Energy: Biogas[edit | edit source]

Housing and Construction[edit | edit source]

Transportation[edit | edit source]

  • Direct link to AT Sourcebook Chapter]
  • Appropriate Industrial Technology for Low Cost Transport for Rural Areas
  • A.T. in Rural Development: Vehicles Designed for On and Off Farm Operations
  • Automotive Operation and Maintenance
  • The Backyard Mechanic Volume 1
  • The Backyard Mechanic Volume 2
  • The Backyard Mechanic Volume 3
  • Better Tools for the Job
  • The Bicycle Builder's Bible
  • Bicycle Resource Guide
  • Bicycles and Tricycles
  • Bicycles: A Case Study of Indian Experience
  • Bicycling Science
  • Boatbuilding Manual
  • Boats from Ferrocement
  • The Design and Manufacture of AnimalDrawn Carts
  • The Design and Manufacture of LowCost Motorized Vehicles
  • The Design of Bicycle Trailers
  • The Dory Book
  • Earth Roads
  • Electric Vehicles
  • Fishing Boat Designs: Flat Bottom Boats
  • Gasoline Engine Tune Up
  • Guide to Tools and Equipment for Labour Based Road Construction
  • Handbook of Artisanal Boatbuilding
  • Installation and Maintenance of Engines in Small Fishing Vessels
  • Low Cost Transportation
  • Low Cost Vehicles
  • Maintaining Motorcycles
  • The Management of Animal Energy Resources and the Modernization of the Bullock Cart System
  • Manual on the Planning of Labour lntensive Road Construction
  • The Manufacture of Low Cost Vehicles in Developing Countries
  • New Working Watercraft
  • Notes on Simple Transport in Some Developing Countries
  • Proceedings of ITDG Seminar "Simple Vehicles for Developing Countries"
  • Roads and Resources
  • The Rural Access Roads Programme
  • Rural Roads Manual
  • Rural Transport in Developing Countries
  • Small Boat Design
  • Sails as an Aid to Fishing
  • Three Wheeled Vehicles in Crete

Health Care[edit | edit source]

Science Teaching[edit | edit source]

Nonformal Education[edit | edit source]

Small Enterprises[edit | edit source]

  • Direct link to AT Sourcebook Chapter
  • Basic Control of Assets
  • Basic Finances
  • Basic Marketing
  • Blacksmith Baker Roofing Sheet Maker
  • Business Arithmetic for Cooperatives and Other Small Businesses
  • The Business Plan
  • The Business Review
  • A Complete Cash Analysis Accounts System for Businessmen
  • Consultancy for Small Businesses
  • Cooperative Accounting 1: Thrift and Credit Cooperatives
  • Cooperative Accounting 2: Consumer Cooperative Societies
  • Cooperative Accounting 3: Marketing Cooperative Societies
  • Cooperative Bookkeeping
  • Cooperative Organization
  • Credit and Savings for Development
  • Developing Small Scale Industries in India
  • Entrepreneur's Handbook
  • Financial Management of a Small Handicraft Business
  • Guidelines for Management Consulting Programs for Small Scale Enterprises
  • A Handbook for Cooperative Fieldworkers in Developing Nations
  • How to Grow a Shop
  • Improve Your Business: Handbook
  • Improve Your Business: Workbook
  • Josbarko Enterprise
  • Managing Time and Personnel
  • Manual for Commercial Analysis of Small Scale Projects
  • The Practice of Entrepreneurship
  • Refugee Enterprise
  • Rural Credit
  • Single Entry Bookkeeping System for Small Scale Manufacturing Businesses
  • Small Business in the Third World
  • Small Business Promotion
  • Small Enterprises in Developing Countries
  • Stock Taking
  • Training Village Entrepreneurs

Local Communications[edit | edit source]

  • Direct link to AT Sourcebook Chapter
  • Communicating with Pictures
  • The Copy Book
  • Experiences in Visual Thinking
  • 57 How to Do It Charts on Materials and Equipment and Techniques for Screen Printing
  • Grass Roots Radio
  • How to Do Leaflets Newsletters and Newspapers
  • Illustrations for Development
  • Low Cost Printing for Development
  • The Low Cost Wooden Duplicator
  • The Organization of the Small Public Library
  • The Photonovel
  • Plain Talk
  • Print: How You Can Do It Yourself
  • Rural Mimeo Newspapers
  • Small Technical Libraries
  • Visual Communication Handbook
  • The StenScreen
  • Visual Literacy in Communication
  • Women and Graphics

Beekeeping[edit | edit source]

  • Direct link to AT Sourcebook Chapter
  • The ABC and XYZ of Bee Culture
  • The Beekeeper's Handbook
  • Beekeeping Guide
  • A Beekeeping Handbook
  • Beekeeping in Rural Development
  • Golden Insect
  • Home Honey Production
  • A Homemade Honey Extractor
  • Making and Using a Solar Wax Melter
  • Plans for a Complete Beekeeping System
  • Small Scale Beekeeping
  • Tropical and SubTropical Apiculture

Small Industries[edit | edit source]

  • Direct link to AT Sourcebook Chapter
  • The Backyard Dairy Book
  • Barbs Prongs Points Prickers and Stickers
  • Basic Sewing Machine Repair
  • Book of Tempeh
  • Cane Sugar
  • Community Canning Centers
  • Dye Plants and Dyeing
  • Dyeing and Printing
  • Environmentally Sound Leather Tanning
  • Glassware Manufacture for Developing Countries
  • Handloom Construction
  • How to Make Soap
  • Introduction to Soapmaking
  • The Kiln Book
  • Making Homemade Soaps and Candles
  • Manual on the Production of Rattan Furniture
  • Medleri Charkha
  • Natural Plant Dyeing
  • The Preparation of Soap
  • Remanufacturing
  • Rural Tanning Techniques
  • The Self Reliant Potter
  • Silkworm Rearing
  • Simple Methods of Candle Manufacture
  • Small Scale Manufacture of Footwear
  • Small Scale Papermaking
  • Small Scale Recycling of Plastics
  • Small Scale Weaving
  • Small Scale Gold Mining
  • Small Scale Mining
  • Small Scale Soapmaking
  • Soap Pilot Plant
  • Stone
  • Tanning of Hides and Skins
  • Traditional Cheesemaking
  • Vegetable Dyeing
  • The Village Texturizer
  • Work from Waste
  • Yay Soybeans!

Disaster Preparedness[edit | edit source]

  • Direct link to AT Sourcebook Chapter
  • Building to Resist the Effect of Wind: Overview
  • Building to Resist the Effect of Wind: Estimation of Extreme Wind Speeds and Guide to the Determination of Wind Forces
  • A Methodological Guide
  • and Architectural Considerations
  • Disaster Mitigation
  • Economic Issues in Housing Reconstruction
  • Emergency Health Management after Natural Disaster
  • Emergency Vector Control after Natural Disaster
  • Environmental Health Management after Natural Disaster
  • Establishing Needs after a Disaster
  • How to Build a House of Modern Adobe
  • Improving Building Skills
  • The Management of Nutritional Emergencies in Large Populations
  • Medical Supply Management after Natural Disaster
  • Minimum Standards for Cyclone Resistant Housing Utilizing Traditional Materials
  • Materials
  • Program Planning Guide
  • Program Planning Options for the Reconstruction of Disaster Resistant Housing
  • Shelter After Disaster
  • Shelter after Disaster: Guidelines for Assistance
  • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Handbook for Emergencies: Field Operations
  • What is a Hurricane?
  • What is a Tidal Wave?
  • Wind Resistant Block Houses
  • Background Reading
FA info icon.svg Angle down icon.svg Page data
Keywords appropriate technology
License CC-BY-SA-4.0
Language English (en)
Related 0 subpages, 341 pages link here
Aliases AT Sourcebook/Part II
Impact 17 page views (more)
Created March 29, 2022 by Irene Delgado
Modified December 9, 2023 by Felipe Schenone
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