Advisory Committee Rules for PhD students at UWO (ECE department)
Advisory Committee Rules for PhD students (ECE department)
This advisory committee is to track the annual progress of students. [https:\\electrical\graduate\current_students\PhD_Program_Information.html ]
The following are the rules for selecting members:
- If the committee member is the supervisor and one faculty from the ECE department; in that case, 2 members are enough. Minimize this unless complicated topic needs more committee members.
- If the committee member is the supervisor and one faculty from any other department; in that case, 3 members are required such that the 3rd member is from the ECE department.
- Each member must have at least a non-core SGPS membership status.
- At least one of the members should be from the same area of research as the student.
The following are ECE department rules for repeating members in comprehensive, advisory, and thesis committees:
- You can repeat one member from the comprehensive committee in the advisory committee.
- You can not repeat members from any committee for the thesis committee.
Western rules for repeating:
- Western Thesis Regulations state that the number of individuals from a thesis advisory committee allowed to be on the examination committee is 1. (“No more than one Program Examiner may be from the candidate's Thesis Supervisory Committee”).
Please refer to – Thesis Examination Board.
The invitation for the advisory committee shall be sent by the supervisor in the same way as for selecting the comprehensive committee.
For more information regarding annual progress report submission and face-to-face meetings visit: