Agro logo.jpg Podcast Interview With Two Appropedia Directors

Agroinnovations: "There’s a lot of synergy going in the open source appropriate technology (OSAT) world, and this podcast is a perfect example of that. On the same day that Agroinnovations posted a call for collaborators on the appropedia website, I spoke with Lonny Grafman and Curt Beckmann of this premier open source AT wiki and online community. If you’re interested in OSAT, then THIS is the podcast to listen to. If you’ve never heard of OSAT, then listen and learn." - (editor's note: Chris couldn't be on the call as he is traveling afar.)

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Template:Highlighted project
Main Areas What's Happening
Information aggregated on specific topics e.g. Appropriate technology, Energy, Green living and Water

In-country and academic projects, such as Bathing water project, Madura, Indonesia, 2000 and UTC Solar Distiller

such as Demotech, Practical Action and AIDG
Public education and discourse topics, Subject matter articles, e.g. Photovoltaics and Rainwater
How to:
Step by step instructions, from how to Weld wood, to constructing a Home biogas system

Additional areas:

Coordination / Program / Thesis

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