty/sarcopenia. This chapter explains how mycoprotein came about, how it is produced, and describes its ongoing roles from a futuristic perspective.
Key Points:
- Discussion on population growth and why alternative food sources are important
- What mycoprotein is (fungal protein source, meat analog)
- Discovery and origins of mycoprotein and Fusarium venenatum
- Overview on the growth process of mycoprotein
- There is a figure that outlines the process (Fig 1)
- Nutritional analysis of mycoprotein
- A lot of information on the specific nutrition of mycoprotein and how it may help individuals with various conditions (eg., diabetes)
Mycoproteins as safe meat substitutes[edit | edit source]
Hashempour-Baltork F, Khosravi-Darani K, Hosseini H, Farshi P, Reihani SFS."Mycoproteins as safe meat substitutes". Journal of Cleaner Production. 20 253:119958. April 2020
Increased global population has resulted in increased need of foods. Production of animal-based proteins includes limitations, including time, energy and cost as well as environmental consideration. Therefore, replacement of meat by alternative ingredients can be a useful approach. Microbial proteins, especially mycoproteins, can substitute partially or entirely animal-based protein foods such as meats. Use of agro-industrial wastes for the production of mycoproteins is a multiple target, especially from environmental aspects. Mycoproteins are healthy sources of essential amino acids, carbohydrates, vitamins and carotenes. Furthermore, mycoproteins can be produced with low total costs, independent to climates (such as flood or drought) and landscape limitations. The aim of this study was to review characteristics of mycoproteins as meat alternatives. After a short insight into sensory attributes and consumer acceptances of the mycoprotein products, use and formulation of mycoproteinss as meat substitutes were reviewed. Then, environmental, economic and marketing aspects of this idea were discussed. Moreover, health and safety aspects (e.g. contradictory reports) were studies, including reports on effects of mycoprotein consumption on total blood cholesterol and LDL and HDL cholesterols as well as the impact their effects on satiety, glycemic response, foodborne pathogens, allergy and waste use. in this study, ethical and halal concerns were reviewed as well.
Key Points:
- Introduction on what mycoprotein is
- Fermentation conditions for mycoprotein production
- Describes what is in the media (carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, etc.)
- RNA reduction by heat treatment
- F. venenatum can grow on media with a carbon source, ammonium, and biotin
- Figure 1 shows a flowchart diagram of the process of mycoprotein production
- The rest of the paper focuses on land use (compared to livestock), economic aspect of mycoprotein, safety, allergy, and more.
Cactus pear biomass, a potential lignocellulose raw material for Single Cell Protein production (SCP): A Review[edit | edit source]
Akanni, G., Ntuli, V., du Preez, J. C. "Cactus pear biomass, a potential lignocellulose raw material for Single Cell Protein production (SCP): A Review". International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. Vol. 3, Number 7. 171-197. 2014.
Global population increase in the past few decades has intensified protein malnutrition especially in the developing world where agriculture industry is not reputable. Promising biotechnological methods has been established to alleviate the world s protein deficit from ailing conventional protein sources. Single cell protein production (SCP) from lignocellulose biomass presents upcoming technology aimed at providing protein supplement for both human food and animal feeds. Microorganisms such as algae, fungi, yeast and bacteria, are involved in bioconversion of low-cost carbon feed-stocks such as lignocellulose to produce biomass rich in proteins and amino acids. Different lignocellulosic biomass are treated using chemical and biological methods to produce SCP from the microorganisms. The cladodes of Opuntia ficus-indica (cactus pear) is one such lignocellulosic raw material that has a potential for production of SCP in arid and semi-arid regions. This article highlights the current uses of lignocellulosic biomass and the use of cactus pear biomass as potential raw material in SCP production.
Key Points:
- During WWI, Germany cultivated bakers' yeast on molasses and ammonium salts to serve as a protein replacement to replace 60% of foodstuff that they imported before the war
- Substrates for SCP production: starch, molasses, whey, fruit and vegetable wastes
- also: petroleum biproducts, natural gas, ethanol, methanol, lignocellulose
- Description of a series of treatments used to process lignocellulose to use as a substrate for SCP growth
Mycoprotein Production from Date Waste Using Fusarium venenatum in a Submerged Culture[edit | edit source]
Seyedeh, F. S. and Reihani, K. K. "Mycoprotein Production from Date Waste Using Fusarium venenatum in a Submerged Culture". Applied Food Biotechnology. Vol. 5, 243-252. 2018.
Background and Objective: Production of single cell protein has various outstanding advantages, e.g., it can be grown on waste and it is environmental friendly as it helps in upgrading agricultural wastes. In the present study, the influence of process parameters on the biomass formation (g l-1), protein production (% w w-1) and volumetric productivity (g l-1h-1) of Fusarium venenatum IR372C was determined.
Material and Methods: The Vogel medium was used with glucose as the carbon source for pre culture cultivation and date sugar as the carbon source for production medium. In the first phase of the study, submerged fermentation was conducted in 500 ml flasks and a 3l stirred-tank bioreactor was exploited to conduct the submerged fermentation in the second phase. Plackett-Burman Design with eleven factors, i.e., date sugar concentration, NH4H2PO4, peptone, MgSO4, KH2PO4, temperature, time, shake rate, inoculate age, inoculate size, pH in two levels and Response Surface Methodology with three variables, i.e., date sugar concentration, time and inoculate size were employed to determine the fermentation condition by which the maximum biomass, protein and productivity were achieved.
Results and Conclusion:Based on obtained results, by using the selected levels of influencing process variables, a relatively high amount of total protein (ca. 4 g l-1, 65.3% in the first phase using flasks and 5.5 g l-1, 76% in the second phase by using the bioreactor, respectively) was achieved. The amino and fatty acid profiles of mycoprotein and its relatively high fibre content (6%) imply that mycoprotein could be incorporated in various types of foods as a functional ingredient.
Key Points:
- Information about how they maintained F. venenatum strain at 4°C on Vogel media agar slants
- Describes a methodology of growing an initial inoculum in either Vogel media or date sugar-based media
- This suspension was added to a larger volume to allow for submerged fermentation
- Done in a flask and also a 31 stirred-tank bioreactor to monitor pH, temperature, and stirring rate
- Analysis of various conditions (media composition, temperature, etc.) and how it effected biomass production during submerged fermentation process
Development of Meat Substitutes from Filamentous Fungi Cultivated on Residual Water of Tempeh Factories[edit | edit source]
Wikandari, R., Tanugraha, D.R., Yastanta, A.J., Manikharda, Gmoser, R., Teixeira, J.A. "Development of Meat Substitutes from Filamentous Fungi Cultivated on Residual Water of Tempeh Factories". Molecules. Vol 28, 997. 2023.
In recent years, there has been an increased motivation to reduce meat consumption globally due to environmental and health concerns, which has driven the development of meat substitutes. Filamentous fungal biomass, commonly known as mycoprotein, is a potential meat substitute since it is nutritious and has filaments to mimic meat fibrils. The current study aimed to investigate the potential use of a cheap substrate derived from the food industry, i.e., residual water in a tempeh factory, for mycoprotein production. The type of residual water, nutrient supplementation, optimum conditions for biomass production, and characteristics of the mycoprotein were determined. The results showed that the residual water from the first boiling with yeast extract addition gave the highest mycoprotein content. The optimum growth condition was a pH of 4.5 and agitation of 125 rpm, and it resulted in 7.76 g/L biomass. The mycoprotein contains 19.44% (w/w) protein with a high crude fiber content of 8.51% (w/w) and a low fat content of 1.56% (w/w). In addition, the amino acid and fatty acid contents are dominated by glutamic acid and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are associated with an umami taste and are considered healthier foods. The current work reveals that the residual boiling water from the tempeh factory can be used to produce high-quality mycoprotein.
Key Points:
- Intro to what mycoprotein is, what tempeh is (and why the residual water from production has nutrients)
- This paper focuses on using a different fungi, Rhizopus oligosporus, to produce biomass for mycoprotein
- Apparently, this is a fungi used in the production of tempeh (a soybean based food popular in Indonesia)
- Analysis on this different mycoprotein and its nutritional composition